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The ascomycete Verticillium dahliae causes worldwide vascular wilt of many field and horticultural plants. The melanized resting structures of this fungus, so-called microsclerotia, survive for many years in soils and continuously re-infect plants. Due to the absence of known fungicides, Verticillium wilt causes immense crop losses. We discovered that the Gram-positive, spore-forming soil bacterium Streptomyces lividans expresses members of the prodiginine family during co-cultivation with V. dahliae. Using HPLC and LC-MS analysis of cultures containing S. lividans alone or grown together with V. dahliae, we found that undecylprodigiosin [394.4 M+H](+) is highly abundant, and streptorubin B [392.4 M+H](+) is present in smaller amounts. Within co-cultures, the quantity of undecylprodigiosin increased considerably and pigment concentrated at and within fungal hyphae. The addition of purified undecylprodigiosin to growing V. dahliae hyphae strongly reduced microsclerotia formation. Undecylprodigiosin was also produced when S. lividans grew on the roots of developing Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Furthermore, the presence of the undecylprodigiosin producer led to an efficient reduction of V. dahliae hyphae and microsclerotia on plant-roots. Based on these novel findings and previous knowledge, we deduce that the prodiginine investigated leads to multiple cellular effects, which ultimately impair specific pathways for signal transduction and apoptosis of the fungal plant pathogen.  相似文献   

Yuan HY  Yao LL  Jia ZQ  Li Y  Li YZ 《Protoplasma》2006,229(1):75-82
Summary. In plant cells, cytoskeletons play important roles in response to biotic and abiotic stresses. However, little is known about the dynamics of cytoskeletons when cells are attacked by unphysical stress factors such as elicitors and toxins. We report here that the toxin of Verticillium dahliae (VD toxin) induced changes of microfilaments (MFs) and microtubules (MTs) in Arabidopsis thaliana suspension-cultured cells. When cells were treated with a low concentration of VD toxin, MFs were disrupted ordinally from the cortex to the perinuclear region, and then recovered spontaneously; but the MTs persisted. The MFs in the perinuclear region showed more resistance to VD toxin than the cortical ones. In contrast, when cells were treated with a high concentration of VD toxin, MFs and MTs were disrupted sooner and more severely and did not recover spontaneously. Treatments with high concentrations of VD toxin also induced changes of nucleoli. At the early stages of treatment, a nucleus had a single ring-shaped nucleolus. At the later stages, multiple smaller and more brightly fluorescing nucleoli emerged in a single nucleus. Disrupted MFs could be recovered by removing the VD toxin before the ringshaped nucleoli appeared. All these results showed that MFs and MTs play important roles in the early defense responses against VD toxin in Arabidopsis suspension cells. The cytoskeletons may be used as sensors and effectors monitoring the defense reactions. The changes of nucleoli induced by VD toxin should be important characteristics of cell death. Correspondence and reprints: Department of Plant Sciences, College of Biological Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, People’s Republic of China.  相似文献   

T. Fahima  Y. Henis 《Plant and Soil》1995,176(1):129-137
Quantitative aspects of the interaction between the antagonist Talaromyces flavus, the pathogen Verticillium dahliae and eggplant roots, were studied. When eggplant roots were inoculated with T. flavus, prior to the infection with the pathogen, the population density of T. flavus on V. dahliae-infected roots was at least 3 times higher than on healthy uninfected roots, and the proliferation of T. flavus on diseased eggplant roots was related to the severity of wilt symptoms, in the two levels of application of T. flavus studied. However, in all classes of disease severity tested (disease index, 0–3), the population density of T. Flavus on eggplant roots treated with 106 ascospores g–1 rooting mixture was significantly (p=0.05) higher than with 105 ascospores g–1. In roots treated with 105 and 106 T. flavus ascospores g–1 rooting mixture, the population density of V. dahliae was reduced by 51% and 69%, respectively. When testing the relationships between the population density of V. dahliae in the roots and disease severity, no significant (p=0.05) difference was found between disease indexes 2 and 3. However, the density of V. dahliae on roots of plants with disease index 1 was significantly (p=0.05) lower than disease indexes 2 and 3. The positive relationship between the inoculum concentration of V. dahliae and the population density of T. flavus developed on eggplant roots was significant (p=0.001), linear, and highly correlated (r=0.945) on a logarithmic scale. In addition, the analysis of these data revealed a significant (p=0.05), high, negative and linear correlation (r=–0.985) between the log concentration of V. dahliae inoculum and the disease reduction achieved by T. flavus.  相似文献   

Isolates of Verticillium dahliae Kleb. from wilted cacao (Theobroma cacao L.), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), and okra (Abelmoschus esculentus Medik.) penetrated all regions of living cacao tap and lateral roots and progressed intracellularly from the epidermis to the xylem in 4–6 days. The hypocotyl and tissues of the unerupted lateral roots beneath the epidermis resisted invasion. Host reactions included browning of extensively colonized cells, alteration (with apparent granulation) of the cytoplasm, and accumulation of materials in the lumina of endodermal cells. Resistance in the hypocotyl was associated with occasional thickening of inner tangential walls of colonized epidermal cells. The fungus formed conidia, microsclerotia, and narrow and wide hyphae within root tissues. The narrow hyphae predominated at the front of mycelial invasion of tissues while the broad hyphae developed behind this front. Limited studies under non-sterile conditions indicated that the apparent host-parasite interactions were similar to those observed with sterile roots and cultures of V. dahliae.  相似文献   

The karyotype profile of Verticillium dahliae was resolved by pulse-field gel electrophoresis. It revealed 6 chromosomal bands that corresponded to 7 chromosomes as shown by RFLP analysis using as probe the telomeric consensus sequence (AACCCT)(5). The number of chromosomes was further verified by the sensitivity of the hybridization signals to Bal31 digestion and the exclusion of interfering mitochondrial DNA signals. The corresponding sizes of the seven separated chromosomes were 6.7, 5.6, 4.1, 3.4, 3.1, 3.1 and 2.4Mb, raising the total genomic size of the fungus to approximately 28.4Mb. Twenty five homologous V. dahliae genes obtained either from randomly sequenced clones or PCR amplification were used as hybridization probes and were located onto the seven chromosomes.  相似文献   

The biocontrol bacterium Paenibacillus alvei K165 has the ability to protect Arabidopsis thaliana against Verticillium dahliae. A direct antagonistic action of strain K165 against V. dahliae was ruled out, making it likely that K165-mediated protection results from induced systemic resistance (ISR) in the host. K165-mediated protection was tested in various Arabidopsis mutants and transgenic plants impaired in defense signaling pathways, including NahG (transgenic line degrading salicylic acid [SA]), etr1-1 (insensitive to ethylene), jar1-1 (insensitive to jasmonate), npr1-1 (nonexpressing NPR1 protein), pad3-1 (phytoalexin deficient), pad4-1 (phytoalexin deficient), eds5/sid1 (enhanced disease susceptibility), and sid2 (SA-induction deficient). ISR was blocked in Arabidopsis mutants npr1-1, eds5/sid1, and sid2, indicating that components of the pathway from isochorismate and a functional NPR1 play a crucial role in the K165-mediated ISR. Furthermore, the concomitant activation and increased transient accumulation of the PR-1, PR-2, and PR-5 genes were observed in the treatment in which both the inducing bacterial strain and the challenging pathogen were present in the rhizosphere of the A. thaliana plants.  相似文献   

A glyoxalase I gene homologue (VdGLO1) was identified in the vascular wilt fungus Verticillium dahliae by sequence tag analysis of genes expressed during resting structure development. The results of the current study show that the gene encodes a putative 345 amino acid protein with high similarity to glyoxalase I, which produces S-D-lactoylglutathione from the toxic metabolic by-product methylglyoxal (MG). Disruption of the V. dahliae gene by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation resulted in enhanced sensitivity to MG. Mycelial growth of disruption mutants was severely reduced in the presence of 5 mmol/L MG. In contrast, spore production in liquid medium was abolished at 1 mmol/L MG, although not at physiologically relevant concentrations of 相似文献   

Wang FX  Ma YP  Yang CL  Zhao PM  Yao Y  Jian GL  Luo YM  Xia GX 《Proteomics》2011,11(22):4296-4309
Verticillium wilt of cotton is a vascular disease mainly caused by the soil-born filamentous fungus Verticillium dahliae. To study the mechanisms associated with defense responses in wilt-resistant sea-island cotton (Gossypium barbadense) upon V. dahliae infection, a comparative proteomic analysis between infected and mock-inoculated roots of G. barbadense var. Hai 7124 (a cultivar showing resistance against V. dahliae) was performed by 2-DE combined with local EST database-assisted PMF and MS/MS analysis. A total of 51 upregulated and 17 downregulated proteins were identified, and these proteins are mainly involved in defense and stress responses, primary and secondary metabolisms, lipid transport, and cytoskeleton organization. Three novel clues regarding wilt resistance of G. barbadense are gained from this study. First, ethylene signaling was significantly activated in the cotton roots attacked by V. dahliae as shown by the elevated expression of ethylene biosynthesis and signaling components. Second, the Bet v 1 family proteins may play an important role in the defense reaction against Verticillium wilt. Third, wilt resistance may implicate the redirection of carbohydrate flux from glycolysis to pentose phosphate pathway (PPP). To our knowledge, this study is the first root proteomic analysis on cotton wilt resistance and provides important insights for establishing strategies to control this disease.  相似文献   

The initial interaction of a pathogenic fungus with its host is complex and involves numerous metabolic pathways and regulatory proteins. Considerable attention has been devoted to proteins that play a crucial role in these interactions, with an emphasis on so‐called effector molecules that are secreted by the invading microbe to establish the symbiosis. However, the contribution of other types of molecules, such as glycans, is less well appreciated. Here, we present a random genetic screen that enabled us to identify 58 novel candidate genes that are involved in the pathogenic potential of the fungal pathogen Verticillium dahliae, which causes vascular wilt diseases in over 200 dicotyledonous plant species, including economically important crops. One of the candidate genes that was identified concerns a putative biosynthetic gene involved in nucleotide sugar precursor formation, as it encodes a putative nucleotide‐rhamnose synthase/epimerase‐reductase (NRS/ER). This enzyme has homology to bacterial enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of the nucleotide sugar deoxy‐thymidine diphosphate (dTDP)‐rhamnose, a precursor of L‐rhamnose, which has been shown to be required for virulence in several human pathogenic bacteria. Rhamnose is known to be a minor cell wall glycan in fungi and has therefore not been suspected as a crucial molecule in fungal–host interactions. Nevertheless, our study shows that deletion of the VdNRS/ER gene from the V. dahliae genome results in complete loss of pathogenicity on tomato and Nicotiana benthamiana plants, whereas vegetative growth and sporulation are not affected. We demonstrate that VdNRS/ER is a functional enzyme in the biosynthesis of uridine diphosphate (UDP)‐rhamnose, and further analysis has revealed that VdNRS/ER deletion strains are impaired in the colonization of tomato roots. Collectively, our results demonstrate that rhamnose, although only a minor cell wall component, is essential for the pathogenicity of V. dahliae.  相似文献   

Isolation of total RNA from Arabidopsis thaliana seeds   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Shi FM  Li YZ 《BMB reports》2008,41(1):79-85
The source of nitric oxide (NO) in plants is unclear and it has been reported NO can be produced by nitric oxide synthase (NOS) like enzymes and by nitrate reductase (NR). Here we used wild-type, Atnos1 mutant and nia1, nia2 NR-deficient mutant plants of Arabidopsis thaliana to investigate the potential source of NO production in response to Verticillium dahliae toxins (VD-toxins). The results revealed that NO production is much higher in wild-type and Atnos1 mutant than in nia1, nia2 NR-deficient mutants. The NR inhibitor had a significant effect on VD-toxins-induced NO production; whereas NOS inhibitor had a slight effect. NR activity was significantly implicated in NO production. The results indicated that as NO was induced in response to VD-toxins in Arabidopsis, the major source was the NR pathway. The production of NOS-system appeared to be secondary.  相似文献   

To evaluate the ability of Arabidopsis thaliana hairy roots to produce heterologous proteins, hypocotyls were transformed with Rhizobium rhizogenes harbouring a green fluorescent protein gene (gfp) fused to a plant signal peptide sequence. Hairy root transgenic lines were generated from wild-type or mutant genotypes. A line secreted GFP at 130 mg/l of culture medium. Unlike as was previously found with turnip hairy roots, a His-tag was still attached to approximately 50?% of the protein. Control of the pH and addition of a protease inhibitor to the culture medium resulted in up to 87?% of the GFP retaining the His-tag. A. thaliana hairy roots expressing the human serpina1 (α-1-antitrypsin) gene secreted the protein, which was visible on a PAGE gel. Protein activity in the culture medium was demonstrated using an elastase inhibition assay. A. thaliana hairy roots can now be considered for the production of heterologous proteins, making it possible to mine the numerous genetic resources for enhancing protein production and quality.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to identify the growth limiting factors in Arabidopsis thaliana subjected to a mild salt stress. Two natural accessions (Col and N1438) were compared. In spite of their morphological and developmental similarity, they have been previously shown to differ in the response of their superoxide dismutase genes to salt stress (Physiol Plant 132:293–305, 2008). Thirty-day-old seedlings were grown for 15 days using a split-root configuration in which the root system was divided into two equal parts: the first was immersed in a complete nutrient solution with 50 mM NaCl added, while the second part was immersed in either complete or incomplete K-, Ca-, or N-free medium. Using this approach, we demonstrated that K+ and Ca2+ uptake was impaired in the roots subjected to NaCl. There was no indication of the salt-induced inhibition of N uptake. If K+ or Ca2+ were available from salt-free medium, plants were able to grow at normal rate and accumulate large amounts of Na+ in the shoots. These results indicate that the sensitivity of Arabidopsis growth to mild salinity was probably due to an inhibition of K+ or Ca2+ root transport by salt rather than due to salt accumulation in shoots. Furthermore, the salt sensitivity of ion transport in roots seemed to depend on the genotype, since K+ was limiting for Col growth, in contrast to N1438, the growth of which was limited by Ca2+.  相似文献   

P Vernon  G Vannier  V Arondel 《Cryobiology》1999,39(2):138-143
The influence of the water content of seeds and seedlings of Arabidopsis thaliana (Ecotype Columbia:2) on their supercooling capacity was investigated. Equilibration of the seeds to various air relative humidities resulted in final moisture contents ranging from 8 to 82% (dry weight basis). No supercooling point could be detected when the water content remained below 32.5%, and in seeds at just above this moisture level ice crystals started to form at -26 degrees C. However, cooling partly affected the germination of seeds down to a water content of 26.5%. Upon imbibition, the supercooling point of the seeds remained around -21.6 degrees C and rose sharply to -14.7 degrees C when visible germination started. It remained around -13 degrees C during the following 96 h while the water content of the seedlings increased from 155 to 870%. Hydrated seeds (above 32.5% water content), germinated seeds, and seedlings of Arabidopsis cannot survive being frozen.  相似文献   

Both photoautotrophic and heterotrophic tissues from plants are capable of synthesizing and degrading starch. To analyze starch metabolism in the two types of tissue from the same plant, several starch-related mutants from Arabidopsis thaliana were grown hydroponically together with the respective wild-type control. Starch contents, patterns of starch-related enzymes and the monomer patterns of the cytosolic starch-related heteroglycans were determined. Based on the phenotypical data obtained, three comparisons were made: First, data from leaves and roots of the mutants were compared with the respective wild-type controls. Secondly, data from leaves and roots from the same plant were compared. Third, we included data obtained from soil-grown plants and compared them with those from hydroponically grown plants. Thus, phenotypical features reflecting altered gene expression can be distinguished from those that are due to the specific growth conditions. Implications on the carbon fluxes in photoautotrophic and heterotrophic cells are discussed.Key words: starch metabolism, cytosolic heteroglycans, cytosolic glucosyl transferases, carbon fluxes  相似文献   

VerticiUium wilt disease becomes a major threat to many economically important crops.It is unclear whether and how plant immunity takes place during cotton-Verticillium interaction due to the lack of marker genes.Taking advantage of cotton(Gossypium hirsutum) genome,we discovered pathogenesis-related(PR) gene families,which have been widely used as markers of immune responses in plants.To profile the expression of G.hirsutum PR genes in the process of plant immunity,we treated cotton roots with two immunogenic peptides,flg22 and nlp20 known as pathogen-associated molecular patterns,as well as three VerticiUium dahliae-derived peptides,nlp20~(Vd2),nlp23~(Vd3),and nlp23~(Vd4) which are highly identical to nlp20.Quantitative real-time PCR results revealed that 14 G hirsutum PR gene(GhPR) families were induced or suppressed independently in response to flg22,nlp20,nlp20~(Vd2),nlp23~(Vd3),and nlp23~(Vd4).Most GhPR genes are expressed highest at 3 h post incubation of immunogenic peptides.Compared to flg22 and nlp20,nlp20~(Vd2) is more effective to trigger up-regulated expression of GhPR genes.Notably,both nlp23~(Vd3) and nlp23~(Vd4) are able to induce GhPR gene up-regulation,although they do not induce necrosis on cotton leaves.Thus,our results provide marker genes and new immunogenic peptides for further investigation of cotton-V.dahliae interaction.  相似文献   

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