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Toxoplasma 3 main clonal lineages are designated as type I, II, and III; however, atypical and mixed genotypes were also reported. This study was conducted for detection of Toxoplasma gondii genotypes in rats (Rattus rattus) in Riyadh region, Saudi Arabia. PCR test on T. gondii B1 gene was conducted on ELISA IgM positive samples for confirmation of the infection. However, genetic analysis of the SAG2 locus was performed to determine T. gondii genotypes using PCR-RFLP technique. PCR test on T. gondii B1gene showed that 22 (81.5%) out of the 27 ELISA IgM positive samples have T. gondii DNA. Genotypic analysis shows that, of the total 22 PCR positive samples, only 13 (59.1%) were of type II, 7 (31.8%) were of type III, and 2 (9.1%) were of an unknown genotype. It is obvious that the prevalence of both type II and III is high in rats. No reports have been available on T. gondii genotypes among rats in Riyadh region, and only little is known about its seroprevalence in rats. Future studies on T. gondii genotypes in rats using multi-locus markers is needed in Riyadh region, Saudi Arabia for better understanding of T. gondii pathogenesis and treatment in humans and animals.  相似文献   

Fallisia arabica n. sp. was described from peripheral blood smears of the Skink lizard, Scincus hemprichii from Jazan Province in the southwest of Saudi Arabia. Schizogony and gametogony take place within neutrophils in the peripheral blood of the host. Mature schizont is rosette shaped 17.5 ± 4.1 × 17.0 ± 3.9 μm, with a L/W ratio of 1.03(1.02–1.05) μm and produces 24(18–26) merozoites. Young gametocytes are ellipsoidal, 5.5 ± 0.8 × 3.6 ± 0.5 μm, with a L/W of 1.53(1.44–1.61) μm. Mature macrogametocytes are ellipsoidal, 9.7 ± 1.2 × 7.8 ± 1.0 μm, with a L/W of 1.24(1.21–1.34) μm and microgametocytes are ellipsoidal, 7.0 ± 1.1 × 6.8 ± 0.9 μm. with a L/W of 1.03(1.01–1.10) μm. In comparison to the described Fallisia species, this new taxon has rosette schizonts and is larger than F. dominicensis, in Hispaniola, F. bipocrati, F. poecilopi, in Panama, F. thecadactyli in Venezuela, and F. effusa, F. simplex, F. modesta, in Brazil. F. arabica has fewer merozoites than F. effusa, F. poecilopi, F. thecadactyli and F. siamense in Thailand. This new species has more merozoites than F. dominicensis and F. modesta. All of these species belong to diverse saurian families (Agamidae, Gekkonidae, Polychrotidae, Scincidae and Teiidae) parasitize only thrombocytes or lymphocytes and some species parasitize immature erythroid cells and leucocytes.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) act as vectors for various pathogens and parasites that affect millions of people worldwide. Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) is one of the devastating pests of humans, acting as a key vector of dengue viruses. Therefore, correct identification of this serious pest to determine its distribution is paramount in its management. Morphological identification is usually based on the maturity and quality of the specimens. This can still yield ambiguous results in distinguishing Ae. aegypti species due to limited taxonomic expertise and the presence of cryptic species. In this research, mitochondrial CO1 gene-based identification was adopted to analyze 7 samples, each containing 7 specimens of Ae. aegypti from various localities of Saudi Arabia: Jeddah (A1), Makkah (A2), Al Madinah Al Munawwarah (A4), Jazan (A5), Qunfudah (A6), Yanbu (A8), and Najran (A10). DNA barcoding and maximum likelihood (ML) tree analysis revealed that all 49 species belong to Ae. aegypti and showed high similarity with specimens of this species worldwide.  相似文献   

This study was conducted in the Assir region of southwestern Saudi Arabia to compare the activities of honeybee colonies of indigenous Apis mellifera jemenitica (AMJ) and imported Apis mellifera carnica (AMC) during the late summer and autumn of 2009 and 2010. The results showed that the workers of the two races exhibited relatively similar forage timings throughout the period of study (August–November). The highest numbers of foraged workers were recorded at 6:00 am, 10:00 am and 6:00 pm, while the lowest numbers were recorded at 8:00 am, 12:00 pm and 4:00 pm. Although foraging activity was negatively affected by decreased temperature, AMJ was more resistant to cold than AMC. In the first season, the smallest amount of worker brood rearing was recorded in August, and the highest amount of rearing occurred in November in both races. In the second season, the smallest amount of brood was observed in October, and the largest amount of brood was observed in November. Brood rearing and pollen collecting was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in AMJ compared with AMC, while AMC stored significantly (P < 0.05) more honey than AMJ during the tested periods. In AMJ colonies, a positive significant correlation was observed between the area of the sealed worker brood and stored pollen, while a negative but nonsignificant correlation was observed between the area of the sealed worker brood and surplus honey. In the AMC colonies, a positive significant correlation was observed between the area of the sealed brood and the stored pollen and surplus honey.  相似文献   

Exogenous and endogenous stages of Eimeria perforans naturally infected rabbits in Saudi Arabia were described. The prevalence of infection was 75%. Oocysts were ovoid to elliptical and measured 16 × 10 μm. The four dizoic sporocysts were ovoid and measured 7 × 5 μm. Endogenous stages were restricted to the duodenum. Meronts, microgamonts, macrogamonts and young oocysts were recorded and described.  相似文献   

The use of nanoparticles for various purposes, including pest control, has become increasingly popular because of their cost and environmental safety. In the present study, gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesized in an extract of Senna alexandrina Miller leaves with the aim of use against vectors of disease such as Culex pipiens L. (the filarial vector in Saudi Arabia). The nanoparticles were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and spectroscopic techniques. The larvicidal activity of the nanoparticles against Cx. pipiens was evaluated according to the protocol of the World Health Organization. According to the lethal concentration LC50, the result shows differentiation in the sensitivity on mosquitoes. The AuNPs (51.383 ppm) the best one followed by AgNPs (52.525 ppm) while S. alexandrina leaf extract alone (355.25 ppm), the lowest effectiveness. Generally, the Cx. pipiens mosquito larvae proved to be more susceptible to AuNPs and AgNPs than leaf extract alone by about 6.91 and 6.76 times, respectively.  相似文献   

Diarrhea and deaths in new-born camel calves were noticed by veterinary investigators and pastoralist in Saudi Arabia to be very high. Hence, it is thought to be necessary to investigate this problem from the virological and bacteriological point of view. The role of pathogenic bacteria and viruses in six different towns of North Province (Al-Assafia, Arar, Domat Aljandal, Hail, Skaka and Khoa) in Saudi Arabia was studied. Survey was conducted in diarrheic camel calves aged 12 months or younger. In our study calf diarrhea was reported in 184 out of 2308 camels examined clinically during one year, the prevalence of diarrhea was found to be 8.0% in calves ranging from one month to one year. In the present study group A rotavirus and Brucella abortus were detected in 14.7% and 8.98%, respectively, using ELISA technique. Escherichia coli was isolated from diarrheic calf camel (58.2%) 99/170 samples during dry and wet season. Salmonella spp. and Enterococcus spp. were detected in 12% and 8.8% of the specimens, respectively. In this study enterotoxogenic E. coli (ET E. coli) was isolated from 7% of diarrheic camel, which indicates the strong correlation between the camel calf diarrhea and the detection of enterotoxogenic E. coli. This study represented the first report for the detection of group A rotavirus and B. abortus antigen and antibodies in calf camels in Saudi Arabia. It is recommended that the disease should be controlled by vaccination in calf camels.  相似文献   

The hot and arid lowlands of southwestern Saudi Arabia are home to two common lianas, Cocculus pendulus and Leptadenia arborea. This paper attempts to relate the adaptation of these two climbing woody perennials to such a harsh environment to the anatomy and hydraulic characteristics of their wood. The stems of these lianas have wood with wide xylem vessels and high hydraulic conductivity which should enhance water flow to the upper canopy despite their severe twisting. Hydraulic conductivity is further helped by the simple perforation plates of xylem vessels. The circular thickening of xylem walls gives them strength and reduces the risk of their collapse and the ensuing embolism in the advent of high tension created by severe water deficit and high evapo-transpiration demand. Wide vessels, on the other hand, are more susceptible to embolism. This problem may be overcome by reducing the solute potential of xylem sap by hydrolysis of starch grains which were found to be abundant in the vicinity of the vessels. This should help absorb water by the deep roots from the capillary fringes of the typically shallow water table in this particular habitat. Furthermore, the abundance of ray parenchyma cells between xylem groups of both lianas provides great flexibility with minimum damage to water conduits in the stem during climbing and twisted growth. It was concluded that these wood features in both lianas are crucial for survival under the harsh conditions of arid Tihama plains of southwestern Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

The 2362 strain of Bacillus sphaericus (Bs) Neide is a highly mosquitocidal bacterium used in commercial bacterial larvicides primarily to control mosquitoes of the genus Culex. Unfortunately, Bs is at high risk for selecting resistance in mosquito populations, because its binary toxin apparently only binds to a single receptor type on midgut microvilli. A potential key strategy for delaying resistance to insecticidal proteins is to use mixtures of toxins that act at different targets within the insect, especially mixtures that interact synergistically. We tested this hypothesis for delaying the phenotypic expression of resistance by exposing Culex quinquefasciatus Say larvae to Bs alone or in combination with Cyt1A from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis. Two laboratory lines of Cx. quinquefasciatus, one sensitive to Bs and the other containing Bs resistance alleles, were subjected to intensive selection pressure for 20 generations with either Bs 2362 or a 3:1 mixture of Bs 2362+Cyt1A. At the end of the study, the sensitive line had evolved >1000-fold resistance when selected with Bs alone, whereas the parallel line selected with Bs+Cyt1A exhibited only low resistance toward this mixture (RR95, 1.4). Similar results were observed in the lines containing Bs resistance alleles. Both lines selected with Bs+Cyt1A exhibited substantial resistance to Bs in the absence of Cyt1A. Although selection with Bs+Cyt1A did not prevent the underlying evolution of resistance to Bs, these results suggest that a mixture of Bs with other endotoxins, particularly one like Bs+Cyt1A in which the components interact synergistically, will provide longer lasting and more effective mosquito control than Bs alone.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of the insecticide resistance has become a hot research topic ever since the first disease transmitting arthropod (Anopheles gambiae) genome sequence has unveiled in 2002. A recent publication of the Culex quinquefasciatus genome sequence has opened up new opportunities for molecular and comparative genomic analysis of multiple mosquito genomes to characterize the insecticide resistance. Here, we utilized a whole genome sequence of Cx. quinquefasciatus to identify putatively active members of the detoxification supergene families, namely cytochrome P450s (P450s), glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs), and choline/carboxylesterases (CCEs). The Culex genome analysis revealed 166 P450s, 40 GSTs, and 62 CCEs. Further, the comparative genomic analysis shows that these numbers are considerably higher than the other dipteran mosquitoes. These observed speciesspecific expansions of the detoxification super gene family members endorse the popular understanding of the involvement of these gene families in protecting the organism against multitudinous classes of toxic substances during its complex (aquatic and terrestrial) life cycle. Thus, the generated data set may provide an initial point to start with to characterize the insecticide resistance at a molecular level which could then lead the development of an easy to use molecular marker to monitor the incipient insecticide resistance in field environs.  相似文献   

Toxicities of 10 insecticides were examined against late third instars of Culex pipiens pallens, the northern house mosquito, using a direct-contact mortality bioassay. Several strains of mosquitoes were tested (insecticide-susceptible KS-CP strain and five geospatially distant field-collected strains (DG-CP, US-CP, BS-CP, GS-CP, and SG-CP)) and identified by polymerase chain reaction. Marked regional variations of insecticide susceptibility were observed. Extremely high to low levels of resistance were measured: bifenthrin, resistance ratio (RR) = 1-521; β-cyfluthrin, RR = 16-397; α-cypermethrin, RR = 9-343; deltamethrin, RR = 1-40; etofenprox, RR = 2-42; permethrin, RR = 3-46; chlorpyrifos, RR = 2-675; fenitrothion, RR = 0.5-364; and fenthion, RR = 2-360. All strains were susceptible to one or more of the insecticides examined. These results indicate that careful selection and rotational use of these insecticides may result in continued satisfactory control against field populations of northern house mosquitoes.  相似文献   

Apis mellifera jemenitica Ruttner (= yemenitica auctorum: videEngel 1999) has been used in apiculture throughout the Arabian Peninsula since at least 2000 BC. Existing literature demonstrates that these populations are well adapted for the harsh extremes of the region. Populations of Apis mellifera jemenitica native to Saudi Arabia are far more heat tolerant than the standard races often imported from Europe. Central Saudi Arabia has the highest summer temperatures for the Arabian Peninsula, and it is in this region where only Apis mellifera jemenitica survives, while other subspecies fail to persist. The indigenous race of Saudi Arabia differs from other subspecies in the region in some morphological, biological, and behavioral characteristics. Further taxonomic investigation, as well as molecular studies, is needed in order to confirm whether the Saudi indigenous bee populations represent a race distinct from Apis mellifera jemenitica, or merely an ecotype of this subspecies.  相似文献   

The larvicidal activity of ethanolic leaf extracts from two Artemisia species, Artemisia campestris var. glutinosa and A. molinieri, on mosquito Culex pipiens Linnaeus (Diptera, Culicidae) larvae was investigated. Since A. molinieri is a rare and protected species confined to temporary ponds of Southern France, its toxic activity may help to value this species and to finance its conservation. A. molinieri extracts showed a higher larvicidal activity (from 50 ppm (K=9.488, DDL=4, P<0.001)) than those from A. campestris var glutinosa (from 500 ppm (K=9.488, DDL=4, P<0.01)) after 48 h of exposure. Calculated lethal concentrations, after 48 h of exposure, (LC(50)) were low, 9091 and 9898 ppm for A. molinieri and A. campestris var. glutinosa extracts, respectively, but using a non-pollutant solvent (ethanol). However, A. molinieri may be valued as an environmentally friendly biocide and developing its culture may be of interest for both pesticide activity and conservation purpose.  相似文献   

We present the first genome-wide study of recent evolution in Culex pipiens species complex focusing on the genomic extent, functional targets and likely causes of global and local adaptations. We resequenced pooled samples of six populations of C. pipiens and two populations of the outgroup Culex torrentium. We used principal component analysis to systematically study differential natural selection across populations and developed a phylogenetic scanning method to analyse admixture without haplotype data. We found evidence for the prominent role of geographical distribution in shaping population structure and specifying patterns of genomic selection. Multiple adaptive events, involving genes implicated with autogeny, diapause and insecticide resistance were limited to specific populations. We estimate that about 5–20% of the genes (including several histone genes) and almost half of the annotated pathways were undergoing selective sweeps in each population. The high occurrence of sweeps in non-genic regions and in chromatin remodelling genes indicated the adaptive importance of gene expression changes. We hypothesize that global adaptive processes in the C. pipiens complex are potentially associated with South to North range expansion, requiring adjustments in chromatin conformation. Strong local signature of adaptation and emergence of hybrid bridge vectors necessitate genomic assessment of populations before specifying control agents.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of Culex tritaeniorhynchus collected from Gwangju, Jeollabuk Province, Republic of Korea (ROK) to insecticides was evaluated under laboratory conditions using ten insecticides (7 pyrethroids and 3 organophosphates) that are currently applied by local public health centers in the ROK. Based on the values of median lethal concentration (LC50), Cx. tritaeniorhynchus larvae were most susceptible to chlorpyrifos (0.006 ppm), fenitrothion (0.022 ppm), fenthion (0.035 ppm) and bifenthrin (0.038 ppm), and were least susceptible to esbiol (1.722 ppm). In comparative resistance tests, the resistance ratios (RRs) of seven insecticides were compared among each other using two strains of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus that were collected from the same locality during 1992 and 2010. Culex tritaeniorhynchus demonstrated significantly increased RRs to pyrethroids over time, while demonstrating decreased RRs among the organophosphates. Among the pyrethroids, permethrin had the highest RR values of 182.1‐ and 833.3‐fold differences, followed by etofenprox with RRs of 138.4‐ and 224.1‐fold differences in values of LC50 and concentration that produced 90% mortality (LC90), respectively. Culex tritaeniorhynchus strains demonstrated the least amount of change in susceptibility to the organophosphates, chlorpyrifos, fenitrothion and fenthion with 0.020‐, 0.019‐ and 0.001‐fold differences in resistance ratios (RRLC50), respectively.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the susceptibility of Anopheles sinensis larvae, malaria vector, from Paju‐shi (Gyonggi‐do) to 24 pesticides including 11 pyrethroids, 11 organophosphates, 1 pyrazole analogue and another pesticide. The mosquito larvae showed the most highly susceptible to chlorfenapyr with LC50 of 0.0063 ppm followed by spinosad, temephos, fenthion and beta‐cyfluthrin with 0.03, 0.0366, 0.0367 and 0.0998 ppm, respectively, and fluvalinate (>128 ppm) was the least susceptible. Also, 11 pesticides of them were compared with Goyang strain (Gyonggi‐do) of data 1992. The development of resistance was noticed to cypermethrin and permethrin as much of 73.59 and 6.23 folds at LC50, respectively, and also fluvalinate was showed high resistance development. In generally, the pyrethroid insecticides were showed higher development of resistance than organophosphorus insecticides.  相似文献   

In the time schistosomisis control programs are implemented in many countries, schistosomiasis continues to spread throughout the world. Among these control strategies is the vector control. Within this context, analysis of the genetic variability of the intermediate host snails is important because it allows identification of specific sequences of the genome of this mollusk related to determine their fingerprint. We investigated Biomphalaria arabica, which is found in Saudi Arabia, the intermediate host of Schistosoma mansoni infection. Genetic fingerprint was studied by RAPD-PCR using our own different random primers as well as published primers. The electrophoretic patterns resulting from amplification showed specific polymorphic markers of B. arabica. This information will be helpful in the identification of the snails and demonstrating that RAPD-PCR is an appropriate and efficient methodological approach for establishment of genetic barcode development.  相似文献   

Fecal samples from 12 Pipistrellus kuhlii captured at Shagrah, Saudi Arabia, were examined for coccidia and three (25%) found to harbor a undescribed eimerian, herein described as Eimeria pipistrellus n. sp. Sporulated oocysts were subspherical, 24.8 x 23.2 (22-27 x 20-25) microns, with a bilayered and smooth wall. The micropyle was absent, but a large oocyst residuum and a single polar granule were present. Sporocysts were ovoid, 11.6 x 8.3 (10.5-13 x 7.5-9) microns, with a prominent Stieda body, but without a substiedal body; sporozoites lay head to tail in sporocysts and contained one large posterior refractile body. Eimeria pipistrellus n. sp. is the 3rd species of the genus Eimeria found from bats of the genus Pipistrellus.  相似文献   

In the present study, the genus Gynecaptera Skorikov, 1935 Skorikov, A. S. (1935): Zur Mutilliden-Fauna Zentralasiens. Trudy tadzhikskoi basy Akademii Nauk. SSSR, 5, 257349 + 7 plates. [Google Scholar] is recorded from the Arabian Peninsula for the first time, with a nocturnal new species, G. arabica Soliman &; Gadallah, which has been collected from the Riyadh region in Saudi Arabia and which is described and illustrated.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:F7ACB779-3750-4DC6-B29B-B7F290E7C7B4  相似文献   

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