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Lymphocyte recirculation through the isolated pig spleen was studied by means of a perfusion system which kept the organ alive for a prolonged period of time. By changing the perfusate to a leucocyte-enriched or cell-free perfusate and taking serial arterial and venous samples, the numbers of lymphocytes which homed to or were released from the spleen were measured. In all experiments more lymphocytes homed than were released per minute. There was no apparent difference when autologous or allogeneic cells were used. The number of lymphocytes released depended on the number of lymphocytes homed previously. During the phase of constant release up to 3-3 × 106 lymphocytes were released per gram spleen per minute. From these values it can be extrapolated that up to 270 × 109 lymphocytes recirculate through the isolated pig spleen per day. Based on kinetic data from other species it is estimated that in the entire pig a total number of 300–400 × 109 lymphocytes recirculate per day. Thus, it can be concluded that the spleen is the most important organ for lymphocyte recirculation in the pig.  相似文献   

Autologous blood lymphocytes from three normal pigs were labelled with 3H-uridine and retransfused before and after splenectomy. Frequent samples for up to 150 min after retransfusion were evaluated autoradiographically to determine the rate of disappearance of labelled lymphocytes from the blood. In one pig retransfusion was performed before and after sham-splenectomy. In all preoperative experiments the pattern of disappearance of labelled lymphocytes was very similar. After a first rapid decline (halving time on average 8 min) a short rise of the labelling index was observed from 10 to 15 min after retransfusion. Then a second more gradual decrease of labelled lymphocytes followed. The mean halving time during this period was less than 32 min. From 60 min onwards the labelling index remained nearly constant. Retransfusions performed 3 days after splenectomy revealed only one nearly constant decline of the labelling index (halving time on average 129 min). After sham-splenectomy the pattern of disappearance was similar to the preoperative experiment. One hour after the end of retransfusion the labelling index had decreased by three-quarters of the initial value in normal pigs and by only one-third in the splenectomized ones. These results indicate that in the pig the total rate of recirculation is at least 4 times faster with the spleen in situ than without the spleen.  相似文献   

Kinetics of mouse spleen colony forming units were studied after intra-peritoneal injection of 1 μ/g body weight bacterial endotoxin S. typhosa. When these mice were used as unirradiated and sublethally irradiated donors, it was possible to study the effect of the endotoxin injection upon the cells. Use of the treated mice as irradiated recipients of normal cells gave information about the host effect. In treated unirradiated mice, the total nucleated cell and the CFU counts were disturbed, and 2 days later a large fraction of the CFU were found in the DNA synthesis (S) phase. This meant that injection of endotoxin generated factors affecting the kinetics of the CFU and triggering the resting CFU into the proliferative cycle. If then the mice were given supralethal irradiation and used as recipients of normal bone marrow cells, more CFU seeded to the spleen as compared to normal recipients; but the dip and the growth rate of the CFU were not changed. Hence the endotoxin-generated factors had been eliminated in 2 days. A total body sublethal irradiation by 400 rad X-ray 2 days after endotoxin injection reduced the post-irradiation dip in the recovery curve of the CFU, indicating that though the factors affecting the cell kinetics had been eliminated, the cycling CFU behaved like a growing population. During the first week, the growth rate of the CFU remained the same as in control irradiated mice. The growth rate of the spleen CFU of the endotoxin-treated mice slowed down during the second week, and their self-replicating ability was low. Fluctuations in the DNA synthesizing fraction of the spleen CFU suggested a variability in the ratio of the length of the S phase and the cell generation time.  相似文献   

转输免疫脾细胞对同系成年小鼠肾综合征出血热病毒致死性感染的保护作用卢文红,姚楚铮,刁保卫,张满新,唐家权,罗成旺,黄莉莉(中国预防医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所,北京102206)关键词肾综合征出血热,免疫脾细胞转输,细胞免疫免疫系统在病毒感染的恢...  相似文献   

Using the endogenous spleen colony assay method of Till & McCulloch (1963), the numbers of haemopoietic stem cells present in the bone marrow in the tails of mice were estimated under different environmental temperatures. Compared to animals kept at 22–26°C, mice transferred to and kept at 36.5°C showed a doubling of colony-forming units in the tail in 1–4 weeks. Exposing them to 8°C caused a significant depopulation to approximately one-third in 3–4 weeks. By transferring the mice from one temperature extreme to another these changes could be reversed. Tail marrow depleted of viable stem cells by X-irradiation was repopulated within approximately 3 weeks in animals kept at room temperature or above but this process was inhibited in the cold.  相似文献   

The growth rate of the CFU populations in spleens and femora has been studied in irradiated mice injected with cell suspensions, containing equivalent number of CFU, from various sources. The doubling times are shown to be dependent upon the source of the cells. Grafts of bone marrow, spleen and foetal liver cells produced doubling times in the spleen of approximately 25, 19 and 16 hr respectively. Grafts of marrow-derived and spleen-derived spleen colony cells both gave rise to CFU doubling times lower than those of the corresponding primary grafts (approx. 33 and 26 hr respectively in the spleen). In the case of both bone marrow and spleen grafts the CFU population growth was shown to be independent of the size of the graft. A hypothesis is advanced which invokes at least a dual population of CFU, having different doubling times, different seeding capacities in the haemopoietic tissues following i.v. injection and present in different proportions in the various haemopoietic tissues.  相似文献   

Recovery of erythropoiesis was fast in Balb/c mice irradiated 700 R 5 days after initiation of phenylhydrazine treatment and took place predominantly in the spleen, which showed numerous large frequently confluent endogenous colonies. Post irradiation phenylhydrazine induced anaemia did not accelerate recovery of erythropoiesis; it did, however, produce a slight but significant rise in endogenous colony formation.
Radiosensitivity of spleen CFU-S from phenylhydrazine treated mice was similar to that of CFU-S in normal mouse spleen.
Spleen CFU-S in mice 5 days after initiation of phenylhydrazine treatment were sensitive to the lethal action of Hydroxyurea, while bone marrow CFU-S were not.
The self-renewal capacity of CFU-S in the endogenously repopulated spleen of phenylhydrazine pretreated 700 R X-irradiated mice was low when compared to that of spleen exogenously repopulated by cells from normal mouse bone marrow, normal and phenylhydrazine treated mouse spleen. CFU circulating in blood of phenylhydrazine treated mice had a low self-renewal capacity.
The marked strain differences in self-renewal capacity of spleen CFU-S, and of the capacity of spleen CFU-S to increase by proliferation are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of the bone marrow on the repopulation of the thymus in X-irradiated mice has been investigated.
It was observed that the thymus and a certain population of bone marrow lymphocytic cells were repopulated in parallel in a cyclic fashion. This occurred either after a single exposure of mice to 400 R or after serial weekly X-ray treatments with 170 R. Lethally irradiated recipients which were grafted with bone marrow cells obtained 12-24 days after four weekly irradiations of donor mice with 170 R also exhibited a cyclic repopulation of both the thymus and the bone marrow lymphocytic population. In contrast, mice which were transplanted with bone marrow cells from unirradiated donors, containing an equal number of stem cells (CFU), exhibited a continuous rather than a cyclic recovery of both cell populations. the bone marrow stem cells of mice recovering from X-irradiation were found to have a decreased proliferative activity, since they produced significantly smaller spleen colonies in lethally irradiated recipients than marrow cells from unirradiated mice.
The results were interpreted as indicating that the bone marrow lymphocytic cells may act as thymic precursor cells and that thymic lymphopoiesis is dependent on the presence of such cells. Evidently, the production of lymphocytic cells will decrease when the stimulus for granulocyte production increases due to the limited proliferative activity of the surviving bone marrow stem cells after irradiation. This may result in a cyclic variation of the production of bone marrow lymphocytic cells and it follows that thymic lymphopoiesis will run parallel.  相似文献   

The existence of a possible local control of CFU turnover was studied in mice in which one tibia only was irradiated (LR mice) and in mice in which one tibia was shielded during whole-body irradiation ('TBR'mice). In both the LR and 'TBR'mice, the increased CFU turnover continued in the irradiated tibiae even after the time when in the unirradiated (shielded) tibiae it returned to normal levels. The early temporary decrease in the CFU numbers in the shielded tibiae of 'TBR'mice is attributed to a temporary demand for increased differentiation rather than to migration of CFU. The direct control of CFU turnover appears to be local in nature, in contrast to the stimulus for CFU differentiation.  相似文献   

Studies are reported of the enhancement of stem cell recovery following whole body irradiation as a result of prior administration of cyclophosphamide. It is shown that the much larger enhancement of regeneration observed for the hosts own surviving stem cells, compared to the regeneration of injected bone marrow stem cells, is due to the different numbers of stem cells initiating the regeneration in conjunction with the time course of stem cell regeneration. The results show that the environmental changes produced by cyclophosphamide greatly enhance haemopoietic recovery even though at the dose used this agent is relatively toxic to stem cells. Furthermore it has been shown that the level of stem cell regeneration is nearly independent of the γ-ray dose in the range 3–8 gray (300–800 rad). If human bone marrow should respond similarly it follows that regeneration produced by cytotoxic drugs administered prior to radiation embodies a considerable safety factor as far as recovery of the haemopoietic system is concerned.  相似文献   

流行性出血热病毒感染小鼠脾脏中的细胞毒因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Experiments in mice on the fraction of haemopoietic stem cells in S-phase after irradiation indicated that a large fraction of the cells resting in G0 will enter S-phase after a very short interval of time.
After excluding alternative explanations it must be concluded that cells in G0 have completed all preparations for going into S-phase or, in other words, that the localization of these G0 cells in relation to other phases of the cell cycle must be between G1 and S-phase.  相似文献   

低分子量硫酸葡聚糖对小鼠造血干细胞动员作用的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
给小鼠静脉注射低分子量(<10 ̄4u)硫酸葡聚糖(DS)15mg/kg后外周血中白细胞、单个核细胞(mononuclearcek,MNC)、CFU-GM、BFU-E和CFU-Mix产率等指标出现时相性变化。给药后1h开始升高,2h达到高峰、分别为药前值的2.2、2.6、3.8、4.4和3.0倍,7h时趋向正常。给药后2h上述各类细胞在外周血中的含量随着DS的剂量增加而增加。白细胞、MNC计数在DS180mg/kg时达到峰值,均为对照组的4倍。240mg/k8时未见明显增加。不同剂量DS对各系祖细胞均有不同程度的动员作用,DS剂量15-30mg/kg效果最好,每升血中CFU-GM、BFU-E、CFU-Mix的数量分别相当于对照组的5.0、11.9和8.8倍。其峰值出现时间与白细胞、MNC不同,表明DS对不同类型细胞的作用机制也不尽一致。经口给小鼠投以DS240和48omg/kg后,未见外周血中白细胞、MNC计数有显著性升高,提示对造血干细胞没有动员作用。  相似文献   

Spleen and bone marrow cells from normal and leukaemic RFM mice have been assayed for numbers of colony forming cells in soft agar (CFU-C). The fluctuations in CFU-C yield observed during the development of myeloid leukaemia are similar to the results from in vitro experiments set up to test a model, and are not incompatible with the idea that interaction between normal and leukaemic cells may modify the yield of CFU-C under the present conditions of culture. Colonies grown from leukaemic spleen and bone marrow cells appear to be derived from the residual population of normal haemopoietic cells within the leukaemic mouse.  相似文献   

黄钦恒  张崇理 《兽类学报》1993,13(3):211-216
本工作采用腹腔注射5-羟色胺合成抑制剂对氯苯丙氨酸降低脑内5-HT含量的方法,观察了脑内5-HT系统在达乌尔黄鼠自然冬眠和脑室注射6-羟多巴胺促进入眠效应中的作用。结果表明;在自然情况下,达乌尔黄鼠入眠后脑内5-HT含量增加,腹腔注射对氯苯丙氨酸后动物入眠诱导期明显延长;在脑室注射6-羟多巴胺人为地降低脑内NE系统活动的条件下,脑内5-HT含量即使处于较低水平,动物也能很快入眠,但入眠时脑内5-HT含量需要恢复到一定的基础水平。提示脑内NE系统功能活动的降低或/和5-HT系统功能活动加强同是触发动物入眠的重要因素。周期性入眠和觉醒可能依赖于脑内这两个系统功能活动的平衡。  相似文献   

We investigated the role of morph‐based differences in the expression of inbreeding depression in loss of the mid‐styled morph from populations of tristylous Oxalis alpina. The extent of self‐compatibility (SC) of reproductive morphs, the degree of self‐fertilization, and the magnitude of inbreeding depression were investigated in three populations of O. alpina differing in their tristylous incompatibility relationships. All three populations exhibited significant inbreeding depression. In two populations with highly modified tristylous incompatibility, manifested as increased reciprocal compatibility between short‐ and long‐styled morphs, substantial SC and self‐fertilization of mid‐styled morphs were detected, and expected to result in expression of inbreeding depression in the progeny of mid‐styled morphs in the natural populations. In contrast, significant self‐fertility of the mid‐styled morph was absent from the population with typical tristylous incompatibility, and no self‐fertilization could be detected. Although self‐fertilization and expression of inbreeding depression should result in selection against the mid‐styled morph in the later stages of the transition from tristyly to distyly, in O. alpina selection against the mid‐styled morph in the early phases of the evolution of distyly is likely due to genic selection against mid‐alleles associated with modified tristylous incompatibility, rather than expression of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

An examination of the topographic distribution of lipofuscin pigment granules with the light and electron microscope revealed either smaller and randomly "dispersed" or larger and more complex "clustered" pigment configurations in the cytoplasm of neurons in the dorsal ganglia and ventral spinal cord of 24-month old male mice. Qualitative comparisons revealed no major differences in shape, size, complexity, density, orientation, and cytologic distribution of the pigment bodies in motor and sensory neurons. In general, when the pigment granules were quite numerous within the 2 types of cells, they were smaller in size (~lµ), had a dense homogeneous matrix with few bands or lamellae, and were uniformly distributed throughout the cytoplasm. In contrast, when the pigment configurations were less in number, they were usually larger in size (~3µ), had a more complex internal banded structure, and appeared more localized within the cell. Examination of the bands revealed a repeating pattern of ~70 A. The bands appeared to fuse, forming hexagonal arrays of linear densities intersecting at an angle of approximately 120° in some regions of the pigment bodies. Structural similarities suggested that the striated membranous bands may be composed of phospholipids.  相似文献   

An alcohol extract of calf spleen possessing the in vivo characteristics of a lymphoid chalone has already been shown to prevent or to control the acute graft versus host reaction (GVHR) in lethally irradiated F1 recipients, when given respectively to the parental cell donors or to the F1 recipients. The present experiments demonstrate the efficacy of the incubation of the donor cells with this extract on the prevention of GVHR, and shows that it selectively inactivates cells responsible for it.  相似文献   

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