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Summary Clostridium thermocellum produced different levels of true cellulase (Avicelase) depending on the carbon source used for growth. In defined medium with fructose, the cellulase titer was seven times higher than with cells growing on cellobiose and four times higher than cells growing with glucose. During the lag phase on fructose, the differences were even more dramatic, i.e. 60 times higher than in cells growing on cellobiose and 40 times that of cells lagging or growing in glucose. In an attempt to detect factors that might contribute to these differences, we considered intracellular ATP, chemical potential (pH), electrical potential (Y), proton motive force (p), growth rate, and rates of uptake of inorganic phosphate and sugars. We noted a direct correlation between cellulase production and intracellular ATP levels and an inverse relationship of cellulase production with Y and p values. It thus appears that cellulase is best produced by cells high in ATP and low in Dp and its electrical component DY. There was no obvious relationship between the cellulase titer and the other parameters. Although the physiological significance of such correlations is unknown, the data suggest that further investigation is warranted.  相似文献   

A number of isolates ofPenicillium rubrum have been examined for their ability to produce the toxic metabolites Rubratoxins A and B. Some were found to produce relatively large quantities of Rubratoxin A, others to produce mainly Rubratoxin B and two strains, both isolated from samples of paper, were found not to produce any toxic metabolites under the cultural conditions used. A method for assaying Rubratoxin A in mixtures of the two toxins is described. The formal relationship of these toxins with other metabolites produced by related moulds is briefly discussed.
Zusammenfassung Eine Anzahl von Isolaten desPenicillium rubrum sind für ihre Fähigkeit, um toxische Stoffwechselprodukte Rubratoxine A und B zu bilden, untersucht worden. Etliche bildeten verhältnismäßig große Mengen von Rubratoxin A, andere bildeten hauptsächlich Rubratoxin B und zwei Linien, die von Papierproben isoliert worden sind, haben keine toxischen Stoffwechselprodukte unter den gegeben Züchtungsbedingungen gebildet. Eine Methode, um Rubratoxin A im Gemisch der beiden Toxine zu finden, ist beschrieben. Die formale Beziehung dieser Toxine mit anderen Stoffwechselprodukten durch verwandte Schimmelpilze ist kurz besprochen.

Forty-four differentially expressed proteins have been identified in the photosynthetic diazotroph Rhodospirillum rubrum grown anaerobic and photoheterotrophically, with different nitrogen sources, using 2D-PAGE and MALDI-TOF, from gels containing an average of 679 +/- 52 (in N(+)) and 619 +/- 37 (in N(-)) protein spots for each gel. A higher level of expression was found under nitrogen-rich growth, for proteins involved in carbon metabolism (reductive tricarboxylic acid cycle, CO(2) fixation, and poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate metabolism) and amino acid metabolism. The key enzymes RuBisCO and alpha-ketoglutarate synthase were found to be present in higher amounts in nitrogen-rich conditions. Ntr and Nif regulated proteins, such as glutamine synthetase and nitrogenase, were, as expected, induced under nitrogen-fixing conditions and glutamate dehydrogenase was down regulated. A novel 2Fe-2S ferredoxin with unknown function was identified from nitrogen-fixing cultures. In addition to differential expression, two of the identified proteins revealed variable p I values in response to the nitrogen source used.  相似文献   

Pleurotus eryngii, P. ostreatus and P. pulmonarius produced laccase (Lac) both under conditions of submerged fermentation (SF) and solid-state fermentation (SSF) with all of the investigated carbon and nitrogen sources. The highest levels of Lac activity were found in P. eryngii, under SF conditions of dry ground mandarine peels and in P. ostreatus, strain No. 493, under SSF conditions of grapevine sawdust.High levels of peroxidases activities were occurred in P. ostreatus, strain No. 494, and P. pulmonarius, under SSF conditions of grapevine sawdust, whereas in SF, these activities were either very low or absent.After purification of extracellular crude enzyme mixture of investigated species and strain which were grown in the medium with the best carbon sources, the Lac activity measurements revealed two peaks in P. eryngii, three peaks in both P. ostreatus strains and three in P. pulmonarius. Results obtained after purification also showed that the levels of phenol red oxidation in absence of external Mn2+ were higher than phenol red oxidation levels in presence of external Mn2+.In the medium with the best carbon sources (mandarine peels and grapevine sawdust, respectively), both P. eryngii and P. ostreatus, strain No. 493, showed the highest Lac activity with (NH4)2SO4, as a nitrogen source, with a nitrogen concentration of 20 and 30 mM, respectively.In P. ostreatus, strain No. 494, and P. pulmonarius, the best nitrogen sources for peroxidases production were peptone in a concentration of 0.5% and NH4NO3 with a nitrogen concentration of 30 mM, respectively.  相似文献   

The calorific value of five strains of Chlorella grown in Watanabe and low-nitrogen medium was determined. The algae were grown in small (2L) stirred tank bioreactors and the best growth was obtained with Chlorella vulgaris with a growth rate of 0.99 d(-1) and the highest calorific value (29 KJ/g) was obtained with C. emersonii. The cellular components were assayed at the end of the growth period and the calorific value appears to be linked to the lipid content rather than any other component.  相似文献   

Statistical design was used to determine the optimal levels of medium components, the optimal initial pH of the enzyme production medium, the temperature of fermentation, age of the organism in the slant growth and the age of the inoculum for the production of chitinase in shake flask fermentations. The use of high concentrations of chitin and ammonium sulphate and exclusion of peptone and urea from the medium resulted in the production of higher level of the enzyme. The optimal concentrations of the medium components were 12.5 kg/m3 and 4.2 kg/m3 for the chitin and ammonium sulphate respectively. The effect of the addition of peptone and urea to the optimized medium was studied. The optimal values of initial pH and temperature were 5.6 and 28 °C respectively. The optimal age of the slant and the inoculum were found to be 105 h and 43 h respectively. The highest level of chitinase before optimization of the above variables was 0.054 U which was maximized to the level of 0.197 U.  相似文献   

Summary Carbon and nitrogen sources were investigated for improving peroxidase production by Arthromyces ramosus, a hyperproducer of peroxidase. Glucose as carbon source and a mixture of yeast extract and polypeptone at the ratio of 3 to 5 as nitrogen source in a production medium were shown to give the highest peroxidase activity. During the culture amino acids such as alanine, arginine, methionine, leucine, tyrosine and tryptophan were depleted. Therefore, glucose supplemented nitrogen source fed-batch culture was carried out and a peroxidase activity of 73 U/ml was obtained. This activity was 1.7 times higher than that of glucose fed-batch culture. This indicates that an adequate nitrogen source supply during the culture is effective for improving the peroxidase production by A. ramosus.  相似文献   

Abstract The substrate specificity of cystathionine γ-synthase (EC in various bacteria was examined. O-Succinyl- l -homoserine was used preferably as a substrate by facultative anaerobic Gram-negative bacteria belonging to such genera as Escherichia, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Citrobacter, Erwinia, Serratia, Proteus and Salmonella . Among Gram-negative aerobic bacteria, bacteria belonging to the genera Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas and Alcaligenes also used O -succinyl- l -homoserine in preference to O -acetyl- l -homoserine. On the other hand, bacteria belonging to the genera Agrobacterium and Flavobacterium used O -acetyl- l -homoserine preferably. As to Gram-positive aerobic bacteria, bacteria of the genus Bacillus used O -acetyl- l -homoserine exclusively. Bacteria belonging to the genera Micrococcus, Corynebacterium, Brevibacterium and Arthrobacter used both O -acetyl- and O -succinyl- l -homoserine to similar extents.  相似文献   

In media containing glucose, lactate stimulates the metabolism of gonococci at concentrations that simulate conditions in vivo. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy of (13)C-labelled lipids obtained from gonococci grown in a synthetic medium with (13)C-labelled lactate and unlabelled glucose (culture A), (13)C-labelled glucose alone (culture B) or (13)C-labelled glucose and unlabelled lactate (culture C) showed lactate carbon was not present in glycerol/ethanolamine residues of lipids from culture A. This indicated that, in the presence of glucose, lactate gluconeogenesis is shut down. Hence, the stimulation of metabolism could result from the production of extra energy because lactate is used solely for conversion to acetyl-CoA, the precursor of fatty acid synthesis and the components of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. In this paper, additional evidence for lack of gluconeogenesis has been sought using a different approach. The carbohydrate moieties of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) have been examined for lactate carbon after gonococci were grown with lactate and glucose. Two methods were used: NMR spectroscopy of (13)C-labelled lipopolysaccharide purified from the three cultures described above showed that, in the presence of glucose, lactate carbon, in contrast to glucose carbon, was not in the carbohydrate moiety. Also, (14)C-labelled lactate was added to a culture containing unlabelled glucose and lactate (culture A) and [(14)C]glucose to cultures containing unlabelled glucose without unlabelled lactate (culture B) and with unlabelled lactate (culture C). When LPS samples purified from these cultures were subjected to hydrazinolysis, the ratio of the radioactivity of water-soluble products (carbohydrate moieties) to those of chloroform-soluble products (fatty acids) was much lower when [(14)C]lactate was used in culture A, than when [(14)C]glucose was used in cultures B and C. Thus, in the presence of glucose, lactate carbon, unlike glucose carbon, is incorporated predominantly into fatty acids of LPS, not into its carbohydrate moieties. There is no doubt, therefore, that gluconeogenesis is shut off when lactate is present with glucose and there is a consequent stimulation of metabolism. This probably occurs in vivo on mucous surfaces, where gonococci are surrounded by a mixture of glucose and lactate in the secretions.  相似文献   

Some factors influencing the production of an extracellular proteinase by Pseudomonas fluorescens NCDO 2085 were studied. Proteinase production was optimal at 20C and pH 69 in static culture when calcium was included in the medium. Proteinase was not detectable in basal medium but could be induced by organic nitrogen compounds. The proteinase was produced in the exponential phase of growth on protein substrates but not until early stationary phase during growth on amino acids. The organism did not utilize lactose, the most abundant carbohydrate in milk. Citrate was readily utilized as an energy source but had a strong repressive effect on proteinase production. A medium containing sodium caseinate and pyruvate supported good growth and enzyme production. All the amino acids utilized as a sole carbon source, with the exception of serine, could induce proteinase production. Asparagine was the most effective amino acid inducer. Particular combinations of amino acids could induce or repress proteinase production. The regulation of proteinase production by Ps. fluorescens NCDO 2085 appears to be based on a balance between induction by low concentrations of low molecular weight degradation products and sensitivity to end product catabolite repression. The results suggest that the function of the proteinase is to ensure a supply of carbon rather than amino acids for protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Some factors influencing the production of an extracellular proteinase by Pseudomonas fluorescens NCDO 2085 were studied. Proteinase production was optimal at 20 degrees C and pH 6.9 in static culture when calcium was included in the medium. Proteinase was not detectable in basal medium but could be induced by organic nitrogen compounds. The proteinase was produced in the exponential phase of growth on protein substrates but not until early stationary phase during growth on amino acids. The organism did not utilize lactose, the most abundant carbohydrate in milk. Citrate was readily utilized as an energy source but had a strong repressive effect on proteinase production. A medium containing sodium caseinate and pyruvate supported good growth and enzyme production. All the amino acids utilized as a sole carbon source, with the exception of serine, could induce proteinase production. Asparagine was the most effective amino acid inducer. Particular combinations of amino acids could induce or repress proteinase production. The regulation of proteinase production by Ps. fluorescens NCDO 2085 appears to be based on a balance between induction by low concentrations of low molecular weight degradation products and sensitivity to end product catabolite repression. The results suggest that the function of the proteinase is to ensure a supply of carbon rather than amino acids for protein synthesis.  相似文献   

王宜磊 《生物技术》2003,13(1):9-10
采用单因子相互比较法研究了不同碳素和氮素对彩绒革盖菌胞外漆酶,愈创木酚氧化酶,多酚氧化酶,锰过氧化物酶等木素降解酶分泌的影响,结果淀粉作碳源,干酪素作氮源有利于漆酶的分泌,麦芽粉作碳源,酵母膏作氮源有利于愈创木酚氧化酶和多酚氧化酶的分泌,淀粉作碳源,玉米粉作氮源有利于锰过氧化物酶的分泌。  相似文献   

Summary Interferon, produced by rabbit heart cells grown in a serum-free medium, failed to protect rabbit heart serum-free cells, but protected rabbit heart serum-containing-medium cells against vaccinia and vesicular stomatitis virus. Interferon produced in serum-free cells had a greater species specificity than that produced in serum-containing media. The difference in activity was shown to be due to lack of adsorption by serum-free-medium cells.  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis of pectolytic enzymes (polygalacturonase (PG), pectin methyl esterase (PME) and six isoenzymes of pectate lyase (PL)) produced byErwinia bacteria in the presence of diverse carbon sources was made by preparative electrophoresis. Synthesis of each of these enzymes was regulated independently; different induction and repression ratios (about 10- to 1000-fold) were observed for diverse PL isoenzymes, PG and PME. The possibility of using specially constructed media for the production of pectinase complexes with a specific spectra of pectolytic enzymes has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Catasetum fimbriatum is an epiphytic orchid from South America that has been used for 15 years as a model plant for metabolic and developmental studies in our laboratory. In this work, C. fimbriatum plants were aseptically grown with 6 mol m(-3) of either glutamine or inorganic nitrogen forms (NO(3)(-):NH(4)(+) ratios). The highest biomass accumulation was found in plants supplied with glutamine; no significant difference was observed in plants incubated in the presence of inorganic nitrogen sources. Nitrogen assimilation was limited in the presence NO(3)(-) as a sole nitrogen source. C. fimbriatum did not accumulate NO(3)(-) and very low rates of in vivo nitrate reductase activity were observed. Most nitrate reductase activity (70%) was detected in the 2 cm apical roots. Nitrate-treated plants exhibited relatively lower amounts of free amino-N, chlorophyll and free NH(4)(+) contents and higher soluble sugar contents than the NH(4)(+)-treated plants. While shoot glutamine synthetase activity was only slightly affected by nitrogen sources, root glutamine synthetase activity was not modified by any nitrogen form. Glutamate dehydrogenase-NADH activity in shoot tissues was not influenced by any nitrogen source. However, the glutamate dehydrogenase-NADH activity in roots was enhanced when NH(4)(+) tissue contents was augmented by increasing NH(4)(+) in the medium and by the presence of glutamine. Our results strongly suggest that organic nitrogen and NH(4)(+) are probably the most important nitrogen sources to C. fimbriatum plants.  相似文献   

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