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In the 3- to 4-day embryonic avian limb bud, a unique zone of mesodermal tissue is located posteriorly at the junction of bud and body wall. Appropriately grafted to a host limb bud, it induces the formation of a supernumerary limb outgrowth from preaxial tissue and determines that its posterior side will face the graft. It is called the zone of polarizing activity (ZPA).When limb-bud mesoderm is isolated, dissociated, reaggregated centrifugally, jacketed in the mesoderm-free hull of another limb bud, and grown as a graft on a host embryo, the recombinant frequently forms a limb-like structure terminating in digits that fail to show differentiation with respect to the anteroposterior axis. When, however, a bit of ZPA tissue is implanted in the recombinant subjacent to the anterior or posterior margin of the ectoderm, the resulting outgrowth shows a characteristic anteroposterior order of digits that corresponds to the placement of the implant, regardless of its relationship with the anteroposterior axis of the ectoderm or of the host embryo.Dorsoventral differentials have been recognized only in limbs formed from reaggregated leg-bud mesoderm. The direction of the dorsoventral axis always corresponds to the original axis of the ectodermal jacket regardless of the orientation of the recombinant on the host.  相似文献   

Apical ectodermal ridges (AERs) isolated from 3- to 4-day chick and quail embryos were prepared by means of trypsinization and microdissection and then were grafted to the dorsal or ventral side of a host chick wing bud. They induced supernumerary limb outgrowths from the host bud showing, respectively, a bidorsal or biventral organization, as determined by the patterns of feather germs. The grafted ridge cells persisted, as revealed by histological sections of supernumerary chick limb parts growing under the influence of quail AERs, whose cells are readily distinguished after application of the Feulgen reagent.These results show that the AER induces limb outgrowth regardless of whether it is associated with dorsal or ventral limb ectoderm and that its continued existence is not dependent on contributions of ectodermal cells from the opposed ectodermal faces of the limb bud. The AER is pictured as maintaining the subjacent mesoderm in a condition of developmental plasticity without specifying its differentiation with respect to the proximodistal axis. It remains uncertain whether the positional values of cells that develop under the influence of the AER arise within these cells themselves or appear in response to influences from proximal sources.  相似文献   

Mesodermal cores of the stage 19 chick leg bud were capped with an intact apical ectodermal ridge (AER) or with strips cut from centrifugal pellets formed from Pronase-dissociated AERs. They were then covered with embryonic back-skin ectoderm and grown as grafts to the somite region of a host embryo. Control mesoderms were capped with centrifugal aggregates of nonridge limb ectoderm or similarly treated back-skin ectoderm, with ethanol-killed AERs or with no ectodermal cells other than the enveloping back-skin ectoderm.Controls were vascularized slowly and atypically and showed little outgrowth, forming only proximal skeletal structures. Recombinants equipped with AER cells were vascularized more fully and promptly and began vigorous growth after brief delay, forming legs with all skeletal segments represented, including claw-tipped toes. The latter were arranged in anteroposterior order corresponding to the original polarity of the mesoderm.Histological sections of recombinants made with cytologically distinctive quail AERs reveal that the cap of ridge cells, whether initially intact or reaggregated beneath the back-skin envelope, undergo a period of reorganization, forming a typical AER at the apex of the chimeric appendage after 48 hr. Meanwhile vigorous growth of the recombinant continues.These results show that the AER can cooperate with nonlimb ectoderm in promoting the morphogenesis of successively more distal levels of the limb skeleton. They also show that dissociated ridge cells can reorganize a typical AER at the apex of the limb mesoblast, meanwhile exercising their inductive effect on it.  相似文献   

The e.p.r.5 spectra of a family of spin-labeled probes non-covalently bound to DNA have been measured as functions of helix orientation, packing density and temperature. The spectra are interpreted in terms of the geometrical relations between the helix axis and the orbital containing the unpaired electron and in terms of the motions of the helix. Torsional and flexural motions can be distinguished.Spectra from well-ordered helices have been obtained using fully hydrated DNA fibers that are in thermodynamic equilibrium with unbound probe in dilute salt solution. The binding equilibria are similar to the equilibria in dilute DNA solution. The spatial relations between the spin label and the helix, inferred from the spectra, correspond closely to the structure expected on the basis of intercalation perpendicular to the helix axis and a sterically hindered amide bond between the spin label and the intercalating moiety of the probe. Viscometric measurements with one probe also indicate intercalation.Linear e.p.r. spectra of solutions, randomly condensed DNA, and fibers show substantial torsional motion but no detectable flexure on the linear e.p.r. time scale (> 300 ns). The correlation time of a propidium-based probe is much longer than that of aminoacridine intercalators. The probes with short correlation times are considered to be too weakly coupled to the adjacent base-pairs to be reliable indicators of DNA dynamics. For the propidium probe the correlation time, 30 nanoseconds, and its temperature dependence are compared with the properties expected according to four models: tight rotational coupling along the entire length of the helix; swivels at fixed intervals; a two-state exchange; and elastic rotational coupling between adjacent nucleotide pairs. In terms of the fourth model, the results suggest that each nucleotide pair undergoes random oscillation with an r.m.s. amplitude of not more than 4 ° to 5 ° at room temperature. That value agrees with estimates made in other ways.  相似文献   

Isolated yolk-sacs of chick embryos secreted serum proteins when incubated in buffered chick Ringer's solution. The presence of serum transferrin, two embryo-specific alpha-globulins, and a prealbumin were demonstrated by acrylamide gel analysis. Yolk-sacs from embryos explanted at 11-13 somites (40 hr preincubation) and cultured for 48 hr secreted in addition a protein with the mobility of serum albumin. Incubation of yolk-sacs in the presence of radioactive valine indicated that serum proteins were synthesized as early as the primitive streak stage. By incubating isolated yolk-sacs and embryos from 48-hr explants in the presence of radioactive valine, the synthesis of serum proteins was found to be restricted to the yolk-sac at this stage of development. Culturing explants on various nutrient proteins as well as protein starvation medium altered the relative synthesis of several serum proteins. We have proposed that morphological and biochemical changes in embryos resulting from altered nutrition may be mediated by the proteins of the serum.  相似文献   

The mesoblast of the primary organizer region of the developing chick embryo at the early head process stage was examined with the scanning electron microscope. It was found that the mesoblast layer is patterned from its inception at the primitive streak. Viewed dorsally, the mesoblast region most recently traversed by Hensen's node is metameric. Each segment consists of two 175-μm-diameter circular buttons of paraxial mesoblast (somitomeres) and an enclosed axial region. These tripartite segments are stacked tandemly and mark precisely, in the ectoderm above, the limit of neural plate formation. Viewed ventrally, the metameric pattern of the mesoblast is most closely mimicked by underlying endoblast, which shows corresponding radially arranged wedge-shaped cells in somitomere-sized circular patches. At this stage of development, each paraxial somitomere is a slightly hollowed, squat cylinder, composed of tapering mesenchymal cells whose long axes are directed toward the core center. Closely timed with neurulation, somitomeres undergo morphogenesis, being first converted to triangular wedges and, finally, condensed into cubes. Anteriorly, somitomeres participate in branchiomeric development, while posteriorly, they develop into somites. Examination of segmental plates shows that they consist of about 11 tandem somitomeres not visible by light microscopy. The most mature somitomeres, closest to the emerging somites, are delineated from one another by cellular orientations and the progressive buildup of fibrous extracellular matrix. The least mature somitomeres are not as well defined, but appear initially just posterior to Hensen's node and merge medially with the notochordal process. The observations suggest that the emergence of somitomeres from the paraxial mesoblast of the primitive streak is the result of its association with nodal cells. Further, this combined association of the mesoblast heralds primary induction and establishes the metameric pattern of the basic body plan.  相似文献   

Surgical removal of the pituitary gland (hypophysectomy) in parturient mice virtually eliminated suckling-induced prolactin (PRL) release but failed to alter the initiation of maternal aggression toward adult male intruders. Thus, contrary to common speculation, the release of suckling-induced pituitary hormones, especially PRL, is not essential for the onset of fighting behavior in postpartum mice.  相似文献   

Timothy G. Kingan 《Life sciences》1981,28(23):2585-2594
Standard biochemical procedures were used to purify the prothoracicotropic hormone (PTTH) 4400 fold from whole head extracts of Mandurasexta fifth instar larvae. Hormonal activity was bioassayed by injection into neck-ligated fourth instar larvae. The hormone was stable to heating at 85°C. Ammonium sulfate and acetone fractionation provided a crude preparation which showed dose-dependent activity in the bioassay. Chromatography on Sephadex G-100, DEAE-Sephadex, and hydroxylapatite gave a preparation with 2.6 Manduca PTTH units/μg protein (4400-fold purification). Activity was sensitive to proteolytic enzymes. Further purification by preparative electrophoresis gave a preparation which migrated as a single band in two polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis systems. A molecular weight estimate of 25,000 Daltons was obtained for this bands on SDS polyacrylamide gels.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effect of food deprivation on choice in a discrete-trials self-control paradigm, choice between a larger, more-delayed reinforcer and a smaller, less-delayed reinforcer. In Experiment 1, four pigeons were each deprived to 65%, 80%, and 90% of their free-feeding weights, and the delay to the smaller reinforcer was varied. Deprivation level did not affect choice, but the rate of ineffective key pecks made during the reinforcer delays increased as deprivation increased. In Experiment 2, four pigeons were exposed to conditions in which they were fed up to their 80% free-feeding weights following experimental sessions, and in which they were given no postsession feedings. Both the pigeons' weights and their latencies to insert their heads into the food hopper when food was available were lower when the pigeons were not fed following experimental sessions. Choice showed no change. Deprivation level affects response rate and eating behavior in these procedures, but not choice.  相似文献   

The influence of cells of the polarizing zone mesoderm on the morphogenesis of recombinant chick limbs was studied. The recombinant buds were composed of leg bud ectoderm and different regions of the wing bud mesoderm, which had been dissociated and reaggregated. In any case where the polarizing zone mesoderm was coaggregated with the wing mesoderm the morphogenetic capabilities of the recombinant were reduced. This was the case with postaxial mesoderm, preaxial mesoderm plus polarizing tissue, and postaxial mesoderm from which a piece of the nonpolarizing mesoderm (comparable in size to the polarizing zone) had been removed. All of these gave outgrowths with digits in only a very low percentage of cases. In contrast, those recombinants without polarizing mesoderm developed outgrowths with digits in a high percentage of cases, indicating good morphogenesis. Finally, if the polarizing zone were removed prior to dissociation, the recombinant limb, composed of the total remaining wing bud mesoderm plus leg bud ectoderm, exhibited a higher percentage of complete morphogenesis than if the polarizing zone had been part of the recombinant.It is clear that cells of the polarizing zone, when dissociated, and coaggregated with wing mesoderm, are inhibitory to the morphogenetic performance of that mesoderm in the recombinant limb situation.  相似文献   

Neonatal rats injected with either thyroxine (T4) or vehicle (NaOH) on postnatal Days 1, 2, and 3 were given classical-conditioning pairings of an odor with footshock when 7, 9, or 11 days of age. In accord with the conventional acceleration of other indices of maturation following the T4 treatment, 24-hr retention of the conditioned odor aversion was substantially enhanced among the 11 day-old rats given the earlier T4 treatment. This effect was marginally significant among 9-day olds but not among 7-day olds.  相似文献   

The binding properties of the calcium channel antagonist, [3H]nitrendipine, were investigated in homogenates of the rat cerebral cortex, heart and ileum. The specific component of [3H]nitrendipine binding was consistent with mass-action behavior and was characterized by a high affinity dissociation constant in the range of 0.1 ? 0.3 nM. A variety of other calcium channel antagonists inhibited the binding of [3H]nitrendipine with Ki's that agree generally with the ability of these drugs to block contractions of cardiac and smooth muscle. The inhibition of [3H]nitredipine binding by other dihydropyridines was consistent with competitive antagonism whereas the inhibition caused by verapamil and D600 resembled negative heterotropic cooperativity. Consistent with this latter postulate was the observation that the kinetics of [3H]nitrendipine binding are altered by verapamil, with both the association rate and the dissociation rate being increased. La+3 and several divalent cations caused an inhibition of [3H]nitrendipine with the rank order of potency being Cd+2 > La+3 > Ni+2 > Co+2 ? Mn+2 > Mg+2 ? Ba+2 > Ca+2.  相似文献   

It is shown that immunologic memory can progressively develop following a single contact with a bacterial antigen (Escherichia coli β-d-galactosidase) in the absence of any sign of an antibody response. The relevance that this silent preparation for an anamnestic response might have in the pathogenesis of unexpected immune reactions is emphasized.  相似文献   

C57BL/6 mice immunized with allogenic L#2 tumor cells or syngenic EL-4 tumor cells produced lytic antibodies directed against cell-surface antigens present on EL-4 tumor cells but absent from normal C57BL/6 tissues. Such immunized C57BL mice also exhibited prolonged survival after challenge with syngenic EL-4 tumor cells.  相似文献   

Cellulose-bound DNA complementary to ovalbumin mRNA was used in a continuous hybridization system to isolate single-stranded DNA molecules containing the ovalbumin gene. Fragmented DNA segments containing the ovalbumin gene were enriched 300–350 fold in one cycle of purification. Two cycles of purification resulted in a DNA fraction which was enriched 2300 fold in the ovalbumin sequence. The method is suitable for purification of the ovalbumin sequence from both sheared DNA fragments, as well as larger molecular weight DNA containing more than twice the number of nucleotides necessary to code for ovalbumin mRNA. The chromatographic procedures were specific and reproducible. In addition, the recovery of ovalbumin DNA was essentially quantitative (80–100%), even when large amounts of starting DNA (70–75 mg) were used. This purification scheme should also be useful for the enrichment of other unique sequence genes from eucaryotic DNA.  相似文献   

In an attempt to show that the open field can still be used as a valid measure of fear, Jones (1983) has reported a failure to replicate some of our findings. The present studies show that this was due to procedural and methodological differences. For instance, we found that birds tested in a novel environment behaved quite differently from those, as in Jones' case, which were placed in one resembling the home cage. Moreover, birds housed in isolation for two days prior to testing reacted differently than those, as again in Jones' case, which were reared in isolation from hatching to the time of testing. The results were interpreted as being consistent with our view that open-field behaviour reflects a conflict between the need to reinstate contact with conspecifics on the one hand, and evade predation on the other.  相似文献   

A simple method is described for performing crossed immunoelectrophoresis into antibody-containing agarose when the first-dimension gel contains peptides separated by electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate. Artifacts produced by sodium dodecyl sulfate are avoided by incorporation of Triton X-100 in the agarose layer. Peptides are located by prestaining (before SDS-acrylamide electrophoresis) with the cycloheptylamylose complex of fluorescamine. Injection of ink into prestained peptide bands produces a line extending from the peptide band location to its precipitin arc, thereby allowing unambiguous assignment of arcs to peptides in situations where peptide bands are not widely separated. The utility of this procedure is illustrated for the erythrocyte membrane protein spectrin.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of adenosine and EHNA, a competitive inhibitor of adenosine deaminase (ADA), upon the ability of human peripheral blood lymphocytes to respond to mitogen. Addition of adenosine at concentrations greater than 10 μm (10?5m) resulted in inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation at 48 hr of culture, provided that the culture medium was relatively free of ADA activity. The actual concentrations of adenosine remaining in inhibited cultures at the time of harvest were considerably lower than those added initially. EHNA alone also inhibited PHA response (and to a lesser extent PWM and Con A responses), but only at high concentrations. Noninhibitory concentrations of EHNA and adenosine together acted synergistically to produce profound inhibition of lymphocyte proliferation. This may provide an in vitro model to explore further the mechanism of the immunodeficiency associated with deficiency of ADA. Adenosine deaminase activity in stimulated cultures did not differ significantly from that found in unstimulated cultures, and the activity per protein or per DNA actually decreased in stimulated versus unstimulated cultures.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which chloride stimulates adenylate cyclase was investigated. Depletion of GDP increased basal adenylate cyclase activity and reduced the stimulation by isoprenaline. Restoration of bound GDP partially reversed these effects. Chloride stimulated cyclase activity by the same proportion in control, GDP-depleted and GDP-restored preparations, as did Gpp(NH)p. Fluoride increased adenylate cyclase activity to the same final level in both GDP-depleted and GDP-restored membranes; addition of Gpp(NH)p as well as fluoride had no further effect. Solubilisation of adenylate cyclase reduced the stimulatory effect of Gpp(NH)p only slightly, but greatly attenuated the activation by chloride. We conclude that chloride does not stimulate cyclase activity by an action on GDP exchange. Activation by chloride may be due to a disrupting or chaotropic effect on membrane/protein interactions.  相似文献   

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