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When contingency tables of data on sequences, social relationships, feeding, habitat use, or other behaviour exhibit significant associations between variables, ethologists may analyse the residuals in the table in order to test more precise hypotheses about the associations found. This paper critically evaluates currently used and potentially available statistical methods for performing such tests. Specific examples of use are given and recommendations made.  相似文献   

The migratory activity of epithelia isolated from the cornea and the dorsal skin of chick embryos of different ages was examined in vitro. Five types of Millipore filters differing in pore size served as models to represent degrees of unevenness of the substrate instead of the natural wound beds of the corneal stroma and the dorsal dermis. Migration of the epithelium was rapid and extensive when the pore size was below 0.8 μm, but was inhibited or stopped when the pore size reached or exceeded 0.8 μm. The effect of surface properties of the substratum on the motility of the cell membrane and thus on the movement of the cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The insoluble acrosome granule content of sea urchin sperm consists of a single 30,500 dalton protein named bindin. Bindin mediates species-specific recognition and adhesion of sperm to the egg surface. Bindin from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Sp) and Strongylocentrotus franciscanus (Sf) have tyrosine as their single N-terminal amino acid. The pI of Sp bindin is 6.62 and of Sf 6.59. Amino acid analysis reveals almost identical composition between the two species for 16 amino acids. Only two (or three) amino acids, Pro and Asx, show large species differences. Tryptic peptide maps of the two species of bindin show very similar patterns with 24 spots of identical correspondence.  相似文献   

H Echizen  C R Freed 《Life sciences》1984,34(16):1581-1589
The effect of drug-induced hypertension on neurotransmitter release from dorsal raphe nucleus was studied by in vivo electrochemical electrodes in urethane anesthetized male Sprague-Dawley rats. Carbon paste electrodes were stereotaxically placed into dorsal raphe nucleus and neurotransmitter release was estimated electrochemically. Blood pressure was recorded from a femoral arterial catheter. Voltammograms taken from dorsal raphe nucleus showed two distinct peaks corresponding to norepinephrine and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA). After basal blood pressure and neurotransmitter release were monitored for 30 min, blood pressure was raised 50 mmHg by continuous intravenous infusion of L-phenylephrine hydrochloride. Drug infusion was discontinued after 50 min, but blood pressure and neurotransmitter release were measured for an additional 2 hr. Results showed that the 5-HIAA response increased immediately after the initiation of hypertension and remained elevated. By contrast, norepinephrine release initially decreased, then returned to the basal level and then rose in parallel with 5-HIAA to a level above baseline as drug-induced hypertension was discontinued. The same experimental protocol was used to study the electrochemical response to drug-induced hypotension. Blood pressure was lowered 20 mmHg by intravenous infusion of sodium nitroprusside dihydrate. During hypotension, no changes were seen in either transmitter response. However, as reflex hypertension appeared following discontinuation of the sodium nitroprusside infusion, the 5-HIAA response increased and the norepinephrine response decreased. These results show that drug-induced and reflex hypertension reduce norepinephrine release and increase serotonin turnover in dorsal raphe nucleus in anesthetized normotensive rats. These reciprocal changes appear to be a part of the neural response to hypertension.  相似文献   

Urination and defaecation patterns of free-ranging coyotes (Canis latrans) were studied in the Grand Teton National Park, Jackson, Wyoming, for two years. The vast majority of urinations by adult males and females were involved in ‘marking’, and differentiating between ‘marking’ and ‘elimination’ may not be necessary. Our results may be summarized as follows: (1) raised-leg urinations (RLU) performed by males were most frequently used in marking. (2) Females marked throughout the year using the squat (SQU) posture. (3) Snow tracking and reading snow sign resulted in a gross underestimate of the relative frequency of SQU's and a large overestimate in the relative frequency of defaecations (DEF) when compared to results obtained by direct observation. (4) There was sexual dimorphism for the contexts in which marking occurred. Overall, marking by males was associated with courtship and mating, with travelling, and with aggression. Marking by females was associated with the acquisition and possession of food and with the denning season. (5) Marking rates per coyote increased in groups larger than two animals. (6) RLU marking rates were greatest in areas of high intrusion when compared to denning areas and areas in which non-group members infrequently tresscent odours are important in orienting individuals in space but do not represent in and of themselves barriers to movement.  相似文献   

Human fibrinogen molecules contain two classes of functionally equivalent γ chains (termed γ and γ′) differing by their COOH-terminal amino acid sequences. We investigated rat plasma fibrinogen for the presence of this heterogeneity using DEAE-cellulose chromatography to separate reduced S-carboxymethylated chains. Like human γ′ chains, rat γ′ chains were more negatively charged, somewhat larger (~1000 daltons), had a different COOH-terminal acid than γ chains, and were functionally equivalent to other γ chains. The γ′ chain population from normal and turpentine-stimulated animals amounted to 28 and 30% of all γ chains, respectively, suggesting that regulation of their production is not sensitive to stimulation of fibrinogen synthesis.  相似文献   

High affinity binding sites (Kd = 1.7 nM) for [3H] imipramine have been characterized in membranes prepared from human brain. The binding of [3H] imipramine was found to be saturable, reversible, and inhibited by pharmacologically active tricyclic antidepressants. Other psychoactive compounds as well as most neurotransmitter substances were ineffective in inhibiting [3H] imipramine binding at concentrations up to 10 μM. The hypothalamus was found to contain a relatively high density of these binding sites and is enriched approximately 4-fold when compared to cerebral and cerebellar cortex. A very good correlation (r = 0.97) p < 0.001 was found between the abilities of a series of clinically active tricyclic antidepressants in displacing specifically bound [3H] imipramine from human brain and platelet membranes, suggesting that the binding sites from these two tissues are very similar.  相似文献   

Three big borwn bats, Eptesicus fuscus, were trained, using a behavioural discrimination technique, to respond to a point light source. Stimulus presentations were separated by randomly determined, variable time sequences. The star simulator, 100 cm from the subject, approximated the spectral energies of the blue and white star classes for intensities in the scotopic visual range. The data indicate a stellar threshold level of +3.2 magnitudes, suggesting that stars could serve as navigational cues for these bats.  相似文献   

The duration and stereotypy (in terms of duration) of three actions, stand-overs (SO), generalbites (GB), And scruff-bites (SB), were measured during social play and agonistic interactions in infant eastern coyotes (Canis latrans). The rate of biting was also calculated. We found: (1) SO's and GB's lasted a significantly shorter time during play; (2) when performed during playful interactions, all three acts showed more stereotypy; (3) there was no significant difference between the rates of occurrence of biting during the two situations. A discussion of the 'exaggerated' nature of play behaviour is presented, particularly concerning the form of motor actions that are used during this activity.  相似文献   

Prairie deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii), living in asymptotic laboratory populations established two years earlier, were observed for agonistic responses to conspecific intruders. In the first experiment, intruders of six age-sex classes were placed into 10 of the populations for 10 min. The sex of the intruder did not influence the behaviour of the residents, but juveniles elicited more aggression than did adults. A second experiment revealed that female residents were responsible for almost all of the attacks upon juveniles. Experiment 3, in which the responses of pairs of deer mice to juvenile intruders were recorded, demonstrated that the aggressiveness of a female was enhanced by the presence of a male. In the final experiment, females were observed to be highly aggressive during the first few days after giving birth. The aggressive behaviour of the female deer mouse may have greater significance for population dynamics than that of the male.  相似文献   

Thymus cell migration to the gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) as compared to other lymphoid tissues in young rabbits was determined following in vivo intrathymic inoculation of tritiated thymidine. The GALT received as many or more thymus cells than the spleen or lymph nodes during the first few postnatal days. Migration to the GALT and nonGALT decreased with age, and seeding appeared to be essentially complete by 30–40 days.  相似文献   

The copulatory pattern of groups of rats (Rattus norvegicus) was studied in the laboratory in a seminatural environment. In a given mating session, every oestrous female copulated with each male; likewise, every male copulated with each oestrous female. While individual males and females experienced similar amounts of copulation, there were dramatic sex differences in sequence and temporal pattern. Males mated in a multiple intromission pattern and had more ejaculatory series when several females were in oestrus. In contrast, females received intromissions and ejaculations in a random order, not in the sequence of a male ejaculatory series. Males copulated at shorter intervals than females did, a temporal sex difference that was determined by the pattern of female solicitations and male approaches. These sex differences are used to discuss the different units of analysis that are appropriate for male and female sexual behaviour in this species. Furthermore, the sex differences in the temporal pattern of copulation which emerged during group mating parallel the known sex differences in the temporal parameters of the neuroendocrine reflexes which mediate successful reproduction in the domestic strain.  相似文献   

The social interactions within groups of Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) had a strong impact on the individual pattern of copulation which, in turn, affects sperm precedence and the probability of implantation in this species. Males alternated uninterrupted ejaculatory series, augmenting each others' copulatory investment. Females took turns mating after receiving an intromission, collectively potentiating the males' copulatory behaviour; increasing the number of oestrous females increased the number of intromissions and ejaculations achieved by each male but did not affect the amount of copulation experienced by each female. These turn-taking patterns within each sex provided the opportunity to change partners and permitted the emergence of different sex-typical patterns of copulation. Furthermore, the dominant male contributed more intromissions and tended to give each female more ejaculations than the subordinates did. Dominant males were also more likely to inhibit the subordinates' sperm transport. Females competed among themselves for the opportunity to mate with a male as he approached ejaculation and were likely to protect more of the dominant male's sperm transport than the subordinate male's.  相似文献   

The biosynthesis of 2-methylalkanes was studied in the crickets Nemobiusfasciatus and Grylluspennsylvanicus. Labelled acetate, valine, and isobutyric acid were incorporated into the cuticular hydrocarbon of N.fasciatus at levels of 6.0 ± 1, 6.5 ± 2, and 1.5 ± 0.7 percent respectively. The hydrocarbons of this insect are 20 percent 2-methylalkanes, primarily of even numbered carbon chain lengths, and 80% n-alkanes. Of the label incorporated into the hydrocarbon fraction, 28 ± 2 percent of sodium [1-14C] acetate, 98 ± 1 percent of L-[G-3H] valine, and 75 ± 10 percent of [1-14C] isobutyric acid were incorporated into the 2-methylalkanes. This suggests that valine is converted to isobutyric acid and is incorporated into the even numbered carbon chain length 2-methylalkanes during the initial stages of chain elongation. Similar data obtained in G.pennsylvanicus suggests that leucine is converted to isovaleric acid which is then incorporated into the odd numbered carbon chain length 2-methylalkanes.  相似文献   

Endocytosis in Chinese hamster fibroblasts : Inhibition by glucose   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Endocytosis in Chinese hamster ovary fibroblasts was investigated by measuring the rate of uptake of 3H-sucrose, which is known to enter cells only by endocytosis. Serum, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), adenosine triphosphate, insulin, and cyclic 3′,5′-adenosine monophosphate, all of which are known to increase the rate of endocytosis by other cell systems, had no effect on Chinese hamster fibroblasts. However, medium in which these cells had been maintained for several days, referred to as conditioned medium, had a profound effect on endocytosis. These cells endocytosed 3 to 5 times as rapidly in conditioned medium as in fresh medium. A logarithmic inhibition of this effect was observed with increasing -glucose concentrations, however, glucose-free medium did not produce as great an effect as conditioned medium. This suggests that these cells may endocytose in response to their nutritional requirements.  相似文献   

Preincubation of guinea pig peritoneal macrophages with concanavalin A (Con A) markedly enhanced the accumulation of 3′,5′-cyclic-adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) in response to the adenylate cyclase (AC) stimulators prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) and isoproterenol (IP). Basal cAMP levels were not altered. Maximal enhancement of cAMP accumulation was induced by preincubation with 50–100 μg/ml Con A for 10 min at 37 °C. Con A-induced facilitation of macrophage responsiveness was prevented by α-methyl-d-mannoside (αMM). No facilitation was induced by the divalent derivative, succinyl-Con A or by Con A immobilized on Sepharose beads. Con A-induced facilitation developed normally in macrophages treated with the microfilament blocking agent, cytochalasin B. The responsiveness of macrophages to PGE1 and IP was also augmented by phytohemagglutinin (PHA) but wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), soy bean agglutinin (SBA), pokeweed mitogen (PWM), and Lotus tetragonolobus lectin (LL) showed no enhancing effect. The effect of Con A on cAMP levels was the result of augmented cAMP synthesis and not of reduced degradation or a block in cAMP egress from the cells. Lectin-induced facilitation of AC stimulation could be mediated via one of the following mechanisms: (i) induction of receptor clustering; (ii) causing a conformational change in the receptors; (iii) inhibition of negative cooperativity; (iv) causing an increase in membrane fluidity; (v) disruption of microtubules by acting as a Ca2+ ionophore; or (vi) inactivation of a sugar-containing inhibitor of AC.  相似文献   

Human Y-chromatin : III. The nucleolus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The relative positions of nucleoli and the Y-chromatin body were investigated in human interphase fibroblast nuclei to determine if the reported nucleolar association of the Y-body might be a chance phenomenon. Although nucleolar material was found to be mainly in the central area of the nucleus, the association of the Y-body with a nucleolus was highly significant, irrespective of the morphology or location of the Y-body within the nucleus. The association was corroborated with late interphase and early prophase nuclei in which nucleolar remnants were seen to concentrate around the Y chromosome.  相似文献   

Chronic exposure of frog erythrocytes to beta-adrenergic agonists leads to desensitization of the responsiveness of adenylate cyclase to isoproterenol and is accompanied by "down-regulation", a decrease in the number of beta-adrenergic receptors on the cell surface. When frog erythrocyte plasma membranes are prepared by osmotic lysis of cells, the receptors lost from the cell surface during desensitization can be recovered in a "light membrane fraction", obtained by centrifuging the cell cytosol at 158,000 X g for 1 hr. These receptors are sequestered away from the plasma membrane fraction which contains the adenylate cyclase and the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein. If desensitized frog erythrocytes are disrupted by gentler freeze/thaw procedures, however, the sequestered beta-adrenergic receptors can be demonstrated to be physically associated with the plasma membrane. Typically, plasma membranes prepared in this fashion do not demonstrate a significant down regulation despite attenuation of isoproterenol-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity. Under these conditions, beta-adrenergic receptors from control and desensitized preparations co-migrate on sucrose density gradients in exactly the same place as the plasma membrane marker, adenylate cyclase. In contrast, when membranes from osmotically lysed desensitized cells are fractionated on sucrose gradients the down regulated receptors are sequestered in a light membrane fraction which barely enters the gradient and which is physically separated from adenylate cyclase activity. The data are consistent with a novel mechanism of receptor down-regulation which appears to involve the sequestration of the beta-adrenergic receptors away from the cell surface into a membrane compartment which remains physically associated with the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The conjugation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with DNFB results in the formation of a haptenated preparation that induces the formation of contact sensitivity when administered subcutaneously. This contact sensitivity can be measured in vivo by topical application of the free chemical and in vitro by lymphocyte transformation. The antigens suitable for the in vitro detection are those preparations obtained by the haptenation of cell membranes. Haptenation of serum proteins, of homologous and heterologous origin, does not produce antigens suitable for in vitro assay. The antigen requirements for the in vitro transformation assay of contact sensitivity are similar for adjuvant induced sensitivity as well as for free chemical induced sensitivity.  相似文献   

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