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The scheme of Horsfield et al. for describing the pulmonary airway tree (J Appl Physiol 52: 21-26, 1982) catalogs each airway according to its order and the difference in order of its two daughters (denoted Delta). Although this scheme captures the natural asymmetry in the airway tree, it is still deterministic, because it assumes that all airways of a given order are the same; yet such variability is extremely important in determining the overall behavior of the lungs. We therefore analyzed complete lung lobes from three mature and two immature rabbits and determined the Horsfield order and Delta of every airway down to the terminal bronchioles. We also measured the diameter of each airway. This allowed us to determine the average structure of the rabbit airway tree, the variation about this average, and also how the structures of mature and immature airway trees compare. We found some variation in branching asymmetry and airway diameter at a given order between animals but no evidence of systematic differences in structure between mature and immature lungs. We found evidence of a difference in the branching structure of the peripheral vs. the central part of the airway tree (the break point being around order 20). We also determined the nature of the variation in Delta and diameter as a function of order, which should be valuable for the development of computer models seeking to encapsulate the naturally occurring regional variation in airway geometry in the normal rabbit lung.  相似文献   

R J Ablin 《Cryobiology》1974,11(5):416-422
The intensity and specificity of the immune response developed following each of three independent in situ freezing insults of the coagulating gland (anterior prostate) of immature male rabbits have been compared to that obtained following similar cryostimulation of the coagulating gland of mature bucks by the methods of tanned cell haemagglutination and gel diffusion precipitation. Results of this study offer confirmation to the previously demonstrated secondary or anamnestic immune response observed following multiple freezing of the rabbit coagulating gland and indicate further that the size and physiological status of the coagulating gland, i.e., the concentration of coagulating gland secretory autoantigens, are among the important variables in determining the cryosensitivity of a given animal. This cryosensitivity may be of particular significance in the prospective treatment of patients with prostatic cancer by cryoimmunotherapy. That is, the development of an immune response in such patients may reasonably be related to the concentration and subsequent release of prostatic tumourspecific or tumour-associated antigens.  相似文献   

Immature rabbits have greater maximal airway narrowing and greater maximal fold increases in airway resistance during bronchoconstriction than mature animals. We have previously demonstrated that excised immature rabbit lungs have more distensible airways, a lower shear modulus, and structural differences in the relative composition and thickness of anatomically similar airways. In the present study, we incorporated anatomic and physiological data for mature and immature rabbits into a computational model of airway narrowing. We then investigated the relative importance of maturational differences in these factors as determinants of the greater airway narrowing that occurs in the immature animal. The immature model demonstrated greater sensitivity to agonist, as well as a greater maximal fold increase in airway resistance. Exchanging values for airway compliance between the mature and immature models resulted in the mature model exhibiting a greater maximal airway response than the immature model. In contrast, exchanging the shear moduli or the composition of the airway wall relative to the airway size produced relatively small changes in airway reactivity. Our results strongly suggest that the mechanical properties of the airway, i.e., greater compliance of the immature airway, can be an important factor contributing to the greater airway narrowing of the immature animal.  相似文献   

Cytokine production by mature and immature thymocytes.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We have studied the ability of subpopulations of activated thymocytes to produce four cytokines (IL-2, IL-4, IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha) which are believed to play roles in T cell development. Supernatants from various thymocyte subsets activated with calcium ionophore and PMA were tested for these cytokines. All CD3hi thymocyte subsets (CD4+8-, CD4-8- and CD4-8+) produced high titers of these four cytokines except CD3+4-8+ thymocytes, which did not produce IL-4. In contrast, CD4+8+ thymocytes did not produce any detectable cytokines. CD3-4-8- thymocytes produced IL-2, IFN-gamma, and TNF-alpha (but not IL-4) when activated by calcium ionophore + PMA and IL-1. We then separated CD3-4-8- thymocytes into IL-2R+ and IL-2R-. CD3-4-8-IL-2R+ thymocytes only produced small amounts of IL-2 when activated with calcium ionophore + PMA + IL-1, whereas CD3-4-8-IL-2R- thymocytes did not require IL-1 to produce IL-2, IFN-gamma, and TNF-alpha. Finally, CD4-8+3- thymocytes (an immature population believed to be an intermediate between CD3-4-8- and CD4+8+ thymocytes) only produced marginally detectable levels of IL-2 upon stimulation with calcium ionophore, PMA, and the addition of IL-1 did not result in increased levels of cytokine production. These observations indicate discrete patterns of cytokine production by the subsets studied and suggest specific controls of cytokine gene expression during T cell development.  相似文献   

Immature rabbits have greater maximal airway narrowing with bronchoconstriction in vivo compared with mature animals. As isolated immature lungs have a lower shear modulus, it is unclear whether the greater airway narrowing in the immature lung is secondary to less tethering between the airways and the lung parenchyma or to differences in the mechanical properties of the mature and immature airways. In the present study, we compared the mechanical properties of fluid-filled, isolated, intraparenchymal airway segments of the same generation from mature and immature rabbits. Stimulation with ACh resulted in greater airway narrowing in immature than mature bronchi. The immature bronchi were more compliant, had a lower resting airway volume, and were more collapsible compared with the mature bronchi. When the airways were contracted with ACh under isovolume conditions, the immature bronchi generated greater active pressure, and they were more sensitive to ACh than were mature bronchi. Our results suggest that maturational differences in the structure and function of the airways in the absence of the lung parenchyma can account for the greater maximal narrowing of immature than mature airways in vivo.  相似文献   

The particle gun, cocultivation withAgrobacterium tumefaciens, and imbibition in DNA solutions were compared as methods to transfer DNA into mature and immature pollen ofNicotiana tabacum. Bombardment of mature pollen with the β-glucuronidase gene cloned behind the pollen-specific PA2 promoter of the chalcone isomerase gene ofPetunia hybrida resulted in the expression of the β-glucuronidase gene in 0.025% of the pollen grains. Bombardment of younger stages followed byin vitro maturation also resulted in the formation of mature pollen that expressed β-glucuronidase, although at a lower frequency. Cocultivation of pollen duringin vitro maturation orin vitro germination withAgrobacterium tumefaciens did not yeild β-glucuronidase-expressing pollen. In these cases, an intron-containing β-glucuronidase gene was used which effectively prevented β-glucuronidase expression in the bacteria. Imbibition of mature, dry pollen in various DNA solutions of the same constructs also did not lead to the formation of β-glucuronidase expressing pollen.  相似文献   

In children, aortic lipid deposition develops in triangular regions of the wall downstream of branch points, whilst in adults these regions are particularly free of disease. Comparable age-related patterns occur in rabbit aortas. They may be explained by patterns of wall permeability to circulating macromolecules: along the longitudinal midline through branches, permeability is greater downstream than upstream in immature rabbits, but is greater upstream at later ages. Here we have mapped permeability in detail around such branches, not just along the midline. Short-term uptake of rhodamine-labeled albumin, measured using digital imaging fluorescence microscopy of serial sections, was greatest in an approximately triangular region downstream of immature branches, but in mature animals it was greater upstream, particularly away from the midline, and in streaks to the side of branches. Hence the maps are consistent with earlier permeability data and closely resemble the patterns of disease.  相似文献   

Our laboratory has previously demonstrated that maximal bronchoconstriction produces a greater degree of airway narrowing in immature than in mature rabbit lungs (33). To determine whether these maturational differences could be related to airway structure, we compared the fraction of the airway wall occupied by airway smooth muscle (ASM) and cartilage, the proportion of wall area internal to ASM, and the number of alveolar attachments to the airways, from mature and immature (6-mo- and 4-wk-old, respectively) rabbit lungs that were formalin fixed at total lung capacity. The results demonstrate that the airway walls of immature rabbits had a greater percentage of smooth muscle, a lower percentage of cartilage, and fewer alveolar attachments compared with mature rabbit airways; however, we did not find maturational differences in the airway wall thickness relative to airway size. We conclude that structural differences in the airway wall may contribute to the greater airway narrowing observed in immature rabbits during bronchoconstriction.  相似文献   

Mature female Chinese hamsters ovulate an average of 8.8 ± 1.0 (mean ± SD) eggs per female in each estrous cycle. Superovulation can be induced in both immature and mature females by subcutaneous or intraperitoneal injections of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and either human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or pituitary luteinizing hormone (PLH). The best superovulation in immature females was induced by the administration of 15 IU of PMSG followed 72 hr later by injection of 15 IU of hCG (about 25 eggs per female) or 0.2 mg (200 IU) PLH (about 46 eggs per female). Ovulation started about 13–15 hr after administration of hCG (or PLH) and was completed during the next 5–6 hr. Superovulation in mature females could be induced by injecting PMSG any day of the estrous cycle, but the best superovulation (about 39 eggs per female) was induced by injecting 15 IU of PMSG on day 1 (day of ovulation) followed by the injection of 0.4 mg of PLH 72 hr later. When immature females treated with the best superovulatory protocol were mated on the evening of PLH injection, only 5% of the eggs were found fertilized 50 hr after PLH administration. On the other hand, about 60% of the eggs were found fertilized in mature females mated following treatment with the best superovulatory protocol. The majority (83–85%) of superovulated eggs obtained from both immature and mature females were normally fertilized in vitro.  相似文献   

'The highly packed chromatin of mature spermatozoa results from replacement of somatic-like histones by highly basic arginine- and cysteine-rich protamines during spermatogenesis, with additional conformational changes in chromatin structure during epididymal transit. The objective of the present study was to compare the nuclear characteristics of immature and mature epididymal stallion spermatozoa, using a variety of experimental approaches. Resistance to in vitro decondensation of chromatin, following exposure to SDS-DTT and alkaline thioglycolate, increased significantly in mature spermatozoa. Evaluation of the thiol-disulfide status (monobromobimane labeling) demonstrated that immature cells obtained from ductulli efferentes contained mostly thiol groups, whereas these groups were oxidized in mature cells collected from the cauda epididymidis. Based on atomic absorption spectrophotometry, maturation of stallion spermatozoa was accompanied by a 60% reduction in the Zn(2+) content of sperm cells, concomitant with increased concentrations of this ion in epididymal fluid. Furthermore, the degree of disulfide bonding was inversely correlated with susceptibility of chromatin to acid denaturation (SCSA). Collectively, these data were consistent with the hypothesis that maturation of stallion spermatozoa involves oxidation of sulphydryl groups to form intra- and intermolecular disulfide links between adjacent protamines, with loss of zinc as an integral feature. These changes endow mechanical and chemical resistance to the nucleus, ensuring efficient transmission of the paternal genome at fertilization.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the nuclear acidic proteins in immature and mature avian erythroid cells was compared. Synthesis of these proteins was found to occur in both types of cells. However, there are quantitative and qualitative differences in incorporation of labelled amino acids into the electrophoretic patterns of these proteins. There was an overall decline in the specific activity of the proteins as erythrocyte maturation proceeds. In particular, one protein band of molecular weight 81,000 is predominantly synthesizied in the immature cells but not in the mature cells.  相似文献   

Torsional testing of fresh cortical bovine bone showed highly divergent shear moduli at various sites in the middle part of the diaphysis of the right metacarpus. Two hundred samples taken from twenty-five bones were investigated with a free oscillating torsional pendulum to determine the dynamic shear modulus. The results clearly demonstrate the mutual dependence between the shape of the metacarpus and the modulus of the material. On the basis of the analysis of forty-eight samples, a positive correlation was found between the amount of Ca2+ and PO4(3)-ions in the bone and the shear modulus. The hypothesis is put forward that in bone, normal adaptation to increasing stress is obtained by a change in the modulus values, Wolff's law only being operative for extreme cases.  相似文献   

To compare the intrinsic permeability properties of the small intestine in adult (average body wt 300 g) and 25- to 27-day-old (average body wt 50 g) male rats, the uptake rates of cycloleucine and of cadmium were measured in intestinal segments isolated in situ with their blood supply intact. Uptake rates were expressed on the basis of that of ethanol, a solute whose absorption depends primarily on the size, rather than the composition, of the available surface area and on the presence of unstirred layers. These layers may be concluded to affect movement of cycloleucine, cadmium, and ethanol to the same extent. The ratio of uptake rates, therefore, provides in arbitrary units a measure of the intrinsic permeability of the luminal surface area to cadmium and to cycloleucine. On this basis, no developmental change in cycloleucine permeability could be detected. In contrast, the rate of cadmium uptake relative to that for ethanol decreased with age by about 50%. Possible mechanisms are discussed for this significant change in the intrinsic cadmium permeability of the jejunum in post-"closure" animals.  相似文献   

We speculated that the increased vulnerability of the immature rabbit heart to global ischemia might be due to an increased susceptibility to free radical injury. To evaluate this, we exposed newborn (age 2.4 +/- 0.3 days, n = 20) (mean +/- SEM), juvenile (2 to 3 weeks, mean 16.6 +/- 0.5 days, n = 20), and adult (5 to 7 months old, n = 20) isolated, isovolumic, Krebs perfused rabbit hearts to oxygen radicals or cumene hydroperoxide. Control hearts showed no deterioration in left ventricular developed pressure over 60 min (newborns = 104 +/- 11%, juveniles = 101 +/- 7%, and adults = 113 +/- 12% of baseline, n = 5 for each age group). After only 30 min of oxygen radical exposure, the newborn group developed pressure decreased to 49 +/- 6% of the baseline value, while juveniles and adults were functioning at 70 +/- 10% and 83 +/- 6% of baseline, respectively (n = 10 for each age group) (P less than 0.05, newborn different from adult group). In contrast to the oxygen radical protocol, the hearts exposed to cumene hydroperoxide showed no significant difference between the age groups in deterioration of left ventricular function. There was no significant difference between the age groups in ATP content or thiobarbituric reactive substances following the oxygen radical exposure. We conclude that the newborn rabbit heart is significantly more vulnerable than the adult heart to the toxic effects of oxygen radicals. This may account, in part, for age related differences in response to global ischemia and reperfusion.  相似文献   

Eprinomectin has been approved for use as a topically applied endectocide for beef and dairy cattle. To determine if eprinomectin has utility as an injectable anthelmintic, it was titrated at 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 mg/kg s.c. against adult (Trial 1) and at 0.05, 0.1, 0.14, and 0.2 mg/kg s.c. against immature (Trial 2) stages of lung and gastrointestinal nematodes in cattle. In Trial 1, every dose of subcutaneously delivered eprinomectin showed maximal or near-maximal (> or = 99%) efficacy against Haemonchus placei, Ostertagia ostertagi, Trichostrongylus axei, T colubriformis, Cooperia punctata, Nematodirus helvetianus, Oesophagostomum radiatum, and Dictyocaulus viviparus. Adult C. oncophora was the only exception. However, even against this species, the lowest dose of 0.05 mg/kg showed 93% efficacy, and the efficacious dose necessary to kill 95% (ED95) of adults was 0.056 mg/kg. In Trial 2, every dose of subcutaneously delivered eprinomectin showed maximal or near-maximal (> or = 99%) efficacy against the immature stages of all of the above species of endoparasites. As a result, ED95 values could not be calculated. Consequently, the exquisite potency against endoparasites through parenteral administration suggests that eprinomectin may also have potential utility as an injectable product for cattle.  相似文献   

Studies performed in sheep and baboons have shown that after birth, the normoxic muscle media of ductus arteriosus (DA) becomes profoundly hypoxic as it constricts and undergoes anatomic remodeling. We used isolated fetal lamb DA (pretreated with inhibitors of prostaglandin and nitric oxide production) to determine why the immature DA fails to remain tightly constricted during the hypoxic phase of remodeling. Under normoxic conditions, mature DA constricts to 70% of its maximal active tension (MAT). Half of its normoxic tension is due to Ca(2+) entry through calcium L-channels and store-operated calcium (SOC) channels. The other half is independent of extracellular Ca(2+) and is unaffected by inhibitors of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) release (ryanodine) or reuptake [cyclopiazonic acid (CPA)]. The mature DA relaxes slightly during hypoxia (to 60% MAT) due to decreases in calcium L-channel-mediated Ca(2+) entry. Inhibitors of Rho kinase and tyrosine kinase inhibit both Ca(2+)-dependent and Ca(2+)-independent DA tension. Although Rho kinase activity may increase during gestation, immature DA develop lower tensions than mature DA, primarily because of differences in the way they process Ca(2+). Calcium L-channel expression increases with advancing gestation. Under normoxic conditions, differences in calcium L-channel-mediated Ca(2+) entry account for differences in tension between immature (60% MAT) and mature (70% MAT) DA. Under hypoxic conditions, differences in both calcium L-channel-dependent and calcium L-channel-independent Ca(2+) entry, account for differences in tension between immature (33% MAT) and mature (60% MAT) DA. Stimulation of Ca(2+) entry through reverse-mode Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchange or CPA-induced SOC channel activity constrict the DA and eliminate differences between immature and mature DA during both hypoxia and normoxia.  相似文献   

Metabolism of arachidonic acid (AA) was studied in perfused lungs and kidneys of normal and atherosclerotic rabbits by determination of PGE2, PGF2 alpha and the stable metabolites of PGI2 (6-keto-PGF1 alpha) and TXA2 (TXB2). PGI2 was the main AA metabolite formed by normal lungs and kidneys. Atherosclerosis reduced the formation of PGI2 by about 50 % in both organs. TXA2 formation was similarily decreased in lungs. In kidneys, the decrease in PGI2 formation was accompanied by an increase in PGE2 formation.  相似文献   

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