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Uric acid is an important antioxidant and methods to elevate its plasma concentration may be important in animal health. In a first study, the effect of dietary protein on plasma uric acid (PUA) and glucose concentrations were determined in 3-week-old chicks. Twenty-four broiler chicks were randomly assigned to four diets: a commercial control diet (C, 20% crude protein), low protein (LP) containing 10% casein, medium protein (MP) containing 20% casein or high protein (HP) containing 45% casein for a 3-week experiment. PUA concentration increased (P<0.05) in chicks fed HP diet and declined (P<0.05) in chicks fed LP while plasma glucose concentrations were lower (P<0.05) in chicks fed the LP diet at the end of the study. In a second study, PUA and leukocyte oxidative activity (LOA) were determined in broilers fed C, LP, MP or HP diets for 4 weeks. As in the first study, dietary protein directly affected PUA concentrations. In birds consuming HP diets, PUA was negatively correlated (P=0.06) with lowered LOA. These data support the view that increases in dietary protein can increase PUA concentrations, which can ameliorate oxidative stress.  相似文献   

This two year longitudinal study of managers investigated whether the level of interaction with other individuals was a job stressor that influences coronary risk factors. The results presented here show that increased levels of interaction were associated with increased serum triglyceride and increased serum uric acid levels. It is suggested that past research positing stress effects from responsibility for people may be due to interaction levels rather than responsibility per se. It was also found that Type A behavior and physical activity levels moderated these effects. While it is difficult to say that personal interaction, as a job stressor, contributes very significantly to either coronary risk factors or coronary heart disease the evidence supports the hypothesis that the amount of interaction has some specific stress effects.  相似文献   

The effect of diabetes (streptozotocin, 65 mg/kg ip), dietary protein intake (15-60%), and plasma amino acid concentrations on brain large neutral amino acid levels in rats was examined. After 20 days, the plasma concentrations of methionine and the branched chain amino acids (BCAA), valine, isoleucine, and leucine were increased in diabetic rats. In brain tissue, methionine and valine levels were increased but threonine, tyrosine, and tryptophan concentrations were depressed. Increased protein consumption promoted a diabetic-like plasma amino acid pattern in normal rats while enhancing that of diabetic animals. However, with the exception of threonine, glycine, valine, and tyrosine, there was little effect on brain amino acid levels. A good association was found between the calculated brain influx rate and the actual brain concentration of threonine, methionine, tyrosine, and tryptophan in diabetic animals. There was no correlation, however, between brain influx rate and brain BCAA levels. Thus, the brain amino acid pattern in diabetes represents the combined effects of insulin insufficiency and composition of the diet ingested on plasma amino acid levels as well as metabolic adaptation within the brain itself.  相似文献   

The effects of soy protein in women and men with elevated plasma lipids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fifty four postmenopausal women with elevated cholesterol were recruited for a randomised, double-blind controlled trial of soy protein containing isoflavones. (ISP+) or a soy protein with a low isoflavone content (ISP-), taken daily for 12 weeks. There was an overall reduction after 12 weeks in total cholesterol (TC), LDL cholesterol (LDL-C), sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), and luteinizing hormone (LH). There were no significant differences between treatment groups. In a separate study 27 male subjects with a TC > 5.5 mmol/l were given ISP+ for 12 weeks. In this male study there was a significant increase in HDL cholesterol (HDL-C) and SHBG. Soy protein has a cholesterol lowering effect in both women and men. These studies suggest that this effect is independent of isoflavones. Soy protein also reduces SHBG levels in both sexes.  相似文献   

Level of vitamin A increased in plasma and liver in hypervitaminotic A albino rats fed normal quantity of protein in diet. In low protein fed state vitamin A level in liver increased due to accumulation of vitamin A and lack of carrier protein with an associated decrease of plasma vitamin A. In high protein fed rats the level of vitamin A in plasma increased due to enhanced transport while in liver it decreased. The results indicate that for normal transport of vitamin A adequate plasma protein level is essential.  相似文献   

Organic solvents may induce non-native structures of proteins that mimic folding intermediates and/or conformations that occur in proximity to biological membranes. Here we systematically investigate the effects of simple (i.e., MeOH and EtOH) and fluorinated (i.e., trifluoroethanol, TFE) alcohols on the secondary structure and thermodynamic stability of two complementary model proteins using a combination of circular dichroism, fluorescence, and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) detection methods. The selected proteins are alpha-helical Borrelia burgdorferi VlsE and beta-sheet human mitochondrial co-chaperonin protein 10 (cpn10). We find that switches between VlsE's native and non-native superhelical and beta-sheet structures readily occur (pH 7, 20 degrees C). The pathway depends on the alcohol: addition of MeOH induces a transition to a superhelical structure that is followed by conversion to beta-structure, whereas EtOH only unfolds the protein. TFE unfolds VlsE at low percentages but promotes the formation of a superhelical state upon further additions. For cpn10, both MeOH and TFE additions govern initial unfolding; however, further additions of MeOH result in the formation of a non-native beta-structure, whereas subsequent additions of TFE induce a superhelical structure. EtOH additions promptly unfold and precipitate cpn10. Both VlsE's and cpn10's non-native structures exhibit high stability toward chemical and thermal perturbations. This study demonstrates that in response to different alcohols, polypeptides can readily adopt both alpha- and beta-enriched conformations. The biological significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

The comparative effects of diet supplementation with 10% saturated fat rich in 12:0 and 14:0 fatty acids (coconut oil), without and with 1% added cholesterol, and with 10% unsaturated fat rich in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (menhaden oil) on cholesterol metabolism in neonatal chicks were examined to clarify the different mechanisms of their hyper- and hypolipidemic action. Supplementation of coconut oil produced a significant hypercholesterolemia after 7 days of treatment, with a similar increase in the amount of both free and esterified cholesterol. Supplementation of coconut oil plus cholesterol produced a higher increase of plasma cholesterol levels (approximately two to three times higher than those found with standard diet). However, supplementation of menhaden oil induced a significant decrease in total cholesterol after only 2 weeks of treatment. Levels of plasma triglycerides did not change by coconut oil addition to the diet, but a significant increase was observed after coconut oil plus cholesterol feeding. Menhaden oil produced a transient decrease in plasma triglycerides. Hepatic 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase activity did not change with coconut oil treatment. However, both coconut oil plus cholesterol and menhaden oil supplemented diets drastically decreased reductase activity after 1 week of dietary manipulation. These results show that different nutrients with the same inhibitory effect on reductase activity produced opposite effects on plasma cholesterol content, suggesting the existence of important differences in the regulatory mechanisms implied in cholesterol biosynthesis and its accumulation in plasma.  相似文献   

Effects of dietary protein type on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced hepatitis, as assessed by plasma alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activities, were investigated in D-galactosamine (GalN)-sensitized rats. The plasma ALT and AST activities in rats fed on 25% soybean protein isolate (SPI) diet were significantly suppressed to about 1/4 and 1/5 of the values in rats fed on 25% casein diet, respectively, 8 h after the injection of LPS + GalN. Although hepatic ALT and AST activities of normal rats were also lower in the SPI group than in the casein group, this could not explain the differences in plasma enzyme activities between the two groups. The hepatic glutathione concentration of normal rats was lower in the SPI group than in the casein group, but it was reversed in rats injected with drugs. The results suggest that SPI can protect animals from LPS + GalN-induced hepatitis, and that the hepatic glutathione level may participate in the effects of SPI.  相似文献   

Omega-3 polyunsatuarted fatty acids (PUFA) are associated with hypolipidemic and anti-inflammatory effects. However, omega-3 PUFA, usually administered as triacylglycerols or ethyl esters, could also compromise glucose metabolism, especially in obese type 2 diabetics. Phospholipids represent an alternative source of omega-3 PUFA, but their impact on glucose homeostasis is poorly explored. Male C57BL/6N mice were fed for 8 weeks a corn oil-based high-fat diet (cHF) alone or cHF-based diets containing eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid (~3%; wt/wt), admixed either as a concentrate of re-esterified triacylglycerols (ω3TG) or Krill oil containing mainly phospholipids (ω3PL). Lean controls were fed a low-fat diet. Insulin sensitivity (hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamps), parameters of glucose homeostasis, adipose tissue function, and plasma levels of N-acylethanolamines, monoacylglycerols and fatty acids were determined.Feeding cHF induced obesity and worsened (~4.3-fold) insulin sensitivity as determined by clamp. Insulin sensitivity was almost preserved in ω3PL but not ω3TG mice. Compared with cHF mice, endogenous glucose production was reduced to 47%, whereas whole-body and muscle glycogen synthesis increased ~3-fold in ω3PL mice that showed improved adipose tissue function and elevated plasma adiponectin levels. Besides eicosapentaenoic and docosapentaenoic acids, principal component analysis of plasma fatty acids identified palmitoleic acid (C16:1n-7) as the most discriminating analyte whose levels were increased in ω3PL mice and correlated negatively with the degree of cHF-induced glucose intolerance.While palmitoleic acid from Krill oil may help improve glucose homeostasis, our findings provide a general rationale for using omega-3 PUFA-containing phospholipids as nutritional supplements with potent insulin-sensitizing effects.  相似文献   

转录因子是一类在生物生命活动过程中起到调控作用的重要因子,参与了各种信号转导和调控过程,可以直接或间接结合在顺式作用元件上,实现调控目标基因转录效率的抑制或增强,从而使植物在应对逆境胁迫下做出反应。 WRKY转录因子在大多数植物体内都有分布,是一类进化非常保守的转录因子家族,参与植物生长发育以及响应逆境胁迫的生理过程。众多研究表明,WRKY转录因子在植物中能够应答各种生物胁迫,如细菌、病毒和真菌等;多种非生物胁迫,包括高温、冷害、高光和高盐等;以及在各种植物激素,包括茉莉酸( JA)、水杨酸( SA)、脱落酸( ABA)和赤霉素( GA)等,在其信号传递途径中都起着重要作用。 WRKY转录因子家族蛋白至少含有一段60个氨基酸左右的高度保守序列,被称为WRKY结构域,其中WRKYGQK多肽序列是最为保守的,因此而得名。该转录因子的WRKY结构域能与目标基因启动子中的顺式作用元件W ̄box( TTGAC序列)特异结合,从而调节目标基因的表达,其调控基因表达主要受病原菌、虫咬、机械损伤、外界胁迫压力和信号分子的诱导。该文介绍了植物WRKY转录因子在植物应对冷害、干旱、高盐等非生物胁迫与病菌、虫害等生物胁迫反应中的重要调控功能,并总结了WRKY转录因子在调控这些逆境胁迫反应过程中的主要生理机制。  相似文献   

Storage proteins have been found to play a major role in insect metamorphosis and egg production and are accumulated during the actively feeding larval stage. Yet few studies have focused on how nutrition affects storage protein levels. Three storage proteins were identified in male and female Heliothis virescens pupae, one arylphorin and two putative high-methionine hexamers. Storage proteins were quantified in early pupae and in pharate adults. Storage protein levels peaked in 48-h pupae and were more abundant in females across all stages. Both male and female pharate adults retained a portion of total storage protein levels and females retained greater levels overall. In females, post-eclosion protein reserves will likely be used toward egg manufacturing, while the role of protein reserves in males remains speculative. In our previous study of H. virescens larvae, we found that protein-derived growth in females progressively increased as dietary protein levels increased. Our present data show that levels of storage protein also increased progressively along with dietary protein levels. This suggests that females allocated protein, in excess of adult tissue formation needs, toward storage protein. Our study is the first to demonstrate how responsive storage protein levels can be in face of varying levels of dietary protein.  相似文献   

Beneficial effects of soy protein consumption on bone quality have been reported. The effects of other dietary protein sources such as whey protein hydrolysate (WPH) and rice protein isolate (RPI) on bone growth have been less well examined. The current study compared effects of feeding soy protein isolate (SPI), WPH and RPI for 14 d on tibial bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral content (BMC) in intact and ovariectomized (OVX) rapidly growing female rats relative to animals fed casein (CAS). The effects of estrogenic status on responses to SPI were also explored. Tibial peripheral quantitative computerized tomography (pQCT) showed all three protein sources had positive effects on either BMD or BMC relative to CAS (P < 0.05), but SPI had greater effects in both intact and OVX female rats. SPI and E2 had positive effects on BMD and BMC in OVX rats (P < 0.05). However, trabecular BMD was lower in a SPI + E2 group compared to a CAS + E2 group. In OVX rats, SPI increased serum bone formation markers, and serum from SPI-fed rats stimulated osteoblastogenesis in ex vivo. SPI also suppressed the bone resorption marker RatLaps (P < 0.05). Both SPI and E2 increased alkaline phosphatase gene expression in bone, but only SPI decreased receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB ligand (RANKL) and estrogen receptor gene expression (P < 0.05). These data suggest beneficial bone effects of a soy diet in rapidly growing animals and the potential for early soy consumption to increase peak bone mass.  相似文献   

N-acylethanolamines (NAEs) are endogenous lipid-signaling molecules involved in satiety and energetics; however, how diet impacts circulating NAE concentrations and their downstream metabolic actions in humans remains unknown. Objectives were to examine effects of diets enriched with high-oleic canola oil (HOCO) or HOCO blended with flaxseed oil (FXCO), compared with a Western diet (WD), on plasma NAE levels and the association with energy expenditure and substrate oxidation. Using a randomized controlled crossover design, 36 hypercholesterolemic participants consumed three isoenergetic diets for 28 days, each containing 36% energy from fat, of which 70% was HOCO, FXCO, or WD. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-MS/MS was used to measure plasma NAE levels and indirect calorimetry to assess energy expenditure and substrate oxidation. After 28 days, compared with WD, plasma oleoylethanolamide (OEA) and alpha-linolenoyl ethanolamide (ALEA) levels were significantly increased in response to HOCO and FXCO (P = 0.002, P < 0.001), respectively. Correlation analysis demonstrated an inverse association between plasma OEA levels and percent body fat (r = −0.21, P = 0.04), and a positive association was observed between the plasma arachidonoyl ethanolamide (AEA)/OEA ratio and android:gynoid fat (r = 0.23, P = 0.02), respectively. Results suggest that plasma NAE levels are upregulated via their dietary lipid substrates and may modulate regional and total fat mass through lipid-signaling mechanisms.  相似文献   

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