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We describe the first serum-free, partly defined medium (PDM-805) for cultivating the human enteric pathogen, Entamoeba histolytica , and the reptilian amebae E. barreti, E. invadens , and E. terrapinae. PDM-805 was developed by the stepwise replacement of yeast extract, bovine serum, and a casein peptone digest in TYI-S-33, a medium widely used for the axenic cultivation of these parasites. The defined components include amino acids, carbohydrates, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, thioctic acid, nucleic acid precursors, trace metals, and phosphate buffers. The undefined components include a highly purified bovine serum albumin, a lipoprotein-cholesterol solution from bovine serum, and a dialyzable, autoclavable, water-soluble growth factor(s) having a molecular weight of less than 3,500 prepared from casein peptone. To date, studies on the growth requirements of E. histolytica , strain 200:NIH, show the following are essential for sustained multiplication of this ameba: iron, glucose, biotin, folic acid, niacinamide, pantothenate, pyridoxal, riboflavin, thiamine, cysteine, an ammonium moiety (in addition to that present in cysteine), bovine serum albumin, lipoprotein-cholesterol, and casein peptone dialysate.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural organization model of the nucleus of Entamoeba coli, as outlined on the basis of our electron microscope research, shows the following characteristics: (1) karyosome located eccentrically in the nucleoplasm (in the equatorial sections of the nucleus), the heterochromatin laid out in rough, tangled sinuous bands; (2) “ball of thread-like” formations at the level of the heterochromatin border; and (3) circular dark bodies falling into two morphological types on account of their size, the “larger inclusions” type being morphologically similar to the “button bodies” of Entamoeba histolytica according to Ludwik &; Shipstone (1970). Characteristic organized clumps of these structures have not been described before and are especially evident in the cystic nuclei. These findings are discussed in relation to the nuclear organization pictures given by E. histolytica, E. moshkovskii, and E. invadens under the electron microscope.  相似文献   

Nitazoxanide, a 5-nitrothiazolyl derivative, is effective in the treatment of a broad range of parasitic infections. In vitro, it is active against several protozoa, including Cryptosporidium parvum, Blastocystis hominis, and Giardia intestinalis. The objective of this study was to determine the in vitro effect of nitazoxanide on the growth and morphology of three anaerobic protozoa (Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia intestinalis, and Trichomonas vaginalis) and to compare these effects with those of metronidazole and albendazole. A subculture method was used to determine the concentrations required to inhibit growth by 50% or 90% (IC50 and IC90,). Nitazoxanide exhibited IC50, and IC90 values of 0.017 and 0.776 microg/ml respectively, against E. histolytica, 0.004 and 0.067 microg/ml against G. intestinalis, and 0.034 and 2.04 6 microg/ml against T. vaginalis. Based on the IC90 values, nitazoxanide was more toxic than metronidazole and albendazole against E. histolytica; albendazole and nitazoxanide were more toxic than metronidazole against G. intestinalis; and metronidazole was the most toxic drug against T. vaginalis. The effects of nitazoxanide on trophozoite ultrastructure of all three parasites included cell swelling and distorted cell shape, a redistribution of vacuoles, plasma membrane damage, and the formation of extensive empty areas in the cytoplasm of the protozoa.  相似文献   

Glycogen phosphorylase genes or messages from four amitochondriate eukaryotes, Trichomonas vaginalis, Mastigamoeba balamuthi, Entamoeba histolytica (two genes) and Giardia intestinalis, have been isolated and sequenced. The sequences of the amitochondriate protist enzymes appear to share a most recent common ancestor. The clade containing these sequences is closest to that of another protist, the slime mold (Dictyostelium discoideum), and is more closely related to fungal and plant phosphorylases than to mammalian and eubacterial homologs. Structure-based amino acid alignment shows conservation of the residues and domains involved in catalysis and allosteric regulation by glucose 6-phosphate but high divergence at domains involved in phosphorylation-dependent regulation and AMP binding in fungi and animals. Protist phosphorylases, as their prokaryotic and plant counterparts, are probably not regulated by phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Antigens prepared from Trichomonas gallinae, Histomonas meleagridis, Dientamoeba fragilis, Entamoeba invodens and Entamoeba histolytica were separated by electrophoresis in agar gels and reacted with antisera prepared in rabbits against each of the 5 species. The most numerous and strongest precipitin lines were obtained from reactions between the homologous antigens and antisera. Direct and cross-absorption reaction methods were employed with each antiserum and the various antigens to ascertain quantitatively the immunologic relationships among the several organisms. Trichomonas shared many common antigens with Histomonas, fewer with Dientamoeba and none with either species of Entamoeba. Histomonas was more closely related antigenically to Dientamoeba than to Trichomonas. The histomonad had only a few weakly cross-reacting antigens in common with the 2 Entamoeba species. Dientamoeba shared the most common antigens with Histomonas, fewer with Trichomonas and the fewest with Entamoeba. Somewhat stronger cross-reactivity was obtained with anti-Dientamoeba serum and E. invadens than between this immune serum and E. histolytica. The 2 species of Entamoeba shared the largest number of common antigens with each other, and to a much lesser extent both species cross reacted with Dientamoeba. Anti-Entamoeba sera had only a few weak cross-reacting precipitins with Histomonas. No antigenic relationship was found between either species of Entamoeba and Trichomonas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Three species of Entamoeba have been grown in axenic culture for the first time. In two cases, novel methods for adapting the organisms to growth without bacteria were employed. While E. ranarum was axenized by the classic technique of Diamond, from a monoxenic culture with Trypanosoma cruzi as the associate, both E. dispar and E. insolita were first grown in axenic culture medium supplemented with lethally irradiated bacteria. From there, E. insolita was axenized directly, but E. dispar initially required the presence of fixed bacteria. After prolonged culture under this technically axenic but unwieldy culture system, E. dispar was eventually adapted to growth in the absence of added bacteria.  相似文献   

Entamoeba histolytica required CO2 for growth in axenic culture while growth was inhibited by H2. The organism was tolerant to 5% O2 in the gas phase and it was able to detoxify products of O2 reduction in the medium. The ameba did not require a negative oxidation-reduction potential for axenic growth. However, little or no free O2 was present in media exposed to 5% O2 in the gas phase. Growth was improved by adding yeast extract to the medium.  相似文献   

Genes encoding putative mitochondrial-type heat shock protein 70 (mit-hsp70) were isolated and sequenced from amitochondriate protists, Giardia intestinalis, Entamoeba histolytica, and two microsporidians, Encephalitozoon hellem and Glugea plecoglossi. The deduced mit-hsp70 sequences were analyzed by sequence alignments and phylogenetic reconstructions. The mit-hsp70 sequence of these four amitochondriate protists were divergent from other mit-hsp70 sequences of mitochondriate eukaryotes. However, all of these sequences were clearly located within a eukaryotic mitochondrial clade in the tree including various type hsp70 sequences, supporting the emerging notion that none of these amitochondriate lineages are primitively amitochodrial, but lost their mitochondria secondarily in their evolutionary past.  相似文献   

The frequency of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar infection was analyzed in a rural community in the state of Morelos, Mexico, through PCR technique by using specie specific primer. The E. histolytica specie was detected in 33 of 290 analyzed stool samples (11.4%), E. dispar specie was observed in 21 samples (7.2%) and both species of Entamoeba were detected in seven samples (2.4%). So a higher E. histolytica than E. dispar frequency infection was detected (13.8 versus 9.6%). Even though in our design we did not considered the follow-up of included individuals, the absence of invasive amebiasis cases in the studied population during our stay in town was unexpected.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Antisera were developed in rabbits against Trichomonas gallinae, Histomonas meleagridis, Dientamoeba fragilis, Entamoeba invadens, and Entamoeba histolytica. In reactions between these antisera and antigens prepared from each of the 5 species the most numerous and strongest precipitin lines appeared on gel diffusion agarose plates between the homologous antigens and antisera. Anti-Trichomonas serum cross-reacted most strongly with Histomonas, somewhat less with Dientamoeba, but gave no lines with the 2 species of Entamoeba. Anti-Histomonas serum cross-reacted strongly with both Trichomonas and Dientamoeba, and weakly with E. invadens and E. histolytica. Dientamoeba antiserum gave many precipitin lines with Histomonas, fewer with Trichomonas, and fewest with the 2 species of Entamoeba. Stronger reactions were noted between anti-Dientamoeba serum and E. invadens than between this serum and E. histolytica. Immune sera prepared against the 2 species of Entamoeba gave the most numerous precipitin lines in intrageneric cross-reactions, but the reaction between either of these antisera and Histomonas was weak. Somewhat stronger reactions were observed between the 2 anti-Entamoeba sera and Dientamoeba. Trichomonas failed to react with either of the anti-Entamoeba sera.  相似文献   

The study of the encystation process of Entamoeba histolytica has been hampered by the lack of experimental means of inducing mature cysts in vitro. Previously we have found that cytoplasmic vesicles similar to the encystation vesicles of Entamoeba invadens are present in E. histolytica trophozoites only in amebas recovered from experimental amebic liver abscesses. Here we report that a monoclonal antibody (B4F2) that recognizes the cyst wall of E. invadens also identifies a 48 kDa protein in vesicles of E. histolytica trophozoites recovered from hepatic lesions. This protein is less expressed in trophozoites continuously cultured in axenical conditions. As previously reported for E. invadens, the B4F2 specific antigen was identified as enolase in liver-recovered E. histolytica, by two-dimensional electrophoresis, Western blot and mass spectrometry. In addition, the E. histolytica enolase mRNA was detected by RT PCR. The antigen was localized by immunoelectron microscopy in cytoplasmic vesicles of liver-recovered amebas. The B4F2 antibody also recognized the wall of mature E. histolytica cysts obtained from human samples. These results suggest that the enolase-containing vesicles are produced by E. histolytica amebas, when placed in the unfavorable liver environment that could be interpreted as an attempt to initiate the encystation process.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We developed a method to study the DNA synthetic cycles of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba invadens by flow cytometry (FCM) based on a preparative procedure to reduce both high levels of natural fluorescence and non-specific adsorption of fluorochromes. We modeled G1, S, and G2 phases as a series of overlapping Gaussian curves. Both E. histolytica and E. invadens displayed G1, S, and G2 proportions that are consistent with eukaryotic cell populations in exponential or stationary growth phase. Exponential phase E. histolytica populations contained a hypodiploid subset with a mass of about 20% less than the diploid value which we estimate by FCM to be 24 × 10-14 g DNA/cell. Exponential phase E. invadens populations contained a hypodiploid subset with a mass of about 6% less than the diploid value which we estimate by FCM to be 30 × 10-14 g DNA/cell.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A medium for the axenic cultivation of Entamoeba invadens has been developed. Serum, an essential constituent of conventional media, has been replaced by a mixture of albumin, unsaturated fatty acids, Tween, and cholesterol to control the lipid composition of the medium. Entamoeba invadens requires both cholesterol and unsaturated fatty acids for growth. The fatty acid composition of the phospholipids of the ameba reflects that of the medium to a great extent, especially with regard to the unsaturated fatty acids. The amount of membrane bounded cholesterol depends on the cholesterol concentration in the medium.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Antigens were prepared from axenic Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba invadens, and Trichomonas gallinae; dixenic Dientamoeba fragilis; and agnotobiotic Histomonas meleagridis cultures. Antisera were developed in rabbits against each of these species by subcutaneous inoculations of homogenized organisms with complete Freund's adjuvant. The globulin fraction of each serum was conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) and then processed on Sephadex G-25 and DEAE-cellulose columns. Fluorescein/protein ratios were determined for the several DEAE fractions obtained from each of the 5 conjugated globulins, and those with ratios of approximately 3.0 were selected for use in all experiments. Conjugated anti-Dientamoeba and anti-Histomonas fractions were absorbed with the bacterial flora present in the respective cultures before being used for staining. Intact, formalin-fixed organisms of each of the species were subjected to direct staining, inhibition staining, and staining with cross-absorbed conjugated fractions. The emitted fluorescence was measured in an ultramicrofluorimeter. Cross reactions among the 5 antigens and 5 conjugated antisera suggested that very few, if any, common antigens were shared by Trichomonas and Entamoeba. They indicated also a close antigenic relationship between Trichomonas and Histomonas on the one hand and between Histomonas and Dientamoeba on the other. Trichomonas and Dientamoeba appeared to be less closely related, and still less relationship was noted between Dientamoeba and Entamoeba. Only very weak reactions were recorded between Histomonas and Entamoeba. Entamoeba invadens emitted much fluorescence after being stained with anti-Entamoeba histolytica conjugate and similar results were obtained by reciprocal staining. The phylogenetic implications of the immunologic findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, numerous methods have been exploited in the attempt to study Entamoeba histolytica gene functions. Yet several features of E. histolytica, like their variable DNA content and complex ploidity have made it difficult to perform classical genetic studies such as homologous recombination. As a result, the methods currently in use target genes at the protein or RNA level. This review summarizes the experimental approaches that have been used to date and it provides an overview of the limitations and contributions of these methods in our understanding of E. histolytica's gene functions and biology.  相似文献   

Abstract Amino acid consumption by Entamoeba histolytica and E. invadens has been measured in order to assess the possible roles of amino acids as energy substrates. Mixtures of amino acids enhanced the growth of the parasites in complex medium and their survival in simple medium. The consumption of several amino acids by the parasites suspended in simple media was greater when glucose was absent, suggesting that they may act as alternative energy sources. Under these conditions, asparagine was consumed extremely rapidly by E. histolytica in particular, and arginine, leucine and threonine were used greatly by both species. There was also a marked consumption of aspartate, but this occurred even when glucose was present. These five amino acids and phenylalanine were the ones consumed in greatest amounts during growth of E. histolytica in complex medium. Under the same growth conditions, E. invadens also used asparagine, arginine, leucine and threonine and in addition there was a large consumption of serine and especially glutamate. In contrast, the aspartate concentration in the complex medium increased and there was also a net increase in the concentration of some other amino acids. Alanine was produced by both species when the parasites were incubated in simple medium with glucose, and in greater amounts during growth in complex media, suggesting that it is an end product of energy metabolism. The findings provide support for the suggestion that energy generation through amino acid catabolism may be a characteristic feature of anaerobic parasitic protists.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Cysteine and ascorbic acid were previously shown to be required by Entamoeba histolytica trophozoites for attachment to glass, elongation, and ameboid movement as well as for short-term (12–24 h) survival in a balanced salt solution containing bovine serum albumin and a vitamin solution (Maintenance Medium 1). If the only function of cysteine and ascorbate was to decrease the redox potential, other reducing agents should be effective. However, the requirement for cysteine in the presence of ascorbic acid was highly specific. Equally effective were D- and L-cysteine; however, of many other compounds tested, only thioglycolic acid, ascorbic acid, or L-cystine (in decreasing order) were somewhat active. Under N2 atmosphere, cysteine and ascorbic acid were still required, although their concentrations could be halved. The ability to attach in the maintenance medium was irreversibly lost after only 5 min of cysteine-ascorbic acid deprivation; however, there was no decrease in viability when the amebae were transferred to growth medium within 30 min. Cysteine thiol groups in the medium were oxidized rapidly regardless of the concentration of ascorbic acid or the presence of amebae; however, ascorbic acid prolonged attachment of amebae.  相似文献   

The plasma membrane components of the parasitic protozoan Entamoeba histolytica, the causative agent of human invasive amebiasis, have been biochemically and immunologically characterized during the last decade. In addition, genes coding for certain surface proteins have been cloned. In spite of these advances, a unified characterization of plasma membrane antigenic components of the parasite is still required for badly needed advancements in the design of useful diagnostic, epidemiologic, and immunoprophylactic tools. Here we review current knowledge on this issue and address the problem of the considerable variation in the electrophoretic profiles of plasma membrane proteins obtained by different groups. In addition, the differences in the degree of recognition of reported membrane antigens with human immune sera, and the diverse interpretations concerning the possible functions of the surface molecules characterized are discussed. A comparative analysis of plasma membrane proteins of E histolytica trophozoites using three different isolation methods revealed that it is possible to select for specific membrane proteins, depending on the lysis conditions. In our view, the method of Calderón and Avila preserves more proteins than other methods tested. Using sera from recent cases of invasive amebiasis studied by several laboratories in various geographical areas, a basic antigenic pattern of 11 principal proteins with molecular weights of 220, 170, 150, 125, 97, 80, 60, 45, 20 and 9 kDA was established for the pathogenic E histolytica strain HM1:IMSS, used by most research groups.  相似文献   

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