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The concentration of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in rumen fluid from heifers fed high levels of nutrients continuously and after 12–24 h starvation has been determined in order to examine the influence of different physiological conditions. The conventional parameters for characterizing the rumen fermentation have been applied to control the effect of a different nutrient supply. The mean concentration of ATP, determined by the luciferin-luciferase assay, was 55.3 mg ATP/l rumen fluid in a heifer fed continuously, twice as much as found in a starved heifer. The mean ratio of biomass/ATP changed from 683 at the high level of energy intake to 1208 in the period of starvation. Consequently, the concentration of ATP in the rumen micro-organisms is markedly influenced by nutritional conditions. Finally, the applicability of ATP determinations in rumen microbiology is discussed.  相似文献   

The carbon‐nutrient balance hypothesis (CNBH) is one of a number of approaches to understanding patterns of resource allocation in plants. Numerous empirical tests of the CNBH's predictions have led to certain key refinements and to the recognition that some of the simplifications inherent in the model limit its utility. However, as long as the model is applied to compounds with large pools, and the biosynthetic pathways of secondary metabolites are considered, the CNBH still serves as a useful guide for ecological research on resource allocation. One of the model's values is that it attempts to explain the plasticity of individuals but does not assume that all responses of individuals are optimal in terms of maximizing fitness.  相似文献   

Ant-300, a psychrophilic marine vibrio isolated from the surface water of the Antarctic convergence, was starved for periods of more than 1 year. During the first week of starvation, cell numbers increased from 100 to 800% of the initial number of cells. Fifty percent of the starved cells remained viable for 6 to 7 weeks while a portion of the population remained viable for more than 1 year. During the first 2 days of starvation, the endogenous respiration of the cells decreased over 80%. After 7 days, respiration had been reduced to 0.0071% total carbon respired per hour and remained constant thereafter. After 6 weeks of starvation, 46% of the cellular deoxyribonucleic acid had been degraded. Observation of the cellular deoxyribonucleic acid with Feulgen staining before starvation showed the average number of nuclear bodies per cell varied from 1.44 to 4.02 depending on the age of the culture. A linear relationship was found between the number of nuclear bodies per cell and the increase in cell numbers upon starvation. Our data suggest that Ant-300 is capable of surviving long periods of time with little or no nutrients and is therefore well adapted for the sparse nutrient conditions of the colder portions of the open ocean.  相似文献   

Biofilms are a ubiquitous feature of microbial community structure in both natural and host environments; they enhance transmission and infectivity of pathogens and provide protection from human defense mechanisms and antibiotics. However, few natural products are known that impact biofilm formation or persistence for either environmental or pathogenic bacteria. Using the combination of a novel natural products library from the fish microbiome and an image-based screen for biofilm inhibition, we describe the identification of taurine-conjugated bile acids as inhibitors of biofilm formation against both Vibrio cholerae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Taurocholic acid (1) was isolated from the fermentation broth of the fish microbiome-derived strain of Rhodococcus erythropolis and identified using standard NMR and MS methods. Screening of the twelve predominant human steroidal bile acid components revealed that a subset of these compounds can inhibit biofilm formation, induce detachment of preformed biofilms under static conditions, and that these compounds display distinct structure-activity relationships against V. cholerae and P. aeruginosa. Our findings highlight the significance of distinct bile acid components in the regulation of biofilm formation and dispersion in two different clinically relevant bacterial pathogens, and suggest that the bile acids, which are endogenous mammalian metabolites used to solubilize dietary fats, may also play a role in maintaining host health against bacterial infection.  相似文献   

Impact of Nutrient Composition on a Degradative Biofilm Community   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A microbial community was cultivated in flow cells with 2,4,6-trichlorobenzoic acid (2,4,6-TCB) as sole carbon and energy source and was examined with scanning confocal laser microscopy and fluorescent molecular probes. The biofilm community which developed under these conditions exhibited a characteristic architecture, including a basal cell layer and conspicuous mounds of bacterial cells and polymer (approximately 20 to 30 (mu)m high and 25 to 40 (mu)m in diameter) occurring at 20- to 200-(mu)m intervals. When biofilms grown on 2,4,6-TCB were shifted to a labile, nonchlorinated carbon source (Trypticase soy broth), the biofilms underwent an architectural change which included the loss of mound structures and the formation of a more homogeneous biofilm. Neutrally charged fluorescent dextrans, which upon hydration become cationic, were observed to bind to mounds, as well as to the basal cell layer, in 14-day biofilms. In contrast, polyanionic dextrans bound only to the basal cell layer, indicating that this material incorporated sites with both positive and negative charge. The results from this study indicate that nutrient composition has a significant impact on both the architecture and the physicochemistry of degradative biofilm communities.  相似文献   

Continuous-flow cell systems were used to cultivate a degradative biofilm community with the herbicide diclofop methyl as the sole carbon and energy source. The aromatic character of this compound and its breakdown products enabled direct visualization of their accumulation in the biofilm matrix. This accumulation could be inhibited by addition of a more labile carbon source to the culture medium or by inhibition of cell activity. The fluorescence of diclofop-grown biofilms remained constant after 14 to 21 days but decreased with time when diclofop was omitted from the irrigation solution. However, this decrease was inhibited by cyanide, indicating either utilization or release of accumulated diclofop when the cells were viable. Subsequent experiments with [(sup14)C]diclofop also indicated that decreased fluorescence in the absence of an exogenous carbon source resulted from degradation of adsorbed diclofop and its breakdown products by the biofilm bacteria. These results demonstrate that biofilm exopolymers can facilitate storage of nutrients for subsequent mineralization during periods of carbon limitation.  相似文献   

Recovery of still-soft tissue structures, including blood vessels and osteocytes, from dinosaur bone after demineralization was reported in 2005 and in subsequent publications. Despite multiple lines of evidence supporting an endogenous source, it was proposed that these structures arose from contamination from biofilm-forming organisms. To test the hypothesis that soft tissue structures result from microbial invasion of the fossil bone, we used two different biofilm-forming microorganisms to inoculate modern bone fragments from which organic components had been removed. We show fundamental morphological, chemical and textural differences between the resultant biofilm structures and those derived from dinosaur bone. The data do not support the hypothesis that biofilm-forming microorganisms are the source of these structures.  相似文献   

This investigation addresses the following question: what are the important factors for maintenance of a high catabolic capacity under various starvation conditions? Saccharomyces cerevisiae was cultured in aerobic batch cultures, and during the diauxic shift cells were transferred and subjected to 24 h of starvation. The following conditions were used: carbon starvation, nitrogen starvation in the presence of glucose or ethanol, and both carbon starvation and nitrogen starvation. During the starvation period changes in biomass composition (including protein, carbohydrate, lipid, and nucleic acid contents), metabolic activity, sugar transport kinetics, and the levels of selected enzymes were recorded. Subsequent to the starvation period the remaining catabolic capacity was measured by addition of 50 mM glucose. The results showed that the glucose transport capacity is a key factor for maintenance of high metabolic capacity in many, but not all, cases. The results for cells starved of carbon, carbon and nitrogen, or nitrogen in the presence of glucose all indicated that the metabolic capacity was indeed controlled by the glucose transport ability, perhaps with some influence of hexokinase, phosphofructokinase, aldolase, and enolase levels. However, it was also demonstrated that there was no such correlation when nitrogen starvation occurred in the presence of ethanol instead of glucose.  相似文献   

A fraction of otherwise antimicrobial-sensitive Bacillus subtilis cells, called persisters, are phenotypically tolerant of antimicrobial treatment. We report that, independently of B. subtilis'' growth phase, transient ζ toxin expression induces a dormant state and alters cellular responses so that cells are more sensitive to antimicrobials with different modes of action. This outcome is modulated by fine tuning (p)ppGpp and GTP levels: i) in the presence of low “dysregulated” (p)ppGpp levels (as in relA cells) hyper-tolerance to both toxin and antimicrobials was observed; ii) physiological or low (p)ppGpp levels (as in the wild-type, sasA , sasB and relA sasA context) show a normal toxin and antimicrobial tolerance; and iii) lower levels (in relA sasB ) or absence of (p)ppGpp (in the relA sasA sasB context), in concert with elevated GTP levels, potentiate the efficacy of both toxin and antimicrobial action, rendering tolerance vulnerable to eradication.  相似文献   

The survival of bacteria in nature is greatly enhanced by their ability to grow within surface-associated communities called biofilms. Commonly, biofilms generate proliferations of bacterial cells, called microcolonies, which are highly recalcitrant, 3-dimensional foci of bacterial growth. Microcolony growth is initiated by only a subpopulation of bacteria within biofilms, but processes responsible for this differentiation remain poorly understood. Under conditions of crowding and intense competition between bacteria within biofilms, microevolutionary processes such as mutation selection may be important for growth; however their influence on microcolony-based biofilm growth and architecture have not previously been explored. To study mutation in-situ within biofilms, we transformed Pseudomonas aeruginosa cells with a green fluorescent protein gene containing a +1 frameshift mutation. Transformed P. aeruginosa cells were non-fluorescent until a mutation causing reversion to the wildtype sequence occurs. Fluorescence-inducing mutations were observed in microcolony structures, but not in other biofilm cells, or in planktonic cultures of P. aeruginosa cells. Thus microcolonies may represent important foci for mutation and evolution within biofilms. We calculated that microcolony-specific increases in mutation frequency were at least 100-fold compared with planktonically grown cultures. We also observed that mutator phenotypes can enhance microcolony-based growth of P. aeruginosa cells. For P. aeruginosa strains defective in DNA fidelity and error repair, we found that microcolony initiation and growth was enhanced with increased mutation frequency of the organism. We suggest that microcolony-based growth can involve mutation and subsequent selection of mutants better adapted to grow on surfaces within crowded-cell environments. This model for biofilm growth is analogous to mutation selection that occurs during neoplastic progression and tumor development, and may help to explain why structural and genetic heterogeneity are characteristic features of bacterial biofilm populations.  相似文献   

Cells from glucose-limited chemostat cultures of Cytophaga johnsonae were subjected to a sudden relaxation of substrate limitation by injecting the cells into fresh batch cultures. Starvation experiments were carried out by injecting glucose-limited cells into batch cultures lacking glucose. Transient responses of biomass, glucose uptake and mineralization, ATP content, and viability on different agar media were monitored during these nutrient-shift experiments. Cells reacted differently depending on growth rate and time spent in the chemostat. Fast-growing cells showed an immediate adaptation to the new growth conditions, despite some initial overshoot reactions in ATP and uptake potential. In contrast, slowly growing cells and long-term-adapted cells showed extensive transient growth responses. Glucose uptake and mineralization potentials changed considerably during the transient growth phase before reaching new levels. During the starvation experiments, all cell types displayed a fast decrease in ATP, but the responses of the substrate uptake and mineralization potentials were strongly dependent upon the previous growth rate. Both potentials decreased rapidly in cells with high growth rates. On the other hand, cells with low growth rates maintained 80% of their uptake and mineralization potentials after 8 h of starvation. Thus, slowly growing cells are much better adapted for starvation than are fast-growing cells.  相似文献   

The foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes has the ability to develop biofilm in food-processing environment, which becomes a major concern for the food safety. The biofilm formation is strongly influenced by the availability of nutrients and environmental conditions, and particularly enhanced in poor minimal essential medium (MEM) containing glucose rather than in rich brain heart infusion (BHI) broth. To gain better insight into the conserved protein expression profile in these biofilms, the proteomes from biofilm- and planktonic-grown cells from MEM with 50?mM glucose or BHI were compared using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis. 47 proteins were successfully identified to be either up (19 proteins) or down (28 proteins) regulated in the biofilm states. Most (30 proteins) of them were assigned to the metabolism functional category in cluster of orthologous groups of proteins. Among them, up-regulated proteins were mainly associated with the pentose phosphate pathway and glycolysis, whereas a key enzyme CitC involved in tricarboxylic acid cycle was down-regulated in biofilms compared to the planktonic states. These data implicate the importance of carbon catabolite control for L. monocytogenes biofilm formation in response to nutrient availability.  相似文献   

Branching morphogenesis in the developing mammalian kidney involves growth and branching of the ureteric bud (UB), leading to formation of its daughter collecting ducts, calyces, pelvis and ureters. Even subtle defects in the efficiency and/or accuracy of this process have profound effects on the ultimate development of the kidney and result in congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract. This review summarizes current knowledge regarding a number of genes known to regulate UB development and emphasizes an emerging role for the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in renal branching morphogenesis. Mutations in the genes encoding components of the RAS in mice cause renal papillary hypoplasia, hydronephrosis, and urinary concentrating defect. These findings imply that UB-derived epithelia are targets for angiotensin (ANG) II actions during metanephric kidney development. Here, it is proposed that papillary hypoplasia in RAS-deficient mice is secondary to an intrinsic defect in the development of the renal medulla. This hypothesis is based on the following observations: a) UB and surrounding stroma express angiotensinogen (AGT) and ANG II AT1 receptors in vivo; b) ANG II stimulates UB cell process extension, branching and cord formation in collagen gel cultures in vitro; and c) AT1 blockade inhibits ANG II-induced UB cell branching. It is further postulated that ANG II is a novel stroma-derived factor involved in stroma/UB cross-talk which regulates UB branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Branching morphogenesis in the developing mammalian kidney involves growth and branching of the ureteric bud (UB), leading to formation of its daughter collecting ducts, calyces, pelvis and ureters. Even subtle defects in the efficiency and/or accuracy of this process have profound effects on the ultimate development of the kidney and result in congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract. This review summarizes current knowledge regarding a number of genes known to regulate UB development and emphasizes an emerging role for the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in renal branching morphogenesis. Mutations in the genes encoding components of the RAS in mice cause renal papillary hypoplasia, hydronephrosis, and urinary concentrating defect. These findings imply that UB-derived epithelia are targets for angiotensin (ANG) II actions during metanephric kidney development. Here, it is proposed that papillary hypoplasia in RAS-deficient mice is secondary to an intrinsic defect in the development of the renal medulla. This hypothesis is based on the following observations: (a) UB and surrounding stroma express angiotensinogen (AGT) and ANG II AT1 receptors in vivo; (b) ANG II stimulates UB cell process extension, branching and cord formation in collagen gel cultures in vitro; and (c) AT1 blockade inhibits ANG II-induced UB cell branching. It is further postulated that ANG II is a novel stroma-derived factor involved in stroma/UB cross-talk which regulates UB branching morphogenesis.Key Words: kidney development, branching morphogenesis, renin-angiotensin, stromal mesenchyme, ureteric bud  相似文献   

Ruminococcus flavefaciens strain C94, a strictly anaerobic, cellulolytic ruminal bacterial species, was grown either in batch or continuous cultures (cellobiose limited or nitrogen limited) at various dilution rates. Washed cell suspensions were incubated anaerobically at 39°C without nutrients for various times up to 24 h. The effects of starvation on direct and viable cell counts, cell composition (DNA, RNA, protein, and carbohydrate), and endogenous production of volatile fatty acids by the cell suspensions were determined. In addition, the effect of the pH of the starvation buffer on direct and viable cell counts was determined. Survival of batch-grown cells during starvation was variable, with an average time for one-half the cells to lose viability (ST50) of 10.9 h. We found with continuous cultures that viable cell counts declined faster when the initial cell suspensions had been grown at faster dilution rates; this effect was more pronounced for suspensions that had been limited by cellobiose (ST50 = 6.6 h at a dilution rate of 0.33 h−1) than for suspensions that had been limited by nitrogen (ST50 = 9.5 h at a dilution rate of 0.33 h−1). With continuous cultures, viable cell counts in all cases declined faster than direct cell counts did. The rates of disappearance of specific cell components during starvation varied with the initial growth conditions, but could not be correlated with the loss of viability. Volatile fatty acid production by starving cells was very low, and acetate was the main product. Starved cells survived longer at pH 7.0 than they did at pH 5.5, and this effect of pH was greater for cellobiose-limited cells (mean ST50 = 7.1 h) than for nitrogen-limited cells (mean ST50 = 12 h). Although it has relatively low ST50 values, R. flavefaciens has sufficient survival abilities to maintain reasonable numbers in domestic animals having maintenance or greater feed intake.  相似文献   

While much has been learned regarding the genetic basis of host-pathogen interactions, less is known about the molecular basis of a pathogen's survival in the environment. Biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces represents a survival strategy utilized by many microbes. Here it is shown that Vibrio cholerae El Tor does not use the virulence-associated toxin-coregulated pilus to form biofilms on borosilicate but rather uses the mannose-sensitive hemagglutinin (MSHA) pilus, which plays no role in pathogenicity. In contrast, attachment of V. cholerae to chitin is shown to be independent of the MSHA pilus, suggesting divergent pathways for biofilm formation on nutritive and nonnutritive abiotic surfaces.  相似文献   

Glutamine synthetase plays a key role in nitrogen metabolism, thus the fine regulation of this enzyme in Prochlorococcus, which is especially important in the oligotrophic oceans where this marine cyanobacterium thrives. In this work, we studied the metal-catalyzed oxidation of glutamine synthetase in cultures of Prochlorococcus marinus strain PCC 9511 subjected to nutrient limitation. Nitrogen deprivation caused glutamine synthetase to be more sensitive to metal-catalyzed oxidation (a 36% increase compared to control, non starved samples). Nutrient starvation induced also a clear increase (three-fold in the case of nitrogen) in the concentration of carbonyl derivatives in cell extracts, which was also higher (22%) upon addition of the inhibitor of electron transport, DCMU, to cultures. Our results indicate that nutrient limitations, representative of the natural conditions in the Prochlorococcus habitat, affect the response of glutamine synthetase to oxidative inactivating systems. Implications of these results on the regulation of glutamine synthetase by oxidative alteration prior to degradation of the enzyme in Prochlorococcus are discussed.  相似文献   

Planarians have been established as an ideal model organism for stem cell research and regeneration. Planarian regeneration and homeostasis require an exquisite balancing act between cell death and cell proliferation as new tissues are made (epimorphosis) and existing tissues remodeled (morphallaxis). Some of the genes and mechanisms that control cell proliferation and pattern formation are known. However, studies about cell death during remodeling are few and far between. We have studied the gene Gtdap-1, the planarian ortholog of human death-associated protein-1 or DAP-1. DAP-1 together with DAP-kinase has been identified as a positive mediator of programmed cell death induced by gamma-interferon in HeLa cells. We have found that the gene functions at the interface between autophagy and cell death in the remodeling of the organism that occurs during regeneration and starvation in sexual and asexual races of planarians. Our data suggest that autophagy of existing cells may be essential to fuel the continued proliferation and differentiation of stem cells by providing the necessary energy and building blocks to neoblasts.

Addendum to:

Gtdap-1 Promotes Autophagy and is Required for Planarian Remodeling During Regeneration and Starvation

C. González-Estévez, D.A. Felix, A.A. Aboobaker and E. Saló

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2007; 104:13373-8  相似文献   

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