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According to the selfish herd hypothesis, animals can decrease predation risk by moving toward one another if the predator can appear anywhere and will attack the nearest target. Previous studies have shown that aggregations can form using simple movement rules designed to decrease each animal's Domain of Danger. However, if the predator attacks from outside the group's perimeter, these simple movement rules might not lead to aggregation. To test whether simple selfish movement rules would decrease predation risk for those situations when the predator attacks from outside the flock perimeter, we constructed a computer model that allowed flocks of 75 simulated fiddler crabs to react to one another, and to a predator attacking from 7 m away. We attacked simulated crab flocks with predators of different sizes and attack speeds, and computed relative predation risk after 120 time steps. Final trajectories showed flight toward the center of the flock, but curving away from the predator. Path curvature depended on the predator's size and approach speed. The average crab experienced a greater decrease in predation risk when the predator was small or slow moving. Regardless of the predator's size and speed, however, predation risk always decreased as long as crabs took their flock-mates into account. We conclude that, even when flight away from an external predator occurs, the selfish avoidance of danger can lead to aggregation.  相似文献   

In communities of tropical insects, adult abundance tends to fluctuate widely, perhaps in part owing to predator–prey dynamics. Yet, temporal patterns of attack rates in tropical forest habitats have not been studied systematically; the identity of predators of insects in tropical forests is poorly known; and their responses to temporal variation in prey abundance have rarely been explored. We recorded incidence and shape of marks of attacks on dummy caterpillars (proxy of predation rate) in a sub‐montane tropical forest in Uganda during a yearlong experiment, and explored correlations with inferred caterpillar abundance. Applying the highest and lowest observed daily attack rates on clay dummies over a realistic duration of the larval stage of butterflies, indicates that the temporal variation in attack rate could cause more than 10‐fold temporal variation in caterpillar survival. Inferred predators were almost exclusively invertebrates, and beak marks of birds were very scarce. Attack rates by wasps varied more over time than those of ants. Attack rates on dummies peaked during the two wet seasons, and appeared congruent with inferred peaks in caterpillar density. This suggests (1) a functional response (predators shifting to more abundant resource) or adaptive timed phenology (predators timing activity or breeding to coincide with seasonal peaks in prey abundance) of predators, rather than a numerical response (predator populations increasing following peaks in prey abundance); and (2) that predation would dampen abundance fluctuations of tropical Lepidoptera communities.  相似文献   

An explanation for animal groups is the selfish herd, characterized by aggregation as each member tries to shield itself from a predator by moving into a tight gap between other members. We test the hypotheses that: (1) droves, the large feeding groups of fiddler crabs, are selfish herds; (2) the miniherds that form when droves fragment on approach of a large predator are selfish herds; (3) selfish herds form when refugia are unlikely to be reached before an approaching predator arrives; and (4) the composition of selfish miniherds is biased toward individuals most vulnerable to predation. The study was conducted in South Carolina (USA) by videotaping the movements of sand fiddler crabs Uca pugilator when approached by a human predator. In both droves and miniherds, interindividual distance decreases with predator approach, consistent with behavior in a selfish herd. However, two other expectations for selfish herds—herd cohesion and sacrificing distance from the predator in order to get closer to other herders—are only met in miniherds. Crabs farther from refugia are more likely to form and remain in miniherds, indicating that selfish herding is only favored when refugia cannot be quickly reached. The composition of the smallest miniherds, consisting of 2-18 crabs, is biased toward females and small males. These individuals may be more vulnerable to predation because they lack the enlarged claw of large males that deters some predators. The small miniherds are relatively homogeneous with respect to the size and sex of their members, which may enhance cohesion and effectiveness as selfish herds. Miniherds will be effective selfish groups when predator attack has a significant vertical component and when the strike distance is large relative to both the size of the prey and the distance between group members. Droves are not selfish herds but permit crabs to flee feeding grounds as members of selfish miniherds.  相似文献   

Both predation and individual variation in life history traits influence population dynamics. Recent results from laboratory predator–prey systems suggest that differences between individuals can also influence predator–prey dynamics when different genotypes experience different predation-associated mortalities. Despite the growing number of studies in this field, there is no synthesis identifying the overall importance of the interactions between predation and individual heterogeneity and their role in shaping the dynamics of free-ranging populations of vertebrates. We aim to fill this gap with a review that examines how individual variability in prey susceptibility, in predation costs, in predator selectivity, and in predatory performance, might influence prey population dynamics. Based on this review, it is clear that (1) predation risk and costs experienced by free-ranging prey are associated with their phenotypic attributes, (2) many generalist predator populations consist of individual specialists with part of the specialization associated with their phenotypes, and (3) a complete understanding of the population dynamic consequences of predation may require information on individual variability in prey selection and prey vulnerability. Altogether, this work (1) highlights the importance of maintaining long-term, detailed studies of individuals of both predators and prey in contrasting ecological conditions, and (2) advocates for a better use of available information to account for interactive effects between predators and their prey when modelling prey population dynamics.  相似文献   

We study the cumulative effect of successive predator attacks on the disturbance of a prey aggregation using a modelling approach. Our model intends to represent fish schools attacked by both aerial and underwater predators. This individual-based model uses long-distance attraction and short-distance repulsion between prey, which leads to prey aggregation and swarming in the absence of predators. When intermediate-distance alignment is added to the model, the prey aggregation displays a cohesive displacement, i.e., schooling, instead of swarming. Including predators, i.e. with repulsion behaviour for prey to predators in the model, leads to flash expansion of the prey aggregation after a predator attack. When several predators attack successively, the prey aggregation dynamics is a succession of expanding-grouping-swarming/schooling phases. We quantify this dynamics by recording the changes in the simulated prey aggregation radius over time. This radius is computed as the longest distance of individual prey to the aggregation centroid, and it is assumed to increase along with prey disturbance. The prey aggregation radius generally increases during flash expansion, then decreases during grouping until reaching a constant lowest level during swarming/schooling. This general dynamics is modulated by several parameters: the frequency, direction (vertical vs. horizontal) and target (centroid of the prey aggregation vs. random prey) of predator attacks; the distance at which prey detect predators; the number of prey and predators. Our results suggest that both aerial and underwater predators are more efficient at disturbing fish schools by increasing their attack frequency at such level that the fish cannot return to swarming/schooling. We find that a mix between aerial and underwater predators is more efficient at disturbing a fish school than a single type of attack, suggesting that aerial and underwater foragers may gain mutual benefits in forming foraging groups.  相似文献   

Under the threat of predation, animals often group tightly together,with all group members benefiting from a reduction in predationrisk through various mechanisms, including the dilution, encounter-dilution,and predator confusion effects. Additionally, the selfish herdhypothesis was first put forward by Hamilton (1971). He proposedthat in order to reduce its risk of predation, an individualshould approach its nearest neighbor, reducing its risk at theexpense of those around it. Despite extensive empirical support,the selfish herd hypothesis has been criticized on theoreticalgrounds: approaching the nearest neighbor does not result inthe observed dense aggregations, and the nearest neighbor inspace is not necessarily the one that can be reached fastest.Increasingly complex movement rules have been proposed, successfullyproducing dense aggregations of individuals. However, no studyto date has made a full comparison of the different proposedmovement rules within the same modeling environment. Further,ecologically relevant parameters, such as the size and densityof a population or group and the time it takes a predator toattack, have thus far been ignored. Here, we investigate thereduction in risk for animals aggregating using different strategiesand demonstrate the importance of ecological parameters on riskreduction in group-living animals. We find that complex rulesare most successful at reducing risk in small, compact populations,whereas simpler rules are most successful in larger, low-densitypopulations, and when predators attack quickly after being detectedby their prey.  相似文献   

Animal species differ considerably in their response to predation risks. Interspecific variability in prey behaviour and morphology can alter cascading effects of predators on ecosystem structure and functioning. We tested whether species‐specific morphological defenses may affect responses of leaf litter consuming invertebrate prey to sit‐and‐wait predators, the odonate Cordulegaster boltonii larvae, in aquatic food webs. Partly or completely blocking the predator mouthparts (mandibles and/or extensible labium), thus eliminating consumptive (i.e. lethal) predator effects, we created a gradient of predator‐prey interaction intensities (no predator < predator – no attack < predator – non‐lethal attacks < lethal predator). A field experiment was first used to assess both consumptive and non‐consumptive predator effects on leaf litter decomposition and prey abundances. Laboratory microcosms were then used to examine behavioural responses of armored and non‐armored prey to predation risk and their consequences on litter decomposition. Results show that armored and non‐armored prey responded to both acute (predator – non‐lethal attacks) and chronic (predator – no attack) predation risks. Acute predation risk had stronger effects on litter decomposition, prey feeding rate and prey habitat use than predator presence alone (chronic predation risk). Predator presence induced a reduction in feeding activity (i.e. resource consumption) of both prey types but a shift to predator‐free habitat patches in non‐armored detritivores only. Non‐consumptive predator effects on prey subsequently decreased litter decomposition rate. Species‐specific prey morphological defenses and behaviour should thus be considered when studying non‐consumptive predator effects on prey community structure and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

The effects of the expected predation rate on population dynamics have been studied intensively, but little is known about the effects of predation rate variability (i.e., predator individuals having variable foraging success) on population dynamics. In this study, variation in foraging success among predators was quantified by observing the predation of the wolf spider Pardosa pseudoannulata on the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus in the laboratory. A population model was then developed, and the effect of foraging variability on predator–prey dynamics was examined by incorporating levels of variation comparable to those quantified in the experiment. The variability in the foraging success among spiders was greater than would be expected by chance (i.e., the random allocation of prey to predators). The foraging variation was density‐dependent; it became higher as the predator density increased. A population model that incorporates foraging variation shows that the variation influences population dynamics by affecting the numerical response of predators. In particular, the variation induces negative density‐dependent effects among predators and stabilizes predator–prey dynamics.  相似文献   

The complexity of behavioural interactions in predator-prey systems has recently begun to capture trait-effects, or non-lethal effects, of predators on prey via induced behavioural changes. Non-lethal predation effects play crucial roles in shaping population and community dynamics, particularly by inducing changes to foraging, movement and reproductive behaviours of prey. Prey exhibit trade-offs in behaviours while minimizing predation risk. We use a novel evolutionary ecosystem simulation EcoSim to study such behavioural interactions and their effects on prey populations, thereby addressing the need for integrating multiple layers of complexity in behavioural ecology. EcoSim allows complex intra- and inter-specific interactions between behaviourally and genetically unique individuals called predators and prey, as well as complex predator-prey dynamics and coevolution in a tri-trophic and spatially heterogeneous world. We investigated the effects of predation risk on prey energy budgets and fitness. Results revealed that energy budgets, life history traits, allocation of energy to movements and fitness-related actions differed greatly between prey subjected to low-predation risk and high-predation risk. High-predation risk suppressed prey foraging activity, increased total movement and decreased reproduction relative to low-risk. We show that predation risk alone induces behavioural changes in prey which drastically affect population and community dynamics, and when interpreted within the evolutionary context of our simulation indicate that genetic changes accompanying coevolution have long-term effects on prey adaptability to the absence of predators.  相似文献   

Prey response to novel predators influences the impacts on prey populations of introduced predators, bio-control efforts, and predator range expansion. Predicting the impacts of novel predators on native prey requires an understanding of both predator avoidance strategies and their potential to reduce predation risk. We examine the response of island foxes (Urocyon littoralis) to invasion by golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos). Foxes reduced daytime activity and increased night time activity relative to eagle-na?ve foxes. Individual foxes reverted toward diurnal tendencies following eagle removal efforts. We quantified the potential population impact of reduced diurnality by modeling island fox population dynamics. Our model predicted an annual population decline similar to what was observed following golden eagle invasion and predicted that the observed 11% reduction in daytime activity would not reduce predation risk sufficiently to reduce extinction risk. The limited effect of this behaviorally plastic predator avoidance strategy highlights the importance of linking behavioral change to population dynamics for predicting the impact of novel predators on resident prey populations.  相似文献   

John L. Quinn  Will Cresswell 《Oikos》2012,121(8):1328-1334
Theory and empirical evidence suggest that predator activity makes prey more wary and less vulnerable to predation. However if at least some prey in the population are energetically or spatially constrained, then predators may eventually increase local prey vulnerability because of the cumulative costs of anti‐predation behaviour. We tested whether repeated attacks by a predator might increase prey vulnerability in a system where redshanks on a saltmarsh are attacked regularly by sparrowhawks from adjacent woodland. Cumulative attack number led to a reduction in redshank numbers and flock size (but had no effect on how close redshanks fed to predator‐concealing cover) because some redshanks moved to safer but less profitable habitats, leaving smaller flocks on the saltmarsh. This effect held even though numbers of redshank on the saltmarsh increased with time of day. As a result of the change in flock size, predicted attack‐success increased up to 1.6‐fold for the sparrowhawk, while individual risk of capture for the redshank increased up to 4.5‐fold among those individuals remaining on the saltmarsh. The effect did not arise simply because hawks were more likely to attack smaller flocks because attack rate was not dependent on flock size or abundance. Our data demonstrate that when some individual prey are constrained in their ability to feed on alternative, safer foraging sites, their vulnerability to predation increases as predator attacks accumulate, although those, presumably better quality individuals that leave the immediate risky area will have lower vulnerability, so that the mean vulnerability across the entire population may not have changed substantially. This suggests that the selective benefits of multiple low‐cost attacks by predators on prey could potentially lead to 1) locally heightened trait‐mediated interactions, 2) locally reduced interference among competing predators, and 3) the evolution of active prey manipulation by predators.  相似文献   

Humans are increasingly influencing global climate and regional predator assemblages, yet a mechanistic understanding of how climate and predation interact to affect fluctuations in prey populations is currently lacking. Here we develop a modelling framework to explore the effects of different predation strategies on the response of age-structured prey populations to a changing climate. We show that predation acts in opposition to temporal correlation in climatic conditions to suppress prey population fluctuations. Ambush predators such as lions are shown to be more effective at suppressing fluctuations in their prey than cursorial predators such as wolves, which chase down prey over long distances, because they are more effective predators on prime-aged adults. We model climate as a Markov process and explore the consequences of future changes in climatic autocorrelation for population dynamics. We show that the presence of healthy predator populations will be particularly important in dampening prey population fluctuations if temporal correlation in climatic conditions increases in the future.  相似文献   

Norman Owen‐Smith 《Oikos》2015,124(11):1417-1426
Simple models coupling the dynamics of single predators to single prey populations tend to generate oscillatory dynamics of both predator and prey, or extirpation of the prey followed by that of the predator. In reality, such oscillatory dynamics may be counteracted by prey refugia or by opportunities for prey switching by the predator in multi‐prey assemblages. How these mechanisms operate depends on relative prey vulnerability, a factor ignored in simple interactive models. I outline how compositional, temporal, demographic and spatial heterogeneities help explain the contrasting effects of top predators on large herbivore abundance and population dynamics in species‐rich African savanna ecosystems compared with less species‐diverse northern temperate or subarctic ecosystems. Demographically, mortality inflicted by predation depends on the relative size and life history stage of the prey. Because all animals eventually die and are consumed by various carnivores, the additive component of the mortality inflicted is somewhat less than the predation rate. Prey vulnerability varies annually and seasonally, and between day and night. Spatial variation in the risk of predation depends on vegetation cover as well as on the availability of food resources. During times of food shortage, herbivores become prompted to occupy more risky habitats retaining more food. Predator concentrations dependent on the abundance of primary prey species may restrict the occurrence of other potential prey species less resistant to predation. The presence of multiple herbivore species of similar size in African savannas allows the top predator, the lion, to shift its prey selection flexibly dependent on changing prey vulnerability. Hence top–down and bottom–up influences on herbivore populations are intrinsically entangled. Models coupling the population dynamics of predators and prey need to accommodate the changing influences of prey demography, temporal variation in environmental conditions, and spatial variation in the relative vulnerability of alternative prey species to predation. Synthesis While re‐established predators have had major impacts on prey populations in northern temperate regions, multiple large herbivore species typically coexist along with diverse carnivores in African savanna ecosystems. In order to explain these contrasting outcomes, certain functional heterogeneities must be recognised, including relative vulnerability of alternative prey, temporal variation in the risk of predation, demographic differences in susceptibility to predation, and spatial contrasts in exposure to predation. Food shortfalls prompt herbivores to exploit more risky habitats, meaning that top–down and bottom–up influences on prey populations are intrinsically entangled. Models coupling the interactive dynamics of predator and prey populations need to incorporate these varying influences on relative prey vulnerability.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. In cannibalistic populations, smaller individuals are subject to predation by larger conspecifics, and small individuals commonly alter their behaviour in response to cannibals. Little is known, however, about the underlying cues that trigger such responses and how the behavioural responses to conspecific cannibals differ from heterospecific predators.
2. This study tests which cues are used for the detection of conspecific predators in the larva of the dragonfly Plathemis lydia and how the behavioural response to cannibals differed from the response to heterospecific predators.
3. Individuals were exposed to chemical cues, visual cues, and a combination of both cues from conspecifics as well as no predator and heterospecific predator controls during which their activity and feeding rates were observed.
4. Individuals increased their activity, spatial movement and feeding behaviour in response to either visual or chemical cues from conspecific predators, which was opposite to responses displayed with cues from heterospecific predators. Interestingly, the responses to visual and chemical cues from conspecifics combined were weaker than to either cue in isolation and similar to the no cue control.
5. The results clearly indicate that individuals are able to use chemical and visual cues to detect even very subtle differences in phenotype of conspecific predators.
6. The opposite response in behaviour when exposed to conspecific cannibals vs. heterospecific predators suggests that the presence of cannibals will increase the mortality risk of small individuals due to heterospecific predation. This risk-enhancement is likely to have important consequences for the dynamics of predator–prey interactions.  相似文献   

Individual variation in behavioral strategies is ubiquitous in nature. Yet, explaining how this variation is being maintained remains a challenging task. We use a spatially-explicit individual-based simulation model to evaluate the extent to which the efficiency of an alternative spacing tactic of prey and an alternative search tactic of predators are influenced by the spatial pattern of prey, social interactions among predators (i.e., interference and information sharing) and predator density. In response to predation risk, prey individuals can either spread out or aggregate. We demonstrate that if prey is extremely clumped, spreading out may help when predators share information regarding prey locations and when predators shift to area-restricted search following an encounter with prey. However, dispersion is counter-selected when predators interact by interference, especially under high predator density. When predators search for more randomly distributed prey, interference and information sharing similarly affect the relative advantage of spreading out. Under a clumped prey spatial pattern, predators benefit from shifting their search tactic to an area-restricted search following an encounter with prey. This advantage is moderated as predator density increases and when predators interact either by interference or information sharing. Under a more random prey pattern, information sharing may deteriorate the inferior search tactic even more, compared to interference or no interaction among predators. Our simulation clarifies how interactions among searching predators may affect aggregation behavior of prey, the relative success of alternative search tactics and their potential to invade established populations using some other search or spacing tactics.  相似文献   

Prey animals often respond to predators by reducing activity levels. This can produce a trait‐mediated indirect interaction (TMII) between predators and prey resources, whereby reduced foraging by prey in the presence of a predator causes an increase in prey resources. TMIIs play important roles in structuring communities, and it is important to understand factors that determine their strength. One such influence may be behavioural variation in the prey species, with indirect effects of predators being stronger within populations that are more responsive to the presence of a predator. We tested 1) whether the behavioural responsiveness of populations of wood frog tadpoles to predator cues was related to the predation risk in their native ponds, and 2) whether more responsive tadpoles yielded stronger TMIIs. To do this, we 1) measured the activity of tadpoles from 18 populations in mesocosms with and without caged predators, and 2) measured changes in the biomass of periphyton (the tadpoles’ diet) between predator treatments for each population. We found that tadpoles from higher predation risk ponds reduced their time outside refuges more in the presence of predators and tended to move less when visible, suggesting possible local adaptation to predation regimes. Though the presence of predators generally resulted in higher periphyton biomass – a TMII – there was no evidence that the strength of this TMII was affected by variation in tadpole behaviour. Foraging activity and general activity may be decoupled to some extent, enabling high predation risk‐adapted tadpoles to limit the fitness costs of reduced foraging when predators are present.  相似文献   

Many species possess damage-released chemical alarm cues that function in alerting nearby individuals to a predator attack. One hypothesis for the evolution and/or maintenance of such cues is the Predator Attraction Hypothesis, where predators, rather than prey, are the “intended” recipients of these cues. If a predator attack attracts additional predators, these secondary predators might interfere with the predation event, providing the prey with a better chance to escape. In this study, we conducted two experiments to explore this hypothesis in an amphibian predator/prey system. In Experiment 1, we found that tiger salamanders (Ambystoma mavortium) showed a foraging attraction to chemical cues from wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) tadpoles. Salamanders that were experienced with tadpole prey, in particular, were strongly attracted to tadpole alarm cues. In Experiment 2, we observed experimental encounters between a tadpole and either one or two salamanders. The presence of the second predator caused salamanders to increase attack speed at the cost of decreased attack accuracy (i.e., increasing the probability that the tadpole would escape attacks). We also found that the mere presence of visual and chemical cues from a second predator did not affect this speed/accuracy trade-off but did cause enough of a distraction to increase tadpole survival. Thus, our findings are consistent with the Predator Attraction Hypothesis for the evolution and/or maintenance of alarm cues.  相似文献   

Shell fragmentation patterns that result from attacks by durophagous predators on hard‐shelled marine invertebrates are a rich source of indirect evidence that have proved useful in interpreting predation pressure in the fossil record and recent ecology. The behaviour and effectiveness of predators are known to be variable with respect to prey size. It is less well understood if variable predator–prey interactions are reflected in shell fragmentation patterns. Therefore, we conducted experimental trials to test the behavioural response of a living crab, Carcinus maenas, during successful predatory attacks on the blue mussel Mytilus edulis on two prey size categories. Further, we examined resultant shell fragments to determine whether specific attack behaviours by C. maenas could be successfully deduced from remaining mussel shells. In contrast to previous studies, we observed no significant differences in attack behaviour by the predators attributable to prey size. In most experimental predation events, crabs employed an ad hoc combination of five mechanisms of predation previously described for this species. We identified seven categories of shell breakage in predated mussels, but none of these were unambiguously correlated with specific attack behaviour. Combined attack behaviours may produce shell breakage patterns that have previously been assumed to be attributable to a single behaviour. While specific patterns of shell breakage are clearly attributable to durophagy, the results of this study provide important insights into the limitations of indirect evidence to interpret ecological interactions.  相似文献   

Many studies document that individuals visually scan for predators less frequently when in the safety of larger groups. This widely replicated effect has generally been explained in terms of distinct predator detection and risk-dilution effects. We show that a strict distinction between detection and dilution disappears when information about attacks is imperfectly shared (as it is in reality). Furthermore, dilution and detection effects change depending on when during an attack the predator targets a particular prey individual for pursuit. Realistic detection and dilution effects probably interact with each other and also with the targeting behaviour of predators. Instead of considering detection and dilution effects on vigilance, it may be more profitable to consider each prey''s probability of being targeted during an attack and its probability of escaping if attacked. This perspective emphasizes that a full understanding of safety in numbers requires an understanding of predator targeting strategies.  相似文献   

Sentinel prey (an artificially manipulated patch of prey) are widely used to assess the level of predation provided by natural enemies in agricultural systems. Whilst a number of different methodologies are currently in use, little is known about how arthropod predators respond to artificially manipulated sentinel prey in comparison with predation on free‐living prey populations. We assessed how attack rates on immobilized (aphids stuck to cards) and artificial (plasticine lepidopteran larvae mimics) sentinel prey differed to predation on free‐moving live prey (aphids). Predation was assessed in response to density of the common invertebrate predators, a foliar‐active ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), and a ground‐active beetle Pterostichus madidus (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Significant increases in attack rates were found for the immobilized and artificial prey between the low and high predator density treatments. However, an increased predator density did not significantly reduce numbers of free‐living live aphids included in the mesocosms in addition to the alternate prey. We also found no signs of predation on the artificial prey by the predator H. axyridis. These findings suggest that if our assessment of predation had been based solely on the foliar artificial prey, then no increase in predation would have been found in response to increased predator density. Our results demonstrate that predators differentially respond to sentinel prey items which could affect the level of predation recorded where target pest species are not being used.  相似文献   

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