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Summary A simple method is described for primary culture and for maintenance of hormone-producing cells from normal human placenta. A consistent yield of cells was obtained and an average survival of 3 to 4 months in culture using 1 mm3 explants from the most vascular area of the placentas. These explants were placed in a variety of culture media in 30 ml flasks and incubated at 37°C in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 and 95% air. The best yields in terms of cell growth were observed with Eagle’s MEM (minimum essential medium) with supplements of horse serum and fetal calf serum or human cord serum. (Ham’s F-10 with supplement of horse serum and fetal calf serum supports growth for the longest period and media containing human cord serum had the best yield of steroids.) Presented in part at the 25th meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, June 5, 1974, Miami Beach, Florida. Supported by a contract from the Agency for International Development (2491/csd) and a grant from the National Institutes of Health (CA-12455).  相似文献   

Established cell lines are invaluable for studying cell and molecular biological questions. A variety of human ovarian cancer (OC) cell lines exist, however, most have acquired significant genetic alterations from their cells of origin, including deletion of important cell cycle regulatory genes. In order to analyze signaling events related to cell cycle control in human OC, we have modified existing protocols for isolating and culturing OC cells from patient ascites fluid and normal ovarian surface epithelial (OSE) cells from benign ovarian tissue sections. These cells maintain an epithelial phenotype and can be manipulated experimentally for several passages before cellular senescence. An example using TGF1 treatment of OC cells to examine signaling and target gene activation is presented. This work is supported in part by the National Cancer Institute of Canada with funds from the Canadian Cancer Society (#13631), the Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation, and by Cancer Research and Education (CaRE) Nova Scotia with funding from the Faculty of Medicine, Dalhousie University. L.D.D. is supported by the Rossetti Studentship for Cancer Research with funds from the Dalhousie Medical Research Foundation, T.G.S. is supported by a CaRE Fellowship with funding from the Canadian Cancer Society, and M.W.N is a Canadian Institutes of Health Research Scholar. Published: October 28, 2002.  相似文献   

This study describes the complete development (from sporozoites to sporulated oocysts) of Cryptosporidium parvum (human and cattle genotypes) in the HCT-8 cell line. Furthermore, for the first time the complete life cycle was perpetuated in vitro for up to 25 days by subculturing. The long-term maintenance of the developmental cycle of the parasite in vitro appeared to be due to the initiation of the auto-reinfection cycle of C. parvum. This auto-reinfection is characterised by the production and excystation of new invasive sporozoites from thin-walled oocysts, with subsequent maintenance of the complete life cycle in vitro. In addition, thin-walled oocysts of the cattle genotype were infective for ARC/Swiss mice but similar oocysts of the human genotype were not. This culture system will provide a model for propagation of the complete life cycle of C. parvum in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary Angiotensin II-induced the hypertrophy of the cytoplasmic compartment and significantly increased (5-3H)uridine incorporation into RNA species by Conn's human adult adenomatous cells in primary tissue culture. On its own, bromocriptine, while enlarging only the nucleolar compartment, also intensely stimulated the incorporation of (5-3H)uridine into RNA species by the cultured adrenocortical adenomatous cells. However, an equimolar mixture of angiotensin II and bromocriptine was totally ineffective, eliciting no change in cellular morphometry or isotope incorporation with respect to the control specimens run in parallel.The present findings support the view that bromocriptine can influence the metabolism of Conn's cells directly at the cellular level by acting as an agonist-antagonist of angiotensin.  相似文献   

Summary— Human hepatocytes cultured with a hormonally defined medium on non-adherent poly-(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) coated surface were able to form spheroids. The maintenance of liver-specific functions was assessed by following secretion of albumin, transferrin and α-antitrypsin that were still detectable after 4 months of spheroidal culture. Moreover, cytochrome P-450 IA was induced by methylcholanthrene for up to 2 weeks. This cell system is very promising for long-term in vitro studies of human hepatocyte functions.  相似文献   

We have established a monolayer culture system for human fallopian tube epithelial cells. The cells were isolated from tubes using collagenase digestion, and were cultured in Ham's F-10 supplemented with 15% fetal calf serum. The epithelial cells derived from culture were characterized using immunocytochemical staining and electron microscopy. These cells were stained with antikeratin and anti-epithelial membrane antigen, but showed no staining after treatment with antivimentin. Electron microscopy showed many microvilli on the cell surface and tight junctions or desmosomes at areas of cell-cell contact. Cell proliferation was enhanced by epidermal growth factor, but not by fibroblast growth factor, insulin, transferrin, estradiol-17 beta, or progesterone. The 2-cell ICR mouse pre-embryos were co-cultured for 4 days with tubal epithelial cells (A) (n = 98), in cell-conditioned medium (B) (n = 83), or in medium alone (C) (n = 72). During the first 24 h in culture, for groups A and B, the rates of cleavage to the 4-cell stage were 90.9% and 81.9%, respectively. Cleavage rates in these two groups were significantly higher (P = 0.0012, P less than 0.00001) than in group C (56.9%). After 72 h in culture, the rates of development to the blastocyst stage were significantly higher for groups A and B compared to group C (89.6% and 73.5% vs. 54.5%, P less than 0.00001, P = 0.0002). These results suggest that factor(s) from tubal epithelial cells may facilitate the development of mouse pre-embryos throughout the pre-implantation stages.  相似文献   

The absence of long term bone marrow cultures for studying the growth and differentiation of human B cell precursors (BCP) has placed restrictions on the ability to analyze the early stages of human B cell ontogeny. We now describe a bone marrow-derived adherent cell microenvironment that maintains human BCP for several weeks in vitro. The adherent cells are maintained in a serum-free tissue culture medium, and consist of a predominant population of CD10+ fibroblast-like cells and a minor population of CD10+/nonspecific esterase+ macrophages. Adherent cell cultures seeded with fresh or cryopreserved fetal bone marrow, or purified CD10+/surface IgM- cells, provide a supportive microenvironment for lymphoid cells with a predominant phenotype of CD10+/CD19+/HLA-DR+/surface IgM-. Supplementation of the adherent cell cultures with human IL-7 induces active growth of BCP during the first 14 to 21 days of culture. However, the expansion of these cells does not continue past 21 days, and the cultures undergo a steady decline in BCP. Analysis of adherent cell conditioned medium revealed the presence of an unidentified soluble factor (or factors) that acts in concert with IL-7 to promote the growth of CD10+/surface IgM- cells. This culture system will be useful in elucidating the patterns of gene expression and growth factor requirements that characterize normal human B cell ontogeny, and perturbations of normal B cell ontogeny that lead to immunodeficiency and leukemia.  相似文献   

Summary The fatty acid composition of cultured human skin fibroblasts was modified by adding either oleic or linoleic acid to the growth medium. After the cultures became confluent, they were washed and transferred to different maintenance media in order to determine the stability of the various fatty acyl modifications. Some changes in fatty acid composition occurred under all conditions. When the maintenance medium was supplemented with fatty acid, the cellular neutral lipid and phospholipid fatty acyl composition were altered markedly within 16 to 24 hr. If no supplemental fatty acid was available during the maintenance period, however, the modified fatty acyl compositions were sufficiently retained so that appreciable differences between the cells enriched with oleate and linoleate persisted for at least 48 to 72 hr. This considerable degree of stability occurred when either 10% delipidized fetal bovine serum or 10% fetal bovine serum containing its inherent lipids were present in the maintenance medium. Although the triglyceride content of the fatty acid-modified cells was quite labile, neither the cholesterol nor phospholipid content changed appreciably during culture in any of the maintenance media. Since the fatty acid compositional differences persisted during several days of maintenance under certain conditions, these modified cultures appear to be a useful experimental system for assessing the effect of lipid structure on fairly long-term cellular functions. This work was supported by Arteriosclerosis Specialized Center of Research Grant HL14230 from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health.  相似文献   

AM Karst  R Drapkin 《Nature protocols》2012,7(9):1755-1764
Primary human fallopian tube secretory epithelial cell (FTSEC) cultures are useful for studying normal fallopian tube epithelial biology, as well as for developing models of fallopian tube disease, such as cancer. Because of the limited ability of primary human FTSECs to proliferate in vitro, it is necessary to immortalize them in order to establish a cell line that is suitable for long-term culture and large-scale in vitro experimentation. This protocol describes the isolation of FTSECs from human fallopian tube tissue, conditions for primary FTSEC culture and techniques for establishing immortal FTSEC lines. The entire process, from primary cell isolation to establishment of an immortal cell line, may take up to 2 months. Once established, immortal FTSECs can typically be maintained for at least 30 passages.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural localization of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (NADP-linked) has been attempted in steroid-secreting cells. Rat adrenocortical cells and newt testicular glandular cells were fixed in an ice-cold mixture of 1% methanol-free formaldehyde and 0.25% glutaraldehyde. Potassium ferricyanide was used as the final electron acceptor. After incubation, the final copper ferrocyanide precipitate is exclusively observed in the hyaloplasm of these cells, provided that an electron carrier (1.0 mM PMS) has been added to the medium in order to by-pass the tissue "diaphorase" (NADPH-ferricyanide reductase) reaction. No precipitate appears in the absence of glucose-6-phosphate (substrate). Incubation in a medium devoid of PMS results in an exclusively mitochondrial reaction; the latter is that of the "diaphorase", which in these cells is mitochondrial. These results prove the importance of utilizing exogenous electron carriers (such as PMS) in coenzyme-linked dehydrogenase cytochemistry. Although polyvinyl alcohol was included in the washing and incubation media, in order to increase their viscosity, problems still exist concerning ultracytochemical localization of this "soluble" enzyme; these problems are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

A polyacid-dependent dichrome has been devised which will differentiate epithelial from mesenchymal cells in young dividing primary cultures. Epithelial cells and colonies and nuclei are stained with metanil yellow, the stain is fixed and differentiated with phosphotungstic acid, and the mesenchymal elements are stained with toluidine blue. Several other dyes are tested for substitution in this method. Biebrich scarlet and aniline blue could be substituted for the metanil yellow; Bismarck brown T, Janus green B, crystal violet, and neutral red could be substituted for the basic dye.  相似文献   

We examined the long-term maintenance of multilineal hemopoiesis in a collagen gel culture of mouse bone marrow cells. When cells were inoculated into the gel, stromal cells formed foci that were composed of sinusoidlike capillary structures, fibroblastic cells, adipocytes and macrophages. Many small hemopoietic foci similar to granulocyte-macrophage colonies (CFU-GM) appeared within a week and disappeared after two weeks. Several large hemopoietic foci appeared after two to three weeks of culture, without a second challenge of marrow cells. These large hemopoietic foci were composed mainly of myeloid cells. Megakaryocytes and mast cells were also observed. When erythropoietin (EPO) was added to the culture at the beginning, the erythroid focus appeared after 3 weeks and the number of megakaryocytes was greater than that in the culture without EPO. However, when EPO was added to the cultures after 6 or 12 weeks, erythroid cells appeared after 1 week and the number of megakaryocytes increased. This hemopoiesis lasted more than 6 months.  相似文献   

Ileum from rats 4, 9, 11, 12, and 15 days old can best be maintained for 24 hours in a system using Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution without fetal calf serum, at 25 degrees C and 21% O2. Suckling rat duodenum and jejunum were difficult to maintain well for 24 hours in this system or a variety of other systems that were tried. A temperature of 37 degrees C hastened deterioration of duodenum, jejunum or ileum. With ileum, 3H-thymidine and 14C-leucine were increasingly incorporated into DNA and protein over the 24-hour period. Light microscopy, as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy, showed very good preservation of the ileum after 24 hours. The addition to the medium of hydrocortisone, 1 micron, and thyroxine, 0.01 micron, alone or in combination, did not change DNA or protein synthesis, or morphology, possibly because of the relatively short (24 hour) time period. Our organ culture system emphasizes the differences between suckling rat ileum and the rest of the intestine, and provides a new tool for evaluating, over a 24-hour period, the developing rat small intestine.  相似文献   

We describe a method for culturing over 90% pure bovine macrophages from peripheral blood mononuclear cells separated with Nycoprep. The cells were cultured for 12 days and then stained with esterase and with anti CD14 to test for purity. The method is reproducible and ensures an adequate number of cells for immunological research. Additionally, we report the unexpected finding of Trypanosoma trypomastigotes in our macrophage cultures from bovines belonging to a geographic area from which no bovine trypanosomes had been reported before.  相似文献   

Etchevers H 《Nature protocols》2011,6(10):1568-1577
A highly enriched population of neural crest cells (NCCs) from amniote embryos, such as from chicks, mice and humans, is desirable for experiments in fate determination. NCCs are also useful for testing the functional effects of molecular changes underlying numerous human diseases of neural crest derivatives and for investigating their potential for therapeutic compensation. This protocol details embryonic microdissection followed by neural tube explantation. Conditions favoring NCC expansion and the maintenance of their stem cell-like properties are described. Although neural crest-like cells can be derived from a number of sites in the mature organism, full potential is best ensured by their purification from their source tissue at the outset of migration. Going from embryo to established cell line takes 4 d; the first is the most labor-intensive day, but minimal intervention is required thereafter.  相似文献   

Facial epidermal pigmentation and skin tumors can be caused by UV exposure and other physical and chemical irritations. In this report we describe the primary culture of melanocytes from human face skin. The ability to culture these melanocytes will enable their morphological and biological properties to be investigated. Skin specimens were obtained from patients who had undergone lower blepharoplasty procedures. Digestion with neutral protease and trypsin was used to obtain single cell suspensions of epidermal cells. The cells were cultured in M254 medium supplemented with human melanocyte growth solution. Cell morphology was observed using inverted microscopy. Melanocytes were positively identified using both l-DOPA staining and S-100 protein immunohistochemical staining. Immunofluorescence was used to confirm the expression of tyrosinase-related protein-1, a melanocyte-specific protein. The cellular ultrastructure of the melanocytes was observed by transmission electron microscopy. The cultured human melanocytes from face skin were multi-dendritic, and many mature melanosomes were observed. Therefore, using a specific culture medium, melanocytes from face skin can be successfully cultured and made available for further investigations.  相似文献   

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