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The advantages of using immunoelectron microscopy in amyloid research and surgical pathology for the classification of amyloid deposits are well documented. The aim of this study was to improve single-labeling postembedding immunostaining by testing different antigen retrieval (AR) techniques. Etching and AR procedures were applied to sections from aldehyde-fixed and Epon-embedded autopsy specimens of patients who had suffered from generalized AA amyloidosis, systemic senile ATTR amyloidosis, or generalized kappa-light chain amyloidosis. The procedures used were no AR, H(2)O(2), saturated aqueous sodium metaperiodate (mPJ), heating in deionized water (dH(2)O), heating in sodium citrate buffer (SCB), heating in EDTA (each 91C, 30 min), and combinations of etching and heating. Little effect was evident after treatment with H(2)O(2), mPJ, and heating in dH(2)O, but the signal density markedly increased after heating in 1 mM EDTA. Heating in SCB affected immunolabeling with anti-transthyretin and anti-kappa-light chain, whereas no effect was achieved for immunolabeling with anti-AA amyloid. We concluded that AR may significantly improve immunostaining of specimens that have undergone conventional fixation and embedding procedures for electron microscopy. The effect of AR on the detection of amyloid fibril proteins was probably mediated in part through chelation or binding of metal ions by the AR medium. (J Histochem Cytochem 47:1385-1394, 1999)  相似文献   

The intracellular locations of the components of the heterooligomeric progesterone receptor (PR), heat-shock protein (hsp90), and the ligand-binding component were studied by immunoelectron microscopy in the chick oviduct, using immunogold double labeling and peroxidase techniques with monoclonal antibodies (MAb) against hsp90 (7D alpha and 4F3) and against PR (PR6 and PR13). PR was located in the nuclei of epithelial cells independently of the presence or absence of ligand. Cells with apically located nuclei were often PR negative. Ten minutes after progesterone administration no apparent change was seen in PR immunoreactivity, but chromatin underwent extensive rearrangement and PR was seen at the margins of the hetero- and euchromatin. The nucleoli did not contain PR. Hsp90 was located in the cytoplasm as aggregates, often inside small vesicles. In the apical part of the cell, hsp90 was located at the Golgi complex. The nuclei contained no detectable amounts of hsp90 except for that in the nucleoli. Ten minutes after progesterone administration the location or immunoreactivity of hsp90 did not alter. Thus, there seems to be a clear difference in the intracellular distribution of PR and hsp90. The epithelium also exhibited some cells with high levels of hsp90 and no or low levels of PR. These results raise the question of whether PR is associated with hsp90 in intact cells.  相似文献   

 Recent technical advances in immunoelectron microscopy (IEM), including methods of pre- and postembedding IEM and cryoultramicrotomy, have helped to elucidate the precise ultrastructural localization of various basement membrane-related molecules. Our objective was to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of several different techniques for studying the ultrastructural organization of basement membrane components. We found that, while ”on-surface” immunolabeling of postembedding IEM and cryoultramicrotomy with anti-type IV collagen or anti-laminin-5 antibody clearly demonstrated dense labeling on the lamina densa, preembedding IEM with a 1-nm ultra-small gold probe showed labeling only on the epidermal and/or dermal surfaces of the lamina densa, with no specific gold particles being seen within the lamina densa itself. These results indicate that even ultra-small colloidal gold-labeled antibody fails to penetrate the lamina densa in preembedding IEM. However, labeling with a GB3 monoclonal antibody against laminin-5 was demonstrable with preembedding IEM and cryoultramicrotomy, but not with post-embedding IEM, probably due to a loss of antigenicity. These results confirm the advantages and limitations of these techniques of IEM and emphasize the importance of using different techniques of IEM in determining the precise ultrastructural distribution of basement membrane antigens. Accepted: 30 January 1998  相似文献   

The localization of DDX25/GRTH and gonadotropin-stimulated RNA helicase was studied in the spermatogenic cells of rat, mouse, and guinea pig by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy (IEM). Immunofluorescence studies identified four kinds of granular staining: (1) fine particles observed in meiotic cells; (2) small granules associated with a mitochondrial marker, appearing in pachytene spermatocytes after stage V; (3) short strands lacking the mitochondrial marker in late spermatocytes; and, (4) large irregularly shaped granules in round spermatids. IEM identified DDX25 signals in nine compartments: (1) fine dense particles in the meiotic cells; (2) intermitochondrial cement; (3) loose aggregates of 70–90 nm particles; (4) chromatoid bodies; (5) late chromatoid bodies; (6) satellite bodies; (7) granulated bodies; (8) mitochondria-associated granules; and, (9) reticulated bodies. Compartments (1) to (6) were previously classified into nuage while (7) to (9) were classified as nuage components by the present study. The results suggest that DDX25 functions in these nine compartments.  相似文献   

In the golden hamster light deprivation has been shown to induce gonadal regression and reduction of pituitary and plasma levels of prolactin (PRL). In the present study we examined changes in morphology and population ratios of three types of PRL cells 8 weeks after light deprivation, by means of blinding or exposure of hamsters to continuous darkness. In the pituitary of intact hamsters of either sex, which were entrained to a 14-h light: 10-h dark cycle, Type C cells with large secretory granules were the most numerous and Type A with smaller granules the least. After light deprivation the pituitary was found to contain remarkably atrophic PRL cells and showed a profound change in population ratio of PRL cell types, i.e., Type A cells prevailed over the other two types. Pituitary glands from light-deprived and concurrently pinealectomized hamsters exhibited structures and a population ratio of three types of PRL cells similar to those from intact animals. It is suggested that small-granule-containing PRL cells represent an inactive stage of PRL cells, whereas medium- and large-granule-containing cells are functionally active cells. The atrophy of PRL cells can account for the decreased pituitary level of PRL in light-deprived hamsters reported previously.  相似文献   

The capsular K5 polysaccharide, a representative of group II capsular antigens of Escherichia coli, has been cloned previously, and three gene regions responsible for polymerization and surface expression have been defined (I. S. Roberts, R. Mountford, R. Hodge, K. B. Jann, and G. J. Boulnois, J. Bacteriol. 170:1305-1310, 1988). In this report, we describe the immunoelectron microscopic analysis of recombinant bacteria expressing the K5 antigen and of mutants defective in either region 1 or region 3 gene functions, as well as the biochemical analysis of the K5 capsular polysaccharide. Whereas the K5 clone expressed the K5 polysaccharide as a well-developed capsule in about 25% of its population, no capsule was observed in whole mount preparations and ultrathin sections of the expression mutants. Immunogold labeling of sections from the region 3 mutant revealed the capsular K5 polysaccharide in the cytoplasm. With the region 1 mutant, the capsular polysaccharide appeared associated with the cell membrane, and, unlike the region 3 mutant polysaccharide, the capsular polysaccharide could be detected in the periplasm after plasmolysis of the bacteria. Polysaccharides were isolated from the homogenized mutants with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide. The polysaccharide from the region 1 mutant had the same size as that isolated from the capsule of the original K5 clone, and both polysaccharides were substituted with phosphatidic acid. The polysaccharide from the region 3 mutant was smaller and was not substituted with phosphatidic acid. These results prompt us to postulate that gene region 3 products are involved in the translocation of the capsular polysaccharide across the cytoplasmic membrane and that region 1 directs the transport of the lipid-substituted capsular polysaccharide through the periplasm and across the outer membrane.  相似文献   

Progesterone receptor (PR) was studied immunoelectron microscopically from fixed vibratome sections of the chick oviduct and biochemically from the fractionated oviduct homogenate. Immunoelectron microscopically both unoccupied and occupied PR were localized inside the nuclei. Only a few cells showed PR immunoreactivity in the endoplasmic reticulum which probably represents newly synthetized PR. Biochemically unoccupied PR was in the cytosol fraction. The cytosol and nuclear PR as well as the non-transformed 8S-form and the transformed 4S-forms of cytosol PR were recognized by the anti-PR antibody (IgG-RB). The lack of PR immunostaining in the cytoplasm is therefore not due to lack of recognition by IgG-RB. We propose that in the chick oviduct progesterone receptor is a nuclear protein but synthetized in the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is an uncommon and particularly aggressive cancer associated with asbestos exposure, which currently presents an intractable clinical challenge. Wnt signaling has been reported to play a role in the neoplastic properties of mesothelioma cells but has not been investigated in detail in this cancer. We surveyed expression of Wnts, their receptors, and other key molecules in this pathway in well established in vitro mesothelioma models in comparison with primary mesothelial cultures. We also tested the biological response of MM cell lines to exogenous Wnt and secreted regulators, as well as targeting β-catenin. We detected frequent expression of Wnt3 and Wnt5a, as well as Fzd 2, 4 and 6. The mRNA of Wnt4, Fzd3, sFRP4, APC and axin2 were downregulated in MM relative to mesothelial cells while LEF1 was overexpressed in MM. Functionally, we observed that Wnt3a stimulated MM proliferation while sFRP4 was inhibitory. Furthermore, directly targeting β-catenin expression could sensitise MM cells to cytotoxic drugs. These results provide evidence for altered expression of a number of Wnt/Fzd signaling molecules in MM. Modulation of Wnt signaling in MM may prove a means of targeting proliferation and drug resistance in this cancer.  相似文献   

抗体形成细胞发育的免疫电镜研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pre-embedding immunoelectron microscopic method was used to study the development of antibody-producing cells in the guinea pig popliteal lymph nodes of 2, 3, 5, 8 and 10 days after a second challenge with horseradish peroxidase. The results indicated that the antibody activity was located in the perinuclear space, the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi complex. According to the cellular developmental stages and the characteristics of distribution of the antibody activity, the antibody-producing cells (APC) were divided into four types: (1) Type I cells (lymphocytes) exhibited many positive granules throughout the cytoplasm; (2) Type II cells (proplasmacytes) contained many positive granules and positive short bars, some of them were parallel; (3) Type III cells (proplasmacytes) contained numerous parallel positive lamellae in cytoplasm; (4) the parallel lamellae in cytoplasm of type IV cells (plasmacytes) were arranged into a network-endoplasmic reticulum. According to the kinetic change from granules, short bars to parallel lamellae and the network, the results indicated the developmental course of AFC from lymphocytes, proplasmacytes to plasmacytes.  相似文献   

To study the three-dimensional organization of alpha 2-macroglobulin (alpha 2M) from human plasma, immunoelectron microscopy of negatively stained specimens was used. A panel of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) with specificities typical for the two major conformers of alpha 2M (native and protease-transformed) was explored. The mAb have been selected and were classified biochemically as specific for either native or transformed alpha 2M or as reactive with both conformers. Furthermore, among the mAb that were specific for the proteinase-transformed form of alpha 2M, those reacting with the 20-kDa receptor-binding domain were considered a fourth category. Immunoelectron microscopy with these 20-kDa receptor-binding domain-specific mAb yielded the most typical result: predominantly, individual H-like alpha 2M-chymotrypsin molecules were complexed with two IgG molecules, each one bound to the extremities of two arms of the H-like figure. The resulting planar complex has the appearance of a dumbbell. Since this was observed with eight different mAb of this specificity, the result is interpreted to mean that the 20-kDa receptor-binding domain is compact and constitutes the outermost domain at the extremes of the arms of the H-like transformed alpha 2M. The mAb which are specific for the transformed state of alpha 2M but which do not react with the 20-kDa receptor-binding domain, also bound at the arms of the H-like figure, but at nonterminal positions. Moreover, these mAb produced mostly linear, chain-like immune complexes of numerous H-like alpha 2M molecules cross-linked by the IgG. The large category of mAb that reacted with both conformers of alpha 2M (native and proteinase complex) were observed to make various types of immune complexes with intra- and intermolecular cross-linking by the IgG. The observations of reaction of these mAb with Cd2+-induced dimers (half-molecules of alpha 2M), either native or transformed, proved helpful and, for certain mAb, essential to understand the organization of the alpha 2M-IgG complexes. Combined, the observations allow us to propose new models for the three-dimensional organization of native and chymotrypsin-transformed dimeric and tetrameric human alpha 2M.  相似文献   

Localization and ultrastructural maturation of prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) cells were studied in pituitaries from neonatal, immature (4-6 weeks old), and adult rats (2-3 months old) by light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. The distribution pattern of these cells did not change with age. Both cell types were concentrated laterodorsally, with PRL cells adjacent to the intermediate lobe and GH cells nearer the center of the pars distalis. Labeling density of the immunogold reaction was highest for both hormones in immature rats. In neonatal and immature rats, one PRL cell type with granules 200 nm in diameter was present. In adult rats, two types of PRL cells were present: one containing polymorphous granules measuring about 500 nm (prevalent in female rats), the other with spherical granules about 200 nm (prevalent in male rats). No changes were detected in GH cells during maturation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate lymphocyte subpopulations in 17 patients with malignant ascites due to serous papillary adenocarcinoma of the ovary. Eight patients had not been treated prior to the study whereas nine patients had been treated by surgery and chemotherapy. A panel of monoclonal antibodies against surface markers that correlate with the immune functions of the lymphocytes was used. The lymphocyte subpopulations were identified by the immunoperoxidase adhesive slide assay, and the results in treated and untreated patients were compared. Both groups of patients showed lymphocytosis (41 +/- 25% and 33 +/- 14% of the total cells, respectively). The untreated patients had a significantly higher proportion of B cells (14 +/- 4% of lymphocytes) than did treated patients (7 +/- 2%). No differences were found between both groups regarding the helper-inducer/suppressor-cytotoxic T lymphocyte ratio. The proportion of lymphocytes expressing interleukin-2-receptors was higher in treated patients (6 +/- 2%) than in untreated patients (1.2 +/- 1%). Both groups showed a high percentage of natural killer/cytotoxic cells (17 +/- 7% and 18 +/- 5%, respectively). In the only chylous effusion in this study, there was an increase in helper-inducer and activated T lymphocytes. Future studies are required to document whether surface marker analysis of lymphocytes in malignant effusions may be useful for assessment of the prognosis and the results of treatment.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(4):1581-1595
We investigated the mechanism of turnover of an actin microfilament system in fibroblastic cells on an electron microscopic level. A new derivative of actin was prepared by labeling muscle actin with biotin. Cultured fibroblastic cells were microinjected with biotinylated actin, and incorporated biotin-actin molecules were detected by immunoelectron microscopy using an anti-biotin antibody and a colloidal gold-labeled secondary antibody. We also analyzed the localization of injected biotin-actin molecules on a molecular level by freeze-drying techniques. Incorporation of biotin-actin was rapid in motile peripheral regions, such as lamellipodia and microspikes. At approximately 1 min after injection, biotin-actin molecules were mainly incorporated into the distal part of actin bundles in the microspikes. Heavily labeled actin filaments were also observed at the distal fringe of the densely packed actin networks in the lamellipodium. By 5 min after injection, most actin polymers in microspikes and lamellipodia were labeled uniformly. These findings suggest that actin subunits are added preferentially at the membrane-associated ends of preexisting actin filaments. At earlier times after injection, we often observed that the labeled segments were continuous with unlabeled segments, suggesting the incorporation of new subunits at the ends of preexisting filaments. Actin incorporation into stress fibers was a slower process. At 2-3 min after injection, microfilaments at the surface of stress fibers incorporated biotin-actin, but filaments in the core region of stress fibers did not. At 5-10 min after injection, increasing density of labeling along stress fibers toward their distal ends was observed. Stress fiber termini are generally associated with focal contacts. There was no rapid nucleation of actin filaments off the membrane of focal contacts and the pattern of actin incorporation at focal contacts was essentially identical to that into distal parts of stress fibers. By 60 min after injection, stress fibers were labeled uniformly. We also analyzed the actin incorporation into polygonal nets of actin bundles. Circular dense foci, where actin bundles radiate, were stable structures, and actin filaments around the foci incorporated biotin- actin the slowest among the actin-containing structures within the injected cells. These results indicate that the rate and pattern of actin subunit incorporation differ in different regions of the cytoplasm and suggest the possible role of rapid actin polymerization at the leading margin on the protrusive movement of fibroblastic cells.  相似文献   

A murine monoclonal antibody, LICR-LON-23.10, which had been raised against a well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma cell line (LICR-LON-HN5), recognises an antigen which is present on the membrane of basal cells of the epidermis. The tissue distribution of the antigen, as defined using immunohistochemical techniques, suggests that it is expressed preferentially on cells which are adjacent to a basement membrane. In squamous cell carcinomas, the antigen is expressed uniformly on undifferentiated cells, but in areas of keratinisation, the antigen is absent. The antigen recognised by the antibody was characterised as being a pair of glycoproteins with molecular masses of 120 and 135 daltons. The antibody was used for flow-cytometric analyses of epidermal keratinocyte preparations. Together with other basal cell markers, this antibody may be useful in the characterisation of the epidermal basal cell population as well as in broadening our understanding of the interaction between epithelial cell populations and their relationship with basement-membrane components.  相似文献   

alpha 2-Macroglobulin, one of the major plasma proteinase inhibitors with Mr = 720,000, is known to inhibit proteinases of all four classes through the "trap mechanism" (Barrett, A. J., and Starkey, P. M. (1973) Biochem. J. 133, 709-724), but the proteinase binding site of alpha 2-macroglobulin has not been identified precisely. We localized bound proteinase molecules on the electron microscopic images of alpha 2-macroglobulin, using anti-proteinase IgG. Serratial Mr = 56,000 proteinase produced by Serratia marcescens was chosen as the antigenic probe in this study because its affinity to specific antibodies was retained in its bound state to alpha 2-macroglobulin. Dimers of alpha 2-macroglobulin/Mr = 56,000 proteinase complexes cross-linked with anti-Mr = 56,000 proteinase IgG were prepared and subjected to electron microscopic observations. The electron microscopic image of alpha 2-macroglobulin complexed with Mr = 56,000 proteinase had four straight arms with an overall shape looking like the character "H." From the way anti-Mr = 56,000 proteinase IgG linked two alpha 2-macroglobulins, it was concluded that the proteinase existed in the midregion of one of the arms. This result helps us to form a more concrete view of the trap mechanism in that one of the arms of alpha 2-macroglobulin wraps the trapped proteinase and holds it isolated from high molecular weight substrates in the surrounding medium.  相似文献   

Expression of brain-associated small-cell lung cancer antigen (BASCA) in developing lung and in lung tumors was investigated immunohistochemically and immunoelectron microscopically with monoclonal antibodies recognizing different epitopes of BASCA. In fetal lung, epithelial and mesenchymal cells had different spatial and temporal expression patterns, in contrast to the consistent pattern in neural cells. The cell membranes of epithelial cells of the proximal bronchial tubes were diffusely positive at the pseudoglandular stage. Ciliated cells lost immunoreactivity shortly after their emergence, but non-ciliated cells, including endocrine cells, lost it at the alveolar stage. The immunoreactivity in mesenchymal cells was reduced in the proximal airway, but positivity remained in the distal lung later during the postnatal period. All endocrine tumors of the lung, defined by diffuse synaptophysin immunoreactivity, expressed BASCA, but some non-endocrine carcinomas which also lacked densely cored granules ultrastructurally, showed BASCA positivity. The temporal and spatial pattern of BASCA expression in the developing lung suggests that BASCA plays an active role in lung morphogenesis. BASCA may be expressed as an oncofetal substance in some non-endocrine carcinomas of the lung.  相似文献   

Immunoelectron microscopy using chromogranin A-specific antibodies has been proposed as an efficient technique for identification of secretory granules (SGs) in tumor cells with evidence of apparent neuroendocrine differentiation. Using an antigen retrieval (AR) method, we succeeded in immunolabeling SGs with antibodies in ultrathin sections of routinely processed epoxy-embedded blocks of tissue. Samples of an insulinoma were fixed in 2% glutaraldehyde, postfixed in 1% OsO(4), and embedded in epoxy resin. Ultrathin sections were immunostained with chromogranin A-specific antibodies and gold-conjugated second antibodies. There was no significant labeling in the absence of AR. Neither etching with sodium metaperiodate nor microwave irradiation of ultrathin sections in citrate buffer (pH 6.0) or in EDTA buffer (pH 8.0) was effective in improving the efficiency of immunolabeling. However, ultrathin epoxy-embedded sections that were microwaved in alkaline solution (pH 10) were adequately labeled (5.2 +/- 0.34 particles per SG). Moreover, considerably improved efficiency of immunostaining was achieved by microwaving sections in alkaline solution (pH 10) with subsequent immunostaining at 60C (12.2 +/- 0.51 particles per SG). This method can also be applied to epoxy-embedded sections obtained from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded blocks of tissue and was even valid for an old epoxy-embedded block of tissue prepared 15 years previously.  相似文献   

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