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During meiotic prophase homologous chromosomes find each other and pair. Then they synapse, as the linear protein core (axial element or lateral element) of each homologous chromosome is joined together by a transverse central element, forming the tripartite synaptonemal complex (SC). Ten uncloned Zea mays mutants in our collection were surveyed by transmission electron microscopy by making silver-stained spreads of SCs to identify mutants with non-homologous synapsis or improper synapsis. To analyse the mutants further, zyp1, the maize orthologue of the Arabidopsis central element component ZYP1 was cloned and an antibody was made against it. Using antibodies against ZYP1 and the lateral element components AFD1 and ASY1, it was found that most mutants form normal SCs but are defective in pairing. The large number of non-homologous synapsis mutants defective in pairing illustrates that synapsis and pairing can be uncoupled. Of the ten mutants studied, only dsy2 undergoes normal homologous chromosome recognition needed for homologous pairing. The dsy2 mutation fails to maintain the SC. ZYP1 elongation is blocked at zygotene, and only dots of ZYP1 are seen at prophase I. Another mutant, mei*N2415 showed incomplete but homologous synapsis and ASY1 and AFD1 have a normal distribution. Although installation of ZYP1 is initiated at zygotene, its progression is slowed down and not completed by pachytene in some cells and ZYP1 is not retained on pachytene chromosomes. The mutants described here are now available through the Maize Genetics Cooperation Stock Center (http://maizecoop.cropsci.uiuc.edu/).  相似文献   

The linkage relationship and chromosomal locations of the major histocompatibility (B) complex and nucleolar organizers (18S + 28S ribosomal RNA genes) were studied in normal and aneuploid chickens. The Balloantigens were defined by hemagglutination, using monospecific alloantisera. A chicken having three B haplotypes was detected and used in test matings to normal disomic chickens. Additional cases of birds having three different haplotypes were generated in the progeny of such matings. Analysis of the segregation patterns of B haplotypes suggested that the chickens with an additional haplotype were trisomics. Chickens having three B haplotypes also displayed a maximum of three nucleoli in somatic cells instead of the normal two nucleoli of diploids. This indicated the presence of an additional nucleolus organizing region (NOR). Cytogenetic and cytochemical studies were performed on cells of normal and putative trisomic chickens. All chickens displayed a normal array of chromosomes for pairs 1 through 9. Silver staining differentiated Ag-NORs on the long arms of two and three microchromosomes in disomic and trisomic types, respectively. Viable tetrasomic chickens, produced from inter se matings of trisomics, displayed four nucleoli and four Ag-NORs in somatic cell preparations. These results indicate that the DNA sequences encoding the B histocompatibility antigens and the 18S + 28S ribosomal RNAs are linked on an acrocentric microchromosome in the domestic chicken.  相似文献   

In some populations of the grasshopper Keyacris scurra, there are many individuals heterozygous for centromere position polymorphisms. From a consideration of chiasma positions these are almost certainly due to pericentric inversions. In this species, as in other grasshoppers, the deleterious effects of chiasmata within these heterozygous regions are avoided by non-homologous, straight pairing. Reconstruction of synaptonemal complexes from two adjacent pachytene nuclei in an individual heterozygous for centromere position (telo/metacentric) on the second longest (CD) bivalent by electron microscopy of serial sections allowed the identification of all the bivalents. The centromeres were identified by characteristic densestaining material. The synaptonemal complex was found to form straight through the heteromorphic region, including both centromere positions. The pairing was clearly non-homologous at these asymmetrical centromere positions, and probably therefore, in the presumably inverted region between them. This regular non-homologous pairing explains why chiasmata never form in the heterozygous region, but does not conclusively prove that the rearrangement is an inversion rather than a centric transposition.  相似文献   

M. P. Maguire 《Genetica》1989,79(2):129-132
Study of successful crossover pairing and chiasma formation is informatively extended to a very short translocated segment. Contrary to previous suggestion it now seems likely that the extreme distal region of the long arm of maize chromosome 1 is not deficient in intrinsic capacity for the initiation of crossover pairing. In addition, chiasmata formed in this short region appear to be efficiently maintained.  相似文献   

Kleckner N 《Chromosoma》2006,115(3):175-194
Meiotic recombination proceeds in biochemical complexes that are physically associated with underlying chromosome structural axes. In this study, we discuss the organizational basis for these axes, the timing and nature of recombinosome/axis organization with respect to the prophase program of DNA and to structural changes, and the possible significance of axis organization. Furthermore, we discuss implications and extensions of our recently proposed mechanical model for chiasma formation. Finally, we give a broader consideration to past and present models for the role of the synaptonemal complex.  相似文献   

AgNOR staining technique was tested in ovarian epithelial tumors to evaluate its diagnostic potential in distinguishing between borderline tumors and well-differentiated carcinomas. In our opinion, the AgNOR count appears useful for assessing differences only between borderline and well-differentiated serous ovarian tumors at stage I of FIGO clinical advancement.  相似文献   

The one-step silver technique was applied to semithin Lowicryl sections of root meristem cells of Allium cepa and a human tumor cell line (TG cells). In vegetal cells, after 5 min of staining reaction, the Ag-NOR proteins formed ring-shaped structures peripherally within the nucleolus. In animal cells silver granules were distributed over the entire nucleolus. The specificity of the staining reaction was increased by incubation of the sections in NH4Cl and Schiff's reagent prior to Ag-NOR silver staining.  相似文献   

The well-know technique of silver staining of the nucleolar organizer (Ag-NOR) is improved in contrast, selectivity and speed when performed with microwave irradiation. The Ag-NOR technique is a very useful tool for studies on the functional morphology and molecular architecture of the nucleolus, and is reputed to be one of the best techniques for diagnosis and prognosis of cancer lesions. To test the generality of the enhancing effects. our study has involved the use of both mammalian and plant cells. Two steps in the process are improved quantitatively by microwave irradiation: fixation and staining itself. Fixation with the ethanol-based reagent, Kryofix, for 3 min in the microwave oven, resulted in good structural preservation at the optical level, and enhanced the contrast and selectivity of silver staining. On the contrary, we found that neither glutaraldehyde fixation, nor a treatment of sections with Carnoy's solution, improved Ag-NOR staining. After an analysis of the effects of the different substances involved in sample preparation, we conclude that ethanol is an essential factor for fixation for nucleolar staining, particularly if aldehydes are eliminated from fixative solutions. The process of staining was performed with a drop of staining solution on a semithin section of plastic-embedded tissue intthe microwave oven for 1 min. Staining under these conditions always improved the visualization of nucleoli, regardless of the fixation procedure. Therefore, microwave irradiation at both steps is recommended for giving the best results. Microwave irradiation probably enhances fixation by controlled heat, whereas the increase in reactivity of the staining solution is a direct effect by the microwaves on the silver ions themselves. We used this method to study nucleolar materials during mitosis in proliferating plant cells. Current applications of Ag-NOR staining can be improved with this technical modification.  相似文献   

Nucleolus-associated bodies (NABs) have long been noted in interphase nuclei of a wide variety of plant species. We have recently shown that these bodies consist largely of snRNPs and that they are located on the nucleolar surface in the immediate vicinity of the nucleolar organizer tracks. The present study revealed that, following exposure of roots to KCN, an agent that induces nucleolar segregation, NABs were intimately associated with intranucleolar chromatin. Although immunocytochemical tests with anti-DNA indicated that NABs contained no demonstrable amounts of DNA, our observations nevertheless add further support to the notion that these bodies are somehow related to the nucleolar chromosomes.  相似文献   

A cytological comparative analysis of male meiocytes was performed for Arabidopsis wild type and the ahp2 (hop2) mutant with emphasis on ahp2’s largely uncharacterized prophase I. Leptotene progression appeared normal in ahp2 meiocytes; chromosomes exhibited regular axis formation and assumed a typical polarized nuclear organization. In contrast, 4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole-stained ahp2 pachytene chromosome spreads demonstrated a severe reduction in stabilized pairing. However, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis of sections from meiocytes revealed that ahp2 chromosome axes underwent significant amounts of close alignment (44% of total axis). This apparent paradox strongly suggests that the Ahp2 protein is involved in the stabilization of homologous chromosome close alignment. Fluorescent in situ hybridization in combination with Zyp1 immunostaining revealed that ahp2 mutants undergo homologous synapsis of the nucleolus-organizer-region-bearing short arms of chromosomes 2 and 4, despite the otherwise “nucleus-wide” lack of stabilized pairing. The duration of ahp2 zygotene was significantly prolonged and is most likely due to difficulties in chromosome alignment stabilization and subsequent synaptonemal complex formation. Ahp2 and Mnd1 proteins have previously been shown, “in vitro,” to form a heterodimer. Here we show, “in situ,” that the Ahp2 and Mnd1 proteins are synchronous in their appearance and disappearance from meiotic chromosomes. Both the Ahp2 and Mnd1 proteins localize along the chromosomal axis. However, localization of the Ahp2 protein was entirely foci-based whereas Mnd1 protein exhibited an immunostaining pattern with some foci along the axis and a diffuse staining for the rest of the chromosome.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of the synaptonemal complex in three species of grasshopper: Chorthippus bicolor, Oedipoda coerulescens and Paracinema bicolor. In all three cases the development seems similar. A typical synaptonemal complex is observed during pachytene. Diplotene bivalents show a low density material associated with the chromatin and during first metaphase the beginnings of polycomplex formations are seen. Well organized polycomplexes can be recognized from first anaphase to early spermatids. The elements of the polycomplexes, as well as elements of the synaptonemal complex, show themselves to be positive after preferential staining for ribonucleoproteins. Polycomplexes observed after spreading and positive staining present similar characteristics to those observed after sectioning.This paper is dedicated to the memory of W. Bernhard for his contribution to the knowledge of the cell nucleus  相似文献   

Normal synaptonemal complexes have been found in haploid barley meiotic prophase at stages equivalent to pachytene in diploids. Reconstructions of serially sectioned nuclei have shown that up to 60% of the haploid chromosomes may pair in either intra- or interchromosomal associations. The extent and nature of the synaptonemal complex formation suggest that the chromosome pairing is non-homologous. From the virtual absence of chiasmata in metaphase I stages of the haploids it is inferred that crossing over requires a more precise DNA alignment than is provided by synaptonemal complex formation alone.  相似文献   

Nucleolar organizer region (NOR) silver staining was applied to sections of fixed material. A positive reaction on cryo-ultrathin sections was found as well as on semithin and ultrathin Lowicryl sections. Repeatable staining that was easy to control was obtained by a one-step procedure after aldehyde-Carnoy fixation. Fixation of the material by formaldehyde and glutaraldehyde alone in cacodylate buffer also maintained reaction selectivity when ammonium chloride was used after fixation. Enzymatic digestion by pronase, RNase A, DNase I, or micrococcal nuclease was applied to ultrathin Lowicryl sections. Pronase digestion removed the silver-stained proteins, whereas digestion by the nucleases did not. A routine procedure is proposed for easy NOR silver staining of sections that preserves a good tissue ultrastructure and is also compatible with cytochemical and immunological investigations.  相似文献   

The effects of the phytohormones 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and 24-epibrassinolide (EB) on the nucleolar sizes in the interphase nuclei of root meristem were studied using the silver-staining procedure in wheat species with different ploidy levels (a polyploid series). In addition, the effects of the phytohormones on the cell mitotic activity in the roots of 5-day-old seedlings were studied. The higher the wheat species ploidy level, the higher its sensitivities to BAP and EB were. In diploid wheat, the maximum increase in the nucleolar organizing region (NOR) activity was observed after treatment with considerably higher phytohormone concentrations compared to tetra- and hexaploid wheat species. The phytohormone treatment increased both the sizes and the number of nucleoli in meristematic cells of seedling roots in all wheat species studied. It was assumed that the differences between the responses of wheat species with three different ploidy levels to different concentrations of phytohormones were related to their effects on the methylation/demethylation of cytosine residues in the rDNA promoter region.  相似文献   

The recA protein promotes the formation and processing of joint molecules of homologous double- and single-stranded DNAs in vitro. Under a set of specified conditions, we found that the substitution of a single amino acid in the recA protein (recA430 mutation) depresses its activity for the homologous pairing to about 1/100 of that by the wild type protein when compared by the rate for the first 2-3 min of the reaction, but that the mutation only slightly, if at all, affects its ability to bind progressively to double-stranded DNA to unwind the double helix ("processive unwinding"). This is in striking contrast to an anti-recA protein monoclonal IgG, ARM193, which severely inhibits the processive unwinding but not the homologous pairing, providing further support for our conclusion that the homologous pairing and processive unwinding are functionally independent of each other. Antibody ARM193 caused the breakdown of spontaneously formed filaments of the recA protein, but the recA430 mutation did not affect the self-polymerization of the protein. The recA430 protein was apparently proficient in the functional binding to a single-stranded DNA and in the hydrolysis of ATP. However, we found that under the above conditions the mutant protein was defective as to homology-independent conjunction of DNA molecules to form a "ternary complex" (of macromolecules). These results suggest that (i) only one DNA-binding site is sufficient for the recA protein to promote the processive unwinding (the ability of the protein to form spontaneous filaments is closely related to this process) and that (ii) two DNA-binding sites on each of the recA polypeptides or those composed of a dimer (or oligomer) of the polypeptide are required for the recA protein to promote both the conjunction of parental DNA molecules and the homologous pairing (the ability to form the spontaneous filaments is not essential to this process). (iii) The simultaneous inactivation of the activity to promote the homologous pairing and that to form the ternary complex by the single substitution of the amino acid provides a physical support for the conclusion that the ternary complex is an indispensable intermediate in the homologous pairing.  相似文献   

Aedes aegypti spermatocytes were reconstructed from electron micrographs. The species has tight somatic pairing of the chromosomes, and there are therefore no classical leptotene and zygotene stages, but rather a gradual transition from somatic pairing to meiotic pairing (= pachytene). The term prepachytene has been used for the transitory stage. The first visible sign of impending meiosis was a reorganization of the chromatin, which resulted in the formation of spaces (synaptic spaces) in the chromatin, about the width of the synaptonemal complexes (SCs). Diffuse material, possibly precursor material for the SC, was present in the spaces. Later short pieces of complex were formed throughout the nucleus. Late prepachytene, pachytene, and diplotene complexes were reconstructed. Each chromosome occupied a separate region of the nucleus. The complexes became progressively shorter from prepachytene (maximum complement length 289 m) to diplotene (175 m). The thickness of the SCs increased from prepachytene to pachytene and probably decreased again during diplotene. At the beginning of diplotene the lateral elements (LEs) separated, and the single LEs became two to three times thicker than the LEs of the SC. The centromeres were at all stages attached to the nuclear membrane, whereas the telomeres were free in the nucleoplasm during pachytene and diplotene. A heterochromatic marker was present on chromosome 1 near the sex determining locus, and a diffuse marker on chromosome 3 near the nucleolus organizer region. After breakdown of the complexes, polycomplexes were present in the nucleus.  相似文献   

Variation in the number and chromosomal location of nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) was studied in the house mouse, Mus musculus (2n=40). From an origin in Western Asia, this species colonized the Middle East, Europe and Asia. This expansion was accompanied by diversification into five subspecies. NOR diversity was revealed by fluorescence in situ hybridization using 18S and 28S probes on specimens spanning Asia to Western Europe. The results showed that the house mouse genome possessed a large number of NOR-bearing autosomes and a surprisingly high rate of polymorphism for the presence/absence of rRNA genes on all these chromosomes. All NOR sites were adjacent to the centromere except for two that were telomeric. Subspecific differentiation established from the NOR frequency data was concordant with the overall pattern of radiation proposed from molecular studies, but highlighted several discrepancies that need to be further addressed. NOR diversity in M. musculus consisted of a large number of polymorphic NORs that were common to at least two subspecies, and a smaller number of NORs that were unique to one subspecies. The most parsimonious scenario argues in favor of a subspecific differentiation by lineage sorting of ancestral NOR polymorphisms; only the unique NORs would have appeared by inter-chromosomal transposition, except for the two telomeric ones that may have originated by hybridization with another species. Such a scenario provides an alternative view from the one prevailing in most systematic and phylogenetic analyses that NORs have a high transposition rate due to concerted evolution of rRNA genes.  相似文献   

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