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Background and Aims

Orchid mycorrhizas exhibit a unique type of mycorrhizal symbiosis that occurs between fungi and plants of the family Orchidaceae. In general, the roots of orchids are typically coarse compared with those of other plant species, leading to a considerably low surface area to volume ratio. As a result, orchids are often ill-adapted for direct nutrient acquisition from the soil and so mycorrhizal assocaitions are important. However, the role of the fungal partners in the acquisition of inorganic and organic N by terrestrial orchids has yet to be clarified.


Inorganic and amino acid N uptake by non-mycorrhizal and mycorrhizal Cymbidium goeringii seedlings, which were grown in pots in a greenhouse, was investigated using a 15N-labelling technique in which the tracer was injected at two different soil depths, 2·5 cm or 7·5 cm. Mycorrhizal C. goeringii seedlings were obtained by inoculation with three different mycorrhizal strains isolated from the roots of wild terrestrial orchids (two C. goeringii and one C. sinense).

Key Results

Non-mycorrhizal C. goeringii primarily took up NO3 from tracers injected at 2·5-cm soil depth, whereas C. goeringii inoculated with all three mycorrhiza primarily took up NH4+ injected at the same depth. Inoculation of the mycorrhizal strain MLX102 (isolated from adult C. sinense) on C. goeringii roots only significantly increased the below-ground biomass of the C. goeringii; however, it enhanced 15NH4+ uptake by C. goeringii at 2·5-cm soil depth. Compared to the uptake of tracers injected at 2·5-cm soil depth, the MLX102 fungal strain strongly enhanced glycine-N uptake by C. goeringii from tracers injected at 7·5-cm soil depth. Cymbidium goeringii inoculated with CLB113 and MLX102 fungal strains demonstrated a similar N uptake pattern to tracers injected at 2·5-cm soil depth.


These findings demonstrate that mycorrhizal fungi are able to switch the primary N source uptake of a terrestrial orchid, in this case C. goeringii, from NO3 to NH4+. The reasons for variation in N uptake in the different soil layers may be due to possible differentiation in the mycorrhizal hyphae of the C. goeringii fungal partner.  相似文献   

Early male-killing (MK) bacteria are vertically transmitted reproductive parasites which kill male offspring that inherit them. Whereas their incidence is well documented, characteristics allowing originally non-MK bacteria to gradually evolve MK ability remain unclear. We show that horizontal transmission is a mechanism enabling vertically transmitted bacteria to evolve fully efficient MK under a wide range of host and parasite characteristics, especially when the efficacy of vertical transmission is high. We also show that an almost 100% vertically transmitted and 100% effective male-killer may evolve from a purely horizontally transmitted non-MK ancestor, and that a 100% efficient male-killer can form a stable coexistence only with a non-MK bacterial strain. Our findings are in line with the empirical evidence on current MK bacteria, explain their high efficacy in killing infected male embryos and their variability within and across insect taxa, and suggest that they may have evolved independently in phylogenetically distinct species.  相似文献   

The complex spatio-temporal patterns of development and anatomy of nervous systems play a key role in our understanding of arthropod evolution. However, the degree of resolution of neural processes is not always detailed enough to claim homology between arthropod groups. One example is neural precursors and their progeny in crustaceans and insects. Pioneer neurons of crustaceans and insects show some similarities that indicate homology. In contrast, the differentiation of insect and crustacean neuroblasts (NBs) shows profound differences and their homology is controversial. For Drosophila and grasshoppers, the complete lineage of several NBs up to formation of pioneer neurons is known. Apart from data on median NBs no comparable results exist for Crustacea. Accordingly, it is not clear where the crustacean pioneer neurons come from and whether there are NBs lateral to the midline homologous to those of insects. To fill this gap, individual NBs in the ventral neuroectoderm of the crustacean Orchestia cavimana were labelled in vivo with a fluorescent dye. A partial neuroblast map was established and for the first time lineages from individual NBs to identified pioneer neurons were established in a crustacean. Our data strongly suggest homology of NBs and their lineages, providing further evidence for a close insect-crustacean relationship.  相似文献   

A plant's best strategy for acquiring resources may often depend on the identity of neighbours. Here, I ask whether plants adjust their strategy to local relatedness: individuals may cooperate (reduce competitiveness) with kin but compete relatively intensely with non-kin. In a greenhouse experiment with Ipomoea hederacea, neighbouring siblings from the same inbred line were relatively uniform in height; groups of mixed lines, however, were increasingly variable as their mean height increased. The reproductive yield of mixed and sibling groups was similar overall, but when adjusted to a common mean height and height inequality, the yield of mixed groups was significantly less. Where this difference in yield was most pronounced (among groups that varied most in height), mixed groups tended to allocate more mass to roots than comparable sibling groups, and overall, mixed groups produced significantly fewer seeds per unit mass of roots. These results suggest that, from the group perspective, non-kin may have wasted resources in below-ground competition at the expense of reproduction; kin groups, on the other hand, displayed the relative efficiency that is expected of reduced competitiveness.  相似文献   

Many diverse questions in ecology and evolution have been addressed using species belonging to the genus Ipomoea, commonly referred to as the morning glory genus. Ipomoea exhibits a wide range of diversity in floral color, growth form, mating system and tolerance to environmental factors, both within and among species, and as such has been a focal group of many investigations in the last 80 years. In this review, we highlight recent work to which Ipomoea species have contributed-from studies of the mating system, molecular evolution, plant-herbivore and plant-parasite interactions to their impact on and importance to agriculture. Genomic resources for this group are currently under development, and given the breadth of studies and history of this group, combined with an expanding genetics toolkit, we argue that Ipomoea should provide the next model organism for ecological genomics.  相似文献   

The rapid evolution of essential developmental genes and their protein products is both intriguing and problematic. The rapid evolution of gene products with simple protein folds and a lack of well-characterized functional domains typically result in a low discovery rate of orthologous genes. Additionally, in the absence of orthologs it is difficult to study the processes and mechanisms underlying rapid evolution. In this study, we have investigated the rapid evolution of centrosomin (cnn), an essential gene encoding centrosomal protein isoforms required during syncytial development in Drosophila melanogaster. Until recently the rapid divergence of cnn made identification of orthologs difficult and questionable because Cnn violates many of the assumptions underlying models for protein evolution. To overcome these limitations, we have identified a group of insect orthologs and present conserved features likely to be required for the functions attributed to cnn in D. melanogaster. We also show that the rapid divergence of Cnn isoforms is apparently due to frequent coding sequence indels and an accelerated rate of intronic additions and eliminations. These changes appear to be buffered by multi-exon and multi-reading frame maximum potential ORFs, simple protein folds, and the splicing machinery. These buffering features also occur in other genes in Drosophila and may help prevent potentially deleterious mutations due to indels in genes with large coding exons and exon-dense regions separated by small introns. This work promises to be useful for future investigations of cnn and potentially other rapidly evolving genes and proteins.  相似文献   

The impact of logging and subsequent recovery after logging is predicted to vary depending on specific life history traits of the logged species. The Eco-gene simulation model was used to evaluate the long-term impacts of selective logging over 300 years on two contrasting Brazilian Amazon tree species, Dipteryx odorata and Jacaranda copaia. D. odorata (Leguminosae), a slow growing climax tree, occurs at very low densities, whereas J. copaia (Bignoniaceae) is a fast growing pioneer tree that occurs at high densities. Microsatellite multilocus genotypes of the pre-logging populations were used as data inputs for the Eco-gene model and post-logging genetic data was used to verify the output from the simulations. Overall, under current Brazilian forest management regulations, there were neither short nor long-term impacts on J. copaia. By contrast, D. odorata cannot be sustainably logged under current regulations, a sustainable scenario was achieved by increasing the minimum cutting diameter at breast height from 50 to 100 cm over 30-year logging cycles. Genetic parameters were only slightly affected by selective logging, with reductions in the numbers of alleles and single genotypes. In the short term, the loss of alleles seen in J. copaia simulations was the same as in real data, whereas fewer alleles were lost in D. odorata simulations than in the field. The different impacts and periods of recovery for each species support the idea that ecological and genetic information are essential at species, ecological guild or reproductive group levels to help derive sustainable management scenarios for tropical forests.  相似文献   

Competition and conflict among individuals can favour exploitative strategies that undermine the common good. Theory suggests that this can lead to a tragedy of the commons and ultimately population extinction, a phenomenon known as evolutionary suicide. Here, I present a model of the evolutionary tragedy of the commons that explicitly considers the population dynamics where individuals invest in individually costly competitive traits. In the simplest form, this supports the notion that selection for high levels of conflict can cause evolutionary suicide. However, as competition comes with survival and fecundity costs, a feedback between the investment in competition and population density can act to reduce the level of conflict and prevent the population from going extinct. This suggests that the interaction between population ecology and the evolution of competition and conflict among individuals may be an important mechanism in resolving the level of competition and conflict among individuals.  相似文献   

以来自铜矿区(CS)和非矿区(UCS)两个海州香薷种群为对象,通过室内水培实验,分析了两种群幼苗在铜及营养缺失胁迫下植物生长、铜富集及矿质营养含量的差异.结果显示,铜、低营养胁迫及其相互作用对非矿区种群生长具有明显的抑制作用,而对矿区种群的影响则远比非矿区种群小,且较低铜浓度(25μmol/L Cu)明显促进了矿区种群的生长;从耐性指数结果看,矿区种群铜耐性指数和营养胁迫耐性指数均高于非矿区种群.这表明矿区种群不仅进化为铜耐受种群,同时也进化成营养胁迫耐受种群.低营养胁迫明显促进了植物对铜的吸收和运转,如在低营养胁迫和25 μmol/L Cu复合处理下,矿区种群根铜含量约为单一铜处理的25倍,非矿区种群是单一铜处理5倍多.低营养胁迫和过量铜显著减少了非矿区种群矿质营养元素如P,Mg,K和Mn的吸收积累,而矿区种群则仍然能保持相对稳定;在铜和营养缺失复合作用下,两个种群矿质营养除Ca和部分Fe外,均显著减少,但矿区种群减少程度明显比非矿区种群小.这些结果表明,矿区种群在胁迫条件下具有保持营养相对稳定和平衡的能力,这种能力使其能在高铜污染和营养缺乏的土壤中正常生长和定居.  相似文献   

Dispersal comprises a complex life-history syndrome that influences the demographic dynamics of especially those species that live in fragmented landscapes, the structure of which may in turn be expected to impose selection on dispersal. We have constructed an individual-based evolutionary sexual model of dispersal for species occurring as metapopulations in habitat patch networks. The model assumes correlated random walk dispersal with edge-mediated behaviour (habitat selection) and spatially correlated stochastic local dynamics. The model is parametrized with extensive data for the Glanville fritillary butterfly. Based on empirical results for a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the phosphoglucose isomerase (Pgi) gene, we assume that dispersal rate in the landscape matrix, fecundity and survival are affected by a locus with two alleles, A and C, individuals with the C allele being more mobile. The model was successfully tested with two independent empirical datasets on spatial variation in Pgi allele frequency. First, at the level of local populations, the frequency of the C allele is the highest in newly established isolated populations and the lowest in old isolated populations. Second, at the level of sub-networks with dissimilar numbers and connectivities of patches, the frequency of C increases with decreasing network size and hence with decreasing average metapopulation size. The frequency of C is the highest in landscapes where local extinction risk is high and where there are abundant opportunities to establish new populations. Our results indicate that the strength of the coupling of the ecological and evolutionary dynamics depends on the spatial scale and is asymmetric, demographic dynamics having a greater immediate impact on genetic dynamics than vice versa.  相似文献   

Whether evolution will be rapid enough to rescue declining populations will depend upon population size, the supply of genetic variation, the degree of maladaptation and the historical direction of selection. We examined whether the level of environmental stress experienced by a population prior to abrupt environmental change affects the probability of evolutionary rescue (ER). Hundreds of populations of two species of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces paradoxus were exposed to a range of sublethal concentrations of salt for approximately a hundred generations before transfer to a concentration of salt lethal to the ancestor (150 g l–1 NaCl). The fitness of surviving populations of both species was a quadratic function of yield: fitness was greatest for large populations that had been selected on low salt concentrations (less than 20 g l−1 NaCl) and small populations that had adapted to high salt (more than 80 g l−1 NaCl). However, differences occurred between species in the probability of ER. The frequency of ER was positively correlated with salt concentration for S. cerevisiae, but negatively correlated with salt concentration in S. paradoxus. These results not only demonstrate that past environmental conditions can determine the probability of ER after abrupt environmental change, but also suggest that there may even be differences between closely related species that are worth further exploration.  相似文献   

The turtle shell and the relationship of the shoulder girdle inside or ‘deep’ to the ribcage have puzzled neontologists and developmental biologists for more than a century. Recent developmental and fossil data indicate that the shoulder girdle indeed lies inside the shell, but anterior to the ribcage. Developmental biologists compare this orientation to that found in the model organisms mice and chickens, whose scapula lies laterally on top of the ribcage. We analyse the topological relationship of the shoulder girdle relative to the ribcage within a broader phylogenetic context and determine that the condition found in turtles is also found in amphibians, monotreme mammals and lepidosaurs. A vertical scapula anterior to the thoracic ribcage is therefore inferred to be the basal amniote condition and indicates that the condition found in therian mammals and archosaurs (which includes both developmental model organisms: chickens and mice) is derived and not appropriate for studying the developmental origin of the turtle shell. Instead, among amniotes, either monotreme mammals or lepidosaurs should be used.  相似文献   

Electron transfer reactions between optically-active RuII/III complexes incorporating (S)-/(R)-amino acids, and the two azurins, azurin-1 (az-1Cu) and azurin-2 (az-2Cu) isolated from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans GIFU 1051, have been studied to probe molecular recognition sites on the two azurins. The RuII/III complexes are K[RuII(L)(bpy)] and [RuIII(L)(bpy)], and have a tripodal ligand (L) derived from the (S)-/(R)-amino acids, which are in turn exchanged for other functional substituent groups, such as (S)-/(R)-phenylalanine, -leucine, -valine, -alanine, and -glutamic acid (L = (S)-/(R)-BCMPA, -BCMLE, -BCMVA, -BCMAL, and -BCMGA). In the oxidation reaction of az-1CuI promoted by the RuIII complexes, the kinetic parameters exhibited enantio- and stereo-selectivities, while the same reaction of az-2CuI was less enantio- and stereo-selective. These differences suggest that the processes of formation of the activated states are different for the two azurins. On the other hand, such a difference has not been observed for az-1 and az-2 with respect to the reduction reactions promoted by both azurins CuII by the RuII complexes within the experimental error. This suggests that the neutrality of the Ru complexes is important for precise molecular recognition of azurins. His117 has been proposed as the electron transfer site. The local structures in the vicinity of the His117 side chain in the two azurins, are essentially identical with the exception of the 43rd residue, Val43 and Ala43 for az-1 and az-2, respectively. Electron transfer reactions between RuIII complexes and a mutant azurin, V43A-az-1, were also carried out. Interestingly, the activation parameters estimated were very similar to those of az-2, indicating that the 43rd residue acts as the electron transfer site in azurins and provides rationalization for the different mechanisms of az-1 and az-2 in redox reactions.  相似文献   

Despite growing evidence of rapid evolution in protein coding genes, the contribution of positive selection to intra- and interspecific differences in protein coding regions of the genome is unclear. We attempted to see if genes coding for secreted proteins and genes with narrow expression, specifically those preferentially expressed in the mammary gland, have diverged at a faster rate between domestic cattle (Bos taurus) and humans (Homo sapiens) than other genes and whether positive selection is responsible. Using a large data set, we identified groups of genes based on secretion and expression patterns and compared them for the rate of nonsynonymous (dN) and synonymous (dS) substitutions per site and the number of radical (Dr) and conservative (Dc) amino acid substitutions. We found evidence of rapid evolution in genes with narrow expression, especially for those expressed in the liver and mammary gland and for genes coding for secreted proteins. We compared common human polymorphism data with human-cattle divergence and found that genes with high evolutionary rates in human-cattle divergence also had a large number of common human polymorphisms. This argues against positive selection causing rapid divergence in these groups of genes. In most cases dN/dS ratios were lower in human-cattle divergence than in common human polymorphism presumably due to differences in the effectiveness of purifying selection between long-term divergence and short-term polymorphism.  相似文献   

In studies of extinction risk, it is often insufficient to conclude that species with narrow ranges or small clutch sizes require prioritized protection. To improve conservation outcomes, we also need to know which threats interact with these traits to endanger some species but not others. In this study, we integrated the spatial patterns of key threats to Australian amphibians with species' ecological/life-history traits to both predict declining species and identify their likely threats. In addition to confirming the importance of previously identified traits (e.g. narrow range size), we find that extrinsic threats (primarily the disease chytridiomycosis and invasive mosquitofish) are equally important and interact with intrinsic traits (primarily ecological group) to create guild-specific pathways to decline in our model system. Integrating the spatial patterns of extrinsic threats in extinction risk analyses will improve our ability to detect and manage endangered species in the future, particularly where data deficiency is a problem.  相似文献   

The study investigated the reduction in metalloid uptake at equimolar concentrations (~53.3 μM) of As(III) and As(V) in contrasting pair of rice seedlings by pretreating with H2O2 (1.0 μM) and SA (1.0 mM). Results obtained from the contrasting pair (arsenic tolerant vs. sensitive) of rice seedlings (cv. Pant Dhan 11 and MTU 7029, respectively) shows that pretreatment of H2O2 and H2O2 + SA reduces As(V) uptake significantly in both the cultivars, while no reduction in the As(III) uptake. The higher growth inhibition, higher H2O2 and TBARS content in sensitive cultivar against As(III) and As(V) treatments along with higher As accumulation (~1.2 mg g−1 dw) than in cv. P11, unravels the fundamental difference in the response between the sensitive and tolerant cultivar. In the H2O2 pretreated plants, the translocation of As increased in tolerant cultivar against AsIII, whereas, it decreased in sensitive cultivar both against AsIII and AsV. In both the cultivars translocation of Mn increased in the H2O2 pretreated plants against As(III), whereas, the translocation of Cu increased against As(V). In tolerant cultivar the translocation of Fe increased against As(V) with H2O2 pretreatment whereas, it decreased in the sensitive cultivar. In both the cultivars, Zn translocation increased against As(III) and decreased against As(V). The higher level of H2O2 and SOD (EC activity in sensitive cultivar whereas, higher, APX (EC, GR (EC and GST (EC activity in tolerant cultivar, also demonstrated the differential anti-oxidative defence responses between the contrasting rice cultivars.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12298-014-0255-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Malaria is one of the leading causes of death among infectious diseases in the world, claiming over one million lives every year. By these standards, this highly complex parasite is extremely successful at generating new infections. Somewhat surprisingly, however, many malaria species seem to invest relatively little in gametocytes, converting only a small percentage of circulating asexual parasite forms into this transmissible form. In this article, we use mathematical models to explore three of the hypotheses that have been proposed to explain this apparent 'reproductive restraint' and develop a novel, fourth hypothesis. We find that only one of the previous three hypotheses we explore can explain such low gametocyte conversion rates, and this hypothesis involves a very specific form of density-dependent transmission-blocking immunity. Our fourth hypothesis also provides a potential explanation and is based on the occurrence of multiple infections and the resultant within-host competition between malaria strains that this entails. Further experimental work is needed to determine which of these two hypotheses provides the most likely explanation.  相似文献   

Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is a plant defense response in which an initial localized infection affords enhanced pathogen resistance to distant, uninfected leaves. SAR requires efficient long-distance signaling between the infected leaf, where SAR signals are generated, and the distant uninfected leaves that receive them. A growing body of evidence indicates that the lipid transfer protein DIR1 (Defective in Induced Resistance) is an important mediator of long-distance SAR signaling. In a recent publication, we investigated if cell-to-cell movement through plasmodesmata is required for long-distance movement of DIR1 during SAR. We determined that overexpression of Plasmodesmata-Located Proteins (PDLP1 and 5) negatively impacted long-distance DIR1 movement and SAR competence, suggesting that movement through plasmodesmata contributes to long-distance signal movement during SAR.  相似文献   

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