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NADH:quinone oxidoreductase, or Complex I, is a multi-subunit membrane-bound enzyme in the respiratory chain of many pro- and eukaryotes. The enzyme catalyzes the oxidation of NADH and donates electrons to the quinone pool, coupled to proton translocation across the membrane, but the mechanism of energy transduction is not understood. In bacteria the enzyme consists of 14 subunits, seven membrane spanning and seven protruding from the membrane. The hydrophobic NuoH (NQO8, ND1, NAD1, NdhA) subunit is seemingly involved in quinone binding. A homologous, structurally and most likely functionally similar subunit is also found in F(420)H2 oxidoreductases and in complex membrane-bound hydrogenases. We have made theoretical analyses of NuoH and NuoH-like polypeptides and experimentally analyzed the transmembrane topology of the NuoH subunit from Rhodobacter capsulatus by constructing and analyzing alkaline phosphatase fusion proteins. This demonstrated that the NuoH polypeptide has eight transmembrane segments, and four highly conserved hydrophilic sequence motifs facing the inside, bacterial cytoplasm. The N-terminal and C-terminal ends are located on the outside of the membrane. A topology model of NuoH based on these results is presented, and implications from the model are discussed.  相似文献   

NuoA is a small membrane spanning subunit of respiratory chain NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (complex I). Unlike the other complex I core protein subunits, the NuoA protein has no known homologue in other enzyme systems. The transmembrane orientation of NuoA cannot be unambiguously predicted, due to the small size of the polypeptide and the varying distribution of charged amino acid residues in NuoA from different organisms. Novel analyses of NuoA from Escherichia coli complex I expressed as fusion proteins to cytochrome c and to alkaline phosphatase demonstrated that the c-terminal end of the polypeptide is localized in the bacterial cytoplasm, in contrast to what was previously reported for the homologous NQO7 subunit from Paracoccus denitrificans complex I.  相似文献   

Each of two hydrophobic subunits of Na+-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (NQR), NqrD and NqrE, contain a pair of strictly conserved cysteine residues within their transmembrane alpha-helices. Site-directed mutagenesis showed that substitutions of these residues in NQR of Vibrio harveyi blocked the Na+-dependent and 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide-sensitive quinone reductase activity of the enzyme. However, these mutations did not affect the interaction of NQR with NADH and menadione. It was demonstrated that these conserved cysteine residues are necessary for the correct folding and/or the stability of the NQR complex. Mass and EPR spectroscopy showed that NQR from V. harveyi bears only a 2Fe-2S cluster as a metal-containing prosthetic group.  相似文献   

The flavoprotein WrbA, originally described as a tryptophan (W) repressor-binding protein in Escherichia coli, has recently been shown to exhibit the enzymatic activity of a NADH:quinone oxidoreductase. This finding points toward a possible role in stress response and in the maintenance of a supply of reduced quinone. We have determined the three-dimensional structure of the WrbA holoprotein from E. coli at high resolution (1.66 Å), and we observed a characteristic, tetrameric quaternary structure highly similar to the one found in the WrbA homologs of Deinococcus radiodurans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. A similar tetramer was originally observed in an iron-sulfur flavoprotein involved in the reduction of reactive oxygen species. Together with other, recently characterized proteins such as YhdA or YLR011wp (Lot6p), these tetrameric flavoproteins may constitute a large family with diverse functions in redox catalysis. WrbA binds substrates at an active site that provides an ideal stacking environment for aromatic moieties, while providing a pocket that is structured to stabilize the ADP part of an NADH molecule in its immediate vicinity. Structures of WrbA in complex with benzoquinone and NADH suggest a sequential binding mechanism for both molecules in the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

The complex I subunits NuoL, NuoM and NuoN are homologous to two proteins, MrpA and MrpD, from one particular class of Na+/H+ antiporters. In many bacteria MrpA and MrpD are encoded by an operon comprising 6-7 conserved genes. In complex I these protein subunits are prime candidates for harboring important parts of the proton pumping machinery. Deletion of either mrpA or mrpD from the Bacillus subtilis chromosome resulted in a Na+ and pH sensitive growth phenotype. The deletion strains could be complemented in trans by their respective Mrp protein, but expression of MrpA in the B. subtilis ΔmrpD strain and vice versa did not improve growth at pH 7.4. This corroborates that the two proteins have unique specific functions. Under the same conditions NuoL could rescue B. subtilis ΔmrpA, but improved the growth of B. subtilis ΔmrpD only slightly. NuoN could restore the wild type properties of B. subtilis ΔmrpD, but had no effect on the ΔmrpA strain. Expression of NuoM did not result in any growth improvement under these conditions. This reveals that the complex I subunits NuoL, NuoM and NuoN also demonstrate functional specializations. The simplest explanation that accounts for all previous and current observations is that the five homologous proteins are single ion transporters. Presumably, MrpA transports Na+ whereas MrpD transports H+ in opposite directions, resulting in antiporter activity. This hypothesis has implications for the complex I functional mechanism, suggesting that one Na+ channel, NuoL, and two H+ channels, NuoM and NuoN, are present.  相似文献   

The membrane topologies of the six subunits of Na+-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (Na+-NQR) from Vibrio cholerae were determined by a combination of topology prediction algorithms and the construction of C-terminal fusions. Fusion expression vectors contained either bacterial alkaline phosphatase (phoA) or green fluorescent protein (gfp) genes as reporters of periplasmic and cytoplasmic localization, respectively. A majority of the topology prediction algorithms did not predict any transmembrane helices for NqrA. A lack of PhoA activity when fused to the C terminus of NqrA and the observed fluorescence of the green fluorescent protein C-terminal fusion confirm that this subunit is localized to the cytoplasmic side of the membrane. Analysis of four PhoA fusions for NqrB indicates that this subunit has nine transmembrane helices and that residue T236, the binding site for flavin mononucleotide (FMN), resides in the cytoplasm. Three fusions confirm that the topology of NqrC consists of two transmembrane helices with the FMN binding site at residue T225 on the cytoplasmic side. Fusion analysis of NqrD and NqrE showed almost mirror image topologies, each consisting of six transmembrane helices; the results for NqrD and NqrE are consistent with the topologies of Escherichia coli homologs YdgQ and YdgL, respectively. The NADH, flavin adenine dinucleotide, and Fe-S center binding sites of NqrF were localized to the cytoplasm. The determination of the topologies of the subunits of Na+-NQR provides valuable insights into the location of cofactors and identifies targets for mutagenesis to characterize this enzyme in more detail. The finding that all the redox cofactors are localized to the cytoplasmic side of the membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

Redox titration of all optically detectable prosthetic groups of Na(+)-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (Na(+)-NQR) at pH 7.5 showed that the functionally active enzyme possesses only three titratable flavin cofactors, one noncovalently bound FAD and two covalently bound FMN residues. All three flavins undergo different redox transitions during the function of the enzyme. The noncovalently bound FAD works as a "classical" two-electron carrier with a midpoint potential (E(m)) of -200 mV. Each of the FMN residues is capable of only one-electron reduction: one from neutral flavosemiquinone to fully reduced flavin (E(m) = 20 mV) and the other from oxidized flavin to flavosemiquinone anion (E(m) = -150 mV). The lacking second half of the redox transitions for the FMNs cannot be reached under our experimental conditions and is most likely not employed in the catalytic cycle. Besides the flavins, a [2Fe-2S] cluster was shown to function in the enzyme as a one-electron carrier with an E(m) of -270 mV. The midpoint potentials of all the redox transitions determined in the enzyme were found to be independent of Na(+) concentration. Even the components that exhibit very strong retardation in the rate of their reduction by NADH at low sodium concentrations experienced no change in the E(m) values when the concentration of the coupling ion was changed 1000 times. On the basis of these data, plausible mechanisms for the translocation of transmembrane sodium ions by Na(+)-NQR are discussed.  相似文献   

The Na(+)-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase from Vibrio cholerae is a six subunit enzyme containing four flavins and a single motif for the binding of a Fe-S cluster on its NqrF subunit. This study reports the production of a soluble variant of NqrF (NqrF') and its individual flavin and Fe-S-carrying domains using V. cholerae or Escherichia coli as expression hosts. NqrF' and the flavin domain each contain 1 mol of FAD/mol of enzyme and exhibit high NADH oxidation activity (20,000 micromol min(-1) mg(-1)). EPR, visible absorption, and circular dichroism spectroscopy indicate that the Fe-S cluster in NqrF' and its Fe-S domain is related to 2Fe ferredoxins of the vertebrate-type. The addition of NADH to NqrF' results in the formation of a neutral flavosemiquinone and a partial reduction of the Fe-S cluster. The NqrF subunit harbors the active site of NADH oxidation and acts as a converter between the hydride donor NADH and subsequent one-electron reaction steps in the Na(+)-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase complex. The observed electron transfer NADH --> FAD --> [2Fe-2S] in NqrF requires positioning of the FAD and the Fe-S cluster in close proximity in accordance with a structural model of the subunit.  相似文献   

NADH:quinone oxidoreductases (NDHs), constitute one of the electron entry points into membrane-bound respiratory chains, oxidising NADH and reducing quinones. Type-II NDHs (NDH-2) are functionally unable to translocate protons and are typically constituted by a single approximately 50 kDa subunit lacking iron-sulfur clusters and containing one flavin as the sole redox centre. No three dimensional crystal structure is yet available for NDHs. We describe the crystallisation and preliminary structure determination of a NDH-2 that contains a covalently bound FAD, isolated from the membrane fraction of Acidianus ambivalens, a hyperthermoacidophilic archaeon capable of growing at 80 degrees C and pH 2.0. NDH-2 was solubilised with the detergent n-dodecyl-beta-d-maltoside and crystallised using ammonium phosphate as precipitant. The structure was solved by MIRAS using Pt and I derivatives.  相似文献   

The nqr operon from Vibrio cholerae, encoding the entire six-subunit, membrane-associated, Na(+)-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (Na(+)-NQR), was cloned under the regulation of the P(BAD) promoter. The enzyme was successfully expressed in V. cholerae. To facilitate molecular genetics studies of this sodium-pumping enzyme, a host strain of V. cholerae was constructed in which the genomic copy of the nqr operon was deleted. By using a vector containing a six-histidine tag on the carboxy terminus of the NqrF subunit, the last subunit in the operon, the recombinant enzyme was readily purified by affinity chromatography in a highly active form from detergent-solubilized membranes of V. cholerae. The recombinant enzyme has a high specific activity in the presence of sodium. NADH consumption was assessed at a turnover number of 720 electrons per second. When purified using dodecyl maltoside (DM), the isolated enzyme contains approximately one bound ubiquinone, whereas if the detergent LDAO is used instead, the quinone content of the isolated enzyme is negligible. Furthermore, the recombinant enzyme, purified with DM, has a relatively low rate of reaction with O(2) (10-20 s(-1)). In steady state turnover, the isolated, recombinant enzyme exhibits up to 5-fold stimulation by sodium and functions as a primary sodium pump, as reported previously for Na(+)()-NQR from other bacterial sources. When reconstituted into liposomes, the recombinant Na(+)-NQR generates a sodium gradient and a Delta Psi across the membrane. SDS-PAGE resolves all six subunits, two of which, NqrB and NqrC, contain covalently bound flavin. A redox titration of the enzyme, monitored by UV-visible spectroscopy, reveals three n = 2 redox centers and one n = 1 redox center, for which the presence of three flavins and a 2Fe-2S center can account. The V. cholerae Na(+)-NQR is well-suited for structural studies and for the use of molecular genetics techniques in addressing the mechanism by which NADH oxidation is coupled to the pumping of Na(+) across the membrane.  相似文献   

The transmembrane topology of subunit N from E. coli Complex I has been investigated. Chemical labeling of mono-substituted cysteine mutants was carried out in inverted membrane vesicles, and in whole cells, using 3-N-maleimidyl-propionyl biocytin (MPB). The results support a model of 14 transmembrane spans with both termini in the periplasm, and are consistent with the models of subunits L, M and N from the crystal structure of the membrane arm of the E. coli Complex I (Efremov et al. (2010) Nature 465, 441–445). In particular, the results do not support an unusual cytoplasmic localization of two likely transmembrane regions, as proposed in previous studies (Mathiesen and Hägerhäll (2002) Biochim Biophys Acta 1556, 121–132; Torres-Bacete, et al. (2009) J Biol Chem 284, 33062–33069).  相似文献   

Na(+) is the second major coupling ion at membranes after protons, and many pathogenic bacteria use the sodium-motive force to their advantage. A prominent example is Vibrio cholerae, which relies on the Na(+)-pumping NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (Na(+)-NQR) as the first complex in its respiratory chain. The Na(+)-NQR is a multisubunit, membrane-embedded NADH dehydrogenase that oxidizes NADH and reduces quinone to quinol. Existing models describing redox-driven Na(+) translocation by the Na(+)-NQR are based on the assumption that the pump contains four flavins and one FeS cluster. Here we show that the large, peripheral NqrA subunit of the Na(+)-NQR binds one molecule of ubiquinone-8. Investigations of the dynamic interaction of NqrA with quinones by surface plasmon resonance and saturation transfer difference NMR reveal a high affinity, which is determined by the methoxy groups at the C-2 and C-3 positions of the quinone headgroup. Using photoactivatable quinone derivatives, it is demonstrated that ubiquinone-8 bound to NqrA occupies a functional site. A novel scheme of electron transfer in Na(+)-NQR is proposed that is initiated by NADH oxidation on subunit NqrF and leads to quinol formation on subunit NqrA.  相似文献   

The coupling site of the Na+ pump to the respiratory chain of Vibrio alginolyticus was examined using membrane fractions prepared from the wild type, Na+ pump-deficient mutants, and spontaneous revertant. NADH oxidase of the wild type and revertant specifically required NA+ for maximum activity, whereas Na+ was not essential for the NADH oxidase of mutants. Similar to the Na+ pump in whole cells, the Na+-dependent NADH oxidase in membranes had a pH optimum in the alkaline region. A respiratory inhibitor, 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline-N-oxide (HQNO), inhibited the Na+-dependent NADH oxidase but had little effect on the NA+-independent activity of mutant membranes. NADH:quinone oxidoreductase was found to be the Na+-dependent HQNO-sensitive site of the NADH oxidase. In the wild type cells, HQNO was also found to cause a strong inhibition of the Na+ pump with little effect on the overall H+ extrusion by respiration. The inhibition of the Na+ pump by HQNO was overcome by oxidized, but not reduced, N,N,N',N'-tetra-methyl-p-phenylenediamine (TMPD). In the presence of oxidised TMPD, the electron flow NADH to oxygen seemed to bypass the HQNO-sensitive site and energize the Na+ pump. From these results, it was concluded that the Na+ pump is coupled to the respiratory chain at the step of NADH:quinone oxidoreductase.  相似文献   

The rate of NADH oxidation by inverted membrane vesicles prepared from the halotolerant bacterium Ba1 of the Dead Sea is increased specifically by sodium ions, as observed earlier in whole cells. The site of this sodium effect is identified as the NADH: quinone oxidoreductase, similarly to the other such system known, Vibrio alginolyticus (H. Tokuda and T. Unemoto (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 7785-7790). Sodium accelerates quinone reduction severalfold, but oxidation of the quinol, with oxygen as terminal electron acceptor, is unaffected. The sodium-dependent pathway of quinone reduction exhibits higher apparent affinity to extraneous quinone (Q-2) than the sodium-insensitive pathway, and is specifically inhibited by 2-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide. ESR spectra of the membranes contain a feature at g = 1.98 which is tentatively identified as one originating from semiquinone. This feature is increased by NADH and decreased by addition of Na+, suggesting that, as proposed from different kinds of evidence for the V. alginolyticus system, sodium affects the semiquinone reduction step. As in the other system, the site of sodium stimulation in Ba1 probably corresponds to the site of sodium translocation, which was shown earlier (S. Ken-Dror, R. Shnaiderman, and Y. Avi-Dor (1984) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 229, 640-649) to be linked directly to a redox reaction in the respiratory chain.  相似文献   

Oscar Juárez  Blanca Barquera 《BBA》2012,1817(10):1823-1832
Na+-NQR is a unique energy-transducing complex, widely distributed among marine and pathogenic bacteria. It converts the energy from the oxidation of NADH and the reduction of quinone into an electrochemical Na+-gradient that can provide energy for the cell. Na+-NQR is not homologous to any other respiratory protein but is closely related to the RNF complex. In this review we propose that sodium pumping in Na+-NQR is coupled to the redox reactions by a novel mechanism, which operates at multiple sites, is indirect and mediated by conformational changes of the protein. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 17th European Bioenergetics Conference (EBEC 2012).  相似文献   

Na(+)-NQR is a unique energy-transducing complex, widely distributed among marine and pathogenic bacteria. It converts the energy from the oxidation of NADH and the reduction of quinone into an electrochemical Na(+)-gradient that can provide energy for the cell. Na(+)-NQR is not homologous to any other respiratory protein but is closely related to the RNF complex. In this review we propose that sodium pumping in Na(+)-NQR is coupled to the redox reactions by a novel mechanism, which operates at multiple sites, is indirect and mediated by conformational changes of the protein. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 17th European Bioenergetics Conference (EBEC 2012).  相似文献   

The Na+-translocating NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Na+-NQR) from Vibrio harveyi was purified and studied by EPR and visible spectroscopy. Two EPR signals in the NADH-reduced enzyme were detected: one, a radical signal, and the other a line around g = 1.94, which is typical for a [2Fe-2S] cluster. An E(m) of -267 mV was found for the Fe-S cluster (n = 1), independent of sodium concentration. The spin concentration of the radical in the enzyme was approximately the same under a variety of redox conditions. The time course of Na+-NQR reduction by NADH indicated the presence of at least two different flavin species. Reduction of the first species (most likely, a FAD near the NADH dehydrogenase site) was very rapid in both the presence and absence of sodium. Reduction of the second flavin species (presumably, covalently bound FMN) was slower and strongly dependent on sodium concentration, with an apparent activation constant for Na+ of approximately 3.4 mM. This is very similar to the Km for Na+ in the steady-state quinone reductase reaction catalyzed by this enzyme. These data led us to conclude that the sodium-dependent step within the Na+-NQR is located between the noncovalently bound FAD and the covalently bound FMN.  相似文献   

Conditions for the reversible dissociation of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) from the membrane-bound mitochondrial NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) are described. The catalytic activities of the enzyme, i.e. rotenone-insensitive NADH:hexaammineruthenium III reductase and rotenone-sensitive NADH:quinone reductase decline when bovine heart submitochondrial particles are incubated with NADH in the presence of rotenone or cyanide at alkaline pH. FMN protects and fully restores the NADH-induced inactivation whereas riboflavin and flavin adenine dinucleotide do not. The data show that the reduction of complex I significantly weakens the binding of FMN to protein thus resulting in its dissociation when the concentration of holoenzyme is comparable with K(d ( approximately 10(-8)M at pH 10.0).  相似文献   

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