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To date, vertebrate DNA has been found methylated at the 5 position of cytosine exclusively in dinucleotide CpG or CpNpG stretches. On the the other hand, we determined that cytosine was methylated unusually in dinucleotide GpC at 5-GGCC-3 sequences in the teleost Sparus aurata EcoRI satellite DNA family. This finding is the first example of methylated GpC sequences in the eukaryotic genomes. At this regard, we have examined the relative methylation levels at this site of the highly repetitive EcoRI satellite DNA family from Sparus aurata different tissues. The EcoRI repeat was remarkably more methylated in male germ cells but hypomethylated in female germ cells at the Hae III restriction site ( GpC). The novel modification and the differential methylation pattern suggest that EcoRI satellite could have a structural and/or functional role at the centromeres of Sparus aurata.  相似文献   

The distribution of perikarya and fibers containing corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) was studied in the brain of the teleost Sparus aurata by immunocytochemistry using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase method. Antisera against rat CRF, arginine vasotocin, and human adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) were used. Most CRF-immunoreactive neurons were located in the nucleus lateralis tuberis, but they were absent from the nucleus preopticus, which only contained arginine vasotocin neurons. Few CRF perikarya were identified in the nucleus preopticus periventricularis and in the mesencephalic tegmentum. A conspicuous bundle of immunoreactive fibers ran along the diencephalic floor and pituitary stalk to end near the cells of the hypophysial pars intermedia. No CRF was seen near the adenohypophysial rostral pars distalis. Our results suggest that, in Sparus aurata, CRF is a releasing factor for melanotropic cells. Its role as a releasing factor for ACTH is discussed.  相似文献   

Gilthead were fed three diets. Diet A was the control diet, whereas diets B and C were supplemented with 300 and 900 mg Zn/kg, respectively. Fish fed with diet C, at the end of the experiment, showed the lowest weight. Zinc concentrations presented the higher values in gills, liver, and kidney. Muscle and brain had the lower mean values and showed a tight control of zinc levels. These results reinforce the hypothesis that zinc in the CNS should be strictly controlled in order to maintain the functional role of the metal. Significant differences in tissue zinc concentrations were obtained between fish fed different amounts of zinc, the metal concentrations being higher in tissues of fish fed diet C. The tissue decrease of zinc, found at the end of the experiment, may depend on a lower feed consumption or on different zinc requirements during the cold season. These changes, even if not univocal among the three diets, may be associated with the life cycle of fish. Furthermore, copper concentrations were little affected by the different concentrations of zinc in the three diets; liver and kidney presented the highest concentrations; liver showed a significant decrease in copper content at the end of the experiment. We conclude that: zinc concentrations of the diet may affect the gilthead weights and the tissual metal content; and zinc concentrations in the diets, depending on the growth rate, may be varied depending on the season.  相似文献   

Four groups of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) were fed diets with additional metal contents: a basal diet (diet A) contained Zn at 60.9 ± 1.9 mg/kg diet, Cu at 3.9 ± 0.9 mg/kg diet, and Fe at 138.3 ± 6.8 mg/kg diet; the other diets were supplemented with copper (20 mg/kg, diet B), iron (100 mg/kg, diet C), or zinc (300 mg/kg, diet D). Two consecutive year-classes (0+ and 1+ age fish) from the same parent stock were examined. Several fish tissues were analyzed for metal contents in five different periods of each year in order to determine (1) the sensitivity of certain tissues as indicators of trace element metabolism and (2) possible seasonal variations. Growth data were similar for gilthead sea bream fed the basal diet and the metal-fortified diets. Mineral concentrations in tissues were found to be little affected by the dietary supplementation of trace elements, suggesting an efficient homeostatic control of these three metal concentrations. Tissues involved in metal metabolism (e.g., liver, kidney, gills) presented greater variations between minimum and maximum values with respect to other tissues (e.g., brain, muscle, eye). Seasonal variations were observed during the 2 yr of this study and were especially evident for zinc and copper concentrations in the liver. The overall pattern of metal variations showed a decreasing trend during the 2 yr. Results from this study indicate that (1) trace element concentrations in fish tissues vary with age and life cycle and (2) trace element requirements may vary in function of age and life cycle.  相似文献   

In this paper the possible involvement of the mannose-receptor on the non-specific recognition and phagocytosis of heat killed yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) by gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) head-kidney leucocytes was established by studying the ability of different sugars to inhibit the uptake of the yeast cells by leucocytes. Leucocytes were preincubated for 30min with different concentrations of sugar (alpha-mannan, d-mannose, d-fucose, l-fucose, d-glucose, d-glucosamine and n-acetyl-glucosamine, all of them described as specific ligands of the vertebrate mannose-receptor) and afterwards incubated with FITC-labelled yeast cells for phagocytosis assays. The phagocytic ability (percentage of cells with one or more ingested yeast cells within the total cell population) and capacity (number of ingested yeast cells per cell) of leucocytes was analysed by flow cytometry. The results demonstrate the potential existence of a specific receptor-sugar or receptor-yeast cell binding process, which was saturable, specific and dose-dependent. More specifically, when leucocytes were preincubated with appropriate doses of d-mannose, d- or l-fucose, d-glucose or n-acetyl-glucosamine the phagocytosis of yeast cells by head-kidney leucocytes was partially blocked. Seabream leucocytes were also preincubated with chloroquine, a lysosomotropic drug which downregulates (in a nonspecific manner) the expression of mannose-receptors in mammals, before phagocytosis assays were performed. The results demonstrated that the phagocytosis of yeast was completely blocked by this substance. The overall results seem to corroborate the presence of the mannose-receptor in seabream phagocytes, which is involved in the non-specific binding and phagocytosis of yeast cells by head-kidney leucocytes.  相似文献   

The spatial localisation of insulin-like growth-factor-binding protein-2 (IGFBP-2) and its mRNA was investigated during larval and post-larval developmental stages of the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation with specific antisera and riboprobes. During larval development, immunoreactivity was found in skin, muscle, gills, pharynx, intestine, liver and olfactory epithelium. After metamorphosis, immunoreactivity was found in the oesophageal epithelium (the strongest reaction) and in red skeletal muscle, heart muscle, the thymus and the epithelium of renal tubules. In the adult, immunostaining with IGFBP-2 antibody was also found in the saccus vasculosus, ovary and testis. IGFBP-2 mRNA was detected by in situ hybridisation mainly in the intestine, skeletal musculature and ovary. These results show that IGFBP-2 protein and mRNA are expressed in a variety of seabream tissues, suggesting that IGFBP-2 regulates the actions of IGFs on these tissues during development and growth.This work was supported by grants from the University of Padua (Progetto di Ateneo, 2001) and by the US–Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BARD, Project IS-2769-96R)  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to test whether freeze-dried microalgae are nutritionally adequate for rearing rotifers as food for gilthead seabream larvae. The elemental composition (C, N, H) and fatty acid composition were analysed in larvae of gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata L., rotifers Brachionus plicatilis and Brachionus rotundiformis and freeze-dried microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata. Four larval feeding treatments were tested: (A) larvae fed rotifers cultivated with freeze-dried microalgae and daily addition of freeze-dried microalgae to the larval tanks; (B) larvae fed rotifers cultivated with freeze-dried microalgae and daily addition of live microalgae to the larval tanks; (C) larvae fed rotifers cultivated with freeze-dried microalgae, without addition of microalgae to the larval tank and (D) larvae fed rotifers cultivated with live microalgae and daily addition of live microalgae to the larval tanks. No significant differences were observed between the biochemical composition of larvae with treatment A (with freeze-dried microalgae) and the composition of larvae in treatment D that were obtained with the acceptable methods for culture systems (with live microalgae).  相似文献   

The effects of the oral administration of heat-inactivated Lactobacillus delbrüeckii ssp. lactis and Bacillus subtilis, individually or combined, on gilthead seabream immune responses were investigated both systemically and locally in the gut. In a first experiment, seabream (65 g) were fed for 3 weeks different diets supplemented with 1 x 10(7)CFU g(-1)Lactobacillus, 1 x 10(7)CFU g(-1)Bacillus, or 0.5 x 10(7)CFU g(-1)Lactobacillus plus 0.5 x 10(7)CFU g(-1)Bacillus. Controls were fed non-supplemented diet. Six fish per group were sampled at the end of the trial and some humoral and cellular systemic innate immune parameters were evaluated. Feeding the mixture of the two killed bacteria species significantly increased natural complement, serum peroxidase and phagocytic activities compared with controls. In a second experiment, juvenile seabream (13 g) were fed for 3 weeks the same experimental diets and total serum IgM and numbers of gut IgM(+) cells and acidophilic granulocytes were evaluated. All these parameters were significantly higher in the multispecies probiotic group compared to monospecies and control fed groups. The advantages provided by administration of killed probiotic bacteria as well as multispecies versus monospecies formulations are discussed in light of the results obtained and for their possible application in aquacultural practices.  相似文献   

The development of powerful software has made possible spermatozoa morphology studies. However, some problems have emerged in relation to protocol standardization to compare results from different laboratories. This study was carried out to compare two techniques commonly used (staining vs phase contrast technique) for the morphometry study of gilthead sea bream spermatozoa using an integrated sperm analysis system (ISAS). Spermatozoa morphometry values were significantly affected by the technique used, and phase contrast technique was found to be the more accurate method, showing lower coefficients of variation on spermatozoa morphometry parameters measurements. Moreover, it has been shown that cryopreservation process produces damage in gilthead sea bream spermatozoa, causing negative effects in sperm parameters as spermatozoa morphometry (a decrease in cell volume), motility (from 95 to 68% motile cells) and viability (from 95 to 87% of live cells), being the addition of freezing medium containing cryoprotectant (DMSO) an important factor that caused the morphometry changes.  相似文献   

The record of free and healthy Mediterranean gilt-head seabream Sparus aurata Linnaeus, 1758 in waters of the Gulf of California, México is documented for the first time. Consequences of this introduction are briefly outlined.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that Bmdsx, a homologue of the sex-determining gene, doublesex (dsx), was found to be sex-specifically expressed in various tissues at larval, pupal, and adult stages in the silkworm, Bombyx mori, and was alternatively spliced to yield male- and female-specific mRNAs. To reveal sex-specific differences in splicing patterns of Bmdsx pre-mRNA, the genomic sequence was determined and compared with male- and female-specific Bmdsx cDNA sequences. The open reading frame (ORF) consisted of five exons. Exons 3 and 4 were specifically incorporated into the female type of Bmdsx mRNA. On the other hand, exon 2 was spliced to exon 5 to produce the male type mRNA of Bmdsx. As in the case of Drosophila dsx, the OD2 domain was separated by a female-specific intron into sex-independent and sex-dependent regions. Sex-specific splicing occurred in equivalent positions in the Drosophila dsx gene. However, unlike Drosophila dsx, the female-specific introns showed no weak 3′ splice sites, and the TRA/TRA-2 binding site related sequences were not found in the female-specific exon, nor even in any other regions of the Bmdsx gene. Moreover, an in vitro splicing reaction consisting of HeLa cell nuclear extracts showed that the female-type of Bmdsx mRNA represented the default splicing. These findings suggest that the structural features of the sex-specific splicing patterns of Bmdsx pre-mRNA are similar to those of Drosophila dsx but the regulation of sex-specific alternative splicing of Bmdsx pre-mRNA is different.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at identifying, in 203 patients with Alzheimer's disease followed during long-term treatment with Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs), the predictive factors of the clinical response among cognition (MMSE), functioning (BADL and IADL) measures and age and gender at the baseline (T0). The ANCOVA test showed a significant association between MMSE scores at time T0 and T3, and the variation T9 to T0, T15 to T0 and T21 to T0 of the MMSE scores, using also gender, age and drug as covariates. The significance was higher for the patients affected by mild dementia. Regarding functional activities, a significant relationship was detected, by the ANCOVA test, only between the scores at T3 and the variation T15 to T0 for BADL, and the variation T9 to T0, T15 to T0 for IADL, respectively. Our results confirm, in a real world setting, that ChEIs provide long-term cognitive benefit, which is correlated to, and predictable by, the short-term response (within the third month) as well as the cognitive status (evaluated by means of the MMSE) at the beginning of the treatment. These factors should be the basis of any cost/effectiveness algorithm in health economic decision models.  相似文献   

A mutant of Hordeum vulgare L. (LaPr 85/84) deficient in serine: glyoxylate aminotransferase (EC activity has been isolated. The plant also lacks serine: pyruvate aminotransferase and asparagine: glyoxylate aminotransferase activities. Genetic analysis of the mutation strongly indicates that these three activities are all carried on the same enzyme protein. The mutant is incapable of normal rates of photosynthesis in air but can be maintained at 0.7% CO2. The rate of photosynthesis cannot be restored by supplying hydroxypyruvate, glycerate, glutamate or ammonium sulphate through the xylem stream. This photorespiratory mutant demonstrates convincingly that photorespiration still occurs under conditions in which photosynthesis becomes insensitive to oxygen levels. Two major peaks and one minor peak of serine: glyoxylate aminotransferase activity can be separated in extracts of leaves of wild-type barley by diethylaminoethyl-sephacel chromatography. All three peaks are missing from the mutant, LaPr 85/84. The mutant showed the expected rate (50%) of ammonia release during photorespiration but produced CO2 at twice the wild-type rate when it was fed [14C]glyoxylate. The large accumulation of serine detected in the mutant under photorespiratory conditions shows the importance of the enzyme activity in vivo. The effect of the mutation on transient changes in chlorophyll a fluorescence initiated by changing the atmospheric CO2 concentration are presented and the role of the enzyme activity under nonphotorespiratory conditions is discussed.Abbreviations DEAE diethylaminoethyl - PFR photon fluence rate - SGAT serine:glyoxylate aminotransferase  相似文献   

CADM2, a candidate gene for psoriasis, was identified by a genome-wide association study using microsatellites in the Japanese population (561 cases and 561 controls). Moreover, haplotype analysis included an additional 68 SNPs and indicated that a 110-kb haplotype block was detected for the protective risk haplotype of psoriasis. We also identified an initial exon of novel splicing variants in this haplotype block. A functional analysis by qRT-PCR using RNAs from the blood of 56 cases and 64 controls significantly demonstrated an inverse correlation between expression frequencies in a novel splicing variant and the number of alleles associated with psoriasis. To confirm these results, we must perform replication studies using other ethnic groups and more functional analysis particularly for skin tissues.  相似文献   

Fibre-type differentiation of the lateral musculature has been studied in Sparus aurata (L.) and Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) during larval development. Histochemical and ultrastructural techniques show two presumptive muscle layers and two germinative zones of presumptive myoblasts. At hatching, myotomal muscle consists of a monolayer of thin undifferentiated cells near the skin (first germinative zone) overlying another mono-layer of small diameter fibres extending hypaxially and epaxially away from the transverse septum. Below this, there is a much thicker, deep layer of fibres, generally large in diameter and polygonal in shape. The presumptive myoblasts are located between these two layers of fibres in the second germinative zone. Initially, the superficial and deep muscle fibres show high and low myosin ATPase activity, respectively. Both layers grow by generating new fibres from the two mentioned germinative zones. At the end of larval life, the superficial layer changes its histochemical profile from high to low myosin ATPase activity and, at the same time, intermediate or pink muscle fibres can be observed by oxidative activity (the NADH-TR reaction). Morphometric analysis shows a significant increase in mean fibre diameter during successive ages, as shown by the Student's t-test (hypertrophic growth). Skewness and kurtosis values of fibre diameters point to the generation of a new fibre population from the germinative zones (hyperplastic growth).  相似文献   

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