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Large variations in crown shape are observed across the globe, from plants with wide and deep crowns to those with leaves clustered at the top. While there have been advances in the large‐scale monitoring of forests, little is known about factors driving variations in crown shape with environmental conditions. Previous theoretical research suggests a gradient in crown shape with latitude, due to the effects of sun angle. Yet, it remains unclear whether such changes are also predicted under competition. Using a size‐structured forest‐growth model that incorporates self‐shading from plants and competitive shading from their neighbors, we investigate how changes in site productivity and sun angle shape crown evolution. We consider evolution in two traits describing the top‐heaviness and width‐to‐height ratio of crowns, shaped by trade‐offs reflecting the costs and benefits of alternative architectures. In top‐heavy trees, most of the leaves are at the top half of the trunk. We show that, contrary to common belief, the angle of sun beams per se has only a weak influence on crown shapes, except at low site productivity. By contrast, reduced site productivity has a strong effect, with trees growing in less productive sites keeping their leaves closer to the ground. The crown width‐to‐height ratio is generally higher at a lower site productivity, but this trait is not strongly influenced by any environmental factor. This theoretical analysis brings into question established beliefs about the effects of latitude on crown shapes. By introducing geometry‐related growth constraints caused by shading from both the surrounding forest and the tree on itself, and costs for constructing and maintaining a three‐dimensional crown, our analysis suggests crown shapes may vary with latitude, mostly via effects on overall site productivity, and less because of the angle of the sun.  相似文献   

Abstract The present study uses differences among frugivore faunas of the southern hemisphere landmasses to test whether frugivore characteristics have influenced the evolution of fruit traits. Strong floristic similarities exist among southern landmasses; for example, 75% of New Zealand vascular plant genera also have species in Australia. However, plants in Australia and South America have evolved in the presence of a range of mammalian frugivores, whereas those in New Zealand, New Caledonia and the Pacific Islands have not. In addition, the avian frugivores in New Zealand and New Caledonia are generally smaller than those of Australia. If frugivore characteristics have influenced the evolution of fruit traits, predictable differences should exist between southern hemisphere fruits, particularly fruit size and shape. Fruit dimensions were measured for 77 New Zealand species and 31 Australian species in trans‐Tasman genera. New Zealand fruits became significantly more ellipsoid in shape with increasing size. This is consistent with frugivore gape size imposing a selective pressure on fruit ingestability. This result is not a product of phylogenetic correlates, as fruit length and width scaled isometrically for Australian species in genera shared with New Zealand. Within‐genus contrasts between New Zealand and Australian species in 20 trans‐Tasman genera showed that New Zealand species have significantly smaller fruits than their Australian counterparts. Within‐genus contrasts between New Zealand and South American species in nine genera gave the same result; New Zealand species had significantly smaller fruits than their South American counterparts. No difference was found in fruit size or shape between New Zealand and New Caledonia congeneric species from 12 genera. These results are consistent with the broad characteristics of the frugivore assemblage influencing the evolution of fruit size and shape in related species. The smaller‐sized New Zealand frugivore assemblage has apparently influenced the evolution of fruit size of colonizing taxa sometimes within a relatively short evolutionary timeframe.  相似文献   

How do cartilaginous elements attain their characteristic size and shape? Two intimately coupled processes underlie the patterned growth of cartilage. The first is histogenesis, which entails the production of cartilage as a discrete tissue; the second is morphogenesis, which pertains to the origins of three-dimensional form. Histogenesis relies on cues that promote the chondrogenic differentiation of mesenchymal cells, whereas morphogenesis requires information that imbues cartilage with stage-specific (e.g. embryonic versus adult), region-specific (e.g. cranial versus appendicular) and species-specific size and shape. Previous experiments indicate that early programmatic events and subsequent signaling interactions enable chondrogenic mesenchyme to undergo histogenesis and morphogenesis, but precise molecular and cellular mechanisms that generate cartilage size and shape remain unclear. In the face and jaws, neural crest-derived mesenchyme clearly plays an important role, given that this embryonic population serves as the source of chondrocytes and of species-specific patterning information. To elucidate mechanisms through which neural crest-derived mesenchyme affects cartilage size and shape, we made chimeras using quail and duck embryos, which differ markedly in their craniofacial anatomy and rates of maturation. Transplanting neural crest cells from quail to duck demonstrates that mesenchyme imparts both stage-specific and species-specific size and shape to cartilage by controlling the timing of preceding and requisite molecular and histogenic events. In particular, we find that mesenchyme regulates FGF signaling and the expression of downstream effectors such as sox9 and col2a1. The capacity of neural crest-derived mesenchyme to orchestrate spatiotemporal programs for chondrogenesis autonomously, and to implement cartilage size and shape across embryonic stages and between species simultaneously, provides a novel mechanism linking ontogeny and phylogeny.  相似文献   

The tick Ixodes uriae is a common ectoparasite of seabirds, and is widely distributed across the circumpolar regions of both hemispheres. Previous work demonstrated the existence of genetically distinct host races of this ectoparasite, occurring across its current range. The objective of the present study was to examine whether these host races have evolved measurable morphological differences. We measured a set of morphological variables on 255 non‐engorged ticks (nymphs and adults) collected from three sympatrically occurring host species in the North Atlantic. Genotyping at eight microsatellite markers enabled us to analyse the relationship between patterns of morphological and neutral genetic variation. Multivariate analyses showed that most morphological variation was associated with size differences among tick individuals. Body size differed among races, but only in adult life stages. A linear discriminant analysis based on shape variation revealed three distinct morphological clusters corresponding to the three tick host races. These results, along with correlated patterns of host‐related genetic variation, suggest that differences among host‐related groups are not simply the result of phenotypic plasticity or drift, but rather reflect host‐associated adaptations. Experimental work and observations across the range of I. uriae will now be required to test the genetic basis and adaptive nature of morphological differences.  相似文献   

Ctenophores, or comb jellies, are a distinct phylum of marine zooplankton with eight meridional rows of giant locomotory comb plates. Comb plates are the largest ciliary structures known, and provide unique experimental advantages for investigating the biology of cilia. Here, I review published and unpublished work on how ctenophores exploit both motile and sensory functions of cilia for much of their behavior. The long‐standing problem of ciliary coordination has been elucidated by experiments on a variety of ctenophores. The statocyst of ctenophores is an example of how mechanosensory properties of motile cilia orient animals to the direction of gravity. Excitation or inhibition of comb row beating provides adaptive locomotory responses, and global reversal of beat direction causes escape swimming. The diverse types of prey and feeding mechanisms of ctenophores are related to radiation in body form and morphology. The cydippid Pleurobrachia catches copepods on tentacles and undergoes unilateral ciliary reversal to sweep prey into its mouth. Mnemiopsis uses broad muscular lobes and ciliated auricles to capture and ingest prey. Beroë has giant smooth muscles and toothed macrocilia to rapidly engulf or bite through ctenophore prey, and uses reversible tissue adhesion to keep its mouth closed while swimming. Ciliary motor responses are calcium‐dependent, triggered by voltage‐activated calcium channels located along the length (reversed beating) or at the base (activation of beating) of ciliary membranes. Ciliary and muscular responses to stimuli are regulated by epithelial and mesogleal nerve nets with ultrastructurally identifiable synapses onto effector cells. Post‐embryonic patterns of comb row development in larval and adult stages are described and compared with regeneration of comb plates after surgical removal. Truly, cilia and ctenophores, like love and marriage, go together like a horse and carriage.  相似文献   

Although the evolutionary drivers of genome size change are known, the general patterns and mechanisms of plant genome size evolution are yet to be established. Here we aim to assess the relative importance of proliferation of repetitive DNA, chromosomal variation (including polyploidy), and the type of endoreplication for genome size evolution of the Pleurothallidinae, the most species-rich orchid lineage. Phylogenetic relationships between 341 Pleurothallidinae representatives were refined using a target enrichment hybrid capture combined with high-throughput sequencing approach. Genome size and the type of endoreplication were assessed using flow cytometry supplemented with karyological analysis and low-coverage Illumina sequencing for repeatome analysis on a subset of samples. Data were analyzed using phylogeny-based models. Genome size diversity (0.2–5.1 Gbp) was mostly independent of profound chromosome count variation (2n = 12–90) but tightly linked with the overall content of repetitive DNA elements. Species with partial endoreplication (PE) had significantly greater genome sizes, and genomic repeat content was tightly correlated with the size of the non-endoreplicated part of the genome. In PE species, repetitive DNA is preferentially accumulated in the non-endoreplicated parts of their genomes. Our results demonstrate that proliferation of repetitive DNA elements and PE together shape the patterns of genome size diversity in orchids.  相似文献   

Urban MC 《Oecologia》2007,154(3):571-580
Theoretical efforts suggest that the relative sizes of predators and their prey can shape community dynamics, the structure of food webs, and the evolution of life histories. However, much of this work has assumed static predator and prey body sizes. The timing of recruitment and the growth patterns of both predator and prey have the potential to modify the strength of predator–prey interactions. In this study, I examined how predator size dynamics in 40 temporary ponds over a 3-year period affected the survival of spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) larvae. Across communities, gape-limited predator richness, but not size, was correlated with habitat duration (pond permanence). Within communities, mean gape-limited predator size diminished as the growing season progressed. This size reduction occurred because prey individuals grew into a body size refuge and because the largest of the predators left ponds by mid-season. Elevated gape-limited predation risk across time and space was predicted by the occurrence of two large predatory salamanders: marbled salamander larvae (Ambystoma opacum) and red-spotted newt adults (Notophthalmus viridescens). The presence of the largest gape-limited predator, A. opacum, predicted A. maculatum larval survival in the field. The distribution of large predatory salamanders among ponds and across time is expected to lead to differing community dynamics and to generate divergent natural selection on early growth and body size in A. maculatum. In general, a dynamic perspective on predator size often will be necessary to understand the ecology and evolution of species interactions. This will be especially true in frequently disturbed or seasonal habitats where phenology and ontogeny interact to determine body size asymmetries. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Seed dormancy and size are two important life‐history traits that interplay as adaptation to varying environmental settings. As evolution of both traits involves correlated selective pressures, it is of interest to comparatively investigate the evolution of the two traits jointly as well as independently. We explore evolutionary trajectories of seed dormancy and size using adaptive dynamics in scenarios of deterministic or stochastic temperature variations. Ecological dynamics usually result in unbalanced population structures, and temperature shifts or fluctuations of high magnitude give rise to more balanced ecological structures. When only seed dormancy evolves, it is counter‐selected and temperature shifts hasten this evolution. Evolution of seed size results in the fixation of a given strategy and evolved seed size decreases when seed dormancy is lowered. When coevolution is allowed, evolutionary variations are reduced while the speed of evolution becomes faster given temperature shifts. Such coevolution scenarios systematically result in reduced seed dormancy and size and similar unbalanced population structures. We discuss how this may be linked to the system stability. Dormancy is counter‐selected because population dynamics lead to stable equilibrium, while small seeds are selected as the outcome of size‐number trade‐offs. Our results suggest that unlike random temperature variation between generations, temperature shifts with high magnitude can considerably alter population structures and accelerate life‐history evolution. This study increases our understanding of plant evolution and persistence in the context of climate changes.  相似文献   

Critical micelle concentrations (CMCs) of palmitoyl-CoA were determined by surface tension, conductivity, and fluorimetric measurements in a variety of buffers at several pH values and ionic strengths. They ranged from 7 to 250 microM and were frequently an order of magnitude higher than most reported values. The CMCs of stearoyl-CoA and oleoyl-CoA, determined fluorimetrically, were also high and consistent with the expected effects of chain length and unsaturation. The effects of ionic strength and temperature were analyzed to obtain the extent of counterion binding and the thermodynamic parameters of micellization. The values of delta H0, delta G0, and delta S0 obtained in 0.011 M Tris, pH 8.3, are -6 K X J X mol-1, -64 K X J X mol-1, and +193 J X mol-1 X K-1, and the average number of univalent ions bound per molecule in the micelles is 1.4. These values are within the range of those obtained for other univalent and polyvalent detergents. Analyzed by sedimentation and diffusion, the micelles are approximately spherical with an anhydrous mass of 50,000 daltons but with dimensions inconsistent with fully extended molecules. Correlation of the information obtained from the present physical studies with kinetic studies using long-chain fatty acyl-CoAs as enzyme substrates may be helpful for understanding the enzymology of these compounds, and some previously published kinetic studies of membrane-bound and soluble enzymes may bear reinterpretation.  相似文献   

Ctenophores are one of the most basally branching lineages of metazoans with the largest mitochondrial organelles in the animal kingdom. We sequenced the mitochondrial (mtDNA) genome from the Pacific cidipid ctenophore, Pleurobrachia bachei. The circular mitochondrial genome is 11,016 nts, with only 12 genes, and one of the smallest metazoan mtDNA genomes recorded. The protein coding genes are intronless cox1-3, cob, nad1, 3, 4, 4L and 5. The nad2 and 6 genes are represented as short fragments whereas the atp6 gene was found in the nuclear genome. Only the large ribosomal RNA subunit and two tRNAs were present with possibly the small subunit unidentifiable due to extensive fragmentation. The observed unique features of this mitochondrial genome suggest that nuclear and mitochondrial genomes have evolved at very different rates. This reduced mtDNA genome sharply contrasts with the very large sizes of mtDNA found in other basal metazoans including Porifera (sponges), and Placozoa (Trichoplax).  相似文献   

Trait evolution in predator–prey systems can feed back to the dynamics of interacting species as well as cascade to impact the dynamics of indirectly linked species (eco-evolutionary trophic cascades; EETCs). A key mediator of trophic cascades is body mass, as it both strongly influences and evolves in response to predator–prey interactions. Here, we use Gillespie eco-evolutionary models to explore EETCs resulting from top predator loss and mediated by body mass evolution. Our four-trophic-level food chain model uses allometric scaling to link body mass to different functions (ecological pleiotropy) and is realistically parameterized from the FORAGE database to mimic the parameter space of a typical freshwater system. To track real-time changes in selective pressures, we also calculated fitness gradients for each trophic level. As predicted, top predator loss generated alternating shifts in abundance across trophic levels, and, depending on the nature and strength in changes to fitness gradients, also altered trajectories of body mass evolution. Although more distantly linked, changes in the abundance of top predators still affected the eco-evolutionary dynamics of the basal producers, in part because of their relatively short generation times. Overall, our results suggest that impacts on top predators can set off transient EETCs with the potential for widespread indirect impacts on food webs.  相似文献   

We used a phylogenetic perspective in an examination of the direction and extent of sexual dimorphism in body size and body shape in European newts from the Balkan Peninsula (alpine newts, Mesotriton alpestris; crested newts, Triturus cristatus superspecies; smooth newts, Lissotriton vulgaris). We found a strong, female‐biased sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in the analysed clades of alpine newt, whereas within crested newts we found a less stringent female‐biased SSD in Triturus carnifex, Triturus macedonicus and Triturus karelinii, and no significant SSD in T. cristatus or Triturus dobrogicus. Among the smooth newts, we found male‐biased SSD in Lissotriton vulgaris vularis and Lissotriton vulgaris greacus and no SSD in Lissotriton vulgaris meridionalis. Most of these newts also exhibit a significant sexual dimorphism in body shape, which varied more randomly than body size, regardless of SSD level. Female and male body size as well as the degree of SSD displayed statistically significant phylogenetic signal, while sexual dimorphism in body shape was phylogenetically independent. The relationship between independent contrast data for female size and male size indicated that SSD in European newts could be driven by a disproportionate increase in female size as increase in female size was not accompanied by a proportional increase in male size.  相似文献   

Recent advances in sequencing technology have led to a rapid accumulation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences, which now represent the wide spectrum of animal diversity. However, one animal phylum--Ctenophora--has, to date, remained completely unsampled. Ctenophores, a small group of marine animals, are of interest due to their unusual biology, controversial phylogenetic position, and devastating impact as invasive species. Using data from the Mnemiopsis leidyi genome sequencing project, we Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplified and analyzed its complete mitochondrial (mt-) genome. At just over 10 kb, the mt-genome of M. leidyi is the smallest animal mtDNA ever reported and is among the most derived. It has lost at least 25 genes, including atp6 and all tRNA genes. We show that atp6 has been relocated to the nuclear genome and has acquired introns and a mitochondrial targeting presequence, while tRNA genes have been genuinely lost, along with nuclear-encoded mt-aminoacyl tRNA synthetases. The mt-genome of M. leidyi also displays extremely high rates of sequence evolution, which likely led to the degeneration of both protein and rRNA genes. In particular, encoded rRNA molecules possess little similarity with their homologs in other organisms and have highly reduced secondary structures. At the same time, nuclear encoded mt-ribosomal proteins have undergone expansions, likely to compensate for the reductions in mt-rRNA. The unusual features identified in M. leidyi mtDNA make this organism an interesting system for the study of various aspects of mitochondrial biology, particularly protein and tRNA import and mt-ribosome structures, and add to its value as an emerging model species. Furthermore, the fast-evolving M. leidyi mtDNA should be a convenient molecular marker for species- and population-level studies.  相似文献   

Butterfly wings harbor highly diverse phenotypes and are involved in many functions. Wing size and shape result from interactions between adaptive processes, phylogenetic history, and developmental constraints, which are complex to disentangle. Here, we focus on the genus Morpho (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae, 30 species), which presents a high diversity of sizes, shapes, and color patterns. First, we generate a comprehensive molecular phylogeny of these 30 species. Next, using 911 collection specimens, we quantify the variation of wing size and shape across species, to assess the importance of shared ancestry, microhabitat use, and sexual selection in the evolution of the wings. While accounting for phylogenetic and allometric effects, we detect a significant difference in wing shape but not size among microhabitats. Fore and hindwings covary at the individual and species levels, and the covariation differs among microhabitats. However, the microhabitat structure in covariation disappears when phylogenetic relationships are taken into account. Our results demonstrate that microhabitat has driven wing shape evolution, although it has not strongly affected forewing and hindwing integration. We also found that sexual dimorphism of forewing shape and color pattern are coupled, suggesting a common selective force.  相似文献   

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