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We report the cloning, genomic localization, primary structure and developmental expression pattern of the novel mouse Hox-4.3 gene. This gene is located within the HOX-4(5) complex, at a position which classifies it as a member of the Hox-3.1 and -2.4 subfamily, the DNA and predicted protein sequences further confirmed this classification. Hox-4.3 has a primary structure characteristic of a Hox gene but, in addition, contains several monotonic stretches of amino acids, one of the 'paired'-like type. As expected from its presence and position within the complex. Hox-4.3 is developmentally expressed in structures of either mesodermal or neurectodermal origin located or derived from below a precise craniocaudal level. However, a very important offset between anteroposterior boundaries within neuroectoderm versus mesoderm derivatives is observed. Like other genes of the HOX-4(5) complex, Hox-4.3 is expressed in developing limbs and gonads, suggesting that 'cluster specificity' could be a feature of the HOX network.  相似文献   

Hox and other Antennapedia (ANTP)-like homeobox gene subclasses - ParaHox, EHGbox, and NK-like - contribute to key developmental events in bilaterians [1-4]. Evidence of physical clustering of ANTP genes in multiple animal genomes [4-9] suggests that all four subclasses arose via sequential cis-duplication events. Here, we show that Hox genes' origin occurred after the divergence of sponge and eumetazoan lineages and occurred concomitantly with a major evolutionary transition in animal body-plan complexity. By using whole genome information from the demosponge Amphimedon queenslandica, we provide the first conclusive evidence that the earliest metazoans possessed multiple NK-like genes but no Hox, ParaHox, or EHGbox genes. Six of the eight NK-like genes present in the Amphimedon genome are clustered within 71 kb in an order akin to bilaterian NK clusters. We infer that the NK cluster in the last common ancestor to sponges, cnidarians, and bilaterians consisted of at least five genes. It appears that the ProtoHox gene originated from within this ancestral cluster after the divergence of sponge and eumetazoan lineages. The maintenance of the NK cluster in sponges and bilaterians for greater than 550 million years is likely to reflect regulatory constraints inherent to the organization of this ancient cluster.  相似文献   

Some plant homeobox genes are expressed specifically in vascular cells and are assumed to function in the differentiation of specific types of vascular cells. However, homeobox genes exhibiting primary phloem-specific expression have not been reported. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms of vascular development, we undertook to isolate from Zinnia elegans primary phloem-specific homeobox genes that may function in phloem development. An HD-Zip type homeobox gene, ZeHB3, was isolated. This gene encodes a class I HD-Zip protein, and constitutes a gene subfamily with the Daucus carota gene CHB6, and Arabidopsis thaliana genes Athb-5, Athb-6, and Athb-16. In situ hybridization of 1-, 14- and 50-day-old plants demonstrated that ZeHB3 mRNA accumulation is restricted to a few cells destined to differentiate into phloem cells and to the immature phloem cells surrounding the sieve elements and companion cells. ZeHB3 protein was also localized to immature phloem cells. These findings clearly indicate that ZeHB3 is a novel homeobox gene that marks, and may function in, the early stages of phloem differentiation.  相似文献   

We report the molecular cloning and characterization of a cDNA derived from a zebrafish gene (ZF-21) related to the mouse homeobox containing gene Hox2.1. Interesting information about the differential conservation of various domains was gained from comparisons between the putative protein sequences from ZF-21 (275 amino acids) and Hox2.1 (279 aa). A separate DNA binding domain including the ZF-21 homeodomain and 36 additional flanking residues is completely identical to the C-terminal part of Hox2.1. As a consequence, these two mouse and zebrafish proteins must have identical DNA binding properties. A lower level of sequence identity between the N-terminal coding regions of ZF-21 and Hox2.1 reduces the total protein homology to 81%. However, short stretches of perfect homology in these N-terminals suggests that the essential biochemical functions are the same. As expected for true homologues, the ZF-21 and Hox2.1 genes also share extensive similarities with respect to non-coding sequences and temporal expression during embryogenesis. The finding of a potential ZF-21 duplication is discussed in relation to functional and evolutionary aspects of vertebrate homeobox genes.  相似文献   

We show here that a zebrafish meis2 gene homolog has a dynamic expression pattern in the developing mesoderm and central nervous system. Meis family homeodomain proteins are known to act as cofactors with other homeodomain proteins. We find expression of meis2.1 in the developing zebrafish hindbrain and somites, correlating with reported sites of zebrafish hox gene expression, as well as in presumptive cerebellum, midbrain, retina and ventral forebrain. The expression pattern shares some, but not all, features with that of murine Meis2.  相似文献   

We have isolated the zebrafish ziro7 gene, a novel, divergent member of the Iroquois family. ziro7 is expressed at early epiboly stages in the dorsal half of the zebrafish embryo, with a higher level in the dorso-lateral margin. From mid-gastrulation stages onward, ziro7 is expressed in a large transversal stripe in the future neural plate, which subsequently divides into thinner stripes located in the diencephalon, midbrain and hindbrain.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent studies on the expression of the homeobox gene, Hox 2.1, during mouse embryogenesis, using the technique of in situ hybridization. Differential hybridization of radiolabelled antisense versus sense strand RNA is first clearly detected in sections of 8.5 day post coitum (p.c.) early somite embryos. At 12.5 days p.c., higher levels of Hox 2.1 expression are seen in the spinal cord, extending into the base of the hind brain. Hybridization of antisense Hox 2.1 RNA is also seen in the spinal ganglia, in the nodose ganglia of the Xth cranial nerve (which contains derivatives of the neural crest arising from the posterior hind brain), and in the myenteric plexus. Mesodermal cells of certain visceral organs also express Hox 2.1 RNA, in particular the mesoderm of the lung, stomach and meso- and meta-nephric kidney. Comparison of the spatial domains of expression of mouse homeobox genes reveals a pattern consistent with the idea that they play a role in anteroposterior positional specification during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The genetic analysis of dorsoventral patterning in Drosophila has identified a zinc-finger gene, snail, that is required for mesoderm formation. The cloning and nuclease protection analysis of a Xenopus homologue of this gene has suggested a possible role in the mesoderm of vertebrates. Here, we describe the cloning of a murine homologue of snail, Sna, and in situ hybridisation studies of its developmental expression. Sequence analysis reveals substantial conservation of the second to fifth zinc fingers, but not of the first zinc finger in the Sna gene. Expression occurs in the ectoplacental cone, parietal endoderm, embryonic and extraembryonic mesoderm, in neural crest and in condensing precartilage. Based on the timing and spatial restriction of expression in embryonic mesoderm, we suggest that Sna might be required for the early development of this tissue, as is the case for its Drosophila counterpart. In addition, we propose that Sna might have an analogous role in the development of neural crest. The expression in condensing precartilage indicates that this gene also has a later function in chondrogenesis.  相似文献   

Li X  Chen L  Ji C  Liu B  Gu J  Xu J  Zou X  Gu S  Mao Y 《Acta biochimica Polonica》2005,52(4):943-946
Regulators of G-protein signaling (RGS) proteins are known for the RGS domain that is composed of a conserved stretch of 120 amino acids, which binds directly to activated G-protein alpha subunits and acts as a GTPase-activating protein (GAP), leading to their deactivation and termination of downstream signals. In this study, a novel human RGS cDNA (RGS21), 1795 bp long and encoding a 152-amino acid polypeptide, was isolated by large-scale sequencing analysis of a human fetal brain cDNA library. Unlike other RGS family members, RGS21 gene has no additional domain/motif and may represent the smallest known member of RGS family. It may belong to the B/R4 subfamily, which suggests that it may serve exclusively as a negative regulator of alphai/o family members and/or alphaq/11. PCR analysis showed that RGS21 mRNA was expressed ubiquitously in the 16 tissues examined, implying general physiological roles.  相似文献   

Most members of the murine Hox gene system can be grouped into two subclasses based on their structural similarity to either one of the Drosophila homeotic genes Antennapedia (Antp) or Abdominal B (AbdB). All the AbdB-like genes reported thus far are located in the 5' region of their respective cluster. We describe here the isolation, structural characterization and spatio-temporal expression pattern of a new AbdB-like homeobox gene designated Hox-3.6 that is located in the 5' region of the Hox-3 cluster. Hox-3.6 has an extreme posterior expression domain in embryos of 12.5 days of gestation, a feature that has thus far only been observed for the 5' most genes of the Hox-4 cluster. Like the other members of the AbdB subfamily, Hox-3.6 exhibits spatially restricted expression in the hindlimb bud, but the expression domain is antero-proximal in contrast to the postero-distal domain reported for its cognate gene Hox-4.5. Structural analysis of the 5' region revealed the presence of a 35 bp sequence which shares homology and relative 5' position with an upstream sequence present in its two nearest downstream neighbors, Hox-3.2 and -3.1.  相似文献   

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