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1995年7月17日,CNPPA/IUCN委员会主席B.Lucos先生代表新西兰政府考察哈纳斯自然保护区后,曾讲过这样一段话:“哈纳斯也许是当今地球上为数不多的至今没有被开发、利用的景观之一,开发它的价值,在于证明人类过去那无比美好的栖身地……”。的确,哈纳斯有一种独特的、憾人心灵的原始美,它不仅仅是以泰加林生态系统为主的众多珍稀动物、植物的集中分布  相似文献   

长白山生物圈保护区旅游的环境影响研究   总被引:19,自引:3,他引:19  
生态旅游可以简单地定义为发生在那些具有独特的风景、特殊的生态学价值和具有纯粹自然性的受保护区域的旅游活动,也可以被理解为广义旅游的一部分,即可为自然和文化资源保护提供经济支持的一种旅游。根据生态旅游协会的定义(1991),生态旅游是一种前往自然区域以...  相似文献   

<正>无须讳言,今日的长白山已美色大减。风倒木生产、红松种子生产和旅游大开发这几场重度的人为干扰破坏已经侵蚀了这一块稀世净土。有年轻的朋友问,当初的长白山是什么样子?到哪儿能多少感受一下长白山给你的最初的震撼和那种美妙的感觉?  相似文献   

旅游干扰对喀纳斯自然保护区植物群落的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究不同强度旅游干扰对喀纳斯自然保护区西伯利亚云杉(Picea obovata)林、草甸群落和金露梅(Potentilla fruticosa)灌丛的群落物种组成、物种多样性以及土壤理化性质的影响.结果表明:(1)在不同强度干扰下,云杉林中灌木层与草本层物种组成存在较大差别,随着干扰强度的增大,群落物种多样性呈先上升后下降的变化;(2)草甸群落Shannon-Wiener多样性指数随干扰强度的增大有下降趋势,土壤理化性质也受到了影响;(3)围栏内外两个金露梅灌丛群落在不同的干扰强度下,群落优势度和均匀度具有显著差异(P<0.05),土壤理化性质也存在显著差异.土壤理化性质的改变在一定程度上也改变了群落的物种多样性.  相似文献   

碧塔海自然保护区科考旅游开发探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
科考旅游是一种高品位的生态旅游活动 ,是通过旅游地深层次开发 ,突出其科学文化内涵 ,以满足人们探索大自然奥秘的好奇心 ,提高科学知识水平的旅游项目[1 ] 。科学普及和环境教育是自然保护区的重要功能之一[2 ] ,根据自然保护区的特点和资源类型 ,科学合理地开发、设计科考旅游项目 ,一方面可满足游客对当地自然景观、生态系统及其生态过程和动植物区系认识的需求 ,在欣赏人与自然和谐美的过程中 ,增强公众保护自然的意识 ;另一方面 ,增强旅游地吸引力 ,使旅游业更广泛地面向社会 ,与市场经济接轨 ,为保护提供资金来源。因此 ,科考旅游是…  相似文献   

<正>借助作者清晰的记忆,我们得以严肃地审视一个国家自然保护区的"三大案例"——三次有组织的人为干扰是怎样摧残美丽、神圣、充满生物多样性的长白山的?我们看到了"风倒木案"中装傻充愣、浑水摸鱼的洗劫者,"红松籽案"中将野生动物的食物卖给外界者,"保护区宾馆案"中将保护区推向人工化建设的"大手笔"。我们看到了20  相似文献   

芦芽山自然保护区旅游开发与植被环境的关系   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
程占红  张峰等 《生态学报》2002,22(10):1765-1773
采用敏感水平、群落景观重要值、物种多样性信息指数等一系列评价指标,探讨了芦芽山自然保护区旅游开发与植被生态环境的关系。通过一系列评价指标分析,结果表明:保护站-冰口凹段,敏感水平不断增大,景观重要值不断减小;冰口凹到2420m段,敏感水平开始逐步减小,景观重要值则不断上升;2420-2580m段,敏感水平又开始逐步回升,景观重要值又迅速下降。物种多样性信息指数随着海拔的不断上升,呈一条波动且渐趋上升的曲线。但阴生种比值不能很好地反映生态环境质量的优劣。这些指标的变化趋势和其相互关系相吻合,且与植被现状大体一致,反映了整个自然保护区植物群落的旅游价值及其生态环境质量。同时,距游径的水平距离对植物群落及其景观特征的影响也较为明显。研究结果较好地反映了芦芽山旅游开发现状,与实际状况大致吻合,说明这一方法是可行的。  相似文献   

长白山中华蜜蜂种质资源丰富,具有开发特色,然而,长白山区生态环境破坏严重,中华蜜蜂的生存和繁衍受到严重威胁,如何才能有效保护中华蜜蜂资源多样性,发展长白山特色蜂业经济,实现中华蜜蜂资源的可持续发展,已经迫在眉睫。最近几年,国家逐渐认识到保护中华蜜蜂的重要性和紧迫性,专门设立了中华蜜蜂保护区,对中华蜜蜂进行保护。笔者根据多年的工作经验,对如何保护好长白山中华蜜蜂谈一点浅薄看法。  相似文献   

采用旅游影响系数对芦芽山自然保护区旅游开发与植被环境的关系进行了继续探讨。结果表明:(1)6个旅游影响因子之间的正负相关性均很好地体现了旅游活动对各因子影响的规律性,同时也说明了旅游影响因子的选择与确定以及对其赋值的正确性。它们与自然地理因子、人文地理因子的相关性说明了它们作为评价指标的可行性,同时也说明旅游活动是景区管理的主要对象。(2)根据旅游影响系数评价分级可知,整个自然保护区管理水平呈良级和中等水平,某些地段已出现危机感。其中,冰口凹和山顶附近是人为活动影响最强烈、质量管理最差的地段。评价分级的结果较好地反映了芦芽山旅游开发现状,与实际状况大致吻合,说明这一方法是可行的。(3)评价指标之间的相关性表明,距游径的水平距离愈远,敏感水平愈低,景观重要值愈大,物种多样性信息指数愈大或者稳定,旅游影响系数愈小。  相似文献   

There has been considerable ongoing debate about the extent to which the impacts of introduced deer on native vegetation have replaced those of moa, and since the 1980s there have been major changes in thinking about the impacts of deer and ratites on ecosystems. Although it has long been known that deer caused a predictable sequence of changes in forest understorey composition, recent work has shown that the foliage of species preferred by deer contains lower concentrations of fibre ? and decomposes faster ? than avoided species. Analyses of long-term permanent plot data suggest that some preferred species are failing to regenerate in forest types where deer are present. As well as likely altering the long-term biogeochemistry of forest ecosystems, deer have a strong negative effect on the abundance of litter-dwelling macrofauna (most likely through trampling). Estimating the impacts of extinct taxa on an ecosystem has much uncertainty, but recent experiments have shown that extant ratites and deer may have more similar feeding preferences than previously believed. It is likely that moa were important seed dispersers, but this has not been studied for deer in New Zealand. Although collectively the various taxa of deer in New Zealand use all of the habitats utilised by moa, and there is partial overlap in the diets of deer and moa, deer can attain densities and biomasses 100- fold greater than reasonably surmised for moa. We believe that the impacts of introduced deer on ecosystems are markedly different from those of moa. One way to compare the impacts of moa and deer is to use pollen to reconstruct the vegetation at a forested site in recent millennia and evaluate vegetation dynamics during the moa period, following the extinction of moa but prior to the arrival of deer (i.e. the moa gap), and following the arrival of deer. We illustrate the potential of this approach with a soil core from Chester Burn, Murchison Mountains in Fiordland. Five other areas that deserve further research are also identified.  相似文献   

The draft genome sequences of several primates are available, providing insights into evolutionary and anthropological research. However, genomic resources from New World monkeys are conspicuously lacking. To date, the genomes of only two platyrrhine species, the common marmoset and the Bolivian squirrel monkey, have been fully sequenced. This is especially limiting for comparative genomics research, considering that New World monkeys are the most speciose primate group, and platyrrhine genetic diversity is comparable to that of the catarrhines (i.e. apes and Old World monkeys). Here, we present the generation and annotation of numerous sequence reads from the genomes of Spider monkey (Ateles belzebuth), Owl monkey (Aotus lemurinus) and Uakari (Cacajao calvus), representing the three platyrrhine families, Atelidae, Cebidae and Pitheciidae, respectively. These sequencing reads were developed from gDNA shotgun libraries containing over 3000 individual sequences with an average length of 726 bps. Of these sequences, 1220 contain <20% repeats, and thus are potentially highly useful phylogenetic markers for other platyrrhine species. Among them, a large number of sequencing reads were found to match unique regions within the human (2462 sequences) and the marmoset (2829 sequences) genomes. In particular, the majority of these sequencing reads are from putatively neutrally evolving intergenic regions. Thus, they are likely to be highly informative for inferring neutral evolutionary patterns and genomic evolution for other New World monkeys.  相似文献   

旅游活动及伴随的人流、车流逐渐成为野生动物的主要干扰源,威胁着濒危物种的繁殖和生存。准确认识旅游活动对野生动物的影响是制定保护对策和提高保护成效的基础,但生态学领域有关旅游对野生动物影响的量化研究还比较少,可借鉴的评估方法仍较为缺乏。本研究比较唐家河国家级自然保护区旅游开发前(2000年)和开发后(2012年)大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)痕迹点距离路线的平均回避距离和最小回避距离,发现大熊猫对徒步路线表现出明显的回避效应,表明近年来的旅游活动对大熊猫确实产生了影响。通过最小回避距离和距离递增法确定旅游活动对大熊猫的影响等级和阈值距离。确定了距离徒步路线和自驾路线的第一等级距离阈值分别为0~57 m和0~460 m、第二等级为57~800 m和460~1 000 m、第三等级为800~1 400 m和大于1 000 m。基于距离徒步路线和自驾路线一定范围内的痕迹点分布数量,大熊猫对不同路线两侧每100 m的栖息地平均利用频率分别为1.9±0.23和0.8±0.15,通过Mann-Whitney U检验,发现二者间存在显著性差异(Z=﹣3.48,P=0.000)。通过对每100 m海拔区间内大熊猫痕迹距离自驾路线和徒步路线的距离分析,发现二者差异显著(t=3.76,P=0.003),对自驾路线,大熊猫在海拔2 000~2 100 m时回避距离最小,而对徒步路线,最小回避距离发生在2 100~2 200 m。基于本研究,为自然保护区内最小接触区或禁止旅游区的划分提供了依据,同时为其他保护区探索适合的生态旅游影响评价方法提供了示范和经验。  相似文献   

Temperature stress (cold, heat) during reproductive development is one of the serious constraints to the productivity of grain legumes as their cultivation is expanding to warmer environments and temperature variability is increasing due to climate change. Grain legumes exposed to temperature below 10-15°C or above 30°C show flower abortion, pollen and ovule infertility, impaired fertilization, and reduced seed filling, leading to substantial reduction in grain yield. For managing these effects of temperature extremes, it is important to improve the resistance of grain legumes by using improved breeding and genetic engineering tools. In this review article, the impact of both high and low temperature stress on different phases of the reproductive stage, from meiosis to grain filling, and the sensitivity of different reproductive organs to temperature extremes are discussed. The review also covers the management options to improve resistance to temperature stress in grain legumes. Furthermore, innovative breeding, genetic and molecular strategies in grain legumes against temperature stress are also discussed.  相似文献   

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