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Summary Eluates of stigmas of Brassica oleracea that were known to contain S locus-specific glycoproteins (SLSG) discriminated between self and cross pollen in vitro in three different media. Discrimination was equally evident in experiments that were the in vitro equivalents of reciprocal pollinations. In a TAPS-buffered medium, self eluates depressed pollen germination in a dose-dependent manner. TAPS medium allowed a bioassay of the effects of SLSG in eluates because it optimized germination in a way that eliminated the complicating features of the stimulatory substances in the eluates. Stigma eluates affected percentage pollen germination and optimum calcium concentrations in vitro whether or not SLSG were present in the eluates, but differently in different media, and depending on whether the eluates were cross or self with respect to the pollen tested. Thus, the effect of stigma eluates on the in vitro germination of pollen in Brassica depends on the balance of stimulatory versus inhibitory substances in the eluates.  相似文献   

In this study, stylar proteins of apple (Malus x domestica) which correlate with known intervarietal incompatibility relationships and have similar characteristics to the S-glycoproteins of Japanese pear (Pyrus serotina) were surveyed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE). Varietal differences were detected in a group of glycoproteins having Mrs and pIs similar to those of the S-glycoproteins of Japanese pear. 2D-PAGE profiles of these glycoproteins were correlated with intervarietal incompatibility relationships. These glycoproteins reacted with antiserum raised against the S 4-glycoprotein of Japanese pear, a result suggesting that they may be the products of S-alleles in styles of apple. On the basis of the profiles of the putative S-glycoproteins, S-genotypes were proposed for each of the apple cultivars examined.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to evaluate the in vitro storage of apple germplasm by screening a range of genotypes followed by more comprehensive testing of multiple parameters on two genotypes of differing species, Malus domestica cultivar Grushovka Vernenskaya and wild Malus sieversii selection TM-6. Stored plants were rated on a 6 point scale (0 low to 5 high) for plant appearance at 3 month intervals after storage at 4°C. Combinations of carbon source (sucrose and/or mannitol), nitrate nitrogen content (25, 50 or 100%) and plant growth regulators (ABA, BAP, IBA) were studied in three types of containers (tissue culture bags, test tubes or jars). An initial screen of 16 genotypes stored in tissue culture bags indicated that plantlets could be stored at 4°C for 9–14 months without subculture on standard 3% sucrose Murashige and Skoog (1962) (MS) medium with no plant growth regulators (PGRs). In subsequent in-depth studies on the two genotypes, ANOVA indicated highly significant interactions of medium, container and genotype. ‘Grushovka Vernenskaya’ shoots with no PGRs and 3% sucrose remained viable (ratings of ≥1) for 21 months of storage in bags. Storage on reduced nitrogen (MS with 25% nitrogen), PGRs, and 3% sucrose kept ‘Grushovka Vernenskaya’ shoot condition rated >2 at 21 months. Addition of 0.5 or 1 mg−1 abscisic acid (ABA) also improved plant ratings at 21 months. The longest storage for ‘Grushovka Vernenskaya’ was 33–39 months with PGRs and 3% sucrose in either tubes or jars. Addition of abscisic acid (ABA) to the medium did not improve storage of plantlets in jars and tubes at 15 months. TM-6 stored best in tubes on 3% sucrose with PGRs or in jars on 2% mannitol and 2% sucrose. Overall it appears that cold storage of apple shoot cultures can be successful for 21 months in tissue culture bags with 25% MS nitrate nitrogen, 3% sucrose, and no PGRs or for 33 months in jars or tubes on MS with 3% sucrose and PGRs. Preliminary RAPD analysis found no significant differences between plants stored for 39 months and non-stored controls.  相似文献   

The radio-labeled gibberellins GA1, GA3,GA4, and GA7 were applied to intact developing applefruits (Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Jonagold) during theperiod when GAs are suggested to inhibit flower bud induction for the followingyear. Radioactivity from these compounds was found to be transported intoadjacent tissues as there are pedicels and bourses (4%). Application topedicels, after removal of the fruits, enhanced the transport into adjacentbourses up to 11%. The bud-carrying lateral bourse shoots contained onlyminor amounts of radioactivity on average 0.4% in both cases. Theseexport rates were identical, 1 or 5 days after application.After application of the corresponding deuterium-labeled GAs and analyses bymass spectrometry the specific metabolization of GA1 toGA1 13-O-glucoside and of GA3 to GA313-O-glucoside was demonstrated. Additional metabolites of GA1 andGA3 were not detected. After fruit application of GA3 theratio of GA3 to GA3 13-O-glucoside was found to be 1:2 inthe fruit. Pedicel application led to ratios of 1:4 and 1:5, respectively, inthe pedicel and in the adjacent bourse. After the application of GA4and GA7, neither glucosylation products nor other GA-like metabolitescould be identified.This is the first report of the metabolism of GAs to GA 13-O-glucosides indeveloping apple fruits. The possible function of the GAs as a signal in flowerbud formation for the following year is discussed.  相似文献   



Powdery mildew (PM) is a major fungal disease of thousands of plant species, including many cultivated Rosaceae. PM pathogenesis is associated with up-regulation of MLO genes during early stages of infection, causing down-regulation of plant defense pathways. Specific members of the MLO gene family act as PM-susceptibility genes, as their loss-of-function mutations grant durable and broad-spectrum resistance.


We carried out a genome-wide characterization of the MLO gene family in apple, peach and strawberry, and we isolated apricot MLO homologs through a PCR-approach. Evolutionary relationships between MLO homologs were studied and syntenic blocks constructed. Homologs that are candidates for being PM susceptibility genes were inferred by phylogenetic relationships with functionally characterized MLO genes and, in apple, by monitoring their expression following inoculation with the PM causal pathogen Podosphaera leucotricha.


Genomic tools available for Rosaceae were exploited in order to characterize the MLO gene family. Candidate MLO susceptibility genes were identified. In follow-up studies it can be investigated whether silencing or a loss-of-function mutations in one or more of these candidate genes leads to PM resistance.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-618) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Summary The gametophytic self-incompatibility system of Solarium tuberosum is controlled by a single locus, designated as the S-locus. Protein extracts from potato styles of defined S-genotypes have been analysed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, and found to contain a group of basic glycoproteins. Each genetically determined allele S 1 to S 4 was associated with the presence of one of a number of these polypeptides differing slightly in isoelectric points (in the range 8.3–>9.1) and/or apparent molecular weight (ranging from 23,000 to 29,000). Two abundant basic polypeptides, one of which is apparently not glycosylated, were present in all genotypes examined. Amino-terminal protein sequence determinations revealed homologies of the S. tuberosum stylar proteins S2, S3 and S4 with SI-associated polypeptides from Nicotiana alata and Lycopersicon peruvianum. With an oligonucleotide generated to the potato-S2 N-terminal protein sequence, it was possible to detect a style-specific RNA species of 920 nucleotides. The oligonucleotide also behaved as an allele-specific probe when hybridized to total RNA of different S-genotypes.  相似文献   

Embryos isolated from dormant apple seeds were treated with jasmonic acid (JA), gibberellin A3 (GA3), abscisic acid (ABA) and hydrogen cyanide in darkness and in light. The chemicals were present in the culture medium continuously and simultaneously or applied for 2 days and in different sequences. All treatments stimulated embryo germination except ABA, which was strongly inhibitory. Additive effects of JA with light and with GA3 on embryo germination were observed, whereas ABA interacted synergically with JA, HCN and light. ABA and GA3 were most effective when applied early during embryo incubation, but the late JA treatment was more stimulatory. It is concluded that JA does not act on the regulatory pathway that is initiated by light and which leads to embryo germination through gibberellin accumulation and alkaline lipase activation. ABA and HCN appear to be involved in the control of this pathway. JA and ABA may be involved in the control of alkaline lipase activity, independently of this regulatory chain.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - GA3 gibberellin A3 - JA jasmonic acid  相似文献   

Summary Pistil proteins associated with three different S-alleles of the self-incompatibility locus (S locus) in Solanum chacoense have been identified which cosegregated with their respective S alleles in a series of genetic crosses involving six S. chacoense plants, their F1 progeny, and backcrosses. The molecular weights of these three S-allele-associated proteins, designated S1 S2, and S3, were 29 kDa, 30 kDa, and 31 kDa, respectively. They were all basic proteins with a similar pI of approximately 8.6. They have been found only in the stigma and style of the pistil where their maximum synthesis was reached at one day before anthesis. Their rate of synthesis in both self- and cross-pollinated pistils was the same as that in the unpollinated pistil until 2 days after pollination.On sabbatical leave from Laboratoire de Genetique et Physiologie du Developpement des Plantes, C.N.R.S., F-91190 Gifsur-Yvette, France  相似文献   

Shoot tips of York and Vermont Spur Delicious apples (Malus domestica Borkh.) were cultured in vitro to test the influence of K+, Mg++ and gelling agent concentrations on vitrification. These concentrations were 20.05, 14.05 and 8.05 mM K+, 1.5 and 3.0 mM Mg++, 7.0 g/l Difco Bacto agar and 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 g/l Gelrite. The lowest K+ level produced a higher percentage of vitrified shoots, affected tissue appearance, reduced shoot number and shoot elongation and apparently altered shoot metabolic activity. Gelrite consistently produced vitrified leaves and stems, even though media gelled with 1.5 g/l Gelrite presented the same apparent gel firmness as using 7 g/l Difco Bacto agar, which did not induce vitrification. Less shoot elongation, fewer total shoots, and more usable shoots of York were obtained on Bacto-agar, while similar but less noticeable effects were obtained with Vermont Spur Delicious. The results presented here show that vitrification can be studied in a standardized system in which the only change is substitution of one gelling agent for another.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown by simulation that a hypothetical multilocus, quantitatively determined self-incompatibility system, whether gametophytic or sporophytic, should maintain variability in small populations at a higher level than would panmixia. Studies of more than 20 isozyme loci show that borage has almost no variability.  相似文献   

Summary It has been reported that incomplete self-incompatibility could be determined in Borago officinalis by many genes. Simple ten-gene models for such enforced cross-fertilization have been developed and their properties examined by computer simulation. Mutation rates necessary to maintain a given level of variability in small populations are high, as already determined theoretically for oligogenic self-incompatibility systems. However, the extent of ineffective pollination is very much greater in the ten-gene system. This finding may be verifiable in borage if it is indeed self-incompatible.  相似文献   

Summary The impact of ovule number on seed set calculations for self-incompatible (SI) species was investigated. Diploid Chrysanthemum was chosen for this study because accurate counts of the potential number of ovules could be made. Individuals in populations of C. carinatum, C. coronarium, C. c. subsp. spatiosum, and C. segetum were crossed in complete diallels. All species exhibited similar results. Therefore, only the diallel data from C. coronarium subsp. spatiosum were presented. The seed set data with and without ovule counts were processed by SIGMAS, a computer program designed to analyze SI data. Incorporation of the actual number of ovules into seed set diallels provided the most realistic representation of values for self-incompatibility studies. Data derived from equations excluding ovule counts might lead to inaccurate genetic interpretations. Ovule counts were significant between and within genotypes for self (disc and ray florets), but not cross (ray florets only) pollinations. The disc florets in self-pollinations were found to be responsible for increasing the variability in ovule number. The statistics indicate that the disc and ray florets composed two distinct populations. At the diploid level with a single daisy flower type, the disc floret numbers were variable, whereas ray florets were relatively static. This was not the case with polyploid chrysanthemums, where both ovule populations were dynamic and interactive. The conservative nature of percent pseudo-self-compatibility (%PSC) deems it necessary to obtain an accurate measure of female fertility. Values for this could be obtained using a bulk pollination or a tester with unmatched S alleles.Scientific Journal Series paper no. 15,880 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

Summary It has been claimed that Borage (Borago officInalis L.) has a multifactorial self-incompatibility system. Such systems may have a high level of ineffective pollination, and we show that this is the case in borage. The ranking of seed set from highest to lowest is as follows: bee-pollination; natural pollination in the absence of bees; artificial cross-pollination between unrelated plants; artificial cross-pollination between related plants; artificial self-pollination. In diallel crosses, significant parental effects were detected but no consistent patterns of seed set, which suggest a simple self-incompatibility system, were detected. The level of outcrossing with natural pollination was very variable but greater than 50%. Thus, there appears to be no straightforward self-incompatibility system in borage.  相似文献   

 A method for the in vitro pollination of chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) ovules was developed. The purpose was to avoid self-incompatibility after in vitro self-pollination of ovules isolated from flower buds before anthesis and from open flower heads. Seedlings were obtained at a low percentage (0.76%), and the results were explained in terms of pollen viability, pollen germination on the ovule, embryogenesis studies and ploidy analysis. Received: 9 April 1997 / Revision received: 23 July 1997 / Accepted: 6 September 1999  相似文献   

The evolution of dry stigmas has been accompanied by the development — in the pollen — of mechanisms for accessing water from the stigmatic epidermis. Development of self- and cross-pollen on the stigmatic surface has been examined in Brassica oleracea, focusing on the hydration of the grains. Unlike self-compatible (SC) Arabidopsis thaliana, pollen hydration of self-incompatible (SI) Brassica oleracea is preceded by a latent period of between 30–90 min, which is significantly shortened by inhibition of protein synthesis in the stigma. Physiological experiments, some with isolated pollen coatings, indicate that during the latent period signals passing from the pollen to the sigma are responsible for readying the stigmatic surface for penetration and — after self-pollination — activation of the SI system. The changes at the stigma surface include the expansion of the outer layer of the cell wall beneath the grain. This expansion does not occur following self-pollination, when coating-derived signals stimulate a stigmatic response which interrupts hydration and arrests grain development. Cell manipulation studies suggest that self grains are not inhibited metabolically, but are physiologically isolated from the subjacent stigmatic papilla. This focusing of the SI response at the pollen-stigma interface ensures that a single papilla can simultaneously accept cross-pollen and reject self-grains. The evolution of this highly efficient SI system is disussed in the perspective of pathogen-defence mechanisms known also to be located in epidermal cells.  相似文献   

Leaves taken from micropropagated shoots of several apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) cultivars were cultured in vitro on Linsmaier & Skoog (LS) medium or the rice anther culture medium of Chu et al. (N6) containing various concentrations of either benzyladenine (BA) or thidiazuron (TDZ) plus naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Of the TDZ concentrations tested, 10 M was most effective and it was equivalent to, or better than, 22 M BA for both the percentage of leaves regenerating shoots and number of shoots formed per regenerating leaf in almost every experiment. Lower concentrations of NAA (1.1 and 5.4 M) gave best results with both BA and TDZ. N6 medium gave consistently better results than LS. Lowering total salt concentration or total N concentration of LS to that of N6 did not improve the response nor did changing the NO3:NH4 ratio. The 3–4 leaves on the most distal part of the shoot were most responsive and tended to form the most adventitious shoots. Placing the leaf cultures in the dark for the first 2–3 weeks of the culture period produced the best results. Optimum results were obtained by culturing leaves from the distal part of the shoot in the dark for 2 weeks on N6 medium containing 10 M TDZ and 1.1 or 5.4 M NAA, then moving the cultures to 16 h daylight at a photon flux of 60 mol s-1m-2.  相似文献   

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