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The root respiration rate often shows an exponential or a linear relationship with temperature under laboratory conditions. However, under intact conditions in the field, the root respiration rates of some tree species decreased around midday despite an increment of the root temperature (Bekku et al. 2009). To clarify the cause of midday depression, we examined the relationships between the intact root respiration and parameters of leaf gas exchange through the simultaneous field measurement of the gas exchange in the leaf and root of Quercus crispula and Chamaecyparis obtusa, which are canopy trees. There were no significant relationships between the root respiration rates (R r) and the parameters of leaf gas exchange in the field. However, in C. obtusa, the relationships between R r and the transpiration rates (E) at 1 h before the measurement of R r were fitted by logarithmic function with a determination coefficient of 0.60–0.89. In the light-manipulation experiments using saplings, R r had significant positive correlations with E at 20 min before the measurement of R r, root temperature (T r), and the photosynthesis (P n) at 20 min before the measurement of R r. We examined which factor, P n or E, affects the root respiration rate through a manipulation experiment using a growth chamber regulating the ambient CO2 concentration and relative humidity independently under constant air temperature and photosynthetic photon flux density. As a result, the root respiration rates changed corresponding to E and not P n. These results suggest that the root respiration rate of trees changes significantly in the daytime and is affected by the leaf transpiration rate as well as the temperature.  相似文献   

Bunce JA 《Annals of botany》2007,100(1):67-73
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Accounting for the acclimation of respiration of plants to temperature remains a major problem in analysis of carbon balances of plants and ecosystems. Translocation of carbohydrates out of leaves in the dark requires energy from respiration. In this study relationships between the responses of leaf respiration and translocation to temperature are examined. METHODS: Direct and acclimatory responses to temperature of respiration and translocation in the dark were investigated in mature leaves of soybean and amaranth. In some cases translocation from leaves was prevented by heat-girdling the phloem in the leaf petiole, or photosynthesis during the previous day was altered. KEY RESULTS: In both species short-term increases in temperature early in the dark period led to exponential increases in rates of respiration. However, respiration rates decreased toward the end of the dark period at higher temperatures. Stopping translocation largely prevented this decrease in respiration, suggesting that the decrease in respiration was due to low availability of substrates. In soybean, translocation also increased with temperature, and both respiration and translocation fully acclimated to temperature. In amaranth, translocation in the dark was independent of temperature, and respiration did not acclimate to temperature. Respiration and translocation rates both decreased with lower photosynthesis during the previous day in the two species. CONCLUSIONS: Substrate supply limited total night-time respiration in both species at high temperatures and following days with low photosynthesis. This resulted in an apparent acclimation of respiration to high temperatures within one night in both species. However, after long-term exposure to different temperatures there was no evidence that lack of substrates limited respiration in either species. In amaranth, respiration did not limit translocation rates over the temperature range of 20-35 degrees C.  相似文献   

Six Lolium genotypes with contrasting apparent photorespiration and COa compensation concentration, [C02]c, were compared for net photosynthesis, dark respiration, leaf starch accumulation, rate of leaf expansion and shoot regrowth. Plants were grown in day/night temperatures of 15/10 and 25/20 oC. There were significant (P < 0–05) differences between the genotypes in all these parameters. At 25/20 oC apparent photorespiration was correlated with [CO2]c. Correlation coefficients, pooled from both temperature regimes, revealed that genotypes with high rates of net photosynthesis accumulated more leaf starch during light periods than genotypes with slow photosynthesis, but rates of leaf expansion and dry matter increase were only correlated, negatively, with dark respiration. Apparent photorespiration was negatively correlated with dark respiration. These findings suggest that attributes related to photorespiration such as [CO2]c and O2 uptake from CO2-free air in the light are unlikely to be useful selection criteria for growth of C3 grasses, that net photosynthesis was probably not limiting growth and that maintenance respiration may have been an important determinant of genotypic differences in growth rate. Selections for slow and fast rates of dark respiration of mature leaves were therefore made at 8 and at 25 oC from within two different populations of L. perenne, S.23. This characteristic showed repeatabilities (broad-sense heritability) of from 0–41 to o-66. Six independent comparisons of simulated swards of the slow- and fast-respiring selections were made under periodic cutting regimes, either in a growth room at 25 oC or in a glasshouse from August to May. Growth of all plots of slow-respiring genotypes was consistently more rapid than that of the fast-respiring, at 25 oC in the growth room, and during autumn and spring in the glasshouse. There was no difference in winter growth. The implications of these results for the use of gas exchange measurements as selection criteria in plant breeding programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

Effects of daytime carbon dioxide concentration on dark respiration in rice   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration ([CO2]) has generated considerable interest in the response of agricultural crops to [CO2]. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of a wide range of daytime [CO2] on dark respiration of rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. IR-30). Rice plants were grown season-long in naturally sunlit plant growth chambers in subambient (160 and 250), ambient (330), or super-ambient (500, 660 and 900 μmol CO2 mol?1 air) [CO2] treatments. Canopy dark respiration, expressed on a ground area basis (Rd) increased with increasing [CO2] treatment from 160 to 500 μmol mol?1 treatments and was very similar among the superambient treatments. The trends in Rd over time and in response to increasing daytime [CO2] treatment were associated with and similar to trends previously described for photosynthesis. Specific respiration rate (Rdw) decreased with time during the growing season and was higher in the subambient than the ambient and superambient [CO2] treatments. This greater Rdw in the subambient [CO2] treatments was attributed to a higher specific maintenance respiration rate and was associated with higher plant tissue nitrogen concentration.  相似文献   

By investigating the R D-C a (dark respiration rate-atmospheric CO2 concentration) and P N (net photosynthetic rate)-C a curves of bamboo (Fargesia denudata) and poplar (Populus cathayanna), we found that: (1) the minimal R D was close to ambient CO2 concentration, and the elevated or decreased atmospheric CO2 concentration enhanced the R D of both species; (2) the response curves of R D-C a were simulated well by quadratic function. This phenomenon might be an inherent property of leaf R D of F. denudata and P. cathayanna. If this was true, it implies that effect of CO2 on R D could be interpreted with the relationship of R D-C a curves and the quadratic function.  相似文献   

A first comprehensive dataset of nectar sugar composition and concentration in Bromeliaceae is presented, covering 111 species belonging to all three subfamilies. Based on this dataset, we examined the relationship between nectar traits and pollination syndromes in the family. Sugars in samples were assayed by high pressure liquid chromatography. All sampled species were grouped into three broad categories (trochilophilous, chiropterophilous, or lepidopterophilous) according to their main pollination mode. Significant differences between the different pollination syndromes were found in nectar sugar composition as well as concentration. For a total of four genera (Guzmania, Pitcairnia, Tillandsia and Vriesea), a comparison of nectar composition showed significant differences between trochilophilous and chiropterophilous species. Data presented here indicate that the characteristics of nectar in Bromeliaceae are predominantly determined by putative adaptations of nectar sugars to preferences of the pollinators rather than by phylogenetic relations.  相似文献   

Based on prior evidence of coordinated multiple leaf trait scaling, we hypothesized that variation among species in leaf dark respiration rate (R d) should scale with variation in traits such as leaf nitrogen (N), leaf life-span, specific leaf area (SLA), and net photosynthetic capacity (A max). However, it is not known whether such scaling, if it exists, is similar among disparate biomes and plant functional types. We tested this idea by examining the interspecific relationships between R d measured at a standard temperature and leaf life-span, N, SLA and A max for 69 species from four functional groups (forbs, broad-leafed trees and shrubs, and needle-leafed conifers) in six biomes traversing the Americas: alpine tundra/subalpine forest, Colorado; cold temperate forest/grassland, Wisconsin; cool temperate forest, North Carolina; desert/shrubland, New Mexico; subtropical forest, South Carolina; and tropical rain forest, Amazonas, Venezuela. Area-based R d was positively related to area-based leaf N within functional groups and for all species pooled, but not when comparing among species within any site. At all sites, mass-based R d (R d-mass) decreased sharply with increasing leaf life-span and was positively related to SLA and mass-based A max and leaf N (leaf N mass). These intra-biome relationships were similar in shape and slope among sites, where in each case we compared species belonging to different plant functional groups. Significant R d-massN mass relationships were observed in all functional groups (pooled across sites), but the relationships differed, with higher R d at any given leaf N in functional groups (such as forbs) with higher SLA and shorter leaf life-span. Regardless of biome or functional group, R d-mass was well predicted by all combinations of leaf life-span, N mass and/or SLA (r 2≥ 0.79, P < 0.0001). At any given SLA, R d-mass rises with increasing N mass and/or decreasing leaf life-span; and at any level of N mass, R d-mass rises with increasing SLA and/or decreasing leaf life-span. The relationships between R d and leaf traits observed in this study support the idea of a global set of predictable interrelationships between key leaf morphological, chemical and metabolic traits. Received: 23 May 1997 / Accepted: 16 December 1997  相似文献   

The respiration rate of leaves and mesophyll protoplasts of pea (Pisum sativum L.), from plants which were previously kept in darkness for 24 h was doubled following a period of photosynthesis at ambient level of O2 (21 %), whereas the low level of O2 (1 % and 4 % for leaves and protoplasts, respectively) reduced this light-enhanced dark respiration (LEDR) to the rate as noted before the illumination. Similarly to respiration rate, the oxygen at used concentrations had no effect on the ATP/ADP ratio in the dark-treated leaves. However, the ATP/ADP ratio in leaves photosynthesizing at 21 % O2 was higher (up to 40 %, dependence on CO2 concentration in the range 40–1600 1 dm−3) than in those photosynthesizing at 1 % O2 or darkened at air (21 % O2). Also, at 1 % O2 the accumulation of malate was suppressed (by about 40 %), to a value noted for leaves darkened at 21 % O2. The dark-treatment of leaves reduced the ability of isolated mitochondria to oxidize glycine (by about twofold) and succinate, but not malate. Mitochondria from both the light- and dark-treated leaves did not differ in qualitative composition of free amino acids, however, there were significant quantitative differences especially with respect to aspartate, alanine, glutamate and major intermediates of the photorespiratory pathway (glycine, serine). Our results suggest that accumulation of photorespiratory and respiratory metabolites in pea leaves during photosynthesis at 1 % O2 is reduced, hence the suppression of postillumination respiration rate.  相似文献   

Specific leaf weight (SLW), net photosynthesis (P n ), and dark respiration (R d ) of apple leaves were monitored for an entire growing season. Leaves were sampled from the canopy interior and periphery to provide a range of SLW. Leaf P n was linearly correlated with SLW until mid-August, when P n began to decline. During September the relationship between SLW and P n was a quadratic. Leaf R d and SLW were linearly correlated throughout the season. Leaf P n and R d were significantly correlated through most of the season, but the relationship was not always linear. Specific leaf weight appears to be a reliable index of the previous light environment of a leaf, but use to estimate P n is probably limited to the first half of the season, because of increased variation after mid-August.Former Graduate Research Assistant (presently Assistant Professor, Department of Horticulture and Forestry, Rutgers University, Cook College, New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA) and Associate Professor, respectively.  相似文献   

Prior illumination in CO2-free air enhances a respiration from maize (Zea mays L.) leaves different in onset and duration from the postillumination burst of photorespiration. The course of respiration after brief illumination of attached leaves was measured as CO2 efflux in darkness into CO2-free atmospheres with four O2 concentrations. The peak of CO2 efflux following illumination was suppressed by 2.23% O2, was completely eliminated by 0.04% O2, and was not stimulated by 40% O2 compared with air. Compared with air, steady dark respiration was suppressed by 0.04% O2 but was not affected by 2.23% nor 40% O2. Excision and subsequent uptake of distilled water through the vascular system nearly eliminated the enhanced respiration.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have shown that the retarding effect of low petiolar temperatures on sucrose transport through sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) petioles is markedly time-dependent. Although the initial effect of chilling the petiole to near 0 C is severely inhibitory, translocation rates soon recover (usually within about 2 hours) to values at or near the control rate. In the present studies, selected metabolic parameters were measured simultaneously with translocation. No stoichiometric relationships among petiolar sucrose transport, petiolar respiration (CO2 production), and calculated petiolar ATP turnover rates were evident. It appears that the major sources of energy input energizing carbohydrate transport in sieve tubes function mainly at either loading or unloading sites and not at the level of individual sieve-tube elements.  相似文献   

The range and source of variation in foliage respiration rate in the dormant season were investigated for plants of Lycopodium annotinum L., Pinus contorta Dougl. var. latifolia Engelm., Picea abies (L.) Karst., Andromeda polifolia L., Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull, Vaccinium myrtillus L., Vaccinium vitis-ideae L. and Empetrum hermaphroditum Hagerup. Field-grown plants were transferred to a cold room kept at 5°C in late autumn and then analysed for the foliage respiration rate in relation to nitrogen and sugar concentration over a period of many weeks. Respiration rate varied 1.6-fold among species at a given time, and decreased with time as long as plants remained dormant. Most of both sources of variation were accounted for by the same linear and positive correlation with total soluble sugar concentration, whereas no relationship with nitrogen concentration was found. The hypothesis presented is that respiration rate correlates with sugar concentration in the dormant season because cellular sugar concentrations are much increased and, thereby, the costs of maintaining concentration gradients. Pinus contorta had a significantly higher respiration rate for a given sugar concentration than any other species, and therefore suffered larger relative losses of sugars when kept at 5°C; possible reasons and consequences of this are discussed in relation to field performance.  相似文献   

Blood serum total cholesterol levels of crossbred Taur-indicus donor cows (n=22), in their 1st to 4th parity, were studied as an indicator of embryo yield. These cows were superovulated either with FSH or PMSG + anti-PMSG on the 12th day of the synchronized estrous cycle. The total and transferable number of embryos did not differ significantly between the treatment groups. The number of corpora lutea and total and transferable embryos in donors having total cholesterol levels <140 mg/dl were significantly (P < 0.05) lower than those of cows having >140 mg/dl, indicating that low total cholesterol levels might adversely affect superovulatory response. Thus, estimation of total cholesterol concentrations of potential donors can be a useful tool for predicting superovulatory responses.  相似文献   

《Biological Wastes》1989,27(4):307-317
Olive tree leaves are one of the most abundant organic residues on the island of Crete. The objective of this study was to investigate the changes of phytotoxicity of olive tree leaves during the composting process in piles and correlate them with the changes of organic acid concentration. For this purpose, four piles were established with urea or ammonium nitrate as the nitrogen source. The piles were turned and sampled every 8 or 10 days. The organic compounds were extracted by ether from water extracts of the olive tree leaf samples and redissolved in water. The phytotoxicity of the ethersoluble organic compounds was determined by their inhibitory effect on the germination of lettuce seeds and was compared with the phytotoxicity of pure organic acids and sterile water. It was found that the organic acid concentration increased for approximately 2 weeks during the composting process and then decreased progressively. The phytotoxicity of both the ether-soluble organic extracts and the control solutions correlated inversely with the organic acid concentrations. However, it was higher in the olive tree leaf extracts than in the control solutions of pure formic, acetic, benzoic, salicylic, or tannic acid. These findings indicate that the phytotoxity consists of organic acids different from the control acids tested and/or other organic compounds.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

There is a conspicuous increase of poikilohydric organisms (mosses, liverworts and macrolichens) with altitude in the tropics. This study addresses the hypothesis that the lack of bryophytes in the lowlands is due to high-temperature effects on the carbon balance. In particular, it is tested experimentally whether temperature responses of CO2-exchange rates would lead to higher respiratory carbon losses at night, relative to potential daily gains, in lowland compared with lower montane forests.


Gas-exchange measurements were used to determine water-, light-, CO2- and temperature-response curves of net photosynthesis and dark respiration of 18 tropical bryophyte species from three altitudes (sea level, 500 m and 1200 m) in Panama.

Key Results

Optimum temperatures of net photosynthesis were closely related to mean temperatures in the habitats in which the species grew at the different altitudes. The ratio of dark respiration to net photosynthesis at mean ambient night and day temperatures did not, as expected, decrease with altitude. Water-, light- and CO2-responses varied between species but not systematically with altitude.


Drivers other than temperature-dependent metabolic rates must be more important in explaining the altitudinal gradient in bryophyte abundance. This does not discard near-zero carbon balances as a major problem for lowland species, but the main effect of temperature probably lies in increasing evaporation rates, thus restricting the time available for photosynthetic carbon gain, rather than in increasing nightly respiration rates. Since optimum temperatures for photosynthesis were so fine tuned to habitat temperatures we analysed published temperature responses of bryophyte species worldwide and found the same pattern on the large scale as we found along the tropical mountain slope we studied.  相似文献   

Isolated fibrovascular bundles from source leaf petioles of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and hog-weed (Heracleum sosnovskyi L.) were used to study the influence of long-term drought on the oxygen uptake rate and activities of mitochondrial oxidases, i.e., cytochrome oxidase and salicylhydroxamic acid-sensitive alternative oxidase (AO). Under normal soil moisture content (70% of full water-retaining capacity, WRC), the oxygen uptake by sugar beet conducting bundles was characterized by a high rate (> 700 μl O2/(g fr wt h)) and by distinct cytochrome oxidase-dependent manner of terminal oxidation (up to 80% inhibition of respiration in the presence of 0.5 mM KCN). After long-term water deficit (40% of WRC), the bundle respiration proceeded at nearly the same rate but featured an elevated resistance to cyanide. At early drought stage (10 days), a decrease in the activity of cytochrome-mediated oxidation pathway was largely counterbalanced by activation of mitochondrial AO, whereas long-term dehydration of plants was accompanied by activation of additional oxidative systems insensitive to both KCN and SHAM. Similar but even more pronounced changes in activities of terminal oxidases were discovered in conducting bundles of wild-grown hogweed plants exposed to long-term natural drought. It is supposed that the suppression of cytochrome-mediated oxidation coupled with ATP synthesis in the cells of sugar beet source leaves impedes the translocation of assimilates and their accumulation in the taproot, which represents an important factor of drastic decrease in the yield of this agricultural crop under conditions of water deficit.  相似文献   

Gent MP  Enoch HZ 《Plant physiology》1983,71(3):562-567
A mathematical model of the processes involved in carbon metabolism is described that predicts the influence of temperature on the growth of plants. The model assumes that the rate of production of dry matter depends both on the temperature and the level of nonstructural carbohydrate. The level of nonstructural carbohydrate is determined by the rates of photosynthesis, growth, and maintenance respiration. The model describes the rate of growth and dark respiration, and the levels of carbohydrate seen in vegetative growth of carnation and tomato. The model suggests that the growth of plants at low temperatures is limited by a shortage of respiratory energy, whereas at high temperatures growth is limited by the shortage of carbohydrate. Thermoperiodism, wherein a warm day and cool night results in faster growth than does constant temperature, is explained by the model as an increase in the level of nonstructural carbohydrate which promotes the rate of growth relative to the rate of maintenance respiration.  相似文献   

Leaf respiration and photosynthesis will respond differently to an increase in temperature during night, which can be more relevant in sensitive ecosystems such as Antarctica. We postulate that the plant species able to colonize the Antarctic Peninsula – Colobanthus quitensis (Kunth) Bartl. and Deschampsia antarctica Desv. – are able to acclimate their foliar respiration and to maintain photosynthesis under nocturnal warming to sustain a positive foliar carbon balance. We conducted a laboratory experiment to evaluate the effect of time of day (day and night) and nocturnal warming on dark respiration. Short (E0 and Q10) and long‐term acclimation of respiration, leaf carbohydrates, photosynthesis (Asat) and foliar carbon balance (R/A) were evaluated. The results suggest that the two species have differential thermal acclimation respiration, where D. antarctica showed more thermosensitivity to short‐term changes in temperature than C. quitensis. Experimental nocturnal warming affected respiration at daytime differentially between the two species, with a significant increase of R10 and Asat in D. antarctica, while no changes on respiration were observed in C. quitensis. Long thermal treatments of the plants indicated that nocturnal but not diurnal respiration could acclimate in both species, and to a greater extent in C. quitensis. Non‐structural carbohydrates were related with respiration in C. quitensis but not in D. antarctica, suggesting that respiration in the former species is likely controlled by total soluble sugars and starch during day and night, respectively. Finally, foliar carbon balance was differentially improved under warming conditions in Antarctic plants by different mechanisms, with C. quitensis deploying respiratory acclimation, while D. antarctica increased its Asat.  相似文献   

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