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The paper describes a diagnostic system for studying MHD plasma perturbations in the Globus-M spherical tokamak (a major radius of 0.36 m, a minor radius of 0.24 m, and an aspect ratio of 1.5). The system includes a poloidal and a toroidal array consisting of 28 and 16 Mirnov probes, respectively, as well as a 32-channel proportional soft X-ray detector. Methods are described for calculating the poloidal and toroidal numbers of the dominant helical perturbations by using data from probe measurements. Results are presented of processing the experimental data from some tokamak discharges with a plasma current of 150–250 kA, an average electron density of up to 1020 m?3, and a toroidal magnetic field of 0.4 T. Specific features of MHD perturbations and their influence on the parameters of the plasma column in different stages of a discharge are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A new type of plasma source with titanium hydride granules used as a hydrogen accumulator was employed to inject a dense, highly ionized plasma jet into the Globus-M spherical tokamak. The experiments have shown that the jet penetrates through the tokamak magnetic field and increases the plasma density, without disturbing the stability of the plasma column. It is found that, when the plasma jet is injected before a discharge, more favorable conditions (as compared to those during gas puffing) are created for the current ramp-up at a lower MHD activity in the plasma column. Plasma injection at the instant of maximum current results in a more rapid growth in the plasma density in comparison to gas puffing.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the major disruption of plasma discharges in the Globus-M spherical tokamak are analyzed. The process of current quench is accompanied by the loss of the vertical stability of the plasma column. The plasma boundary during the disruption is reconstructed using the algorithm of movable filaments. The plasma current decay is preceded by thermal quench, during which the profiles of the temperature and electron density were measured. The data on the time of disruption, the plasma current quench rate, and the toroidal current induced in the tokamak vessel are compared for hydrogen and deuterium plasmas. It is shown that the disruption characteristics depend weakly on the ion mass and the current induced in the vessel increases with the disruption time. The decay rate of the plasma toroidal magnetic flux during the disruption is determined using diamagnetic measurements. Such a decay is a source of the poloidal current induced in the vessel; it may also cause poloidal halo currents.  相似文献   

Experimental results on the generation and maintenance of the toroidal current in the Globus-M spherical tokamak by using waves in the lower hybrid frequency range without applying an inductive vortex electric field are presented. For this purpose, the original ridge guide antennas forming a field distribution similar to that produced by multiwaveguide grills were used. The high-frequency field (900 MHz) was used for both plasma generation and current drive. The magnitude of the generated current reached 21 kA, and its direction depended on the direction of the vertical magnetic field. Analysis of the experimental results indicates that the major fraction of the current is carried by the suprathermal electron beam.  相似文献   

Results from experimental studies on the injection of high-energy neutral hydrogen beams into the plasma of the Globus-M spherical tokamak are reviewed. In the Introduction, the importance of these studies for implementing the controlled fusion research program and constructing the ITER tokamak is proved. Some problems related to the use of neutral beam injection in small and low-aspect-ratio tokamaks is analyzed. Results are presented from numerical simulations of the experiment by using the ASTRA transport code. It is shown that the use of neutral beam injection in the Globus-M tokamak ensures efficient ion heating and increases the plasma stored energy. The greater part of the review is devoted to the survey of experiments on the injection of 22-to 30-keV hydrogen and deuterium beams with a power of 0.4–0.8 MW into the plasma of the Globus-M spherical tokamak in a wide range of plasma currents and densities. The experimental results are analyzed and compared with the results of numerical simulations. The achievement of top plasma parameters is highlighted.  相似文献   

The paper presents a review of the main results on the heating of plasma ions and behavior of fast ions in experiments on neutral beam injection (NBI) carried out in 2003–2010 on the Globus-M spherical tokamak. It is noticed that, along with significant success achieved in NBI plasma heating, there is experimental evidence indicating significant losses of the power injected into the plasma. Most probably, the power is lost due to so-called first-orbit losses, i.e., losses of fast ions that are produced in plasma after ionization of beam atoms and occur in unconfined trajectories. Until recently, the absence of appropriate diagnostic equipment did not allow one to verify this hypothesis. The use of the ACORD-M charge-exchange analyzer directed tangentially to the plasma column made it possible to measure the spectra of fast ions slowed down in plasma and confirm the assumption on the presence of substantial orbit losses of fast particles (~25–50% of the beam power). In addition to the review of the experimental results, the paper presents analysis of orbit losses on the basis of 3D simulations of fast-ion trajectories in plasma. The results of experiments on studying the influence of the magnitude of the tokamak magnetic field on the confinement of fast ions are also presented. Along with computer simulations, these experiments made it possible to formulate recommendations on the reduction of orbit losses in the Globus-M tokamak.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of runaway electrons in the ohmic heating regime in the Globus-M tokamak. The periodical hard X-ray bursts observed with the help of two hard X-ray spectrometers with high time resolution are attributed to MHD oscillations in the plasma core and at the periphery.  相似文献   

At present, the method of current drive by means of lower hybrid waves is not applied to low-aspect-ratio tokamaks, because, in the traditional approach, it would be necessary to use waves with a very high slowing-down factor. However, studies of new transparency regions for waves in a nonuniform magnetized plasma, performed earlier at the Ioffe Physical Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, made it possible to develop an approach in which slow waves are excited in the poloidal (rather than toroidal) direction. In this approach, moderately slowed-down waves first propagate in the poloidal direction, but then turn in the toroidalal direction and get into the dense plasma. In this work, this approach is further developed using numerical methods. In particular, the influence of the density profile in the edge plasma on the efficiency of wave excitation for given antenna parameters is studied in detail.  相似文献   

Basic experimental results on cyclotron heating of the ion plasma component in the Globus-M spherical tokamak obtained by means of the ACORD-12 charge-exchange ion analyzer are presented. A procedure for determining the maximum energy of fast ions confined in the plasma is described. The procedure was applied to estimate the limiting energy of hydrogen minority ions accelerated during ion cyclotron heating in the Globus-M tokamak. The experimental evaluation of the maximum hydrogen ion energy is confirmed by simulations of ion orbits. Recommendations for optimizing experiments on ion cyclotron heating in the Globus-M tokamak are formulated.  相似文献   

A simple derivation is given of equilibrium equations in flux coordinates in the general case of an anisotropic-pressure plasma. The issue of how to formulate the boundary conditions for these equations is discussed for two types of configurations—a straight system and a system with an internal conductor. Examples of numerical solutions to the equilibrium problem for these configurations are presented.  相似文献   

A weeping pulsed radar reflectometer designed for measuring the spatial electron density distribution in the Globus-M spherical tokamak with a minor plasma radius of a=24 cm, a major radius of R=36 cm, a toroidal field of B T=0.5 T, a plasma current of I p=200 kA, and an average density of n=(3–10)×1013 cm?3 is described. The reflectometer operation is based on the reflection of microwaves with a carrier frequency f from a plasma layer with the critical density n=(0.0111f)2, where n is the electron density in units of 1014 cm?3 and f is the microwave frequency in GHz. By simultaneously probing the plasma at different frequencies, it is possible to recover the electron density profile. Microwave pulses with different frequencies are obtained by frequency sweeping. To increase the range of measured densities, channels with fixed frequencies are also used; as a result, the instrument has eleven frequency channels: a 19.5-GHz channel, eight channels in the 26-to 40-GHz frequency range, a 51.5-GHz channel, and a 60-GHz channel, which corresponds to eleven points in the density profile: 0.47×1013 cm?3, eight points in the (0.8–1.95)×1013-cm?3 range, 3.27×1013 cm?3, and 4.5×1013 cm?3. The reflectometer allows detailed measurements of the density profile with a time resolution of several tens of microseconds, which can be useful, in particular, in studying the processes related to the formation of an internal transport barrier in plasma. The first results obtained using this reflectometer in the Globus-M tokamak under various operating conditions are discussed.  相似文献   

In the T-10 tokamak, the magnetic field spatially resonant with a helical MHD perturbation is generated using the controlled halo current supplied using a contact method in the scrape-off-layer plasma. This paper is concerned with studying the spatial structure of the halo current and its magnetic field. For this purpose, the magnetic field of the halo current was measured in one of the cross sections of the torus near the tokamak vacuum vessel wall. The spatial distribution of the magnetic field as a function of the halo current configuration was calculated in the cylindrical approximation. The terms proportional to the plasma pressure were disregarded. The configuration of the halo current and the spatial structure of its magnetic field were determined by comparing the calculated and experimental results.  相似文献   

A set of linear integrodifferential equations is presented for the plasma displacement components that minimize the Kruskal-Oberman functional of the potential energy of an MHD perturbation. Marginal stability results when the smallest eigenvalue of this set of equations is zero.  相似文献   

Radiation losses from the plasma of the Globus-M tokamak are studied by means of SPD silicon photodiodes developed at the Ioffe Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences. The results from measurements of radiation losses in regimes with ohmic and neutral beam injection heating of plasmas with different isotope compositions are presented. The dependence of the radiation loss power on the plasma current and plasma–wall distance is investigated. The radiation power in different spectral ranges is analyzed by means of an SPD spectrometric module. Results of measurements of radiation losses before and after tokamak vessel boronization are presented. The time evolution of the sensitivity of the SPD photodiode during its two-year exploitation in Globus-M is analyzed.  相似文献   

Collisionless particle confinement in axisymmetric configurations with magnetic field nulls is analyzed. The existence of an invariant of motion—the generalized azimuthal momentum—makes it possible to determine in which of the spatial regions separated by magnetic separatrices passing through the magnetic null lines the particle occurs after it leaves the vicinity of a magnetic null line. In particular, it is possible to formulate a sufficient condition for the particle not to escape through the separatrix from the confinement region to the external region. In the configuration under analysis, the particles can be lost from a separatrix layer with a thickness on the order of the Larmor radius because of the nonconservation of the magnetic moment μ. In this case, the variations in μ are easier to describe in a coordinate system associated with the magnetic surfaces. An analysis is made of the applicability of expressions for the single-pass change Δμ in the magnetic moment that were obtained in different magnetic field models for a confinement system with a divertor (such that there is a circular null line).  相似文献   

Abtract The effect of the radial electric field E r on the results of measurements of the poloidal rotation of a tokamak plasma by charge exchange recombination spectroscopy is considered. It is shown that the emission line shift arising from the finite lifetime of the excited state of the ions is proportional to E r. For helium ions, the maximum shift corresponds to the poloidal rotation velocity, which is about one-third of the drift velocity in the crossed radial electric (E r) and toroidal magnetic (B t) fields. __________ Translated from Fizika Plazmy, Vol. 27, No. 11, 2001, pp. 1050–1052. Original Russian ? 2001 by Romannikov, Chernobai.  相似文献   

The potential importance of electron cyclotron (EC) emission in the local electron power balance in the steady-state regimes of ITER operation with high temperatures, as well as in the DEMO reactor, requires accurate calculation of the one-dimensional (over magnetic surfaces) distribution of the net radiated power density, P EC(ρ). When the central electron temperature increases to ∼30 keV, the local EC radiative loss comprises a substantial fraction of the heating power from fusion alphas and is close to the total auxiliary NBI heating power, P EC(0) ≃ 0.3P α(0) ≃ P aux(0). In the present paper, the model of EC radiative transport in an axisymmetric toroidal plasma is extended to the case of an inhomogeneous magnetic field B(R, Z). The impact of such inhomogeneity on local and total power losses is analyzed in the framework of this model by using the CYNEQ code. It is shown that, for the magnetic field B, temperature T e , density n e , and wall reflection coefficient R w expected in ITER and DEMO, accurate simulations of the EC radiative loss require self-consistent 1.5D transport analysis (i.e., one-dimensional simulations of plasma transport and two-dimensional simulations of plasma equilibrium). It is shown that EC radiative transport can be described with good accuracy in the 1D approximation with the surface-averaged magnetic field, B(ρ) =B(R, Z)〉 ms . This makes it possible to substantially reduce the computational time required for time-dependent self-consistent 1.5D transport analysis. Benchmarking of the CYNEQ results with available results of the RAYTEC, EXACTEC, and CYTRAN codes is performed for various approximations of the magnetic field.  相似文献   

Specific features of the energy distributions of fast ions during neutral beam injection at the Globus-М tokamak are considered. Different loss mechanisms that can lead to the formation of a specific shape of the energy spectrum of superthermal ions are analyzed. The effect of sawtooth oscillations on the loss of fast ions is discussed.  相似文献   

The possibility is discussed of determining the amplitude and phase of a static resonant error field in a tokamak by means of dynamic magnetic measurements. The method proposed assumes measuring the plasma response to a varying external helical magnetic field with a small (a few gauss) amplitude. The case is considered in which the plasma is probed by square pulses with a duration much longer than the time of the transition process. The plasma response is assumed to be linear, with a proportionality coefficient being dependent on the plasma state. The analysis is carried out in a standard cylindrical approximation. The model is based on Maxwell’s equations and Ohm’s law and is thus capable of accounting for the interaction of large-scale modes with the conducting wall of the vacuum chamber. The method can be applied to existing tokamaks.  相似文献   

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