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AGAT, GAMT and CT1, three creatine synthesis and transport‐related molecules, have been widely studied in mammals. To explore their homologous genes in adult zebrafish Danio rerio, the gene expression patterns of these three genes in D. rerio were investigated. The results reveal that AGAT, GAMT and CT1 are expressed widely in diverse tissues of D. rerio where the homologous genes in mammals are also expressed.  相似文献   

《Developmental cell》2022,57(10):1284-1298.e5
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AtLTP1 luciferase expression during carrot somatic embryogenesis   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The carrot (Daucus carota L.) EP2 gene encodes a Lipid Transfer Protein (LTP) which is expressed during protoderm formation in developing embryos. To develop a vital reporter system for gene expression during somatic embryo development a 1.1 kB fragment of the Arabidopsis thaliana LTP1 promoter was fused to the firefly luciferase (LUC) coding sequence. The AtLTP1 luciferase expression pattern in transformed carrot suspension cultures was identical to the expression pattern of the endogenous carrot EP2 gene. Cell tracking experiments revealed that all somatic embryos were derived from AtLTP1 luciferase expressing cell clusters. However, not all cell clusters that expressed the AtLTP1 luciferase reporter gene developed into a somatic embryo, suggesting that initiation of an embryogenic pathway in tissue culture does not always lead to development of a somatic embryo.  相似文献   

Emx family homeobox genes, Emx1 and Emx2, play an essential role in rostral brain development in mammalian embryos. Here we report a zebrafish emx family gene, emx1, which is more similar to the mouse Emx1 gene than the previously reported zebrafish emx1 gene; we propose to rename that gene emx3. The expression of emx1 is first detected around the 10-somite stage in the pineal gland (epiphysis) primodium in the developing anterior brain and in the pronephric primodium within the intermediate mesoderm. emx1 expression in the epiphysis has not been reported in other species. Expression in the epiphysis is suppressed at 23 h post-fertilization (hpf) in the floating head (flh) mutant, in which development of the epiphysis is impaired. Subsequently, emx1 is expressed in the telencephalon, as reported in mammals, and can be detected in the olfactory placode and in a small group of cells in the forebrain at 25 hpf. In the mesoderm, emx1 expression is gradually concentrated in the posterior pronephric duct during somitogenesis, and becomes expressed predominantly in the urogenital opening at 25 hpf. Thus, emx1 displays a unique expression pattern that is distinct from the patterns of emx2 and emx3.  相似文献   

Claudins are a family of proteins that are localized to tight junctions at the apical surface of epithelial cell layers. Over 24 family members have been identified in vertebrates. Despite being well-studied with respect to their function in tight junction selectivity and permeability, the embryonic expression patterns of most claudin family members have not been thoroughly investigated. Here, we report the cloning and expression pattern of a novel chick claudin family member that is most closely related to human claudin-1. Chick claudin-1 was expressed throughout the ectoderm of stage 4-6 chick embryos. Claudin-1 expression was particularly high in the neural epithelium and open neural tube, but decreased as the neural tube closed. High levels of claudin-1 expression were also observed in the developing otic vesicle, nasal placode, ectodermal component of the pharyngeal arches, and in the apical ectodermal ridge of the limb bud from stage 17 onwards. Claudin-1 expression was also detected in scleral papillae, feather buds and migrating primordial germ cells. Lower levels of claudin-1 expression were observed in the endoderm, the ventral pharynx, and several of its derivatives including the bronchi, developing lung epithelium, esophagus, and gut. Claudin-1 expression was detected in the nephric duct and the mesonephros, which are epithelialized derivatives of the intermediate mesoderm, but not in any other mesodermal derivates, including the heart, somites and developing muscle. With the exception of the migrating primordial germ cells and the primitive streak, all other tissues that expressed significant levels of claudin-1 were epithelialized.  相似文献   

The Notch signalling pathway defines a phylogenetically conserved cell-cell communication process that enables cell-fate specification in multicellular organisms. Deltex is a component of the Notch signalling network that physically interacts with the ankyrin repeats of Notch. Here, we report on the expression pattern of the Deltex1 gene during mouse embryonic development and, furthermore, we compare its expression with that of the Notch1, 2 and 3 genes. Complementary and combinatorial expression patterns between Deltex1 and the three Notch genes were observed throughout embryogenesis since Deltex1 expression was related either to cytodifferentiation (i.e. neuronal tissues) or to cell proliferation events (i.e. eye, vascular structures, hematopoiesis).  相似文献   

The Lim-kinase (LIMK) proteins are important for the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton, in particular the control of actin nucleation and depolymerisation via regulation of cofilin, and hence may control a large number of processes during development, including cell tensegrity, migration, cell cycling, and axon guidance. LIMK1/LIMK2 knockouts disrupt spinal cord morphogenesis and synapse formation but other tissues and developmental processes that require LIMK are yet to be fully determined. To identify tissues and cell-types that may require LIMK, we characterised the pattern of LIMK1 protein during mouse embryogenesis. We showed that LIMK1 displays an expression pattern that is temporally dynamic and tissue-specific. In several tissues LIMK1 is detected in cell-types that also express Wilms' tumour protein 1 and that undergo transitions between epithelial and mesenchymal states, including the pleura, epicardium, kidney nephrons, and gonads. LIMK1 was also found in a subset of cells in the dorsal retina, and in mesenchymal cells surrounding the peripheral nerves. This detailed study of the spatial and temporal expression of LIMK1 shows that LIMK1 expression is more dynamic than previously reported, in particular at sites of tissue-tissue interactions guiding multiple developmental processes.  相似文献   

Hsp70 expression and function during embryogenesis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
This review focuses on the expression and function of 70-kDa heat shock proteins (Hsp70s) during mammalian embryogenesis, though many features of embryogenesis and the developmental expression of Hsp70s are conserved between mammals and other vertebrates. A variety of Hsp70s are expressed from the point of zygotic gene activation in cleavage-stage embryos, through blastulation, implantation, gastrulation, neurulation, organogenesis, and on throughout fetal maturation. The regulation and patterns of hsp70 gene expression and the known and putative Hsp70 protein functions vary from constitutive and metabolic housekeeping to stress-inducible and embryo-protective roles. Understanding the genetic regulation and molecular function of Hsp70s has been pursued by developmental biologists interested in the control of gene expression in early embryos as well as reproductive toxicologists and teratologists interested in how Hsp70s protect embryos from the adverse effects of environmental exposures. These efforts have also been joined by those interested in the chaperone functions of Hsp70s, and this confluence of effort has yielded many advances in our understanding of Hsp70s during critical phases of embryonic development and cellular differentiation.  相似文献   

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