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The investigation of common iliac lymph nodes has been performed in 20 corpses of the first mature age of both sex (5 male and 5 female corpses) of persons died from causes not connected with the lymphatic system diseases, the lower extremities and the pelvic organs. The common iliac lymph nodes with their afferent and efferent lymphatic vessels are revealed by means of interstitial injection into the lower extremities and the pelvic organs and with direct injection into the lymphatic vessels. The form, amount, size and topography of the common iliac lymphatic vessels have been studied. The lymphatic vessels, that go from certain body parts and organs to various subgroups of the common iliac lymph nodes, as well as the lymphatic vessels that connect the nodes both within the subgroup and also between the subgroups. The amount and size of the lymphatic nodes of the lateral subgroup predominate over the nodes of other subgroups of the common iliac lymph nodes; the amount of the common iliac lymph nodes predominates in men, and their size--in women. Amount of these nodes in the right and their size in the left predominate in both sex. Among the common iliac lymph nodes there are no teniform nodes, and efferent lymphatic vessels of the lateral and medial subgroup of the common iliac lymph nodes in 15% of cases run towards the lumbar nodes in the opposite side.  相似文献   

The anatomy and topography of the right and left axillary nodes were studied by the method of polychrome injections in 25 corpses of adult people dead from trauma or illnesses not related to lesions of axillary lymph nodes. Injections were made into the skin of fingers, palm and back of the hand, in the delta-shaped area, lateral surface of the chest and exterior half of the mamillary gland and also immediately into the lymph vessels of the upper extremity found with the help of interstitial injections. Detailed data on the topography of axillary lymph nodes relative to the walls, blood vessels and nerves of the axillary fossa were obtained, and the relations between the nodes were specified. From the topography of the axillary lymph nodes under study and approaching the lymph vessels as well as from literature data it is expedient to divide the axillary lymph nodes into 6 groups: lateral, medial, posterior, inferior, central and apical.  相似文献   

Tracheobronchial lymph nodes (TBLN) have been studied in 71 corpses of persons at different ages. The TBLN are revealed by means of polychromic injection of Gerota mass into the lung tissue, or directly into the lymph nodes revealed. The number of the inferior and superior (right and left) TBLN varies within a wide range. Longitudinal dimentions of the lymph nodes increase with age. A certain age dependence in topography of the inferior and superior TBLN is stated. In persons of mature and elderly age, dextrobronchial type in arrangement of the inferior TBLN is found more often, and at younger age periods--even type of their arrangement is specific. The right superior TBLN in newborns, children and adolescents possess an evenly concentrated type of localization, and at later age periods--dispersive and unevenly concentrated. The superior left TBLN in newborns and children are mainly situated in the TB angle area, in persons of mature and elderly age--on the lateral surface of the thoracic part of the trachea. The form of the TBLN depends on their localization. A certain relation is determined between the localization of the inferior TBLN and the number of the superior (right and left) TBLN.  相似文献   

In 50 right and 50 left upper extremities examined in adult persons of both sex at the age of 28-90 years, delto-thoracic lymph nodes were revealed in 30% (right) and in 22% (left), and interthoracic lymph nodes--in 6% (right) and in 12% (left). The lymph nodes in question were revealed by the method of section after interstitial injection of Gerota's blue intradermally to fingers, palm, back of the hand deltoid area, lateral thoracic surface (at the level of the 6th intercostal space) and to the external part of the mammary gland. Injection was also performed into lymphatic vessels revealed by means of the interstitial injection. The delto-thoracic nodes were stated to situate in both the delto-thoracic sulcus and the delto-thoracic triangle. These vessels are situated along the course of the lateral collector of the free upper extremity. Deferent vessels of the delto-thoracic nodes flow into the apical axillary lymph nodes, into the deep and superficial cervical nodes, into the interthoracic lymph nodes and also into the subclavicular or into the jugular vein near a corresponding venous angle. Interthoracic lymph nodes, situated between musculus pectoralis major and minor, get their lymphatic vessels from lateral, inferior and central axillary nodes, from delto-thoracic nodes and also those lymphatic vessels that go from the mammary gland area. Deferent vessels of the interthoracic nodes flow into the apical axillary nodes.  相似文献   

In 50 mature green monkeys, the lymphatic system of the skin on the hairy part of the skull (occipital, parietal, frontal) and on the face was studied. The lymphatic vessels of cranial and cervical organs flow into submental, submandibular (anterior, medial, posterior) lymph nodes and into profound cervical (cranial, medial, caudal) lymph nodes. Lymph nodes together with efferent lymphatic vessels form lymph collectors of the neck which follow the blood vessels branching: superficial jugular, profound jugular and paratracheal network.  相似文献   

The common iliac lymph nodes (CILN) have been investigated on 24 preparations from corpses of elderly persons (5 male and 7 female corpses), died from the causes not connected with the lymphatic system diseases, lower extremities and pelvic organs. The CILN with their afferent and deferent lymphatic vessels are revealed by means of interstitial injection into the lower extremities and pelvic organs, as well as by means of direct injection into lymphatic vessels. The form, amount, size and topography of CILN are studied. Lymphatic vessels, running from certain parts of the body and organs to various subgroups of CILN are described, as well as lymphatic vessels, connecting the nodes both within each subgroup and between the subgroups. There is a tendency in prevalence of amount and size of the lateral subgroup of the lymph nodes over the nodes of other subgroups of CILN; tendency in prevalence of amount of the lymph nodes in men, and their size--in women; prevalence of amount of right CILN and their size in the left--in persons of both sex; in 70% of the cases the amount of afferent lymphatic vessels to CILN prevails over that of the deferent lymph nodes.  相似文献   

In 30 corpses of newborns and children up to 3 years of age, by means of the intratissue and direct injection of the modified Gerota's mass, certain increase in number and size of the superficial inguinal lymph vessels belonging to the superior-medial group, as well as the pararectal and superior rectal lymph nodes has been noted. The diameter of both afferent and efferent lymphatic vessels in the nodes mentioned in children of 1-3 years of age is greater than in the newborns. The number of the afferent vessels running towards these nodes in most cases, regardless the age, prevail over the efferent ones, and the diameter of the latter is greater than in the afferent vessels. The pararectal lymph nodes in 80% of cases are the nodes of the first step for the lymph flowing from the rectum, in 15% - the nodes of the first and second steps, simultaneously, and in 5% - of the third and fourth steps. The superior pararectal lymph nodes in 80% of cases are the nodes of the third and fourth steps, and in 20% of cases - those of the first and second steps for the lymph flowing from the rectum.  相似文献   

The popliteal and iliac lymph nodes have different regional specialization. The former belong to somatic lymph nodes, while the latter get lymph also from internal organs; this explains certain differences in their structural-functional organization. Some objective quantitative data have been obtained that characterize ultrastructure of blood capillaries in the rat popliteal and iliac lymph nodes under normal conditions of the organism's functioning. They demonstrate essential differences in the level of transendothelial transport and, hence, functional activity of these organs.  相似文献   

Analysis of the author's and literature data revealed two peculiarities in the lymph node anatomy. One of them is characterized with a great variability of amount and size of the nodes in every regional group. The second peculiarity is that age involution of the lymphoid tissue in the nodes is demonstrated in elderly and old persons as a decreasing amount of the lymph nodes and as their enlargement.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative alterations occurring in various structural components of the ileocolonic lymph nodes of Papio hamadryas at the age of 3.5 months and 5 years and Macaca rhesus at the age of 5 years were studied by means of mathematical methods. Cellular composition was counted in every histological preparation per 1,000 cells in cortical plateau, in myelin cords, in follicles with light centers and in follicles without light centers. Part (in %) of every cell variety was determined, as well as correlation of different structural components of the lymph nodes. Construcgion and cytoarchitectonics of the ileocolonic lymph nodes were stated to depend on the age of monkeys and their systematic differences.  相似文献   

The dependence of pathomorphological changes in the regional lymphatic ganglia of the dog's kidney upon the duration of experimental hydronephrosis is shown. The development of necrosis in some of them points out indirectly to the participation of the renal lymphatic system in carrying off the urine saturated with toxic products persisting in it for a long period. Increased dilatation of intermediate and medullary sinuses is connected with continuous inflow of the lymph that contributes to its congestion and then leads to the retrograde flow. A mechanical obstraction appears on the way of lymph and this fact aggravates mechanical insufficiency of the lymph circulation. At the same time this particular case is lymphogenic sclerosis, which is induced by acumulation of disturbed metabolism products in the intermediate tissue brought by the lymph.  相似文献   

Lymph nodes (mesenteric, popliteal, cervical) of rabbits in fever reaction of different duration have been studied in our work. As a whole morpho-functional changes in lymph nodes in fever reaction indicate the increase of their functional activity: hyperplasia of lymphatic substance with the growth of lymphocytes number and slightly differentiated lymphoid cells in follicles and paracortical zone, hyperplasia of pulposus bands, the signs of macrophagal reaction and plasmatization of lymph nodes are to be observed and all these create prerequisites for the increase of tensity of cellular and humoral immunity. Simultaneously the signs of destruction of cellular elements--lymphocytolysis in the porta tract and the growth of number of PAS-positive cells in the parenchyma of the nodes take place.  相似文献   

Lymphatic nodes on the anterior surface of the femur, in the region of the femoral triangle were studied in 56 corpses of humans of either sex from 31 to 82 years of age, dead of accidental causes or of diseases not related to lymphatic nodes. The investigation was carried on by the method of interstitial and direct injection of the Gerota's mass to some regions of foot skin, external genitalia and the skin of the anterior wall of the abdomen. It has been established that the size of inguinal lymphatic nodes (both superficial and profound) in humans of either sex, are in direct dependence on the age of the person. The amount of inguinal lymphatic nodes in young people prevails over that in old people. The external diameter of the afferent and efferent vessels in elderly humans is greater than in young ones. The amount of afferent lymphatic vessels to inguinal lymphatic nodes in most cases prevails over the amount of efferent ones, independent of age and sex. The external diameter of the former is greater than that of the latter.  相似文献   

Under investigation were the lymph nodes on the anterior surface of the femur in the area of the femural triangle in 96 preparations of lower extremities of corpses of people of either sex in the age from 31 to 82 years. The Gerota's mass was injected into the skin of feet, external genitalia and the skin of the lower part of the anterior wall of the abdomen. It was established that the total amount of the inguinal lymph nodes in men was greater than in women, the size of the superficial nodes in women was greater than of those in men, while the size of profound lymph nodes in men was greater than in women. The amount of the inguinal lymph nodes was proportional to the Skerly's index and the dimensions were inversely proportional to their amount. The amount of inguinal lymph nodes in persons of either sex of a dolichomorphic type of figure was greater than in persons of a brachymorphic type. The dimensions of the nodes in persons of brachymorphic type of figure were predominant.  相似文献   

Development of pregnancy results in a systemic reaction of the immunogenetic organs: the structure of both the central (thymus) and peripheral lymphoid organs (lymph nodes) undergoes certain changes, beginning from its earliest stages (preimplantation period). Unidirection of the processes in the iliac (that are regional for the uterus) and mesenteric lymph nodes is stated. The reconstruction of the node occurs according to the reaction type at tissue allotransplantation, when hypertrophy of the thymus-dependent zone comes forward. During the period of the greatest manifestations of these alterations, however (the second half of pregnancy) the migration process of lymphocytes from blood into the lymph node is significantly inhibited. This is essentially clear in the iliac lymph nodes. The reconstruction of the thymus is in general similar with phenomena of accidental involution. However, accumulation of thymocytes in the medulla demonstrates blocking of their discharge into the blood stream. The disturbed processes of recirculation of result in incompleteness of the immune response at pregnancy and, perhaps, are included into the protective mechanisms of the offspring reproduction.  相似文献   

Fifty-two isolated spleens and 17 corpses of newborns and children up to 3 years of age have been studied. Preparation, visirographic and morphometric methods have been used. During the newborn and suckling age periods the spleen is projected in three regions: in the epigastrum, in the left subcostal and in the left lateral areas of the abdomen, and during early infancy--only in the left subcostal and in the left lateral area of the abdomen. The anterior end of the spleen beginning from the newborn period up to the early infancy comes down 1-2 vertebrae. The angle formed by the longitudinal axis of the spleen and the horizontal plane running across its anterior end increases. The spleen changes its form from the transitional one in newborn towards a long one in early infancy. During early infancy the spleen mass increases 4.6 times as compared to the newborn period, its length--1.8 and its width and thickness--1.7 times.  相似文献   

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