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Supplemental creatine has been promoted for its positive health effects and is best known for its use by athletes to increase muscle mass. In addition to its role in physical performance, creatine supplementation has protective effects on the brain in models of neuronal damage and also alters mood state and cognitive performance. Creatine is found in high protein foods, such as fish or meat, and is also produced endogenously from the biosynthesis of arginine, glycine, and methionine. Changes in brain creatine levels, as measured using magnetic resonance spectroscopy, are seen in individuals exposed to drugs of abuse and depressed individuals. These changes in brain creatine indicate that energy metabolism differs in these populations relative to healthy individuals. Recent work shows that creatine supplementation has the ability to function in a manner similar to antidepressant drugs and can offset negative consequences of stress. These observations are important in relation to addictive behaviors as addiction is influenced by psychological factors such as psychosocial stress and depression. The significance of altered brain levels of creatine in drug-exposed individuals and the role of creatine supplementation in models of drug abuse have yet to be explored and represent gaps in the current understanding of brain energetics and addiction.  相似文献   

Global biodiversity is in unprecedented decline and on-the-ground solutions are imperative for conservation. Although there is a large volume of evidence related to climate change effects on wildlife, research on climate adaptation strategies is lagging. To assess the current state of knowledge in climate adaptation, we conducted a comprehensive literature review and evaluated 1,346 peer-reviewed publications for management recommendations designed to address the consequences of climate change on wildlife populations. From 509 publications, we identified 2,306 recommendations and employed both qualitative and quantitative methods for data analysis. Although we found an increase in the volume and diversity of recommendations since 2007, a focus on protected areas (26%, 596 of 2,306 recommendations) and the non-reserve matrix (12%, 276 of 2,306 recommendations) remained prominent in the climate adaptation literature. Common concepts include protected areas, invasive species, ecosystem services, adaptive management, stepping stones, assisted migration, and conservation easements. In contrast, only 1% of recommendations focused on reproduction (n = 26), survival (n = 14), disease (n = 26), or human-wildlife conflict (n = 24). Few recommendations reflected the potential for local-scale management interventions. We demonstrate limited advancement in preparing natural resource managers in climate adaptation at local, management-relevant scales. Additional research is needed to identify and evaluate climate adaptation strategies aimed at reducing the vulnerability of wildlife to contemporary climate change. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   



Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease characterized by aberrant epidermal differentiation, surface scale formation, and marked cutaneous inflammation. To better understand the pathogenesis of this disease and identify potential mediators, we used whole genome array analysis to profile paired lesional and nonlesional psoriatic skin and skin from healthy donors.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We observed robust overexpression of type I interferon (IFN)–inducible genes and genomic signatures that indicate T cell and dendritic cell infiltration in lesional skin. Up-regulation of mRNAs for IFN-α subtypes was observed in lesional skin compared with nonlesional skin. Enrichment of mature dendritic cells and 2 type I IFN–inducible proteins, STAT1 and ISG15, were observed in the majority of lesional skin biopsies. Concordant overexpression of IFN-γ and TNF-α–inducible gene signatures occurred at the same disease sites.


Up-regulation of TNF-α and elevation of the TNF-α–inducible gene signature in lesional skin underscore the importance of this cytokine in psoriasis; these data describe a molecular basis for the therapeutic activity of anti–TNF-α agents. Furthermore, these findings implicate type I IFNs in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Consistent and significant up-regulation of type I IFNs and their associated gene signatures in psoriatic skin suggest that type I IFNs may be potential therapeutic targets in psoriasis treatment.  相似文献   

At the beginning of the 21st century, biology will try to address the function of a large number of new genes. From the perspective of technologies applied today to functional genomics, this task appears to be more complex than the effort invested in the sequencing of the human genome. Conceptually, a high-throughput approach permitting correlation between newly discovered genes and functional properties of their protein products has yet to be developed. To address relationships between tens of thousands of genes and their cognate proteins, novel interdisciplinary technologies need to emerge. In this paper, a new idea of immunomics is presented and an experimental strategy is outlined to circumvent some of the restrictions associated with methodologies currently in use. It is proposed that cloned segments of genomic DNA are used for genetic immunization to obtain a large collection of antibodies, and to generate microarrays of these antibodies for tracing differentially expressed cellular proteins.  相似文献   

Although many of the core components of the embryonic cell-cycle network have been elucidated, the question of how embryos achieve robust, synchronous cellular divisions post-fertilization remains unexplored. What are the different schemes that could be implemented by the embryo to achieve synchronization? By extending a cell-cycle model previously developed for embryos of the frog Xenopus laevis to include the spatial dimensions of the embryo, we establish a novel role for the rapid, fertilization-initiated calcium wave that triggers cell-cycle oscillations. Specifically, in our simulations a fast calcium wave results in synchronized cell cycles, while a slow wave results in full-blown spatio-temporal chaos. We show that such chaos would ultimately lead to an unpredictable patchwork of cell divisions across the embryo. Given this potential for chaos, our results indicate a novel design principle whereby the fast calcium-wave trigger following embryo fertilization synchronizes cell divisions.  相似文献   

The CBM signalosome plays a pivotal role in mediating antigen-receptor induced NF-κB signaling to regulate lymphocyte functions. The CBM complex forms filamentous structure and recruits downstream signaling components to activate NF-κB. MALT1, the protease component in the CBM complex, cleaves key proteins in the feedback loop of the NF-κB signaling pathway and enhances NF-κB activation. The aberrant activity of the CBM complex has been linked to aggressive lymphoma. Recent years have witnessed dramatic progresses in understanding the assembly mechanism of the CBM complex, and advances in the development of targeted therapy for aggressive lymphoma. Here, we will highlight these progresses and give an outlook on the potential translation of this knowledge from bench to bedside for aggressive lymphoma patients.  相似文献   

Conservation management recommendations for saproxylic invertebrates advocate the continuous provision of the dead and decaying wood microhabitats that they require for survival. Accepted site-based management practices include leaving fallen dead and decaying wood in situ, providing supplementary coarse woody material (CWM), inducing decay in mature trees and strategic planting in order to maintain a balanced age structure of trees in both space and time. Here we examine the empirical evidence regarding the effectiveness of such interventions using rigorous systematic review methodology. Systematic searching yielded 27 studies containing pertinent information. The evidence presently available is insufficient to critically appraise the utility of any specific intervention for conserving saproxylic species, or assemblages, in the long-term. However, there are a range of studies, conducted over relatively short periods of time, which do describe changes in saproxylic fauna in response to management practices. In the absence of robust, high quality evidence, recommendations relating to the use of specific site-based conservation interventions should only be regarded as speculative. Nonetheless, general proposals for the maintenance of suitable microhabitats, such as the protection of veteran trees within the landscape, are based on sound ecological principles and should be encouraged even though experimentally controlled and replicated evidence is lacking. Further primary research and long-term monitoring are required to fill the gaps in our ecological knowledge that potentially weaken the case for the effectiveness of current saproxylic invertebrate conservation action and would enable practitioners to make better informed decisions with regard to dead wood protection and provision.  相似文献   

In two experiments, human participants searched in dynamic three-dimensional virtual-environment rectangular enclosures. Unlike previous studies involving learning of features and geometry, we trained features and geometry separately before placing them in conflict. Specifically, participants learned to respond to rewarded features located along the principle axis of a rectangular search space and to respond to rewarded geometry of a rectangular search space in separate training phases followed by a single test trial. During the test trial, features and geometry were placed in conflict by situating rewarded bins during feature training in unrewarded geometric corners from geometry training and unrewarded bins during feature training in rewarded geometric corners from geometry training. Results of Experiment 1 indicated that although all participants learned features and geometry at an equivalent rate and to an equivalent level, performance during the test trial indicated no preferential responding to features or geometry. However, choice reaction time was significantly longer during the test trial compared to that of last feature and last geometry training trials. Experiment 2 attempted to dissociate information content of features and geometry from their acquired associative strength by rewarding only one geometric corner during geometry training. Results of Experiment 2 indicated that although features had presumably acquired greater associative strength relative to that of geometry by the end of training, performance during the test trial indicated no preferential responding to features or geometry. As in Experiment 1, choice reaction time was significantly longer during the test trial compared to that of last feature and last geometry training trials. Collectively, results seem to provide converging evidence against a view-based matching account of spatial learning, appear inconsistent with standard associative-based accounts of spatial learning, and suggest that information content of spatial cues may play an important role in spatial learning.  相似文献   



Studies have shown that patients suffering from depression or schizophrenia often have immunological alterations that can be detected in the blood. Others reported a possible link between inflammation, a microgliosis and the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in suicidal patients. Serum S100B is a marker of BBB function commonly used to study cerebrovascular wall function.


We measured levels of S100B in serum of 40 adolescents with acute psychosis, 24 adolescents with mood disorders and 20 healthy controls. Patients were diagnosed according to DSM-IV TR criteria. We evaluated suicidal ideation using the suicidality subscale of the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale for Children (BPRS-C).


Serum S100B levels were significantly higher (p<0.05) and correlated to severity of suicidal ideation in patients with psychosis or mood disorders, independent of psychiatric diagnosis. Patients with a BPRS-C suicidality subscores of 1–4 (low suicidality) had mean serum S100B values +/− SEM of 0.152+/−0.020 ng/mL (n = 34) compared to those with BPRS-C suicidality subscores of 5–7 (high suicidality) with a mean of 0.354+/−0.044 ng/mL (n = 30). This difference was statistically significant (p<0.05).


Our data support the use of S100B as an adjunctive biomarker to assess suicidal risk in patients with mood disorders or schizophrenia.  相似文献   

It is not acceptable to compromise animal welfare in any system of farming. Feeding should be aimed at meeting the nutritional requirements at the various stages of production. This paper deals with the detrimental effects that organic, extensive or low input farming systems may have on the energy status in early lactation of the high potential dairy cow. Bovine ketosis is the most important disease resulting from insufficient energy intake in early lactation. It is also important to realize that ketosis is a part of the so-called periparturient disease complex, which includes milk fever, mastitis, retained placenta, endometritis and poor fertility also. All these diseases are interrelated and reflect to a large extent the nutritional status of the animal. If organic dairy farming is to be successful the breeding programmes have to divert from selection for high yields as a main goal, to more emphasis on a flatter lactation curve, less production diseases and longevity.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2012,18(6):954-964
ObjectiveTo provide a comprehensive review of the discovery and development of selective thyroid hormone receptor agonists and provide a discussion of their use in hyperlipidemia, obesity, and type 2 diabetes mellitus.MethodsPreclinical and clinical English language literature from 1930 to present was reviewed and themati cally summarized.ResultsHuman trials have shown that thyroid hor mone receptor b (TRb) agonists effectively lower low density lipoprotein, triglycerides, apolipoprotein B, and lipoprotein(a) levels. In preclinical studies, TRb agonists enhance reverse cholesterol transport and decrease athero sclerosis in selected models. While animal data suggest these drugs may have additional utility to modulate weight and improve glucose homeostasis, human studies have not shown similar results.ConclusionTRb agonists are a novel therapeutic class for lipid management. Their mechanism of action for lipid lowering is distinct from statin drugs, suggesting a strong possibility for synergistic effects with combined therapy. The long-term effects of these drugs on cardiovascular outcomes, however, are unknown. Recently, the develop ment of the most promising agent in this class, eprotirome, was halted over toxicology concerns following long-term canine studies. Consequently, the future of contemporary TRb agonists is unclear. The creation of a next genera tion of TRb agonists that provide additional tissue specific effects or bind TRb with even higher selectivity may lead to improved safety and efficacy and allow for their appli cation to other metabolic disorders like obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. (Endocr Pract. 2012;18:954-964)  相似文献   

Electrical brain stimulation used to treat a variety of neurological and psychiatric diseases is entering a new period. The technique is well established and the potential complications are well known and generally manageable. Recent studies demonstrated that electrical fields (EFs) can enhance neuroplasticity-related processes. EFs applied in the physiological range induce migration of different neural cell types from different species in vitro. There are some evidences that also the speed and directedness of cell migration are enhanced by EFs. However, it is still unclear how electrical signals from the extracellular space are translated into intracellular actions resulting in the so-called electrotaxis phenomenon. Here, we aim to provide a comprehensive review of the data on responses of cells to electrical stimulation and the relation to functional recovery.  相似文献   

Heart failure secondary to ischemic heart disease, hypertension, and myocardial infarction is a common cause of death in developed countries. Although pharmacological therapies are very effective, poor prognosis and shorter life expectancy of heart disease patients clearly indicate the need for alternative interventions to complement the present therapies. Since the progression of heart disease is associated with the loss of myocardial cells, the concept of donor cell transplantation into host myocardium is emerging as an attractive strategy to repopulate the damaged tissue. To this end, a number of donor cell types have been tested for their ability to increase the systolic function of diseased hearts in both experimental and clinical settings. Although initial clinical trials with bone marrow stem cells are encouraging, long-term consequences of such interventions are yet to be rigorously examined. While additional laboratory studies are required to address several issues in this field, there is also a clear need for further characterization of drug interactions with donor cells in these interventions. Here, we provide a brief summary of current pharmacological and cell-based therapies for heart disease. Further, we discuss the potential of various donor cell types in myocardial repair, mechanisms underlying functional improvement in cell-based therapies, as well as potential interactions between pharmacological and cell-based therapies.  相似文献   

Given the history of GMO conflict and debate, the GM animal future is dependent on the response of the regulatory landscape and its associated range of interest groups at national, regional and international levels. Focusing on the EU and the USA, this article examines the likely form of that multi-level response, the increased role of cultural values, the contribution of new and existing interest groups and the consequent implications for the commercialization of both green and red GM animal biotechnology.  相似文献   

The majority of neural network models consider the output of single neurons to be a continuous, positive, and saturating firing ratef(t), while a minority treat neuronal output as a series of delta pulses (t — t i ). We here argue that the issue of the proper output representation relates to the biophysics of the cells in question and, in particular, to whether initiation of somatic action potentials occurs when a certain thresholdvoltage or a thresholdcurrent is exceeded. We approach this issue using numerical simulations of the electrical behavior of a layer 5 pyramidal cell from cat visual cortex. The dendritic tree is passive while the cell body includes eight voltage- and calcium-dependent membrane conductances.We compute both the steady-state (I static (V m )) and the instantaneous (I o (Vm)) I–V relationships and argue that the amplitude of the local maximum inI static (V m ) corresponds to the current thresholdI th for sustained inputs, while the location of the middle zero-crossing ofI o corresponds to a fixed voltage thresholdV th for rapid inputs. We confirm this using numerical simulations: for rapid synaptic inputs, spikes are initiated if the somatic potential exceedsV th, while for slowly varying inputI th must be exceeded. Due to the presence of the large dendritic tree, no charge thresholdQ th exists for physiological input.Introducing the temporal average of the somatic membrane potential (V m) while the cell is spiking repetitively, allows us to define a dynamic I-V relationship dynamic ((V m)). We find an exponential relationship between (V m) and the net current sunk by the somatic membrane during spiking (diode-like behavior). The slope ofI/dynamic((V m)) allows us to define a dynamic input conductance and a time constant that characterizes how rapidly the cell changes its output firing frequency in response to a change in its input.  相似文献   

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