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The present study deals with kinetic modeling of enzyme-catalyzed reactions by integral progress curve analysis, and shows how to apply this technique to kinetic resolution of enantiomers. It is shown that kinetic parameters for both enantiomers and the enantioselectivity of the enzyme may be obtained from the progress curve measurement of a racemate only.A parameter estimation procedure has been established and it is shown that the covariance matrix of the obtained parameters is a useful statistical tool in the selection and verification of the model structure. Standard deviations calculated from this matrix have shown that progress curve analysis yields parameter values with high accuracies.Potential sources of systematic errors in (multiple) progress curve analysis are addressed in this article. Amongst these, the following needed to be dealt with: (1) the true initial substrate concentrations were obtained from the final amount of product experimentally measured (mass balancing); (2) systematic errors in the initial enzyme concentration were corrected by incorporating this variable in the fitting procedure as an extra parameter per curve; and (3) enzyme inactivation is included in the model and a first-order inactivation constant is determined.Experimental verification was carried out by continuous monitoring of the hydrolysis of ethyl 2-chloropropionate by carboxylesterase NP and the alpha-chymotrypsin-catalyzed hydrolysis of benzoylalanine mathyl ester in a pH-stat system. Kinetic parameter values were obtained with high accuracies and model predictions were in good agreement with independent measurements of enantiomeric excess values or literature data. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The processes leading to bacterial colonization on solidwater interfaces are adsorption, desorption, growth, and erosion. These processes have been measured individually in situ in a flowing system in real time using image analysis. Four different substrata (copper, silicon, 316 stainless-steel and glass) and 2 different bacterial species (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas fluorescens) were used in the experiments. The flow was laminar (Re = 1.4) and the shear stress was kept constant during all experiments at 0.75 N m(-2). The surface roughness varied among the substrata from 0.002 mum (for silicon) to 0.015 mum (for copper). Surface free energies varied from 25.1 dynes cm(-1) for silicon to 31.2 dynes cm(-1) for copper. Cell curface hydrophobicity, reported as hydrocarbon partitioning values, ranged from 0.67 for Ps. fluorescens to 0.97 for Ps. aeruginosa.The adsorption rate coefficient varried by as much as a factor of 10 among the combinations of bacterial strain and substratum material, and was positively correlated with surface free energy, the surface roughness of the substratum, and the hydrophobicity of the cells. The probability of desorption decreased with increasing surface free energy and surface roughness of the substratum. Cell growth was inhibited on copper, but replication of cells overlying an initial cell layer was observed with increased exposure time to the cell-containing bulk water. A mathematical model describing cell accumulation on a substratum is presented.  相似文献   

ssDNA oligonucleotides containing bromodeoxyuridine, BrdU-photoaptamers, are rapidly emerging as specific protein capture reagents in protein microarray technologies. A mathematical model for the kinetic analysis of photoaptamer-protein photocross-linking reactions is presented. The model is based on specific aptamer/protein binding followed by laser excitation that can lead to either covalent cross-linking of the photoaptamer and protein in the complex or irreversible photodamage to the aptamer. Two distinct kinetic regimes, (1) frozen and (2) rapid equilibrium, are developed analytically to model binding kinetics between laser pulses. The models are used to characterize the photocross-linking between three photoaptamers and their cognate protein targets; photoaptamers 0650 and 0615 cross-link human basic fibroblast growth factor and 0518 cross-links HIV MN envelope glycoprotein. Data for cross-linking reaction yields as a function of both laser energy dose and target protein concentration are analyzed for affinity constants and cross-link reaction rates. The binding dissociation constants derived from the cross-linking data are in good accord with independent measurements; the rapid equilibrium model appears to produce results more consistent with the experimental observations, although there is significant overlap between the two models for most conditions explored here. The rate of photodamage for 0615 and 0518 is 3.5 and 2.5 times that of the specific cross-link, giving low maximum reaction yields of approximately 20% and approximately 30%, whereas 0650 cross-links with a rate over five times higher than its photodamage rate and has a maximum reaction yield exceeding 80%. Quantum yields for the three systems are estimated from the data; photoaptamer 0650 has a reasonably high quantum yield of approximately 0.2 for protein cross-linking, while 0518 and 0615 have quantum yields of 0.07 and 0.02. The work presented here provides a useful set of metrics that allow for refinement of photoaptamer properties.  相似文献   

We describe a forward-time haploid reproduction model with a constant population size that includes life history characteristics common to many marine organisms. We develop coalescent approximations for sample gene genealogies under this model and use these to predict patterns of genetic variation. Depending on the behavior of the underlying parameters of the model, the approximations are coalescent processes with simultaneous multiple mergers or Kingman’s coalescent. Using simulations, we apply our model to data from the Pacific oyster and show that our model predicts the observed data very well. We also show that a fact which holds for Kingman’s coalescent and also for general coalescent trees–that the most-frequent allele at a biallelic locus is likely to be the ancestral allele–is not true for our model. Our work suggests that the power to detect a “sweepstakes effect” in a sample of DNA sequences from marine organisms depends on the sample size.  相似文献   

To maximize nitrogen utilization rates during nitrification and denitrification in a simultaneous reaction for direct nitrogen removal from ammonia–nitrogen in a single reactor, two different carriers were applied that immobilized nitrifiers and denitrifiers separately. With the optimized DO concentration and mixing ratio of immobilization carriers, ammonium–nitrogen was successfully removed as designed until the middle phase of treatment where nitrogen removal rate was higher than 83% of the theoretical value, although an imbalance between nitrification and denitrification occurred at a later phase of treatment where residual nitrate–nitrogen concentration was less than 2 mg/l. The new approach using two different carriers to immobilize nitrifiers and denitrifiers separately was proved useful for controlling both nitrification and denitrification rates, enabling the utilization of maximum treatment ability of both nitrifiers and denitrifiers in a single reactor for direct nitrogen removal from ammonium–nitrogen.  相似文献   

The analysis of experimental data from the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) as sums of exponentials has accumulated a large amount of information on its kinetics which is still controversial. One reason for ambiguous results can be found in the inherent instabilities connected with the fitting of noisy data by sums of exponentials. Nevertheless, there are strategies to optimize the experiments and the data analysis by a proper combination of well known techniques. This paper describes an applicable approach based on the correct weighting of the data, a separation of the linear and the non-linear parameters in the process of the least squares approximation, and a statistical analysis applying the correlation matrix, the determinant of Fisher's information matrix, and the variance of the parameters as a measure of the reliability of the results. In addition, the confidence regions for the linear approximation of the non-linear model are compared with confidence regions for the true non-linear model. Evaluation techniques and rules for an optimum experimental design are mainly exemplified by the analysis of numerically generated model data with increasing complexity. The estimation of the number of exponentials significant for the interpretation of a given set of data is demonstrated by using records from eight absorption and photocurrent experiments on the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin. Offprint requests to: K.-H. Müller  相似文献   

The objective was to determine the effect of sequence of insemination after simultaneous thawing of multiple 0.5 mL semen straws on conception rate in suckled multiparous Nelore cows. The effect of this thawing procedure on in vitro sperm characteristics was also evaluated. All cows (N = 944) received the same timed AI protocol. Ten straws (0.5 mL) of frozen semen from the same batch were simultaneously thawed at 36 °C, for a minimum of 30 sec. One straw per cow was used for timed AI. Frozen semen from three Angus bulls was used. Timed AI records included sequence of insemination (first to tenth) and time of semen removal from thawing bath. For laboratory analyses, the same semen batches used in the field experiment were evaluated. Ten frozen straws from the same batch were thawed simultaneously in a thawing unit identical to that used in the field experiment. The following sperm characteristics were analyzed: sperm motility parameters, sperm thermal resistance, plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity, lipid peroxidation, chromatin structure, and sperm morphometry. Based on logistic regression, there were no significant effects of breeding group, body condition score, AI technician, and sire on conception rate, but there was an interaction between sire and straw group (P = 0.002). Semen from only one bull had decreased (P < 0.05) field fertility for the group of straws associated with the longest interval from thawing to AI. However, the results of the laboratory experiment were unable to explain the findings of the field experiment. Sperm width:length ratio of morphometric analysis was the single sperm characteristic with a significant interaction between sire and straw group (P = 0.02). It was concluded that sequence of insemination after simultaneous thawing of 10 semen straws can differently affect conception rates at timed AI, depending on the sire used. Nevertheless, the effects of this thawing environment on in vitro sperm characteristics, remain to be further investigated.  相似文献   

Summary .  Multiple outcomes are often used to properly characterize an effect of interest. This article discusses model-based statistical methods for the classification of units into one of two or more groups where, for each unit, repeated measurements over time are obtained on each outcome. We relate the observed outcomes using multivariate nonlinear mixed-effects models to describe evolutions in different groups. Due to its flexibility, the random-effects approach for the joint modeling of multiple outcomes can be used to estimate population parameters for a discriminant model that classifies units into distinct predefined groups or populations. Parameter estimation is done via the expectation-maximization algorithm with a linear approximation step. We conduct a simulation study that sheds light on the effect that the linear approximation has on classification results. We present an example using data from a study in 161 pregnant women in Santiago, Chile, where the main interest is to predict normal versus abnormal pregnancy outcomes.  相似文献   

Maleic acid-catalyzed hemicellulose hydrolysis reaction in corn stover was analyzed by kinetic modeling. Kinetic constants for Saeman and biphasic hydrolysis models were analyzed by an Arrhenius-type expansion which include activation energy and catalyst concentration factors. The activation energy for hemicellulose hydrolysis by maleic acid was determined to be 83.3 +/- 10.3 kJ/mol, which is significantly lower than the reported E(a) values for sulfuric acid catalyzed hemicellulose hydrolysis reaction. Model analysis suggest that increasing maleic acid concentrations from 0.05 to 0.2 M facilitate improvement in xylose yields from 40% to 85%, while the extent of improvement flattens to near-quantitative by increasing catalyst loading from 0.2 to 1 M. The model was confirmed for the hydrolysis of corn stover at 1 M maleic acid concentrations at 150 degrees C, resulting in a xylose yield of 96% of theoretical. The refined Saeman model was used to evaluate the optimal condition for monomeric xylose yield in the maleic acid-catalyzed reaction: low temperature reaction conditions were suggested, however, experimental results indicated that bi-phasic behavior dominated at low temperatures, which may be due to the insufficient removal of acetyl groups. A combination of experimental data and model analysis suggests that around 80-90% xylose yields can be achieved at reaction temperatures between 100 and 150 degrees C with 0.2 M maleic acid.  相似文献   

In the current studies, we used Lineweaver-Burke analysis to examine the role of 1-hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT) in the oxidation of various compounds by laccase from Trametes versicolor. At low concentrations, HBT was a competitive inhibitor of the oxidation, but at high concentrations, it was a noncompetitive inhibitor. Analysis of the oxidation of ferrocytochrome c by the laccase-HBT couple showed that increasing the concentration of ferrocytochrome c did not affect the V(max) but reduced the apparent K(m). In addition, in the manganese peroxidase-Mn(II) reaction, which is a typical oxidation system by mediator, the apparent K(m) and V(max) increased as the concentration of the substrate 2,6-dimethoxyphenol was increased. These results indicate that HBT is involved in the binding of laccase and substrates that laccase cannot oxidize alone.  相似文献   

In clinical trials of chronic diseases such as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, cancer, or cardiovascular diseases, the concept of quality-adjusted lifetime (QAL) has received more and more attention. In this paper, we consider the problem of how the covariates affect the mean QAL when the data are subject to right censoring. We allow a very general form for the mean model as a function of covariates. Using the idea of inverse probability weighting, we first construct a simple weighted estimating equation for the parameters in our mean model. We then find the form of the most efficient estimating equation, which yields the most efficient estimator for the regression parameters. Since the most efficient estimator depends on the distribution of the health history processes, and thus cannot be estimated nonparametrically, we consider different approaches for improving the efficiency of the simple weighted estimating equation using observed data. The applicability of these methods is demonstrated by both simulation experiments and a data example from a breast cancer clinical trial study.  相似文献   

固定化细胞的混合糖连续发酵动力学模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用固定化啤酒酵母和固定化毕赤酵母在两个串联的固定床内连续发酵由葡萄糖和木糖组成的混合糖制取酒精的过程,建立了连续发酵的非结构动力学模型。该模型以带抑制项的米氏动力学方程为酶动力学基础,考虑了抑制物抑制、底物抑制、轴向弥散及膜传质等因素。成功地引入了一个综合考虑颗粒相内外传质的总有效因子简化模型的计算,并取得了较为满意的仿真结果。  相似文献   

The anthracenone ligands (112) with a keto-phenol and a hydroxamic acid unit were synthesized and evaluated by a restriction enzyme inhibition assay. DNA substrates composed of multiple CGCG or CGG sites are fully hydrolyzed by a restriction enzyme that is selective for each sequence. Under such conditions, the full-length DNA substrate remains only when the ligand binds to all binding sites and protects it from hydrolysis by the restriction enzymes. In the assay using AccII and the 50-mer DNA substrates containing a different number of CGCG sites at different non-binding AT base pair intervals, the more the CGCG sites, the more the full-length DNA increased. Namely, simultaneous binding of the ligand (5) to the CGCG sites increased in the order of (CGCG)5>(CGCG)2>(CGCG)1. Furthermore, the length of the spacer of the hydroxamic acid to the anthracenone skeleton played an important role in the preference for the number of the d(A/T) base pairs between the CGCG sites. The long spacer-ligand (5) showed a preference to the CGCG sites with five AT pairs, and the short spacer-ligand (10) to that with two AT pairs. The ligand (12) with the shortest spacer showed a preference in simultaneous binding to the 54-mer DNA composed of 16 continuous CGG sites in the assay using the restriction enzyme Fnu4HI that hydrolyzes the d(GCGGC)/d(CGCCG) site. Application of these ligands to biological systems including the repeat DNA sequence should be of significant interest.  相似文献   

Consumption of 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid by strain Arthrobacter sp. K3 was investigated. Drastic increase in the substrate concentration in flow culture was shown to induce the lag phase of growth in case the initial substrate concentration in the medium was not saturating; the culture originally saturated with the substrate (S
K S ) was resistant to the concentration increase. In accordance with the constructed kinetic model, lag phase results from an accumulation of intermediates in the metabolic system.

多元统计分析方法在万寿菊品种抗旱性评价中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用主成分分析法、隶属函数法和聚类分析法,对9个万寿菊品种16个生理指标的抗旱性进行综合评价.结果表明: 不同品种万寿菊的16个生理指标变化程度不同,其中脯氨酸(Pro)、H2O2和抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)对干旱胁迫的敏感性最大,而且部分抗旱系数之间显著相关;4个主因子代表16个生理指标抗旱性88.6%的数据信息,‘珍妮’和‘金门’、‘鸿运’、‘珍妮’、‘拳王’分别在4个主因子上的抗旱性最强;9个品种的抗旱性综合评价值大小为:‘珍妮’>‘金门’>‘鸿运’>‘拳王’>‘巨人’>‘大英雄’>‘小英雄’>‘迪阿哥’>‘发现’;聚类分析将9个品种分为3类,其中‘金门’、‘珍妮’、‘鸿运’和‘拳王’属于抗旱品种.  相似文献   

Analysis of variance, analysis of covariance, correlation coefficient, multiple correlation, and partial correlation coefficient statistical tests were applied to Cs, Cr, Co, Fe, Rb, Sc, Se, and Zn content in human ovaries in order to evaluate statistically the possible relationships between these trace elements at: the ovary as an organ, each ovarian phase separately, each morphological part independent of the ovarian phase, and between cortex and medulla within the ovarian phases. The element Cs seems to have a homogenous distribution between cortex and medulla within reproductive and menopausal phase. Zinc shows a trend to have an antagonistic relation with Cs, Cr, Co, and Fe during fetal and reproductive phases and not during menopausal phase. The relationship between Zn and Cs when Fe is kept constant could be used as a tool for the decontamination of the ovary from an abnormal Cs content or for the inhibition of the accumulation of the same element to the ovarian tissue.  相似文献   

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