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The palm weevil, Rhynchophorus palmarum (L.), was collected in cocoons from red ring-diseased coconut palms (Cocos nucifera L.) in Trinidad and Tobago. Juveniles of five species of nematodes were extracted from the genitalia and macerated bodies of newly emerged adults of the palm weevil: Rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus (Cobb) Goodey (the red ring nematode), Teratorhabditis sp., Diplogasteritus sp., Mononchoides sp., and Bursaphelenchus sp. Over 90% of newly emerged weevil females and males were infested internally with red ring nematode juveniles, and over 47% of the weevils contained more than 1,000 red ring nematodes each. There was no significant correlation between weevil body length and the number of red ring nematodes carried internally by each weevil. Teratorhabditis sp. and Diplogasteritus sp. were extracted from over 50% of the palm weevils, and Monochoides sp. and Bursaphelenchus sp. were found in a small proportion of the weevils. Field-collected adult weevils were also internally and externally infested with a Rhabditis sp., which was not observed in or on weevils allowed to emerge from field-collected cocoons.  相似文献   

This study deals with the analysis of the integument of the red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus of both sexes using the GC–MS technique. The results of the study revealed many promising compounds. These include aspidofractinine-3-methanol (kopsinyl alcohol) which was found in the acetone extract of the sternum of females, and 3-buten-2-ol (32-B) which was found in the extracts of sternum and tergum of males. This compound the aggregation pheromone was secreted by males. Additionally, compounds with methoxy groups were found. These may be responsible for insects’ resistance. This study, through separation and identification of these compounds, aims to open a new possibility for their future medical and therapeutic usage.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa was identified as a facultative pathogen of red palm weevil. Intra-haemocoelic injection of the pathogen within larvae and pre-pupae was more effective at killing the insects [with a median lethal dose (LD50) of 9×102 to 2×103 bacteria/insect] than inoculation by force feeding (LD50 of 105 to 4×105 bacteria/insect) or by wading the insects in a suspension of the pathogen (LD50 of 105 to 2×105 bacteria/insect). Injection of 3×103 bacteria/insect killed 69% of larvae; small larvae were more susceptible (LD50 of 9×105 bacteria/larva) than either larger larvae (LD50 of 103 bacteria/larva) or pre-pupa. The median time to death of the small larvae following injection of P. aeruginosa was about 6 days but that following force feeding or wading was about 8 days. A secondary invader, Serratia marcescens, had no effect on the pathogenicity of P. aeruginosa but hastened death of larvae by about 3 days.A. Banerjee and T.K. Dangar were with the Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Regional Station, Kayangulam 690 533, Kerala, India. They are now with the Central Rice Research Institute. Cuttack 753 006, Orissa, IndiaCPCRI research paper no. 870.  相似文献   

The potential of a strain of Beauveria bassiana (Ascomycota: Clavicipitaceae) obtained from a naturally infected Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) pupa as a biological control agent against this weevil was evaluated both in the laboratory and in semi-field assays. Laboratory results indicate that this strain of B. bassiana can infect eggs, larvae and adults of R. ferrugineus (LC50 from 6.3 × 107 to 3.0 × 109 conidia per ml). However, mortality was not the only indicator of treatment efficacy because adults of either sex inoculated with the fungus efficiently transmitted the disease to untreated adults of the opposite sex, with male-to-female and female-to-male rates of transmission of 55% and 60%, respectively. In addition, treatment with B. bassiana significantly reduced fecundity (up to 62.6%) and egg hatching (32.8%) in pairing combinations with fungus-challenged males, females or both sexes. Likewise, 30-35% increase in larval mortality was observed in larvae obtained from eggs from fungus-challenged females or from untreated females coupled with inoculated males, resulting in an overall 78% progeny reduction. Semi-field preventive assays on potted 5-year old Phoenix canariensis palms, with efficacies up to 85.7%, confirmed the potential of this strain as a biological control agent against R. ferrugineus.  相似文献   

The investigation on some Egyptian vegetables preference by the Red Palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus has been carried out under laboratory conditions to explore a suitability of alternative host plants. The choice test of insect larvae showed that Taro, Squash, Eggplant, common potato, yellow carrot, tomato and sweet pepper were accepted food, while the Table beet (Vegetable) was rejected. Non-choice feeding of R. ferrugineus larvae on vegetables affected larval body weight and increased larval mortality. Highest rate of pupation was recorded from larvae fed on C. pepo (92%) and B. vulgaris (97%). Adult emergence reached 80% and 92% on C. pepo and Sugar beet (field crop) (field crop). The external skin of sugar cane was not acceptable food for insect larvae, while injured sites and internal soft fibres were preferred as food. Therefore, vegetable fruits, stem of sugarcane are believed to be the most vulnerable hosts for red weevil attack. The alternative host plant examined can be used to monitor the dynamics of the population of RPW in order to take effective preventive measures and most powerful tool available for use in pest management.  相似文献   

Several pathogenic bacteria strains were isolated from dead larvae of the weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Oliver, collected on palm trees in Taiwan, China. Strains of pure cultures were temporarily named TW‐1, TW‐2, TW‐3, TW‐4, TW‐5, TW‐6, TW‐7, TW‐8, TW‐9, TW‐10, TW‐11, TW‐12, TW‐13 and TW‐14. These strains were identified by synthetically using colony morphological characters, physiological and biochemical tests and molecular biological analysis. Our results showed that these 14 isolated strains belonged to four genera and five species. The expected approximate 1400‐bp bands were obtained through 16S rDNA universal primer amplification. The sequencing results obtained from a commercial sequencing company were initially compared with a corresponding database from NCBI using BLAST, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed using mega 5.1 software. The phylogenetic results indicated that these isolated strains had more than 99% homology with type strains. To further confirm these strains, numerous physiological and biochemical indexes were confirmed. TW‐1, TW‐2, TW‐3, TW‐9, TW‐12, TW‐13 and TW‐14 were identified as Serratia marcescens; TW‐4, TW‐5, TW‐8 and TW‐10 as Staphylococcus sciuri; TW‐6 as Klebsiella pneumonia subsp. pneumonia; TW‐7 as Proteus vulgaris and TW‐11 as Proteus mirabilis. The preliminary single‐dose bioassay on fourth instar larvae showed that S. marcescens had a higher virulence at a density of 1.89 OD600 (56.37% mortality) than the other strains. The corrected mortalities of the other strains were all less than 50%. The lowest toxicities were found for P. vulgaris and P. mirabilis where the corrected mortalities were only 28.18% and 25.57%, respectively. LC50 of S. marcescens was 1.2 × 107 CFU/ml inoculums. Our results indicated that S. marcescens from facultative cultivable bacterial flora isolated from R. ferrugineus could potentially be used as a microbial control agent for this widespread pest.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure and morphogenesis of the micropylar apparatus (MPA) have been studied in follicles of the fungus gnatBradysia tritici. The MPA is formed by a group of follicle cells located at the anterior pole of the single large nurse cell. In principle, the MPA consists of two thickened plates made of vitelline membrane material, the lower (LMP) and upper micropylar plate (UMP). The former is synthesized by 3 follicle cells, the latter by 4 different follicle cells. The micropylar channel system consists of a central channel with a single outer orifice and three branches which reach the plasma membrane of the oocyte. The branches are moulded by cellular extensions of the LMP-forming cells which are sandwiched between the two growing micropylar plates. Microtubuli and microfilaments were identified parallel to the long axis of the cellular extensions. At the time of MPA synthesis the nurse cell is still large and hence the MPA-forming cells have no contact to the oocyte. At the end of oogenesis when the regression of the nurse cell is completed, the MPA becomes connected to the other parts of the egg shell. At this time an ultrastructurally homogeneous region forms in the adjacent ooplasm (cytoplasmic cone). The possible relevance of these cytological observations for the control of development is discussed.  相似文献   

Acid hydrolysis of the protein fraction of a batch of egg shells of Rhipicephalus sanguineus was followed by determination of the amino acids in the hydrolysate. Using thin layer chromatography, the amino acids—lysine, arginine, aspartic acid, serine, glycine, glutamic acid, alanine, threonine, valine, tyrosine, isoleucine, and leucine were identified. Alkaline hydrolysis of the fraction followed by TLC revealed the presence of tryptophane. Chitin was revealed utilizing a chitosan test.  相似文献   

上海地区红棕象甲的耐寒性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红棕象甲Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier)是我国危害棕榈科植物的重要入侵害虫, 为探明其越冬抗寒性, 利用过冷却点测定仪测定了红棕象甲上海种群不同虫态的过冷却点, 在低温箱内测定了该虫不同虫态的耐寒性, 然后结合田间越冬模拟试验、气象资料和寄主分布情况, 初步确定了红棕象甲在我国的越冬北界。结果表明: 红棕象甲过冷却点随虫态的发育程度的升高而下降, 卵、1龄幼虫、5龄幼虫、9龄幼虫和成虫的平均过冷却点分别为-5.92, -6.42, -7.19, -7.43和-11.84℃, 过冷却点由高到低的顺序依次为: 卵>幼虫>成虫。在6, 24, 48和72 h 4个时间处理下, 各虫态在低温与存活率之间呈显著或极显著的logistic回归, 半致死温度(Ltemp50)均随处理时间的延长而上升, 不同虫态在处理72 h 后, 卵、1龄幼虫、5龄幼虫、9龄幼虫和成虫之间的Ltemp50分别为1.61, -1.67, -2.39, -2.40和-0.40℃, 各虫态耐寒性由弱到强的顺序依次为: 卵<成虫<幼虫。红棕象甲不同发育阶段的过冷却点与其耐寒性并不完全相关, 幼虫和成虫均可能是该虫的越冬虫态。连续两年的田间模拟越冬试验表明, 在上海地区, 红棕象甲的幼虫和成虫的越冬存活率均在60%以上, 说明红棕象甲在上海地区是可以越冬的。根据这些结果, 结合寄主分布情况, 初步将红棕象甲在我国的越冬北界定于北纬35°附近, 即1月份0℃等温线左右。  相似文献   

The distribution, fine structure and function of the sensilla present on the antennal club of Rhynchophorus palmarum were studied. No sex dimorphism was observed. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy showed five types of hair-like structures, four of which were evenly distributed on the antennal club. Two types of hair (IV and V) showed wall pores, a characteristic of olfactory sensilla. The antenna numbers 11,190 +/- 3040 type IV and 7360 +/- 1500 type V hairs. Using single sensillum recording, we identified 17 types of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) on the basis of their responses to pheromone and host plant odors, triggering synergic behavioral responses. We characterized highly specific and sensitive ORNs tuned to the aggregation pheromone (18% ORNs; 0.01-1 ng response threshold) and to host plant odors such as ethyl acetate, ethanol, acetoin and guaiacol (10% ORNs; 1-10 ng response threshold). Eleven percent of the ORNs were more generalist, responding to several odors with low sensitivity. Nine percent of the ORNs showed a complex pattern of responses, being co-activated by the pheromone and plant odors. This suggests an interaction at the sensory neuron level between pheromone and plant odors, triggering synergic behavioral responses.  相似文献   

Red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, destroys palms almost all over the world, especially in the Middle East, where dates are a strategic crop in arid places. In view of the urgent need to combat this destructive pest, effective pesticides with high environmental safety should be sought. Spinosad is a pesticide of bacterial origin that is presumed to have a high degree of environmental safety and is effective in combating a wide range of insect pests. In this study, the efficacy of spinosad was evaluated in females of R. ferrugineus. The lethal concentration for 50% of the treated females was calculated at 44.3 ppm. The effects of spinosad concentrations of 10, 50 and 200 ppm on the activity of catalase (CAT), glutathione S‐transferase (GST) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in the ovaries were assessed. In addition, the pathological effects of these concentrations were documented on the ultrastructure of the follicle cells and ooplasm. The results showed a significant increase in CAT activity only in response to treatment with 200 ppm. Treating the females with different spinosad concentrations resulted in varying intensity changes in cell organelles, where the most pronounced sign of programmed cell death was at the concentration 200 ppm. This study demonstrates the possibility of using spinosad as an insecticide against females of R. ferrugineus.  相似文献   

Red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier, 1790) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a serious pest of date worldwide. Thus, damage to palms (almost exclusively to Phoenix canariensis Hort) has been recorded in various places. Thus, the aim of the current study was to investigate two major digestive enzymes of this insect, α-D-glucosidase and β-D-glucosidase. The results showed that α-D-glucosidase and β-D-glucosidase are present in the insect gut mainly in the midgut and hindgut but trace amounts of the both enzymes were found in the foregut. Optimum temperature for α- and β-glucosidases was found to be 50 and 40?°C, respectively, and pH values were 4.0. The activity of glucosidases were increased by NaCl and KCl and inhibited by some compounds such as MgCl2 and CaCl2. Kinetic parameters showed that K m of α and β-D-glucosidases was 3.15 and 4.11?mM, respectively. Therefore, it is concluded that in this insect species, both α-glucosidase and β-glucosidase are active but with different amounts. Understanding of the digestive physiology and glucosidase activity of red palm weevil is important when new management strategies based on interfering in the gut physiology of the insects are devised.  相似文献   


Laboratory bioassays were conducted to evaluate the potential of 13 plant extracts for the control of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus. Results indicated that the ethanol extracts of sea ambrosia (Ambrosia maritima), French cotton (Calotropis procera) and curcuma (Curcuma longa) have superior toxicity as compared to the extracts of other tested plants, estimated LC 50 were 0.723, 0.978 and 1.092%, respectively. In field experiments, the percentage of recovered date palm trees reached 90.91% within 15 days when A. maritima extract was applied. The injection of C. procera and C. longa extracts into the tunnels of infested trees resulted in 86.36% and 85.00% of tree recovery, respectively.  相似文献   

Larvae, pupae, and adults of the carrot weevil (Listronotus oregonensis) were infected and killed by the three entomophagous nematodes (Steinernema feltiae, S. bibionis, and Heterorhabditis heliothidis) under controlled conditions. Third-stage larvae were more susceptible than pupae or adults. S. feltiae and S. bibionis were the most aggressive nematode species, causing larval mortality after 24-48 hours in both continuous and 2-hour contact with nematode suspension. The nematodes multiplied sufficiently in all insects at all stages of development; however, production of infective-stage larvae per host cadaver was variable.  相似文献   

【目的】外来入侵种锈色棕榈象是全国林业检疫性有害生物。本研究旨在探讨锈色棕榈象在我国的种群遗传结构和分化规律,旨在为今后锈色棕榈象传播蔓延控制提供一定依据。【方法】基于微卫星技术测定12个锈色棕榈象中国地理种群在9个微卫星位点上的序列,使用PopGen32、BOTTLENECK、STRUCTURE等软件对锈色棕榈象种群间的遗传多样性和遗传结构进行分析。【结果】12个地理种群中,有9个种群具有较高的遗传多样性(Nei''s平均值>0.5);瓶颈效应的检测结果显示,除云南蒙自的锈色棕榈象种群在近期遭遇了瓶颈效应以外,其他种群近期均未经历瓶颈效应;广西和江西的锈色棕榈象种群在大多数位点符合哈迪温伯格平衡,其他种群在9个微卫星位点中基本都偏离该平衡;12个地理种群在9个SSR位点的Fst值大部分都小于0.18,平均值为0.1769,基因流Nem为0.4332~2.1130;Structure和主坐标分析法(PcoA)将12个地理种群划分为3支。【结论】锈色棕榈象种群间主要的遗传变异发生在种群内部,种群间遗传变异的变化并不明显,大部分种群间存在频繁的基因交流;新入侵地江西新余和四川崇州的地理种群可能由福建传入。中国锈色棕榈象种群可能存在多个入侵源和入侵路径。  相似文献   

The paper describes an unusual endogenous eggshell colouration observed in an egg of the Cap Verde skink Chioninia delalandii.A female specimen, kept in a terrarium, laid three eggs. Two of them were considered as fertilized (oval germ-disk, weakly pink). They were embedded 1 cm deep in a layer of moistened clay granules (substrate/water 2:1) and kept under different temperatures (egg 1 “cool”, 26-27 °C; egg 2 “warm”, 29-30 °C). There was a normal embryonic development in both eggs from their volume-enlargement and characteristic allometric growth (egg wide > egg length). The young hatch after 51 and 56 days.A change in eggshell colour, however, occurred in the “warm” kept egg during the last third of its incubation period. It started with a small spot (2-3 mm) in the outer area of the animal egg pole and spread into a dark-violet colouration over the whole eggshell within 15 days. After hatching of the young the shells of both eggs were examined. In the non-coloured egg there was no great difference in colour between the inner and outer egg layer, while in the coloured egg there was a distinct difference between the inner part, which was dark violet-gray, and the pale gray calcareous deck-layer. From the macroscopic view along the edge of the eggshell it was not identifiable, if the colour pigment was infiltrated into protein fibrils of the condensed surface layer.A possible explanation for the eggshell colouration could be an unusual embryonic pigmentation. This assumption is based on the first appearance of a restricted, point-like coloured area and its further regular extension. It might be that dark pigments (melanophores?) reached the eggshell (membrana testacea) and infiltrated the border-area to the condensed surface layer.  相似文献   

Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) strain A11, S. feltiae (Filipjev) strain SN, and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar strains HP88 and Georgia were tested for their efficacy as biological control agents of the pecan weevil, Curculio caryae (Horn), in pecan orchard soil-profile containers under greenhouse conditions. Percentage C. caryae parasitism by S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora strain HP88 and Georgia was consistently poor when applied either prior to or following C. caryae entry into the soil, suggesting that these nematode species and (or) their enterobacteria are poor biological control agents of weevil larvae. Soil taken 21 days following application of S. carpocapsae or H. bacteriophora strain HP88 induced a low rate of infection of Galleria mellonella larvae, whereas soil that had been similarily treated with H. bacteriophora strain Georgia induced a moderate rate of infection. Percentage C. caryae parasitism by S. feltiae was consistently low when applied following C. caryae entry into the soil and was inconsistent when applied as a barrier prior to entry of weevil larvae into the soil. Soil taken 21 days following application of S. feltiae induced a high rate of infection of G. mellonella larvae.  相似文献   

Teratorhabditis palmarum n. sp., an associate of the palm weevils Rhynchophorus palmarum and R. cruentatus is described. Teratorhabditis palmarum was isolated from newly emerged adults and cocoons of R. palmarum from red-ring diseased coconut palms, Cocos nucifera, in Trinidad and Ecuador, and from red-ring diseased oil palms, Elaeis guineensis, in Colombia. Teratorhabditis palmarum was also associated internally with newly emerged adults of R. cruentatus from mature transplanted cabbage palmettos, Sabal palmetto, in Florida. Dauer juveniles of T. palmarum infested the genital capsule and body cavity of newly emerged adult female and male palm weevils. Adult nematodes isolated from cocoons and dauer juveniles from newly emerged palm weevils were cuhurable on bacterial lawns on several solid media. Females of T. palmarum have a single anteriorly directed ovary; vulva at 93-96% of the body length; short, hemispherical spicate tail; three or four teeth in the metastom; cuticle with distinct transverse punctations that change abruptly at the level of the procorpus to indentations of alternating size and arrangement; and eggs with cuticular sculpturing. Males have a crenate, peloderan bursa with a 2 + 5 + 3 pattern of bursal rays (7 extend to the margin of bursa); spicules linear, completely fused at the distal tip and dorsally for 50% of the total spicule length.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature and chlorophyll concentration on egg production, hatching success, female survival and body size of the copepod Temora longicornis was investigated in situ in the coastal waters of the Eastern English Channel. Twenty samples were collected between February and July 2003 three to four times per month. The maximum daily level of egg production of 75.5 eggs female−1 was observed in March, with minima of 10 eggs female−1 in February and July. Between February and March egg production increased with chlorophyll concentration. At the end of March a decrease in egg production corresponded to a strong increase in chlorophyll concentration that indicated a Phaeocystis-dominated bloom. After this period egg production closely followed the temporal variation in chlorophyll concentration with a maximum of 55.3 eggs female−1 in April during a second peak of chlorophyll concentration. Hatching success varied between 60% and 80% and was not influenced by chlorophyll concentration, in situ temperature or any other biological parameter considered in this study. Increases in temperature from February to July paralleled a decrease in body length and an increase in the percentage of spawning females. Mean female survival followed the variation of both temperature and chlorophyll concentration only between April and July. Temperature and chlorophyll concentration affected the reproductive parameters of T. longicornis differently. Female survival and body size were negatively correlated with temperature, while the highest chlorophyll concentrations were not always favourable for egg production. Therefore the quality of food should not be associated with chlorophyll quantity. Furthermore, the maximum values of egg production in this study are the highest recorded for T. longicornis. This study, conducted for the first time in the Eastern English Channel, showed high levels of productivity of T. longicornis despite a decrease of egg production during a Phaeocystis sp. dominated bloom in April.  相似文献   

Pre-school children were examined for the presence of Enterobius vermicularis egg by perianal swab method. We visited 67 nurseries and 25 kindergartens between January, 1999 and April, 1999 in Chunchon, Korea. Of the 4,711 children examined, 434 (9.2%) were found to be positive for E. vermicularis egg. The egg positive rates of boys and girls were 10.1% and 8.1%, respectively. The rates were 7.8% in kindergartens and 9.7% in nurseries. Positive rate of 50 institutions was less than 10%. Rate in 35 institutions was from 10% to less than 20%. Rate in 7 institutions was equal to or over 20%. Out of 1,113 children examined twice, 28 (2.5%) children were positive consecutively, 53 (4.8%) were positive with negative conversion, 47 (4.2%) were negative with positive conversion, and 985 (88.5%) were consecutively negative. It means that in the low endemic area of enterobiasis with around 10% positive rate, the two consecutive examinations may increase the egg detection rate of 4.2-4.8%. The small number of consecutive egg positive children also suggests that the worm burden of the positive children might be low. Since the egg positive rate of that age group in this City increased from 1.85% (1997), and 3.0% (1998), the more intensive regular control should be executed.  相似文献   

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