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Seven hitherto unrecognizedSalmonella types are described.S.leiden (13, 22, 36 : z 38),S. enschede (35 : z 10 : l,w) andS. hillegersberg (9, 46 : z 35 : 1,5) were isolated from patients in the Netherlands.S. lawra (44 : k : e,n,z 15) was isolated from a healthy student in Ghana.S. overvecht (30 : a : 1,2),S. woerden (17 : c : z 39) andS. odijk (30 : a : z 39) were isolated from animals kept in zoological gardens in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Twelve hitherto unrecognizedSalmonella types are described. S. heerlen (11 : i : 1,6) andS. sloterdijk (1, 4, 12, 27 : z 35 : z 6) were isolated from patients in the Netherlands,S. maartensdijk (40 : g, p) was isolated from a healthy calf,S. maastricht (11 : z 41 : 1, 2(7)) from imported fishmeal,S. parera (11 : z 4, z 23 : -.) from water on the island Bonaire,S. putten (13, 23, 36 : d : 1, w),S. hoograven (50 : z 10 : z 6 : z 42),S. schalkwijk ((6), 14, (24) : i : e, n, ...),S. hilversum (30 : k : 1, 2) andS. harmelen (51 : z 4, z 23 : -.) from reptiles,S. breukelen (6, 8 : 1, z 13 : e, n, z 15) from a cuscus andS. maarssen (9, 46 : z 4, z 24 : z 39 : z 42) from a lizard.  相似文献   

Summary Two newSalmonella types,S. bilthoven, 47ac: a:—andS. wassenaar, 50; gp—were isolated from reptiles in the Netherlands. A newSalmonella type,S. bonaire 50; z4z32:— was isolated from a cow on the Island Bonaire.  相似文献   

Summary A newSalmonella type isolated from Angola fish meal is calledS. utrecht. The organism possesses an O antigen not hitherto recognized in theSalmonella group to which the symbol 52 is assigned. The O antigen is identical with that of Arizona O group 31. The antigenic formula ofS. utrecht is 52: d: 1,5.  相似文献   

Summary A newSalmonella type (S. haarlem) with the antigenic formula 9,12: z: e,n,x, is described. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A1365006 00016  相似文献   

In the ovine abomasum, 8 types of endocrine cells were classified at ultrastructural level. The gastric-type EC cells contained oval and pleomorphic granules with high electron density. The intestinal-type EC cells were filled with oval, irregular and highly dense granules. ECL cells contained irregular granules with high density and wide clear spaces. D cells were filled with round granules showing low to moderate density and finely granular matrix D1 cells contained round or oval granules with variable, low to moderate density and finely granular content. G cells showed round and oval granules with moderate density, densely packed or flocculent content. F cells were filled with oval or elliptic granules showing low density with a finely granular and flocculent matrix. X cells contained round granules with high density and homogeneous material. Gastric-type EC cells, intestinal-type EC cells, D cells, and D1 cells were represented in the cardiac, fundic and pyloric gland areas of the ovine abomasum. ECL cells and F cells were confined to the fundic glands, G cells and X cells to the pyloric glands.  相似文献   

Two newSalmonella types isolated from patients in the Netherlands are described:S. zuilen (1, 2, 19: i: 1. w) andS. alexanderpolder (8: c: 1. w).  相似文献   

Summary A newSalmonella typeS. benguella, with the antigenic formula 40: b:z 6, is described. The culture was isolated together withS. meleagridis from fish-meal of Portuguese Angola origin.  相似文献   

Summary A newSalmonella typeSalmonella leeuwarden, isolated from the stool of a baby, is described. The antigenic formula is 11: b: 1,5.  相似文献   

Summary Four newSalmonella types isolated in Ghana are described.S.gambaga, 21; z35: enz15,S.kumasi, 30;z10: enz15, andS.pramiso, 3,10;c: 1,7 were isolated from reptiles,S. ashanti, 28; b: 1,6 was isolated from a rat.  相似文献   

Summary Four newSalmonella types isolated in the Netherlands are described.S.tilburg, 1,3,19; d∶1, w, was isolated from the lymphnodes of a swine.S.bunnik, 43; z42:-, was isolated from a reptile.S.overschie, 51; 1,v∶1,5 was isolated from a tortoise.S.sterrenbos, 6,8;d: enx, was isolated from the lymphnodes of a patient.  相似文献   

Summary A newSalmonella typeS. artis 56∶b∶-with a hitherto undescribed O-antigen was isolated from a lizzard. The new O-antigen is identical withArizona O-antigen 14.  相似文献   

Summary Six newSalmonella types isolated in Ghana are described.S. volta, 11: 4: 1,z13, z28 was isolated from a swine;S.agona 4,12: fgs:—,S.wa, 16: b: 1,5S.technimani, 28: c: z6 andS.tafo, 1, 4 12, 27: z35: 1,7 were isolated from cattle;S.mampong, 13,22: z35: 1,6, was isolated from a lizzard.  相似文献   

Eight polymorphic bovine microsatellites   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Since my father, Ray Wu, would have been 80 years old this past August, the eighth month of 2008, and since 8 is a lucky number in China-associated with good luck and good fortune (as seen so dramatically in the Beijing Olympics)-I thought I would write about 8 important things that I was lucky to have the chance to learn from my father.  相似文献   

山西省8种蝗虫8个种群的遗传学研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
采用水平淀粉凝胶电泳技术,对采自山西省蝗虫区系的优势种类;斑腿蝗科(Catantopidae),斑翅蝗科(Oe-dipodidae)和网翅蝗科(Arcypteridae)3科7属8种蝗虫的11种酶进行了检测,共辨析出17个酶基因座位,并计算出等位基因频率和遗传距离,等位基因频率分析表明:Ao-I、Est-3,G3pd-1、Idh-2和Mdh-2基因座位的等位基因少,等位基因数目在种间变化较小,故推断其进化速率较慢,利用这些基因座位的保守特征,可作为分子标记研究较高级阶元的系统发育关系,而Gpi-1,Ldh-1和Me-1基因座位的等位基因多,等位基因数目在种内和种间差异较大,可以用作种,属间及种群间遗传结构的比较研究。对每个基因座位的各基因型进行χ^2检验,除Acp-1,Adk-1,Ao-1和Ao-2在部分蝗虫中符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡外,其余绝大多数基因座位的基因型频率显著偏离H-W平衡。在所研究的8种蝗虫中,多态位点百分率普遍较高(P=64.7%~94.1%),但由于杂合子数目较少而使每个基因座位的平均杂合度降低(Ho=0.024~0.087),对多态位点百分率分析发现:迁飞能力是影响蝗虫种间遗传变异的因素之一,具有迁飞能力的蝗虫(P=88.2%~94.1%)较非迁飞性蝗虫(P=64.7%~94.1%)表现出较高的遗传多态性,但也有例外,如中华稻蝗(Oxya chinensis)的P值高达94.1%,上述结果表明:由于迁飞行为可使个体暴露于各种不同环境,故而种群保持较高的遗传多态性能增强该物种在不同栖息地的生存和繁殖能力,因此,迁飞有利于维持迁飞性蝗虫遗传多态性的动态平衡。根据Nei的遗传一致度(I)和Roger的遗传距离(D)进行分析,结果与基于形态特征确定的分类阶元系统关系基本相符;即同属的小翅雏蝗(Chorthippus fallax)和白纹雏蝗(Chorthippus albonemus)具有最高的遗传一致度(I=0.813)和最小的遗传距离(D=0.336),同位不同属间遗传一致度(I=0.798~0.559)和遗传距离(D=0.398~0.474)居中,科之间I值最小(I=0.523~0.479),D值最大(D=0.505~0.523),利用UPGMA对I值和D值进行聚类,所得两种聚类图在同属种间和同科属间的关系一致,但在科间关系有所差别,Roger的遗传距离(D)聚类树图表明:斑腿蝗科物种和斑翅蝗科物种间表现出较小的遗传距离(D=0.505),而网翅蝗科与以上两科的遗传距离也极为接近(D=0.523),综上所述,等位酶分析能较好地反映蝗虫同属种间和同科属间的亲缘关系,若能断更高阶元的系统发生,则需结合其他性状进行综合分析。  相似文献   

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