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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-D deficiency had no significant effect on total body weight or on subcutaneous (SC) or gonadal (GON) adipose tissue mass of mice kept on a standard fat (SFD) or a high fat diet (HFD) for 15 weeks. The composition of SC and GON adipose tissues of VEGF-D deficient mice in terms of size and density of adipocytes or blood vessels was also comparable to that of wild-type control mice. Staining of lymphatic vessels in adipose tissue sections did not reveal marked differences between both genotypes. The absence of an effect of VEGF-D deficiency could not be explained by compensatory increases of VEGF-C expression in adipose tissues of the deficient mice. Thus, our data do not support an important role of VEGF-D in (lymph) angiogenesis or in adipose tissue development.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue development is associated with angiogenesis, adipogenesis and extracellular matrix degradation. The class of matrix metalloproteinases contributes to these processes, but little information is available on the role of individual proteinases. We report that stromelysin-2 (MMP-10) deficiency has no significant effect on total body weight or on subcutaneous (SC) or gonadal (GON) adipose tissue mass of mice kept on a high fat diet for 15 weeks. The adipocyte size and density in SC and GON adipose tissues were also comparable in MMP-10 deficient and wild-type control mice. Similarly, blood vessel size and density in obese SC and GON adipose tissues was not affected by MMP-10 deficiency.Metabolic parameters and blood cell composition were similar for both genotypes. Stromelysin-1 (MMP-3) expression was significantly reduced in adipose tissues of the deficient mice as compared to the wild-type controls.These data indicate that MMP-10 does not significantly contribute to adipose tissue development and associated angiogenesis in a mouse model of nutritionally induced obesity.  相似文献   

The ubiquitously expressed transmembrane adaptor Csk-binding protein (Cbp) recruits Csk to lipid rafts, where the latter exerts its negative regulatory effect on the Src family of protein tyrosine kinases. We have inactivated Cbp in the mouse germ line. In contrast to Csk gene inactivation, which leads to embryonic lethality and impaired T-cell development, Cbp-deficient mice were viable and exhibited normal T-cell development but with an increased thymocyte population. In the absence of Cbp, the amount of Csk that localizes to the lipid rafts was greatly reduced. Interestingly, this altered lipid raft localization of Csk did not lead to any detectable biochemical or functional defect in T cells. The T-cell receptor-induced intracellular calcium flux, cell proliferation, and cytokine secretion were not affected by the absence of Cbp. Peripheral T-cell tolerance to superantigen SEB was also largely intact in Cbp-deficient mice. Thus, Cbp is dispensable for T-cell development and activation.  相似文献   

The aggrecanase ADAMTS5 (A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase with ThromboSpondin type 1 motifs, member 5) and the cleavage of its substrate versican have been implicated in the development of heart valves. Furthermore, ADAMTS5 deficiency was shown to protect against diet‐induced obesity, a known risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Therefore, in this study, we investigated the potential role of ADAMTS5 in cardiac function using ADAMTS5‐deficient (Adamts5?/?) mice and their wild‐type (Adamts5+/+) counterparts exposed to a standard‐fat or a high‐fat diet (HFD). Eight‐weeks‐old Adamts5?/? and Adamts5+/+ mice were exposed to each diet for 15 weeks. Cardiac function and electrophysiology were analyzed by transthoracic echocardiogram and electrocardiogram at the end of the study. Cleavage of versican, as detected by the appearance of the DPEEAE neo‐epitope on western blotting with protein extracts, was defective in the heart of HFD‐treated Adamts5?/? as compared with Adamts5+/+ mice. ADAMTS5 deficiency led to statistically significant increases in diastolic posterior wall thickness (0.94 ± 0.023 vs. 0.82 ± 0.036 mm; P = 0.0056) and left ventricle volume (47 ± 4.5 vs. 31 ± 2.5 μL; P = 0.0043) in comparison to Adamts5+/+ mice, but only in animals on a HFD. Cardiac function parameters such as ejection fraction, fractional shortening, and stroke volume were unaffected by ADAMTS5 deficiency or diet. Electrocardiogram analysis revealed no ADAMTS5‐specific changes in either diet group. Thus, in the absence of ADAMTS5, cleavage of versican in the cardiac extracellular matrix is impaired, but cardiac function, even upon exposure to a HFD, is not markedly affected.  相似文献   

Alpha/beta hydrolase domain-containing protein 4 (ABHD4) catalyzes the deacylation of N-acyl phosphatidyl-ethanolamine (NAPE) and lyso-NAPE to produce glycerophospho-N-acyl ethanolamine (GP-NAE). Through a variety of metabolic enzymes, NAPE, lyso-NAPE, and GP-NAE are ultimately converted into NAE, a group of bioactive lipids that control many physiological processes including inflammation, cognition, food intake, and lipolysis (i.e., oleoylethanolamide or OEA). In a diet-induced obese mouse model, adipose tissue Abhd4 gene expression positively correlated with adiposity. However, it is unknown whether Abhd4 is a causal or a reactive gene to obesity. To fill this knowledge gap, we generated an Abhd4 knockout (KO) 3T3-L1 pre-adipocyte. During adipogenic stimulation, Abhd4 KO pre-adipocytes had increased adipogenesis and lipid accumulation, suggesting Abhd4 is responding to (a reactive gene), not contributing to (not a causal gene), adiposity, and may serve as a mechanism for protecting against obesity. However, we did not observe any differences in adiposity and metabolic outcomes between whole-body Abhd4 KO or adipocyte-specific Abhd4 KO mice and their littermate control mice (both male and female) on chow or a high-fat diet. This might be because we found that deletion of Abhd4 did not affect NAE such as OEA production, even though Abhd4 was highly expressed in adipose tissue and correlated with fasting adipose OEA levels and lipolysis. These data suggest that ABHD4 regulates adipocyte differentiation in vitro but does not affect adipose tissue lipid metabolism in mice despite nutrient overload, possibly due to compensation from other NAPE and NAE metabolic enzymes.  相似文献   

In an attempt to elucidate the role of Slit2 in vertebrate kidney development, the effect of adding exogenous human Slit2 protein (hSlit2) to developing murine metanephric kidney explants was examined. To confirm the activity of the recombinant Slit2 protein, neurons from 8 day old chick sympathetic nerve chain dorsal root ganglia were cultured with hSlit2 protein, which induced significant neurite branching and outgrowth. Using kidney explants as a model system, metanephric development in the presence of hSlit2 protein was examined. Addition of hSlit2 up to a final concentration of 1 microg/ml had no detectable effect on the formation of nephrons or on branching morphogenesis of the ureteric tree after 2 or 4 days in culture, as assessed via immunofluorescence for the markers WT1 and calbindin 28K respectively. Similarly, maturation of the nephrogenic mesenchyme occurred in a phenotypically normal fashion. In situ analysis of the Slit receptors, Robo1 and Robo2, the vasculogenic markers VEGFA and Flk-1, and the stromal cell marker BF2 displayed no difference in comparison to controls.  相似文献   

The role of the cytosolic domain of tissue factor (TF) in signal transduction and gene regulation was studied in mice with a targeted deletion of the 18 carboxy-terminal intracellular amino acids. This deletion was introduced in exon 6 along with a floxed neo(R) selection cassette in intron 5 using homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells. Removal of the floxed neo(R) cassette by in vivo Cre-mediated loxP recombination yielded TF(+/deltaCT) and TF(deltaCT/deltaCT) mice. In contrast to TF(-/-) mice, TF(+/deltaCT) and TF(deltaCT/deltaCT) mice displayed normal embryonic development, survival, fertility, and blood coagulation. Factor VIIa or factor Xa stimulation produced similar p44/42 MAPK activation in TF(+/+) and TF(deltaCT/deltaCT) fibroblasts. These data, based on expression of a TF(deltaCT) molecule from the endogenous TF locus, provide conclusive proof that the cytosolic domain of TF is not essential for signal transduction in embryogenesis and in physiological postnatal processes.  相似文献   

Prostaglandins may be involved in some aspects of fetal lung development, including surfactant metabolism, tracheal fluid production, and possibly lung growth. In the fetus, during the days before delivery, plasma PGE2 concentration increases and concurrently, tracheal fluid production decreases and surfactant production increases. To determine whether the increase in PGE2, specifically plasma PGE2 concentration, is responsible for these changes, we continuously infused the prostaglandin synthetase inhibitor, meclofenamate (0.7 mg/h per kg), into 8 fetal sheep for 5-13 days before delivery; 5 control fetuses received a continuous infusion of solvent for 5-11 days before delivery. Meclofenamate infusion significantly decreased plasma PGE2 concentrations until the day of delivery. However, meclofenamate did not affect tracheal fluid production or its decrease before delivery, fetal plasma cortisol concentration, surfactant content of tracheal fluid and lung tissue, organ weights, lung weights, or lung DNA and protein content. We conclude that the changes in lung development during the days before delivery are not dependent on the usual high fetal plasma concentration of PGE2 or its increase before delivery.  相似文献   

The synthesis of apoE by adipocytes has profound effects on adipose tissue lipid flux and gene expression. Using adipose tissue transplantation from wild-type (WT) to apoE knockout (EKO) mice, we show that adipose tissue also contributes to circulating apoE. Different from circulating apoE produced by bone marrow transplantation (BMT), however, adipose tissue-derived apoE does not correct hyperlipidemia or suppress atherosclerosis. ApoE secreted by macrophages has a more acidic isoform distribution, and it increases binding of reconstituted VLDL particles to hepatocytes and fibroblasts more effectively than apoE secreted by adipocytes. The incremental binding can be entirely accounted for by binding to the LDL receptor. After BMT into EKO hosts, plasma cholesterol and macrophage-derived apoE are largely within IDL/LDL- and HDL-sized particles. After adipose tissue transplantation, most cholesterol and adipocyte apoE remain in VLDL. After BMT, circulating apoE no longer demonstrates predominance of acidic isoforms compared with that circulating after fat transplantation. In conclusion, fat transplantation provides circulating apoE levels similar to those provided by bone marrow transplantation, but it does not suppress hyperlipidemia or atherosclerosis. A potential mechanism contributing to this difference is differential binding to cell surface lipoprotein receptors.  相似文献   

Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry - The present study investigated the effects of swimming physical training either thermoneutral or below thermoneutral water temperature on white (WAT) and...  相似文献   

Adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs) accumulate in fat during obesity and resemble foam cells in atherosclerotic lesions, suggesting that common mechanisms underlie both inflammatory conditions. CX(3)CR1 and its ligand fractalkine/CX(3)CL1 contribute to macrophage recruitment and inflammation in atherosclerosis, but their role in obesity-induced adipose tissue inflammation is unknown. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that CX(3)CR1 regulates ATM trafficking to epididymal fat and contributes to the development of adipose tissue inflammation during diet-induced obesity. Cx(3)cl1 and Cx(3)cr1 expression was induced specifically in epididymal fat from mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD). CX(3)CR1 was detected on multiple myeloid cells within epididymal fat from obese mice. To test the requirement of CX(3)CR1 for ATM trafficking and obesity-induced inflammation, Cx(3)cr1(+/GFP) and Cx(3)cr1(GFP/GFP) mice were fed a HFD. Ly-6c(Low) monocytes were reduced in lean Cx(3)cr1(GFP/GFP) mice; however, HFD-induced monocytosis was comparable between strains. Total ATM content, the ratio of type 1 (CD11c(+)) to type 2 (CD206(+)) ATMs, expression of inflammatory markers, and T-cell content were similar in epididymal fat from obese Cx(3)cr1(+/GFP) and Cx(3)cr1(GFP/GFP) mice. Cx(3)cr1 deficiency did not prevent the development of obesity-induced insulin resistance or hepatic steatosis. In summary, our data indicate that CX(3)CR1 is not required for the recruitment or retention of ATMs in epididymal adipose tissue of mice with HFD-induced obesity even though CX(3)CR1 promotes foam cell formation. This highlights an important point of divergence between the mechanisms regulating monocyte trafficking to fat with obesity and those that contribute to foam cell formation in atherogenesis.  相似文献   

Sponge granuloma formation was compared in copper-deficient and copper-sufficient rats following feeding of respective diets for 20, 40, or 60 d. Body weight, total blood hemoglobin, and activities of ceruloplasmin and Cu, Zn-superoxide dismutase in plasma were monitored to ascertain copper deficiency. Mean granuloma weights (mg +/- SEM) in copper-deficient and copper-sufficient groups of rats, respectively, were as follows: 37 +/- 2 and 38 +/- 2 after 20 d, 22 +/- 2 and 23 +/- 2 after 40 d, and 19 +/- 1 and 21 +/- 1 after 60 d on respective diets. Thus, nutritional copper deficiency did not have an effect on sponge granuloma formation in the rat.  相似文献   

The extended synaptotagmins, E-Syt1, 2 and 3, are multiple C2 domain membrane proteins that are tethered to the endoplasmic reticulum and interact in a calcium dependent manner with plasma membrane phospholipids to form endoplasmic reticulum - plasma membrane junctions. These junctions have been implicated in the exchange of phospholipids between the 2 organelles. The E-Syts have further been implicated in receptor signaling and endocytosis and can interact directly with fibroblast growth factor and other cell surface receptors. Despite these multiple functions, the search for a requirement in vivo has been elusive. Most recently, we found that the genes for E-Syt2 and 3 could be inactivated without effect on mouse development, viability, fertility or morphology. We have now created insertion and deletion mutations in the last of the mouse E-Syt genes. We show that E-Syt1 is specifically expressed throughout the embryonic skeleton during the early stages of chrondrogenesis in a pattern quite distinct from that of E-Syt2 or 3. Despite this, E-Syt1 is also not required for mouse development and propagation. We further show that even the combined inactivation of all 3 E-Syt genes has no effect on mouse viability or fertility in the laboratory. However, this inactivation induces an enhancement in the expression of the genes encoding Orp5/8, Orai1, STIM1 and TMEM110, endoplasmic reticulum - plasma membrane junction proteins that potentially could compensate for E-Syt loss. Given the multiple functions suggested for the E-Syts and their evolutionary conservation, our unexpected findings suggest that they may only provide a survival advantage under specific conditions that have as yet to be identified.  相似文献   

The development of the retina of the albino rat was studied after sectioning of the optic nerves on the 2nd postnatal day. The 2nd day represents a stage at which the retina shows only the ganglion cell layer clearly delineated from an undifferentiated mass. Section of optic nerves at this stage did not affect the subsequent retinal development. Both control and experimental eyes developed at the same pace. Some minor degrees of 'retardation' e.g. the sizes of outer segments, appeared to deviate in the experimental retinae.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is involved in the degeneration of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system in Parkinson's disease (PD). Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) is a potent antioxidant in the cell membrane that can trap free radicals and prohibit lipid peroxidation. The retention and secretion of vitamin E are regulated by alpha-tocopherol transfer protein (TTP) in the brain and liver. Dysfunction of TTP results in systemic deficiency of vitamin E in humans and mice, and increased oxidative stress in mouse brain. In this study, we investigated the effect of vitamin E deficiency in PD development by generating an 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) mouse model of PD using TTP knockout (TTP-/-) mice. Vitamin E concentration in the brains of TTP+/- mice was half that in TTP+/+ mice, and in TTP-/- mice, was undetectable. MPTP treatment tended to decrease striatal dopamine, but the effect was comparable and not significant in any of the three genotypes. Furthermore, the extent of loss of dopaminergic cell bodies in the substantia nigra did not differ among the groups. One the other hand, oral administration of vitamin E resulted in the partial protection of striatal dopaminergic terminals against MPTP toxicity. Our results suggest that vitamin E does not play a major protective role in MPTP-induced nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurodegeneration in the brain.  相似文献   

RNF20,an E3 ligase critical for monoubiquitination of histone H2B at lysine 120 (H2Bub),has been implicated in the regulation of various cellar processes;however,its physiological roles in adipocytes remain poorly characterized.Here,we report that the adipocyte-speci-fic knockout of Rnf20 (ASKO) in mice led to progressive fat loss,organomegaly and hyperinsulinemia.Despite signs of hyperinsulinemia,normal insulin sensitivity and improved glucose tolerance were observed in the young and aged CD-fed ASKO mice.In addition,high-fat diet-fed ASKO mice developed severe liver steatosis.More-over,we observed that the ASKO mice were extremely sensitive to a cold environment due to decreased expression levels of brown adipose tissue (BAT) selec-tive genes,including uncoupling protein 1 (Ucp1),and impaired mitochondrial functions.Significantly decreased levels of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (Ppary) were observed in the gonadal white adipose tissues (gWAT) from the ASKO mice,suggesting that Rnf20 regulates adipogenesis,at least in part,through Ppary.Rosiglitazone-treated ASKO mice exhibited increased fat mass compared to that of the non-treated ASKO mice.Collectively,our results illus-trate the critical role of RNF20 in control of white and brown adipose tissue development and physiological function.  相似文献   

Obesity during childhood and beyond may have its origins during fetal or early postnatal life. At present, there are no suitable in vivo experimental models to study factors that modulate or perturb human fetal white adipose tissue (WAT) expansion, remodeling, development, adipogenesis, angiogenesis, or epigenetics. We have developed such a model. It involves the xenotransplantation of midgestation human WAT into the renal subcapsular space of immunocompromised SCID-beige mice. After an initial latency period of approximately 2 weeks, the tissue begins expanding. The xenografts are healthy and show robust expansion and angiogenesis for at least 2 months following transplantation. Data and cell size and gene expression are consistent with active angiogenesis. The xenografts maintain the expression of genes associated with differentiated adipocyte function. In contrast to the fetal tissue, adult human WAT does not engraft. The long-term viability and phenotypic maintenance of fetal adipose tissue following xenotransplantation may be a function of its autonomous high rates of adipogenesis and angiogenesis. Through the manipulation of the host mice, this model system offers the opportunity to study the mechanisms by which nutrients and other environmental factors affect human adipose tissue development and biology.  相似文献   

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