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N A Schroedl  C R Hartzell 《Biochemistry》1977,16(23):4966-4971
Oxidative titrations were performed on the electrostatic complex formed between cytochrome c and cytochrome aa3 at low ionic strength. Midpoint potentials of the redox centers in the proteins in 1:1 and 2:1 complexes were compared with those in mixtures of the cytochromes at high ionic strength. Computer simulations of all titrations yielded midpoint potentials for the components of cytochrome aa3 which were consistent with literature values for isolated cytochrome aa3 or mixture of cytochromes c and aa3. However, the unequal heme extinction coefficients observed previously (Schroedl, N.A., and Hartzell, C.R. (1977), Biochemistry 16, 1327) during oxidative titrations of cytochrome aa3 became equal in magnitude under these experimental conditions. The binding of cytochrome c to cytochrome aa3 changed the midpoint potentials of cytochrome aa3 by 15-20 mV, while the midpoint potentials for cytochrome c were altered by 50-60 mV. Careful analysis of these titrations including computer simulation revealed that cytochrome c was able to bind to cytochrome aa3 only after cytochrome aL2+ had become oxidized. When bound to cytochrome aa3, the midpoint potential of cytochrome c was 210 7V. Titrations performed under a carbon monoxide atmosphere revealed cytochrome aa3 midpoint potentials unchanged from reported values. Cytochrome c again exhibited a midpoint potential of 210 mV after binding to cytochrome aa3.  相似文献   

Oxidation of sulphide by cytochrome aa3   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effectiveness of H2S as an inhibitor of cytochrome c oxidase increase (Ki decreases) with sulphide concentration. A spectroscopic change in cytochrome aa3 is induced aerobically by sulphide at the same rate as that calculated for inhibition. The initial spectroscopic product is not inhibited, but an 'oxygenated' (oxyferri) form of the enzyme. Stoichiometric sulphide addition to cytochrome aa3 under anaerobic conditions produces another low-spin form of the enzyme; subsequent admission of oxygen gives rise to the 607 nm compound. At high enzyme levels sulphide itself acts as a substrate measured polarographically, with an oxygen uptake proportional to the amount of sulphide added. Binding of sulphide to ferric enzyme probably causes reduction at the oxygen-sensitive a3-Cu centre, which is followed aerobically by reoxidation to the oxyferri state via the 607 nm intermediate. A stable sulphide complex is formed only after the reduction of cytochrome a; but once formed this inhibited species is retained if cytochrome a is reoxidized.  相似文献   

An interaction between rat liver glucocorticoid--receptor complex and immobilized ATP was identified. Rat liver cytosol preparations were incubated with [3H]triamcinolone acetonide for 4 h at 4 degrees C and partially purified by precipitation with (NH4)2SO4 before use. The resulting glucocorticoid--receptor complex could be selectively adsorbed on to columns of ATP--Sepharose. The freshly prepared cytosol [3H]triamcinolone acetonide--receptor complex had very little affinity for binding to the ATP--Sepharose column, but acquired this ability on temperature- or salt-activation. The presence of 10 mM-sodium molybdate during this salt- or temperature-dependent activation blocked the binding of the receptor complex to ATP--Sepharose. The interaction is reversible, since it can be disrupted by high-salt conditions. A competitive binding assay, using free nucleotides in samples to be chromatographed, revealed a preferential interaction between ATP and the glucocorticoid--receptor complex. Buffer containing ATP was also used to elute the glucocorticoid--receptor complex from ATP--Sepharose columns successfully. When ATP was added to the preparations containing [3H]triamcinolone acetonide--receptor complexes, the steroid specificity or sedimentation properties of the complex remained unaltered. Our results demonstrate an interaction between rat liver glucocorticoid--receptor complex and immobilized ATP and suggest a role of this nucleotide in receptor function.  相似文献   

The single subunit terminal oxidase of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius, cytochrome aa3, was studied by resonance Raman spectroscopy. Results on the fully oxidized, the fully reduced, and the reduced carbon monoxide complex are reported and compared with those of eucaryotic cytochrome oxidase. It is shown that in both redox states the hemes a and a3 are in the six-coordinated low-spin and six-coordinated high-spin configuration, respectively. The resonance Raman spectra reveal far-reaching similarities of this archaebacterial with mammalian or plant enzymes except for the reduced form of heme a. The formyl substituent of this heme appears above 1640 cm-1, ruling out significant hydrogen bonding interactions which is in sharp contrast to beef heart cytochrome oxidase. In addition, frequency upshifts of the marker bands v4 and v2 are noted indicating differences in the electron density distribution within the molecular orbitals of the porphyrin.  相似文献   

J E Ruark  J B Ifft 《Biopolymers》1975,14(6):1161-1171
The buoyant density and potentiometric hydrogen ion titration curves of human immuno-gamma globulin in 3M cesium chloride have been recorded. In addition, the amino acid analysis of the IgG employed has been completed. The hydration of the protein and the variation of the hydration with pH have been calculated from the buoyant density data. The potentiomtric hydrogen ion titration curve has been employed to estimate the intrinsic pK′s of the acidic and histidyl residues of the molecule, and to confirm the hypothesis that it does in fact conform to the oil drop model of protein conformation. Correlations have been drawn between the three sets of data in the following manner. The results of the potentiometric hydrogen ion titration have been checked against the amino acid analysis to determine whether the numbers of groups observed to titrate and the numbers of groups observed in the amino acid analysis do correspond. Second, previous hypotheses as to the direct correlation between potentiometric hydrogen ion titration behaviour and buoyant density titration behaviour have been investigated and substantially confirmed.  相似文献   

F.G. Hempel  F.F. Jöbsis 《Life sciences》1979,25(13):1145-1151
The reduction-oxidation reactions of NADH and cytochrome aa3 to incipient oxygen insufficiency caused by nitrogen ventilation or hemorrhagic hypotension were examined in the exposed cerebral cortex of the cat. A comparison of the onset of redox changes with each procedure shows that cytochrome aa3 reduction precedes the reduction of mitochondrial NAD. This constitutes evidence that, in the living brain, NADH maintains its resting oxidation state at lower cellular oxygen tensions than cytochrome aa3 does, consistent with the differences in oxygen affinity these respiratory chain components exhibit during oxygen titration in vitro.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase (ox heart cytochrome aa3) is reduced on illumination in the presence of a photocatalyst system containing deazaflavin and EDTA. The photo-reduced enzyme reacts with oxygen at neutral pH to give a form of ferric enzyme, whereas a corresponding sample partially reduced by light in the absence of any photocatalyst reacts with oxygen to give an oxyferri species ('oxygenated' enzyme). Reduction by the photocatalyst system at an alkaline pH value (9.0) also gives rise to fully reduced oxidase (both haem groups ferrous). At these pH values the immediate product after oxygen addition is a species with a 605-606 nm absorption band, not identical with ferrous cytochrome a, but capable of oxidizing added cytochrome c. This intermediate, which is unstable at neutral pH, may be analogous to the 'compound B' obtained by Chance and co-workers [Chance, Saronio & Leigh (1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 9226-9237; Chance, Saronio & Leigh (1979) Biochem. J. 177, 931-941] at low temperatures.  相似文献   

Some new approaches to the kinetic study of the reduction of cytochrome aa3 by cytochrome c are presented. The primary innovations are the use of a spectrometer which can acquire multiwavelength data as fast as every 10 microseconds, and the application of a variety of analytical methods which can utilize simultaneously all of the time-resolved spectral data. These techniques include singular value decomposition (SVD), deconvolutions based on pure Gaussian models for absorption peaks, deconvolutions based on isolated absorption spectra for the pure components, and simulations of SVD-deduced and actual experimental difference spectra. The reduction characteristics of the anaerobic resting enzyme can be distinguished from those of pulsed forms. In the former case, only two electrons can be bound by cytochrome aa3, whereas in the latter case complete reduction of the enzyme is achieved.  相似文献   

Using cyano-complexes of iron, tungsten, and molybdenum and a platinum working electrode, we have been able to attain and hold voltages in the range of 400 to 900 mV (vs. standard hydrogen electrode) in an aqueous medium. With this system we have obtained additional information in support of an earlier conclusion that cytochrome a3 has a high Em transition (i.e. greater than 460 mV) in addition to its Em in the 180-200 mV range (Hendler, R. W., K. V. S. Reddy, R. I. Shrager, and W. S. Caughey. 1986. Biophys. J. 49:717-729; Reddy, K. V. S., and R. W. Hendler. 1986. Biophys. J. 49:693-703). The proposed new transition has an Em near 770 mV and an n value greater than 1. The reduced form of the high-potential species of cytochrome a3 does not bind CO, in contrast to the reduced form of the low-potential species which does. A possible reaction scheme for cytochrome aa3 which incorporates the new information is presented.  相似文献   

Ionic strength effects on cytochrome aa3 kinetics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. The occurrence of an optimal ionic strength for the steady-state activity of isolated cytochrome aa3 can be attributed to two opposite effects: upon lowering of the ionic strength the affinity between cytochrome c and cytochrome aa3 increases, whereas in the lower ionic strength region the formation of a less active cytochrome c-aa3 complex limits the ferrocytochrome c association to the low affinity site. 2. At low ionic strength, the reduction of cytochrome c-aa3 complex by ferrocytochrome c1 proceeds via non-complex-bound cytochrome c. Under these conditions the positively charged cytochrome c provides the electron transfer between the negatively charged cytochromes c1 and aa3. 3. Polylysine is found to stimulate the release of tightly bound cytochrome c from the cytochrome c-aa3 complex. This property points to the existence of negative cooperativity between the two binding sites. We suggest that the stimulation is not restricted to polylysine, but also occurs with cytochrome c. 4. Dissociation rates of both high and low affinity sites on cytochrome aa3 were determined indirectly. The dissociation constants, calculated on the basis of pre-steady-state reaction rates at an ionic strength of 8.8 mM, were estimated to be 0.6 nM and 20 microM for the high and low affinity site, respectively.  相似文献   

In media of low ionic strength, membraneous cytochrome c oxidase, isolated cytochrome c oxidase, and proteoliposomal cytochrome c oxidase each bind cytochrome c at two sites, one of low affinity (1 microM greater than Kd' greater than 0.2 microM) and readily reversible and the other of high affinity (0.01 microM greater than Kd) and weakly reversible. When cytochrome c occupies both sites, including the low affinity site, the maximal turnover measured polarographically with ascorbate and N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD) is independent of TMPD concentration, and lies between 250 and 400 s-1 (30 degrees C, pH 7.4) for fully activated systems. The apparent affinity of the enzyme for cytochrome c is, however, TMPD dependent. When cytochrome c occupies only the high-affinity site, the maximal turnover is closely dependent upon the concentration of TMPD, which, unlike ascorbate, can reduce bound cytochrome c. As TMPD concentration is increased, the maximal turnover approaches that seen when both sites as occupied. The lower activity of isolated cytochrome aa3 is due to the presence of inactive or inaccessible enzyme molecules. Incorporation of isolated enzyme into phospholipid vesicles restores full activity to all the subsequently accessible cytochrome aa3 molecules. Negatively charged (asolectin) vesicles show a higher cytochrome c affinity at the low-affinity sites than do the other enzyme preparations. A model for the cytochrome c-cytochrome aa3 complexes is put forward in which both sites, when occupied, are fully catalytically competent, but in which occupation of the "tight" site by a catalytically functional cytochrome c molecule is required for overall oxidation of cytochrome c via the "loose" site.  相似文献   

A shift in the spectrum of heme a induced by calcium or proton binding, or by the proton electrochemical gradient, has been attributed to interaction of Ca2+ or H+ with the vicinity of the heme propionates in mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase, and proposed to be associated with the exit path of proton translocation. However, this shift is absent in cytochrome c oxidases from yeast and bacteria [Kirichenko et al. (1998) FEBS Lett. 423, 329-333]. Here we report that mutations of Glu56 or Gln63 in a newly described Ca2+/Na+ binding site in subunit I of cytochrome c oxidase from Paracoccus denitrificans [Ostermeier et al. (1997) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 94, 10547-10553] establish the Ca2+-dependent spectral shift in heme a. This shift is counteracted by low pH and by sodium ions, as was described for mammalian cytochrome c oxidase, but in the mutant Paracoccus enzymes Na+ is also able to shift the heme a spectrum, albeit to a smaller extent. We conclude that the Ca2+-induced shift in both Paracoccus and mitochondrial cytochrome aa3 is due to binding of the cation to the new metal binding site. Comparison of the structures of this site in the two types of enzyme allows rationalization of their different reactivity with cations. Structural analysis and data from site-directed mutagenesis experiments suggest mechanisms by which the cation binding may influence the heme spectrum.  相似文献   

We purified membrane-bound cytochrome c-550 [cytochrome c-550(m)] to an electrophoretically homogeneous state from Nitrobacter winogradskyi. The cytochrome showed peaks at 409 and 525 nm in the oxidized form and peaks at 416, 521, and 550 nm in the reduced form. The molecular weight of the cytochrome was estimated to be 18,400 on the basis of protein and heme c contents and 18,600 by gel filtration. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of cytochrome c-550(m) was determined to be A-P-T-S-A-A-D-A-E-S-F-N-K-A-L-A-S-A-?-A-E-?-G-A-?-L-V-K-P. We previously purified soluble cytochrome c-550 cytochrome c-550(s)] from N. winogradskyi and determined its complete amino acid sequence (Y. Tanaka, Y. Fukumori, and T. Y. Yamanaka, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 707:14-20, 1982). Although the sequence of cytochrome c-550(m) was completely different from that of cytochrome c-550(s), ferrocytochrome c-550(m) was rapidly oxidized by the cytochrome c oxidase of the bacterium. Furthermore, the liposomes into which nitrite cytochrome c oxidoreductase, cytochrome c oxidase, and nitrite were incorporated showed nitrite oxidase activity in the presence of cytochrome c-550(m). These results suggest that cytochrome c-550(m) may be an alternative electron mediator between nitrite cytochrome c oxidoreductase and cytochrome c oxidase.  相似文献   

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