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The sexual transmission of infectious agents is one of a suite of characteristics that enhance the ability of an infection to persist in low-density populations. Gary Smith and Andrew Dobson review the characteristics and control of sexually transmitted diseases in domestic animals and wildlife species.  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore farmers’ preferences for sheep or goats based on feeding practices, animal and flock performances and economic benefits of sheep and goats in different agro-ecological zones in Central Java, Indonesia. In total, 150 smallholder farmers were selected from three agro-ecological zones: the lowlands, the middle zone, and the uplands. Feeding and performance parameters were estimated through weekly farm visits and farm records, from September 2001 to August 2003. In the lowlands, small ruminants were fed mainly with field grass and crop residues, whereas in the middle zone and uplands feeds fed were mainly field grass and leaves. Sheep were given more opportunities to graze than goats, however, grazing was not a major component in the diets. In the lowlands and the middle zone the differences in feed intakes, ADG and reproductive performances between sheep and goats were small. In all zones, does had significantly larger litters than ewes. In the uplands, goats had a significantly higher DMI, grew slightly faster, and had a higher weaning rate than sheep. Consequently, in the uplands, the total economic benefits from goat flocks were 25% higher than from sheep flocks. The major differences in agro-ecological conditions that affect the choice for sheep or goats were the availability of cassava peels in the lowlands, favouring a choice for sheep, and the abundance of leaves in the middle zone and uplands, which favours keeping goats. The promotion of goats by the government, the family tradition of keeping sheep or goats, the preference for sacrificing sheep for religious festivities, and the high initial investment needed to buy goat breeding stock could be other important motives to keep sheep or goats. Sheep fattening based on rice bran supplementation could be a feasible innovation in the lowlands. In the middle zone and uplands goat breeding could make a positive contribution to rural livelihoods.  相似文献   

Alphaxolone-alphadolone anaesthesia in laboratory animals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The anaesthetic steroid combination alphaxolone-alphadolone is a well-established short-acting injectable agent for cats and primates. It can be recommended for intravenous administration to rats, rabbits, neonatal pigs, mice and hamsters. It has limited value in mice and hamsters by the intraperitoneal route, but provides sedation in ferrets and neonatal pigs when injected intramuscularly. It can be given repeatedly or continuously to maintain anaesthesia for long periods without the development of tolerance or cumulation.  相似文献   

Scrapie, an invariably fatal disease of sheep and goats, is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE). The putative infectious agent is the host-encoded prion protein, PrP. The development of scrapie is closely linked to polymorphisms in the host PrP gene. The pathogenesis of most TSEs involves conversion of normal, cellular PrP into a protease-resistant, pathogenic isoform called PrPSc. The conversion to PrPSc involves change in secondary structure; it is impacts on these structural changes that may link polymorphisms to disease. Within the structured C-terminal part of PrP polymorphisms have been reported at 15 and 10 codons of the sheep and goat PrP genes respectively. Three polymorphisms in sheep are acutely linked to the occurrence of scrapie: A136V, R154H and Q171R/H. These generate five commonly observed alleles: ARQ, ARR, AHQ, ARH and VRQ. ARR and AHQ are associated with resistance; ARQ, ARH and VRQ are associated with susceptibility. There are subtle effects of specific allele pairings (genotypes). Generally, more susceptible genotypes have younger ages at death from scrapie. Different strains of scrapie occur which may attack genotypes differently. Different sheep breeds vary in the assortment of the five alleles that they predominantly encode. The reason for this variation is not known. Furthermore, certain genotypes may be susceptible to scrapie in some breeds and resistant in others. The explanation is not known, but may relate to different scrapie strains circulating in different breeds, or there may be effects of other genes which modulate the effect of PrP.  相似文献   

We tested for cross‐species amplification of microsatellite loci located throughout the domestic sheep (Ovis aries) genome in two north American mountain ungulates (bighorn sheep, Ovis canadensis, and mountain goats, Oreamnos americanus). We identified 247 new polymorphic markers in bighorn sheep (≥ 3 alleles in one of two study populations) and 149 in mountain goats (≥ 2 alleles in a single study population) using 648 and 576 primer pairs, respectively. Our efforts increased the number of available polymorphic microsatellite markers to 327 for bighorn sheep and 180 for mountain goats. The average distance between successive polymorphic bighorn sheep and mountain goat markers inferred from the Australian domestic sheep genome linkage map (mean ± 1 SD) was 11.9 ± 9.2 and 15.8 ± 13.8 centimorgans, respectively. The development of genomic resources in these wildlife species enables future studies of the genetic architecture of trait variation.  相似文献   

The incidence of haemonchosis in sheep and goats in Sierra Leone showed a seasonal variation with a high peak in the dry season (October to January) and a low one from March to May. Mean relative densities were significantly higher in young hosts and showed two peaks, a high one from August to December and a low one from April to June while the mean relative densities of old hosts were low and exhibited an irregular seasonal pattern with no defined peaks. The peak seasons in young hosts coincided approximately with the dry and rainy seasons. Male hosts showed an overall higher but not a significant mean relative density than females but for most of the months mean relative densities of infection of female hosts were not significantly higher than those of males. The roles of climatic conditions and arrested development (hypobiosis) and self-cure and host age immunity on Haemonchus contortus worm burdens are discussed.  相似文献   

Garippa G 《Parassitologia》2006,48(3):419-422
Gastrointestinal strongylosis are the dominant parasitic infections of sheep and goats. The successful control of these parasites cannot be done exclusively with anthelmintics, but the first step is an integrated program for environmental prophylaxis. The correct planning of the prophylaxis program has to be preceded by the analysis of the related problems: (1) the parasitological status of farm livestock; (2) knowledge of the farm management; (3) hydrogeological, pedological and climatic-environmental aspects. The environmental control strategies can be resumed as follows: avoiding animals from different farms to share the same pasture; avoiding animals of different age classes to graze together; parcel the pastures to permit a rational rotation; rotational grazing of pastures according to the seasonal development of parasites; stocking rate; young animals grazing ahead of the older animal ones; crop management practices (draining, ploughing, harrowing, scrub clearing, fertilizing, etc.). These measures make the habitat less suitable for the free-living stages of gastrointestinal strongyles, reducing the potential of infection of the same pastures.  相似文献   

Prolonged food deprivation is known to cause a fall in the core body temperature of homeotherms. In various species of small birds and mammals (body mass up to 2-3 kg), it has been shown that starvation-induced hypothermia is modulated by the circadian system, in the sense that hypothermia is observed primarily during the inactive phase of the daily activity cycle (i.e., during the night for diurnal animals and during the day for nocturnal animals), whereas relatively normal temperatures are recorded during the active phase. To investigate whether this modulation occurs also in larger animals, we investigated the effects of 4d food deprivation on the body temperature rhythm of goats and sheep (body mass 30-40 kg). In goats, the body temperature rhythm was found to have a mean level of 39.0°C with a mean daily range of excursion of 0.42°C. The daily oscillation in body temperature persisted during the first day of fasting, but the rhythm was drastically damped, if not eliminated, over the next 3 d as body temperature descended from the baseline level of 39.0 to 38.2°C. In sheep, the rhythm was found to have a mean level of 39.3°C with a mean daily range of excursion of 0.34°C. The daily oscillation in body temperature persisted through the 4 d of food deprivation, even though the mean level of body temperature gradually fell. Temperature fell more during the third and fourth nights than during the third and fourth days. Thus, circadian modulation of starvation-induced hypothermia was observed in sheep but not in goats.  相似文献   

This study followed the uptake, distribution, and elimination of sodium arsenate administered in a single dose and in multiple doses, respectively, to Iranian dairy sheep and goats. In the single dosing study, the blood concentration data fit an open two-compartment model of the form:C b (t)=?(A+B)e ?kat +Ae ?αt +Be ?βt Absorption distribution and elimination rate constants were statistically significantly different for the two animal species. In the multiple dosing study, arsenic accumulated in the blood of both animal species, as expressed by a one compartment model of the form:C t =C ss (1-e ?kt ) Arsenic was eliminated rapidly at the termination of dosing, with the blood washout half-life being shorter in sheep than in goats. Urinary excretion was the major elimination route from the body of both species.  相似文献   

Prolonged food deprivation is known to cause a fall in the core body temperature of homeotherms. In various species of small birds and mammals (body mass up to 2–3 kg), it has been shown that starvation-induced hypothermia is modulated by the circadian system, in the sense that hypothermia is observed primarily during the inactive phase of the daily activity cycle (i.e., during the night for diurnal animals and during the day for nocturnal animals), whereas relatively normal temperatures are recorded during the active phase. To investigate whether this modulation occurs also in larger animals, we investigated the effects of 4d food deprivation on the body temperature rhythm of goats and sheep (body mass 30–40 kg). In goats, the body temperature rhythm was found to have a mean level of 39.0°C with a mean daily range of excursion of 0.42°C. The daily oscillation in body temperature persisted during the first day of fasting, but the rhythm was drastically damped, if not eliminated, over the next 3 d as body temperature descended from the baseline level of 39.0 to 38.2°C. In sheep, the rhythm was found to have a mean level of 39.3°C with a mean daily range of excursion of 0.34°C. The daily oscillation in body temperature persisted through the 4 d of food deprivation, even though the mean level of body temperature gradually fell. Temperature fell more during the third and fourth nights than during the third and fourth days. Thus, circadian modulation of starvation-induced hypothermia was observed in sheep but not in goats.  相似文献   

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