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Heterochromatin in S. pombe is associated with gene silencing at telomeres, the mating locus and centromeres. The compact heterochromatin structure raises the question how it unpacks and reforms during DNA replication. We show that the essential DNA replication factor Cdc18 (CDC6) associates with heterochromatin protein 1 (Swi6) in vivo and in vitro. Biochemical mapping and mutational analysis of the association domains show that the N-terminus of Cdc18 interacts with the chromoshadow domain of Swi6. Mutations in Swi6 that disrupt this interaction disrupt silencing and delay replication in the centromere. A mutation cdc18-I43A that reduces Cdc18 association with Swi6 has no silencing defect at the centromere, but changes Swi6 distribution and accelerates the timing of centromere replication. We suggest that fine tuning of Swi6 association at replication origins is important for negative as well as positive control of replication initiation.  相似文献   

Before S phase, cells license replication origins for initiation by loading them with Mcm2-7 heterohexamers. This process is dependent on Cdc6, which is recruited to unlicensed origins. Using Xenopus egg extracts we show that although each origin can load many Mcm2-7 hexamers, the affinity of Cdc6 for each origins drops once it has been licensed by loading the first hexamers. This encourages the distribution of at least one Mcm2-7 hexamer to each origin, and thereby helps to ensure that all origins are licensed. Although Cdc6 is not essential for DNA replication once licensing is complete, Cdc6 regains a high affinity for origins once replication forks are initiated and Mcm2-7 has been displaced from the origin DNA. We show that the presence of Cdc6 during S phase is essential for the checkpoint kinase Chk1 to become activated in response to replication inhibition. These results show that Cdc6 plays multiple roles in ensuring precise chromosome duplication.  相似文献   

Most eukaryotic cell types can withdraw from proliferative cell cycles and remain quiescent for extended periods. Intact nuclei isolated from quiescent murine NIH3T3 cells fail to replicate in vitro when incubated in Xenopus egg extracts, although intact nuclei from proliferating cells replicate well. Permeabilization of the nuclear envelope rescues the ability of quiescent nuclei to replicate in the extract. We show that origin replication complex (ORC), minichromosome maintenance (MCM), and Cdc6 proteins are all present in early quiescent cells. Immunodepletion of Cdc6 or the MCM complex from Xenopus egg extract inhibits replication of permeable, quiescent, but not proliferating, NIH3T3 nuclei. Immunoblotting results demonstrate that mouse homologues of Mcm2, Mcm5, and Cdc6 are displaced from chromatin in quiescent cells. However, this absence of chromatin-bound Cdc6 and MCM proteins from quiescent cells appears not to be due to the absence of ORC subunits as murine homologues of Orc1 and Orc2 remain chromatin-bound in quiescent cells. Surprisingly, intact quiescent nuclei fail to bind exogenously added XCdc6 or to replicate in Xenopus egg extracts immunodepleted of ORC, even though G1- or S-phase nuclei still replicate in these extracts. Our results identify Cdc6 and the MCM complex as essential replication components absent from quiescent chromatin due to nonfunctional chromatin-bound ORC proteins. These results can explain why quiescent mammalian nuclei are unable to replicate in vivo and in Xenopus egg extracts.  相似文献   

In fission yeast, overexpression of the replication initiator protein Cdc18p induces re-replication, a phenotype characterized by continuous DNA synthesis in the absence of cell division. In contrast, overexpression of Cdc6p, the budding yeast homolog of Cdc18p, does not cause re-replication in S. cerevisiae. However, we have found that Cdc6p has the ability to induce re-replication in fission yeast. Cdc6p cannot functionally replace Cdc18p, but instead interferes with the proteolysis of both Cdc18p and Rum1p, the inhibitor of the protein kinase Cdc2p. This activity of Cdc6p is entirely contained within a short N-terminal peptide, which forms a tight complex with Cdc2p and the F-box/WD-repeat protein Sud1p/Pop2p, a component of the SCFPop ubiquitin ligase in fission yeast. These interactions are mediated by two distinct regions within the N-terminal region of Cdc6p and depend on the integrity of its Cdc2p phosphorylation sites. The data suggest that disruption of re-replication control by overexpression of Cdc6p in fission yeast is a consequence of sequestration of Cdc2p and Pop2p, two factors involved in the negative regulation of Rum1p, Cdc18p and potentially other replication proteins. Received: 29 April 1999 / Accepted: 27 June 1999  相似文献   

The DNA replication apparatus of archaea represents a core version of that in eukaryotes. Archaeal Orc1/Cdc6s can be an integral component in the replication machineries cooperatively regulating DNA replication. We investigated the DNA-binding activities of two eukaryote-like Orc1/Cdc6 proteins (SsoCdc6-1 and -2) and interactions between them on the different structural duplex DNA substrates derived from oriC1 of Sulfolobus solfataricus. The results showed that two Orc1/Cdc6 proteins stimulated mutual DNA-binding activities at lower concentrations and formed bigger SsoCdc6-1/SsoCdc6-2/DNA complex at higher concentrations. Furthermore, SsoCdc6-2 stimulated the DNA-binding activity of SsoMCM and demonstrated a high affinity to the 5-forked DNA. In contrast, SsoCdc6-1 inhibited the binding of SsoMCM and demonstrated better affinity to the sequence-specific blunt DNA substrate. Finally, we found that the two proteins physically interacted with each other and with SsoMCM. Thus, the two Orc1/Cdc6 proteins were functionally different, but they may keep the coordinated interaction on the replication origin.  相似文献   

Cdc6 encodes a key protein for DNA replication, responsible for the recruitment of the MCM helicase to replication origins during the G1 phase of the cell division cycle. The oncogenic potential of deregulated Cdc6 expression has been inferred from cellular studies, but no mouse models have been described to study its effects in mammalian tissues. Here we report the generation of K5-Cdc6, a transgenic mouse strain in which Cdc6 expression is deregulated in tissues with stratified epithelia. Higher levels of CDC6 protein enhanced the loading of MCM complexes to DNA in epidermal keratinocytes, without affecting their proliferation rate or inducing DNA damage. While Cdc6 overexpression did not promote skin tumors, it facilitated the formation of papillomas in cooperation with mutagenic agents such as DMBA. In addition, the elevated levels of CDC6 protein in the skin extended the resting stage of the hair growth cycle, leading to better fur preservation in older mice.  相似文献   

Heterochromatin protein 1 (HP1) is a small non-histone chromosomal protein known as a dominant suppressor of position-effect variegation and a major component of heterochromatin. Posttranslationally modified HP1, through interaction with protein partners from different groups, can be involved in a number of nuclear processes, including gene activation, chromatin remodeling, replication and DNA repair. Using bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay and live cell imaging, we demonstrate that HP1β and PCNA, a key player in DNA replication, are closely spaced components of a multiprotein complex involved in replication, both in S phase and during DNA repair, and that the functional complex requires formation of an HP1 dimer.  相似文献   

The crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus contains three active origins of replication and three eukaryote-like Cdc6/Orc1 proteins known as SsoCdc6 proteins. It has the potential to become a powerful model system in understanding the central mechanism of the eukaryotic DNA replication. In this research, we designed a group of duplex DNA substrates containing specific origin recognition boxes (ORBs) of the archaeon and identified the DNA-binding activities of different SsoCdc6 proteins. Furthermore, we showed that the DNA-protein interaction between the DNA substrate and the SsoCdc6-1 or SsoCdc6-3 strikingly regulated their DNA-binding activities of each other on the origin. On the other hand, the protein-protein interactions between SsoCdc6-1 and SsoCdc6-2 were observed to mutually modulate the stimulating or inhibitive effects on the DNA-binding activities of each other. Thus, two different mechanisms were demonstrated to be involved in the regulations of the functions of the SsoCdc6 proteins on the replication origins. The results of this study imply that the interactions between multiple SsoCdc6 proteins and origin DNA collectively contribute to the positive or negative regulation of DNA replication initiation in the archaeon species.  相似文献   

The crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus has the potential to be a powerful model system to understand the central mechanism of eukaryotic DNA replication because it contains three active origins of replication and three eukaryote-like Orc1/Cdc6 proteins. However, it is not known whether these SsoCdc6 proteins can functionally interact and collectively contribute to DNA replication initiation. In the current work, we found that SsoCdc6-1 stimulates DNA-binding activities of SsoCdc6-3. In contrast, SsoCdc6-3 inhibits those of both SsoCdc6-1 and SsoCdc6-2. These regulatory functions are differentially affected by the C-terminal domains of these SsoCdc6 proteins. These data, in conjunction with studies on physical interactions between these replication initiators by bacterial two-hybrid and pull-down/Western blot assays, lead us to propose the possibility that multiple SsoCdc6 proteins might coordinately regulate DNA replication in the archaeon species. This is the first report on the functional interaction among the archaeal multiple Cdc6 proteins to regulate DNA replication.  相似文献   

Archaeal replication machinery represents a core version of this in eukaryotes. The crenarchaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus has the potential to be a powerful model system to understand the central mechanism of eukaryotic DNA replication because it contains three active origins of replication and three eukaryote-like Orc1/Cdc6 proteins (SsoCdc6-1, SsoCdc6-2, and SsoCdc6-3). In this study, we investigate the DNA-binding activities of the N-terminal AAA+ ATPase domains of these Orc1/Cdc6 proteins, including their functional interactions with the other SsoCdc6 proteins, on duplex DNA substrates derived from the origins of S. solfataricus. We showed that the ATPase domain of SsoCdc6-2 retained to a great extent the origin DNA-binding activity, and likewise maintained its stimulating effect on SsoCdc6-3. Second, the ATPase domain of SsoCdc6-1, which also stimulated the DNA-binding ability of SsoCdc6-3, demonstrated a significantly improved DNA-binding activity at the forked substrate, but only showed a very weak ability towards the blunt DNA. Third, the ATPase domain of SsoCdc6-3, although having lost much of its DNA-binding activity from the origin, inhibited both SsoCdc6-1 and SsoCdc6-2. These imply that the N-terminal AAA+ ATPase domain of archaeal Orc1/Cdc6 protein could be differentially involved in origin recognition during DNA replication initiation even if lacking conventional C-terminal winged helix DNA-binding elements. Our findings further propose that conserved AAA+ ATPase domains of Orc1/Cdc6 proteins determine their defined and coordinated functions not only in the archaeon species but also in eukaryotes during the early events of DNA replication.  相似文献   

The initiation of DNA replication requires two protein kinases: cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) and Cdc7. Although S phase Cdk activity has been intensively studied, relatively little is known about how Cdc7 regulates progression through S phase. We have used a Cdc7 inhibitor, PHA-767491, to dissect the role of Cdc7 in Xenopus egg extracts. We show that hyperphosphorylation of mini-chromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins by Cdc7 is required for the initiation, but not for the elongation, of replication forks. Unlike Cdks, we demonstrate that Cdc7 executes its essential functions by phosphorylating MCM proteins at virtually all replication origins early in S phase and is not limiting for progression through the Xenopus replication timing programme. We demonstrate that protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) is recruited to chromatin and rapidly reverses Cdc7-mediated MCM hyperphosphorylation. Checkpoint kinases induced by DNA damage or replication inhibition promote the association of PP1 with chromatin and increase the rate of MCM dephosphorylation, thereby counteracting the previously completed Cdc7 functions and inhibiting replication initiation. This novel mechanism for regulating Cdc7 function provides an explanation for previous contradictory results concerning the control of Cdc7 by checkpoint kinases and has implications for the use of Cdc7 inhibitors as anti-cancer agents.  相似文献   

Origin recognition complex (Orc) plays an essential role in directing assembly of prereplicative complex at selective sites on chromosomes. However, Orc from vertebrates is reported to bind to DNA in a sequence-nonspecific manner, and it is still unclear how it selects specific genomic loci and how Cdc6, another conserved AAA(+) factor known to interact with Orc, participates in this process. Replication from oriP, the latent origin of Epstein-Barr virus, provides an excellent model system for the study of initiation on the host chromosomes because it is known to depend on prereplicative complex factors, including Orc and Mcm. Here, we show that Orc is recruited selectively at the essential dyad symmetry element in nuclear extracts in a manner dependent on EBNA1, which specifically binds to dyad symmetry. With purified proteins, EBNA1 can recruit both Cdc6 and Orc independently on a DNA containing EBNA1 binding sites, and Cdc6 facilitates the Orc recruitment by EBNA1. Purified Cdc6 directly binds to EBNA1, whereas association of Orc with EBNA1 requires the presence of the oriP DNA. Nuclease protection assays suggest that Orc associates with DNA segments on both sides adjacent to the EBNA1 binding sites and that this process is stimulated by the presence of Cdc6. Thus, EBNA1 can direct localized assembly of Orc in a process that is facilitated by Cdc6. The possibility of similar modes of recruitment of Orc/Cdc6 at the human chromosomal origins will be discussed.  相似文献   

Mcm10 is essential for chromosome replication in eukaryotic cells and was previously thought to link the Mcm2-7 DNA helicase at replication forks to DNA polymerase alpha. Here, we show that yeast Mcm10 interacts preferentially with the fraction of the Mcm2-7 helicase that is loaded in an inactive form at origins of DNA replication, suggesting a role for Mcm10 during the initiation of chromosome replication, but Mcm10 is not a stable component of the replisome subsequently. Studies with budding yeast and human cells indicated that Mcm10 chaperones the catalytic subunit of polymerase alpha and preserves its stability. We used a novel degron allele to inactivate Mcm10 efficiently and this blocked the initiation of chromosome replication without causing degradation of DNA polymerase alpha. Strikingly, the other essential helicase subunits Cdc45 and GINS were still recruited to Mcm2-7 when cells entered S-phase without Mcm10, but origin unwinding was blocked. These findings indicate that Mcm10 is required for a novel step during activation of the Cdc45-MCM-GINS helicase at DNA replication origins.  相似文献   

The roles of Y-family DNA polymerases and the regulation mechanisms are not well defined in Archaea. In this study, we performed in vitro and in vivo characterization of the physical interaction between the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus Y-family DNA polymerase (SsoPolY) and three eukaryote-like Orc1/Cdc6 proteins (SsoCdc6-1, SsoCdc6-2, and SsoCdc6-3). The effect of SsoCdc6-2 was the strongest, and the three SsoCdc6 proteins were shown to have very different effects on the function of SsoPolY. SsoCdc6-2 inhibited both the DNA-binding activity and DNA polymerization activity of SsoPolY on the DNA substrates containing mismatched bases, while it formed a large complex with SsoPolY and stimulated DNA-binding activity on paired primer-template DNA substrates. SsoCdc6-2 and S. solfataricus PCNA (SsoPCNA) showed a cooperative effect on polymerization by SsoPolY on paired DNA templates, but SsoCdc6 reduced the stimulating effect of SsoPCNA on this polymerization on mismatched DNA substrates. Therefore, we uncovered a DNA substrate-dependent SsoCdc6/SsoPolY interaction mechanism. This is the first evidence for a physical and functional linkage between archaeal eukaryote-like Orc1/Cdc6 proteins and Y-family DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

Prokaryotic ribosomal protein genes are typically grouped within highly conserved operons. In many cases, one or more of the encoded proteins not only bind to a specific site in the ribosomal RNA, but also to a motif localized within their own mRNA, and thereby regulate expression of the operon. In this study, we computationally predicted an RNA motif present in many bacterial phyla within the 5′ untranslated region of operons encoding ribosomal proteins S6 and S18. We demonstrated that the S6:S18 complex binds to this motif, which we hereafter refer to as the S6:S18 complex-binding motif (S6S18CBM). This motif is a conserved CCG sequence presented in a bulge flanked by a stem and a hairpin structure. A similar structure containing a CCG trinucleotide forms the S6:S18 complex binding site in 16S ribosomal RNA. We have constructed a 3D structural model of a S6:S18 complex with S6S18CBM, which suggests that the CCG trinucleotide in a specific structural context may be specifically recognized by the S18 protein. This prediction was supported by site-directed mutagenesis of both RNA and protein components. These results provide a molecular basis for understanding protein-RNA recognition and suggest that the S6S18CBM is involved in an auto-regulatory mechanism.  相似文献   

We present the characteristics of the Csm1 (Spo86) protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that are important for meiotic division. The level of Csm1p does not change throughout the cell cycle, but this protein is absent in mature spores. Deletion of CSM1 causes incorrect spore formation and meiotic chromosome missegregation together with increased sensitivity of vegetative cells to benomyl and manganese. In a two-hybrid analysis with Csm1p as bait, we detected interactions with three members of the Mcm2-7 family of proteins involved in the initiation of DNA replication, and with Clf1p also implicated in replication. The Csm1p-Mcm3, Mcm5 and Mcm7p interactions were confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation. Three other interacting proteins, Mgs1p, Ulp2, and Plp2, participate in chromosome assembling and segregation, whereas the function of two others has not been established. Genetic experiments showed that the two-hybrid isolates MGS1, CLF1, MCM3, 5, 7 (CDC47), and YDL089w, when overexpressed, partially suppress the csm1Delta/csm1Delta sporulation defect. We propose that, besides its other functions, Csm1p may be involved in premeiotic DNA replication.  相似文献   

The replication of chromosomes in meiosis is an important first step for subsequent chromosomal interactions that promote accurate disjunction in the first of two segregation events to generate haploid gametes. We have developed an assay to monitor DNA replication in vivo in mitotic and meiotic germline nuclei of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Using mutants that affect the mitosis/meiosis switch, we show that meiotic S phase is at least twice as long as mitotic S phase in C. elegans germ cell nuclei. Furthermore, our assay reveals that different regions of the genome replicate at different times, with the heterochromatic-like X chromosomes replicating at a distinct time from the autosomes. Finally, we have exploited S-phase labeling to monitor the timing of progression through meiotic prophase. Meiotic prophase for oocyte production in hermaphrodites lasts 54-60 h. Further, we find that the duration of the pachytene sub-stage is modulated by the presence of sperm. On the other hand, meiotic prophase for sperm production in males is completed by 20-24 h. Possible sources for the sex-specific differences in meiotic prophase kinetics are discussed.  相似文献   

The high mobility group box (HMGB) 1 protein is a very abundant and conserved protein that is implicated in many key cellular events but its functions within the nucleus remain elusive. The role of this protein in replication of closed circular DNA containing a eukaryotic origin of replication has been studied in vitro by using native and recombinant HMGB1 as well as various modified HMGB1 preparations such as truncated protein, lacking its C-terminal tail, in vivo acetylated protein, and recombinant HMGB1 phosphorylated in vitro by protein kinase C (PKC). Native HMGB1 extracted from tumour cells inhibits replication and this effect is reduced upon acetylation and completely abolished upon removal of the acidic C-terminal tail. Recombinant HMGB1, however, fails to inhibit replication but it acquires such a property following in vitro phosphorylation by PKC.  相似文献   

Niemann-Pick C1-like 1 (NPC1L1) is a multi-transmembrane protein that mediates the absorption of dietary and biliary cholesterol through vesicular endocytosis. The subcellular localization of NPC1L1 is regulated by cholesterol. Cholesterol depletion induces the transport of NPC1L1 to plasma membrane (PM) from endocytic recycling compartment that requires MyoVb·Rab11a·Rab11-FIP2 triple complex, and cholesterol-replenishment renders the internalization of NPC1L1 together with cholesterol. Here, we find that GTP-bound Cdc42 interacts with NPC1L1. Cholesterol depletion regulates the activation of Cdc42 and enhances NPC1L1-Cdc42 interaction. Overexpression of constitutive GTP-bound Cdc42 mutant form or knockdown of Cdc42 inhibits the transport of NPC1L1 to the PM and disturbs the cholesterol-regulated binding of NPC1L1 to Rab11a, MyoVb, and actin. Knockdown of Cdc42 downstream effectors N-WASP or Arp3 also leads to the similar results. In liver-specific Cdc42 knock-out (Cdc42 LKO) mice, NPC1L1 fails to localize to bile canaliculi, and the biliary cholesterol cannot be efficiently reabsorbed. These results indicate that Cdc42 controls the cholesterol-regulated transport and localization of NPC1L1, and plays a role in cholesterol absorption.  相似文献   

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