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We have previously reported (Hinescu & Popescu, 2005) the existence of interstitial Cajal-like cells (ICLC), by transmission electron microscopy, in human atrial myocardium. In the present study, ICLC were identified with non-conventional light microscopy (NCLM) on semi-thin sections stained with toluidine blue and immunohistochemistry (IHC) for CD117/c-kit, CD34, vimentin and other additional antigens for differential diagnosis. Quantitatively, on semi-thin sections, ICLC represent about 1-1.5% of the atrial myocardial volume (vs. approximately 45% working myocytes, approximately 2% endothelial cells, 3-4% for other interstitial cells, and the remaining percentage: extracellular matrix). Roughly, there is one ICLC for 8-10 working atrial myocytes in the intercellular space, beneath the epicardium, with a characteristic (pyriform, spindle or triangular) shape. These ICLC usually have 2-3 definitory processes, emerging from cell body, which usually embrace atrial myocytes (260 nm average distance plasmalemma/sarcolemma) or establish close contact with nerve fibers or capillaries (approximately 420 nm average distance to endothelial cells). Cell prolongations are characteristic: very thin (mean thickness = 0.15+/-0.1 microm), very long for a non-nervous cell (several tens of microm) and moniliform (uneven caliber). Stromal synapses between ICLC and other interstitial cells (macrophages) were found (e.g. in a multicontact type synapse, the average synaptic cleft was approximately 65 nm). Naturally, the usual cell organelles (mitochondria, smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum, intermediate filaments) are relatively well developed. Caveolae were also visible on cell prolongations. No thick filaments were detected. IHC showed that ICLC were slightly and inconsistently positive for CD117/c-kit, variously co-expressed CD34 and EGF receptor, but appeared strongly positive for vimentin, along their prolongations. Some ICLC seemed positive for a-smooth muscle actin and tau protein, but were negative for nestin, desmin, CD13 and S-100. In conclusion, we provide further evidence of the existence of ICLC in human atrial myocardium, supporting the possible ICLC role in pacemaking, secretion (juxta- and/or paracrine), intercellular signaling (neurons and myocytes). For pathology, ICLC might as well be 'players' in arrhythmogenesis and atrial remodeling.  相似文献   

We present here visual evidence for the existence of a new type of interstitial cells in human atrial myocardium: interstitial Cajal-like cells (ICLC). These cells fulfil the so-called 'platinum standard' (a set of 10 ultrastructural criteria for the positive diagnosis of ICLC). Conventional transmission electron microscopy (TEM), followed by reconstructions from serial photomicrographs, revealed typical ICLC with 2 or 3 long, moniliform processes (several tens of micrometers long and 0.1-0.5 microm thick), emerging from the (small) cell body. Cell processes dichotomously branch and have mitochondria (at the level of dilations), caveolae and Ca(2+) release units. Cell prolongations establish close spatial relationships between each other, as well as with capillaries, myocardial cells, and other connective tissue cells. Our preliminary data suggest that ICLC exist in rat ventricular myocardium, too.  相似文献   

Interstitial Cajal-like Cells (ICLC) were recently recognized in a plethora of non-digestive organs. Here, we describe a cell type of rat mesentery sharing ultrastructural and immunohistochemical features with ICLC. Mesenteric ICLC were demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and further tested by light microscope immunohistochemistry. The cell described here fulfils the TEM diagnostic criteria accepted for ICLC: location in the connective interstitium; close vicinity to nerves, capillaries and other interstitial cells; characteristic long, moniliform cell processes; specialized cell-to-cell junctions; caveolae; mitochondria at 5-10% of cytoplasmic volume; rough endoplasmic reticulum at about 1-2%; intermediate and thin filaments, microtubules; undetectable thick filaments. The processes of this mesenteric ICLC were particularly long, with a mean length of 24.91 microm (10.27-50.83 micorm), and a convolution index of 2.32 (1.37-3.63) was calculated in order to measure their potential length. Mean distances versus main target cells of ICLC-nerve bundles, vessels, adipocytes and macrophages-were 110.69, 115.80, 205.07 and 34.65 nm, respectively. We also tested the expression of CD117/c-kit, CD34, vimentin, alpha-smooth muscle actin, nestin, NK-1, tryptase and chymase and the antigenic profile of the mesenteric ICLC was comparable if not identical with that recently observed in ICLC from other extra-digestive tissues. Due to the peculiar aspect of the mesenteric ICLC processes it can be hypothesized that these cells form a three-dimensional network within the mesentery that is at the same time resistant and deformable following stretches consequent to intestine movements, mainly avoiding blood vessels closure or controlling blood vessels rheology. It remains, however, to be established if and how such cells are connected with the archetypal enteric ICC.  相似文献   

We have previously shown the existence of ICLC in human resting mammary gland stroma by means of methylene blue (vital) staining and c-kit immunopositivity (immunofluorescence and immunohistochemistry). In addition, we reported the phenotype characteristics of these ICLC in vitro (primary cell cultures). Since the identification of ICLC outside the gut requires, at this moment, the obligatory use of TEM, we used this technique and provide unequivocal evidence for the presence of ICLC in the intralobular stroma of human resting mammary gland. According to the 'platinum standard' (10 TEM criteria for the certitude diagnosis of ICLC), we found interstitial cells with the following characteristics: 1. location: among the tubulo-alveolar structures, in the non-epithelial space; 2. caveolae: approximately 2.5% of cell volume; 3. mitochondria: approximately 10% of cell volume; 4. endoplasmic reticulum: either smooth or rough, approximately 2-3% of cell volume; 5. cytoskeleton: intermediate and thin filaments, as well as microtubules are present; 6. myosin thick filaments: undetectable; 7. basal lamina: occasionally found; 8. gap junctions: occasionally found; 9. close contacts with targets: nerve fibers, capillaries, immunoreactive cells by 'stromal synapses'; 10. characteristic cytoplasmic processes: i) number: frequently 2-3; ii) length: several tens of mum; iii) thickness: uneven caliber, 0.1-0.5 microm, with dilations, but very thin from the emerging point; iv) aspect: moniliform, usually with mitochondria located in dilations; v) branching: dichotomous pattern; vi) Ca(2+) release units: are present; vii) network labyrinthic system: overlapping cytoplasmic processes. It remains to be established which of the possible roles that we previously suggested for ICLC (e.g. juxta- and/or paracrine secretion, uncommited progenitor cells, immunological surveillance, intercellular signaling, etc.) are essential for the epithelium/stroma equilibrium in the mammary gland under normal or pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Novel type of interstitial cell (Cajal-like) in human fallopian tube   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We describe here--presumably for the first time--a Cajal-like type of tubal interstitial cells (t-ICC), resembling the archetypal enteric ICC. t-ICC were demonstrated in situ and in vitro on fresh preparations (tissue cryosections and primary cell cultures) using methylene-blue, crystal-violet, Janus-Green B or MitoTracker-Green FM Probe vital stainings. Also, t-ICC were identified in fixed specimens by light microscopy (methylene-blue, Giemsa, trichrome stainings, Gomori silver-impregnation) or transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The positive diagnosis of t-ICC was strengthened by immunohistochemistry (IHC; CD117/c-kit+ and other 14 antigens) and immunofluorescence (IF; CD117/c-kit+ and other 7 antigens). The spatial density of t-ICC (ampullar-segment cryosections) was 100-150 cells/mm2. Non-conventional light microscopy (NCLM) of Epon semithin-sections revealed a network-like distribution of t-ICC in lamina propria and smooth muscle meshwork. t-ICC appeared located beneath of epithelium, in a 10-15 microm thick 'belt', where 18+/-2% of cells were t-ICC. In the whole lamina propria, t-ICC were about 9%, and in muscularis approximately 7%. In toto, t-ICC represent ~8% of subepithelial cells, as counted by NCLM. In vitro, t-ICC were 9.9+/-0.9% of total cell population. TEM showed that the diagnostic 'gold standard' (Huizinga et al., 1997) is fulfilled by 'our' t-ICC. However, we suggest a 'platinum standard', adding a new defining criterion- characteristic cytoplasmic processes (number: 1-5; length: tens of microm; thickness: < or =0.5 microm; aspect: moniliform; branching: dichotomous; organization: network, labyrinthic-system). Quantitatively, the ultrastructural architecture of t-ICC is: nucleus, 23.6+/-3.2% of cell volume, with heterochromatin 49.1+/-3.8%; mitochondria, 4.8+/-1.7%; rough and smooth endoplasmic-reticulum (1.1+/-0.6%, 1.0+/-0.2%, respectively); caveolae, 3.4+/-0.5%. We found more caveolae on the surface of cell processes versus cell body, as confirmed by IF for caveolins. Occasionally, the so-called 'Ca2+-release units' (subplasmalemmal close associations of caveolae+endoplasmic reticulum+mitochondria) were detected in the dilations of cell processes. Electrophysiological single unit recordings of t-ICC in primary cultures indicated sustained spontaneous electrical activity (amplitude of membrane potentials: 57.26+/-6.56 mV). Besides the CD117/c-kit marker, t-ICC expressed variously CD34, caveolins 1&2, alpha-SMA, S-100, vimentin, nestin, desmin, NK-1. t-ICC were negative for: CD68, CD1a, CD62P, NSE, GFAP, chromogranin-A, PGP9.5, but IHC showed the possible existence of (neuro)endocrine cells in tubal interstitium. We call them 'JF cells'. In conclusion, the identification of t-ICC might open the door for understanding some tubal functions, e.g. pace-making/peristaltism, secretion (auto-, juxta- and/or paracrine), regulation of neurotransmission (nitrergic/purinergic) and intercellular signaling, via the very long processes. Furthermore, t-ICC might even be uncommitted bipotential progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Intercalated discs (ID) are complex junctional units that connect cardiac myocytes mechanically and electrochemically. However, there is limited information concerning the cardiomyocyte interaction with interstitial non-muscle cells. Our previous studies showed that myocardial interstitial Cajal-like cells (ICLC) are located in between cardiomyocytes, blood capillaries and nerve fibres. Typically, ICLC have several very long, moniliform, cytoplasmic processes which establish closed contacts with nerve fibres, as well as each other. We report here ultrastructural evidence concerning the relationships of ICLC processes with ID. The ICLC cytoplasmic prolongations (tens micrometers length) preferentially pass by or stop nearby the ID. Transmission electron microscopy emphasized three distinct connecting features between the tips of ICLC extensions and myocytes at the 'mouth' of ID: free or budding shed vesicles, exocytotic multi-vesicular bodies and direct contacts. In the last case, electron-dense repetitive nanostructures ('pillars') (35-40 nm high and 100-150 nm wide, similar to adhesion molecules) fasten the ICLC to the myocytes. All these features suggest a juxtacrine and/or paracrine intercellular mutual modulation of ICLC and cardiomyocytes in the microenvironment of ID, possibly monitoring the cardiac functions, particularly the electrical activity.  相似文献   

We show here that methylene-blue supravital staining of specimens from normal human mammary gland reveals (selectively) interstitial (stromal) cells, with 2-3 long (20-80 microm), thin, moniliform processes. Such cells appear c-kit/CD117 positive, either by immunohistochemistry (IHC) or immunofluorescence (IF). Since these features (affinity for methylene blue, c-kit positivity, and characteristic processes) define archetypal interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) in light microscopy, our results suggest the existence of Cajal-like cells in the interstitium of human normal mammary gland.  相似文献   

We show the existence of a novel type of interstitial cell-telocytes (TC) in mouse trachea and lungs. We used cell cultures, vital stainings, as well as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Phase contrast microscopy on cultured cells showed cells with unequivocally characteristic morphology of typical TC (cells with telopodes-Tp). SEM revealed typical TC with two to three Tp-very long and branched cell prolongations. Tp consist of an alternation of thin segments (podomers) and thick segments (podoms). The latter accommodate mitochondria (as shown by Janus Green and MitoTracker), rough endoplasmic reticulum and caveolae. TEM showed characteristic podomers and podoms as well as close relationships with nerve endings and blood capillaries. IHC revealed positive expression of TC for c-kit, vimentin and CD34. In conclusion, this study shows the presence in trachea and lungs of a peculiar type of cells, which fulfils the criteria for TC.  相似文献   

Traditional interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are present in the digestive tube and are supposed to act as pacemakers and neuromodulators. However, interstitial Cajal-like cells (ICLCs) were found outside the gastrointestinal tract, in various organs (e.g. ureter, bladder, fallopian tube, uterus, pancreas, mammary gland, myocardium etc.) and looking for such ICLC is a priority in our laboratories.We report here unequivocal visual evidence that ICLCs are present in the mesenchymal tissue of the villi from human term placenta.The following methods were used: a. vital staining with methylene blue (cryosections); b. silver impregnation (paraffin sections); c. Epon-embedded sections (approximately 1 microm) of glutaraldehyde/osmium fixed tissue, stained with toluidine blue; d. primary cell cultures (or second-passage cells) to reveal the characteristic, very long, moniliform cell processes and mitochondrial localization at dilations (molecular fluorescence probe: Mito Tracker Green); e. immunofluorescence for c-kit/CD117 marker or other characteristic proteins; f. transmission electron microscopy to establish the identity of ICLC.  相似文献   

C-kit immunopositive interstitial cells (Cajal-type) in human myometrium   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Previous reports describing Cajal-like interstitial cells in human uterus are contradictory in terms of c-kit immunoreactivity: either negative (but vimentin-positive) in pregnant myometrium, or positive, presumably in the endometrium. The aim of this study was to verify the existence of human myometrial Cajal-like interstitial cells (m-CLIC). Six different, complementary approaches were used: 1) methylene-blue supravital staining of tissue samples (cryosections), 2) methylene blue and Janus green B vital staining (m-CLIC and mitochondrial markers, respectively), and 3) extracellular single-unit electrophysiological recordings in cell cultures, 4) non-conventional light microscopy on glutaraldehyde/osmium fixed, Epon-embedded semi-thin sections (less than 1 microm) stained with toluidine blue (TSM), 5) transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and 6) immunofluorescence (IF). We found m-CLIC in myometrial cryosections and in cell cultures. In vitro, m-CLIC represented approximately 7% of the total cell number. m-CLIC had 2-3 characteristic processes which were very long (approximately 60 microm), very thin (< or =0.5 microm) and moniliform. The dilated portions of processes usually accommodated mitochondria. In vitro, m-CLIC exhibited spontaneous electrical activity (62.4+/-7.22 mV membrane potentials, short duration: 1.197+/-0.04 ms). Moreover, m-CLIC fulfilled the usual TEM criteria, the so-called 'gold' or 'platinum' standards (e.g. the presence of discontinuous basal lamina, caveolae, endoplasmic reticulum, and close contacts between each other, with myocytes, nerve fibers and/or capillaries etc.). IF showed that m-CLIC express CD117/c-kit, sometimes associated with CD34, with vimentin along their processes. In conclusion, we describe myometrial Cajal-like interstitial cells that have affinity for methylene blue and Janus green B vital dyes, fulfill (all) TEM criteria, express CD117/c-kit and have spontaneous electric activity.  相似文献   

The term TELOCYTES was very recently introduced, for replacing the name Interstitial Cajal‐Like Cells (ICLC). In fact, telocytes are not really Cajal‐like cells, they being different from all other interstitial cells by the presence of telopodes, which are cell‐body prolongations, very thin (under the resolving power of light microscopy), extremely long (tens up to hundreds of micrometers), with a moniliform aspect (many dilations along), and having caveolae. The presence of telocytes in epicardium and myocardium was previously documented. We present here electron microscope images showing the existence of telocytes, with telopodes, at the level of mouse endocardium. Telocytes are located in the subendothelial layer of endocardium, and their telopodes are interposed in between the endocardial endothelium and the cardiomyocytes bundles. Some telopodes penetrate from the endocardium among the cardiomyocytes and surround them, eventually. Telopodes frequently establish close spatial relationships with myocardial blood capillaries and nerve endings. Because we may consider endocardium as a ‘blood–heart barrier’, or more exactly as a ‘blood–myocardium barrier’, telocytes might have an important role in such a barrier being the dominant cell population in subendothelial layer of endocardium.  相似文献   

Expression of estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR) receptors was investigated in cultured human normal myometrial cells (non-pregnant uterus, fertile period). The ER and PR expression was studied by immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence on either myocytes or interstitial Cajal-like cells (ICLC). Only those cells double immunostained for c-kit and steroid receptors were considered as ICLC. ER and/or PR immunoreactivity was localized in ICLC, primarily concentrated at the nucleus level, but it was also observed in the cell body (cytoplasm) and processes. Stronger immunopositive reaction in the ICLC nucleus for PR than for ER was noted. Under our experimental conditions, a clear positive repeatable reaction for steroid receptors could not be detected in myocytes. In conclusion, these data suggest that ICLC could be true hormonal 'sensors', possibly participating in the regulation of human myometrial contractions (via gap junctions with myocytes and/or by paracrine signaling).  相似文献   

Interstitial Cajal-like cells in human gallbladder   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We describe here an interstitial Cajal-like cell type (ICLC) in human gallbladder, resembling the archetypal enteric interstitial cells of Cajal. Gallbladder ICLC were demonstrated in fresh preparations (tissue cryosections) using methylene-blue, and fixed specimens in Epon semi-thin sections stained with toluidine blue or transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The positive diagnosis of gallbladder ICLC was further verified by immunohistochemistry: CD117/c-kit, CD34, and another 16 antigens: vimentin, desmin, nestin, α-smooth muscle actin, NK-1, S-100, PGP-9.5, tau protein, chromogranin A, NSE, GFAP, CD1a, CD62-P, CD68, estrogen and progesterone receptors. Double immunostaining was performed for CD117, CD34 and CD117 and nestin, respectively. In fresh specimens, the spatial density of gallbladder ICLC was 100–110 cells/mm2. ICLC mainly appeared beneath the epithelium and in muscularis (about 7%, and ∼5%, respectively). In toto, ICLC represent in gallbladder ∼5.5% of subepithelial cells. TEM showed that diagnostic criteria were fulfilled by ICLC. Moreover, TEM indicated that the main ultrastructural distinctive feature for ICLC, the cell processes, develop into the characteristic shape at a relatively early stage of development. It remains to be established if, in humans, ICLC are involved in gallbladder (dis)functions (e.g. pace-making, secretion (auto-, juxta- and/or paracrine), intercellular signaling, or stone formation). M. E. Hinescu and C. Ardeleanu contributed equally to this study.  相似文献   

The existence of a new type of interstitial cells in the heart namely, interstitial Cajal-like cells (ICLC), has been described for the first time by Hinescu and Popescu in 2005. This study was then followed by an ascending trend of publications regarding the morphology, phenotype and distribution of myocardial ICLC in diverse species including human patients. Recently the new term ‘telocytes’ has been proposed for cells formerly known as ICLC, and the term ‘telopodes’ has been proposed for the prolongations of these cells. The identification of these cells is based on ultrastructural criteria. In addition, telocyters/telyopodes can be identified by several complementary approaches including methylene blue vital staining, silver impregnation and immunoreactivity against CD117/c-kit, vimentin, etc. This point of view presents critical data existing in literature, as well as own results, which unequivocally provide compelling evidence that telocytes are a new distinct cellular entity of myocardial interstitium. Several presumable functions of the myocardial telocytes are discussed: (i) intercellular signalling, (ii) cardiac repair/remodelling and (iii) stem cell nursing in cardiac renewal.  相似文献   

The intermediate filament (IF) composition of muscle cells of various sources is still a controversial issue. In the present study, the IF composition of bovine Purkinje fibres (PFs), atrial and ventricular myocardium, and gastric smooth muscle (SM) has been compared using biochemical and immunocytochemical methods. The Mr of the major IF subunit protein in all four tissues was 55,000. In two-dimensional (2-D) electrophoresis gels of Triton-treated ordinary atrial and ventricular myocardium and the gastric muscular wall, two or three isoelectric isoforms were seen, whereas in PFs up to seven isoforms caused by phosphorylation were observed. In immunofluorescence studies antibodies against the Mr 55,000 subunit of PFs and gastric SM, respectively, both showed identical reactivity with PFs, atrial and ventricular myocytes, gastric SM cells and some SM cells in intramyocardial and gastric muscular wall blood vessels. A small amount of vimentin (Mr 57,000) was also detected in 2-D gel electrophoresis in all four tissues as well as in immunoblotting of PFs with antibodies to vimentin. Immunofluorescence studies using both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies to vimentin showed that vimentin was present in the endothelium and SM cells of both intramyocardial and gastric muscular wall vessels, sometimes together with desmin in the vascular SM cells, but was never seen in PF, atrial, ventricular or gastric SM cells proper. As expected, vimentin was present in interstitial tissue, i.e., fibroblasts and capillaries. However, interestingly, the monoclonal antibodies, which recognized different antigenic determinants of vimentin, did not give identical staining patterns. Especially the staining of the vascular SM cells differed. Since this staining pattern did not change upon denaturation and unmasking experiments, it seems that the organization of vimentin in different mesenchymal cell types varies. Vimentin was also detected in isolated PFs but here it was located solely in the contaminating interstitial tissue. Thus, desmin is the sole IF protein expressed in PFs, in atrial and ventricular myocytes and in gastric SM cells proper; vimentin alone being present in the interstitial tissue cells, whilst in vascular SM cells desmin and vimentin are coexpressed in various proportions. The variation in number of isoforms of desmin and the heterogeneity in staining of mesenchymal tissues with monoclonal vimentin antibodies probably indicates that the IF cytoskeletons are differently organized in various cell types, even though they contain IFs of the same class.  相似文献   

We compared, by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the ultrastructure of interstitial Cajal-like cells (ICLC) in normal mammalian myocardium versus caveolin-1 null mice. TEM showed that myocardial ICLCs of caveolin-1-deficient mice retain their main ultrastructural characteristics, for example, location among cardiomyocytes, close vicinity to nerves and/or blood capillaries, specialized cell-to-cell junctions, presence of 2–3 typical processes, which are very long (several tens of micrometres), but are very thin (0.1–0.2 μm) and moniliform. However, the most striking modification of myocardial ICLC in caveolin-1 KO mice was the absence of caveolae . Beyond this main observation, three other findings could be reported: (1) the absence of caveolae in capillary endothelium, (2) persistence of (some) caveolae at the level of cardiomyocte sarcolemma or vascular smooth muscle cell sarcolemma and (3) (un)expected ultrastructural modifications such as increased thickness of capillary basement membrane and increased autophagy of several cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

Local differentiations within the endothelium of both muscular (diaphragm, myocardium) and visceral (pancreas, jejunal villi) capillaries have been studied in rats on sectioned and freeze-cleaved preparations. Four distinct parts have been recognized in the endothelial cells of all these vessels on the basis of subcellular components present in each part and on the basis of variations in the local frequency of plasmalemmal vesicles: (a) the parajunctional zone, (b) the peripheral zone, (c) the organelle region, and (d) the nuclear region. Our data indicate that ~16, ~7.0, and 8.5% of the endothelial cytoplasmic volume (in the peripheral zone) is accounted for by vesicles, their content, and their membranes, respectively. The average density of vesicular openings per µm2 is 78 in diaphragm, 89 in myocardium, 25 in pancreas, and 10 in jejunal mucosa capillaries. The frequency of fenestrae is 1.7 times as high in jejunal (26/µm2) as in pancreatic capillaries (15/µm2), the corresponding fractional areas being ~9.5 and ~6%, respectively, of the endothelial surface. Intercellular spaces occupy a relatively small area (~0.08 to 0.2%) of the inner endothelial surface.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of Fluosol-DA treatment on infarct morphology, detailed histologic examination was performed in 17 dogs with permanent proximal left anterior descending coronary artery occlusion. Two of the three groups of dogs received an equal blood volume exchange (40 ml/kg i.v.) with either Fluosol-DA (F) or heparinized autologous blood (H) 30 min post occlusion while being ventilated with 100% oxygen. A third group received no therapy (C). Animals were sacrificed 3 days post occlusion and sections were obtained for light and electron microscopy. Histologic studies showed that infarct size was statistically smaller in dogs treated with F 54 +/- 7% versus heparin 64 +/- 10% treatment or no therapy 79 +/- 6%. Fluosol-DA animals demonstrated decreased inflammatory infiltrate, larger viable subepicardial zones and greater endocardial sparing in the area surrounding the central zone of necrosis. By electron microscopy, perfluorochemical particles were found within endothelial and inflammatory cells in subepicardial zones of infarction. In midmyocardial zones, Fluosol-DA particles were present in capillaries, extracellular spaces and necrotic myocytes. In the normal myocardium Fluosol-DA particles were rarely seen within endothelial cells and never within the interstitium or myocytes. Thus, Fluosol-DA reduces infarct size and alters infarct morphology in the 3 day post permanent coronary occlusion model.  相似文献   

Telocytes (TC) are interstitial cells with telopodes (Tp). These prolongations (Tp) are quite unique: very long (several tens of micrometres) and very thin (≤0.5 μm), with moniliform aspect: thin segments (podomeres) alternating with dilations (podoms). To avoid any confusion, TC were previously named interstitial Cajal-like cells (ICLC). Myocardial TC were repeatedly documented by electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence. TC form a network by their Tp, either in situ or in vitro. Cardiac TC are (completely) different of 'classic' fibroblasts or fibrocytes. We hereby present a synopsis of monitoring, by time-lapse videomicroscopy, of Tp network development in cell culture. We used a protocol that favoured interstitial cell selection from adult mouse myocardium. Videomicroscopy showed dynamic interactions of neighbour TC during the network formation. During their movement, TC leave behind distal segments (podomeres) of their Tp as guiding marks for the neighbouring cells to follow during network rearrangement.  相似文献   

Microchannels (40- microm wide, 10- microm high, 10-mm long, 70- microm pitch) were patterned in the silicone elastomer, polydimethylsiloxane on a microscope coverslip base. Integrated within each microchamber were individually addressable stimulation electrodes (40- microm wide, 20- microm long, 100-nm thick) and a common central pseudo-reference electrode (60- microm wide, 500- microm long, 100-nm thick). Isolated rabbit ventricular myocytes were introduced into the chamber by micropipetting and subsequently capped with a layer of mineral oil, thus creating limited volumes of saline around individual myocytes that could be varied from 5 nL to 100 pL. Excitation contraction coupling was studied by monitoring myocyte shortening and intracellular Ca(2+) transients (using Fluo-3 fluorescence). The amplitude of stimulated myocyte shortening and Ca(2+) transients remained constant for 90 min in the larger volume (5 nL) configuration, although the shortening (but not the Ca(2+) transient) amplitude gradually decreased to 20% of control within 60 min in the low volume (100 pL) arrangement. These studies indicate a lower limit for the extracellular volume required to stimulate isolated adult cardiac myocytes. Whereas this arrangement could be used to create a screening assay for drugs, individual microchannels (100 pL) can also be used to study the effects of limited extracellular volume on the contractility of single cardiac myocytes.  相似文献   

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