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The role of intracellular calcium in changes in excitability and responses of defense behavior command neurons LP11 and PP11 of Helix lucorum to sensory stimulation was investigated in semi-intact preparation of a snail during nociceptive sensitization. It was found that application of sensitizing stimuli onto the snail's head initiated membrane depolarization, increase in its excitability as well as depression of neural responses evoked by sensory stimuli in short-term period of sensitization and significant facilitation of neural responses in long-term period of sensitization. To elucidate the contribution of LP11 and PP11 neurons in plasticity rearrangements involved in the mechanisms of sensitization, we applied sensitizing stimuli during strong hyperpolarization of the neurons or after intracellular injection of calcium chelators. Application of sensitizing stimuli during hyperpolarization of the neurons suppressed the increase in membrane excitability and depressed the neural responses evoked by chemical stimulation of snail's head i.m. short- and long-term periods of sensitization. At the same time, synaptic facilitation of neural responses evoked by tactile stimulation of snail's head and foot was observed, which was similar to synaptic facilitation in the control sensitized snail. Intracellular injection of EGTA or BARTA (calcium chelators) before sensitization suppressed synaptic facilitation in neural responses evoked by sensory stimulation. Under these conditions, the increase in excitability was more pronounced then in the control snail neurons. The experimental results suggest the changes in neural responses evoked by sensory stimulation in sensitized snails involve postsynaptic calcium-dependent mechanisms of plasticity in LP11 and PP11 neurons.  相似文献   

Effects of met-enkephalin (opioid peptide) and naloxone (opioid antagonist) on nociceptive sensitization were studied in L-RP11 Helix neurons. In control snails sensitizing stimulation produced reversible membrane depolarization and depression of neural responses evoked by sensory stimuli during the short-term stage of sensitization and facilitation of these responses at the long-term stage. Met-enkephalin (10 but not 0.1 microM) suppressed the neural responses evoked by nociceptive stimuli. Sensitizing stimulation during metenkephalin application prevented the facilitation of neural responses evoked by tactile stimulation of snail head, whereas facilitation of neural responses evoked by chemical stimulation of head or tactile stimulation of foot were similar to that in control sensitized snails. Sensitizing stimulation during met-enkephalin and/or naloxone application prevented the facilitation of neural responses evoked by chemical stimulation of snail head, whereas responses evoked by tactile stimulation of snail head or foot were facilitated (as in neurons of control sensitized snails). Opioids are suggested to be involved in regulation of nociceptive mechanisms and selective induction of long-term plasticity in L-RP11 neural inputs activated by tactile of chemical stimulation of snail head.  相似文献   

Opioid peptides effects on neural membrane as well as neural responses evoked by sensory stimuli with different modality and site of application, were investigated in L-RPII command neurones of defensive behaviour of semi-intact preparation in the land snail Helix lucorum. Met-enkephalin (10 uM) application onto the snail CNS increases membrane excitability and produces facilitation of neural responses evoked by quinine solution (0.5%) application onto snail head and depression of reactions evoked by tactile stimulation of the head. Met-enkephalin in dose of 0.1 uM initiates only a depression of neural responses evoked by tactile stimulation of the head. Leu-enkephalin (10 uM) application suppresses neural reactions evoked by tactile stimulation of the head. Membrane excitability and neural responses evoked by quinine application onto the snail head do not change after leu-enkephalin administration. Effects appear 10-20 min after initiation of the peptide application. Initial neural responses were observed 15-30 min after CNS washing with Ringer solution. In addition, facilitation of neural responses evoked by chemical stimulation of the snail head was found 30-50 min after leu-enkephalin washing. Peptides do not change neural responses evoked by tactile stimulation of the snail foot. Neural effects of peptides were prevented by simultaneous naloxon administration (50 uM). Experimental results show selective opioid peptides' effects on excitability and plasticity of L-RPII neural inputs with site- and modality-specifics.  相似文献   

The effects of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor antagonist (+)-MK-801 hydrogen maleate (MR801) on plasticity of different sensory inputs of the L-RPl1 command neurons were studied in Helix lucorum snail during nociceptive sensitization. Application of sensitizing stimulation onto the snail head or foot in the control semi-intact preparation initiated depression of neural responses evoked by tactile or chemical sensory stimulation during the short-term period of sensitization and significant facilitation of neural responses during the long-period of sensitization. Sensitizing stimulation of snail head against the background of MK-801 application (10-30 microM) produced a pronounced depression of neural responses to chemical stimulation of the head both in the short- and long-term sensitization periods. At the same time, sensitizing stimulation of the foot or head during the MK-801 application produced the same changes in neural responses to chemical stimulation of the foot and tactile stimulation of the foot or head as in the control preparation. It can be suggested that NMDA-like glutamate receptors are selectively involved in the mechanisms of plasticity induction in the synaptic inputs of the command LPl1 and RPl1 neurons, which process the information resulting from chemical excitation of the snail head (a specific receptor skin site for these neurons in Helix lucorum).  相似文献   

Polymyxin B (proteinkinase C inhibitor) effects on nociceptive sensitization of semiintact preparation were investigated in LP11 and RP11 snail neurons. It was found that application of sensitizing stimuli to control snail head initiated neural membrane depolarization, increase its excitability as well as depression of neural responses evoked by sensory stimulation during short-term stage. Polymyxin B application suppressed neural responses evoked by sensitizing (nociceptive) stimuli. At the same time changes in neural membrane excitability as well as neural responses evoked by tactile stimulation of snail foot or chemical stimulation of snail head were similar with ones in control snails. Polymyxin Bdid does not change the depression of neural responses evoked by tactile stimulation of snail head during short-term stages of sensitization but significantly suppressed facilitation of neural responses evoked by tactile stimulation of snail head during long-term stage of sensitization. It was suggested that proteinkinase C is involved in regulation of nociceptive mechanisms as well as in plasticity selective induction mechanisms in command neuron synaptic inputs activated by tactile stimulation of snail head.  相似文献   

The effects of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptor antagonists on the mechanisms of nociceptive sensitization were studied in LPl1 and RPl1 neurons of the semiintact preparation of a Helix lucorum snail. Application of sensitizing stimuli on the head part of the control preparation led to a depolarization of the membrane and increase in its excitability. A depression of responses of neurons evoked by tactile or chemical sensory stimulation during the short-term period and significant facilitation of responses during the long-term period of sensitization were observed. Sensitization performed under conditions of application of NMDA antagonists (AP5 or MK801) produced similar changes in membrane potential, membrane excitability, and neuronal responses evoked by tactile stimulation of the head or foot. However, the chemical stimulation of the head under these conditions evoked a significant depression of responses during the short- and long-term sensitization periods. The results suggest that the NMDA glutamate receptor antagonists selectively affect the plasticity induction mechanisms of the command neuron synaptic inputs, which mediate the chemical sensory stimulation from the snail's head.  相似文献   

It was found that nociceptive sensitization was followed by long-term facilitation of synaptic responses evoked by chemical sensory stimulation of the snail "head", tactile stimulation of the snail "head" and foot in LP11 command neuron of defence behavior in snail Helix lucorum. Sensitizing stimulation during the intracellular injection of antisense olygonucleotide immediate early gene zif268 resulted in a selective suppression of synaptic facilitation in LP11 neuron responses evoked by tactile and chemical stimulation of the snail "head". At the same time, development of synaptic facilitation of responses in the LP11 neuron evoked by tactile stimulation of the foot was the same as in control sensitized snails. The results suggest that immediate early gene zif268 is selectively involved in the mechanisms of specific regulation of plasticity of the synaptic "input" of LP11 neuron from sensory receptors of the snail "head".  相似文献   

Repeated tactile stimulation of the skin evoked sensitization and subsequent habituation of a behavioral avoidance reaction of pneumostome closure in the land snail, Helix lucorum L. Spike responses in putative command neurons for avoidance behavior increased and subsequently decreased parallel to behavioral events. Decrease of spike responses in command neurons was due to decreased synaptic input evoked by repeated tactile stimulation. Intracellular investigation of the increase in the spike response in command neurons for pneumostome closure, which underlies behavioral sensitization, revealed a synpatically-evoked, long-lasting depolarization. No conductance changes during this depolarization were found, but neuronal excitability was altered.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological parameters and bound calcium (Ca(b)) level dynamics during sensitization development or conditioning of food aversion were studied in the command neurons of defense behaviour in the snail Helix lucorum. Responses evoked by a testing sensory stimulus were facilitated 50-60 min after the first sensitizing stimulation, while conditioned responses appeared 80-90 min after the first conditioning. It was the most essential electrophysiological difference between the long-term sensitization and conditioning. Analysis of the Ca(b)) dynamics in the neurons showed significant differences in calcium-dependent metabolism during the sensitization and conditioning, likely underlying the electrophysiological differences.  相似文献   

Vital investigation of genome activity and its role in mechanisms of long-term synaptic plasticity formation were studied in LP11 neuron (command neurone of defence behaviour) during sensitisation (simple form of learning) in semi-intact preparation of snail Helix lucorum. Genome activity was investigate by means of specific fluorescent dye SYTO 16 and image analysis system. It was found that application of sensitizing stimulation (10% quinine solution) onto the snail head initiate two-phase changes in neural responses evoked by tactile or chemical stimulation. Depression of neural responses was obtained during short-term phase (during 1 hour after sensitization) and facilitation of neural responses--during long-term phases (over 1 hour). At the same time (15-20 min after learning), a significant increase in SYTO 16 fluorescent level was found in nucleus site LP11 neurone. Initial SYTO 16 fluorescence level was registered in 4-5 hours after sensitization. If the sensitization was produced during actinomycin D application (inhibitor of RNA synthesis, 20 microM) then facilitation of neural responses evoked by sensory stimulation were suppressed during long-term phase of sensitization and was the same as in control sensitized snails during short-term phase of learning. Increase in SYTO 16 fluorescence level in nucleus region site of LP11 neurone was completely prevented in sensitization during actinomycin D application. If actinomycin D was applied 30 min after sensitization (1 hour after first sensitizing stimulation) then synaptic facilitation and fluorescent dynamics was the same as in control sensitized snails. Our experimental data showed that nociceptive sensitization development was followed by quick (15-20 min) DNA activation and long-term synaptic facilitation (1 hour after sensitization), while induction of the processes was suppressed by inhibitor of RNA synthesis during short time interval (during 1 hour of learning).  相似文献   

Perfusion of the snail (Helix lucorum L.) CNS with DG-AVP (concentration 10(-6) M) in the course of low frequency intracellular stimulation (2-4-minute interval) of the defensive reflex command neurons led to an increase in the excitability. It was expressed both in the reduction of the spike generation latency, in the increased number of spikes in response to fixed stimuli, and in the activation of pacemaker potentials. If DG-AVP was added to the medium during endoneuronal habituation, there was no increase in the excitability. It is supposed that modification of the neuronal excitability may be caused by the DG-AVP effect on the pacemaker mechanism.  相似文献   

The postjunctional potentials and chronoinotropic reactions of the heart evoked by activation of multimodal neurons and/or left pallial nerve were investigated in three species of land pulmonates: Achatina fulica Ferrussac, Helix lucorum L., Arianta arbustorum L. Both spikes of giant homologous neurons (d-VLN, d-RPLN by A. fulica, command neurons of pneumostoma LPa3, RPa3 by H. lucorum) and stimulation of the peripheral end of the left pallial nerve evoked the similar biphasic inhibitory-excitatory junction potentials in the heart, in mantle muscles and in different parts of visceral complex. The positive chronoinotropic effects of this input in the hearts of whole-mount preparations were modified due to interaction with well-known neural cardioregulating network of the system of intestinal nerve.  相似文献   

The influence of antibodies against total S100 protein fraction (AB-S100) and S100b protein (AB-S100b) on the activity of LP11 and RP11 neurons were studied in naive snails and during the nociceptive sensitization. Application of AB-S100 or AB-S100b (0.1 mg/ml) initiated membrane depolarization, increase in its excitability, and depression of neural responses to sensory stimulation in nonsensitized snails. The sensitization produced facilitation of neural transmission and increase in membrane excitability. Exposure to AB-S100 or AB-S100b (0.1 mg/ml) during sensitization substantially reduced its effects on neural transmission and membrane excitability. The difference between the extent of synaptic facilitation in neurons of sensitized snails and neurons of snails sensitized under conditions of AB-S100 or AB-S100b application was comparable with synaptic depression in neurons of naive snails produced by the isolated application of AB-S100 or AB-S100b. Application of AB-S100 of AB-S100b in the dose of 0.01 mg/ml did not change the parameters of neural activity. The obtained evidence suggest that S100 proteins (in particular, S100b) in L-RP11 neurons are involved in the mechanisms of membrane excitability, regulation of membrane potential and synaptic transmission in naive snails and in the mechanisms of membrane plasticity in the neurons during development of nociceptive sensitization.  相似文献   

The present communication concerns with the analysis of elementary and the compound excitatory postsynaptic potentials (eEPSPs and cEPSPs) recorded by intracellular microelectrode from an identified defensive command neuron of the snail Helix lucorum. The eEPSPs were evoked by single presynaptic action potentials (APs) elicited by cationic current injection into one of the identified sensory neurons synapsing on the respective command neuron. The cEPSPs were elicited by local brief tactile stimuli on the skin or internal organs. It was shown that the cEPSPs amplitudes depend mainly on the number of activated sensory neurons. Compound EPSPs depend also on frequency and the number of APs in the bursts occurring in a single neuron. Presynaptic APs having frequency 2-10 Hz evoke high frequency depression of that eEPSPs after an interval is followed by post-tetanic potentiation of single eEPSPs. Preceding stimulation of a pneumostom area facilitates the cEPSPs elicited by repeated stimulation of viscera. The eEPSPs from the same visceral area demonstrate no heterosynaptic facilitation in experiments with double parallel intracellular recording from responsive sensory and command neurons. The different types of the eEPSPs plasticity are discussed according to their contribution cEPSPs plastic changes.  相似文献   

Extraneuronal application of db-cAMP or intraneuronal injection of cAMP were found to increase the neural membrane excitability and synaptic facilitation in neural responses to sensory stimulation of Lpl1 and Rpl1 neurones. The db-cAMP exerted no effects on neural responses to tactile stimulation of the snail foot or mantle. The intraneuronal injection of cAMP produced synaptic facilitation only in neural responses to quinine application to the snail head. The findings suggest the cAMP selective involvement in postsynaptic mechanisms of inducing the long-term facilitation transient stage.  相似文献   

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