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云南横坑切梢小蠹生物学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叶辉  吕军 《昆虫学报》2004,47(2):223-228
横坑切梢小蠹Tomicus minor (Hartig)是云南松Pinus yunnanensis Franchet的主要次期性害虫之一。1980年以来,该虫与纵坑切梢小蠹T. piniperda(L.)一起在中国西南部大量发生,导致数十万公顷云南松林受害。本文报道了横坑切梢小蠹在云南地区的生活史、生长、发育、繁殖等生物学特征。横坑切梢小蠹年生活史为一代,前后两代在冬春季有部分重叠。成虫羽化于4月下旬开始陆续,5 月下旬结束。成虫羽化后即飞到树冠上蛀食枝梢,直到11月发育成熟,开始繁殖。在此期间,每头成虫可以蛀食4~6个枝梢。横坑切梢小蠹在云南没有越冬习性。繁殖期从11月至次年3月。成虫主要在已经受到纵坑切梢小蠹危害的树木的中、下部产卵。繁殖期较纵坑切梢小蠹约迟1周。由于横坑切梢小蠹从枝梢到树干对云南松持续危害,对树木的危害性较在其它地区更为严重。横坑切梢小蠹利用受到纵坑切梢小蠹蛀害的树木繁殖产卵,加强了蠹虫对云南松树的危害,加速了受害树木的死亡进程。横坑切梢小蠹的上述生物生态学特征是该虫对云南松造成严重危害的重要原因。从横坑切梢小蠹虫体和虫坑中检测到伴生真菌云南半帚孢Leptographium yunnanensis。横坑切梢小蠹对该菌的带菌率在蛀梢期为11.5%;在蛀干中期约为10%~26%。  相似文献   

纵坑切梢小蠹对云南松蛀害研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
叶辉 《昆虫学报》1999,42(4):394-400
在昆明地区,纵坑切梢小蠹Tomicus piniperda L.表现出枝梢聚集、树干蛀害等重要的行为学特征,形成三种基本蛀害模式。横坑切梢小蠹、蓝色伴生真菌参与了纵坑切梢小蠹危害过程,并在其中发挥积极作用。上述因素的综合影响,加强了纵坑切梢小蠹对云南松Pinus yunnanensis寄主树木的危害能力。  相似文献   

纵坑切梢小蠹对云南松蛀害研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
叶辉 《昆虫学报》1999,42(4):394-400
在昆明地区,纵坑切梢小蠹Tomicus piniperda L.表现出枝梢聚集、树干蛀害等重要的行为学特征,形成三种基本蛀害模式。横坑切梢小蠹、蓝色伴生真菌参与了纵坑切梢小蠹危害过程,并在其中发挥积极作用。上述因素的综合影响,加强了纵坑切梢小蠹对云南松Pinus yunnanensis寄主树木的危害能力。  相似文献   

【目的】云南切梢小蠹Tomicus yunnanensis KirkendallFaccoli和横坑切梢小蠹Tomicus minor(Hartig)是中国云南地区两种危害松属Pinus L.植物的钻蛀性害虫,常在云南松Pinus yunnanensis Faranch.上共同危害,通过蛀梢和蛀干为害造成树木衰弱死亡,生态破坏,带来经济损失。【方法】通过样地调查和树木解析,对两种小蠹在"梢转干"及"干转梢"时期的时间和空间生态位进行了研究。【结果】"梢转干"时期之后,横坑切梢小蠹主要分布在主干中下部,云南切梢小蠹分布在主干中上部;侧枝上主要分布着云南切梢小蠹,而横坑切梢小蠹数量很少;5月中旬进入"干转梢"阶段,两种小蠹同时进入羽化期,云南切梢小蠹在6月1日左右到达羽化高峰期,横坑切梢小蠹则比其晚10 d左右到达羽化高峰期;两种小蠹成虫转梢危害后随机分布。两种小蠹的时间和空间生态位宽度均较大,发生期较长,在云南松上分布范围较广。两种小蠹空间生态位重叠较小,在云南松上的分布趋于分离,对空间资源的需求具有较大差异;而时间生态位重叠较大,在云南松的生长季节能同时危害,且发生期较一致,危害期长。【结论】两种小蠹在空间生态位上的种间竞争强度较小,而在时间生态位上的竞争较大。通过研究比较两种切梢小蠹时间及空间生态位的特性及差异,为遥感监测云南松林的生物灾害提供了支撑依据。  相似文献   

纵坑切梢小蠹对云南松枝梢提取物趋性测试   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
纵坑切梢小蠹TomicuspiniperdaL .是松科树木的蛀食性害虫。在过去近 2 0多年中 ,该虫已毁灭云南松林 2 0余万hm2 ,成为目前云南森林的第一大虫害[1] 。在云南 ,纵坑切梢小蠹常年在云南松 (Pi nusyunnanensis)枝梢内或树皮下蛀食生活 ,活动  相似文献   

【目的】云南松Pinus yunnanensis Faranch是我国西南地区的重要造林绿化树种。近年来,云南省祥云县云南松林受到云南切梢小蠹Tomicus yunnanensis KirkendallFaccoli和横坑切梢小蠹Tomicus minor Hartig的共同危害。本文对两种害虫在蛀梢期的危害特性和空间分布进行了研究,以期为切梢小蠹的发生监测及防治提供依据。【方法】利用地统计学方法分析不同受害程度云南松林内两种切梢小蠹成虫蛀梢期的空间分布特性。【结果】受害程度不同的云南松林内两种切梢小蠹的危害差异显著,轻度受害林分内受害梢率为11.38%,中度受害林分内受害梢率为36.56%,而重度受害林分则达到59.7%。分析全方向的变异函数曲线图得知,蛀梢期两种切梢小蠹在不同受害云南松林中均呈聚集分布。其中,两种切梢小蠹在不同受害林分中空间依赖范围依次是:轻度受害林分中度受害林分重度受害林分,而局部空间连续性依次是:轻度受害林分中度受害林分重度受害林分。【结论】云南松林两种切梢小蠹成虫在蛀梢期的空间分布格局为聚集分布,明确两者在该时期存在聚集危害的特性,导致云南松因树梢受到聚集危害变为衰落木,从而有利于成虫蛀干危害和繁殖。本文为探究两种切梢小蠹在云南松林中的危害机制提供理论基础,也为虫害监测及防治提供参考与技术支持。  相似文献   

叶辉  母其爱  吕军  张东华 《昆虫知识》2004,41(6):555-558
云南半帚孢 (Leptogramphyunnanensis)是纵坑切梢小蠹Tomicuspiniperda重要的共生真菌 ,在纵坑切梢小蠹危害寄主树木过程中发挥着重要作用。研究揭示 ,纵坑切梢小蠹主要通过与受到感染云南半帚孢的韧皮组织的接触携带上云南半帚孢的。纵坑切梢小蠹卵、幼虫和蛹对云南半帚孢的带菌率较高 ,均大于 90 % ,而成虫的带菌率较低。纵坑切梢小蠹的体表和体内均携带有云南半帚孢 ,但体表带菌是纵坑切梢小蠹带菌的主要途径。通过对纵坑切梢小蠹成虫头、足、翅和腹部带菌率的研究发现 ,云南半帚孢在纵坑切梢小蠹各部位的分布大体相同 ,揭示纵坑切梢小蠹没有携带云南半帚孢的特化构造或器官。  相似文献   

【目的】云南松Pinus yunnanensis Franch是我国西南地区重要的生态林造林树种之一。钻蛀性害虫松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope、几种切梢小蠹Tomicus spp.、微红梢斑螟Dioryctria rubella Hampson和一种病害松针褐斑病Lecanosticta acicola能在云南松人工林内严重发生,对森林健康构成威胁。本研究选取树冠枯梢率作为云南松树势的评价标准,筛选出引起树冠枯梢的主要因子,建立云南松树冠受害表征与不同种类(数量)有害生物复合危害之间的关系,以期探索对云南松有害生物进行遥感监测预警的精准判别方法。【方法】设置标准地,抽样选择35株受害状为局部枝梢枯萎和29株系统性萎蔫的云南松,分别调查其上有害生物的种类和数量。使用Pearson相关性分析等方法研究云南松枯梢率与各致害因子(松墨天牛、切梢小蠹、微红梢斑螟和松针褐斑病)之间的关系。通过多元线性逐步回归的方法,筛选出导致云南松树冠局部枯梢的主要因子,建立枯梢率关于主要有害生物种群数量的反演模型。【结果】局部枝梢枯萎植株的树冠枯梢率与两种切梢小蠹的种群数量均呈高度正相关,与树木胸径和其他致害因子呈较弱或无相关性。分析标准地每木调查结果发现,树冠有无病梢不能显著影响枯梢率情况。建立了通过枯梢率(Y)反演云南松树冠两种切梢小蠹混合种群数量(X)的回归模型:Y=12.0984+0.9835 X,Adj-R2=0.8081。明确了在蛀梢阶段,云南松树势随着切梢小蠹种群数量上升而下降。在蛀干阶段,切梢小蠹和松墨天牛的钻蛀活动主要集中在濒死木和枯立木上。【结论】引起树冠局部枯梢、树势下降的主要因子为横坑切梢小蠹和云南切梢小蠹成虫的蛀梢活动;引起树冠系统性萎蔫、树木死亡的主要原因是松墨天牛与切梢小蠹的蛀干活动。应用本研究模型可通过判别云南松树冠枯梢率估算两种切梢小蠹在蛀梢期的混合种群数量,为航天遥感或无人机监测虫情提供可靠的理论基础。  相似文献   

纵坑切梢小蠹蛀梢期空间分布   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
叶辉  李隆术 《昆虫学报》1994,37(3):311-316
在昆明地区,纵坑切梢小蠹(Tomicus piniperda)成虫蛀梢多集中在蛀干木附近。 种群密度以蛀干木为中心向周围呈指数递减,散布半径约30m。在蛀梢过程中,该种群逐渐向新区扩张。在树冠内,纵坑切梢小蠹主要分布在4-10轮枝上。第7轮枝虫口百分率最高。6-7轮枝受害率最大。 树冠上层受害较其下层严重。从树冠水平层次考察,树冠外层虫量相对集中,约为树冠中、内层虫量之和。 树冠内层虫量最少。纵坑切梢小蠹在树冠内的种群分布系由梢径、种群密度、蛀梢行为、降落方式、光照等因素综合影响的结果。  相似文献   

分布在我国西南地区的横坑切梢小蠹,云南切梢小蠹和短毛切梢小蠹同域危害寄主云南松,给林业生产带来巨大损失。为探讨同域切梢小蠹种群在共存下对其空间分布格局的影响,采用传统聚集指标法和地统计学方法研究了三者在梢转干期不同受害云南松纯林树冠中的空间分布型。结果表明重度受害样地中云南切梢小蠹种群密度显著高于横坑切梢小蠹,在轻度受害样地则相反;传统聚集指标法结果显示同域共存的3种切梢小蠹种群在不同受害程度云南松中均为聚集分布,横坑切梢小蠹和云南切梢小蠹聚集是由环境因素和昆虫本身的聚集习性引起;地统计学结果表明除重度受害样地中短毛切梢小蠹呈随机分布外,其余切梢小蠹在不同种群密度下均呈聚集分布;除重度受害样地横坑切梢小蠹外,其他小蠹的空间依赖范围为4.01—7.45 m。横坑切梢小蠹和云南切梢小蠹在不同受害林分中拟合的半变异函数模型在球形模型和高斯模型之间转换。同域共存关系不影响不同种群密度下的切梢小蠹种群空间分布类型,但影响其半变异函数模型和理论参数。  相似文献   

The induced defence reaction of Scots pine Pinus sylvestris to stem attacks by the common pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda (Col, Scolytidae), was studied by inducing natural attacks on young Scots pine trees of different vigour Pruned trees were more heavily attacked by T piniperda than unpruned ones Vigorous trees successfully contained the attacking beetles within resinous lesions, whereas less vigorous trees failed to defend themselves The content of resin acids increased dramatically in the lesions on all trees, and the resin acid composition differed somewhat between some treatments Starch accumulation in the inner bark of the main stem was lower in pruned trees than in unpruned ones, and starch reserves were depleted in the most heavily attacked trees All but one of the unpruned trees survived the attack, whereas most of the severely pruned ones died following attack by beetles at densities exceeding c 300 egg galleries m−2  相似文献   

The influence of Tomicus piniperda (L.)(Col.:Scolytidae) attacks on Acanthocinus aedilis (L.)(Col.:Cerambycidae) (1) oviposition behavior, (2) breeding material preference and (3) reproductive success was investigated in caged pine bolts with and without egg galleries of T. piniperda. In addition, A. aedilis oviposition behavior was studied in the field. In the presence of T. piniperda attacks most A. aedilis eggs were laid through the entrance holes of the bark beetle egg galleries. In the absence of bark beetle attacks most A. aedilis eggs were laid at places where the outer bark had been damaged and the phloem was exposed. In cages, A. aedilis preferred to oviposit in bolts with bark beetle attacks. Thus, A. aedilis oviposited in all 17 of bark beetle attacked bolts but in only four of nine bolts without T. piniperda attacks. Neither the number of A. aedilis offspring nor the body size of emerging adults differed significantly between bolts attacked by bark beetles and unattacked bolts. Nor was there any significant relationship between the density of bark beetle egg galleries and the production of A. aedilis offspring.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 In South‐western China, Yunnan pines Pinus yunnanensis, suffer considerable damage from an undescribed Tomicus sp. previously thought to be T. piniperda. 2 To assess the effect of shoot maturation feeding (during which an aggregation process appears to occur) on host resistance to attacks on the bole, the relationships between shoot damage, bole attack density and tree survival were studied. 3 Attack distribution in the crown and in the stem did not vary between killed and surviving trees, indicating that mortality is determined by the quantity of attacks. 4 The level of shoot damage and bole attack density were positively and linearly correlated. This can be explained by the fact that bole attacks are caused by beetles coming from the crown of the same tree. 5 A critical threshold of bole attack density (around 80 attacks/m2) above which trees die was observed. However, because attacks continue after this threshold is reached, the density of failed attacks on the killed trees was used as an estimator of the threshold density. It decreased when shoot damage increased. 6 The existence of a critical threshold of shoot damage (60% damaged shoots) was also demonstrated. Above this threshold, stem attack density was always sufficiently high to kill trees. 7 The results emphasize that concentration of shoot attacks is the main reason for the extensive tree damage observed in China. 8 A model of relationships between shoot and stem attacks is proposed, suggesting that management to reduce shoot attacks would protect trees from dying by both decreasing the number of bole attacks and raising the threshold for successful attack density on the bole to levels that could not be attained.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 After a 1‐year, extensive pine looper (Bupalus piniaria) outbreak, plots were laid out to study tree susceptibility to attack, and performance of Tomicus piniperda in pine trees suffering from varying levels of defoliation. 2 Tomicus piniperda was the dominating stem‐attacking species among the primary stem colonizers, and 82% of all trees that died had been colonized by T. piniperda. 3 Beetle attacks primarily struck severely defoliated trees, i.e. trees that suffered from 90% to 100% defoliation. 4 Beetle attacks peaked in the second year after cessation of the outbreak, and suppressed trees were both more frequently attacked and more susceptible to beetle attack than intermediate and dominant trees. 5 Trees surviving beetle attacks carried more foliage than trees that did not survive the attacks. 6 A single year of severe defoliation is enough to render pine trees susceptible to secondary pests, such as T. piniperda.  相似文献   

云南木蠹象的生物学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张宏瑞  叶辉  徐长山  吕军 《昆虫学报》2004,47(1):130-134
云南木蠹象Pissodes yunnanensis Langor et Zhang是我国西南地区近年来发现的森林蛀干害虫。该虫在云南西北部的丽江地区一年发生一代。成虫于6月下旬开始产卵, 产卵部位为当年生或头年生枝梢。7月上旬幼虫开始孵化,幼虫有4个龄期。11月中旬后,幼虫开始在受害枝内越冬,次年2月中下旬恢复活动。3月下旬至5月上旬为蛹期,4月中旬开始羽化。该虫主要危害云南松幼树,常造成受害树长势下降和树干畸形,连续危害2~3年可导致树木干枯死亡。  相似文献   

M. L. Reid  T. Robb 《Oecologia》1999,120(4):555-562
Bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) are commonly associated with live host trees that are stressed, a relationship that has been attributed to lower host defenses or greater nutritional quality of these trees. However, most bark beetle species commonly inhabit freshly dead trees where induced host defenses are absent. In this study, we investigate the role of tree vigor at the time of death for pine engraver bark beetles, Ips pini (Say), breeding in freshly dead jack pine, Pinus banksiana Lamb. As indices of tree vigor, we considered tree size, phloem thickness, and several measures of recent growth rate (last year's growth increment, mean annual increment and basal area increment in the past 5 and 10 years, and periodic growth ratio). We examined the relationship between these indices in three stands, aged 60, 77, and 126 years, and found that phloem thickness, previously shown to have a strong positive effect on bark beetle reproduction, was only weakly associated with tree growth rate and inconsistently related to tree size among the three stands. To examine the effects of tree vigor on pine engraver reproduction, we felled 20 trees of various sizes from the 77-year-old stand, and experimentally established breeding males and females in 25-cm-long sections. Offspring were collected and characteristics of breeding galleries were measured. Using stepwise regression, we consistently found that indices associated with tree growth rate best explained beetle reproductive performance, as they were positively related to parental male and female establishment on logs, female reproductive success, length of egg galleries, proportion of eggs resulting in emerged offspring, and negatively related to the length of the post-egg gallery. Surprisingly, phloem thickness had no unique effect on pine engraver reproduction, except for a weak negative effect on the establishment success of parental females. The strong effect of tree vigor observed in this study suggests that substantial mortality of vigorous trees, such as caused by windthrow, can contribute to significant increases in bark beetle populations that could trigger outbreaks in living trees. Received: 3 February 1999 / Accepted: 27 April 1999  相似文献   

This study investigated the impacts of Tomicus minor on Tomicus piniperda when the two Tomicus species coexist in the trunks of living Yunnan pine (Pinus yunnanensis L.) trees growing in the Kunming region, in south-western China. Tomicus piniperda mostly locates in the mid- and upper trunks of Yunnan pine tree; whereas T. minor mainly attacks the mid- and lower trunks. In the mid-trunk area from 1.0 to 5.0 m above ground, there are overlapping attack zones for the two Tomicus species, which accounts for an average of 80% of the entire zone occupied by T. piniperda and an average of 70% of the zone occupied by T. minor. In correspondence with their attack distributions, the average attack densities of the two species varied with height along the trunk, with 165.3 egg galleries per m2 at a height of 6 m for T. piniperda, and 138.2 egg galleries per m2 at the 1 m height for T. minor. It is suggested that T. minor adjusts its attack pattern with respect to T. piniperda, and thereby minimizes interspecific competition. No remarkable difference of average T. piniperda egg gallery length was found between the zone in which only T. piniperda occurred and the zone in which T. piniperda and T. minor coexisted; this is suggested to be due to low host quality in the upper trunk region where only T. piniperda was present. The number of T. piniperda larval galleries was highest when only T. piniperda was present, and decreased as T. piniperda and T. minor coexisted, particularly in the case when the density of T. piniperda was less than that of T. minor. Average larval density was 1649 larval galleries per m2 where only T. piniperda occurred. However, when T. piniperda coexisted with T. minor, T. piniperda larval density averaged 1010 per m2 when T. piniperda density was higher than T. minor, and averaged 442 per m2 when T. piniperda density was less than T. minor, which led to the conclusion that T. minor makes a negative impact on T. piniperda reproduction when the two Tomicus species jointly colonize the same trunk of Yunnan pine tree.  相似文献   

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