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Rhizobacteria obtained during a risk assessment study from parental and transgenic T4 lysozyme-expressing potato plants were investigated to determine whether or not the strains could be grouped based on the source of isolation, transgenic or non-transgenic plants, respectively. A total of 68 representative bacterial strains of the group of enterics and pseudomonads were investigated by phenotypic profiling (the antagonistic activity towards bacterial and fungal plant pathogens, the production of the plant growth hormone indole-3-acetic acid [auxin], and the sensitivity to T4 lysozyme in vitro) and genotypic profiling by PCR fingerprints using BOX primers. All isolates were identified by fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis. Computer-based analysis of the phenotypic characteristics showed that both, enterics and Pseudomonas strains clustered into six to seven groups at an Euclidian distance of 10. According to their BOX-PCR-generated fingerprints the Pseudomonas strains clustered into seven groups and the enterobacteria into two groups at the same genetic distance level of 10. The majority of groups were heterogeneous and contained isolates from all plant lines. In conclusion, cluster analysis of the phenotypic and genotypic features did not reveal correlations between bacterial isolates and transgenic character of plants.  相似文献   

人们对植物进行遗传转化的目的是让转基因在植物基因组中能够稳定整合并在当代及其子代中能够有效、稳定的表达 ,但是由于多种因素的影响 ,转基因在植物中的表达并不很理想。自从 1 986年Peerbotte报道转基因烟草中转基因发生沉默以来 ,很多学者也都发现大量的转基因植株不能正常表达[1]。经过多年的研究 ,发现导致转基因沉默的机理有多种 ,根据其作用机理和水平的不同 ,人们通常把转基因沉默分为[2 ,3]:位置依赖性基因沉默 (Postion -dependentgenesilencing ,PDGS)、转录水平的基因沉默 (Tr…  相似文献   


Background and Aims

In most plant species, initiation of lateral root primordia occurs above the elongation zone. However, in cucurbits and some other species, lateral root primordia initiation and development takes place in the apical meristem of the parental root. Composite transgenic plants obtained by Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation are known as a suitable model to study root development. The aim of the present study was to establish this transformation technique for squash.


The auxin-responsive promoter DR5 was cloned into the binary vectors pKGW-RR-MGW and pMDC162-GFP. Incorporation of 5-ethynyl-2′-deoxyuridine (EdU) was used to evaluate the presence of DNA-synthesizing cells in the hypocotyl of squash seedlings to find out whether they were suitable for infection. Two A. rhizogenes strains, R1000 and MSU440, were used. Roots containing the respective constructs were selected based on DsRED1 or green fluorescent protein (GFP) fluorescence, and DR5::Egfp-gusA or DR5::gusA insertion, respectively, was verified by PCR. Distribution of the response to auxin was visualized by GFP fluorescence or β-glucuronidase (GUS) activity staining and confirmed by immunolocalization of GFP and GUS proteins, respectively.

Key Results

Based on the distribution of EdU-labelled cells, it was determined that 6-day-old squash seedlings were suited for inoculation by A. rhizogenes since their root pericycle and the adjacent layers contain enough proliferating cells. Agrobacterium rhizogenes R1000 proved to be the most virulent strain on squash seedlings. Squash roots containing the respective constructs did not exhibit the hairy root phenotype and were morphologically and structurally similar to wild-type roots.


The auxin response pattern in the root apex of squash resembled that in arabidopsis roots. Composite squash plants obtained by A. rhizogenes-mediated transformation are a good tool for the investigation of root apical meristem development and root branching.  相似文献   

A model for RNA-mediated gene silencing in higher plants   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  

Previous work has shown that two homologous, unlinked transgene loci can interact in plant nuclei, leading to non-reciprocal trans-inactivation and methylation of genes at one locus. Here, we report the structure and methylation of different transgene loci that contain the same construct but are variably able to inactivate and methylate a partially homologous, unlinked target locus. Silencing loci comprised multiple, methylated copies of the transgene construct, whereas a non-silencing locus contained a single, unmethylated copy. The correspondence between strength of silencing activity and copy number/degree of methylation was further demonstrated by producing novel alleles of a strong silencing locus: reducing the transgene copy number and methylation within this silencing locus decreased its ability to inactivate the target locus. The strong silencing locus, which was located close to a telomere, trans-inactivated various structural variants of the original target construct, regardless of their location in the genome. This suggests that the silencing locus can scan the entire genome for homologous regions, a process possibly aided by its telomeric location. Our data support the idea that epistatic trans-inactivation of unlinked, homologous transgenes in plants results from a pre-existing epigenetic difference between transgene loci, which is subsequently equalized by epigene conversion involving DNA-DNA pairing.  相似文献   

Granule-bound starch synthase is the key enzyme in amylose synthesis. The regulation of this gene was investigated using a chimaeric gene consisting of a 0.8 kb 5 upstream sequence of the granule-bound starch synthase gene from potato and the -glucuronidase gene which was introduced into potato using an Agrobacterium tumefaciens binary vector system. The chimaeric gene was highly expressed in stolons and tubers, whereas the expression in leaves, stems or roots from greenhouse-grown plants was relatively low. However, leaves from in vitro grown plantlets exhibited an elevated GUS expression. The expression of the chimaeric gene was inducible in leaves by growth on relatively high concentrations of sucrose, fructose and glucose and was about 30- to 50-fold higher than in leaves from greenhouse-grown plants. The granule-bound starch synthase gene is expressed organ-specifically since stolons and tubers showed GUS activities 125- to 3350-fold higher than in leaves. The activities in these two organs are 3- to 25-fold higher than the expression of the CaMV-GUS gene. Histochemical analysis of different tissues showed that only certain regions of leaves and roots express high GUS activities. Stolons and tubers show high expression.  相似文献   

The possibility of rapid validation and functional analysis of nematode resistance genes is a common objective for numerous species and particularly for woody species. In this aim, we developed an Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation protocol for Coffea arabica enabling efficient and rapid regeneration of transformed roots from the hypocotyls of germinated zygotic embryos, and the subsequent production of composite plants. The A. rhizogenes strain A4RS proved to be the most virulent. High transformation efficiencies (70%) were obtained using a 2-week co-cultivation period at a temperature of 15–18°C. Using a p35S-gusA-int construct inserted in the pBIN19 binary plasmid, we could estimate that 35% of transformed roots were GUS positive (co-transformed). Using the GUS assay as visual marker, 40% composite plants bearing a branched co-transformed rootstock could be obtained after only 12 weeks without selection with herbicides or antibiotics. Transgenic coffee roots obtained with A. rhizogenes did not exhibit the ‘hairy’ disturbed phenotype and were morphologically similar to normal roots. PCR analyses demonstrated that all co-transformed roots were positive for the expected rolB and gusA genes. Transformed and non-transformed root systems from both susceptible and resistant varieties were inoculated with Meloidogyne exigua nematode individuals. Inoculation of composite plants from the Caturra susceptible variety resulted in the normal development of nematode larvae. Numbers of extracted nematodes demonstrated that transformed roots retain the resistance/sensibility phenotype of varieties from which they are derived. These results suggest that composite plants constitute a powerful tool for studying nematode resistance genes.  相似文献   

Tobacco plants transformed with the RNA polymerase (RdRp) gene of potato virus X (PVX) that are extremely resistant to infection by potato virus X have previously been described. The PVX-resistant plants accumulated the RdRp protein at a lower level than fully susceptible plants transformed with the same RdRp construct. In this paper the difference between the PVX-resistant and susceptible transformed plants is investigated and it is demonstrated that there are three associated phenotypes of the RdRp transgene that vary in parallel between transformed lines. These phenotypes are: accumulation of the transgenic RdRp RNA at a low level; strain-specific resistance to PVX; and the ability of the transgene to trans -inactivate homologous transgenes. This gene-silencing potential of the transgenes conferring PVX resistance was illustrated by analysis of progeny from a cross between a transformant that was extremely resistant to PVX and a second PVX-susceptible transformant. In other transformants, in which the resistance was less extreme, the same three phenotypes were associated but in a transgene dosage-dependent manner. The same association of strain-specific resistance and low-level accumulation of the transgenic RdRp RNA was observed with plants that were transformed with mutant or wild-type versions of the RdRp gene. Strain-specific resistance was also produced in plants transformed with untranslatable versions of the RdRp transgene. Based on these data it is proposed that homology-dependent gene silencing and transgenic resistance to PVX may be due to the same RNA-based mechanism. An undefined genomic feature is proposed to account for the variation in the resistance and trans -inactivation phenotypes of different transformants. It is further proposed that this genome feature influences a cytoplasmic mechanism that degrades RNA with sequence homology to the silencing transgene.  相似文献   

The sequence of operations during plant genetic transformation using wild strains of the soil bacterium Agrobacterium rhizogenes and subsequent root production capable of long-term growth on the relatively simple media free of growth compounds are described. The basic morphological, physiological, and biochemical characteristics of transformed roots are reported, and a technology of their in vitro cultivation is described. The modes of growth optimization of long-term cultivated roots of valuable plants and of the increase in the concentration of secondary metabolites synthesized by these roots are enumerated. The efficiency of the method of so-called “artificial seed” application for preservation of valuable lines of cultivated roots and a possibility of their healthy state restoration are briefly appraised. On the basis of literature and our own experiments, the main directions for the usage of genetically transformed roots in applied and fundamental studies are outlined. The terminology used for designation of genetically transformed roots by Russian researches is briefly discussed. Main materials and equipment required for plant transformation with the soil bacterium and for the maintenance of long-term growth of obtained roots are listed.  相似文献   

Drought and salinity are the most important abiotic stresses that affect the normal growth and development of plants. Glycine betaine is one of the most important osmolytes present in higher plants that enable them to cope with environmental stresses through osmotic adjustment. In this study, a betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH) gene from spinach under the control of the stress-induced promoter rd29A from Arabidopsis thaliana was introduced into potato cultivar Gannongshu 2 by the Agrobacterium tumefaciens system. Putative transgenic plants were confirmed by Southern blot analysis. Northern hybridization analysis demonstrated that expression of BADH gene was induced by drought and NaCl stress in the transgenic potato plants. The BADH activity in the transgenic potato plants was between 10.8 and 11.7 U. There was a negative relationship (y = −2.2083x + 43.329, r = 0.9495) between BADH activity and the relative electrical conductivity of the transgenic potato plant leaves. Plant height increased by 0.4–0.9 cm and fresh weight per plant increased by 17–29% for the transgenic potato plants under NaCl and polyethylene glycol stresses compared with the control potato plants. These results indicated that the ability of transgenic plants to tolerate drought and salt was increased when their BADH activity was increased.  相似文献   

Patatin is a family of lipid acyl hydrolases that accounts for 30 to 40% of the total soluble protein in potato tubers. Class-I patatin genes encode 98 to 99% of the patatin mRNA in tubers, but are not normally expressed in other tissues. They are not totally tuber-specific; however, since they can be induced to express at high levels in other tissues under conditions of sink limitation or in explants cultured on medium containing elevated levels of sucrose. To examine the evolution of the mechanisms that regulate patatin gene expression, we introduced a chimeric patatin--glucuronidase (GUS) gene containing 2.5 kb of 5 flanking sequence from the Class-I potato patatin gene PS20 into tobacco plants. The construct was not expressed at significant levels in leaves of juvenile plants or plantlets cultured in vitro, but was expressed at high levels in explants cultured on medium containing 0.3 to 0.4 M sucrose. While there were differences in the expression of the chimeric gene between transgenic tobacco and potato plants, the pattern of sucrose induction was very similar. These results suggest that the mechanism that controls patatin gene expression in potato tubers evolved from a widely distributed mechanism in which gene expression is regulated by the level of available photosynthate.  相似文献   

We used bisulfite sequencing to study the methylation of a viral transgene whose expression was silenced upon plum pox virus infection of the transgenic plant and its subsequent recovery as a consequence of so‐called virus‐induced gene silencing (VIGS). VIGS was associated with a general increase in the accumulation of small RNAs corresponding to the coding region of the viral transgene. After VIGS, the transgene promoter was not methylated and the coding region showed uneven methylation, with the 5′ end being mostly unmethylated in the recovered tissue or mainly methylated at CG sites in regenerated silenced plants. The methylation increased towards the 3′ end, which showed dense methylation in all three contexts (CG, CHG and CHH). This methylation pattern and the corresponding silenced status were maintained after plant regeneration from recovered silenced tissue and did not spread into the promoter region, but were not inherited in the sexual offspring. Instead, a new pattern of methylation was observed in the progeny plants consisting of disappearance of the CHH methylation, similar CHG methylation at the 3′ end, and an overall increase in CG methylation in the 5′ end. The latter epigenetic state was inherited over several generations and did not correlate with transgene silencing and hence virus resistance. These results suggest that the widespread CG methylation pattern found in body gene bodies located in euchromatic regions of plant genomes may reflect an older silencing event, and most likely these genes are no longer silenced.  相似文献   

We developed a novel, two-component transient gene silencing system in which the satellite tobacco mosaic virus (STMV) is used as vector for the delivery of inhibitory RNA into tobacco plants and the tobacco mosaic virus strain U2 (TMV-U2) is used as helper virus for supplying replication and movement proteins in trans. The main advantage of the system is that by uncoupling virus replication components from silencing induction components, the intensity of silencing becomes more pronounced. We call this system satellite virus-induced silencing system (SVISS) and will demonstrate here its robustness, speed and effectiveness. We were able to obtain pronounced and severe knockout phenotypes for a range of targeted endogenous genes belonging to various biochemical pathways and expressed in different plant tissues, such as genes involved in leaf and flower pigmentation, genes for cell wall synthesis in leaf, stem and root tissues or a ubiquitous RNA polymerase gene. By tandem insertion of more than one target gene sequence into the vector, we were able to induce simultaneous knockouts of an endogenous gene and a transgene. SVISS is the first transient gene silencing system for Nicotiana tabacum, which is a genetically well-characterized bridging species for the Solanaceae plant family.  相似文献   

Transgenic potato plants, cultivar Désirée, were produced that contained the coat protein gene of potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV). The transformed potato plants expressed the PLRV coat protein (CP) RNA sequences but accumulation of coat protein in transgenic tissues could not be detected. Upon inoculation with PLRV, the PLRV CP RNA expressing potato plants showed a reduced rate of virus multiplication.  相似文献   

Summary The gene for human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) was chemically synthesized and used for expression in transgenic potato. The hEGF coding sequence was modified by PCR to introduce ATG start codon and fused either to the 35S cauliflower mosaic virus promoter or to the patatin class I promoter. The highest hEGF peptide content, 120 pg/mg soluble protein, was found in potato tubers when the chimeric gene was expressed under the control of patatin promoter.  相似文献   

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