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Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) is secreted by the heart in response mainly to atrial distension and circulates in plasma in picomolar concentrations. It binds to receptors in blood vessels which it relaxes, renal glomeruli where it induces increased glomerular filtration rate, renal papilla to produce natriuresis, adrenal glomerulosa celts to inhibit aldosterone secretion, and median eminence and pituitary where it may inhibit vasopressin secretion. In experimental models of hypertension plasma levels of ANP are uniformly elevated, except in spontaneously hypertensive rats, in which plasma ANP may only rise transiently. The action of ANP on smooth muscle cells of the blood vessel wall results in production of cyclic GMP, which appears to be the second messenger producing relaxation of pre-contracted blood vessels. Mechanisms other than cGMP generation have been proposed but remain unproven as mediators of ANP action. Receptors for ANP in blood vessels are of two subtypes: B-receptors (or R1-receptors), which contain guanylate cyclase in their structure, and C-receptors (or R2-receptors), which have not been shown to the present to be biologically active. Our studies on vascular ANP receptors are reviewed. In several experimental models of hypertension such as saralasin-insensitive 2-kidney, 1-clip and 1-kidney, 1-clip Goldblatt hypertensive rats and in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats, we have found elevated plasma ANP, as well as decreased binding and ANP-induced vascular relaxation and blood pressure-lowering effects of ANP. Both the B and C ANP receptors appear decreased in density, even after acid washing of membranes to remove any retained circulating ANP. In SHR we have found that plasma ANP was higher than in control WKY rats only transiently at 8 weeks. Binding was significantly lower in 4 and 8 week-old SHR, but cGMP generation and relaxation produced by ANP were increased in the 4 week-old SHR but normal at 8, 12 or 16 weeks. Expression of B-receptors was exaggerated in 4 week-old SHR relative to C receptors in comparison to age-matched WKY and Wistar rats. These results may underly the normalization of blood pressure found in SHR when a small dose of ANP is infused intravenously, in contrast to other models of experimental hypertension which appear to be more resistant to ANP-induced blood pressure lowering effects. In humans with essential hypertension, plasma ANP was increased in patients with moderate to severe uncontrolled high blood pressure, associated with echocardiographic evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy. In these patients, platelet ANP binding was significantly reduced. If these sites resemble vascular ANP sites in their behavior, severely hypertensive patients may be less sensitive to ANP, which may contribute to blood pressure elevation.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to characterize the receptor binding of human alpha-atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) to human blood cells. Whereas no receptors were detected on red cells, on mononuclear cells and on granulocytes, we found ANP-receptors on human platelets. The binding studies were performed by incubating 40 X 10(6) platelets with 125I-ANP and with the competing ligand, when used, in a total incubation volume of 1 ml. Centrifugation was used to separate bound from free hormone. Specific binding of 125I-ANP was rapid, saturable and reversible. A steady state was achieved within 90 minutes. Scatchard analysis of saturation and competition experiments demonstrated the existence of one class of high affinity binding sites for ANP with a Kd of 8-16pM and 10-26 receptors per cell. The Kd obtained in our binding studies was in the range of physiological ANP concentrations in human plasma (8-20pM). Although characterization of platelet ANP receptors has the inherent disadvantage that there are only few of them, they could be a useful model to investigate the ANP receptor-status under different physiological and pathological conditions in man.  相似文献   

The effect of synthetic alpha-human atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) on aldosterone secretion was studied in human aldosterone producing adrenocortical adenoma obtained surgically from a patient with primary aldosteronism and in human apparently normal adjacent adrenal cortical tissues obtained from a patient with pheochromocytoma, in vitro. Apparently normal adrenal cortical tissue responded to ANP with the known inhibition of aldosterone secretion. In contrast, the aldosterone producing adenoma did not respond to ANP. When stimulated by either ACTH or angiotensin II, there is no inhibition by ANP in the adenoma tissue, whereas normal tissue was inhibited. Immunohistochemical examination utilizing an ANP-receptor antiserum demonstrated that there was no evidence of binding site in the cortical adenoma, in contrast, zona glomerulosa cells in the cortical tissues adjacent to either aldosterone producing adenoma or pheochromocytoma were densely stained. This apparent lack of ANP-receptors is an associated finding with the hypersecretion of aldosterone in the aldosterone producing adenoma.  相似文献   

Two classes of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) receptors are present in purified sarcolemmal membrane fractions isolated from rat ventricle. Scatchard analysis using [125I]-ANP reveals high affinity (Kd approximately 10(-11) M) and low affinity (Kd approximately 10(-9) M) binding sites. Basal guanylate cyclase activities associated with these membrane fractions range from 3.2 +/- 1.3 pmol/min/mg protein in the presence of Mg2+ to 129 +/- 17 pmol/min/mg protein in the presence of Mn2+. Millimolar concentrations of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) potentiates Mg2+- but not Mn2+-supported activity. Binding of ANP to the low affinity site but not the high affinity site results in a maximum 2-fold activation of Mn2+- and up to 6-fold activation of Mg2+/ATP supported guanylate cyclase activities.  相似文献   

Pheochromocytoma, a catecholamine-secreting adrenomedullary tumor, has been shown to contain the functional receptor for human atrial natriuretic peptide(h-ANP). Release of catecholamines from tissue slices of pheochromocytoma was inhibited by h-ANP in a dose-dependent manner. Binding assays using 125I-ANP revealed a single class of high affinity binding sites for ANP. When covalently tagged with 125I-ANP and electrophoresed under non-reducing and reducing conditions, the receptor migrated as a 140-kDa band and a 70-kDa band, respectively, reflecting its disulfide-linked subunit structure. The presence of ANP receptor in pheochromocytoma was further demonstrated by immunohistochemistry; the tumor was positively stained with an antireceptor antiserum. The antiserum was also useful to establish the zona glomerulosa localization of ANP receptor in the normal human adrenal gland.  相似文献   

Receptors for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) were localized in the alveoli and bronchiolar smooth muscle cells of bovine lung and in podocytes of the kidney by immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase methods. Two specific antisera were raised against the ANP receptor purified from bovine lung plasma membranes: anti-Rc 140 and anti-Rc 70. Anti-Rc 140 was raised against the 140 KD native receptor having a homodimeric structure, and anti-Rc 70 was elicited by immunizing a rabbit with the 70 KD reduced subunits. Essentially identical staining patterns were obtained with both antisera. Identification of ANP receptor sites would provide useful information in understanding the pulmonary and renal actions of ANP.  相似文献   

The isolation and sequence analysis of the gene encoding the bovine atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) precursor is described. The bovine-ANP coding sequences are located on three exons which are interrupted by two intervening sequences. Comparison of the bovine, human, rat and mouse ANP gene sequences reveals a common organization of introns and exons and a high degree of sequence homology in the 5'-flanking and coding regions. Examination of the pre-proANP amino acid sequence derived from the bovine gene with those from rat, mouse and human, indicates a high degree of sequence homology in both the amino-terminal and biologically-active carboxy-terminal ANP region. The latter region in the bovine sequence resembles its human counterpart except for a carboxy-terminal Arg-Arg dipeptide.  相似文献   

Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) binding and ANP-induced increases in cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) levels have been observed in brain microvessels (Chabrier et al., 1987; Steardo and Nathanson, 1987), suggesting that this fluid-regulating hormone may play a role in the fluid homeostasis of the brain. This study was initiated to characterize the ANP receptors in primary cultures of brain microvessel endothelial cells (BMECs). The apparent equilibrium dissociation constant, Kd, for ANP increased from 0.25 nM to 2.5 nM, and the number of ANP binding sites as determined by Scatchard analysis increased from 7,100 to 170,000 sites/cell between 2 and 10 days of culture following monolayer formation. Time- and concentration-dependent studies on the stimulation of cGMP levels by ANP indicated that guanylate cyclase-linked ANP receptors were present in BMECs. The relative abilities of ANP, brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), and a truncated analog of ANP containing amino acids 5-27 (ANP 5-27) to modulate the accumulation of cGMP was found to be ANP greater than BNP much greater than ANP 5-27. Affinity cross-linking with disuccinimidyl suberate and radiolabeled ANP followed by gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions demonstrated a single band corresponding to the 60-70 kD receptor, indicating the presence of the nonguanylate cyclase-linked ANP receptor. Radiolabeled ANP binding was examined in the presence of various concentrations of either ANP, BNP, or ANP 5-27 and suggested that a large proportion of the ANP receptors present in blood-brain barrier endothelial cells bind all of these ligands similarly. These data indicate both guanylate cyclase linked and nonguanylate cyclase linked receptors are present on BMECs and that a higher proportion of the nonguanylate cyclase linked receptors is expressed. This in vitro culture system may provide a valuable tool for the examination of ANP receptor expression and function in blood-brain barrier endothelial cells.  相似文献   

Guanylyl cyclases (GCs), a ubiquitous family of enzymes that metabolize GTP to cyclic GMP (cGMP), are traditionally divided into membrane-bound forms (GC-A-G) that are activated by peptides and cytosolic forms that are activated by nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide. However, recent data has shown that NO activated GC’s (NOGC) also may be associated with membranes. In the present study, interactions of guanylyl cyclase A (GC-A), a caveolae-associated, membrane-bound, homodimer activated by atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), with NOGC, a heme-containing heterodimer (α/β) β1 isoform of the β subunit of NOGC (NOGCβ1) was specifically focused. NOGCβ1 co-localized with GC-A and caveolin on the membrane in human kidney (HK-2) cells. Interaction of GC-A with NOGCβ1 was found using immunoprecipitations. In a second set of experiments, the possibility that NOGCβ1 regulates signaling by GC-A in HK-2 cells was explored. ANP-stimulated membrane guanylyl cyclase activity (0.05 ± 0.006 pmol/mg protein/5 min; P < 0.01) and intra cellular GMP (18.1 ± 3.4 vs. 1.2 ± 0.5 pmol/mg protein; P < 0.01) were reduced in cells in which NOGCβ1 abundance was reduced using specific siRNA to NOGCβ1. On the other hand, ANP-stimulated cGMP formation was increased in cells transiently transfected with NOGCβ1 (530.2 ± 141.4 vs. 26.1 ± 13.6 pmol/mg protein; P < 0.01). siRNA to NOGCβ1 attenuated inhibition of basolateral Na/K ATPase activity by ANP (192 ± 22 vs. 92 ± 9 nmol phosphate/mg protein/min; P < 0.05). In summary, the results show that NOGCβ1 and GC-A interact and that NOGCβ1 regulates ANP signaling in HK-2 cells. The results raise the novel possibility of cross-talk between NOGC and GC-A signaling pathways in membrane caveolae.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that synthetic rat atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) directly inhibits mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid secretion in cultured bovine adrenal cells with a potency of 100 pM. [125I]iodo-ANF was used in the present study to characterize potential receptor sites in bovine zona glomerulosa membranes. ANF binds to a class of high affinity binding sites with a pK of 10.2 and a density of 1.3 pmol/mg protein. Detailed competition curves with ANF document a class of high affinity sites with a pK of 10.2 and also a second class of lower affinity sites with a pK of 8.5. Nonspecific binding amounts to less than 10% of [125I]iodo-ANF binding at concentrations less than 100 pM. High affinity binding of [125I]iodo-ANF is reversible with a half-time of association of 15 minutes at 25 pM and a half-time of dissociation of 140 minutes. Monovalent cations Na, Li and K equipotently enhance [125I]iodo-ANF specific binding. Divalent cations Mg, Ca and Mn also increase [125I]iodo-ANF specific binding, with Mn being the most active cation. No effect of guanine nucleotide could be detected on ANF binding. The binding of [125I]iodo-ANF is very specific and is not inhibited by 1 microM angiotensin II, ACTH, VIP, somatostatin, Leu-enkephalin, dynorphin or by the N-terminal of POMC. The N-terminal fragment ANF-(1-16) is also completely inactive. Reduction of the disulfide bridge of ANF inactivates the peptide. This enabled the development of a highly specific radio-receptor assay for ANF with a minimum detectable dose of 2 femtomoles. The results document the specific receptor involved in the potent inhibitory effect of ANF on adrenal steroidogenesis and indicate that bovine adrenal zonal glomerulosa provide a highly sensitive system for studying the recently discovered atrial natriuretic factor.  相似文献   

Summary With in vitro autoradiography, specific receptors for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) were localized in fetal rat kidney and adrenal glands. Receptors were present over renal vesicles, in the primitive renal medulla and throughout the adrenal gland as early as 16 days gestation. By 20 days gestation, several layers of developing renal corpuscles were present and ANP receptors were localized over developing glomeruli in each layer. Larger accumulations occurred over the juxtamedullary glomeruli. In the medulla, the receptors were localized in a reticular pattern near the pelivis. With emulsion coated sections, ANP receptors in developing renal corpuscles were seen primarily over the lower curve of S-shaped vesicles and around the periphery of the more mature corpuscles. In the renal medulla, receptors were localized over the interstitial cells. In the 16-day-old adrenal gland, ANP receptors were present throughout the cortical area but at 20 days gestation and 1 day postpartum receptors appeared more numerous in the peripheral region. these data suggest that ANP has important developmental effects in the kidney and adrenal gland and may be involved in regulation of body fluid homeostasis in the late gestation rat fetus.  相似文献   

In this study the effect of diabetes mellitus on atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) receptors in streptozotocin- (STZ-) induced diabetic rat kidneys was studied. Moreover, plasma ANP concentration was evaluated in diabetic and control rats by using radioimmunoassay. In addition, the expression of ANP in the kidneys of control and diabetic rats was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Body-weight loss and increased glucose levels were used as indices of diabetes mellitus in the STZ-induced rats. There was a significant loss in the body weight of the diabetic rats compared to controls. The efficacy of STZ administration was confirmed by rising blood glucose levels, which were significantly higher in diabetic rats compared to controls. Plasma ANP concentration was significantly greater in the diabetic rats in comparison with controls. Moreover, our immunohistochemical results show that the expression of ANP in diabetic rats was higher than that in age-matched controls. ANP was observed in the cells lining the proximal convoluted tubules in the cortex. The distribution and levels of ANP receptors in the kidneys of diabetic rats and age-matched controls were investigated using quantitative receptor autoradiography. Our results demonstrate significant decrease in ANP receptors in the kidneys of the diabetic rats compared to controls. The significant decrease was found in the juxtaglomerular medulla, inner medulla, and the papillae. The decrease in ANP receptors observed in the diabetic kidneys could have pathological consequences resulting in renal resistance to ANP in diabetes. (Mol Cell Biochem 261: 3–8, 2004)  相似文献   

In this study the effect of diabetes mellitus on atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) receptors in streptozotocin- (STZ-) induced diabetic rat kidneys was studied. Moreover, plasma ANP concentration was evaluated in diabetic and control rats by using radioimmunoassay. In addition, the expression of ANP in the kidneys of control and diabetic rats was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. Body-weight loss and increased glucose levels were used as indices of diabetes mellitus in the STZ-induced rats. There was a significant loss in the body weight of the diabetic rats compared to controls. The efficacy of STZ administration was confirmed by rising blood glucose levels, which were significantly higher in diabetic rats compared to controls. Plasma ANP concentration was significantly greater in the diabetic rats in comparison with controls. Moreover, our immunohistochemical results show that the expression of ANP in diabetic rats was higher than that in age-matched controls. ANP was observed in the cells lining the proximal convoluted tubules in the cortex. The distribution and levels of ANP receptors in the kidneys of diabetic rats and age-matched controls were investigated using quantitative receptor autoradiography. Our results demonstrate significant decrease in ANP receptors in the kidneys of the diabetic rats compared to controls. The significant decrease was found in the juxtaglomerular medulla, inner medulla, and the papillae. The decrease in ANP receptors observed in the diabetic kidneys could have pathological consequences resulting in renal resistance to ANP in diabetes.  相似文献   

With in vitro autoradiography, specific receptors for atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) were localized in fetal rat kidney and adrenal glands. Receptors were present over renal vesicles, in the primitive renal medulla and throughout the adrenal gland as early as 16 days gestation. By 20 days gestation, several layers of developing renal corpuscles were present and ANP receptors were localized over developing glomeruli in each layer. Larger accumulations occurred over the juxtamedullary glomeruli. In the medulla, the receptors were localized in a reticular pattern near the pelvis. With emulsion coated sections, ANP receptors in developing renal corpuscles were seen primarily over the lower curve of S-shaped vesicles and around the periphery of the more mature corpuscles. In the renal medulla, receptors were localized over the interstitial cells. In the 16-day-old adrenal gland, ANP receptors were present throughout the cortical area but at 20 days gestation and 1 day postpartum receptors appeared more numerous in the peripheral region. These data suggest that ANP has important developmental effects in the kidney and adrenal gland and may be involved in regulation of body fluid homeostasis in the late gestation rat fetus.  相似文献   

Release of atrial natriuretic peptide by atrial distension   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A heterologous radioimmunoassay was used to measure the concentration of immunoreactive atrial natriuretic peptide (iANP) in plasma from the femoral artery of eight chloralose anaesthetized dogs. Mitral obstruction which increased left atrial pressure by 11 cmH2O increased plasma iANP from 97 +/- 10.3 (mean +/- SE) to 135 +/- 14.3 pg/mL. Pulmonary vein distension increased heart rate but did not increase plasma iANP. Bilateral cervical vagotomy and administration of atenolol (2 mg/kg) did not prevent the increase in iANP with mitral obstruction. Samples of blood from the coronary sinus had plasma iANP significantly higher than simultaneous samples from the femoral artery confirming the cardiac origin of the iANP. Release of iANP depends on direct stretch of the atrium rather than on a reflex involving left atrial receptors.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of atrial and ventricular myocytes (approx. 1 x 10(5) cells/culture) were prepared from adult teleost fish Gila atraria and maintained for 10 days. Immunoreactive atrial natriuretic peptide (ir-ANP) from fish atrial and ventricular cells was 3.9 and 2.8 ng/culture respectively, values not significantly different. Atriocytes from rat and mouse secreted comparable amounts of ANP which were not significantly different from atrial fish cultures (5.2 and 4.3 ng/culture). In contrast, their ventricular myocytes secreted only small quantities of ANP (0.8 and 0.3 ng/culture). When analyzed by reversed-phase HPLC, the media of both fish atrial and ventricular myocytes contained a peptide which exhibited properties similar to authentic human ANP (Ser 99-Tyr 126), suggesting a significant degree of sequence homology between fish and mammalian ANP. Fish ventricular cells, unlike normal mammalian ventricular cells, secrete substantial quantities of immunoreactive-ANP.  相似文献   

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