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Many monitoring programs for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) on both private and public lands across the United States have long relied on the use of road-based spotlight surveys for monitoring population size and trends. Research has suggested spotlight surveys are ineffective and that road-based surveys for deer are biased because of highly variable detection rates. To evaluate variability in detection rates relative to the assumption that repeated surveys along roads will provide reliable trend data for use in calculating deer density estimates, we collected 5 years of thermal-imager and spotlight survey data using a multiple-observer, closed-capture approach. Using a Huggin's closed capture model, data bootstrapping, and variance components analyses, our results suggest that density estimates for white-tailed deer generated from data collected during road-based spotlight surveys are likely not reflective of the standing deer population. Detection probabilities during individual spotlight surveys ranged from 0.00 to 0.80 (median = 0.45) across all surveys, and differed by observer, survey, management unit, and survey transect replicate. Mean spotlight detection probability (0.41) and process standard deviation (0.12) estimates indicated considerable variability across surveys, observers, transects, and years, which precludes the generation of a correction factor or use of spotlight data to evaluate long-term trends at any scale. Although recommended by many state, federal, and non-governmental agencies, our results suggest that the benefit of spotlight survey data for monitoring deer populations is limited and likely represents a waste of resources with no appreciable management information gained. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

We have estimated the number of sika deer, Cervus nippon, in Hokkaido, Japan, with the aim of developing a management program that will reduce the level of agricultural damage caused by these deer. A population index that is defined by the population divided by the population of 1993 is first estimated from the data obtained during a spotlight survey. A generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) with corner point constraints is used in this estimation. We then estimate the population from the index by evaluating the response of index to the known amount of harvest, including hunting. A stage-structured model is used in this harvest-based estimation. It is well-known that estimates of indices suffer from large observation errors when the probability of the observation fluctuates widely; therefore, we apply state-space modeling to the harvest-based estimation to remove the observation errors. We propose the use of Bayesian estimation with uniform prior-distributions as an approximation of the maximum likelihood estimation, without permitting an arbitrary assumption that the parameters fluctuate following prior-distributions. We are able to demonstrate that the harvest-based Bayesian estimation is effective in reducing the observation errors in sika deer populations, but the stage-structured model requires many demographic parameters to be known prior to running the analyses. These parameters cannot be estimated from the observed time-series of the index if there is insufficient data. We then construct a univariate model by simplifying the stage-structured model and show that the simplified model yields estimates that are nearly identical to those obtained from the stage-structured model. This simplification of the model simultaneously clarifies which parameter is important in estimating the population. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   


Monitoring wildlife population trends is essential for resource management and invasive species control, but monitoring data are hard to acquire. Citizen science projects may monitor species occurrence patterns in time and space in a cost-effective way. A systematic management program of exotic wild boar (Sus scrofa) and axis deer (Axis axis) in a protected area of northeastern Argentina (El Palmar National Park) provided a framework for implementing a wildlife monitoring system based on park-affiliated hunters. We assessed the level of agreement between three indices of relative abundance: hunter sightings and camera trapping for wild boar, axis deer, capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), brown brocket deer (Mazama guazoubira), and crab-eating and pampas foxes combined (Cerdocyon thous and (Lycalopex gymnocercus), and catch per unit effort (CPUE) for both exotic ungulates only. Most (74%) hunting parties participated in the monitoring program and contributed to its sustainability. Bland-Altman plots displayed large levels of agreement between methods across species, with larger systematic differences between sighting and camera-trapping indices for native species. Restricting camera-trapping to the same time window as hunter sightings substantially increased the agreement between methods across species. Sighting and CPUE indices revealed similar temporal trends and large variations in spatial patterns between species. Comparison of the number of sighted and killed exotic ungulates indicated that, on average, 17% of wild boar and 75% of axis deer escaped hunters. The three indices were appropriate metrics for management purposes and corroborated the sustained, high-level abundance of axis deer and low numbers of wild boar in recent years.


We investigated the utility of adaptive management (AM) in wildlife management, reviewing our experiences in applying AM to overabundant sika deer (Cervus nippon) populations in Hokkaido, Japan. The management goals of our program were: (1) to maintain the population at moderate density levels preventing population irruption, (2) to reduce damage to crops and forests, and (3) to sustain a moderate yield of hunting without endangering the population. Because of significant uncertainty in biological and environmental parameters, we designed a “feedback” management program based on controlling hunting pressure. Three threshold levels of relative population size and four levels of hunting pressure were configured, with a choice of four corresponding management actions. Under this program, the Hokkaido Government has been promoting aggressive female culling to reduce the sika deer population since 1998. We devised a harvest-based estimation for population size using relative population size and the number of deer harvested, and found that the 1993 population size (originally estimated by extrapolation of aerial surveys) had been underestimated. To reduce observation errors, a harvest-based Bayesian estimation was developed and the 1993 population estimate was again revised. Analyses of population trends and harvest data demonstrate that hunting is an important large-scale experiment to obtain reliable estimation of population size. A serious side effect of hunting on sika deer was inadvertent lead poisoning of large birds of prey. The prohibition of the use of lead bullets by the Hokkaido Government was successful in reducing the lead poisoning, but the problem still remains. Two case studies on sika population irruption show that the densities set by maximum sustainable yield may be too high to prevent damage to agriculture, forestry, and/or ecosystems. Threshold management based on feedback control is better for ecosystem management. Since volunteer hunters favor higher hunting efficiency in resource management (e.g., venison), it is necessary to support the development of professional hunters for culling operations for ecosystem management, where lower densities of deer should be set for target areas. Hunting as resource management and culling for ecosystem management should be synergistically combined under AM.  相似文献   

Monitoring annual change and long-term trends in population structure and abundance of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) is an important but challenging component of their management. Many monitoring programs consist of count-based indices of relative abundance along with a variety of population structure information. Analyzed separately these data can be difficult to interpret because of observation error in the data collection process, missing data, and the lack of an explicit biological model to connect the data streams while accounting for their relative imprecision. We used a Bayesian age-structured integrated population model to integrate data from a fall spotlight survey that produced a count-based index of relative abundance and a volunteer staff and citizen classification survey that generated a fall recruitment index. Both surveys took place from 2003–2018 in the parkland ecoregion of southeast Saskatchewan, Canada. Our approach modeled demographic processes for age-specific (0.5-, 1.5-, ≥2.5-year-old classes) populations and was fit to count and recruitment data via models that allowed for error in the respective observation processes. The Bayesian framework accommodated missing data and allowed aggregation of transects to act as samples from the larger management unit population. The approach provides managers with continuous time series of estimated relative abundance, recruitment rates, and apparent survival rates with full propagation of uncertainty and sharing of information among transects. We used this model to demonstrate winter severity effects on recruitment rates via an interaction between winter snow depth and minimum temperatures. In years with colder than average temperatures and above average snow depth, recruitment was depressed, whereas the negative effect of snow depth reversed in years with above average temperatures. This and other covariate information can be incorporated into the model to test relationships and provide predictions of future population change prior to setting of hunting seasons. Likewise, post hoc analysis of model output allows other hypothesis tests, such as determining the statistical support for whether population status has crossed a management trigger threshold. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Cameras have been used throughout the world to estimate wildlife abundance and occupancy. Abundance estimates generated by camera surveys tend to be less invasive, less costly, and more accurate than other means in certain situations. We sought to expand and test the effectiveness of camera surveys on sika deer in Maryland. In 2008, we setup surveys with a 7-day pre-bait period followed by a 7-day active camera survey with 15 cameras. In 2009, we ran the cameras for the entire 14-day survey and moved cameras after each survey to determine if biases occur when using the same camera sites. During both years and all surveys, camera density was approximately 1-camera/65-ha. The abundance estimates were similar between years and estimators. In 2009, increasing photo intervals from 1-min to 5- and 10-min intervals reduced the number of pictures by 66 and 81%, respectively, while providing similar abundance estimates. We calculated the daily detection probabilities for all identifiable deer and we used radio-collared males that occurred within 2 km of the survey grid to assist in determining the optimum survey length. Detection probability did not vary between surveys in the same year, but varied between 2008 and 2009, most likely due to unlimited bait being available during 2008 surveys. Camera surveys have proven to be an accurate and cost effective means of estimating wildlife abundance and can be used successfully to determine sika deer abundance.  相似文献   

Records of official deer control operations in the Kaweka Range between 1958 and 1988 have been used to describe the pattern of official hunting, to indicate changes in hunting efficiency, and to show trends in the proportions of sika and red deer in sympatric populations. The pattern of hunting largely reflected wild animal control priorities, and to some extent the resources available. Whereas hunting effort was concentrated in Block 1 (of three) during the 1960s to protect catchment values, changes in the rationale for wild animal control and the efforts of commercial and recreational hunters in the more accessible areas led to a more even spread of the hunting effort from the early 1970s. Hunting efficiency also varied between the three h unting blocks, probably reflecting differences in the ease with which particular habitats could be hunted. A decline in hunting efficiency over the study period was interpreted as an overall decrease in the density of the deer population. The proportion of sika among the deer shot in the Kaweka Range has increased steadily from about 10-20% in the early 1960s to 70% in 1987-88. A competitive advantage over red deer because of their different digestive physiology is suggested as the main reason. The most rapid increases in the proportion of sika were associated with two Peaks in commercial venison and live-capture operations that concentrated on red deer, indicating that commercial hunting has also been a factor. It is likely that sika will continue icreasing in proportion to red deer in areas already inhabited. In addition, sika will probably continue to disperse into new areas as they competitively displace red deer.  相似文献   

In Bimini, Bahamas, the consistent employment of longlines, beginning in 1982, provided a rare opportunity to explore population trends for large resident sharks. This study assessed three shallow water longline survey periods at this location; 1982–1989, 1992–2002 and 2003–2014, with the aim of determining trends in annual catch per unit effort (CPUE) for an IUCN listed near‐threatened species, the lemon shark Negaprion brevirostris. A general additive model (GAM) was used to analyse the non‐linear annual CPUE values over the entire 32‐year research period. The GAM displayed high variability of annual CPUE, with a peak value of 0·026 N. brevirostris per hook day (hooks day?1) in 2000. The temporal pattern of CPUE indicated an abundance trend with a complete cycle, from trough to trough, occurring over a period of approximately 18 years. The 1982–1989 survey period saw the highest proportion of mature individuals (19·8%) and the smallest average pre‐caudal length (LPC; 124·8 cm). The 1992–2002 survey period had the highest average annual CPUE (0·018 hooks day?1), while the 2003–2014 research period saw largest average LPC size (134·8 cm) and the lowest average CPUE values (0·009 hooks day?1) of the entire research period. The long‐term trend identified in this study provides a baseline for future assessment.  相似文献   

Spotlight surveys for white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) can yield large presence-only datasets applicable to a variety of resource selection modeling procedures. By understanding how populations distribute according to a given resource for a reference area, density and abundance can be predicted across new areas assuming the relationship between habitat quality (measured by an index of selection) and species distribution are equivalent. Habitat-based density estimators have been applied to wildlife species and are useful for addressing conservation and management concerns. Although achieving reliable population estimates is a primary goal for spotlighting studies, presence-only models have yet to be applied to spotlight data for estimating habitat selection and abundance for deer. From 2012 to 2017, we conducted spring spotlight surveys in each of 99 counties in Iowa, USA, and collected spatial locations for 20,149 groups of deer (n = 71,323 individuals). We used a resource selection function (RSF) based on deer locations to predict the relative probability of use for deer at the population level and to estimate statewide abundance. The number of deer observed statewide increased significantly with increasing RSF value for all years and the mean RSF value along survey transects explained 59% of the variability in county-level deer counts, indicating that a functional response between habitat quality and deer distribution existed at landscape scales. We applied our RSF to a habitat-based density estimator (extrapolation) and zero-inflated Poisson (ZIP) and negative binomial (ZINB) count models to predict statewide abundance from spotlight counts. Population estimates for 2012 were variable, indicating that atypical weather conditions may affect spotlight counts and population estimates in some years. For 2013–2017, we predicted a mean population of 439,129 (95% CI ∼ ± 55,926), 440,360 (∼ ± 43,676), and 465,959 (∼ ± 51,242) deer across years for extrapolation, ZIP, and ZINB models, respectively. Estimates from all models were not significantly different than estimates from an existing deer population accounting model in Iowa for 2013 and 2016, and differed by <76,000 deer for all models from 2013–2017. Extrapolation and ZIP models performed similarly and differed by <2,897 deer across all years, whereas ZINB models showed inconsistencies in model convergence and precision of estimates. Our results indicate that presence-only models are capable of producing reliable and precise estimates of resource selection and abundance for deer at broad landscape scales in Iowa and provide a tool for estimating deer abundance in a spatially explicit manner. © 2019 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Exotic ungulates are among the top global invasive mammals and a threat to biodiversity. Axis deer (Axis axis) and wild boar (Sus scrofa) are of increasing concern in multiple regions. A management program reduced wild boar abundance and soil damage below target levels through controlled still shooting from watchtowers and dog-hunting performed by recreational hunters at El Palmar National Park, Argentina. Here we assess program impacts on axis deer over a 10-year period in which 2380 deer were dispatched, and document two largely unexpected outcomes: increasing axis deer abundance toward a plateau, and a strong inverse correlation between deer and wild boar numbers. Unlike the initial steep decline and subsequent stabilization of wild boar, deer abundance indexed by standardized catch-per-unit-effort increased at 37.6% per year over 0–5 years post-intervention (YPI) and stabilized from 7 YPI on when still-shooting effort averaged 948 hunting party-hours per quarter. Deer catch was non-linearly related to still-shooting effort. Timing of deer and boar catches did not differ significantly regardless of sex, season and YPI. Catch-per-unit-effort indices and nightly spotlight deer counts showed similarly increasing trends. The fraction of older adult deer declined over 0–4 YPI and remained stable thereafter. Sex ratios were consistently skewed toward males only among older adults. Failure to reduce deer abundance may be explained by several major processes: protracted exponential growth of the deer population after park invasion; deer regional expansion with increasing immigration; insufficient sex- and stage-biased hunting mortality, and competitor (and perhaps predator) release from wild boar.  相似文献   

Chen J  Thompson ME  Wu C 《Biometrics》2004,60(1):116-123
The fish abundance index over an ocean region is defined here to be the integral of expected catch per unit effort (CPUE), approximated by the sum of expected CPUE over grid squares. When trawl surveys are done within grid squares selected according to a probability sampling design, several other sources of variation such as the fish population dynamics and the catching process are also involved. In such situations model-assisted methods for estimating abundance, assessed under both design and model perspectives, have some advantages over purely design-based methods such as the Horvitz-Thompson (HT) estimator or purely model-based prediction approaches. This article develops model-assisted empirical likelihood (EL) methods via loglinear regression and nonparametric smoothing. The methods are applied to grid surveys of the Grand Bank region carried out annually by Fishery Products International from 1996 through 2002. The HT and EL methods produce similar point estimates of abundance indices. Simulation results, however, indicate that the EL estimator under local linear smoothing is associated with smaller standard errors.  相似文献   

In southern Kantoh, Japanese sika deer (Cervus nippon) are distributed discontinuously due to large urban areas and developed road networks. To assess the impact of habitat fragmentation on sika deer subpopulations, we examined mitochondrial D-loop sequences from 435 individuals throughout southern Kantoh. About 13 haplotypes were detected, and their distributions revealed spatial genetic structure. Significant genetic differentiation was observed among seven of eight subpopulations. We found no significant correlation between pairwise F ST and geographical distance among subpopulations. Genetic diversity indices suggested that seven of eight subpopulations had probably experienced population bottlenecks in the recent past. Therefore, and in the light of the results of a nested clade analysis of these haplotypes, we conclude that recent fluctuations in population size and the interruption of gene flow due to past and present habitat fragmentation have played major roles influencing the spatial genetic structure of the sika deer population. This is the first evidence of spatial genetic population structure in the highly fragmented sika deer population in Honshu, Japan.  相似文献   

At the landscape scale, localised culling is often conducted to achieve various deer management aims. However, few studies have assessed the effects of localised culling on deer population dynamics, owing to the spatially and temporally insufficient datasets of deer abundance that are derived from limited survey efforts. In this study, we estimated the population dynamics of a sika deer (Cervus nippon) population in the Tanzawa Mountains, central Japan, by Bayesian state-space modelling using spatiotemporally insufficient abundance indices and evaluated the effects of unit-specific culls on subsequent density changes in 56 units. The responses of deer density to unit-specific culls differed greatly among units, and a very weak correlation was observed between the intensities of unit-specific culls and the reduction in density. Deer populations in some units tended to resist density decreases despite high culling pressure, whereas those in other units were susceptible to density decreases with little to no culling pressure. Because the spatial scales of each unit were relatively small, annual density changes in each unit were largely influenced by deer movement in this estimation. The obscured effects of unit-specific culls, which were probably derived from deer movement among units in this case study, re-emphasized that deer migration should be incorporated into the planning of localised culling and that deer management should be coordinated over a wide area beyond landscape components and landownerships. Thus, we conclude that Bayesian state-space modelling is valuable for practical deer management programs at a large spatial scale even if different abundance indices are used.  相似文献   

We analyzed seasonal and sexual fluctuations in kidney mass (KM) and kidney fat mass (KFM) as indices of condition in Hokkaido sika deerCervus nippon yesoensis Heude, 1884. For 76 male and 132 female sika deer, seasonal fluctuations in KM and KFM were given by fitted sine wave growth curves. Although the kidney fat index (KFI) is used frequently to evaluate animal condition, we reject it because it is based on the assumption that kidney mass is proportional to body mass in all seasons. Our data did not support this assumption. KFM is a better indicator of Hokkaido sika deer condition than KFI. Although sex-based differences in cervid KFM are said to reflect differences in reproductive cycles, the seasonal similarities in sika deer KFM levels may represent adaptations to the long severe Hokkaido winter. Because in our study deer populations were at low densities and had high pregnancy rates, our sine wave growth models can be regarded as reference for fat level fluctuations in Hokkaido sika deer.  相似文献   

Hybridization and backcrossing of native populations with introduced species can lead to introgression and genetic alteration. In this study, we evaluated introgression in 43 deer from a potential hybrid zone around Okinoshima Island, Kinki District, Japan. This region witnessed the migration of a hybrid population (cross between the Formosan sika deer [Cervus nippon taiouanus] and other deer species) that could potentially breed with the native Japanese sika deer (C. n. centralis). We used an existing genetic marker for the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and two novel markers for nuclear DNA, developed using publicly available next‐generation sequencing data. We identified one mainland deer with a mitochondrial haplotype identical to that of the Formosan sika deer as well as nuclear heterozygous sequences identical to those of Formosan and Japanese sika deer. This suggests that the mainland deer is a hybrid offspring of the Okinoshima population and native deer. However, only Japanese sika deer sequences were found in the other 42 samples, indicating limited introgression. Nevertheless, hybridization pre‐ and postintroduction in the Okinoshima population could cause multispecies introgression among Japanese sika deer, negatively affecting genetic integrity. We developed a simple test based on polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism to detect introgression in natural populations. Our method can accelerate genetic monitoring of Japanese sika deer in Kinki District. In conclusion, to prevent further introgression and maintain genetic integrity of Japanese sika deer, we recommend establishing fences around Okinoshima Island to limit migration, besides a continued genetic monitoring of the native deer.  相似文献   

The increasing Yezo sika deer (Cervus nippon yesoensis) population is creating a large problem. Yezo sika deer are an important blood meal source, and these deer contribute to the maintenance of tick populations. Theileria spp. infections in Yezo sika deer and T. orientalis infections in cows occur at high frequencies, and the same tick species infests both deer and cows. Therefore, a specific detection method to identify deer Theileria spp. is important. In this study, we establish a novel molecular detection method for identifying Theileria spp. from deer and tick samples using loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP). This method targets a metalloprotease/cell division cycle protein gene homologue. Our LAMP protocol was able to detect deer Theileria and did not show cross reactivity with other closely related protozoan parasites, including T. orientalis. The LAMP method showed sensitivity and specificity equivalent to those of nested PCR performed on the same field samples from deer and ticks. These results demonstrate the applicability of LAMP to field surveys in which the detection of deer Theileria spp. is required. In conclusion, due to its simplicity, specificity, and reliability, we suggest our LAMP protocol as an appropriate method for routine surveys to detect Yezo sika deer and ticks infected with deer Theileria spp. parasites. Additionally, this LAMP method offers great promise as a useful tool to distinguish Yezo sika deer Theileria from related Theileria parasites present in livestock.  相似文献   

闽南-台湾浅滩渔场二长棘鲷群体景观多样性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据1998年7月到2000年6月闽南-台湾浅滩渔场开展二长棘鲷资源的专项调查资料,以各个渔区CPUE(Catch Per Unit Effort)及其到渔场重心距离为参数,构建基于渔场重心动能的景观要素,运用景观多样性,并结合因子分析,分析了二长棘鲷群体景观多样性的空间格局及其与海洋环境因子之间的关系,探究了种群空间分布格局与生态过程之间的相互作用关系,旨在揭示闽南-台湾浅滩渔场二长棘鲷的生态境况及空间变异特征,为从生态水平上合理综合利用二长棘鲷渔业资源提供新的依据。结果表明:(1)不同月份鱼群的分布特征差别明显,8月鱼群分布范围最广,11月鱼群分布最为均匀,2月和12月鱼群分布最集中,而9月鱼群占据渔场空间能力最强;(2)不同群体之间具有不同分布特征,生殖群体分布范围最小,且最集中,其占据渔场空间能力最弱,幼鱼群体分布范围小,且相对均匀,其占据渔场空间能力强,索饵群体分布范围最广,且较均匀,鱼群分散索饵,其占据渔场空间能力最强,而9—11月群体平均分布范围较广,且最均匀,其占据渔场空间能力较弱;(3)鱼群综合景观指数是具空间结构的CPUE指数,从生态水平上反映了鱼群CPUE,其排名依次为8月、6月、7月、9月、10月、11月、5月、1月、4月、3月、2月、12月;(4)多样性指数、均匀度指数和优势度指数指示的生态学意义分别为鱼群的分布范围、均匀程度和鱼群空间竞争能力,其中多样性指数和均匀度指数呈正相关;(5)水温是影响鱼群景观均匀度的主要因子,索饵是增加鱼群景观多样性和优势度的主要因子,而生殖因子则降低鱼群景观多样性和优势度,水温、索饵和生殖是二长棘鲷群体景观格局变化的主要驱动因素。  相似文献   

Understanding herbivore foraging behaviour is often limited by not knowing the palatability of food items. Electivity indices can overcome this challenge by relating the consumption of food items to their relative abundance in the environment. We compare eight widely used electivity indices to relate the level of consumption of 48 food items in the rumen contents of 402 red deer Cervus elaphus in New Zealand to the environmental availability of food items. Additionally, we derive a field-based index of palatability from observed browse damage recorded during vegetation surveys at our site. Electivity indices were positively correlated with each other and with the browse survey index, which was also positively correlated with electivity indices from other studies. Thus, the choice of electivity index is unimportant when making comparisons of relative palatability among food items. Our analyses suggest that quantitative measures of palatability may be reliably inferred from observed browse damage in the field, which is quicker and less destructive to estimate than electivity indices. As a result, we demonstrate a useful technique for predicting herbivore diet selection.  相似文献   

Culling large herbivores can reduce browsing damage. Our objective was to verify the effect of culling by considering spatial changes in browsing damage to test the hypothesis that the benefits of spatially biased culling extend to the spatial scale of culling. Culling sika deer (Cervus nippon) in Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan, increased from 2009–2017, but browsing damage remained stable across the prefecture; regional damage trends differed among grid meshes (i.e., 5 km × 5 km). Meshes with browsing damage reduction received higher culling pressure and a decline in the deer population. Browsing damage reduction from culling was not uniform across regions and was biased by spatial bias in culling. This study highlights the importance of spatial scale in large herbivore management and evaluation of its effect.  相似文献   

Measurement error of explanatory variables used in sightability models can result in biased population estimates and associated measures of precision. We developed a Monte Carlo simulation procedure that can be implemented within the sightability model framework when measurement error is present. Additionally, we developed simulation and sample survey methods, for determining the optimal allocation of survey effort to maximize precision of population estimates for a fixed survey cost, when a complete survey of a study area is not feasible. We used data from aerial surveys of elk during 2004–2006 in Michigan to demonstrate the application of these techniques. By accounting for measurement error and applying appropriate survey design practices, managers employing sightability models may be able to generate more accurate and cost-effective population estimates and accompanying measures of precision than is possible if these techniques are ignored. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

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