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Larval development in crabs is characterized by a striking double metamorphosis in the course of which the animals change from a pelagic to a benthic life style. The larval central nervous system has to provide an adequate behavioural repertoire during this transition. Thus, processes of neuronal reorganization and refinement of the early larval nervous system could be expected to occur in the metamorphosing animal. In order to follow identified sets of neurons throughout metamorphosis, whole mount preparations of the brain and ventral nerve cord of laboratory reared spider crab larvae (Hyas araneus) were labelled with an antibody against the neurotransmitter serotonin. The system of serotonin-immunoreactive cell bodies, fibres and neuropils is well-developed in newly hatched larvae. Most immunoreative structures are located in the protocerebrum, with fewer in the suboesophaegeal ganglia, while the thoracic and abdominal ganglia initially comprise only a small number of serotonergic neurons and fibres. However, there are significant alterations in the staining pattern through larval development, some of which are correlated to metamorphic events. Accordingly, new serotonin-immunoreactive cells are added to the early larval set and the system of immunoreactive fibres is refined. These results are compared to the serotonergic innervation in other decapod crustaceans.  相似文献   

Insect metamorphosis serves as a useful model to investigate postembryonic development in the central nervous system, because the transformation between larval and adult life is accompanied by a remodeling of neural circuitry. Most changes are controlled by ecdysteroids, but activity-dependent mechanisms and cell surface signals also play a role. This immunocytochemical study investigates the expression patterns of two isoforms of the neural cell adhesion molecule, fasciclin II (FasII), during postembryonic ventral nerve cord remodeling in the moth, Manduca sexta. Both the expression of the glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked isoform and the transmembrane isoform of Manduca FasII (TM-MFasII) are regulated in a stereotyped spatio-temporal pattern. TM-MFasII is expressed in a stage-specific manner in a subset of neurons. Subsets of central axons express high levels during outgrowth supporting a functional role for TM-FasII during pathfinding. Dendritic localization is not found at any stage of metamorphosis, suggesting no homophilic interactions of TM-MFasII during central synapse development. GPI-MFasII is expressed in a stage-specific manner, most likely only in glial cells. The larval and adult stages show almost no GPI-MFasII expression, whereas during pupal life, positive GPI-MFasII labeling is present around synaptotagmin-negative tracts or commissures, so that either homophilic stabilization of glial boundaries or heterophilic neuron-glial interactions possibly stabilize the axons within their tracts. GPI-MFasII expression is not co-localized with synaptotagmin-positive central terminals, rendering a role for synapse development unlikely. Neither isoform is expressed in all neurons of a specific class at any developmental stage, indicating that MFasII functions are restricted to specific subsets of neurons or to individual neurons. The support of the German Science Foundation (Du 331/4–1) and of Arizona State University to C.D. is greatly appreciated.  相似文献   

Summary An antiserum against the cockroach neuropeptide leucokinin I (LKI) was used to study peptidergic neurons and their innervation patterns in larvae and adults of three species of higher dipteran insects, the flies Drosophila melanogaster, Calliphora vomitoria, and Phormia terraenovae, as well as larvae of a primitive dipteran insect, the crane fly Phalacrocera replicata. In the larvae of the higher dipteran flies, the antiserum revealed three pairs of cells in the brain, three pairs of ventro-medial cells in the subesophageal ganglion, and seven pairs of ventro-lateral cells in the abdominal ganglia. Each of these 14 abdominal leucokinin-immunoreactive (LKIR) neurons innervates a single muscle of the abdominal body wall (muscle 8), which is known to degenerate shortly after adult emergence. Conventional electron microscopy demonstrates that this muscle is innervated by at least one axon containing clear vesicles and two axons containing dense-cored vesicles. Electronmicroscopical immunocytochemistry shows that the LKIR axon is one of these two axons with dense-cored vesicles and that it forms terminals on the sarcolemma of its target muscle. The abdominal LKIR neurons appear to survive metamorphosis. In the adult fly, the efferent abdominal LKIR neurons innervate the spiracles, the heart, and neurohemal regions of the abdominal wall. In the crane fly larva, dorso-medial and ventrolateral LKIR cell bodies are located in both thoracic and abdominal ganglia of the ventral nerve cord. As in the larvae of the other flies, the abdominal ventrolateral LKIR neurons form efferent axons. However, in the crane fly larva there are two pairs of efferent LKIR neurons in each of the abdominal ganglia and their peripheral targets include neurohemal regions of the dorsal transverse nerves. An additional difference is that in the crane fly, a caudal pair of LKIR axons originating from the penultimate pair of dorso-median LKIR cells in the terminal ganglion innervate the hindgut.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis of the central nervous system of Drosophila   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The study of the metamorphosis of the central nervous system of Drosophila focused on the ventral CNS. Many larval neurons are conserved through metamorphosis but they show pronounced remodeling of both central and peripheral processes. In general, transmitter expression appears to be conserved through metamorphosis but there are some examples of possible changes. Large numbers of new, adult-specific neurons are added to this basic complement of persisting larval cells. These cells are produced during larval life by embryonic neuroblasts that had persisted into the larval stage. These new neurons arrest their development soon after their birth but then mature into functional neurons during metamorphosis. Programmed cell death is also important for sculpting the adult CNS. One round of cell death occurs shortly after pupariation and a second one after the emergence of the adult fly.  相似文献   

The distribution of leucokinin I-like immunoreactive neurons in the ventral ganglion of the fly Sarcophaga bullata was examined by indirect immunofluorescence. In the larval ventral ganglion there are seven pairs of large, highly immunoreactive neurons distributed ventrolaterally as bilateral pairs in abdominal neuromeres 1–7. During metamorphosis, the seven pairs of larval immunoreactive neurons survive and three additional pairs of immunoreactive neurons appear within the condensed abdominal ganglion, bringing the total number of immunoreactive neurons to 10 pairs. It is suggested that the neuropeptide from the newly formed three pairs of leucokinin-like immunoreactive neurons may have some unique function in the life of the adult insect.  相似文献   

The anatomy and innervation of the lateral external muscle and sensory cells located in the ventral region of pregenital abdominal segments were examined at the larval and adult stages ofTenebrio molitor (Coleoptera). All seven muscles located in this region degenerate during the pupal stage, whilst only the lateral external median (lem) appears in the adult. Backfillings of the motor nerve innervating this muscle reveal that, at both larval and adult stages, it is innervated by ten neurons. Intracellular records from the muscle fibres show that two neurons are inhibitory, and at least five are excitatory. There are also two unpaired neurons. A variety of sensory organs are located in the ventral region of the larvae, whilst only campaniform sensilla are found in the adult. At both stages, the innervation pattern of the sensory nerve branches is very similar. Also, the central projections of the sensory cells occupy similar neuropilar areas. Finally, prolonged intracellular records from the lem muscle revealed that, at the larval stage, it participates only in segmental or intersegmental reflexes, whilst in the adult it has a primary expiratory role in ventilation. The results show that extensive changes occur in the number of muscles located in the ventral region of the pregenital abdominal segments, as well as in the arrangement and number of sensory neurons, in the structure of the exoskeleton, and even in the central nervous system. In contrast, only minor changes are observed in the sensory and motor nerve branches, in the sensory projections, and in the number and the location of the motoneurons innervating the lateral external median muscle. Correspondence to: G. Theophilidis  相似文献   

Serotonin-like immunoreactive neurons were mapped in the larval, prepupal, pupal, and adult ventral nerve cord (VNC) of the beetle, Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). The alterations of the shape of these neurons during metamorphosis were analysed. The stage-specific interindividual variability of the examined serotonin-like immunoreactive neurons is low. Serotonin-like immunoreactive neurons of the abdominal and thoracic ganglia behave differently during metamorphosis. Only in thoracic ganglia was an obvious change in the pattern of serotonin-like immunoreactive neurons observed. The shape of the dendritic trees of serotonin-like immunoreactive neurons varies in thoracic., but not in abdominal ganglia. During postlarval development, new emerging neurons that react with the anti-serotonin antibody are found only in the thoracic ganglia. Serotonin-like immunoreactive neurons are serially homologous in the larval ventral nerve cord. The basic organization of the serotonin-like immunoreactive neurons is maintained up to the adult stage. Some aspects of the metamorphosis of the nervous system are discussed with respect to the transformation of the set of immunoreactive neurons from larval to adult stage. The results are compared to those obtained in the study of serotonin-immunoreactive neurons in cockroaches, dipterans and locusts.  相似文献   

Summary In the abdominal ganglia of the turnip moth Agrotis segetum, an antibody against the cockroach neuropeptide leucokinin I recognizes neurons with varicose fibers and terminals innervating the perisympathetic neurohemal organs. In the larva, the abdominal perisympathetic organs consist of a segmental series of discrete neurohemal swellings on the dorsal unpaired nerve and the transverse nerves originating at its bifurcation. These neurohemal structures are innervated by varicose terminals of leucokinin I-immunoreactive (LKIR) fibers originating from neuronal cell bodies located in the preceding segment. In the adult, the abdominal segmental neurohemal units are more or less fused into a plexus that extends over almost the whole abdominal nerve cord. The adult plexus consists of peripheral nerve branches and superficial nerve fibers beneath the basal lamina of the neural sheath of the nerve cord. During metamorphosis, the LKIR fibers closely follow the restructuration of the perisympathetic organs. In both larvae and adults the LKIR fibers in the neurohemal structures originate from the same cell bodies, which are distributed as ventrolateral bilateral pairs in all abdominal ganglia. The transformation of the series of separated and relatively simple larval neurohemal organs into the larger, continuous and more complex adult neurohemal areas occurs during the first of the two weeks of pupal life. The efferent abdominal LKIR neurons of the moth Agrotis segetum thus belong to the class of larval neurons which persist into adult life with substantial peripheral reorganization occurring during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Summary Proctolin-immunoreactive neurons in all neuromers of the ventral nerve cord of Tenebrio molitor L. have been quantitatively demonstrated and mapped throughout metamorphosis. Each neuromer contains an anterior and a posterior group of neurons with light and dark staining properties as revealed by peroxidase-antiperoxidase labeling. Serial homologous subsets of dark staining neurons with central and peripheral projections have been identified and found to persist during morphogenetic changes from the larva to the adult. Most neurons maintain their topological and structural characteristics throughout metamorphosis. The identified proctolin-immunoreactive neurons exhibit structures similar to those described in other insect species; some may correspond known motoneurons.  相似文献   

In the metazoan central nervous system (CNS), serotonergic neurons send projections throughout the synaptic neuropil. Little is known about the rules that govern these widespread neuromodulatory branching patterns. In this study, we utilize the Drosophila as a model to examine serotonergic branching. Using single cell GFP labeling we show that within each segment of the Drosophila ventral nerve cord (VNC), each of two serotonergic neurons tiles distinct innervation patterns in the contralateral neuropil. In addition, branches extend only a short distance from the target segment. Through ablation-mediated isolation of serotonergic cells, we demonstrate that the distinct areas of innervation are not maintained through competition between neighboring like-serotonergic neurites. Furthermore, the basic branching pattern of serotonergic neurons within the neuropil remains unchanged despite alterations of initial axonal trajectories.  相似文献   

Serotonin is a classical small-molecule neurotransmitter with known effects on developmental processes. Previous studies have shown a developmental role for serotonin in the fly peripheral nervous system. In this study, we show that serotonin can modulate the development of serotonergic varicosities within the fly central nervous system. We have developed a system to examine the development of serotonergic varicosities in the larval CNS. We use this method to describe the normal serotonergic development in the A7 abdominal ganglion. From first to third instar larvae, the volume of the neuropil and number of serotonergic varicosities increase substantially while the varicosity density remains relatively constant. We hypothesize that serotonin is an autoregulator for serotonergic varicosity density. We tested the sensitivity of serotonergic varicosities to serotonin by adding neurotransmitter at various stages to isolated larval ventral nerve cords. Addition of excess exogenous serotonin decreases native varicosity density in older larvae, and these acute effects are reversible. The effects of serotonin appear to be selective for serotonergic varicosities, as dopaminergic and corazonergic varicosities remain qualitatively intact following serotonin application.  相似文献   

Summary Development of the nervous system of the pluteus larva of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis was investigated using indirect immunofluorescence with antibodies against dopamine, GABA, and serotonin, and glyoxylic acid-induced fluorescence of catecholamines. Serotonergic cells first appear in full gastrulae; dopaminergic and GABAergic cells are present in early four-arm plutei. The number of neurons and the complexity of the nervous system increases through development of the pluteus. In the pluteus the dopaminergic component of the nervous system includes a ganglion in the lower lip of the mouth and a pair of ganglia at the base of the post-oral arms which extend axons along the base of the circumoral ciliary band. The distribution of cells visualized by glyoxylic acid-induced fluorescence is similar to that of dopaminergic cells. GABAergic neurons occur in the upper lip and in the wall of the esophagus. Serotonergic neurons are present in the lower lip; the pre-oral hood contains an apical ganglion which extends axons along the base of the epidermis overlying the blastocoel. The dopaminergic and GABAergic components of the nervous system are associated with effectors involved in feeding and swimming. The serotonergic component is not associated with any apparent effectors but may have a role in metamorphosis.  相似文献   

One of the long-standing questions in zoology is that on the phylogenetic relationships within the Arthropoda. Comparative studies on structure and development of the nervous system can contribute important arguments to this discussion. In the present report, the arrangement of serotonin- and engrailed-expressing cells was examined in the embryonic ventral nerve cord of the American lobster Homarus americanus Milne Edwards, 1873 (Malacostraca, Pleocyemata, Homarida), and the spatial relationship of these two cell classes was explored by a double-labelling approach. The goal of this study was to determine whether the lobster serotonergic neurons are homologous to similar cells present in representatives of the Hexapoda and other Arthropoda. The results indicate that, in fact, these neurons in the lobster ventral nerve cord have corresponding counterparts in many other mandibulate taxa. Based on the finding of these homologies, the arrangement of serotonergic neurons in a model trunk ganglion of the mandibulate ground pattern was reconstructed as comprising an anterior and a posterior pair of serotonergic neurons per hemiganglion, each cell with both an ipsilateral and a contralateral neurite. Starting from this ground pattern, the evolutionary diversification of this class of neurons within the Mandibulata is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary By use of an antiserum against the crustacean cardioactive peptide (CCAP) several types of bilaterally symmetrical neurons have been mapped quantitatively in the ventral nerve cord and in the brain of the meal beetle, Tenebrio molitor. The general architecture of these neurons was reconstructed from peroxidase-antiperoxidase-labelled whole-mount preparations. From the subesophageal to the seventh abdominal ganglia two types of neurons show a repetitive organization of contralateral projection patterns in each neuromere. The first type has few branches in the central neuropil and a distinct peripheral projection. The second type is characterized by an elaborate central branching pattern, which includes ascending and descending processes. Some of its peripheral branches were found to supply peripheral neurohemal areas. In the protocerebrum, 10 CCAP-immunoreactive neurons occur with projections into the superior median protocerebrum and the tritocerebrum. Immunopositive neurons were mapped in larval and various pupal stages, as well as in the adult. All types of identified neurons were found to persist throughout metamorphosis maintaining their essential structural and topological characteristics. The CCAP-immunoreactive neurons of T. molitor are compared with those described for the locust. Putative structural homologies of subsets of neurons in both species are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The ventral nerve cord of holometabolous insects is reorganized during metamorphosis. Certain elements, however, persist from the larval to the adult stage. A group of dorsal unpaired median neurons and a set of thoracic serotonin-immunoreactive interneurons are shown to be persistent elements in the ventral nerve cord of Tenebrio molitor. These persistent neurons retain their bauplan even after deprivation of the sensory neurons projecting onto them. These persistent neurons might provide a network into which newly developing sensory neurons fit during reorganization of the nervous tissue.  相似文献   

During metamorphosis, the frog intestine goes through a dramatic shortening with extensive apoptosis and regeneration in the epithelial layer and connective tissue. Our aim was to study changes in the enteric nervous system represented by one inhibitory (vasoactive intestinal polypeptide; VIP) and one excitatory (substance P, neurokinin A; SP/NKA) nerve population and concomitant changes in neurotrophin receptor occurrence during this development in the gut of Xenopus laevis adults and tadpoles at different stages of metamorphosis (NF stages 57–66). Sections were incubated with antibodies against the neurotrophin Trk receptors and p75NTR, and the neurotransmitters VIP and SP/NKA. Trk-immunoreactive nerves increased dramatically but transiently in number during early metamorphic climax. Nerves immunoreactive for p75NTR were present throughout the gut, decreased in number in the middle intestine during climax, and increased in the large intestine during late metamorphosis. The percentage of VIP-immunoreactive nerves did not change during metamorphosis. SP/NKA-immunoreactive nerves were first apparent at NF stages 61–62 in the middle intestine and increased in the stomach and large intestine during metamorphosis. Endocrine cells expressing SP/NKA increased in number in stomach, proximal, and middle intestine during metamorphic climax. Thus, neurotrophin receptors are expressed transiently in neurons of the enteric nervous system during metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis and SP/NKA innervation is more abundant in the intestine of the postmetamorphic frog than in the tadpole.This study was supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council to S. Holmgren  相似文献   

Summary Serotonin-immunoreactive (5-HTi) neurons were mapped in the larval central nervous system (CNS) of the dipterous flies Calliphora erythrocephala and Sarcophaga bullata. Immunocytochemistry was performed on cryostat sections, paraffin sections, and on the entire CNS (whole mounts).The CNS of larvae displays 96–98 5-HTi cell bodies. The location of the cell bodies within the segmental cerebral and ventral ganglia is consistent among individuals. The pattern of immunoreactive fibers in tracts and within neuropil regions of the CNS was resolved in detail. Some 5-HTi neurons in the CNS possess axons that run through peripheral nerves (antenno-labro-frontal nerves).The suboesophagealand thoracico-abdominal ganglia of the adult blowflies were studied for a comparison with the larval ventral ganglia. In the thoracico-abdominal ganglia of adults the same number of 5-HTi cell bodies was found as in the larvae except in the metathoracic ganglion, which in the adult contains two cell bodies less than in the larva. The immunoreactive processes within the neuropil of the adult thoracico-abdominal ganglia form more elaborate patterns than those of the larvae, but the basic organization of major fiber tracts was similar in larval and adult ganglia. Some aspects of postembryonic development are discussed in relation to the transformation of the distribution of 5-HTi neurons and their processes into the adult pattern.  相似文献   

Summary The fate of ascending projections of thoracic interneurons in the metamorphosing brain of Tenebrio molitor is described. Persistent brain neurons were identified and their fate is described during metamorphosis. The projection sites of ascending elements are invariable throughout metamorphosis both in quantitative and in qualitative terms. Some of these ascending neurons are serotonin-immunoreactive and this set of neurons maintains a constant projection site within the metamorphosing brain. The alterations in the projection sites of these and other ascending neurons in the ventral nerve cord were analysed experimentally. The central projection sites of these persistent ascending neurons are not important for the maintenance of their nerve cord projections throughout metamorphosis. Experimental deletion of ascending neurons which project into the suboesophageal ganglion varies the shape of persistent central neurons.  相似文献   

The development of nervous system (NS) in the non-feeding vestibula larva of the sea urchin, Holopneustes purpurescens, and the feeding echinopluteus larva of Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus was examined by focusing on fate during metamorphosis. In H. purpurescens, the serotonergic NS (SerNS) appeared simultaneously and independently in larval tissue and adult rudiment, respectively, from 3-day post-fertilization. In 4-day vestibulae, an expansive aboral ganglion (450 × 100 μm) was present in the larval mid region that extended axons toward the oral ectoderm. These axons diverged near the base of the primary podia. An axonal bundle connected with the primary podia and the rim of vestopore on the oral side. Thus, the SerNS of the larva innervated the rudiment at early stage of development of the primary podia. This innervation was short-lived, and immediately before metamorphosis, it disappeared from the larval and adult tissue domains, whereas non-SerNS marked by synaptotagmin remained. The NS of 1-month post-fertilization plutei of H. pulcherrimus comprised an apical ganglion (50 × 17 μm) and axons that extended to the ciliary bands and the adult rudiment (AR). A major basal nerve of serotonergic and non-serotonergic axons and a minor non-serotonergic nerve comprised the ciliary band nerve. In 3-month plutei, axonal connection among the primary podia in the neural folds completed. The SerNS never developed in the AR. Thus, there was distinctive difference between feeding- and non-feeding larvae of the above sea urchins with respect to SerNS and the AR.  相似文献   

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