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When dispersed acini from mouse pancreas are first incubated with cholecystokinin octapeptide, washed and then reincubated with no additions there is significant stimulation of amylase secretion during the second incubation (residual stimulation of enzyme secretion). Cholecystokinin-induced residual stimulation of enzyme secretion is modified, but not abolished, by reducing the temperature of the first incubation from 37 degrees C to 4 degrees C. Measurement of binding of 125I-labeled cholecystokinin octapeptide indicated that maximal cholecystokinin induced residual stimulation of enzyme secretion occurs when 12-20% of cholecystokinin receptors are occupied by cholecystokinin octapeptide. Moreover, maximal cholecystokinin-induced residual stimulation of amylase secretion is 25% greater than maximal cholecystokinin-induced direct stimulation of amylase secretion. Cholecystokinin tetrapeptide, which causes the same maximal direct stimulation of amylase secretion as does cholecystokinin octapeptide, causes a maximal residual stimulation of enzyme secretion that is only 30% of that caused by a maximally effective concentration of cholecystokinin octapeptide. Adding dibutyryl cyclic GMP to the second incubation can reverse the residual stimulation caused by adding cholecystokinin to the first incubation. The pattern and extent of the dibutyryl cyclic GMP-induced reversal of residual stimulation varies, depending on the temperature and concentration of cholecystokinin octapeptide in the first incubation. The present results are compatible with the hypothesis that mouse pancreatic acini possess two classes of cholecystokinin receptors. One class has a relatively high affinity for cholecystokinin and produces stimulation of enzyme secretion; the other class has a relatively low affinity for cholecystokinin and produces inhibition of enzyme secretion.  相似文献   

None of six different tryptophan-modified analogues of the C-terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin differed from the unaltered peptide in terms of their efficacies for stimulating amylase secretion from dispersed acini prepared from guinea-pig pancreas. Replacementof hydrogen with fluorine in position 5 or 6 on the indole ring of the tryptophan residue did not alter the potency with which the peptide stimulated amylase secretion; however, replacement of hydrogen by fluorine in positions 4, 5, 6, and 7 of the indole ring, of modifying or replacing the indole nitrogen caused a 30- to 300-fold decrease in potency. Changes in the ability of the peptide to stimulate amylase secretion were accompanied by corresponding changes in the ability of the peptide to inhibit binding of 125I-labeled cholecystokinin. Our findings indicate that reducing the ability of the tryptophan residue to donate electrons produced a greater decrease in the affinity of the peptide for the cholecystokinin receptors than did abolishing the ability of tryptophan to form hydrogen bonds, and modifications that altered both abilities caused a greater decrease in affinity than did modification of only one ability. Finally, in the tryptophan residues of cholecystokinin octapeptide, tetrafluorination of the indole ring or replacing the indole nitrogen by oxygen reduced the ability of the peptide to cause residual stimulation of enzyme secretion, probably by accelerating the rate at which bound peptide dissociated from its receptors when the acini were washed and resuspended in fresh incubation solution.  相似文献   

In the C-terminal heptapeptide of cholecystokinin, replacement of the penultimate residue, aspartic acid, by β-alanine caused a 300-fold decrease in potency with which the peptide stimulated enzyme secretion, whereas replacement by glutamic acid caused a 1000-fold decrease in potency. The β-alanine-substituted peptide was approximately ten times more potent when the N terminus was blocked with t-butyloxycarbonyl than when it was blocked with benzyloxycarbonyl, and the glutamic acid-substituted peptide was approximately twice as potent when the N terminus was blocked with t-butyloxycarbonyl than when it was blocked with benzyloxycarbonyl. Changes in the ability of the peptide to stimulate amylase secretion were acompanied by corresponding changes in the ability of the peptide to inhibit binding of 125I-labeled cholecystokinin. The magnitude of stimulation of enzyme secretion caused by a maximally effective peptide concentration was the same with each analogue as it was with the unaltered peptide. Rpelacing the aspartyl by β-alanine or glutamic acid or replacing of N-terminal t-butyloxycarbonyl moiety by benzyloxycarbonyl caused an equivalent decrease in the ability of the peptide to stimulate enzyme secretion and its ability to cause residual stimulation of enzyme secretion. In contrast, the N-terminal desamino analogue of cholecystokinin heptapeptide was ten times less potent than the unaltered peptide in stimulating amylase secretion, but 100 times less potent that the unaltered peptide in causing residual stimulation of enzyme secretion.  相似文献   

Dispersed mouse and guinea-pig pancreatic acini were used to examine the effects of the inositol analogue, γ-hexachlorocyclohexane (lindane) on agonist-stimulated amylase secretion. Secretion from mouse acini in response to carbachol and cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8) was reduced by lindane. Similarly, amylase release from guinea-pig acini stimulated by carbachol was abolished by lindane. These acini, however, still remained responsive to dibutyryl-cAMP with only a slightly diminished secretion to this agent. Inositol phospholipid synthesis and hydrolysis was stimulated in mouse acini by both carbachol and CCK-8. Although hydrolysis of these lipids in response to CCK-8 was reduced by only 18%, stimulation of inositol phospholipid synthesis by either agonist was abolished by lindane. Dose-response curves for inositol phospholipid synthesis stimulated by carbachol and CCK-8 in mouse acini were biphasic and superimposable with those of amylase secretion. In contrast, the dose-response curve for phosphoinositide hydrolysis was sigmoid and clearly separable from that of synthesis. Reducing the external Ca2+ concentration caused the dose-response curves for carbachol- and CCK-8-induced inositol phospholipid synthesis to be displaced to the right, as has been observed for amylase secretion. A23187 was also found to induce amylase secretion and inositol phospholipid synthesis, and both of these responses were inhibited by lindane. Amylase secretion and inositol phospholipid synthesis may, therefore, be closely related events in the exocrine pancreas. Lindane may provide a valuable tool with which to determine the role of inositol phospholipid metabolism in stimulus-response coupling.  相似文献   

Bombesin (BN), gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) and GRP(18–27) (neuromedin C) were equipotent and 30-fold more potent than neuromedin B (NMB) in inhibiting binding of 125I-GRP to and in stimulating amylase release from mouse pancreatic acini. In the present study we used 125I-GRP and chemical cross-linking techniques to characterized the mouse pancreatic BN receptor. After binding of 125I-GRP to membranes, and incubation with various chemical cross-linking agents, cross-linked radioactivity was analyzed by SDS-PAG electrophoresis and autoradiography. With each of 4 different chemical cross-linking agents, there was a single broad polypeptide band of Mr 80,000. Cross-linking did not occur in the absence of the cross-linking agent. Cross-linking was inhibited only by peptides that interact with the BN receptor such as GRP, NMB, GRP(18–27) or BN. Dose-inhibition curves for the ability of BN or NMB to inhibit binding of 125I-GRP to membranes or cross-linking to the 80,000 polypeptide demonstrated for both that BN was 15-fold more potent than NMB. The apparent molecular weight of the cross-linked polypeptide was unchanged by adding dithiothreitol. N-Glycanase treatment reduced the molecular weight of the cross-linked peptide to 40,000. The present results indicate that the BN receptor on mouse pancreatic acinar cell membranes resembles that recently described on various tumor cells in being a single glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 76,000. Because dithiothreitol had no effect, this glycoprotein is not a subunit of a larger disulfide-linked structure.  相似文献   

Secretion of lysosomal enzymes by human monocytes in response to various stimuli and the effect of conditioned media from lymphocytes and neutrophils was studied. Monocytes were found to release β-glucosaminidase in response to NH4Cl and to particles (zymosan, opsonised zymosan, asbestos and latex), but do not respond to some soluble stimuli like formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, phorbol myristate acetate, cytochalasin B, concanavalin A and N-acetylmuramyl-l-alanyl-d-isoglutamine. Neutrophil conditioned medium or neutrophil components did not have any effect on secretion. When treated with lymphokines the cells are more responsive, especially to zymosan. Even through there are similarities in the secretory activities of mouse macrophages and human monocytes, there are several differences both in the quantity of the response and in the mechanisms involved.  相似文献   

The effects of Gila monster venom on dispersed rat pancreatic acini were compared with those of secretin and VIP. The efficacy of the venom in terms of amylase release was much higher (a 24-fold increase over basal secretion) than that of secretin (a 4-fold increase) and VIP (+ 40% only). On the other hand, cyclic AMP levels increased 12-fold with the venom, as compared to 18-fold with secretin and 16-fold with VIP. The venom, VIP and secretin all displaced 125I-VIP and the competition curve with the venom was steeper, suggesting that all VIP-recognizing receptors bound the venom with the same affinity. VIP receptors were, however, not responsible for the release of amylase provoked by the venom since VIP (and secretin) did not inhibit the secretory action of the venom. The venom exerted no effect on 45Ca efflux and its secretory effect did not depend on the presence of external calcium. Besides, the effect of CCK-8 on amylase release was additive with the effect of the venom. A first exposure to the venom induced a refractoriness to itself with respect to amylase release but not in terms of cyclic AMP increase. In conclusion, Gila monster venom may contain one component binding to VIP/secretin receptors with resulting cyclic AMP elevation. A second venom component may be responsible for the high secretory efficacy, without involving cyclic AMP or calcium efflux.  相似文献   

Rat pancreatic acini were preincubated with 0.4 mM 32Pi for 45 min at 37 degrees C, then exposed for 15 min to VIP, secretin or CCK-8. The incubation was terminated with a stop solution and a fraction rich in mitochondria and zymogen granules was separated from a microsome-rich fraction by differential centrifugation. After heating in the presence of SDS, beta-mercaptoethanol was added and the pattern of equivalent amounts of 32P-labelled proteins was examined by autoradiography of SDS-PAGE gels. VIP, secretin, and CCK-8 stimulated the phosphorylation of a Mr=33 K microsomal protein and that of two proteins of Mr=21 K and Mr=25 K mostly present in a fraction rich in mitochondria and zymogen granules. Stimulations were dose-dependent, the highest stimulant concentrations tested allowing 2- to 3-fold increases of phosphorylation over basal. When 1 nM CCK-8 was used simultaneously with 1 microM VIP, the cyclic AMP levels attained and the pattern of protein phosphorylation were similar to those obtained with VIP alone, and there was a potentiation of amylase secretion; when a supra-maximal 0.1 microM CCK-8 concentration was added, the VIP-induced elevation in cyclic AMP levels and the phosphorylation of the Mr=21 K and Mr=25 K proteins were partially antagonized, and no potentiation any more of secretion occurred. To conclude the in vitro phosphorylation of three particulate proteins (Mr=33 K, 25 K, and 21 K) was similarly increased in rat pancreatic acini in response to secretin and VIP (acting through cyclic AMP) and to CCK-8 (acting mostly through Ca2+).  相似文献   

Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) could inhibit the secretion of gastric acid. Meanwhile, it could also decrease the secretion of other digestive glands besides gastric parietal cell. As we know, PPIs have been widely used to treat acute pancreatitis, and it is effective in clinical practice. However, research showed the side effect of PPIs on acute pancreatitis. The direct effect of PPI on pancreatic secretion is still unknown. Our experiment investigated the direct effect of PPIs on pancreatic exocrine by isolated pancreatic acini. In our study, isolated pancreatic acini were prepared as previously described by Williams, and cerulein was added to stimulate its secretion. The amylase release in the suspension was determined after the administration of different concentrations of omeprazole and Sandostatin; and its activity was also observed in different time phases. In our in vitro study, all results suggest that omeprazole has no direct repression on amylase release from isolated pancreatic acini.  相似文献   

Effects of chronic alcohol intake on secretion and synthesis of amylase and cationic trypsinogen (CT) were studied with pancreatic acini isolated from male Sprague-Dawley rats fed a Lieber-DeCarli ethanol or control diet for 30 days. Pancreatic acini were incubated in a media containing increasing concentrations of cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8: 0-1000pM) followed by addition of [3H]leucine. Amylase and CT secreted in the media and those labeled in acini were quantitated. Basal and CCK-stimulated secretion of CT was not different in alcoholic and control groups. On the other hand, a dose-response curve of CCK-stimulated amylase secretion from alcoholic acini was markedly reduced with both basal and maximal secretion decreased to only 40% of controls. Basal incorporation of [3H]leucine into amylase was reduced by 70% in alcoholic acini compared to controls while that into CT was not different in the two groups. CCK-8 exhibited a biphasic effect on [3H]leucine incorporation into both enzymes in alcoholic acini: low concentrations of CCK-8 (less than 100pM) increased the incorporation whereas high concentrations (greater than 100pM) decreased it. However, in control acini, CCK-8 induced progressive suppression of the incorporation into these enzymes, the pattern of which was similar to that previously observed in fasted rats (Am. J. Physiol. 241:G116-G112, 1981). This difference in the response pattern resulted in significantly higher rates of CCK-8 induced incorporation into CT in alcoholic acini. These results suggest that the differences observed may possibly be attributable not only to alcohol intake but also to the differences in carbohydrate intake and in temporal patterns of diet consumption.  相似文献   

The effect of human pancreatic polypeptide (HPP) on rat pancreatic acini has been studied. It was found that HPP stimulated amylase and lipase release from the acini. The secretory response of acini to HPP was dose-dependent in a sigmoidal fashion. Between 10(-9) M and 10(-8) M concentration of HPP there was a slow increase of enzyme release to about 40-60% over basal release. At concentrations of HPP above 10(-8) M there was a rapid increase of enzyme release, amounting to 4-6 times over basal release at 10(-6) M concentration of HPP. The potency of HPP compared to other secretagogues at 10(-7) M concentration was 45% of CCK, 60% of carbachol and 75% of secretin. HPP did not inhibit the effect of CCK, secretin and carbachol on amylase release. The amylase release stimulated by HPP was accompanied by an increase in 45Ca2+ efflux. Atropine or dibutyryl cyclic GMP did not influence the effect of HPP. It is concluded that HPP stimulates the release of enzymes from rat pancreatic acini and that Ca2+ may be a mediator for this secretion.  相似文献   

Summary Structural changes in the gallbladder epithelial cells of the mouse were studied following in vivo and in vitro stimulation of the gallbladder with the gastrointestinal hormone cholecystokinin-pancreozymin (CCK-PZ). Signs of increased secretory activity were observed within the first 2–3 min after hormone administration. At the ultrastructural level, best visualized with the PA-CrA-silver technique, granule discharge was observed, as was an overall increase in size of the granules. After prolonged in vitro incubation or repeated in vivo stimulation, there was an almost total depletion of secretory granules. This phenomenon is accompanied by an enhanced uptake of extracellular thorium dioxide by endocytotic vesicles at the apical cell surface. An exocytosisendocytosis coupling mechanism may be important for membrane conservation in the gallbladder epithelial cells. The findings establish that the hormone CCK-PZ stimulates the secretion of glycoproteins from the mouse gallbladder epithelium.This investigation was supported by grants from the University of Umeå and from the Swedish Medical Research Council (grant No. B76-12X-04758-01). The authors wish to thank Miss K. Karlsson and Miss M. Borg for skilful technical assistance  相似文献   

The induction of ATP-citrate lyase activity in mouse liver by dietary carbohydrate (glucose) is markedly reduced by including in the diet a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Within 72 h after changing from a standard mouse chow diet to a high carbohydrate diet containing 15% (w/w) of hydrogenated cottonseed oil (as a source of saturated fatty acids), the activity of mouse liver ATP-citrate lyase per milligram cytosolic protein was approx. 3-fold higher than that from mice fed a similar diet containing 15% (w/w) of corn oil. The rate of synthesis of ATP-citrate lyase relative to that for total protein and the rate of degradation of the enzyme were similar for both dietary groups. Elevated levels of enzyme activity in the hydrogenated cottonseed oil-fed livers were not accompanied by a similar increase in the amount of enzyme protein. To explain such findings, we propose that the activity of hepatic ATP-citrate lyase is regulated by dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids through a mechanism involving the conversion of a catalytically active form of the enzyme to a catalytically inactive form. A reversal of this conversion (inactive-active)_is evident within 72 h of removing the mice from the corn oil diet and placing them on the hydrogenated cottonseed oil diet. Futhermore, the conversion appears to be independent of the in vivo rate of synthesis of the enzyme.  相似文献   

M W Wooten  R W Wrenn 《FEBS letters》1984,171(2):183-186
Treatment of intact rat pancreatic acini with phorbol ester (12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate, TPA) resulted in a time- and concentration-dependent translocation of phospholipid/Ca2+-dependent protein kinase (PL/Ca-PK) from the soluble fraction. Redistribution of PL/Ca-PK was concurrent with stimulation of amylase secretion by TPA-treated acini. Polymyxin B, a potent and selective inhibitor of PL/Ca-PK completely inhibited TPA-induced amylase secretion. These findings are consistent with a role for PL/Ca-PK in the regulation of pancreatic exocrine secretion.  相似文献   

Summary Enzyme assays and morphological and histological studies show that the opaque zone midgut cells of the haematophagous fly Stomoxys calcitrans are responsible for the production of proteolytic digestive enzymes and that these are secreted into the gut lumen via membrane bound vesicles (MBV). The secretory cycle can be summarized as follows; initially the rough endoplasmic reticulum is stacked and the apices of the cells are packed with MBV. This is followed by a period of release characterized first by cytoplasmic extrusions containing high densities of MBV, then by microvesiculation of the microvilli combined with a progressive distribution of rough endoplasmic reticulum and lightening of the cellular cytoplasm. Glycogen appears in the cells at this stage and is gradually lost as the rough endoplasmic reticulum becomes stacked once more and the numbers of MBV build up again. The cycle which occurs regularly and synchronously in the cells of the zone repeats itself many times up to the completion of digestion of the blood meal. The secretory cycle is discussed with reference to activity in other secretory tissues.The author is indebted to the Science Research Council for financial support  相似文献   

In the present study we used thapsigargin (TG), an inhibitor of microsomal calcium ATPase, to evaluate the roles of free cytoplasmic calcium and intracellular stored calcium in secretagogue-stimulated enzyme secretion from rat pancreatic acini. Using microspectrofluorimetry of fura-2-loaded pancreatic acini, we found that TG caused a sustained increase in free cytoplasmic calcium by mobilizing calcium from inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-sensitive intracellular stores and by increasing influx of extracellular calcium. TG also caused a small increase in basal amylase secretion, inhibited the stimulation of amylase secretion caused by secretagogues that increase inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, and potentiated the stimulation of amylase secretion caused by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate or secretagogues that increase cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate. Bombesin, which like TG increased free cytoplasmic calcium, also potentiated the stimulation of amylase secretion caused by secretagogues that increase cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate, but did not inhibit the stimulation of amylase secretion caused by secretagogues that increase inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate. Finally, TG inhibited the sustained phase of cholecystokinin-stimulated amylase secretion and potentiated the time course of vasoactive intestinal peptide-stimulated amylase secretion. The present findings indicate that stimulation of amylase secretion by secretagogues that increase inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate does not depend on increased free cytoplasmic calcium per se. In contrast, TG-induced potentiation of the stimulation of secretagogues that increase cellular cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate appears to result from increased free cytoplasmic calcium per se.  相似文献   

The isolated rabbit pancreas responds to the hormone cholecystokinin-pancreozymin and its C-terminal peptide with increases in protein secretion and in paracellular permeability. Dibutyryl cyclic GMP competitively inhibits these responses to the C-terminal octapeptide, but with different sensitivity. In low concentrations dibutyryl cyclic GMP lowers only the increase in the paracellular permeability, whereas in high concentrations it inhibits both the protein secretion and the permeability increase. The effect can be explained by assuming competition between dibutyryl cyclic GMP and the hormone at the level of the pancreozymin receptors.  相似文献   

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