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一种PCR产物克隆的新方法——T-A克隆法   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

用特异性引物对肌球蛋白轻链2启动子(myosin light chain-2,MLC2)-糜酶融合基因的转基因新生鼠鼠尾DNA进行PCR筛选, 低熔点琼脂糖凝胶电泳回收阳性样品PCR所扩出的DNA条带,纯化后用同一对引物中的一个进行单引物PCR测序,与所转外源基因序列比较,进一步确定整合有外源基因的阳性鼠.PCR及PCR 产物测序法检测转基因动物具有操作方便,灵敏度高及特异性强等优点.  相似文献   

Xue-en FANG  Jian LI  Qin CHEN   《Virologica Sinica》2008,23(3):167-172
Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) is a novel nucleic acid amplification method, which amplifies DNA with high specificity, sensitivity, rapidity and efficiency under isothermal conditions using a set of four specially designed primers and a Bst DNA polymerase with strand displacement activity. The basic principle, characteristics, development of LAMP and its applications are summarized in this article.  相似文献   

一种有效回收短片段PCR产物的方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:为了有效地回收小于200bp的短片段PCR产物。方法:研究了在-20℃条件下,用无水乙醇和3mol/l醋酸钠共沉淀短片段的PCR产物的方法。结果和结论:用这种共沉淀PCR产物的方法,它能够有效地回收小于200bp以下的DNA片段,并且回收到的片段能够有效的进行酶切反应和T-载体连接反应。这种方法也能够回收酶切后的短DNA片段,并对后来的连接反应没有影响。这种共沉淀回收短片段DNA方法相对于其他方法来不仅具有可行性,而且有经济和操作简单的优点。  相似文献   

为了解决在一些特殊位点上利用Quick Change方法进行定点突变时会在突变位点处额外插入引物序列导致突变失败的问题,对Quick Change法进行了改良。改良方法为:合成在突变位点处点突变的一对反向互补引物,分别进行单引物PCR扩增,将两种扩增产物混合,变性复性后加入Dpn I进行酶切,酶切产物转化大肠杆菌DH5α,抗性筛选阳性克隆进行测序验证。利用此法成功突变紫穗槐二烯合酶(amorpha-4,11-diene synthase,ADS)基因中多个利用常规方法突变均因引入额外引物而无法成功的特殊位点,证明此方法实践上可行,而且也可以避免插入额外引物序列,这也从侧面证明额外引物插入的原因是双引物同时反应。  相似文献   

提高PCR产物克隆效率的几种途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从提高PCR产物纯度,增加产物特异性入手,较详细地分析了影响PCR产物克隆效率的四个主要因素,并就每种影响因素给出了较为详尽的提高克隆效率的途径.  相似文献   

微卫星已被广泛应用于群体遗传学、生态学和进化生物学研究。然而,一些物种微卫星尚未克隆。为了节省时间和经费,研究人员往往使用一个物种已发表的微卫星引物扩增其近缘物种的微卫星。该研究对属于3个不同科(Clariidae、Heteropneustidae 和Pimelodidae)的7个鲶鱼物种的微卫星跨物种PCR扩增产物进行了序列分析,研究发现扩增非同源(non-orthologous)产物是微卫星跨物种PCR扩增的一个新问题。该研究共采用4对胡子鲶微卫星座位引物对7个鲶鱼物种进行了跨物种PCR扩增。对获得的204个PCR产物的序列分析结果表明,两对微卫星座位引物扩增了所有7个物种的同源特异产物。而其他两个座位的引物扩增了特异但非同源的多态产物,对近缘物种的扩增也获得类似结果。另外,除胡子鲶等位基因大小异源同型(size homoplasy)的特征不明显外,其他物种在3个微卫星座位都具有这一非常明显的特征。这些数据表明,微卫星跨物种间交叉扩增能产生非同源产物;等位基因大小异源同型与微卫星座位本身有关,而与物种间的亲缘关系无明显的相关性。微卫星跨物种扩增产生的非同源产物和等位基因大小异源同型将使系统发育、群体遗传学和进化研究明显复杂化。因此,在应用微卫星跨物种交叉扩增数据以前,最好对跨物种交叉扩增产物进行测序验证。  相似文献   

目前,PCR引物设计主要依赖于软件对引物熔点的模拟计算,而PCR退火条件的优化需进行不同条件下的扩增实验。为开发一种可高效、精确评价引物和确定退火条件的方法,本研究采用高分辨率熔解曲线(high resolution melting,HRM)测定技术直接分析短链DNA的熔点,用于引物优劣性的评价,并为退火条件的优化提供参考。本文用HRM法直接测定了非完全互补的双链DNA以及DNA发卡结构的熔点,结果显示:(1)与完全互补的双链DNA相比,较为稳定的单碱基错配A?G、G?G和T?G的熔点只降低2℃ ~ 3℃,部分双碱基错配的熔点只降低4℃ ~ 6℃,单碱基突出熔点只降低4℃~ 5℃。因此,如果采用的退火温度不当,部分错配的非目的模板可能会被扩增。(2)即使发卡结构的茎干区只有6 bp,当其环区碱基少于10 nt时,其熔点也可达到60℃以上。此外,环区的长度对发卡熔点也有较大影响。根据本研究结果发现,引物设计时应尽量避免模板引物结合区同其邻近的30 nt碱基有6 bp以上的互补部分。综上所述,本研究证明HRM熔点法是一种高效评价引物及确定退火温度的方法。  相似文献   

以尖孢镰刀菌(Fusarium oxysporum)为材料,旨为建立沸水浴获得PCR模板DNA的新方法。】取少量真菌菌丝置于一定体积50 mmol/L Na OH溶液中沸水浴10 min,再加入1/10体积1 mol/L Tris-HCl(p H8.0)缓冲液,12 000 r/min离心后,上清用作PCR的DNA模板。结果显示,该方法扩增效率高,扩增条带清晰,且Taq酶适应性强,适合快速制备丝状真菌的模板DNA。该方法经济、简单、快速、安全高效,可用于丝状真菌转化子的高通量筛选和菌株的快速鉴定。  相似文献   

利用T7DNA聚合酶在低温下仍具较高活性的特点,在热变性后低温下进行测序反应,使用该方法对多种PCR产物进行序列分析均取得较好的结果.  相似文献   

可直接克隆PCR产物的克隆载体的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文描述一种构建与PCR产物直接连接的克隆载体的方法。以高拷贝克隆载体pUC118为骨架载体,在pUC118质粒氨苄抗性基因的Eam1105 I 酶切位点上,以点突变的方式封闭Eam1105 I 酶切位点。经转化大肠杆菌JM109证实,该改造过的pUC118质粒,可使宿主细胞仍具有氨苄抗性。将一人工合成的具有两个Eam1105 I 酶切位点的互补寡聚核苷酸链(两端具有BamH I 接头)插入已封闭Eam1105 I 酶切位点的pUC118*载体的BamH I 位点,构成新的克隆载体,此质粒命名为pUC118E。该载体经Eam1105 I 酶切后,可产生3′末端突出一个T碱基的T-载体,能与PCR产物直接连接。 Abstract:A new method for construction of a cloning vector (T-vector) for direct ligation with PCR products was described.The T-vector derived from pUC118 in which the unique restriction site of Eam1105 I in the region of Ampr gene was deleted and an artificial DNA fragment flanking two Eam1105 I was introduced at the site of BamHI.The modified vector was named as pUC118E.A T-vector with 3′over hang end of a single T can be obtained via digesting of pUC118E with Eam1105I.PCR products can be easily cloned with this T-vector.  相似文献   

新定量PCR数据处理方法的理论探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
日新月异的生命科学技术的发展及临床医学科学研究的需求,一般的PCR技术已远远不能满足工作的需要。PE公司在进行了大量的PCR动力学研究的基础上,发现了利用荧光标记探针在PCR循环过程中积累的荧光强度达到仪器捡出阈值时,系统的初始模板数量与循环次数之间有线性关系,据此建立了目前的PE 7700 、PE 5700仪器的定量PCR技术,开创了PCR技术的新局面。但是由于这一技术的误差较大,尚不能满足生命科学及临床医学科学研究的需求,因此需要继续研究新的定量PCR技术。PCR动力学数学模型是根据PCR 技术的原理提出的,能够准确描述PCR反应产物分子数量积累规律的动力学方程,给出了PCR产物数量或者荧光强度与初始模板数量及其他反应条件间的函数关系。利用这一关系,根据PCR反应已积累的产物数量,可以实现准确的定量PCR分析,得到初始模板数量达到定量PCR的目的。使用动力学数学模型做定量PCR分析,其结果的误差仅与使用的荧光强度数值的精确度相关。使用精确到6位数的荧光强度数据,模板数自100~1 000 000区间定量结果的准确性可达99%以上。本文根据模拟实验数据进行了初步的定量PCR分析,结果提示,目前的定量PCR仪器使用PCR动力学模型理论处理分析数据,定量分析的结果会比目前的CT值方法在准确性方面提高几十倍以上,可以满足各方面研究工作误差水平的需要。 Abstract:Today standard PCR can't satisfy the need of biotechnique development and clinical research any more.After numerous dynamic research,PE company found there is a linear relation between initial template number and cycling time when the accumulating fluorescent product is detectable.Therefore,they developed a quantitative PCR technique to be used in PE7700 and PE5700.But the error of this technique is too great to satisfy the need of biotechnique development and clinical research.A better quantitative PCR technique is needed.The mathematical model submitted here is combined with the achievement of relative science,and based on the PCR principle and careful analysis of molecular relationship of main members in PCR reaction system.This model describes the function relation between product quantity or fluorescence intensity and initial template number and other reaction conditions,and can reflect the accumulating rule of PCR product molecule accurately.Accurate quantitative PCR analysis can be made use this function relation.Accumulated PCR product quantity can be obtained from initial template number.Using this model to do quantitative PCR analysis,result error is only related to the accuracy of fluorescence intensity or the instrument used.For an example,when the fluorescence intensity is accurate to 6 digits and the template size is between 100 to 1 000 000,the quantitative result accuracy will be more than 99%.The difference of result error is distinct using same condition,same instrument but different analysis method.Moreover,if the PCR quantitative analysis system is used to process data,it will get result 80 times of accuracy than using CT method.  相似文献   

重组酶聚合酶扩增 (recombinase polymerase amplification, RPA)是近年来兴起的一种等温核酸扩增技术,它比聚合酶链式反应(polymerase chain reaction, PCR)及其它等温扩增技术更快速、便捷、高效。本文将详细介绍RPA这项新颖的技术,并对其在医疗诊断、农业、食品、生物安全等方面的研究及应用进展进行综述。期望这项技术得到更多的关注,使其发展更加完善,将来在更多的领域充分发挥作用,甚至书写核酸检测历史新篇章。  相似文献   

Bst DNA聚合酶具有热稳定性、链置换活性及聚合酶活性,在体外DNA等温扩增反应中起重要作用. 本文利用Bst DNA聚合酶的5′→3′聚合酶、核苷酸(末端)转移酶及链置换酶活性发展了一种新的体外环式DNA扩增技术跨越式滚环等温扩增(saltatory rolling circle amplification,SRCA).在SRCA反应中,Bst DNA聚合酶以上游引物P1为模板合成其互补链RcP1,并和P1形成双链DNA|之后,Bst DNA聚合酶用其核苷酸转移酶活性在其P1的3′末端沿5′→3′方向随机掺入脱氧核糖核苷酸聚合形成寡聚核苷酸(dNMP)m序列,即DNA的合成反应跨越了RcP1 与下游引物P2之间的缺口|然后,以下游引物P2为模板形成互补序列(RcP2);接着,Bst DNA聚合酶继续将脱氧核糖核苷酸随机添加到RcP2的3′末端,形成(dNMP)n序列.继而,Bst DNA聚合酶以RcP1为模板,继续催化聚合反应合成互补新链,并通过其链置换酶活性替换P1|如此往复,形成[P1-(dNMP)m-RcP2-(dNMP)n …]序列.本文通过电泳、酶切、测序等方法对扩增产物进行分析,演绎出上述扩增过程,并就工作原理进行了讨论.该反应可能对开发等温扩增技术检测微生物有一定助益,也为解释环介导等温扩增技术中假阳性反应和滚环等温扩增反应中的背景信号提供了线索.  相似文献   

根据GenBank和ICB数据库中gyrB蛋白氨基酸序列的两个保守区域TPGMYIG和QRY(F)KGLGEM设计简并引物,以L.ferriphilum菌株YSK基因组DNA为模板,PCR扩增出获得大小约为2.2kb的DNA片段.序列分析表明,菌株YSK的扩增片断的开放阅读框(ORF)能够推导出一个编码分子量约为82....  相似文献   

PCR is the most widely applied technique for large scale screening of bacterial clones, mouse genotypes, virus genomes etc. A drawback of large PCR screening is that amplicon analysis is usually performed using gel electrophoresis, a step that is very labor intensive, tedious and chemical waste generating. Single genome amplification (SGA) is used to characterize the diversity and evolutionary dynamics of virus populations within infected hosts. SGA is based on the isolation of single template molecule using limiting dilution followed by nested PCR amplification and requires the analysis of hundreds of reactions per sample, making large scale SGA studies very challenging. Here we present a novel approach entitled Long Amplicon Melt Profiling (LAMP) based on the analysis of the melting profile of the PCR reactions using SYBR Green and/or EvaGreen fluorescent dyes. The LAMP method represents an attractive alternative to gel electrophoresis and enables the quick discrimination of positive reactions. We validate LAMP for SIV and HIV env-SGA, in 96- and 384-well plate formats. Because the melt profiling allows the screening of several thousands of PCR reactions in a cost-effective, rapid and robust way, we believe it will greatly facilitate any large scale PCR screening.  相似文献   

Herein, we describe a novel cloning strategy for PCR-amplified DNA which employs the type IIs restriction endonuclease BsaI to create a linearized vector with four base-long 5′-overhangs, and T4 DNA polymerase treatment of the insert in presence of a single dNTP to create vector-compatible four base-long overhangs. Notably, the insert preparation does not require any restriction enzyme treatment. The BsaI sites in the vector are oriented in such a manner that upon digestion with BsaI, a stuffer sequence along with both BsaI recognition sequences is removed. The sequence of the four base-long overhangs produced by BsaI cleavage were designed to be non-palindromic, non-compatible to each other. Therefore, only ligation of an insert carrying compatible ends allows directional cloning of the insert to the vector to generate a recombinant without recreating the BsaI sites. We also developed rapid protocols for insert preparation and cloning, by which the entire process from PCR to transformation can be completed in 6–8 h and DNA fragments ranging in size from 200 to 2200 bp can be cloned with equal efficiencies. One protocol uses a single tube for insert preparation if amplification is performed using polymerases with low 3′-exonuclease activity. The other protocol is compatible with any thermostable polymerase, including those with high 3′-exonuclease activity, and does not significantly increase the time required for cloning. The suitability of this method for high-throughput cloning was demonstrated by cloning batches of 24 PCR products with nearly 100% efficiency. The cloning strategy is also suitable for high efficiency cloning and was used to construct large libraries comprising more than 108 clones/µg vector. Additionally, based on this strategy, a variety of vectors were constructed for the expression of proteins in E. coli, enabling large number of different clones to be rapidly generated.  相似文献   

实时PCR技术因其快速、准确、灵敏度和重复性高、可减少交叉污染等特点而广泛应用于分子生物学和医学研究领域。本研究建立了一种基于LUX (Light Upon eXtension)引物的HBV病毒载量检测的实时定量PCR检测方法。通过检测系列稀释的HBV DNA(5-5×108拷贝/反应)来验证LUX实时分析的性能和灵敏度。结果表明该检测方法在Ct值和log10 HBV DNA浓度之间存在很好的线形关系,并且具有很高的灵敏度,检测低限可达每毫升血清中50拷贝的HBV。对91份阳性血清样品的检测和熔解曲线分析表明该方法具有很高的特异性。新建立的LUX实时检测方法为检测治疗效果、研究HBV病毒载量和疾病发展之间的关系提供了一种理想的工具。  相似文献   

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