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Because ancestral women faced trade-offs in choosing mates, they may have evolved to pursue a dual-mating strategy in which they secured investment through one partner and obtained good genes through others. The dual-mating theory predicts that women will display greater interest in extra-pair sex near ovulation, especially if they are mated to a primary male partner who is low in sexual attractiveness. Forty-three normally ovulating women rated their partner's sexual attractiveness and separately reported their own desires and their partner's mate retention behaviors at high and low fertility (confirmed using luteinizing hormone tests). In the high-fertility session relative to the low, women who assessed their partners as being lower in sexual attractiveness reported greater extra-pair desires and more expressed love and attention from their male partners. Women's desire for their own partners did not differ significantly between high and low-fertility sessions.  相似文献   



The differential allocation hypothesis (DAH) predicts that individuals should adjust their parental investment to their current mate??s quality. Although in principle the DAH holds for both sexes, male adjustment of parental investment has only been tested in a few experimental studies, revealing contradictory results. We conducted a field experiment to test whether male blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus) allocate their parental effort in relation to female ornamentation (ultraviolet colouration of the crown), as predicted by the DAH.


We reduced the UV reflectance in a sample of females and compared parental care by their mates with that of males paired to sham-manipulated control females. As predicted by the DAH our results demonstrate that males paired with UV-reduced females invested less in feeding effort but did not defend the chicks less than males paired with control females.


To our knowledge, this is one of the first studies providing support for male differential allocation in response to female ornamentation.  相似文献   



Chemosensory signals play a vital role in socio-sexual interactions of rodents. Females rely heavily on chemosensory signals to evaluate genetic similarity and quality of potential mates, but their olfactory preferences for these criteria often conflict in mate choice.


Using two inbred strains of rats, Brown Norway (BB) and Lewis (LL) and their F1 reciprocal hybrids (BL, BB♀ breed with LL♂; LB, LL♀ breed with BB♀) as genetic models, we found that the chemosensory preferences of BB and LL females between these 4 strains of rats could be predicted on the basis of genetic compatibility benefits, except that LL females exhibited incestuous preferences for male urine odor of LL rats over that of the BB strain and the F1 hybrids. Seven ketone components of major urine volatiles proved to be potential male pheromones and were enriched in LL males compared to BB males or the F1 hybrid males. We hypothesize that these ketones produced an extravagant male trait that attracts LL females, overriding compatibility traits. This conclusion was corroborated by adding three synthetic pheromone analogues, 4-heptanone, 2-heptanone and 9-hydroxy-2-nonanone of these 7 components, which resulted in equalization of the sexual attractiveness of BB male urine and LL male urine. Additionally, in the genetically diverse F2 hybrids (BL♀ breed with BL♂), the pheromones-enriched males could consistently attract the F2 females.


We suggest that the exaggerated male pheromones serve as a “sexual chemical ornament” to attract females, independent of genetic compatibility, whereas genetic dissimilarity could influence the preferences only when male pheromones varied on a small scale.

Renewed debate over what benefits females might gain from producing extra‐pair offspring emphasizes the possibility that apparent differences in quality between within‐pair and extra‐pair offspring are confounded by greater maternal investment in extra‐pair offspring. Moreover, the attractiveness of a female''s social mate can also influence contributions of both partners to a reproductive attempt. Here, we explore the complexities involved in parental investment decisions in response to extra‐pair offspring and mate attractiveness with a focus on the female point of view. Adult zebra finches paired and reproduced in a colony setting. A male''s early‐life diet quality and his extra‐pair reproductive success were used as metrics of his mating attractiveness. Females paired with males that achieved extra‐pair success laid heavier eggs than other females and spent less time attending their nests than their mates or other females. Extra‐pair nestlings were fed more protein‐rich hen''s egg than within‐pair nestlings. Females producing extra‐pair offspring had more surviving sons than females producing only within‐pair offspring. Collectively, results show that females differentially allocate resources in response to offspring extra‐pair status and their social mate''s attractiveness. Females may also obtain fitness benefits through the production of extra‐pair offspring.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory for simultaneous hermaphrodites assumes a direct trade-off between the allocation of resources to the male and female reproductive functions. Empirical support for this basic assumption is scarce, possibly because studies rarely control for variation in individual reproductive resource budgets. Such variation, which can have environmental or genetic sources, can generate a positive relationship between male and female investment and can thus obscure the trade-off. In this study on the hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum sp. we tried to control for budget effects by restricting food availability in a standardized way and by using an inbred line. We then manipulated mating group size in a two-way design (two group sizes x two enclosure sizes) in order to induce phenotypic variation in male allocation, and expected to find an opposing correlated response in female allocation. The results suggest that we only managed to control the budget effects under some conditions. Under these the sex allocation trade-off emerged. Under the other conditions we found a strongly positive correlation between male and female allocation. We discuss possible causes for the observed differences.  相似文献   

Life-history theory predicts that individuals should adjust their reproductive effort according to the expected fitness returns on investment. Because sexually selected male traits should provide honest information about male genetic or phenotypic quality, females may invest more when paired with attractive males. However, there is substantial disagreement in the literature whether such differential allocation is a general pattern. Using a comparative meta-regression approach, we show that female birds generally invest more into reproduction when paired with attractive males, both in terms of egg size and number as well as food provisioning. However, whereas females of species with bi-parental care tend to primarily increase the number of eggs when paired with attractive males, females of species with female-only care produce larger, but not more, eggs. These patterns may reflect adaptive differences in female allocation strategies arising from variation in the signal content of sexually selected male traits between systems of parental care. In contrast to reproductive effort, female allocation of immune-stimulants, anti-oxidants and androgens to the egg yolk was not consistently increased when mated to attractive males, which probably reflects the context-dependent costs and benefits of those yolk compounds to females and offspring.  相似文献   

Genetic models of sexual selection are concerned with a dynamic process in which female preference and male trait values coevolve. We present a rigorous method for characterizing evolutionary endpoints of this process in phenotypic terms. In our phenotypic characterization the mate-choice strategy of female population members determines how attractive females should find each male, and a population is evolutionarily stable if population members are actually behaving in this way. This provides a justification of phenotypic explanations of sexual selection and the insights into sexual selection that they provide. Furthermore, the phenotypic approach also has enormous advantages over a genetic approach when computing evolutionarily stable mate-choice strategies, especially when strategies are allowed to be complex time-dependent preference rules. For simplicity and clarity our analysis deals with haploid mate-choice genetics and a male trait that is inherited phenotypically, for example by vertical cultural transmission. The method is, however, easily extendible to other cases. An example illustrates that the sexy son phenomenon can occur when there is phenotypic inheritance of the male trait.  相似文献   

Behavioural studies of the perceptual cues for female physical attractiveness have suggested two potentially important features: body fat distribution [the waist-to-hip ratio (WHR)] and overall body fat [often estimated by the body mass index (BMI)]. However, none of these studies tell us directly which regions of the stimulus images inform observers' judgments. Therefore, we recorded the eye movements of three groups of 10 male observers and three groups of 10 female observers, when they rated a set of 46 photographs of female bodies. The first sets of observers rated the images for attractiveness, the second sets rated for body fat and the third sets for WHR. If either WHR and/or body fat is used to judge attractiveness, then observers rating attractiveness should look at those areas of the body which allow assessment of these features, and they should look in the same areas when they are directly asked to estimate WHR and body fat. So we are able to compare the fixation patterns for the explicit judgments with those for attractiveness judgments and infer which features were used for attractiveness. Prior to group analysis of the eye-movement data, the locations of individual eye fixations were transformed into a common reference space to permit comparisons of fixation density at high resolution across all stimuli. This manipulation allowed us to use spatial statistical analysis techniques to show the following: (1) Observers' fixations for attractiveness and body fat clustered in the central and upper abdomen and chest, but not the pelvic or hip areas, consistent with the finding that WHR had little influence over attractiveness judgments. (2) The pattern of fixations for attractiveness ratings was very similar to the fixation patterns for body fat judgments. (3) The fixations for WHR ratings were significantly different from those for attractiveness and body fat.  相似文献   

Sperm competition theory suggests that female remating rate determines the selective regime that dictates the evolution of male ejaculate allocation. To test for correlated evolution between female remating behaviour and male ejaculate traits, we subjected detailed experimental data on female and male reproductive traits in seven-seed beetle species to phylogenetic comparative analyses. The evolution of a larger first ejaculate was positively correlated with the evolution of a more rapid decline in ejaculate size over successive matings. Further, as predicted by theory, an increase in female remating rate correlated with the evolution of larger male testes but smaller ejaculates. However, an increase in female remating was associated with the evolution of a less even allocation of ejaculate resources over successive matings, contrary to classic sperm competition theory. We failed to find any evidence for coevolution between the pattern of male ejaculate allocation and variation in female quality and we conclude that some patterns of correlated evolution are congruent with current theory, whereas some are not. We suggest that this may reflect the fact that much sperm competition theory does not fully incorporate other factors that may affect the evolution of male and female traits, such as trade-offs between ejaculate expenditure and other competing demands and the evolution of resource acquisition.  相似文献   

According to theory, in species in which male variance in reproductive success exceeds that of the females, sons are more costly to produce; females mated with high quality males or those in better condition should produce more sons. In monogamous species, however, the variance in the reproductive success of the two sexes is often similar and mate choice is often mutual, making predictions regarding sex allocation more difficult. In the rock sparrow Petronia petronia, both males and females have a sexually selected yellow patch on the breast, whose size correlates with individual body condition. We investigated whether the brood sex ratio co‐varies with the size of the yellow patch of the father and the mother in a sample of 173 broods (818 chicks) over 8 breeding seasons. While the size of the yellow patch of the mother and the father did not predict per se a deviation from the expected 1:1 sex ratio, brood sex ratios were predicted by the interaction of male and female yellow patch size. This result is surprising, as the ornament is sexually selected by both males and females as an indicator of quality in both sexes and should therefore be inherited by all offspring irrespective of their sex. It indirectly suggests that other sex‐specific traits associated with patch size (e.g. polygyny in males and fecundity in females) may explain the sex allocation bias observed in rock sparrows. Thus, female individual quality alone, as expressed through the size of the yellow patch, was not associated with the biases in sex ratios reported in this study. Our results rather suggest that sex allocation occurs in response to male attractiveness in interaction with female attractiveness. In other words, females tend to preferentially allocate towards the sex of the parent with more developed ornament within the pair.  相似文献   

Exaggerated sexual dimorphism and symmetry in human faces have both been linked to potential 'good-gene' benefits and have also been found to influence the attractiveness of male faces. The current study explores how female self-rated attractiveness influences male face preference in females using faces manipulated with computer graphics. The study demonstrates that there is a relatively increased preference for masculinity and an increased preference for symmetry for women who regard themselves as attractive. This finding may reflect a condition-dependent mating strategy analogous to behaviours found in other species. The absence of a preference for proposed markers of good genes may be adaptive in women of low mate value to avoid the costs of decreased parental investment from the owners of such characteristics.  相似文献   

We present evidence of differential maternal allocation to eggs in response to manipulated male attractiveness in the migratory pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). We manipulated the size of a male secondary sexual trait, the white forehead patch, right after male arrival to the breeding area and before female arrival. Patch size was (1) enlarged to the maximum observed in the population, (2) reduced by 40% or (3) kept constant by painting with indelible felt markers over the natural feather patch. Male behaviour was affected by the experimental manipulation, as individuals with enlarged patches performed more approaches to the nestbox in response to song playback during the territory occupation and nest-site presentation phases. Females paired with males with reduced forehead patches laid significantly smaller eggs than those paired with males in the control and enlarged-patch treatments. Laying date and clutch size did not differ among the experimental groups. We discuss that manipulations of ornaments designed to study differential allocation at laying should reduce as well as enlarge their expression.  相似文献   

Summary Mice selectively bred for either high or low levels of thermoregulatory nest building were cold-acclimated (5°C) for 3 weeks without nesting material; then body weight and food intake were measured. The mice selected for low nest building (Lows) of both sexes showed lower feed efficiencies than the high nest-building mice (Highs), although their body weights were not significantly different (Table 1). This adds to a large body of evidence which suggests that nest building and feed efficiency were influenced by a common mechanism (Lacy et al. 1978; Sulzbach and Lynch 1984; Lunch et al. 1981; Lynch and Roberts 1984).Brown adipose tissue mitochondrial GDP binding and cytochrome c oxidase activity were measured in the above mice. In females, the Lows had 100% higher levels of total GDP binding than the Highs, while no difference between the lines was seen in males (Fig. 2). Thus in the High females, lower energy expenditure through brown fat thermogenesis may account for their greater feed efficiency. In males, the genetic differences in feed efficiency must be due to differences in either thermogenesis in tissues other than brown fat, or mechanisms which reduce heat loss.Abbreviations Highs Mice from lines selectively bred for high levels of nest-building;Lows mice from the low nest-building selected lines  相似文献   

Female damselflies in the family Calopterygidae have two sperm storage organs: a spherical bursa copulatrix and a tubular spermatheca. Male flies have a peculiar aedeagus with a recurved head with which to remove bursal sperm, and lateral spiny processes to remove spermathecal sperm. The lateral processes differ among species and populations in terms of their width relative to the spermathecal duct: the narrower processes are physically able to access spermathecal sperm, while the wider ones are not. In the present study, sperm storage patterns and aedeagal structures were compared between two calopterygid species with different spermathecal structures –Calopteryx cornelia and Mnais pruinosa– with respect to not only sperm quantity (number) but also sperm quality (viability), by using a recently developed method based on live/dead dual fluorescence. Calopteryx cornelia is a typical spermathecal sperm remover. In this species, viability was similar between bursal and spermathecal sperm. In contrast, in M. pruinosa, the spermatheca was much smaller than the bursa and often contained no sperm. Even when the spermatheca of this species did contain sperm, a high percentage of it was dead. Although the spermatheca of M. pruinosa has such atrophic tendencies, males have nevertheless developed long and spiny lateral processes similar to those of C. cornelia, suggesting the processes have functions other than spermathecal sperm removal. They possibly function as stoppers or guides for manipulating the aedeagal head to remove the sperm mass from the bursa.  相似文献   

Female coital orgasm may be an adaptation for preferentially retaining the sperm of males with “good genes.” One indicator of good genes may be physical attractiveness. Accordingly, R. Thornhill, S. W. Gangestad, and R. Comer (1995) found that women mated to more attractive men reported an orgasm during a greater proportion of copulations than did women mated to less attractive men. The current research replicates this finding, with several design variations. We collected self-report data from 388 women residing in the United States or in Germany. Results support the hypothesis that women mated to more attractive men are more likely to report an orgasm at the most recent copulation than are women mated to less attractive men, after statistically controlling for several key variables. Discussion addresses (a) the inability of the present research to specify the causal link between female orgasm and male attractiveness and (b) the proactive nature of female sexuality documented in recent research guided by an evolutionary perspective.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Males of many insect species increase the fecundity and/or egg size of their mates through the amount or composition of their nuptial gifts or ejaculate. The genetic bases of such male effects on fecundity or egg size are generally unknown, and thus their ability to evolve remains speculative. Likewise, the genetic relationship between male and female investment into reproduction in dioecious species, which is expected to be positive if effects on fecundity are controlled by at least some of the same genes in males and females, is also unknown. Males of the seed beetle Stator limbatus contribute large ejaculates to females during mating, and the amount of donated ejaculate is positively correlated with male body mass. Females mated to large males lay more eggs in their lifetime than females mated to small males. We describe an experiment in which we quantify genetic variation in the number of eggs sired by males (mated to a single female) and found that a significant proportion of the phenotypic variance in the number of eggs sired by males was explained by their genotype. Additionally, the number of eggs sired by a male was highly positively genetically correlated with his body mass. The between-sex genetic correlation, that is, the genetic correlation between the number of eggs sired by males and the number of eggs laid by females, was highly positive when eggs were laid on Acacia greggii seeds. This indicates that males that sire many eggs have sisters that lay many eggs. Thus, some of the genes that control male ejaculate size (or some other fecundity-enhancing factor) when expressed in males appear to control fecundity when expressed in females. We found no significant interaction between male and female genotype on fecundity.  相似文献   

In the UK and Japan, both men and women prefer somewhat feminised opposite-sex faces, especially when choosing a long-term partner. Such faces are perceived as more honest, caring, and sensitive; traits that may be associated with successful male parental investment. By contrast, women prefer less feminised faces for short-term relationships and when they are near ovulation. As genetic quality may be associated with facial masculinity, women may ‘trade-off’ cues between genetic quality and paternal investment in potential partners. No analogous trade-off has been suggested to influence men's preferences, as both attributions of prosociality and potential cues to biological quality are associated with facial femininity in female faces. Ecological and cultural factors may influence the balance of trade-offs leading to populational differences in preferences. We predicted that Jamaican women would prefer more masculine faces than British women do because parasite load is higher in Jamaica, medical care less common (historically and currently), and male parental investment less pronounced. Male preferences, however, were predicted to vary less cross-culturally, as no trade-off has been identified in female facial characteristics. We constructed masculinised and feminised digital male and female face stimuli of three populations (Jamaican, Japanese, and British) and presented them to men and women in Jamaica and in Britain. The results demonstrated that Jamaican women preferred more masculine male faces than their British counterparts did. Jamaican men tended to prefer more masculine female faces than did British men did, but this effect was complicated by an interaction suggesting that more feminised faces were preferred within culture.  相似文献   

The relationship between population density and sexual reproduction is explored for planktonic rotifer populations. It has been argued that selection favors sex at population maxima because of favorable probabilities of encounter. Factors determining the probability of encounter are examined. Experimentally determined parameters for males and females (swimming speed, duration of fertility, net fecundity, and encounter distance) are used to investigate density effects on the probability of encounter. As population density increases, the probability of encounter also increases sigmoidally. The probability of a female encountering a male during her fertile period begins to increase rapidly at ≈ 50 males/1. The increase continues until it becomes asymptotic at ≈ 1000 males/1, where the probability of a female encountering, at least one male during her fertile period approaches one. The duration of female fertility is less than that of males, causing the female curve to be displaced toward higher population densities. Critical density, the population density where Ro′ is exactly equal to one, for males and females is 11.7 and 141 individuals/1, respectively. The precision of the model was evaluated by observing the frequency of male-female encounters during 212 5-min observation periods. The observed encounter rate was 1.49/min, compared to a predicted rate of 1.53/ min. These values are not significantly different as determined by t-test. The constraints placed on the timing of sex by population density are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research has revealed that natural and synthetic pheromones can enhance ratings of opposite sex attractiveness. The present study investigated the effects of exposure to male axillary secretions on female ratings of the sexual attractiveness of male stimuli. Thirty-two female undergraduates, half of whom were contraceptive pill users, rated male vignette characters and photographs of male faces on aspects of attractiveness. On two separate study days, corresponding to different phases of their menstrual cycle, stimuli were presented while exposed to male axillary pheromones and under a control condition (no pheromone). The order of testing was balanced with respect to pheromone/control condition and menstrual cycle phase. Pheromone exposure resulted in significantly higher attractiveness ratings of vignette characters and faces. Use of the contraceptive pill or menstrual cycle phase had equivocal effects on some vignette items and neither had any influence on female ratings of male facial attractiveness. The results of this study suggest that exposure to natural male axillary pheromones can significantly enhance female perceptions of various aspects of male attractiveness.  相似文献   

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