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Canonical Wnt signals, transduced by stabilized β-catenin, play similar roles across animals in maintaining stem cell pluripotency, regulating cell differentiation, and instructing normal embryonic development. Dysregulated Wnt/β-catenin signaling causes diseases and birth defects, and a variety of regulatory processes control this pathway to ensure its proper function and integration with other signaling systems. We previously identified GTP-binding protein 2 (Gtpbp2) as a novel regulator of BMP signaling, however further exploration revealed that Gtpbp2 can also affect Wnt signaling, which is a novel finding reported here.


Knockdown of Gtpbp2 in Xenopus embryos causes severe axial defects and reduces expression of Spemann-Mangold organizer genes. Gtpbp2 knockdown blocks responses to ectopic Wnt8 ligand, such as organizer gene induction in ectodermal tissue explants and induction of secondary axes in whole embryos. However, organizer gene induction by ectopic Nodal2 is unaffected by Gtpbp2 knockdown. Epistasis tests, conducted by activating Wnt signal transduction at sequential points in the canonical pathway, demonstrate that Gtpbp2 is required downstream of Dishevelled and Gsk3β but upstream of β-catenin, which is similar to the previously reported effects of Axin1 overexpression in Xenopus embryos. Focusing on Axin in Xenopus embryos, we find that knockdown of Gtpbp2 elevates endogenous or exogenous Axin protein levels. Furthermore, Gtpbp2 fusion proteins co-localize with Dishevelled and co-immunoprecipitate with Axin and Gsk3b.


We conclude that Gtpbp2 is required for canonical Wnt/β-catenin signaling in Xenopus embryos. Our data suggest a model in which Gtpbp2 suppresses the accumulation of Axin protein, a rate-limiting component of the β-catenin destruction complex, such that Axin protein levels negatively correlate with Gtpbp2 levels. This model is supported by the similarity of our Gtpbp2-Wnt epistasis results and previously reported effects of Axin overexpression, the physical interactions of Gtpbp2 with Axin, and the correlation between elevated Axin protein levels and lost Wnt responsiveness upon Gtpbp2 knockdown. A wide variety of cancer-causing Wnt pathway mutations require low Axin levels, so development of Gtpbp2 inhibitors may provide a new therapeutic strategy to elevate Axin and suppress aberrant β-catenin signaling in cancer and other Wnt-related diseases.

BACKGROUND: LGR5 (Leucine-rich repeat-containing G-protein coupled receptor 5) is the most established marker for intestinal stem cells. Mouse models show that LGR5+ cells are the cells of origin of intestinal cancer, and LGR5 expression is elevated in human colorectal cancers, however very little is known about LGR5 function or its contribution to the stem cell phenotype and to colorectal cancer. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We have modulated the expression of LGR5 by RNAi (inhibitory RNAs) or overexpression in colorectal cancer cell lines. Paradoxically, ablation of LGR5 induces increased invasion and anchorage-independent growth, and enhances tumourigenicity in xenografts experiments. Conversely, overexpression of LGR5 augments cell adhesion, reduces clonogenicity and attenuates tumourigenicity. Expression profiling revealed enhanced wnt signalling and upregulation of EMT genes upon knockdown of LGR5, with opposite changes in LGR5 overexpressing cells. These findings suggest that LGR5 is important in restricting stem cells to their niche, and that loss of LGR5 concomitant with activated wnt signalling may contribute to the invasive phenotype of colorectal carcinomas.  相似文献   

Frequent amplification and abundant expression of Nkd2 has been identified in malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors (MPNSTs), dominant for genomic instability, who is involved in both Wnt pathway and EGFR signaling pathway. As a negative regulator of Wnt pathway, Nkd2 suppresses Wnt signaling by binding to Dvl1 and causing its ubiquitination followed by 26S proteasome degradation. On the other hand, it interacts with TGF-α for its transportation to basolateral plasma membrane in polarized epithelial cells. It is of interest to determine if Nkd2 over-expression contributes to tumorigenesis and genomic instablity. In this paper, we found that cells expressing NKD2 delayed mitotic exit stage after double thymidine block synchronization, but aneuploidy was not detected in these cells. This was further confirmed by Western blotting. In nocodazole-synchronised cells, Cyclin B1 degradation was delayed with Nkd2 over-expression compared to control group. Given many previous publications showed that Wnt pathway components are involved in mitotic progression. Further investigation on Nkd2’s function in mitosis might give more clues on MPNSTs pathological progression.  相似文献   

Bladder cancer (BC) is one of the most common tumours of the urinary system and is also known as a highly malignant tumour. In addition to conventional diagnosis and treatment methods, recent research has focused on studying the molecular mechanisms related to BC, in the hope that new, less toxic and effective targeted anticancer drugs and new diagnostic markers can be discovered. It is known that the Wingless (Wnt) signalling pathway and its related genes, proteins and other substances are involved in multiple biological processes of various tumours. Clarifying the contribution of the Wnt signalling pathway in bladder tumours will help establish early diagnosis indicators, develop new therapeutic drugs and evaluate the prognosis for BC. This review aims to summarise previous studies related to BC and the Wnt signalling pathway, with a focus on exploring the participating substances and their mechanisms in the regulation of the Wnt signalling pathway to better determine how to promote new chemotherapeutic drugs, potential therapeutic targets and diagnostic biomarkers.  相似文献   

Roles of Axin in the Wnt signalling pathway   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The Wnt signalling pathway is conserved in various species from worms to mammals, and plays important roles in development, cellular proliferation, and differentiation. The molecular mechanisms by which the Wnt signal regulates cellular functions are becoming increasingly well understood. Wnt stabilizes cytoplasmic beta-catenin, which stimulates the expression of genes including c-myc, c-jun, fra-1, and cyclin D1. Axin, newly recognized as a component of the Wnt signalling pathway, negatively regulates this pathway. Other components of the Wnt signalling pathway, including Dvl, glycogen synthase kinase-3beta, beta-catenin, and adenomatous polyposis coli, interact with Axin, and the phosphorylation and stability of beta-catenin are regulated in the Axin complex. Thus, Axin acts as a scaffold protein in the Wnt signalling pathway, thereby regulating cellular functions.  相似文献   

The key regulatory role of abscisic acid (ABA) in many physiological processes in plants is well established. However, compared with other plant hormones, the molecular mechanisms underlying ABA signalling are poorly characterized. In this work, a specific catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2Ac-2) has been identified as a component of the signalling pathway that represses responses to ABA. A loss-of-function pp2ac-2 mutant is hypersensitive to ABA. Moreover, pp2ac-2 plants have altered responses in developmental and environmental processes that are mediated by ABA, such as primary and lateral root development, seed germination and responses to drought and high salt and sugar stresses. Conversely, transgenic plants overexpressing PP2Ac-2 are less sensitive to ABA than wild type, a phenotype that is manifested in all the above-mentioned physiological processes. DNA microarray hybridization experiments reveal that PP2Ac-2 is negatively involved in ABA responses through regulation of ABA-dependent gene expression. Moreover, the results obtained indicate that ABA antagonistically regulates PP2Ac-2 expression and PP2Ac-2 activity thus allowing plant sensitivity to the hormone to be reset after induction. Phenotypic, genetic and gene expression data strongly suggest that PP2Ac-2 is a negative regulator of the ABA pathway. Activity of protein phosphatase 2A thus emerges as a key element in the control of ABA signalling.  相似文献   



Pattern formation of the limb skeleton is regulated by a complex interplay of signaling centers located in the ectodermal sheath and mesenchymal core of the limb anlagen, which results, in the forelimb, in the coordinate array of humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals and digits. Much less understood is why skeletal elements form only in the central mesenchyme of the limb, whereas muscle anlagen develop in the peripheral mesenchyme ensheathing the chondrogenic center. Classical studies have suggested a role of the limb ectoderm as a negative regulator of limb chondrogenesis.  相似文献   

NO is an important regulator of cardiovascular remodelling and function. ADMA, an endogenous L-arginine analogue, reduces NO production by inhibiting the activity of NOS. ADMA levels in turn, are regulated by DDAH, which metabolises ADMA. High levels of ADMA and dysregulated DDAH activity are risk factors for cardiovascular disease and morbidity. To investigate this link, the DDAH I null mouse has been recently generated and has a lethal phenotype. Studies on vascular function in the DDAH I heterozygous knockout mouse, which is viable, demonstrates a causal link between reduced DDAH I activity, increased ADMA levels and reduced NO signalling and vascular dysfunction. In another study, detailed in vitro analyses reveal that the DDAH/ADMA pathway critically regulates endothelial cell motility and angiogenesis and establishes some of the molecular mechanisms involved. These studies highlight the importance of DDAH and ADMA in regulating NO dependent vascular homeostasis.Key words: asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA), dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH), nitric oxide (NO), angiogenesis, endothelial, motilityNO is generated from L-arginine by NOS; a process which is competitively inhibited by the arginine analogues ADMA and L-NMMA. These endogenous factors are products of proteolytic degradation of methylated proteins. ADMA and L-NMMA are metabolised by DDAH I and II, thereby enhancing NO generation. Of relevance to vascular biology, dysfunctional DDAH activity and ADMA accumulation are risk factors for cardiovascular disorders, including hypertension, artherosclerosis, diabetes, insulin resistance, hypercholesterolemia and homocysteinemia (reviewed in ref. 1).The DDAH I null mouse was generated recently by Leiper et al.2 to facilitate investigation of the role of the DDAH/ADMA pathway in the pathology of cardiovascular disorders. While the absence of DDAH I causes a lethal phenotype, heterozygotes (HT) did not display any obvious abnormalities. However, ADMA levels were raised in tissues and plasma, in association with raised blood pressure and systemic vascular resistance, and reduced cardiac output and heart rate. Synthetic DDAH I inhibitors were designed by the authors and were shown by crystallography to bind to the active site of the enzyme and induce local distortions at this region. Confirming that loss of DDAH I was responsible for ADMA accumulation, these inhibitors enhanced ADMA levels in wildtype mice, and resulted in cardiovascular changes similar to those seen in the HT background. Inhibitor treatment also promoted ADMA release from wildtype blood vessels maintained ex vivo, indicating that the DDAH/ADMA pathway is directly responsible for maintaining cardiovascular function in this model.Evidence was also presented for a causal link between ADMA metabolism and reduced NO levels. In an ex vivo model, aortic rings from HT mice displayed enhanced phenylephrine-induced contraction and reduced acetylcholine-induced relaxation, while DDAH I inhibitors induced similar responses in aortic rings from wildtype mice; indicative of reduced levels of endothelial-derived NO. Further demonstrating an ADMA/NO-dependent mechanism, exogenous L-arginine restored a normal response to these vasomodulators in the HT model (by competing with ADMA for interaction with NOS). Similarly, cultured endothelial cells from HT vessels produced more ADMA and less NO than cells from wildtype vessels, and DDAH I inhibitors induced a similar phenotype in wildtype endothelial cells. The significance of DDAH I/ADMA and NO in vascular disease was tested in a disease model. Endotoxic shock was induced in rats by intravenous infusion of LPS, which induces excess NO production, resulting in systemic hypotension. After blood pressure had fallen by 20%, infusion of a DDAH I inhibitor was able to rapidly stabilise blood pressure, in accordance with inhibition of NO production through reduced ADMA metabolism. Thus, when DDAH I is reduced, ADMA is increased and endogenous NO inhibited, resulting in altered vascular function.Another related study investigated a mechanistic understanding of the role of ADMA/DDAH/NO in angiogenesis.3 The authors demonstrated that ADMA regulates endothelial cell motility and phenotype by inhibiting NO-dependent changes in activity of Rho-GTPases; key mediators of cytoskeletal dynamics and motility. Treatment of pulmonary artery endothelial cells with ADMA enhanced stress fibres and focal adhesion formation in conjunction with increased activity of RhoA in pull-down assays. In accordance with these observations, motility, tracked by time-lapse microscopy, was inhibited by ADMA treatment, and ADMA effects were reversed by a Rho kinase inhibitor (Y-27632) or by adenoviral-mediated gene transfer of a dominant negative RhoA mutant. RhoA activity is mediated by PKG, which mediates RhoA-Ser188 phosphorylation, preventing RhoA localization to the membrane and inhibiting its activity.4 In further support of a RhoA-dependent mechanism, ADMA reduced phosphorylation at RhoA-Ser188, while a PKG activator was also able to revert ADMA effects on motility. Further, a non-phosphorylatable mutant of RhoA, Ala188RhoA, or a specific PKG inhibitor, each inhibited cell motility to a similar level as ADMA treatment alone. Inhibition of NO production and endothelial cell motility by ADMA was also reversed by a NO donor, SNAP, or by DDAH I or II overexpression via adenovirus-mediated gene transfer. Thus, reduction of NO/PKG levels by ADMA reduces RhoA phosphorylation at Ser188 resulting in enhancement of RhoA activity and inhibition of cell motility.The significance of these molecular mechanisms to angiogenesis was demonstrated using endothelial cells and aortic ring explants from HT DDAH I and wildtype mice. HT endothelial cells, which secrete more ADMA and produce less NO than their wildtype counterparts, exhibit enhanced RhoA activity and stress fibre formation in conjunction with reduced motility. Reduced sprouting from ex vivo aortic rings was also observed in the HT model, which was mimicked by addition of exogenous ADMA in the wildtype background. These data demonstrate that in vivo, DDAH/ADMA levels are likely to play a key role in control of endothelial cell motility and angiogenesis by regulating NO production.  相似文献   

Axin2/Conductin/Axil and its ortholog Axin are negative regulators of the Wnt signaling pathway, which promote the phosphorylation and degradation of beta-catenin. While Axin is expressed ubiquitously, Axin2 mRNA was seen in a restricted pattern during mouse embryogenesis and organogenesis. Because many sites of Axin2 expression overlapped with those of several Wnt genes, we tested whether Axin2 was induced by Wnt signaling. Endogenous Axin2 mRNA and protein expression could be rapidly induced by activation of the Wnt pathway, and Axin2 reporter constructs, containing a 5.6-kb DNA fragment including the promoter and first intron, were also induced. This genomic region contains eight Tcf/LEF consensus binding sites, five of which are located within longer, highly conserved noncoding sequences. The mutation or deletion of these Tcf/LEF sites greatly diminished induction by beta-catenin, and mutation of the Tcf/LEF site T2 abolished protein binding in an electrophoretic mobility shift assay. These results strongly suggest that Axin2 is a direct target of the Wnt pathway, mediated through Tcf/LEF factors. The 5.6-kb genomic sequence was sufficient to direct the tissue-specific expression of d2EGFP in transgenic embryos, consistent with a role for the Tcf/LEF sites and surrounding conserved sequences in the in vivo expression pattern of Axin2. Our results suggest that Axin2 participates in a negative feedback loop, which could serve to limit the duration or intensity of a Wnt-initiated signal.  相似文献   

Cell polarization is essential for many biological processes, including directed cell migration, and loss of polarity contributes to pathological conditions such as cancer. The Par complex (Par3, Par6, and PKCζ) controls cell polarity in part by recruiting the Rac-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor T-lymphoma invasion and metastasis 1 (Tiam1) to specialized cellular sites, where Tiam1 promotes local Rac1 activation and cytoskeletal remodeling. However, the mechanisms that restrict Par-Tiam1 complex activity to the leading edge to maintain cell polarity during migration remain unclear. We identify the Rac-specific GTPase-activating protein (GAP) breakpoint cluster region protein (Bcr) as a novel regulator of the Par-Tiam1 complex. We show that Bcr interacts with members of the Par complex and inhibits both Rac1 and PKCζ signaling. Loss of Bcr results in faster, more random migration and striking polarity defects in astrocytes. These polarity defects are rescued by reducing PKCζ activity or by expressing full-length Bcr, but not an N-terminal deletion mutant or the homologous Rac-GAP, Abr, both of which fail to associate with the Par complex. These results demonstrate that Bcr is an integral member of the Par-Tiam1 complex that controls polarized cell migration by locally restricting both Rac1 and PKCζ function.  相似文献   

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