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The Bacillus subtilis divIC gene is involved in the initiation of cell division. It encodes a 14.7 kDa protein, with a potential transmembrane region near the N-terminus. In this paper, we show that DivIC is associated with the cell membrane and, in conjunction with previously published sequence data, conclude that it is oriented such that its small N-terminus is within the cytoplasm and its larger C-terminus is external to the cytoplasm. DivIC is shown to be a highly abundant division protein, present at approximately 50 000 molecules per cell. Using immunofluorescence microscopy, DivIC was seen to localize at the division site of rapidly dividing cells between well-segregated nucleoids. Various DivIC immunostaining patterns were observed, and these correlated with different cell lengths, suggesting that the DivIC localization takes on various forms during the cell cycle. The DivIC immunolocalization patterns are very similar to those of another membrane-bound B . subtilis division protein, DivIB.  相似文献   

We describe the sequence and characterization of the Bacillus subtilis flhF gene. flhF encodes a basic polypeptide of 41 kDa that contains a putative GTP-binding motif. The sequence of FlhF reveals a structural relationship to two Escherichia coli proteins, Ffh and FtsY, as well as to other members of the SRP54 family, in a domain presumed to bind GTP. flhF is located in a large operon consisting of chemotaxis and flagellar genes. Cells deficient in flhF are nonmotile. Through the use of anti-flagellar antibodies we have established that flhF is a flagellar (fla) gene. Thus, flhF is a unique flagellar gene in that it encodes a GTP-binding protein with similarities to members of the SRP54 family of proteins. These data suggest that flagellar biosynthesis in B. subtilis requires GTP.  相似文献   

Hahn J  Maier B  Haijema BJ  Sheetz M  Dubnau D 《Cell》2005,122(1):59-71
The Gram-positive, rod-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis efficiently binds and internalizes transforming DNA. The localization of several competence proteins, required for DNA uptake, has been studied using fluorescence microscopy. At least three proteins (ComGA, ComFA, and YwpH) are preferentially associated with the cell poles and appear to colocalize. This association is dynamic; the proteins accumulate at the poles as transformability develops and then delocalize as transformability wanes. DNA binding and uptake also occur preferentially at the cell poles, as shown using fluorescent DNA and in single-molecule experiments with laser tweezers. In addition to the prominent polar sites, the competence proteins also localize as foci in association with the lateral cell membrane, but this distribution does not exhibit the same temporal changes as the polar accumulation. The results suggest the regulated assembly and disassembly of a DNA-uptake machine at the cell poles.  相似文献   

FtsL is a small bitopic membrane protein required for vegetative cell division and sporulation in Bacillus subtilis. We investigated its localization by fluorescence microscopy using a green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion. GFP-FtsL was localized at mid-cell in vegetative cells and at the asymmetric septum in sporulating cells. We also show that FtsL forms a ring-like structure at the division site and that it remains localized at mid-cell during the whole septation process. By yeast two-hybrid analysis and non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) with purified proteins, FtsL was found to interact with another membrane-bound division protein, the FtsL-like DivIC protein.  相似文献   

YloQ, from Bacillus subtilis, was identified previously as an essential nucleotide-binding protein of unknown function. YloQ was successfully over-expressed in Escherichia coli in soluble form. The purified protein displayed a low GTPase activity similar to that of other small bacterial GTPases such as Bex/Era. Based on the demonstrated GTPase activity and the unusual order of the yloQ G motifs, we now designate this protein as CpgA (circularly permuted GTPase). An unexpected property of this low abundance GTPase was the demonstration, using gel filtration and ultracentrifugation analysis, that the protein formed stable dimers, dependent upon the concentration of YloQ(CpgA), but independent of GTP. In order to investigate function, cpgA was placed under the control of the pspac promotor in the B. subtilis chromosome. When grown in E or Spizizen medium in the absence of IPTG, the rate of growth was significantly reduced. A large proportion of the cells exhibited a markedly perturbed morphology, with the formation of swollen, bent or ‘curly’ shapes. To confirm that this was specifically due to depleted CpgA a plasmid-borne cpgA under pxyl control was introduced. This restored normal cell shape and growth rate, even in the absence of IPTG, provided xylose was present. The crystal structure of CpgA(YloQ) suggests a role as a translation initiation factor and we discuss the possibility that CpgA is involved in the translation of a subset of proteins, including some required for shape maintenance. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

The d,d-transpeptidase activity of Penicillin Binding Proteins (PBPs) is essential to maintain cell wall integrity. PBPs catalyze the final step of the peptidoglycan synthesis by forming 4 → 3 cross-links between two peptide stems. Recently, a novel β-lactam resistance mechanism involving l,d-transpeptidases has been identified in Enterococcus faecium and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In this resistance pathway, the classical 4 → 3 cross-links are replaced by 3 → 3 cross-links, whose formation are catalyzed by the l,d-transpeptidases. To date, only one class of the entire β-lactam family, the carbapenems, is able to inhibit the l,d-transpeptidase activity. Nevertheless, the specificity of this inactivation is still not understood. Hence, the study of this new transpeptidase family is of considerable interest in order to understand the mechanism of the l,d-transpeptidases inhibition by carbapenems. In this context, we present herein the backbone and side-chain 1H, 15N and 13C NMR assignment of the l,d-transpeptidase from Bacillus subtilis (LdtBs) in the apo and in the acylated form with a carbapenem, the imipenem.  相似文献   

Biochemical, immunological, and sequence analyses demonstrated that the glucose permease of Bacillus subtilis, the glucose-specific Enzyme II of the phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system, is a single polypeptide chain with a C-terminal Enzyme III-like domain. A flexible hydrophilic linker, similar in length and amino acid composition to linkers previously identified in other regulatory or sensory transducing proteins, functions to tether the Enzyme IIIGlc-like domain of the protein to the membrane-embedded Enzyme IIGlc. Evidence is presented demonstrating that the Enzyme IIIGlc-like domain of the glucose permease plays a dual role and functions in the transport and phosphorylation of both glucose and sucrose. The sucrose permease appears to lack a sucrose-specific Enzyme III-like domain or a separate, soluble IIIScr protein. Enzyme IIScr was capable of utilizing the IIIGlc-like domain of the glucose permease regardless of whether the IIIGlc polypeptide was provided as a purified, soluble protein, as a membrane-bound protein within the same membrane as Enzyme IIScr, or as a membrane-bound protein within membrane fragments different from those bearing Enzyme IIScr. These observations suggest that the IIIGlc-like domain is an autonomous structural unit that assumes a conformation independent of the hydrophobic, N-terminal intramembranal domain of Enzyme IIGlc. Preferential uptake and phosphorylation of glucose over sucrose has been demonstrated by both in vivo transport studies and in vitro phosphorylation assays. Addition of the purified IIIGlc-like domain strongly stimulated the phosphorylation of sucrose, but not that of glucose, in phosphorylation assays that contained the two sugars simultaneously. The results suggest that the preferential uptake of glucose over sucrose is determined by competition of the corresponding sugar-specific permeases for the common P approximately IIIGlc/Scr domain.  相似文献   

The cell division gene divIB of Bacillus subtilis is essential for the normal rate of growth and division. The gene product, DivIB, is a membrane-bound protein in which the bulk of the protein (at the C-terminal end) is on the exterior surface of the cell membrane. DivIB is involved in the early stages of septum formation, but its exact role in cell division is unknown. To gain more information about the mode of action of DivIB in septum formation, we determined the location of DivIB within the cell membrane using immunofluorescence. This immunolocalization approach established that DivIB becomes localized to the division site before visible septation and remains localized to this site throughout the division process. Various DivIB immunostaining patterns were observed in immunofluorescence experiments and, together with cell length and nucleoid distance measurements, have allowed us to propose two models to describe DivIB localization during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Type IV P-type ATPases (P4-ATPases) are putative phospholipid flippases that translocate phospholipids from the exoplasmic (lumenal) to the cytoplasmic leaflet of lipid bilayers and are believed to function in complex with CDC50 proteins. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, five P4-ATPases are localized to specific cellular compartments and are required for vesicle-mediated protein transport from these compartments, suggesting a role for phospholipid translocation in vesicular transport. The human genome encodes 14 P4-ATPases and three CDC50 proteins. However, the subcellular localization of human P4-ATPases and their interactions with CDC50 proteins are poorly understood. Here, we show that class 5 (ATP10A, ATP10B, and ATP10D) and class 6 (ATP11A, ATP11B, and ATP11C) P4-ATPases require CDC50 proteins, primarily CDC50A, for their exit from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and final subcellular localization. In contrast, class 2 P4-ATPases (ATP9A and ATP9B) are able to exit the ER in the absence of exogenous CDC50 expression: ATP9B, but not ATP11B, was able to exit the ER despite depletion of CDC50 proteins by RNAi. Although ATP9A and ATP9B show a high overall sequence similarity, ATP9A localizes to endosomes and the trans-Golgi network (TGN), whereas ATP9B localizes exclusively to the TGN. A chimeric ATP9 protein in which the N-terminal cytoplasmic region of ATP9A was replaced with the corresponding region of ATP9B was localized exclusively to the Golgi. These results indicate that ATP9B is able to exit the ER and localize to the TGN independently of CDC50 proteins and that this protein contains a Golgi localization signal in its N-terminal cytoplasmic region.  相似文献   

We have used immunocytochemistry and cross-immunoprecipitation analysis to demonstrate that Megator (Bx34 antigen), a Tpr ortholog in Drosophila with an extended coiled-coil domain, colocalizes with the putative spindle matrix proteins Skeletor and Chromator during mitosis. Analysis of P-element mutations in the Megator locus showed that Megator is an essential protein. During interphase Megator is localized to the nuclear rim and occupies the intranuclear space surrounding the chromosomes. However, during mitosis Megator reorganizes and aligns together with Skeletor and Chromator into a fusiform spindle structure. The Megator metaphase spindle persists in the absence of microtubule spindles, strongly implying that the existence of the Megator-defined spindle does not require polymerized microtubules. Deletion construct analysis in S2 cells indicates that the COOH-terminal part of Megator without the coiled-coil region was sufficient for both nuclear as well as spindle localization. In contrast, the NH2-terminal coiled-coil region remains in the cytoplasm; however, we show that it is capable of assembling into spherical structures. On the basis of these findings we propose that the COOH-terminal domain of Megator functions as a targeting and localization domain, whereas the NH2-terminal domain is responsible for forming polymers that may serve as a structural basis for the putative spindle matrix complex.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis penicillin-binding protein PBP1 has been implicated in cell division. We show here that a PBP1 knockout strain is affected in the formation of the asymmetric sporulation septum and that green fluorescent protein-PBP1 localizes to the sporulation septum. Localization of PBP1 to the vegetative septum is dependent on various cell division proteins. This study proves that PBP1 forms part of the B. subtilis cell division machinery.  相似文献   

Mutations of the prsA gene of Bacillus subtilis have indicated that the gene is involved in protein secretion and it encodes a novel component of the cellular secretion machinery. We now demonstrate that the gene product is a membrane-associated lipoprotein, presumably bound to the outer face of the cytoplasmic membrane. Experiments to inactivate the prsA gene with insertions indicated that it is indispensable for viability. The cellular level of PrsA protein was shown to be decreased in prsA mutants with decreased level of exoproteins, consistent with an essential function in protein secretion. An increased amount of cellular PrsA protein was introduced by Increasing the copy number of prsA in B. subtilis. This enhanced, from six- to twofold, the secretion of α-amylases and a protease in strains, which expressed high levels of these exoenzymes. This suggests that PrsA protein is the rate-limiting component of the secretion machinery, a finding that is of considerable biotechnological interest.  相似文献   

YsxC is a member of a family of GTP-binding proteins carried by a diverse range of organisms from bacteria to yeasts, plants, and humans. To resolve the issue of whether ysxC of Bacillus subtilis is essential for growth, we attempted to construct mutants in which ysxC was either inactivated or placed under the control of an inducible promoter. Viable mutants were obtained only in the latter case, and these were inducer dependent, demonstrating unambiguously that ysxC is an essential gene.  相似文献   

The PatB protein of Bacillus subtilis is a C-S-lyase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The PatB protein of Bacillus subtilis had both cystathionine beta-lyase and cysteine desulfhydrase activities in vitro. The apparent K(m) value of the PatB protein for cystathionine was threefold higher than that of the MetC protein, the previously characterized cystathionine beta-lyase of B. subtilis. In the presence of cystathionine as sole sulfur source, the patB gene present on a multicopy plasmid restored the growth of a metC mutant. In addition, the patB metC double mutant was unable to grow in the presence of sulfate or cystine while the patB or metC single mutants grew similarly to the wild-type strains in the presence of the same sulfur sources. In a metC mutant, the PatB protein can replace the MetC enzyme in the methionine biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

DMAP190 is a microtubule-associated protein from Drosophila that is localized to the centrosome. In a previous study, we used affinity chromatography to identify proteins that interact with DMAP190, and identified a 60-kDa protein that we named DMAP60 (Kellogg and Alberts, 1992). Like DMAP190, DMAP60 interacts with microtubules and is localized to the centrosome, and the two proteins associate as part of a multiprotein complex. We now report the cloning and sequencing of the cDNA encoding DMAP60. The amino acid sequence of DMAP60 is not homologous to any protein in the database, although it contains six consensus sites for phosphorylation by cyclin-dependent kinases. As judged by in situ hybridization, the gene for DMAP60 maps to chromosomal region 46A. In agreement with others working on Drosophila centrosomal proteins, we have changed the names for DMAP190 and DMAP60 to CP190 and CP60, respectively, to give these proteins a consistent nomenclature. Antibodies that recognize CP60 reveal that it is localized to the centrosome in a cell cycle-dependent manner. The amount of CP60 at the centrosome is maximal during anaphase and telophase, and then drops dramatically during late telophase or early interphase. This dramatic disappearance of CP60 may be due to specific proteolysis, because CP60 contains a sequence of amino acids similar to the "destruction box" that targets cyclins for proteolysis at the end of mitosis. Starting with nuclear cycle 12, CP60 and CP190 are both found in the nucleus during interphase. CP60 isolated from Drosophila embryos is highly phosphorylated, and dephosphorylated CP60 is a good substrate for cyclin B/p34cdc2 kinase complexes. A second kinase activity capable of phosphorylating CP60 is present in the CP60/CP190 multiprotein complex. We find that bacterially expressed CP60 binds to purified microtubules, and this binding is blocked by CP60 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

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