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I K Hariharan  R W Carthew  G M Rubin 《Cell》1991,67(4):717-722
Roughened is a dominant mutation of D. melanogaster that disrupts eye development. The majority of the ommatidia in the adult eye lack a single photoreceptor cell, which is most commonly the R7 cell. The Roughened mutation disrupts the early stages of photoreceptor cell determination. Roughened is a dominant gain-of-function mutation that results from a single amino acid change (Phe157 to Leu) in the Drosophila Rap1 protein. Loss of function Rap1 mutations are lethal. Drosophila Rap1 protein is 88% identical to human rap1A/K-rev1 protein, a putative antagonist of ras action.  相似文献   

This article describes a new recessive insertional mutation in the transgenic line TgN2742Rpw that causes deafness and circling behavior in mice. Histologic analysis revealed virtually complete loss of the cochlear neuroepithelium (the organ of Corti) in adult mutant mice. In association with the neuroepithelial changes, there is a dramatic reduction of the cochlear nerve supply. Adult mutants also show morphological defects of the vestibular apparatus, including degeneration of the saccular neuroepithelium and occasional malformation of utricular otoconia. Audiometric evaluations demonstrated that the mice displaying the circling phenotype are completely deaf. Molecular analysis of this mutant line revealed that the transgenic insertion occurred without creating a large deletion of the host DNA sequences. The mutant locus was mapped to a region on mouse chromosome 10, where other spontaneous, recessive mutations causing deafness in mice have been mapped.  相似文献   

The generation and analysis of insertional mutations affecting mouse embryogenesis provides a powerful method to identify new genes that function in early development. In this paper, we describe an insertional mutation that interferes with postimplantation mouse development beginning at the time of gastrulation. Embryos homozygous for the H beta 58 transgenic insertion developed normally through the early postimplantation, egg cylinder stage (day 6.5 of development). At the primitive streak stage (day 7.5), however, they began to display characteristic abnormalities, including a retardation in the growth of the embryonic ectoderm (the earliest identifiable defect), and in some cases abnormalities of the amnion and chorion. Homozygotes continued to develop for 2-3 more days, reaching the size of a normal 8.5 day embryo, and formed tissues representative of all three germ layers, including several differentiated cell types. The site of insertion was mapped, by a combination of cytogenetic and genetic methods, to chromosome 10, and it appeared to define a new genetic locus. The inserted transgene provided a probe to clone and characterize the mutant locus, as well as the corresponding wild-type locus. In addition to an insertion of 10-20 copies of the transgene, the mutant locus contained a deletion of 2-3 kb of DNA found at the wild-type locus, and possibly an insertion of mouse repetitive DNA. However, genomic sequences on both sides of the insertion site remained co-linear in the wild-type and mutant genomes, and no chromosomal abnormalities could be detected. Five single copy DNA probes spanning the insertion site were tested for their ability to hybridize to RNA from 8.5 day embryos; one of the probes (located within the region deleted from the mutant chromosome) hybridized to a 2.7 kb mRNA encoded at the H beta 58 locus, thus identifying a gene whose disruption appears to be responsible for the mutant phenotype.  相似文献   

The transgenic mouse line OVE459 carries a transgene-induced insertional mutation resulting in autosomal recessive congenital hydrocephalus. Homozygous transgenic animals experience ventricular dilation with perinatal onset and are noticeably smaller than hemizygous or non-transgenic littermates within a few days after birth. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) revealed that the transgene inserted in a single locus on mouse Chromosome (chr) 8, region D2-E1. Genetic crosses between hemizygous OVE459 mice and mice heterozygous for the spontaneous mutation hydrocephalus-3 (hy3) produced hydrocephalic offspring with a frequency of 22%, demonstrating that these two mutations are allelic. A genomic library was made by using DNA from homozygous OVE459 mice, and genomic DNA flanking the transgene insertion site was isolated and sequenced. A PCR polymorphism between C57BL/6 DNA and Mus spretus was used to map the location of the transgene insert to 1.06 cM ± 0.75 proximal to D8Mit152 by using the Jackson Laboratory Backcross DNA Panel Mapping Resource. Furthermore, sequence analysis from a mouse bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone, positive for unique markers on both sides of the transgene insertion site, demonstrated that the genomic DNAs flanking each side of the transgene insertion are physically separated by approximately 51 kb on the wild-type mouse chromosome.  相似文献   

X-linked hydrocephalus is a variable condition caused by mutations in the gene encoding for L1CAM. This gene is located at Xq28. Clinically the spectrum ranges from males with lethal congenital hydrocephalus to mild/moderate mental retardation and spastic paraplegia. Few carrier females show minimal signs of the syndrome. Although most cases are familial, de novo situations have been reported. We report two new families with the syndrome and a L1 mutation. Family 1 has two patients and family 2 a single patient. Clinical diagnosis in all three affected boys was beyond doubt. Prenatal testing through chorionic villus biopsy is possible only with a demonstrated L1 mutation. In lethal sporadic cases neuropathology is very important in order to evaluate for features of the syndrome. We stress the importance of further clinical reports including data on neuropathology and DNA analysis in order to further understand the mechanisms involved in this disorder.  相似文献   

An intriguing feature of early zygote development in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is the active elimination of chloroplast DNA from the mating-type minus parent due presumably to the action of a zygote-specific nuclease. Meiotic progeny thus inherit chloroplast DNA almost exclusively from the mating-type plus parent. The plus-linked nuclear mutation mat3 prevents this selective destruction of minus chloroplast DNA and generates progeny that display a biparental inheritance pattern. Here we show that the mat3 mutation creates additional phenotypes not previously described: the cells are much smaller than wild type and they possess substantially reduced amounts of both mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA. We propose that the primary defect of the mat3 mutation is a disruption of cell-size control and that the inhibition of the uniparental transmission of chloroplast genomes is a secondary consequence of the reduced amount of chloroplast DNA in the mat3 parent.  相似文献   

Roth R  Sawers RJ  Munn HL  Langdale JA 《Planta》2001,213(4):647-658
Photosynthetic development in any plant requires the intracellular co-ordination of chloroplast and nuclear gene expression programs. In this report, we investigate the role of a nuclear gene in photosynthetic development by examining C4 photosynthetic differentiation in a yellow mutant of maize (Zea mays L.). The plastids undifferentiated (pun) mutation disrupts plastid biogenesis in both bundle sheath and mesophyll cells, at an early developmental stage and in a light-independent manner. Chloroplast thylakoids are disrupted in the mutant and both membrane-associated and soluble chloroplast-encoded proteins accumulate at much reduced levels. The observed plastid morphology is consistent with a general defect in chloroplast biogenesis that is most likely exerted at the post-translational level. Despite aberrant chloroplast development, nuclear photosynthetic genes are expressed normally in pun mutants. Thus, neither functional chloroplasts nor the Pun gene product are required to establish nuclear photosynthetic gene expression patterns in maize.  相似文献   

Planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling polarises cells along tissue axes. Although pathways involved are becoming better understood, outstanding issues include; (i) existence/identity of cues that orchestrate global polarisation in tissues, and (ii) the generality of the link between polarisation of primary cilia and asymmetric localisation of PCP proteins. Mammalian lenses are mainly comprised of epithelial-derived fiber cells. Concentrically arranged fibers are precisely aligned as they elongate along the anterior-posterior axis and orientate towards lens poles where they meet fibers from other segments to form characteristic sutures. We show that lens exhibits PCP, with each fiber cell having an apically situated cilium and in most cases this is polarised towards the anterior pole. Frizzled and other PCP proteins are also asymmetrically localised along the equatorial-anterior axis. Mutations in core PCP genes Van Gogh-like 2 and Celsr1 perturb oriented fiber alignment and suture formation. Suppression of the PCP pathway by overexpressing Sfrp2 shows that whilst local groups of fibers are often similarly oriented, they lack global orientation; consequently when local groups of fibers with different orientations meet they form multiple, small, ectopic suture-like configurations. This indicates that this extracellular inhibitor disrupts a global polarising signal that utilises a PCP-mediated mechanism to coordinate the global alignment and orientation of fibers to lens poles.  相似文献   

To identify genes required for development of the brain and somites, we performed a pilot screen of gynogenetic haploid zebrafish embryos produced from mothers mutagenized by viral insertion. We describe an efficient method to identify new mutations and the affected gene. In addition, we report the results of a small-scale screen that identified five genes required for brain development, including novel alleles of nagie oko, pou5f1, ribosomal protein L36, and n-cadherin, as well as a novel allele of the laminin g1 gene that is required for normal skeletal muscle fiber organization and somite patterning.  相似文献   

Severe defect in thymic development in an insertional mutant mouse model   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transgenic mice were generated expressing NK1.1, an NK cell-associated receptor, under control of the human CD2 promoter. Unexpectedly, one of the founder lines, Tg66, showed a marked defect in thymic development characterized by disorganized architecture and small size. Mapping of the transgene insertion by fluorescence in situ hybridization revealed integration in chromosome 2, band G. Already from postnatal day 3, the thymic architecture was disturbed with a preferential loss of cortical thymic epithelial cells, a feature that became more pronounced over time. Compared with wild-type mice, total thymic cell numbers decreased dramatically between 10 and 20 days of age. Thymocytes isolated from adult Tg66 mice were predominantly immature double-negative cells, indicating a block in thymic development at an early stage of differentiation. Consequently, Tg66 mice had reduced numbers of peripheral CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. Bone marrow from Tg66 mice readily reconstituted thymi of irradiated wild-type as well as RAG-deficient mice. This indicates that the primary defect in Tg66 mice resided in nonhemopoietic stromal cells of the thymus. The phenotype is observed in mice heterozygous for the insertion and does not resemble any known mutations affecting thymic development. Preliminary studies in mice homozygous for transgene insertion reveal a more accelerated and pronounced phenotype suggesting a semidominant effect. The Tg66 mice may serve as a useful model to identify genes regulating thymic epithelial cell differentiation, thymic development, and function.  相似文献   

Mela A  Tsitilou SG  Yannopoulos G 《Genetica》2009,135(3):333-345
In this study, we characterize a recessive X-linked temperature-sensitive mutation of the gene CG32711. The mutation, named wiser tsl (wings scalloped-eyes rough), was isolated from a dysgenic cross and is due to a natural P element insertion within the 5′ regulatory region of the gene. Mutant (wiser tsl ) individuals exhibit wing notching, rough eyes, tarsal malformations and reduced life-span. At 29°C they die at larval and late pharate stages or during eclosion. The CG32711 (wiser) gene is mainly expressed in the ventral midline cells, the peripheral neural system, the hemocytes and the tracheal system of embryos. It is also expressed in nurse cells of adult female ovaries. Our results show that the wiser gene is alternatively spliced generating two mRNAs, which share the same open reading frame, while western analysis identified two protein isoforms. Their expression pattern depends on the stage of development and the culture temperature. wiser tsl and wild-type individuals display different expression patterns of the two isoforms and this difference most probably accounts for the mutant phenotype. Our results indicate that wiser is a vital gene for the development of Drosophila melanogaster which has no orthologs outside the Drosophilidae. Sequence data from this article have been deposited with the EMBL/GenBank Data Libraries under accession nos. bankit1003537 EU071463–bankit1003860 EU071464.  相似文献   

Cholesterol-rich membrane microdomains (CRMMs) are specialized structures that have recently gained much attention in cell biology because of their involvement in cell signaling and trafficking. However, few investigations, particularly those addressing embryonic development, have succeeded in manipulating and observing CRMMs in living cells. In this study, we performed a detailed characterization of the CRMMs lipid composition during early frog development. Our data showed that disruption of CRMMs through methyl-β-cyclodextrin (MβCD) cholesterol depletion at the blastula stage did not affect Spemann's organizer gene expression and inductive properties, but impaired correct head development in frog and chick embryos by affecting the prechordal plate gene expression and cellular morphology. The MβCD anterior defect phenotype was recapitulated in head anlagen (HA) explant cultures. Culture of animal cap expressing Dkk1 combined with MβCD-HA generated a head containing eyes and cement gland. Together, these data show that during Xenopus blastula and gastrula stages, CRMMs have a very dynamic lipid composition and provide evidence that the secreted Wnt antagonist Dkk1 can partially rescue anterior structures in cholesterol-depleted head anlagen.  相似文献   

We have produced a transgenic mouse line, Gtl2 lacZ (Gene trap locus 2), that carries an insertional mutation with a dominant modified pattern of inheritance:heterozygous Gtl2 lacZ mice that inherited the transgene from the father show a proportionate dwarfism phenotype, whereas the penetrance and expressivity of the phenotype is strongly reduced in Gtl2 lacZ mice that inherited the transgene from the mother. On a mixed genetic background this pattern of inheritance was reversible upon transmission of the transgene through the germ line of the opposite sex. On a predominantly 129/Sv genetic background, however, transgene passage through the female germ line modified the transgene effect, such that the penetrance of the mutation was drastically reduced and the phenotype was no longer obvious after subsequent male germ line transmission. Expression of the transgene, however, was neither affected by genetic background nor by parental legacy. Gtl2 lacZ maps to mouse Chromosome 12 in a region that displays imprinting effects associated with maternal and paternal disomy. Our results suggest that the transgene insertion in Gtl2 lacZ mice affects an endogenous gene(s) required for fetal and postnatal growth and that this gene(s) is predominantly paternally expressed. Received: 30 May 1995 / Accepted: 7 August 1995  相似文献   

Biggs JS  Rosenfeld Y  Shai Y  Olivera BM 《Biochemistry》2007,46(44):12586-12593
Conus venoms are estimated to comprise over 100,000 distinct pharmacologically active peptides, the majority probably targeting ion channels. Through the characterization of a cytolytic peptide from the venom of Conus mustelinus, conolysin-Mt, we expand the known conopeptide mechanisms to include association with and destruction of cellular membranes. A new 23AA conopeptide, conolysin-Mt has potent hemolytic activity when tested on human erythrocytes. At a concentration of 0.25 microM, the peptide permeabilized both negatively charged prokaryotic (PE:PG) and zwitterionic eukaryotic (PC:cholesterol) model membranes. The affinity constants (KA) of conolysin-Mt for PE:PG and PC:cholesterol model membranes were 0.9 +/- 0.3 x 10(7) and 3 +/- 1 x 10(7) M-1, respectively. In contrast, conolysin-Mt exhibited low antimicrobial activity (MIC > 50 microM) against two Escherichia coli strains, with an MIC for the Gram-positive S. aureus of 25-50 microM. The specificity of conolysin-Mt for native eukaryotic membranes is a novel feature of the peptide compared to other well-characterized cytolytic peptides such as melittin.  相似文献   

Retinoic acid is a metabolic derivative of vitamin A that plays an essential function in cell-cell signaling by serving as a ligand for nuclear receptors that directly regulate gene expression. The final step in the conversion of retinol to retinoic acid is carried out by three retinaldehyde dehydrogenases encoded by Raldh1 (Aldh1a1), Raldh2 (Aldh1a2), and Raldh3 (Aldh1a3). Mouse Raldh gene knockout studies have been instrumental in understanding the mechanism of retinoic acid action during eye development. Retinoic acid signaling in the developing eye is particularly complex as all three Raldh genes contribute to retinoic acid synthesis in non-overlapping locations. During optic cup formation Raldh2 is first expressed transiently in perioptic mesenchyme, then later Raldh1 and Raldh3 expression begins in the dorsal and ventral retina, respectively, and these sources of retinoic acid are maintained in the fetus. Retinoic acid is not required for dorsoventral patterning of the retina as originally thought, but it is required for morphogenetic movements that form the optic cup, ventral retina, cornea, and eyelids. These findings will help guide future studies designed to identify retinoic acid target genes during eye organogenesis.  相似文献   

Components of the Wnt signaling pathway are expressed in a tightly regulated and spatially specific manner during development of the forebrain, and Wnts are key regulators of regional forebrain identity. Wnt signaling from the cortical hem regulates the expansion and cell-type specification of the adjacent neuroepithelium and, in conjunction with Bmp, Fgf, and Shh signaling, controls dorsal-ventral forebrain patterning. Subsequently, Wnt signaling dynamically regulates the behavior of cortical progenitor cells, initially promoting the expansion of radial glia progenitor cells and later inducing neurogenesis by promoting terminal differentiation of intermediate progenitor cells. A role for Wnt signaling in cell-type specification has also been proposed.  相似文献   

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