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We compared the humoral immune response of mice protected against Schistosoma mansoni by vaccination with radiation-attenuated cercariae to that of patently infected mice, and we identified antigens that elicit a greater, or unique, immune response in the vaccinated mice. These comparisons were based upon radioimmunoprecipitations and immunodepletion of [35S]methionine-labeled schistosomular and adult worm polypeptides, followed by one- and two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel analyses. The humoral responses of patently infected mice and of mice vaccinated once were remarkably similar and were directed against schistosome glycoproteins ranging in molecular size from greater than 300 to less than 10 kDa. Exposing mice to a second vaccination resulted in a marked change in the immune response, to one predominantly directed toward high molecular size glycoproteins. Sequential immunodepletion techniques identified five schistosomular and seven adult worm antigens that showed a greater or unique immunogenicity in vaccinated mice as compared with patently infected mice. These adult worm antigens were purified by preparative sequential immunoaffinity chromatography and used to prepare a polyclonal antiserum, anti-irradiated vaccine. This antiserum bound to the surface of live newly transformed and lung-stage schistosomula, as assessed by immunofluorescence assays, and was reactive with a number of 125I-labeled schistosomular surface polypeptides, including a doublet of 150 kDa that was also recognized by sera of vaccinated mice but not by sera of patently infected mice.  相似文献   

1. Angiotensin I hydrolases, Mr 140,000 and Mr 70,000 were separated by gel filtration from Tris-HCl buffer extract of hepatic granulomas developed in mice with schistosomiasis. Two enzymes had different substrate specificity. 2. Mr 140,000 hydrolase activity was inhibited by captopril as reported for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), while that of Mr 70,000 hydrolase activity was inhibited by potato carboxypeptidase inhibitor. 3. An intermediary, des-Leu10-angiotensin I and then angiotensin II were formed from angiotensin I by Mr 70,000 hydrolase. 4. The findings suggest that Mr 70,000 enzyme is tissue carboxypeptidase A, and it generates angiotensin II in granulomatous inflammation as does ACE.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni egg antigens that elicit delayed hypersensitivity in appropriately sensitized guinea pigs were partially characterized by using ion exchange chromatography and preparative electrophoresis. At least three skin-reactive antigens were found, one of which was purified to homogeneity, as analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). This antigen was not adsorbed to CM cellulose, migrated cathodal to guinea pig albumin on electrophoresis, and was adsorbed to DEAE cellulose. A second pool of antigenic activity was obtained by adsorption to CM cellulose and subsequent elution. DEAE cellulose chromatography and preparative electrophoresis of this pool indicated the presence of more than one antigen.  相似文献   

The P28-1 Ag induces a strong protective immunity toward Schistosoma mansoni infection in various experimental models. T lymphocytes of mice immunized with the recombinant P28-1 Ag were stimulated in vitro by schistosome Ag of different development stages and by three P28-1 Ag-derived synthetic peptides. The most significant stimulation was achieved with the 24-43 peptide. The use of two fragments of this peptide showed that the P28-1 T lymphocyte specificity concerned essentially the NH2 terminal sequence of the 24-43 peptide. Moreover, T lymphocytes specific for the 24-43 peptide were stimulated by both schistosome Ag and the recombinant P28-1 protein. The passive transfer of (Th + Ts) lymphocytes recovered from P28-1 Ag-immunized mice increased the IgG response to P28-1 and its peptides during infection but did not protect against a challenge infection, such as the passive transfer of anti-P28-1 sera. In contrast, P28-1 specific Th cell lines maintained in culture for 2 mo, passively transferred a strong protection (50%) to infected mice. Supernatants of P28-1-specific T cells obtained after stimulation with the corresponding Ag, were able to confer cytotoxic properties to platelets and macrophages. The presence of IFN-gamma for the cytotoxicity mediated by platelets and macrophage activating factor for the cytotoxicity mediated by macrophages in these supernatants is in a large part responsible for the parasite killing observed. Finally, a preliminary immunogenetic approach with H-2 congenic mice on BALB background showed that the P28-1 Ag T cell response was under the control of the MHC and that the H-2b haplotype determined a low response to P28-1 Ag and its peptides while H-2d and k haplotypes determined high responders.  相似文献   

The possible role of histamine and histamine-receptored inflammatory cells in the granulomatous response of Schistosoma mansoni-infected mice was examined. Special staining revealed the presence of numerous mast cells, many partially degranulated within the liver granulomas. Treatment of infected mice with cimetidine (an H2 receptor antagonist) enhanced, and diphenyhydramine (an H1 receptor antagonist) decreased the granulomatous response. Fluorescein-labeled histamine-rabbit serum albumin conjugate (H-FRSA) and unlabeled conjugate (H-RSA)-coated culture plates were used to identify and isolate cells with histamine receptors. A large proportion of granuloma macrophages, lymphocytes, eosinophils, neutrophils, and splenic lymphocytes had histamine receptors. Elution of adherent cells from H-RSA-coated culture plates with H1 or H2 receptor antagonists suggested that receptors on granuloma cells were predominately H1 with some granuloma lymphocytes bearing H2-type receptors. Splenic lymphocytes from infected mice were functionally divided according to the presence or absence of histamine receptors on their cell surface. Receptor-negative lymphocytes appeared to mediate SEA-stimulated MIF production (TDH cells) and participated in the adoptive transfer of suppression of granulomas (TH cells). Whereas, TS cells appeared to have histamine receptors. Based on these data, it is inferred that lymphocytes that regulate lymphokine production (TS cells) within the granuloma may be triggered via their histamine receptors to exert suppressive activity.  相似文献   

In C57Bl/6 strain mice vaccinated with attenuated cercariae of Schistosoma mansoni, the major site of immune elimination of normal challenge parasites is the lungs. The immune effector mechanism involves formation of focal inflammatory responses; the abundance of CD4+ T cells and the activation of alveolar macrophages suggests a role for inflammatory cytokines. We report the profile of cytokines produced by cultures of leukocytes recovered by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) from the lungs of vaccinated and challenged mice. From 14 days after vaccination, BAL cultures contained infiltrating lymphocytes that produced abundant quantities of IFN-gamma and IL-3 on stimulation with larval Ag. Production declined from day 21 although the infiltrate of lymphocytes persisted. Challenge of vaccinated mice resulted in a second influx of IFN-gamma and IL-3-producing cells, earlier than after vaccination or in the appropriate controls. Ablation studies revealed that CD4+ T cells were essential for the production of IFN-gamma. The timing of cytokine production after vaccination, and challenge was coincident with the phases of macrophage activation previously reported. At no time could lymphocytes in BAL cultures be stimulated to proliferate with either larval Ag or mitogen, in contrast to splenocytes from the same mice. Furthermore, T cell growth factor activity was not detected in BAL cultures stimulated with Ag. We suggest that the lymphocytes recruited to the lungs are memory/effector cells. When Ag released from challenge schistosomula is presented to these cells, they respond by secreting cytokines that mediate the formation of cellular aggregates around the parasites, blocking their onward migration.  相似文献   

In murine schistosomiasis mansoni, a complex series of cell-cell interactions involving T cell subclasses regulates the intensity of the inflammatory granulomatous response. Recent evidence suggests that granuloma mast cells also participate in the regulatory process by the release of histamine. The current study was performed to determine factors that affect the number of granuloma mast cells. More mast cells were detected in liver granulomas from chronically (20-wk) as opposed to acutely (8-wk) infected mice. Adoptive transfer of spleen cells from 20-wk-infected donors into acutely (6-wk) infected recipients increased granuloma mast cell density. Treatment of spleen cells with anti-Thy-1.2 or anti-Lyt-1.1 antiserum and complement, but not anti-Lyt-2.1 or normal mouse serum, abrogated adoptive transfer-induced, augmentation of granuloma mast cell density. Treatment of acutely infected animals with cyclophosphamide or cimetidine (H2 antagonist enhanced granuloma mast cell density. These data suggest that granuloma mast cell density is dependent upon subsets of T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

An in vitro model of granuloma formation was used to study the cellular immune responses of Schistosoma mansoni-infected patients. The purposes of this study were to determine the relationship of granulomatous hypersensitivity to S. mansoni eggs in recent, well-defined infections and long-term chronic infections, and to determine the role of T cell subsets (OKT3, 4, and 8) defined by monoclonal antibodies in granulomatous hypersensitivity. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained from patients with recent S. mansoni infections demonstrated increased granulomatous hypersensitivity responses in vitro when compared to peripheral blood mononuclear cells obtained from patients infected for 5 yr or more. The selective removal of infected for 5 yr or more. The selective removal of OKT3+ or OKT4+ cells reduced the ability of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to form granulomas in vitro. Positive selection for OKT4+ T cells produced optimal granulomatous hypersensitivity when compared to that produced by the unfractionated peripheral blood mononuclear cell population. OKT8+ cells demonstrated no ability to form granulomas in vitro. Selective removal of OKT8+ T cells produced variable results in the ability of the remaining peripheral blood mononuclear cells to form granulomas in vitro. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of investigating granulomatous hypersensitivity and immunoregulatory mechanisms operative in S. mansoni-infected patients by using in vitro technology.  相似文献   

Twenty-one mice were injected intramuscularly with 2000 Schistosoma mansoni schistosomula irradiated at 20 krad and cryopreserved; three mice were killed on each of days 0, 2, 5, 9, 19, 28 and 44 days after infection and muscle from the site of injection in the left hind leg, the lungs and livers removed for histological examination. Schistosomula were seen in sections from the leg muscle from days 0 to 19 inclusive, in the lungs from day 2 to day 28 inclusive and in the livers from days 9 to 28 inclusive. Most schistosomula were seen in sections of the leg muscle with considerably fewer parasites occurring in the lungs and especially the livers. Granulomatous reactions comprising eosinophils, polymorphs, plasma cells and macrophages were first seen in the leg muscle on day 2, in the lungs on day 5 and in the liver on day 19. The peak inflammatory reactions appeared to occur between days 5 and 9, 9 and 19 and 28 and 44 respectively in the three tissues. The pathology is discussed in relation to the dose of irradiation required to attenuate the schistosomula for optimal immunogenicity.  相似文献   

Despite effective chemotherapy, schistosomiasis remains the second largest public health problem in the developing world. Currently, vaccination is the new strategy for schistosomiasis control. The presence of common antigenic fractions between Schistosoma mansoni and its intermediate host provides a source for the preparation of a proper vaccine. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the nucleoprotein extracted from either susceptible or resistant snails to protect against schistosomiasis. The vaccination schedule consisted of a subcutaneous injection of 50 μg protein of each antigen followed by another inoculation 15 days later. Analyses of marker enzymes for different cell organelles [succinate dehydrogenase, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), glucose-6-phosphatase, acid phosphatase and 5'-nucleotidase] were carried out. Energetic parameters (ATP, ADP, AMP, phosphate potentials, inorganic phosphate, amino acids and LDH isoenzymes) were also investigated. The work was extended to record worm and ova counts, oogram determination in the liver and intestine and the histopathological pattern of the liver. The nucleoprotein of susceptible snails showed reduction in worm and ova counts by 70.96% and 51.31%, respectively, whereas the nucleoprotein of resistant snails showed reductions of 9.67% and 16.77%, respectively. In conclusion, we found that the nucleoprotein of susceptible snails was more effective in protecting against schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

Leucine aminopeptidase and hatching of Schistosoma mansoni eggs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) activity has been measured in extracts of eggs, miracidia, cercariae and adult worms of Schistosoma mansoni. Activity measured at pH 7.2 using L-leu-7-amino-4-trifluoro-methylcoumarin as substrate is 6- to 17-fold greater in eggs than in other life stages. LAP activity is also high in soluble egg antigen preparations and in hatching fluid. The release of LAP from eggs parallels hatching, and inhibitors of LAP also inhibit hatching. The possible role of LAP in the hatching process of S. mansoni eggs is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of light, oxygen tension, reducing conditions and thermal shock on egg hatching in Schistosoma mansoni were examined. Hatching was found to be unaffected by light or dark conditions or aerobic or anaerobic conditions. Cold shock from 15 to 120 sec was also ineffective in stimulating hatching. The reducing agents ascorbic acid and cysteine inhibited egg hatching. However, the oxidized forms of these compounds inhibited hatching as well, indicating that the reducing conditions they provided were not responsible for the inhibition.  相似文献   

Praziquantel administered to mice with Schistosoma mansoni infection (50 cercarias/8 weeks) was observed to cause death of adult worms and disintegration of the eggs trapped within granulomas, sometimes with calcification, after the 4th day of treatment. Combined administration of oxamniquine/hycanthone to animals similarly infected, although quite effective in killing adult worms, did not interfere with the eggs in the tissue. The miracidium eclosion test was positive up to the 15th day after the curative treatment of these animals. Since praziquantel treatment causes a rapid destruction of eggs, possible serological and pathogenic effects are expected that may enable a faster reabsorption of granulomas by the host tissues than that produced by other equally effective drugs.  相似文献   

A delayed-type hypersensitivity response has been postulated as the effector mechanism of lung-phase immunity to Schistosoma mansoni. We have sought evidence for this response by examining the state of alveolar macrophage activation in C57BL/6 mice vaccinated with radiation-attenuated cercariae, and challenged with normal parasites. As an index of activation, the capacity of macrophages to produce an oxidative burst upon stimulation with PMA, was measured at the single cell level by a flow cytometric method. Fourteen to 28 days after vaccination with 20-kr parasites, highly activated macrophages were recovered from the airways by bronchoalveolar lavage. Their probable role in resistance is to recruit T lymphocytes and macrophages to "arm" the lungs against subsequent challenge. The level of macrophage activation had declined to near background by the time challenge parasites arrived, although pulmonary leucocyte numbers remained elevated. Activated alveolar macrophages were not detected after vaccination with 80-kr parasites, which fail to reach the lungs or induce resistance. Challenge parasites, arriving in the lungs of 20-kr vaccinated mice, stimulated a rapid increase in the activation state of recruited macrophages, coincident with their retention in the pulmonary vasculature. These events occurred later in challenge control mice, with peak activation at day 21, when migration of parasites to the liver is complete. Mice vaccinated with 80-kr parasites lacked the accelerated response to challenge, behaving like the control group. The absence of activated peritoneal macrophages suggests a response restricted to organs such as the lungs, through which both vaccinating and challenge parasites migrate. We suggest that the role of activated alveolar macrophages in lung-phase immunity is to initiate and maintain the focal inflammatory responses which block onward migration of parasites and lead to their demise.  相似文献   

Schistosoma mansoni infection induces T helper (Th) 2-dominant immune response in mice not only to S. mansoni itself but also to other coexisting antigens. In the present study, we challenged S. mansoni-infected mice with the intestinal nematode, Strongyloides venezuelensis, and the intracellular protozoa, Leishmania major to see whether such Th2-dominant immune responses alter susceptibility of the host to other concomitant parasitic infections. The recovery of S. venezuelensis adult worms from the small intestine was significantly decreased by S. mansoni infection, and the protection to S. venezuelensis appeared to act on migrating larvae. Antibodies elicited by S. mansoni infection showed cross-binding to third-stage larvae antigen of S. venezuelensis. On the other hand, S. mansoni infection did not affect the outcome of L. major infection in both susceptible BALB/c and resistant C57BL/6 mice. Popliteal lymph node cells of BALB/c mice expressed mRNA for interleukin (IL)-10 rather than IL-4, regardless of S. mansoni infection, and those of C57BL/6 mice expressed IFN-gamma mRNA upon L. major antigen stimulation, even in S. mansoni-infected mice. Our findings suggest that Th2-dominant immune response induced by S. mansoni protects mice from intestinal helminthic infections, whereas they do not always modulate protozoal infections.  相似文献   

An IgM monoclonal antibody, designated mAb 1.G1, has been generated from spleen cells of mice immunized with irradiated Schistosoma mansoni cercariae. As determined by indirect immunofluorescence, mAb 1.G1 binds to the surface membrane of schistosomula and to the ciliated plates of miracidia. mAb 1.G1 also binds to the protonephridial systems of live adult worms and denuded, acetone-fixed schistosomula. Western blot analysis shows that the target epitope of this mAb is found on Nonidet P-40-solubilized schistosomular antigens ranging in molecular size from 85 to 130 kDa and ciliated plate antigens of miracidia at 92, 95, and 102 kDa. The recognized epitope in an 8 M urea adult worm extract is found on a 97-kDa molecule. In addition, mAb 1.G1 mediates a high level of complement-dependent cytotoxic activity against schistosomula when used in an in vitro assay. In passive immunization experiments, approximately 40% protection was provided mice when mAb 1.G1 was administered either at the time of challenge or when given 8 days postchallenge. However, when administered 15 days postchallenge, mAb 1.G1 failed to mediate passive protection. The ability of mAb 1.G1 to mediate protection in vivo correlates with its recognition of epitopes on the surfaces of live schistosomula up to 8 days but not at 15 days. Western blot analysis showed that the antigens were contained within Nonidet P-40 extracts of schistosomula during the same time period. Furthermore, a second monoclonal antibody (mAb 4.4B) derived from mice chronically infected with S. mansoni exhibits the identical properties as described for mAb 1.G1.  相似文献   



The gold standard for diagnosing Schistosoma mansoni infections is the detection of eggs from stool or biopsy specimens. The viability of collected eggs can be tested by the miracidium hatching procedure. Direct detection methods are often limited in patients with light or early infections, whereas serological tests and PCR methods fail to differentiate between an inactive and persistent infection and between schistosomal species. Recently, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) has been introduced as a diagnostic tool in several fields of medicine. In this study we evaluated CLSM for the detection of viable eggs of S. mansoni directly within the gut of infected mice.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The confocal laser scanning microscope used in this study is based on the Heidelberg Retina Tomograph II scanning laser system in combination with the Rostock Cornea Module (image modality 1) or a rigid endoscope (image modality 2). Colon sections of five infected mice were examined with image modalities 1 and 2 for schistosomal eggs. Afterwards a biopsy specimen was taken from each colon section and examined by bright-field microscopy. Visualised eggs were counted and classified in terms of viability status.


We were able to show that CLSM visualises eggs directly within the gut and permits discrimination of schistosomal species and determination of egg viability. Thus, CLSM may be a suitable non-invasive tool for the diagnosis of schistosomiasis in humans.  相似文献   

Pulmonary cellular responses in C57BL/6 mice exposed to Schistosoma mansoni have been investigated by sampling cells from the respiratory airways with bronchoalveolar lavage. Mice exposed to cercariae attenuated with 20 krad gamma-radiation developed stronger and more persistent pulmonary leukocytic responses than animals exposed to equal numbers of normal parasites. Although vaccination with irradiated cercariae also stimulated T cell responses of greater magnitude and duration than normal infection, the lymphocytic infiltrate elicited by each regimen did not differ substantially in its composition, 5 wk after exposure. Studies with cercariae attenuated by different treatments established that a link exists between the recruitment of leukocytes to the lungs of vaccinated mice and resistance to reinfection. There was a strong association between pulmonary leukocytic responses and the elimination of challenge infections by vaccinated mice. Animals exposed to irradiated cercariae of S. mansoni were resistant to homologous challenge infection but were not protected against Schistosoma margrebowiei. Homologous challenge of vaccinated mice stimulated anamnestic leukocytic and T lymphocytic responses in the lungs, 2 wk postinfection, but exposure of immunized animals to the heterologous species failed to trigger an expansion in these populations of cells. Our studies indicate that pulmonary leukocytes and T lymphocytes are intimately involved in the mechanism of vaccine-induced resistance to S. mansoni. It remains unclear whether these populations of cells initiate protective inflammatory reactions against challenge parasites in the lungs, or accumulate in response to the activation of the protective mechanism by other means.  相似文献   

The role of oxygen reactive species in granulomatous hypersensitivity was explored using a model of pulmonary granulomas induced by intravenous injection of eggs from the parasite Schistosoma mansoni. Macrophages from sychronously developing lesions spontaneously released significant quantities of superoxide anion (26 nmoles/10(6)/2h) by 8 days of development. In contrast, the non-T cell foreign body (Sephadex bead) granuloma macrophages produced only (2 nmoles/10(6)/2h) small quantities. Daily administration of the oxygen scavenger, alpha-tocopherol, by either oral or parenteral routes caused up to 60% suppression of granuloma size. Moreover, parenteral administration of specific inactivators of 0-2 and H2O2, superoxide dismutase and catalase respectively, resulted in a 30 to 40% reduction in granuloma size. These data suggest that oxygen reactive species take part in the generation of hypersensitivity granulomas.  相似文献   

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