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The intestinal epithelia consists of four lineages of differentiated cells, all of which arise from stem cells residing in the intestinal crypt. For proper regeneration from epithelial damage, both expansion of the epithelial cell number and appropriate regulation of lineage differentiation from the remaining stem cells are thought to be required. In a series of studies, we have shown that bone-marrow derived cells could promote the regeneration of damaged epithelia in the human intestinal tract. Donor-derived epithelial cells substantially repopulated the gastrointestinal tract of bone-marrow transplant recipients during epithelial regeneration after graft-versus-host disease. Furthermore, precise analysis of epithelial cell lineages revealed that during epithelial regeneration, secretory lineage epithelial cells that originated from bone-marrow significantly increased in number. These findings may lead to a novel therapy to repair damaged intestinal epithelia using bone marrow cells, and provide an alternative therapy for refractory inflammatory bowel diseases.  相似文献   

Sequential appearance of T cell subpopulations occurs in the thymocytes of irradiated C3H/He mice (H-2k, Mls-1b2a, Thy-1.2) after transplantation with bone marrow cells of AKR/J mice (H-2k, Mls-1a2b, Thy-1.1) (AKR----C3H chimeras). The donor-derived thymocytes of AKR----C3H chimeras on day 14 after bone marrow transplantation (BMT) contained a large number of blastlike CD4+CD8+ cells which represent relatively immature thymocytes, whereas those on day 21 after BMT consisted of small sized CD4+,CD8+ cells which represent a great part in normal thymocytes. To define the developmental stage at which clonal deletion of self-reactive T cells occurs in adult thymus, we followed the fate of V beta 6- or V beta 11-bearing T cells in the donor-derived thymocytes at the early stage of AKR----C3H chimeras. Mature thymocytes expressing high intensity of V beta 6 or V beta 11, which are involved in recognition of Mls-1a or MHC I-E gene products, respectively, were deleted from the donor-derived thymocytes on day 21. Immature thymocytes expressing low intensity of V beta 6 in CD3low thymocyte fraction decreased in proportion, whereas those expressing low intensity of V beta 11 rather increased in proportion in the donor-derived thymocytes of AKR----C3H chimeras from day 14 to day 21 after BMT. These results suggest that the clonal deletion of V beta 6-positive cells occurs just at the stage of immature CD3lowCD4+CD8+ cells, whereas the clonal deletion of V beta 11-positive cells may begin at the transitional stage from CD3lowCD4+CD8+ cells to CD3high single positive cells. Timing of negative selection of thymocytes may vary in distinct T cells capable of recognizing different self-Ag.  相似文献   

Kim MK  Min do S  Park YJ  Kim JH  Ryu SH  Bae YS 《FEBS letters》2007,581(9):1917-1922
We investigated the expression of formyl peptide receptor (FPR) and its functional role in human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). We analyzed the expression of FPR by using ligand-binding assay with radio-labeled N-formyl-met-leu-phe (fMLF), and found that MSCs express FPR. FMLF stimulated intracellular calcium increase, mitogen-activated protein kinases activation, and Akt activation, which were mediated by G(i) proteins. MSCs were chemotactically migrated to fMLF. FMLF-induced MSC chemotaxis was also completely inhibited by pertussis toxin, LY294002, and PD98059, indicating the role of G(i) proteins, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, and extracellular signal regulated protein kinase. N-terminal fragment of annexin-1, Anx-1(2-26), an endogenous agonist for FPR, also induced chemotactic migration of MSCs. Thus MSCs express functional FPR, suggesting a new (patho)physiological role of FPR and its ligands in regulating MSC trafficking during induction of injured tissue repair.  相似文献   

The epithelial ovarian carcinomas arise in the ovarian surface epithelium (OSE) which is the mesothelial covering of the ovary. Studies of human USE have been hampered by the small amounts and limited lifespan of this epithelium in culture. OSE cells expressing SV40 large T antigen (Tag) or the HPV genes E6 and E7 have increased growth potentials but lack some of the normal characteristics of OSE. In this study, we used conditional SV40 Tag expression to produce OSE cells with increased proliferative potentials but relatively normal phenotypes. Primary OSE cultures from three women, one of whom had a BRCA1 mutation, were infected with a temperature-sensitive Tag construct (tsTag), and from these, 28 monoclonal and four polyclonal lines were isolated. The effects of temperature changes were examined in two monoclonal and two polyclonal lines. At the permissive temperature (34 degrees C), these cell lines underwent 52-71 population doublings (PD) compared to 15-20 PD for normal OSE. Nuclear SV40-Tag and p53 expression, demonstrated by immunofluorescence, showed that tsTag was uniformly present and biologically active in all lines. At 34 degrees C, culture morphologies ranged from epithelial to mesenchymal. The mean percentage of cells expressing the epithelial differentiation marker, keratin. varied between lines from 20 to 97%. Collagen type III, a mesenchymal marker expressed by OSE in response to explantation into culture, was present in 24-43% of cells. At 39 degrees C, tsTag was inactivated by 2 d while nuclear p53 staining diminished to control levels over 2 wk. Over 3 d. the cells assumed more epithelial morphologies, keratin expression reached 85-100% in all lines and collagen expression increased significantly in two lines. The cultures with the BRCA1 mutation expressed the most keratin and the least collage n III at both temperatures. As indicated by beta-galactosidase staining at pH 6.0, changes leading to senescence were initiated at 39 degrees C by 6 h and were present in all cells after 24 h. However, the cells underwent 1-3 population doublings over up to 1 wk before growth arrest and widespread cell death, thus providing an experimental system where large numbers of OSE cells with different genetic backgrounds and growth potentials can be studied without the concurrent influence of Tag.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical studies were made on the regeneration of T cells of host- and donor-type in the thymus and spleen of radiation bone marrow chimeras by using B10- and B10.BR-Thy-1 congenic mice. Both the thymic cortex and the medulla were first repopulated with thymocytes of irradiated host origin, restoring the normal histologic appearance by days 11 to 14, regardless of the H-2 compatibility between the donor and the host. In Thy-1 congenic chimeras, thymocytes of donor bone marrow origin, less than 100 cells in one thymic lobe, were first recognized at day 7, when the thymus involuted to the smallest size after the irradiation. The thymocytes of donor-type then proliferated exponentially, showing a slightly faster rate when higher doses of bone marrow cells were used for reconstitution, reaching a level of 100 million by day 17 and completely replacing the cortical thymocytes of host origin by day 21. The replacement of cortical thymocytes started from the subcapsular layer in a sporadic manner. The replacement of medullary thymocytes from host- to donor-type occurred gradually between days 21 and 35, after the replacement in the cortex was completed. In the spleen, about 1 million survived cells were recovered at day 3 after the irradiation, and approximately 60% of them were shown to be host-type T cells that were observed in the white pulp areas. The host-type T cells in the spleen increased gradually after day 10, due to the influx of host-type T cells from the regenerating thymus. Thus a pronounced increase of T cells of host-type was immunohistochemically observed in the splenic white pulp between days 21 and 28, when thymocytes of host-type were present mainly in the thymic medulla. These host-type T cells were shown to persist in the spleen for a long time, as long as 420 days after the treatment. Phenotypically, they were predominantly Lyt-1+2+ when examined at day 28, but 5 mo later, they were about 50% Lyt-1+2+ and 50% Lyt-1+2-. Donor-type T cells in the spleen began to appear at about day 14 in chimeras that were transplanted with a larger dose of bone marrow cells, whereas this was slightly delayed in those grafted with a smaller dose of bone marrow cells, starting at about day 28.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   



It has been reported that mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can differentiate into neurons as an effect of adding extraneous factors, such as β-mercaptoethanol, dimethyl sulfoxide and butylated hydroxyanisole. However, many of these compounds could harm MSCs and the human body, which restricts their application. We examined whether MSCs could differentiate into neuron-like cells under the influence of natural growth factors, such as epidermal growth factor (EGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1, and neurotrophin 3 (NT-3).


MSCs were collected from rat bone marrow using the plastic adherent selection method, and induced in culture media to which was added different combinations of EGF, bFGF, IGF-1 and NT-3. The shape of the induced cells was observed daily and the differentiated cells were characterized by immunocytochemistry with neural-specific markers.


With bFGF and NT-3 in the medium, the induced cells became slim, gradually developing protruding processes, with parts of them forming net- or ring-like structures. Cells with processes showed expression of microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) and nestin (NES), which was enhanced when bFGF and NT-3 were added in combination. However, with IGF-1 added to the medium, there was no evidence of neurite-like processes or any net- or ring-like structures; the MSCs retained their round or slim shape.


Using natural cytokines in vitro, MSCs successfully differentiated into neuron-like cells. Our study confirms that bFGF and NT-3 exerts a neural-induction effect on the differentiation of MSCs, but that IGF has a rather negative effect on this process.

Fibrinogen-like protein 2 (fgl2)/fibroleukin is a member of the fibrinogen-related protein superfamily. In addition to its established role in triggering thrombosis, it is known to be secreted by T cells. The soluble fgl2 ((s)fgl2) protein generated in a baculovirus expression system bound to both T cells and bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DC) in a specific manner. (s)fgl2 exhibited immunomodulatory properties capable of inhibiting T cell proliferation stimulated by alloantigens, anti-CD3/anti-CD28 mAbs, and Con A in a dose-dependent manner; however, it had no inhibitory effects on CTL activity. The time- and dose-dependent inhibitory effect of (s)fgl2 on alloreactive T cell proliferation could be neutralized by a mAb against mouse fgl2. Polarization toward a Th2 cytokine profile with decreased production of IL-2 and IFN-gamma and increased production of IL-4 and IL-10 was observed in (s)fgl2-treated allogeneic cultures. Exposure of immature DC to (s)fgl2 abrogated the expression of CD80(high) and MHC class II(high) molecules and markedly inhibited NF-kappaB nuclear translocation, thus inhibiting their maturation. (s)Fgl2-treated DC had an impaired ability to stimulate allogeneic T cell proliferation. Maximal inhibition of proliferation was observed when allogeneic T cells were cultured with (s)fgl2-treated DC and (s)fgl2 protein was added in the culture. These data provide the first evidence to demonstrate that (s)fgl2 exerts immunosuppressive effects on T cell proliferation and DC maturation.  相似文献   

The molecular organization of rearranged T-cell receptor (TCR) gamma genes intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) was studied in athymic radiation chimeras and was compared with the organization of gamma gene rearrangements in IEL from thymus-bearing animals by polymerase chain reaction and by sequence analyses of DNA spanning the junction of the variable (V) and joining (J) genes. In both thymus-bearing mice and athymic chimeras, IEL V-J gamma-gene rearrangements occurred for V gamma 1.2, V gamma 2, and V gamma 5 but not for V gamma 3 or V gamma 4. Sequence analyses of cloned V-J polymerase chain reaction-amplified products indicated that in both thymus-bearing mice and athymic chimeras, rearrangement of V gamma 1.2 and V gamma 5 resulted in in-frame as well as out-of-frame genes, whereas nearly all V gamma 2 rearrangements were out of frame from either type of animal. V-segment nucleotide removal occurred in most V gamma 1.2, V gamma 2, and V gamma 5 rearrangements; J-segment nucleotide removal was common in V gamma 1.2 but not in V gamma 2 or V gamma 5 rearrangements. N-segment nucleotide insertions were present in V gamma 1.2, V gamma 2, and V gamma 5 IEL rearrangements in both thymus-bearing mice and athymic chimeras, resulting in a predominant in-frame sequence for V gamma 5 and a predominant out-of-frame sequence for V gamma 2 genes. These findings demonstrate that (i) TCR gamma-gene rearrangement occurs extrathymically in IEL, (ii) rearrangements of TCR gamma genes involve the same V gene regardless of thymus influence; and (iii) the thymus does not determine the degree to which functional or nonfunctional rearrangements occur in IEL.  相似文献   

Statins are a group of hydroxymethylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors which are most effective as lipid lowering agents, and are currently extensively used clinically. Recently, it was also shown that statins affect the immune response. We investigated the effects of lovastatin on the maturation and functional changes of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (BM-DC). Lovastatin inhibited MHC class II and CD40 expression on DC in a dose-dependent manner, but had lesser effects on CD16, CD80, CD86, and CD11b expression. Nuclear extracts of lovastatin treated DC had decreased NF-kappaB DNA binding activity. Although antigen capture capacity of DC was not affected by lovastatin, the T-cell stimulatory activity of DC was inhibited. Lovastatin up-regulated DC pro-inflammatory cytokine production induced by LPS as measured by intracellular cytokine staining, ELISA and cDNA microarrays. Mevalonate, added in vitro, prevented these effects. These results indicate that lovastatin may inhibit BM-DC maturation and up-regulate cytokine production through a mevalonate dependent pathway, and may cause adverse effects on either innate or adaptive immunity.  相似文献   

Lymphotoxin-beta receptor (LTbetaR) signaling is known to play a key role in embryonic lymphoid organ formation as well as maintenance of lymphoid architecture. Activation of the LTbetaR is induced by either the heterotrimeric lymphotoxin-alpha(1)beta(2) (LTalpha(1)beta(2)) or the homotrimeric LIGHT (homologous to lymphotoxins, exhibits inducible expression, and competes with HSV gpD for herpes virus entry mediator, a receptor expressed by T lymphocyte). Both ligands are expressed on activated lymphocytes. As mast cells reside in close proximity to activated T cells in some inflammatory tissues, we examined the expression of LTbetaR on bone marrow-derived mast cells and asked whether the LTbetaR-ligand interaction would allow communication between mast cells and activated T cells. We found that mast cells express LTbetaR at the mRNA as well as at the protein level. To investigate LTbetaR-specific mast cell activation, the LTbetaR on BMMC from either wild-type or LTbetaR-deficient mice was stimulated with recombinant mouse LIGHT or agonistic mAbs in the presence of ionomycin. LTbetaR-specific release of the cytokines IL-4, IL-6, TNF, and the chemokines macrophage inflammatory protein 2 and RANTES was detected. Moreover, coculture of mast cells with T cells expressing the LTbetaR ligands also entailed the release of these cytokines. Interference with a specific LTbetaR inhibitor resulted in significant suppression of mast cell cytokine release. These data clearly show that LTbetaR expressed on mast cells can transduce a costimulatory signal in T cell-dependent mast cell activation.  相似文献   

The fate of self-reactive T cells was examined in both the host- and donor-derived thymocytes of fully allogeneic bone marrow (BM) chimeras of two strain combinations of AKR/J (H-2k, IE+, Thy-1.1, Mls-1a2b) and C57BL/6 (H-2b, IE-, Thy-1.2, Mls-1b2b). Sequential appearance of host- and donor-derived T cells occurred in the thymus of both AKR----B6 and B6----AKR chimeras in which 5 x 10(6) of T cell-depleted BM cells were used to reconstitute recipients lethally irradiated with 950 rad. Thymocytes bearing V beta 6 high, which recognize MHC class II IE-binding Ag encoded by Mls-1a allele, were detected in neither host- nor donor-derived thymocytes of AKR-B6 chimeras in which Mls-1a and IE were expressed only by the BM-derived cells. Thymocytes bearing V beta 11high capable of recognizing IE were also deleted in the host- and donor-derived thymocytes of the AKR----B6 chimeras. One million of BM cells were inadequate to deletion of the B beta 6high and V beta 11high T cells in the host-derived thymocytes of these chimeras. On the other hand, significant number of V beta 6high and V beta 11high thymocytes were detected in both the host- and donor-derived thymocytes in B6----AKR chimeras where sufficient dose of IE- stem cells were used to reconstitute irradiated Mls-1aIE+ recipients. These results suggest that clonal deletion of the host- and donor-reactive T cells in both the host- and donor-derived thymocytes is an important mechanism for the induction of transplantation tolerance in allogeneic BM chimeras and that BM-derived APC may be essential for the intrathymic elimination of both the host- and donor-reactive T cells in the BM chimeras.  相似文献   

Lin N  Lin J  Bo L  Weidong P  Chen S  Xu R 《Cell proliferation》2010,43(5):427-434
Objectives: Alginate scaffolds are the most frequently investigated biomaterials in tissue engineering. Tissue engineering techniques that generate liver tissue have become important for treatment of a number of liver diseases and recent studies indicate that bone marrow‐derived stem cells (BMSCs) can differentiate into hepatocyte‐like cells. The goal of the study described here, was to examine in vitro hepatic differentiation potential of BMSCs cultured in an alginate scaffold. Materials and methods: To investigate the potential of BMSCs to differentiate into hepatocyte‐like cells, we cultured BMSCs in alginate scaffolds in the presence of specific growth factors including hepatocyte growth factor, epidermal growth factor and fibroblast growth factor‐4. Results: We can demonstrate that alginate scaffolds are compatible for growth of BMSCs and when cultured in alginate scaffolds for several days they display several liver‐specific markers and functions. Specifically, they expressed genes encoding alpha‐foetoprotein, albumin (ALB), connexin 32 and CYP7A1. In addition, these BMSCs produced both ALB and urea, expressed cytokeratin‐18 (CK‐18) and were capable of glycogen storage. Percentage of CK‐18 positive cells, a marker of hepatocytes, was 56.7%. Conclusions: Our three‐dimensional alginate scaffolds were highly biocompatible with BMSCs. Furthermore, culturing induced their differentiation into hepatocyte‐like cells. Therefore, BMSCs cultured in alginate scaffolds may be applicable for hepatic tissue engineering.  相似文献   

In an attempt to resolve the issue of whether H-2-restricted T cell specificity is controlled by thymic epithelial cells or by cells of the macrophage/dendritic cell (M phi/DC) lineages, long-term F1----parent chimeras were subjected to secondary irradiation and reconstitution with F1 marrow cells. The rationale was that if F1 M phi/DC enter the thymus only quite slowly after irradiation, as claimed by other investigators, leaving F1----parent chimeras for a period of several months before re-irradiation would ensure that the new wave of T cells generated in the thymus of the chimeras would have no difficulty in making contact with donor-derived F1 M phi/DC. According to the view that M phi/DC rather than epithelial cells control H-2 restriction, the T cells differentiating in these chimeras would be expected to show H-2 restriction to both parental strains. In practice, T cells from twice-irradiated (1000 + 800 rad) chimeras showed strong restriction to host (thymic) H-2 determinants, the degree of restriction to host determinants being as marked as with T cells from once-irradiated chimeras. This finding applied both to T proliferative responses to KLH assayed in vitro and to T helper function for sheep erythrocytes measured in vivo. Preliminary experiments established that the initial dose of irradiation used for preparing the chimeras (1000 rad) resulted in almost total replacement of intrathymic M phi/DC by donor-derived cells within 4 wk of irradiation; M phi/DC were typed by determining their capacity to stimulate mixed-lymphocyte reactions. Collectively, the data imply that, at least under the conditions used, H-2-restricted T cell specificity is controlled by epithelial cells rather than by M phi/DC.  相似文献   

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