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The hypothesis that similar conidial morphologies in aquatic hyphomycetes are a result of convergent evolution was tested using molecular sequence data. Cladistic analyses were performed on partial sequences of 28S rDNA of seven species of Lemonniera, one species of Margaritispora and one species of Goniopila. Lemonniera has tetraradiate conidia with long arms, whereas Margaritispora and Goniopila have typically globose (isodiametric) conidia, with short conical protuberances in a stellate or quadrangular arrangement. Lemonniera and Margaritispora have phialidic conidiogenesis and both produce dark, minute sclerotia in culture whereas Goniopila has holoblastic conidiogenesis and does not produce sclerotia in culture. Goniopila produces a microconidial phialidic synanamorph in culture. All three genera have schizolytic conidial secession. Molecular analyses demonstrate that Lemonniera species are placed in two distinct clades: one within Leotiomycetes; the other within Pleosporales, Dothideomycetes. Margaritispora is placed with Lemonniera species within Leotiomycetes. Goniopila and Lemonniera pseudofloscula are placed within Dothideomycetes. No morphological character was entirely congruent with the molecular derived phylogeny. This suggests that for the group of species studied, conidial shape is not a reliable indicator of phylogeny but more likely the result of convergent evolution in response to the aquatic environment.  相似文献   

The pathogen Chrysoporthe cubensis (formerly Cryphonectria cubensis) is best known for the important canker disease that it causes on Eucalyptus species. This fungus is also a pathogen of Syzygium aromaticum (clove), which is native to Indonesia, and like Eucalyptus, is a member of Myrtaceae. Furthermore, C. cubensis has been found on Miconia spp. native to South America and residing in Melastomataceae. Recent surveys have yielded C. cubensis isolates from new hosts, characterized in this study based on DNA sequences for the ITS and β-tubulin gene regions. These hosts include native Clidemia sericea and Rhynchanthera mexicana (Melastomataceae) in Mexico, and non-native Lagerstroemia indica (Pride of India, Lythraceae) in Cuba. Isolates from these hosts and areas group in the sub-clade of C. cubensis accommodating the South American collections of the fungus. This sub-clade also includes isolates recently collected from Eucalyptus in Cuba, which are used to epitypify C. cubensis. New host records from Southeast Asia include exotic Tibouchina urvilleana from Singapore and Thailand and native Melastoma malabathricum (Melastomataceae) in Sumatra, Indonesia. Consistent with their areas of occurrence isolates from the latter collections group in the Asian sub-clade of C. cubensis. DNA sequence comparisons of isolates from Tibouchina lepidota in Colombia revealed that they represent a new sub-clade within the greater Chrysoporthe clade. Isolates in this clade are described as Chrysoporthe inopina sp. nov., based on distinctive morphological differences.  相似文献   

Specimens of Thecaphora saponariae s. lat. from several caryophyllacean host plants belonging to the genera Cerastium, Dianthus, Petrorhagia, Saponaria, Silene, and Stellaria were studied by means of both LM, SEM, and molecular phylogenetic analyses using ITS and LSU rDNA sequences. The data show that T. saponariae s. lat. is not uniform but represents several taxa. Molecular phylogenetic analyses, correlated with morphology of the sori, spore balls, and spores, permitted the recognition of five species. Two new species, Thecaphora italica and T. cerastii are described, and two new combinations, T. alsinearum and T. melandrii are proposed. The anamorph of Thecaphora saponariae is reported for the first time. A lectotype is designated for Sorosporium silenes-inflatae. Evolutionary aspects are discussed.  相似文献   

A Cylindrocarpon species with up to 10 μm wide, straight and predominantly 3-septate macroconidia, subglobose to ovoidal microconidia and chlamydospores, is described as Cyl. pauciseptatum. It is most similar to Cyl. austrodestructans but no chlamydospores and microconidia are formed in the latter. Similar macroconidia also occur in Cyl. theobromicola, which forms oval to ellipsoidal microconidia at least sparsely and has slightly curved macroconidia, and Cyl. destructans var. crassum, which forms abundant 1-celled microconidia. DNA sequence data of the internal transcribed spacer regions 1 and 2 plus the 5.8S rDNA and the partial beta-tubulin gene were used for phylogenetic inferences. Cylindrocarpon pauciseptatum and Cyl. macrodidymum are monophyletic and are closely related to other species of Cylindrocarpon sensu stricto including members of the Cyl. destructans (teleomorph, Neonectria radicicola) species complex, which accommodates Cyl. liriodendri (teleomorph, Neon. liriodendri), Cyl. destructans var. crassum and Cyl. austrodestructans (teleomorph, Neonectria austroradicicola comb. nov.). Cylindrocarpon theobromicola is distantly related to species of Cylindrocarpon sensu stricto or Neonectria sensu stricto. It clustered among cylindrocarpon-like species with curved macroconidia, of which some belong to the Neon. mammoidea group. Relatively voluminous cells in sporodochial conidiophores of Cyl. theobromicola resembled those described for Campylocarpon, which is closely related to members of the Neon. mammoidea group including Cyl. theobromicola. Cylindrocarpon pauciseptatum has been isolated from roots of Vitis spp. in South-eastern Europe (Slovenia) as well as New Zealand, where it also occurs on roots of Erica melanthera.  相似文献   

Phaeohelotium nothofagi, sp.nov., found on fallen wood and leaves of Nothofagus dombeyi, is described and illustrated. The fungus is characterized by pale yellow discs, and fumose ascospores with asperulate walls. A key with distributional data for the five species of the genus now known in the Southern Hemisphere is provided.  相似文献   

Species of Apiognomonia with their Discula anamorphic states in the Gnomoniaceae, Diaporthales, are known throughout the temperate Northern Hemisphere and cause diseases such as sycamore or plane tree anthracnose. The genus Apiognomonia was described based on A. veneta as the type species; however, there has been disagreement about whether or not A. veneta is a synonym of A. errabunda. Using morphological, ecological, and DNA sequence data we conclude that A. errabunda and A. veneta are different species, although very closely related; thus, A. veneta is the correct name for the type species of Apiognomonia. This conclusion is based on a combined analysis of sequences from the ITS regions of nuclear rDNA for 51 isolates from host plants of eight genera and intron regions from actin, calmodulin and translation elongation factor 1-alpha for over 25 isolates. The type species of the genus Discula is D. nervisequa, the earliest available epithet for D. platani, the lectotype of Discula. D. nervisequa is the anamorph of A. veneta. Based on an examination of the type specimen, we determined that the commonly used name for the anamorph of A. errabunda, D. umbrinella, refers to another species. A. veneta and A. errabunda including their anamorphs are described and illustrated. An account of all synonyms and excluded synonyms is presented.  相似文献   

A revision based on the morphological and genetic analyses of 133 specimens of black-fruited, endolithic Caloplaca belonging to subgenus Pyrenodesmia is presented. The material was collected in 16 sites distributed along a transept from Gargano (Central Italy) to the southeastern Alps, from sea level to ca 1500 m. The nuclear ITS was sequenced for all the mycobionts and selected representatives of photobionts. Except for the sorediate C. erodens, all species share the same algal lineage of Trebouxia as photobiont. The haplotype analysis of the mycobionts revealed an unexpected, high genetic heterogeneity. Three main morphotypic clusters were recognized among five species: C. albopruinosa (syn. C. agardhiana auct.), C. alociza, C. badioreagens, C. erodens, and C. variabilis. A phylogenetic analysis, including already available Caloplaca sequence data, revealed that these lichens form a monophyletic group within the genus. For each species, notes on ecology, distribution in Italy, and nomenclature are given.  相似文献   

Based on the results of morphological and DNA sequence (partial D1–D3/D7–D8 nuLSU and partial nuSSU-ITS1-5.8S rDNA) data, three species of Plasmopara are revised and reclassified. A species of Plasmopara parasitic on Scorzonera, invalidly published several times, is assigned to a new genus and species under Novotelnova scorzonerae. Plasmopara euphrasiae sp. nov. is segregated from P. densa, and P. centaureae-mollis is revised and relegated to synonymy of Bremia centaureae. All taxa are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

The new genus Corylomyces, isolated from the surface of a hazelnut (Corylus avellana) in the French Pyrenees, is described, illustrated and compared with morphologically similar taxa. It is characterised by tomentose, ostiolate ascomata possessing long necks composed of erect to sinuose hairs, and one- or two-celled, opaque, lunate to reniform ascospores. Analyses of the SSU and LSU fragments rDNA gene sequences support its placement in the Lasiosphaeriaceae (Sordariales).  相似文献   

饶固  戴丹  张波  李玉 《微生物学通报》2021,48(10):3791-3798
[背景] 托光柄菇属(Volvopluteus)隶属于光柄菇科(Pluteaceae),目前世界上仅有4个种。[目的] 调查我国东北地区大型真菌资源。[方法] 采集大型真菌标本,对其形态进行详细的观察和描述,提取DNA,测定rDNA ITS序列,基于最大似然法和贝叶斯法构建系统发育树。[结果] 2019–2020年在吉林省延边朝鲜族自治州敦化市采集的标本中,有6份标本为密执安托光柄菇V.michiganensis,该种真菌此前未在我国发现。在系统发育分析中,采自我国的密执安托光柄菇V.michiganensis与该种的模式标本聚为一个分支。[结论] 密执安托光柄菇V.michiganensis为中国新记录种。  相似文献   

During a survey of bryophilous fungi from boreal and montane habitats in central Alberta, a hitherto undescribed species of Cladophialophora was recovered from Polytrichum juniperinum, Aulacomnium palustre, and Sphagnum fuscum. On potato dextrose agar (PDA) colonies grew slowly, attaining a diameter of 25 mm after 30 d, were dark grey, velvety, radially sulcate, and convolute and cracked at the centre. Micronematous conidiophores gave rise to branched chains of small (1–2 × 8–22 μm), cylindrical to fusiform conidia with truncate, swollen scars at each end. Phylogenies built on the ITS and ribosomal SSU regions indicate the isolates form a monophyletic clade within the family Herpotrichiellaceae (Chaetothyriales) that is composed of two geographically based groups, each with 99 % within-group sequence similarity and 97–98 % between-group sequence similarity. A teleomorph has not been found but would likely be similar to species of Capronia. In vitro inoculation of the isolates onto axenically grown P. juniperinum produced no discernible host symptoms, and host penetration could not be detected using light microscopy. The production of polyphenol oxidases by the fungus and the role of other Cladophialophora species as latent endophytes and saprobes suggest that a potential role for the fungus is the degradation of the polyphenol-rich cell walls of mosses. A dichotomous key to species of the genus Cladophialophora is provided.  相似文献   

A new genus, Cystobasidiopsis, and a new species, Cystobasidiopsis nirenbergiae, are described for a fungus isolated from an arable loess soil in Ahlum near Braunschweig, Niedersachsen, Germany. An integrated analysis of morphological, ecological, ultrastructural and molecular data indicates that the new species belongs to the Chionosphaeraceae within the Agaricostilbales. Relevant characteristics of the new species are discussed and compared with those of related taxa.  相似文献   

Identification of species within the boletoid genus Xerocomus has relied heavily upon the macromorphological features of the basidiomes. However, the phenotypic plasticity of these features has resulted in considerable confusion over the delimitation of taxa. In this study, we examined collections attributed to the X. subtomentosus complex in Europe using morphological and rDNA–ITS sequence data. In total, 45 European collections from a wide range of geographical areas and ecological conditions were included in the study. In spite of detecting considerable genetic variation, even within individual basidiomes of X. subtomentosus, molecular data, spore size, flesh colour, and the colour of the basal mycelium allow for the recognition of four distinct taxa: two correspond to X. subtomentosus (13 collections) and X. ferrugineus (20); one X. chrysonemus sp. nov. (10), to date only found in the UK, is described as new; and the existence of another taxon (two; Italy and UK) is noted but left undescribed owing to lack of material. Eight collections from North America were also included in the study, from which two taxa with a close affinity to X. ferrugineus were recognised.  相似文献   

A new species, Hypocrella panamensis, is described from collections and cultures obtained on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. In order to aid in placement of this fungus, phylogenetic analyses were conducted using LSU (rDNA) sequences. Hypocrella panamensis is characterized by possessing pulvinate stromata with a Lecanicillium-like anamorphic state and superficial perithecia. Hypocrella panamensis consistently grouped in a clade containing Hypocrella nectrioides, H. phyllogena, and H. africana (100 % PP). Most species of Hypocrella possess Aschersonia or Hirsutella anamorphs. Hypocrella panamensis is unique in the genus Hypocrella in possession of a Lecanicillium-like anamorphic state. In its biological habit Hypocrella panamensis is similar to other species in Hypocrella in that it infects and degrades the scale insect, then grows superficially on nutrients that emerge to the plant surface through the stylet wound.  相似文献   

Gnomonia fragariae is a poorly studied ascomycete belonging to Diaporthales. Originally G. fragariae was considered a saprophyte occurring on dead tissues of strawberry plants. Recently this fungus was found in Latvia and Sweden, and it was proven to be the cause of severe root rot and petiole blight of strawberry. Thirteen isolates of this pathogen and several other Gnomonia species occurring on rosaceous hosts were characterized by molecular analysis using nucleotide sequences of partial LSU rRNA gene and the total ITS region. The homologous regions from relevant diaporthalean taxa available in the GenBank were also included and compared with the taxa sequenced in this study. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that G. fragariae, G. rubi, and Gnomonia sp. (CBS 850.79) were genetically different from G. gnomon, the type species of the genus, and other members of Gnomoniaceae. The analyses showed that G. fragariae and Hapalocystis were genetically very closely related, forming a phylogenetic clade, which is possibly presenting a new family in the Diaporthales. Morphological comparisons of the Gnomonia species on the basis of commonly used criteria for the taxonomy of Diaporthales, so far did not reveal any evident features for the polyphyletic status of Gnomonia.  相似文献   

Teliospore walls, teliospore germinations, hyphal septations, cellular interactions, and nucleotide sequences from the D1/D2 region of the nuLSU rRNA gene of the marine smut fungi Melanotaenium ruppiae and Ustilago marina were examined and compared with findings in other Ustilaginomycotina. The data show that Melanotaenium ruppiae belongs to the Urocystaceae and Ustilago marina to the Ustilaginaceae. Within the Urocystaceae, Melanotaenium ruppiae is morphologically similar to Melanustilospora and Vankya. However, according to the molecular results Melanotaenium ruppiae can neither be ascribed to Melanustilospora nor to Vankya. Therefore, the new genus Flamingomyces is proposed for Melanotaenium ruppiae. Ustilago marina differs from the other Ustilaginaceae in the mode of sporulation, which exclusively occurs at the base of the host plant culms. Accordingly, the new genus Parvulago is proposed for Ustilago marina.  相似文献   

Botryosphaeria spp. are common endophytes of woody plants, and they also include some serious pathogens of Eucalyptus and Acacia species. Numerous anamorphs have been associated with Botryosphaeria, of which the species Fusicoccum are amongst the most common. Here, we characterize two new Fusicoccum species, isolated from Eucalyptus and Acacia trees in Venezuela, based on morphological features in culture and comparisons of DNA sequence data. The two taxa named Fusicoccum andinum and F. stromaticum spp. nov, reside in two well-supported clades (BS values = 100 %) based on a combined data set of the ITS of the rDNA operon and translation elongation factor 1-α (EF1- α) gene sequences. The conidia of F. andinum are unusually large amongst Botryosphaeria anamorphs, and peripherally resemble those of B. mamane and B. melanops. F. stromaticum is characterized by large conidiomata in cultures, growth at 35 °C and slightly thickened conidial walls, which is different to most other Fusicoccum spp. No teleomorphs were observed for these fungi, but DNA sequence data show that they are anamorphs of Botryosphaeria.  相似文献   

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