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Previous studies have shown that Pneumocystis binds to pneumocytes, but the proteins responsible for binding have not been well defined. Mucins are the major glycoproteins present in mucus, which serves as the first line of defence during airway infection. MUC1 is the best characterised membrane‐tethered mucin and is expressed on the surface of most airway epithelial cells. Although by electron microscopy Pneumocystis primarily binds to type I pneumocytes, it can also bind to type II pneumocytes. We hypothesized that Pneumocystis organisms can bind to MUC1 expressed by type II pneumocytes. Overexpression of MUC1 in human embryonic kidney HEK293 cells increased Pneumocystis binding, while knockdown of MUC1 expression by siRNA in A549 cells, a human adenocarcinoma‐derived alveolar type II epithelial cell line, decreased Pneumocystis binding. Immunofluorescence labelling indicated that MUC1 and Pneumocystis were co‐localised in infected mouse lung tissue. Incubation of A549 cells with Pneumocystis led to phosphorylation of ERK1/2 that increased with knockdown of MUC1 expression by siRNA. Pneumocystis caused increased IL‐6 and IL‐8 secretion by A549 cells, and knockdown of MUC1 further increased their secretion in A549 cells. Taken together, these results suggest that binding of Pneumocystis to MUC1 expressed by airway epithelial cells may facilitate establishment of productive infection.  相似文献   

We studied galactose (Gal)-specific binding of the soluble purified 260-kDa Entamoeba histolytica adherence protein to glycosylation deficient Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell mutants. Our goal was to further define the lectin's functional activity and carbohydrate receptor specificity. The adherence protein was purified by acid elution from an immunoaffinity column; however, exposure of the surface membrane lectin on viable trophozoites to identical acid pH conditions had no effect on carbohydrate binding activity. Saturable Gal-specific binding of soluble lectin to parental CHO cells was demonstrated at 4 degrees C by radioimmunoassay; the dissociation coefficient (Kd) was 2.39 x 10(-8) M-1 with 5.97 x 10(4) lectin receptors present per CHO cell. Gal-specific binding of lectin to Lec2 CHO cell mutants, which have increased N- and O-linked terminal Gal residues on cell surface carbohydrates, was increased due to an enhanced number of receptors (2.41 x 10(5)/cell) rather than a significantly reduced dissociation constant (4.93 x 10(-8) M-1). At 4 degrees C, there was no measurable Gal-specific binding of the adherence protein to the Lec1 and 1dlD.Lec1 CHO mutants, which contain surface carbohydrates deficient in terminal Gal residues. Binding of lectin (20 micrograms/ml) to CHO cells was equivalent at 4 degrees C and 37 degrees C and unaltered by adding the microfilament inhibitor, Cytochalasin D (10 micrograms/ml). Gal-specific binding of the lectin at 4 degrees C was calcium independent and reduced by 81% following adsorption of only 0.2% of the lectin to CHO cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Lung epithelial cell differentiation pathways remain unclear. This is due in part to the plasticity of these cells and the lack of markers which accurately reflect their differentiation status. The aim of this study was to determine if lectin binding properties are useful determinants of functional differentiation status in vitro. Mouse Clara cells were cultured for 5 days. During this time, no alteration in differentiation was evident by electron microscopy. No significant alteration in binding reactivity of Bauhinia purpurea (BPA), Maclura pomifera (MPA), Concanavalin A, Wheat germ or Helix pomatia lectins occurred in cultures compared with Clara cells in mouse lung tissue. In contrast, nitrotetrazolium blue reductase activity and CC10 expression declined in culture. Rat type II cells were cultured for 8 days. Between days 0 and 4, the number of type II cells identified by electron microscopy was constant at 70–80%, decreasing to 8% by day 6. In contrast, by day 4, only 42% cells retained alkaline phosphatase activity. BPA and MPA reactivity was altered at day 0 and day 4 respectively, compared with cells in situ. Therefore, the reactivity of lectins analysed here does not reflect functional differentiation status of cultured mouse Clara cells. However, BPA and MPA reactivity may be a sensitive indicator of alterations in rat type II cell differentiation in vitro.  相似文献   

Extracts of Bradyrhizobium japonicum were fractionated on Sepharose columns covalently derivatized with lactose. Elution of the material that was specifically bound to the affinity column with lactose yielded a protein of Mr approximately 38,000. Isoelectric focusing of this sample yielded two spots with pI values of 6.4 and 6.8. This protein specifically bound to galactose-containing glycoconjugates, but did not bind either to glucose or mannose. Derivatives of galactose at the C-2 position showed much weaker binding; there was an 18-fold difference in the relative binding affinities of galactose versus N-acetyl-D-galactosamine. These results indicate that we have purified a newly identified carbohydrate-binding protein from Bradyrhizobium japonicum, that can exquisitely distinguish galactose from its derivatives at the C-2 position.  相似文献   

The binding of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and stimulation of adenylate cyclase by VIP were studied in intestinal epithelial cells during hypothyroidism. Experimental hypothyroidism was induced in rats by the administration of KC10(4). The binding capacity, but not the affinity, of VIP receptors decreased in the hypothyroid rats. Besides, the stimulation of cyclic AMP production by VIP was also diminished in cells from hypothyroid rats. These observations indicate a decrease of the responsiveness of intestinal epithelial cells to VIP in the hypothyroid status, suggesting a role of the peptide in the pathophysiologic mechanism of intestinal manifestations during hypothyroidism.  相似文献   

Cytoskeletal proteins obtained from mouse mammary epithelial cells (MMEC) were found to be modified by covalent attachment of lipids. Primary cultures of MMEC were incubated in the presence of 3H-palmitate for 4 h. A cytoskeletal (CS) fraction was prepared by treatment of the cells with 1.5M KCl and 1% Triton X-100. The residual material, consisting primarily of keratin and actin filaments was exhaustively (10-20 rounds, including sonications) extracted with chloroform/methanol to remove non-covalently bound labeled lipids. The CS protein was then acid-hydrolyzed and the chloroform-soluble products subjected to thin layer chromatography (TLC). Two-thirds of the covalently bound radiolabel appeared as a very hydrophobic peak on a TLC system optimized for separation of neutral lipids. Ten percent separated into 4-5 peaks on a polar lipid TLC system. A small amount of label was traced to fatty acid-like components. Autoradiography of two-dimensional gels indicated that all the CS proteins resolvable by Coomassie blue staining were also radiolabeled. The results are discussed in terms of CS-lipid-membrane interactions.  相似文献   

Murine small intestinal crypt development is initiated during the first postnatal week. Soon after formation, overall increases in the number of crypts occurs through a bifurcating process called crypt fission, which is believed to be driven by developmental increases in the number of intestinal stem cells (ISCs). Recent evidence suggests that a heterogeneous population of ISCs exists within the adult intestine. Actively cycling ISCs are labeled by Lgr5, Ascl2 and Olfm4; whereas slowly cycling or quiescent ISC are marked by Bmi1 and mTert. The goal of this study was to correlate the expression of these markers with indirect measures of ISC expansion during development, including quantification of crypt fission and side population (SP) sorting. Significant changes were observed in the percent of crypt fission and SP cells consistent with ISC expansion between postnatal day 14 and 21. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for the various ISC marker mRNAs demonstrated divergent patterns of expression. mTert surged earliest, during the first week of life as crypts are initially being formed, whereas Lgr5 and Bmi1 peaked on day 14. Olfm4 and Ascl2 had variable expression patterns. To assess the number and location of Lgr5-expressing cells during this period, histologic sections from intestines of Lgr5-EGFP mice were subjected to quantitative analysis. There was attenuated Lgr5-EGFP expression at birth and through the first week of life. Once crypts were formed, the overall number and percent of Lgr5-EGFP positive cells per crypt remain stable throughout development and into adulthood. These data were supported by Lgr5 in situ hybridization in wild-type mice. We conclude that heterogeneous populations of ISCs are expanding as measured by SP sorting and mRNA expression at distinct developmental time points.  相似文献   

Partial (60%) resection of rat small bowel was performed in order to obtain a model of intestinal mucosal hyperplasia for studying specific insulin binding. The affinity, but not the binding capacity, of insulin receptors in the adaptive mucosa decreased three and seven days following enterectomy. This modification took place only in crypt cells but not in mature villous cells. Since plasma insulin levels were not altered by the surgical manipulation, the observed decrease of insulin binding could not be related to regulation by insulin concentration. These results do not support a trophic role of insulin on intestinal mucosa and appear to be more a consequence of the hyperactive status of proliferation and differentiation at the mucosat level.  相似文献   

Summary Cells from the endoderm of the area opaca of gastrulating chick embryos were maintained in stationary cultures, stained with antibodies against the endogenous -D-galactoside-binding lectin and examined by immuno-fluorescence. In the majority of cells fluorescence was present as an irregular circular web in the central cytoplasm. In cells that appeared to be migrating increased fluorescence was observed in the peripheral cytoplasm and retraction fibers. In regions where a portion of the cell was detaching from the substratum high fluorescence was observed in the extracellular footprints deposited by the cell.  相似文献   

We examined whether protein kinase D1 (PKD1), the founding member of a new protein kinase family, plays a critical role in intestinal epithelial cell proliferation. Our results demonstrate that PKD1 activation is sustained, whereas that of PKD2 is transient in intestinal epithelial IEC-18 stimulated with the G(q)-coupled receptor agonists angiotensin II or vasopressin. PKD1 gene silencing utilizing small interfering RNAs dramatically reduced DNA synthesis and cell proliferation in IEC-18 cells stimulated with G(q)-coupled receptor agonists. To clarify the role of PKD1 in intestinal epithelial cell proliferation in vivo, we generated transgenic mice that express elevated PKD1 protein in the intestinal epithelium. Transgenic PKD1 exhibited constitutive catalytic activity and phosphorylation at the activation loop residues Ser(744) and Ser(748) and on the autophosphorylation site, Ser(916). To examine whether PKD1 expression stimulates intestinal cell proliferation, we determined the rate of crypt cell DNA synthesis by detection of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine incorporated into the nuclei of crypt cells of the ileum. Our results demonstrate a significant increase (p < 0.005) in DNA-synthesizing cells in the crypts of two independent lines of PKD1 transgenic mice as compared with non-transgenic littermates. Morphometric analysis showed a significant increase in the length and in the total number of cells per crypt in the transgenic PKD1 mice as compared with the non-transgenic littermates (p < 0.01). Thus, transgenic PKD1 signaling increases the number of cells per crypt by stimulating the rate of crypt cell proliferation. Collectively, our results indicate that PKD1 plays a role in promoting cell proliferation in intestinal epithelial cells both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

A test to determine quantitatively the lectin binding sites in brush-border membranes has been developed. Highly purified bovine small intestinal brush-border membranes were prepared, and subsequently coated directly to the bottom of a microtiter plate. Soybean agglutinin conjugated with peroxidase was coupled to its binding sites in the brush-border membranes and the peroxidase activity was determined in a spectrophotometer. The number of soybean agglutinin binding sites in the brush-border membranes has been established by means of iterized computer fit analysis of the data, indicating values for maximal binding of 7.10(-7) M soybean agglutinin per mg of brush-border membrane protein and a dissociation constant of 1.5.10(-5) M.  相似文献   

Leu-enkephalin receptors were identified in guinea-pig intestinal mucosa in small as well as in large epithelial cells. Binding studies at apparent equilibrium could be interpreted in terms of two populations of receptors in every intestinal segment. Leu-enkephalin receptors were unequally distributed along the intestinal mucosa, with the lowest density but the highest affinity values in the caecum and colon. Duodenal epithelial cells exhibited the highest binding values due to a great number of low-affinity receptors. Receptors exhibited a high degree of specificity for Leu-enkephalin as evidenced by the poor competition shown by a variety of enkephalin analogues and naloxone and the lack of effect of other unrelated peptides present in the intestinal tract.  相似文献   

Single mouse intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) may be isolated by the use of a combination of methods used for the isolation of IEC from other species. Isolated cells remain viable for several hours. The membrane integral enzymes alkaline phosphatase and leucine aminopeptidase of isolated IEC are localized to the brush borders of IEC in tissue and in most newly isolated IEC. With time, both enzymes are found distributed over the entire cell surface. Redistribution appears to occur by diffusion in the plane of the membrane. It is slowed, but not blocked, if cells are maintained at 0 degrees C instead of at 37 degrees C, and it is not blocked by fixation in 0.5-3% paraformaldehyde. Drugs that alter cell membrane potential or that affect cell levels of ATP enhance the rate of redistribution of the enzymes.  相似文献   

IgE-binding protein (epsilon BP) is a galactoside-specific lectin containing an S-type carbohydrate-recognition domain. It was originally identified in rat basophilic leukemia cells and is now known to be identical to a macrophage surface Ag, Mac-2, and lectins designated as CBP 35/L-34/RL-29. It has also been related to a nonintegrin laminin-binding protein isolated from mouse macrophages. In this report we have shown the following: epsilon BP is present in variable amounts in several mast cell lines, and the surface expression of epsilon BP in these cell lines is quite variable and does not correlate with the total amount of epsilon BP in the cell. epsilon BP is displayed on the cell surface in a manner that is reversible by lactose, most likely through attachment to yet unidentified glycoconjugates. The putative epsilon BP binding sites on the cell surface can be readily demonstrated by using radiolabeled epsilon BP, and the sites are present in comparable amounts in various cell lines. Expression of epsilon BP on the cell surface can be regulated; the most notable example is the upregulation of surface epsilon BP on RBL cells activated through the high-affinity IgE receptor by IgE immune complexes. Cell-surface epsilon BP is functional as measured by its ability to promote adhesion of trypsinized rabbit erythrocytes to mast cells and macrophages. On the basis of these results and reported properties of related lectins, we propose that the lectin represented by epsilon BP is a new class of cell-adhesion protein.  相似文献   

Our previous studies showed that dietary nucleotides fed to mice enhanced the secretion of interleukin 7 (IL-7) and transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) from intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). To explore whether nucleotides influence IECs directly to enhance the secretion of the cytokines or not, the effects of nucleotides added in vitro on the cytokine secretion from primary-cultured murine IECs were examined. When the mixture of nucleotide 5′-monophosphates (CMP, GMP, IMP, and UMP) or individual nucleotide 5′-monophosphates were added to the primary culture of IECs derived from BALB/c mice, the secretion of IL-7, but not that of TGF-β, was increased significantly. Addition of nucleotides to the culture did not alter the number of the IECs. Secretion of IL-6 and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, which are known to be secreted from IECs, was not enhanced by the addition of nucleotides. These results demonstrate that nucleotides can affect IECs directly to enhance the secretion of IL-7, and suggest that the increased secretion of TGF-β from IECs by dietary nucleotides was due to indirect effects of the nucleotides, which may affect intestinal microflora or cells other than IECs that in turn influence the cytokine secretion of IECs. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This report describes an immunoferritin labeling study of mouse H-2 histocompatibility antigens on epithelial cells dissociated from the small intestine by EDTA and trypsin. Before cell dissociation, the intestine was prefixed in paraformaldehyde or periodate-lysine-paraformaldehyde in order to preserve the shape of the cells and to immobilize H-2 antigens in their native positions. The results demonstrated the presence of H-2 antigens on the lateral and basal cell membranes at about the same high density that was observed at the surface of mouse monocytes. No H-2 antigens could be detected at the apical surface of dissociated or undissociated epithelial cells. It is unlikely that the fuzzy coat masked H-2 antigens at the apical surface because it was essentially absent from the apical membranes of dissociated cells. These observations extend our knowledge of the cellular distribution of transplantation antigens, and provide further evidence of a discontinuity in the expression of membrane components at the junctional complex of epithelial cells.  相似文献   

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